Candied orange peels are a simple and tasty delicacy from the East. Orange peels: application, recipes with photos

Many young housewives, unknowingly, simply get rid of the orange peels left after eating the fruits themselves. And it’s completely in vain, because you can prepare a lot of tasty and healthy dishes from them. In today's publication you will find several interesting recipes with citrus zest.

The benefits and harms of using orange peel

Recipes with citrus zest allow you to fill human body many valuable vitamins and microelements. This product contains a sufficient amount of pectin, flavonoids, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. It is an excellent source of vitamins A, C and E. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for the treatment and prevention of colds.

Regular consumption of orange peel helps increase performance, lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of stone formation. gallbladder. Citrus peels have excellent wound-healing properties, neutralize toxic substances and help restore intestinal microflora. They stimulate activity of cardio-vascular system, have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin.

However, there are also contraindications. Those who are interested in where to use orange and tangerine peels need to remember that the zest of these citrus fruits can cause severe allergic reactions, provoke the appearance of a rash, irritation of the mucous membranes and even an increase in temperature. They should not be used by people suffering intestinal disorders. Citrus peel is contraindicated at low blood pressure and increased acidity.

Review of ways to use orange peels

This component is widely used in cooking. It is used to prepare preserves, jams, candied fruits, alcoholic and soft drinks. In addition, they are often replaced with artificial flavors. Along with cinnamon and vanilla, it is added to muffins, biscuits, charlottes, jellies, mousses and other desserts. Some housewives put this ingredient in sauces, soups, salads, meat and fish dishes.

With citrus zest, you can not only cook various delicacies, but also do cleaning. After all, it is an excellent basis for creating homemade cleaning products. Plus, it is considered an excellent replacement for store-bought air fresheners. To fill your home with pleasant aromas, you just need to boil water and add cloves, cinnamon and crushed orange peel.

Few people know that this is one of the most effective means to scare away cats. If your pet gets into the habit of spoiling houseplants, then you can simply put a little citrus zest around the flowerpot.

These are not all the ways to use orange peel. It is one of the most popular cosmetic components. And some people scatter it to get rid of mosquitoes and house ants. Having figured out where and how citrus zest is used, you can begin to consider culinary recipes.


This delicious and aromatic dessert will surely be appreciated by both big and small sweet tooths. This recipe for using orange peels requires the presence of additional components. Therefore, before you start playing it, check if you have at hand:

  • 200 grams of premium baking flour.
  • Chopped zest from two oranges.
  • 2 eggs.
  • A couple of spoons of water.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Powdered sugar (for sprinkling).
  • Vegetable oil.

In one container combine eggs, zest, water, salt and flour. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth, and then roll it out into a thin layer and cut out cookies. The resulting products are browned in boiling vegetable oil and generously sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Cream jelly

We recommend paying attention to another simple recipe for using dried orange peels. It will certainly interest lovers of homemade mousse-like desserts. To make this jelly, you will need:

  • 100 grams of chopped zest.
  • 3 large spoons of sugar.
  • A glass of cream.
  • 2 large spoons of milk.
  • 5 grams of gelatin.
  • A teaspoon of coffee.

Warm milk is combined with whipped, sweetened cream. Chopped citrus zest, coffee and pre-soaked gelatin are also added there. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

Fragrant tea

This option for using orange peels will arouse interest among connoisseurs of unusual hot drinks. Tea prepared in this way is not only very tasty, but also extremely healthy. To brew it you will need:

  • Large orange.
  • A teaspoon of black tea leaves.
  • 300 milliliters of drinking water.
  • Honey or sugar (to taste).

Carefully remove the peel from the washed orange, pour boiling water over it and leave for ten minutes. Then the liquid is decanted, and the zest is placed in a saucepan filled with a small amount clean water, and bring to a boil. The resulting infusion is added to pre-brewed tea and mixed with sugar or natural honey.


This refreshing, sweet drink is perfect for a hot summer day. To prepare it you will need:

  • 4 glasses of clean water.
  • 6 medium oranges.
  • 2 cups sugar.

Carefully remove the skin from thoroughly washed oranges and grind it in a blender. Then the zest is added to two glasses of boiling sweet water and simmered over low heat for five minutes. The resulting drink is cooled and put in the refrigerator. After some time, the remaining water and juice squeezed from six oranges are poured into the almost finished lemonade.


This option for using orange peels will be useful for thrifty housewives who are accustomed to making homemade canned food. To create this jam you will need:

  • 400 grams of sugar.
  • 2.0-2.5 glasses of water.
  • 400 grams of orange peel.

