Rice cakes in the oven recipe. Cooking rice cakes. How to make rice cakes: a recipe with a photo

Mochi (餅)- Japanese rice cakes, which are made from Japanese motigome short-grain glutinous rice. Rice is pounded into a paste and formed into cakes of the desired shape.

In Japan, there is a traditional mochi making ceremony called motitsuki.
Although mochi is eaten all year round, in Japan there is usually a lot of demand for them before the New Year. Mochi in Taiwan is called Moa-Chi (麻 糬).

Mochi is a multicomponent food consisting of polysaccharides, lipids, proteins and water.


Traditionally, mochi is made from whole glutinous rice in a laborious process. The following are the steps involved in preparing a mochi in a traditional ceremony called motitsuki:
1. Polished glutinous rice is soaked in water overnight. Then it is boiled.
2. Cooked rice is pounded with wooden hammers (kine) in a traditional mortar (usu). Usually two people are involved in this process, one is pounding, the other interferes and wets the mochi. They must work in a constant rhythm, otherwise one of them may injure the other with a hammer.
3. Then the adhesive mass is given a different shape (usually spherical or cubic).

Mochi is made from flour or sweet rice (mochiko). The flour is mixed with water until a sticky, opaque white mass is obtained. The mass is cooked on the stove or in the microwave until it becomes elastic and slightly transparent.


Many types of traditional Japanese sweets, wagashi and motigashi, are made with mochi. For instance, Daifuku() Is a soft, round mochi with a sweet filling sweetened with red bean paste (an) or white bean paste (shiro an). Ichigo daifuku ( ) Is a mochi version with anko bean paste and strawberries.

() are small balls of ice cream wrapped in mochi.

In Japan, this product is marketed by Lotte under the name Yukimi Daifuku.

Kashiwa Mochi() - mochi wrapped with a sheet of porridge (oak).

Sakura Mochi() - pink rice cake with bean paste inside, wrapped in pickled sakura leaf.


Oshiruko or Ozenzai() - sweet adzuki bean soup with mochi chunks. In winter, the Japanese often eat it to keep warm.

Chikara Udon (Chikara udon means "udon power") ( ) - soup with udon noodles, fried mochi cakes and various fillings.

Zoni() - New Year's Japanese soup with mochi cakes.


Kagami Mochi- New Year's decoration, which is traditionally broken and eaten during a ritual called “Kagami Biraki” (open mirror).

Zoni- a soup containing rice cakes. It is eaten on New Years. In addition to mochi tortillas, Zoni soup includes vegetables (taro, carrots), wax flower, and kamaboko.

() is traditionally cooked in the New Year, as it is believed that the use of this dish brings good luck. Mochi is fried over a fire or in an oven, then immersed in water, after which the cake is covered with sugar and kinako soy flour.

() Is a traditional Japanese sweet usually eaten at the beginning of the year. Also served at the first tea ceremony of the new year. Hanabira mochi is translated from Japanese as “mochi flower petal”. Dessert was prepared on the occasion of special events at the imperial court at the beginning of the year.


Dango() - Japanese dumplings made from mochiko rice flour.

() not a real mochi. It is a jelly-like confection made from fern starch, coated with kinako soy flour and sugar. The sweetness is popular in the summer.

() - kudzuko mochi cakes (kudzu root powder). It is traditionally served chilled, sprinkled with kuromitsu syrup and sprinkled with kinako soy flour.

() - balls, which are usually made from glutinous rice. They are usually eaten during the higan period, spring and fall.

More recently, sweetness has appeared Moffles- fried mochi waffles.

Paper-thin crunchy cakes made from a mixture of rice and whole wheat flour can be baked without the use of oil. They will come in very handy both on the tea and on the dinner table - their purpose will depend on the set of seasonings introduced into the dough.

To roll out the thinnest possible crust, you should properly prepare the dough: knead it thoroughly and ensure a long proofing.

Properly cooked pieces are so fragile that they are difficult to put in the pan. They do not require roasting, but rather drying in the oven or in a grill pan, which gives them mouth-watering crispy stripes.


  • rice flour - 90 g
  • whole grain flour - 90 g + for blistering
  • water - 70-80 ml
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • Provencal herbs - 1 tsp.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.


1. Sift whole grain (wheat flour can be used) and rice flour into a deep bowl.

Rice flour can be purchased at any supermarket, or you can make your own at home. To do this, grind the rice grains into flour using a coffee grinder or power blender.

Stir the two flours with a hand whisk.

2. Add salt, sugar and herbs of provence. At this step, you can experiment with spices by adding certain spices. Stir to distribute the spices evenly over the flour mass.

3. Make a small depression in the center of the dry ingredients and pour water and oil into it. Start kneading the dough, preferably with your hands.

4. Knead a firm, non-sticky dough. Cover with a towel and leave in the kitchen for 25–35 minutes.

5. Dust the board with flour and roll the dough ball into a thin layer. The thinner the dough is rolled out, the crisper the cakes will be.