Practical part

Pre-washed skins are cut into not too large pieces, poured cold water and leave for three days, periodically changing the liquid. After the designated time has passed, the peels are cut into small squares and placed in a suitable container. Syrup made from water and sugar is also added there. All this is sent to the stove and boiled for no longer than five minutes. After the future jam has completely cooled, the heating procedure is repeated twice more. The finished product is packaged in sterile jars, closed with screw caps and stored.

How to make a tincture?

This option for using orange peels will certainly be of interest to lovers of homemade alcohol. The drink prepared in this way is moderately strong and very aromatic. To make this tincture, you will need:

  • A liter of homemade moonshine.
  • 250 grams of sugar.
  • Skins from two oranges.
  • 700 milliliters of water.

You need to start the process by obtaining syrup. It is brewed from filtered water and sweet sand. The completely cooled syrup is poured into a jar, at the bottom of which there is already washed citrus peel. Moonshine is also sent there. Cover all this with a lid, shake vigorously and put it in a dark place, not forgetting to shake the container periodically. No earlier than five or seven days later, the drink is filtered through cheesecloth and bottled.

Candied fruit

Lovers of natural sweets will certainly come in handy with another simple way to use orange peels. Candied fruits prepared in this way will not leave anyone with a sweet tooth, big or small, indifferent. To create them you will need:

  • 200 milliliters of water.
  • 2.5 cups sugar.
  • 8 medium oranges.
  • 100 grams of dark chocolate.
  • ¼ teaspoon citric acid.

Carefully remove the skin from thoroughly washed oranges, cut it into approximately equal long strips, fill them with cold water and leave for three days, taking the time to systematically change the liquid. This is necessary to remove all the bitterness. Then the zest is boiled for ten minutes and rinsed under the tap. The crusts prepared in this way are poured with syrup consisting of water and sugar and simmered over low heat. After some time, add to the boiled mixture citric acid and heat until all the syrup is absorbed into the zest.

Then the hot skins are carefully placed on parchment, being careful not to get burned, and kept at room temperature for two or three hours. Completely dried candied fruits are dipped one by one in melted chocolate and returned to the paper. As soon as the finished candies have cooled, they are placed in a glass, hermetically sealed jar. Since this delicacy does not contain any harmful additives, you can safely treat even little sweet tooths to it.

Desserts are loved by young children and adults. Buying them in a store is expensive. In addition, confectionery products are not always fresh and healthy. Housewives have long learned to prepare homemade spices; we are talking about candied fruits made from aromatic orange peels. This product is very tasty and even healthy. Moreover, it is easy to prepare. So, how to make a sweet and healthy dessert from orange peels yourself?

In the preparation of any culinary masterpiece The result is important - that it tastes good. Experienced chefs highlight several features of preparing candied fruits:

  1. In order to prepare dessert, you must have a kitchen scale, a bowl, a glass, a cutting sock, a culinary knife and a container intended for cooking.
  2. It is recommended that the pan has a non-stick coating.
  3. To prepare this dish you only need orange peel. To make it easier to remove the pulp, it is recommended to cut the fruit crosswise.
  4. If you want to create beautifully shaped desserts, you should remove large pieces of crusts.

Absolutely no pulp will be used in the cooking process. It is recommended to use it for good, for example, to make aromatic orange syrup from it.

Benefits and harms

Housewives, of course, are interested in the question of how healthy the dish they eat is. There are different opinions about candied fruits. There are several useful properties:

  • Unlike a ready-made store product, a homemade dish does not contain dyes or chemicals.
  • It contains vitamin C, which is a source of energy and strong immunity.

The negative factor is that you can gain weight from heavy consumption of candied fruits, and there is also a risk of developing diabetes mellitus. But still, candied fruits are lower in calories and much healthier than sweets.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Before preparing the dish, the fruit must be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water so that it is easier to process. Then you should separate the peels from the pulp. Additionally, it is recommended to cook them in boiling water for a few minutes. This will remove the bitterness.

How to make candied orange peels at home

As it turned out, this dessert tastes good and is even healthy if consumed in moderation. Now it’s worth presenting several ways to prepare candied orange peels at home.

Quick recipe step by step

Every housewife should know the simplest “standard” method of preparing candied orange peels. To prepare them you only need to do 3 steps:

  1. Place the main product - 2-3 small fruits - into a cooking container and fill them with 2-3 glasses of water. It is recommended to add sugar, citric acid and spices. They should be simmered over low heat for 1-1.5 hours.
  2. The second stage of preparing candied orange peels is infusion. After the pan is removed from the heat, you need to cover it tightly with a lid and leave to soak in the sweet liquid for another hour.
  3. The final step is drying. Each crust should be rolled in sugar, placed on parchment paper and baked in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

It's lightweight and quick recipe candied orange peels. The finished product can be eaten as is. You can additionally dip them in coconut or chocolate glaze to make them even tastier.

With lemon juice

Modern housewives prefer to make candied fruits using lemon juice. This makes them juicier and tastier.

Before you make candied orange peels at home, you will need to prepare lemon juice, squeezing it out of the fruit and sweetening it to taste. During the cooking process, you need to pour it into the pan in which the dessert will be prepared.

Method from Yulia Vysotskaya

Housewife Yulia Vysotskaya often makes homemade sweets for her family. She shared her own recipe for making candied orange peels:

  1. The peel should be infused in cold water for 3 days, and it should be changed periodically. During this time, all bitterness will completely come out of it. For the same purpose, you need to boil it in lightly salted water for 30 minutes before cooking.
  2. Next, you need to cut it into small strips 1-2 cm wide and prepare candied orange peels according to the standard recipe.
  3. While they are drying in the oven, you need to melt the dark chocolate. Then all that remains is to dip each crust in this glaze and dry it.

You can pamper your family and guests with this homemade dessert.

Recipe from Alla Kovalchuk

Alla Kovalchuk shared her recipe for making candied orange peels. She recommends that in the first stages of cooking, get rid of all the white layers that add bitterness to the dish. At the end of cooking, she treats each crust with cloves and vanilla sugar.

How to store prepared candied fruits

It is recommended to store prepared candied fruits only in an airtight container. Otherwise they are unpretentious. They can long time keep in freezer or at room temperature - in a dry and cool place.

Orange peel dessert is simple, cheap, tasty and healthy dish, which is sure to please all children and adults.

Making delicious homemade candied fruits is not difficult... But you will enjoy the unique taste of natural ingredients. After all, often instead of candied fruits in the store we buy a fake, which very easily dissolves in a glass with hot water, coloring it. So draw your own conclusions - what they sell in the markets under the guise of bright and healthy candied fruits. Homemade candied fruits are another matter. We can eat them simply with hot tea or add candied fruits to baked goods, porridge or ice cream. Today on our agenda is Candied orange or tangerine peels. You can also use lemon peels and peels from exotic fruits such as pomelo or grapefruit. They taste incredibly tasty and aromatic. After all, as a rule, we throw away the peels after peeling the pulp of citrus fruits. But in vain... Try making a delicious treat for your family. It's quite simple, and the benefits of homemade candied fruits are much greater than those of store-bought counterparts.


  • Oranges - 4 pcs. (more possible)
  • Sugar - 2.5 cups
  • Water - 2 glasses

How to make candied orange peels at home:

Wash the oranges thoroughly (with a brush) and remove the skin. You can simply eat the orange pulp or use it to prepare various desserts, make. You need to remove as much of the white part from the peel as possible and cut it into thin long strips.

Soak the chopped skins in cold water for 2 hours. We do this to remove excess bitterness.

During this time, heat the water with added sugar and bring to a boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the crusts here, remove them from the water and cook over low heat until soft for 30-40 minutes. This is quite enough.

As soon as the cooking time is up, do not rush to turn off the gas. Remove one soft strip and take a sample. If the crust is soft and saturated with syrup, they are ready.

Using a colander, separate the sweet syrup from the crusts. Sweet syrup You can use it to prepare a delicious soft drink by diluting it with boiled water. As soon as the candied fruits have drained thoroughly,

Roll them in sugar and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Dry the candied orange peels at room temperature for 1-3 days. Usually 1-2 days are enough and the candied fruits become simply tempting and very tasty.

Dried candied fruits should be stored in a glass or metal jar with a tightly closed lid. You can safely treat guests who suddenly come to your house with homemade candied orange peel. Candied orange peels will become even tastier if you dip them in melted white, milk or dark chocolate, let the chocolate harden and your homemade citrus candies are ready!

Svetlana and my home wish you all a bon appetit! For the wonderful recipe and colorful photos, we thank my mom, who loves to cook deliciously and conduct experiments in the kitchen!

Candied orange peels belong to oriental sweets and have been known in the culinary community for a very long time. No exotic ingredients are needed to prepare them. You just need to buy fruit, stock up on sugar and set aside a small amount of time.

Candied oranges are the most popular, but they can be made from lemon, grapefruit and lime wedges, and the flavor can be adjusted by adding a variety of herbs. The calorie content of the food is average - approximately 300 kcal per 100 g. It also contains many minerals, vitamins and plant fibers.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make candied oranges using several recipes.

Delicious candied orange peel

The recipe for candied orange peel at home is very simple and does not require any special skills. Even a novice housewife can handle it on her own.


  • Granulated sugar - two glasses;
  • Fresh oranges – 5-6 pieces;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Citric acid – 1-2 g (or juice of 1/2 lemon);
  • Spices: star anise, cinnamon, vanilla - optional.

The cooking scheme is as follows:

  1. Let's prepare the oranges. Choose small citrus fruits with thick rinds. First you need to wash them thoroughly, then you need to immerse them in boiling water and quickly pull them out. Cut the oranges into cubes half a centimeter thick, with a layer of pulp on the crust no more than 1-1.5 cm. If you have oranges the size of tangerines, simply cut them into semicircles 0.5-0.7 cm thick;
  2. To remove bitterness from the crusts, boil them several times in boiling water: put them in a deep container, fill them with water and put them on the flame. When they boil and cook for 5-7 minutes, remove them from the heat, rinse with cold water and put them back on the gas to cook. We repeat this process 3-4 times. After boiling, it is necessary to rinse the products and add cold water - it should again heat up to boiling on the flame. You don’t have to stir the mixture, the bitterness from the oranges will come out evenly, and the pulp of the orange slice will remain unbruised;
  3. After boiling down the bitterness, place the oranges in a colander, let the water drain and dry the slices a little;
  4. Cooking in syrup. Pour 2-3 glasses of water into a saucepan, add sugar, citric acid and spices (star anise and cinnamon will give tartness and spice, and vanilla will give a gentle sweetness). Bring everything to a boil and place pieces of future candied fruits into the boiling syrup;
  5. It is necessary that the syrup barely covers the slices, laid in a dense layer. Close the lid, reduce the flame to minimum and leave to simmer for 1-1.5 hours. During the cooking process, the products will become almost transparent and homogeneous. Once cooked, leave them to cool in the syrup for a few hours and then drain in a colander to remove any excess liquid. This syrup can be useful as a sweet sauce for dessert or as a dip for sponge cake;
  6. Drying and decoration. While the candied fruits are slightly wet, roll them in powdered sugar or sugar, place in separate slices on baking paper on a baking sheet and place in an oven heated to 100 degrees to “dry” for 30-40 minutes;
  7. Orange slices boiled in syrup ( a small part) leave directly in the syrup and seal in jars like citrus jam.

The aromatic sweets made can be added sliced ​​into jelly or baked goods, used to decorate pastries or cakes, served with tea, or as a healthy and tasty snack at work.

Candied orange peels

Delicious candied orange peels will delight sweet tooth lovers with their citrus aroma.

Grocery list:

  • Sugar – 1-1.5 cups;
  • Orange peels from 5-7 fruits;
  • Citric acid - 1-2 g (or juice of half a lemon);
  • Salt - a small spoon;
  • Powdered sugar.

Recipe for candied orange peels:

  1. Pre-prepare orange peels for 2-3 days to remove bitterness: soak them in cold water, change it 3 times a day and after a few days start cooking in syrup;
  2. Can be applied quick method cooking: the bitterness of citrus fruits can be boiled out. Pour cold water over the orange peels, place on the gas and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-10 minutes, turn off the flame, drain the water;
  3. Pour cold water into the container with the crusts again, add salt (1/2 small spoon) and, bringing to a boil, cook for 5-10 minutes. Drain the hot water again, pour salted cold water over the citrus preparations and boil for 5-10 minutes. Cool and boil in salted water 3-4 times, this will soften the products, the bitter citrus taste will no longer be felt, and they will be ready for cooking in syrup;
  4. After numerous boils, drain the orange peels in a colander, rinse again in cold water, and let it drain. Cut the blanks into half-centimeter thick bars. Smooth large crusts can be cut in the shape of a star, this will make the dish more elegant and beautiful. The pieces should not be very large;
  5. Pour granulated sugar into a bowl and add a little water (1-1.5 cups). Bring to a boil, stir until the sugar dissolves. Pour the chopped orange peels into the syrup and boil, stirring constantly until completely boiled, 30-50 minutes;
  6. At the end of cooking, add citric acid or the juice of half a lemon to the syrup and mix thoroughly. The liquid should completely evaporate and be absorbed by the citrus fruits, and the crusts will become golden and transparent;
  7. Place the cooked candied fruits in a colander and let the syrup drain. After this, place them individually on baking paper on a baking sheet, sprinkle with powdered sugar and let dry at room temperature. temperature conditions few hours. To speed up the process, place the baking sheet with the drying pieces in the oven, preheated to 60 degrees for 1-1.5 hours.

The resulting delicacy is stored in a tightly closed box or jar for six months, and does not lose its aroma or dry out. And on festive table You can serve the delicacy in melted chocolate as an exquisite real sweet.

Multicooker recipe

Thanks to a smart device, you can prepare your favorite delicacy very easily, while standing for a long time you don't have to at the stove.

How to make candied orange peels in a slow cooker? Everything is very simple. The instructions are as follows:

  1. Cut 300 g of orange peels as desired, place them in a container and fill with water. It is necessary to keep them in the refrigerator for three days and change the liquid at least once a day;
  2. Place the prepared products into the multicooker bowl, add a little liquid and activate the “Steam” program for 20 minutes;
  3. After this time, transfer the workpieces to a colander and rinse the multicooker bowl thoroughly;
  4. Place the components into the device again, add 450 g of sugar, pour in 300 ml of water, stir;
  5. Start the “Pilaf” or “Cook-Espress” mode and cook the dish until the sound signal;
  6. After this, the candied fruits need to be laid out on a flat, level surface, wait a couple of hours and generously roll them in powdered sugar.

This completes the preparation. Thanks to this smart gadget, you can quickly enjoy your favorite sweet treat.

Video: Recipe for candied orange peels

An incredible dessert for children and adults - candied orange peels, recipes for classic and instant cooking, plain, covered in chocolate, covered in nuts!

This recipe produces aromatic candied fruits with a bright citrus aroma, so dry and non-sticky. Very good for Easter cakes! You can also make it from lemon peels.

  • Orange (peels) - 0.5 cups.
  • Sugar - 0.5 cup.

Slice orange peels into small cubes (it’s convenient to do this with scissors). Pour in cold water until the water covers the crusts.

Bring to a boil, cook covered over low heat for 15 minutes. Then drain the crusts in a colander and rinse well with warm water.

Add water again and cook in the same way 3 more times for 15 minutes.

Drain the water well. Place the crusts in a saucepan and add sugar.

Cook over low heat while stirring.

Until the water that will be released from the crusts has completely evaporated.

Place the sugar crusts on baking paper.

In just 5-10 minutes the candied fruits dry and are ready for use. The results are very aromatic, completely without bitterness, dry candied fruits. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: candied orange peel at home

The attitude towards this rather old-fashioned delicacy is ambiguous.

On the one hand, many people still have vivid memories of the delicious candied fruits that grandmothers and mothers made; on the other hand, stores are now simply filled with sweets and various desserts, and very few people find the energy and time to prepare them with their own hands.

Nevertheless, there are many supporters of making sweets yourself. Healthy, free of dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives, candied orange peels are uniquely tasty, too.

It’s not difficult to prepare them; there are many recipes: classic ones that turn orange peels into candied fruits slowly, over a few days, and modern ones that take less time but also give excellent results.

You can try making candied fruits the way they were made before; now this recipe is already considered a classic.

Preparing candied fruits will take a long time, but the process itself is by no means labor-intensive. It's all about soaking the crusts for a long time to remove the bitterness; they need to be soaked for three days.

  • Orange peels (take the amount that is available, it is recommended from at least 5 fruits);
  • Sugar – 2-3 glasses;
  • Water.

The crusts should be filled with a large amount of water in a large container and the water should be changed frequently so that they do not spoil. After the specified time, the finished semi-finished product is thrown into a colander, then cut into cubes, strips.

Sliced ​​rinds are cooked like regular jam. The syrup is prepared (water is poured into the pan and sugar is added), chopped peels are placed in it, brought to a boil, and boiled for two to three minutes.

After this, infuse until the next time (that is, a day). This sequence must be repeated three times.

After the third infusion, the finished candied fruits are placed in a colander (the syrup can be collected and used later). Then they can be rolled in sugar, powdered sugar, dried and used for their intended purpose, including adding to baked goods.

The degree of sweetness can be adjusted by making the syrup with more or less sugar. It’s not for nothing that the recipe is called a classic; as a result of cooking it, candied fruits turn out the way they should be.

Recipe 3: how to make candied orange peels

Such a wonderful delicacy came to us from Far East, people in these hot countries puzzled for a long time over how to preserve the precious gifts of nature, which quickly disappeared in the hot climate, and so the first candied fruits appeared. They quickly became fashionable in Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, but they won the hearts of the Russian people only in the 18th century, thanks to Catherine the Second. Today it is very easy to buy these “sweets,” but they practically no longer give the same pleasure as before, because they resemble dry, fibrous sticks or cubes that have a sickly sweet taste, and it is also unclear where the bright color came from. Therefore, it is better to prepare this miracle at home; for example, candied orange peels turn out very appetizing!

  • Orange zest 1 kilogram
  • Sugar 1 kilogram 800 grams for syrup and 1.5 cups for decoration
  • Purified water 450 for syrup and as much as needed for cooking
  • Citric acid 2–3 grams

IN classic recipe candied fruits, it is desirable to have accuracy. First, weigh the orange peels on a kitchen scale, rinse them thoroughly to remove any kind of contaminants, place them in a deep bowl, fill with purified water 3–4 centimeters higher and soak for three days at room temperature, changing the liquid 2–3 times a day for fresh ! This method will help get rid of the bitter taste inherent in all citrus fruits.

After the required time, put the crusts back into a colander, rinse, place in a deep saucepan, fill with purified water and place on medium heat. After boiling, boil them 10–15 minutes stirring occasionally with a wooden kitchen spatula. Then we put it in a colander again, rinse it to cool faster, and leave it in the sink until all of it has drained. excess liquid.

Then we dry the citrus peel with paper kitchen towels, place it on a cutting board and chop it into slices, straws or randomly shaped pieces 1–1.5 centimeters wide.

Next, pour 1 kilogram 800 grams of granulated sugar into a deep metal non-stick or enamel pan and pour in 450 milliliters of purified water. Place everything over medium heat and cook the syrup until the grains are completely dissolved. We don’t move far from the stove; in about 7–10 minutes the sweet mass will be ready, so we carefully make sure that nothing burns!

When the syrup is ready, carefully lower the chopped orange peels into it and, after boiling, boil them for 10–12 minutes, periodically loosening them with a spatula.

Then cover the pan with a lid so that a small gap remains, use a kitchen towel to move it to a cooler place and leave the candied fruits in the sweet liquid for 10 hours.

We repeat this process twice more, but for the third time after boiling, add citric acid to the pan with almost ready-made “sweets” and boil the syrup at a temperature of about 108–110 degrees Celsius until thick, for about 25–30 minutes, although it may less, it all depends on your stove.

As soon as the pieces of peel become almost transparent and very little viscous liquid remains at the bottom of the pan, cooking is complete. Then we act at our own discretion, you can immediately put the still hot candied fruits into clean sterilized jars along with the remaining syrup, cool, close with tight-fitting lids, put in the refrigerator and use for layering cakes, pastries or decorating other confectionery or desserts.

Well, if you want to make sweets, then it’s better to put the candied fruits in a colander, set it on a clean bowl and leave it like that for a couple of hours to drain off excess liquid. Then roll them on all sides in granulated sugar, place them on a non-stick baking sheet, previously covered with parchment or baking paper, and dry them in any convenient way. The first option is in a slightly open oven, preheated to 50–70 degrees Celsius, for 40–50 minutes or one hour, and the second option is in a dry, well-ventilated place, for example, on a balcony or kitchen for about 1.5–2 days .

Depending on the choice of further preparation, storage methods change; it is better to keep dried candied fruits in boxes lined with paper or in clean glass jars, first covered with a linen napkin, and those in syrup, respectively, in the refrigerator, otherwise they will begin to mold.

Candied orange peels are useful candies or decoration for various types of desserts. They are served at the sweet table in large vases, deep bowls or other suitable dishes, or decorated with tasty slices of pastries, mousses, soufflés, ice cream and other delicacies.

Recipe 4, step by step: simple candied orange peels

Incredibly tasty and crispy candied orange peels can be prepared at home. Such a delicacy will turn out to be completely inexpensive, because orange peels are usually thrown away, but with the addition of granulated sugar it will turn into a tasty addition to hot drinks in the form of tea or coffee, or into an independent dessert! This is especially true during the New Year season, when citrus fruits are present in literally every home. In addition to oranges, candied fruits can also be created from lemons, tangerines, grapefruits, etc.

Be sure to remove all white layer under the peel, otherwise your prepared dessert will be mercilessly bitter and its taste will be ruined forever! The created candied fruits are stored for a very long time - for a year, but always in a dark and cool place so that they do not get into Sun rays and moisture. Otherwise, the candied fruits will stick together into one lump.

The process of creating a delicacy is long, but the result is worth it - the incredibly aromatic crispy candied fruits will become a real decoration for tea or coffee time; they can be used to decorate cakes, desserts and pastries.

  • Orange 2 pcs
  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Water 30 ml

Scald the oranges with boiling water to make the peel more fragrant. After this, use a knife to cut off the peel from them, like from potatoes - in a long, long layer, like a ribbon. You can eat the orange fruit - it won't be needed in the recipe.

Cut off as much of the white layer as possible from the inside of the peel - it is responsible for bitterness. Cut the peel into thin long strips.

Place citrus strips in a saucepan or saucepan, pour in 1 tbsp. hot water and place on the stove. Boil for 5-7 minutes until the peel becomes soft and releases some of the aromatic oil to the liquid.

Place the boiled strips in a colander.

Pour granulated sugar into the saucepan, leaving 2 tbsp. for drying. Move the citrus strips there and pour in 30 ml of water. Place on the stove and bring the sugar syrup to a boil.

Simmer the strips in syrup for about 2-3 minutes, then put the container in the cold for about 20 minutes. Then heat the strips in the syrup again for 2-3 minutes until boiling, cool again, and so on 3 times. As the strips cool, they will absorb the syrup and become clearer and clearer.

For the last time, place the strips in syrup in a colander and rinse with hot water or boiling water. If this is not done, then the workpieces will be impossible to separate from each other.

Pour 2 tbsp into a small container. remaining granulated sugar and place the washed and dried strips there, lightly roll them in sugar.

Place the workpieces on parchment paper, lined on a baking sheet. Place the baking tray itself in the oven at 60-80C and dry the candied fruits for about 1 hour, stirring them from time to time for uniform drying.

Be sure to let the finished candied fruits cool and pour them into containers with tight lids or paper bags for storage. Remove and taste as needed.

Recipe 5, quick: sweet candied orange peels

  • peels of 5 oranges;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • ten liters of water;
  • a little powdered sugar.

We peel the oranges from the peels, which, in fact, are salted today. Well, you can make a spicy drink from the pulp of oranges so that it doesn’t go to waste.

Throw the orange peels into a saucepan and pour 2.5 liters of cold water into it.

Bring the water to a boil, cook the crusts for 10 minutes, then drain them in a colander and place under cold water.

We repeat everything from the beginning. Fill the peel with 2.5 liters. cold water. ATTENTION: this time add a teaspoon of salt to the water, because salt helps remove excess bitterness. Then bring to a boil, cook, drain, and place under cold water.

The third time we do the same thing: pan, skins, water, salt, boil, cook for 10 minutes, rinse with cold water - EVERYTHING!

Now let the water drain and cut our orange peels into strips half a centimeter wide.

In a saucepan, dissolve two cups of sugar in a glass of hot water, let sugar syrup boil and drop the citrus strips into it.

Let's cook! You will have to cook for a long time, from 40 minutes to an hour, until the syrup is reduced almost completely. Towards the end of cooking, do not forget to squeeze lemon juice into the syrup. And when the skins become almost transparent, and there is very little syrup left, we will throw the candied fruits into a colander for the last time - let the excess drain.

By the way, the syrup after boiling candied orange peels turns out delicious; its consistency and color resembles honey, which means it can serve as a substitute for the latter, take heed, my dear vegans!

Place the candied fruits freed from syrup on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. You can place a baking sheet near the radiator to speed up the process, or you don’t have to steam it: candied orange peels dry well even without additional heating.

After two hours, you can roll the finished candied fruits in powdered sugar (or sugar), and then use them as you wish: decorate cakes, add to your morning cereal, add to cake batter, or just drink tea with them.

Keep in mind that such candied fruits can be prepared from lemon, tangerine, lime peels and even grapefruit peels. Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: candied orange with cinnamon (step by step with photo)

Orange 250 gr.
Sugar 100 gr.
Water 100 ml.
Cinnamon pinch
Nutmeg pinch

Peel the orange, cut off the peel. Cut it into strips.

First, boil the orange peel in water for 15 minutes. To remove bitterness.

At the end of cooking, add ground cinnamon and nutmeg.

Recipe 7: Candied Orange Peels and Sugar in Chocolate

When we eat an orange, we always throw away the peel, without thinking that orange peels can be used to make very tasty and aromatic candied fruits. Despite the long process of preparing them, it is still worth trying once, so that you can then prepare candied orange peels again and again. Candied fruits can be used in various baked goods or instead of candies, especially if the candied fruits are covered in chocolate.

  • oranges – 3-4 pcs.
  • sugar – 350-400 g
  • water – 170 – 200 ml
  • salt – a pinch
  • sugar for sprinkling – 200-250 g
  • chocolate – 50-70 g.

Wash the oranges and remove the skins: make several cuts crosswise. Cut orange peels into strips.

Pour the resulting preparations with water and leave for 4-5 hours. This is necessary to remove bitterness from the crusts.

Wash the orange peels and add fresh water, add salt. Put on fire. Cook the skins for 10-15 minutes. Change the water again and boil for 10 minutes without adding salt. This entire process is also necessary to remove the bitterness from orange peels.

In a separate pan, cook the syrup: add sugar to water and bring to a boil. Add orange peels to hot syrup. Cook over low heat for 5-10 minutes, stirring gently occasionally. Turn off the heat and cool the candied fruits. Put it back on the fire and cook for 5-10 minutes, turn it off and cool. In this way, do this 5-7 times until almost all the syrup has evaporated and the candied fruits become transparent.

Strain the mixture through a sieve. Allow all liquid to drain.

Pour sugar into a deep bowl. Place a small amount of candied fruits in sugar and roll on all sides. Do the same with the remaining pieces.

Tip: it’s more convenient to do this process in a closed container; after shaking several times, the candied fruits will be evenly sprinkled with sugar.

Place the candied fruits on a tray in a single layer. Dry at room temperature for 1-3 days (depending on temperature). Tip: you can speed up the process by placing a baking sheet with candied fruits in the oven and drying at a temperature of 70-80 degrees Celsius.

Dip one edge of dried candied fruit into melted chocolate. Place on a wire rack until the chocolate hardens. Tip: If you prefer, you can also completely dip the candied fruit into melted chocolate. Candied fruits covered in chocolate are ready, store them in a closed container and in a dry place.

Similar candied fruits can be prepared from lemon peels. You can also make assorted dishes.

Recipe 8: chocolate candied orange peel (step-by-step photos)

  • 2 pcs orange
  • 300 grams of sugar
  • 450 ml water
  • 50 grams dark chocolate.

Cut the orange into slices about 5mm wide.

Bring a pan of water to a boil, add oranges and cook for 3-4 minutes.

Drain. Let it drain. This manipulation allows you to get rid of bitterness.

Pour 450ml clean water into the pans and bring to a boil. Add sugar and wait until it boils and the sugar dissolves. Add oranges, cook over low heat for 1 hour. Take it out and let it drain.

Preheat the oven to 100C. Place the oranges on a baking sheet or wire rack lined with baking paper (in this case, place a baking sheet underneath) and bake for 50 minutes.

Remove and let cool. We can stop here.

Or you can make candied fruits in chocolate. To do this, heat the chocolate in the microwave, in several batches for 30 seconds. After each addition, stir the chocolate. Dip candied lido into chocolate, or, if you feel sorry for the chocolate that will remain on the paper, spread chocolate on top. Let the chocolate harden.

We eat with pleasure!

Recipe 9: Candied orange peels with chocolate and nuts

Delicious aromatic sweets. Unusual, piquant sweets made from orange peels, covered with chocolate, nuts, coconut flakes, and confectionery toppings. Candied orange peel is a very popular and delicious dessert. If you haven't made candied orange peel before, I recommend giving it a try. Today I have an idea on how to make full-fledged chocolate-covered candies out of them. It is very tasty, aromatic, everyone will be able to choose their own elegant candy, especially children will be delighted, and adults too.

  • peel of 5 medium oranges (~250 g)
  • 250-400 g sugar


  • 150-200 g dark chocolate (I used 56%)
  • nuts, coconut flakes, sesame seeds, sprinkles (optional)

I used the peels of 5 medium oranges. The peel is perfectly stored in a closed container in the refrigerator, so there is no need to immediately eat 5 oranges to get the peel)) I cut the orange into 10 slices, eat the oranges, and put the peel in the container and in the refrigerator, they will stand for 5 days without problems until they accumulate required amount!

We are preparing candied fruits. Cut each skin lengthwise into 2-3 pieces.

Place the peel in a thick bottomed pan. To make it faster, boil a full kettle separately.
Pour boiling water over the peel, boil for 5 minutes, drain the water. And so on 2 more times. If you doubt whether your peel is too bitter, you can do this 5 times, 3 times was enough for me.

I initially had 250 g of dry peel. My recommendations are as follows: if you want to get a slightly sweet version of candied fruits, then take 250 g of sugar for this amount of peel, if you want medium-sweet candied fruits, then 300-350 g, and if they are confidently sweet, like typical store-bought candied fruits, then 400 g sugar.

Boiling water should be taken accordingly, for 250 g of sugar - 150 ml of water, 300-350 g of sugar - 200 ml of water, 400 g of sugar - 250 ml of water.

Combine sugar and boiling water in a bowl, stirring until dissolved. Pour into the pan with the peel and cook, shaking occasionally until the liquid has completely evaporated. This takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on the heat and the size of the pan.

Place the candied fruits on a sheet of baking paper and leave to dry for 3-4 hours, or overnight.

Prepare the sprinkles. I used salted pistachios, peeled them and coarsely ground them in a grinder. Next, ground almonds, coconut and sesame seeds. As well as confectionery sprinkles in the form of small balls. You can use whatever you like and whatever you find in your kitchen cabinet)) In particular, any nuts, and you can even sprinkle with coarse salt if you like this combination.

Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath.

Dip each candied fruit into chocolate, holding it by the edge, and carefully remove the excess on the edge of the plate, or do not remove it if you like a thick, thick layer of chocolate.

Place on a baking sheet and sprinkle with sprinkles to taste. You can gently press with your fingers to help the sprinkle adhere better. By the way, even without sprinkles, it will be delicious just in chocolate. Leave for a while until the chocolate hardens.
The top row is pistachios and sesame seeds, the second row is coconut and almonds, the third is colored sprinkles.

Tender, soft candied orange peels in chocolate will be appreciated by both children and adults! Delicious!