6. Take a round shape and cut out the circles.

Hello Katya!

Rice cakes are cooked by Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, and maybe someone else. Therefore, there are a great many recipes and cooking variations. In Asian cuisine, they replace bread. You can also wrap various types of fillings in tortillas.

Korean rice cakes

You will need rice flour to make tortillas. You can buy it ready-made or grind the rice yourself with a blender of suitable power.

If you have fine rice flour that resembles wheat flour, add some salt to taste with warm water and stir in the rice flour, stirring occasionally. You should get a mass that resembles sour cream in density. Heat a skillet and add oil. It is best to use sunflower, corn or cottonseed oil. A soy product is not suitable or if the packaging says "vegetable" - in both cases, the cakes will taste unpleasant.

Carefully put the dough into the heated oil. Use a tablespoon and make pancake-sized tortillas. Straighten the edges. The dough has become transparent - it's time to turn over and fry our cakes until they are browned.

If you are the lucky owner of coarse rice flour, in which there are grains, the cakes will be even tastier. Salt hot (50 degrees) water to taste, knead a thicker dough than in the previous case.

Put the dough into a pan with hot oil using a ladle and a clean tablespoon, dipping it in the prepared oil, level the dough in the pan. Dip the spoon often - the product should not stick to it. As long as you level the dough over the entire pan, it will no longer look soggy, which means it's time to turn the cake over. Bring it to a golden brown. If you plan to cook a lot of tortillas this time, pour oil a centimeter thick into the pan. This method is laborious compared to the recipe described above, but the cakes are tastier.

Unleavened Rice Cakes

You can make simple tortillas from rice flour or a mixture of wheat flour (in equal proportions) by baking them without oil in a skillet. They are delicious as a substitute for bread for all kinds of dishes, and are also suitable for serving with different fillings (meat, vegetables, chicken, mushrooms).

You will need:

  • 2.5 cups flour;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil;
  • 50 g butter.


  • Mix flour, sugar and salt.
  • Stir the egg in water and pour into the flour mixture.
  • Grease hands liberally with oil (vegetable oil) and knead the dough.
  • Let the dough stand for 20 minutes.
  • Divide it into five parts. Roll each into a thin cake, after sprinkling flour on the board.
  • Fry the layers in a dry hot skillet on both sides until golden brown.
  • Hot rice products should be greased with butter, then they will be tastier and stay soft longer.

Rice cakes

You can make delicious tortillas even if you haven't gotten your hands on rice flour.

You will need:

  • Dry rice - 400 g;
  • Wheat flour - 400 g;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Milk - 1.5 l;
  • Fresh yeast - 50 g;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt.


  • Cook a sticky rice porridge. To do this, boil a liter of milk, add salt, washed rice. After the milk boils again, reduce the heat to low and cook the porridge with the lid on. Stir it occasionally.
  • Cool the porridge, rub through a sieve, or use a blender to chop.
  • Dissolve the yeast in half a liter of milk and pour the mixture into the rice puree.
  • Add flour, stir and place in a warm place.
  • When the rice mass rises, add the yolks, stir until smooth, and only then add the whites.
  • Let the dough stand still in a warm place.
  • After the dough rises, the cakes should be baked in hot oil in the same way as ordinary pancakes are baked.

Best regards, Galina.

Rice cakes are simple, bland, but delicious. They are good in themselves as bread for any dishes, as well as for wrapping various fillings in them (meat, vegetable, chicken, mushroom). They are baked from a mixture of rice and wheat flour. There are recipes on the Internet where only rice flour is indicated in the list of ingredients. I had doubts about this, so I immediately added wheat flour to the dough in approximately equal proportions with rice.

Prepare the ingredients listed for the recipe for making tortillas.

Stir both types of flour together, add salt and sugar.

Stir the egg in water and pour into the flour mixture.

Lubricate your hands well with vegetable oil and knead the dough. Let it rest for 20 minutes.

Then divide the dough into 5-6 parts, each roll out on a floured surface into a thin cake.

Fry each rice cake in a hot dry skillet (no oil) on both sides until browning.

Brush ready-made hot rice cakes with melted butter to keep them soft and tastier ...

The rice cakes are ready.

Bon Appetit!

Rice cakes are a fairly common, bland, yet deliciously tasty dish. They are good in and of themselves as a complement to various dishes, and are also used to wrap any fillings in them: meat, chicken, vegetable or mushroom. Traditionally, it is baked only from rice flour. Let's not waste time in vain, and find out some interesting recipes for their preparation.

Rice Cakes Recipe


  • rice flour - 2.5 tbsp.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tsp.


Now we will tell you how to make rice cakes. Mix flour with salt and sugar. We dilute the egg in water, and then pour it into flour. Lubricate your hands thoroughly with vegetable oil and knead a homogeneous dough. Let it rest for 20 minutes, then divide it into 5 parts, roll each into a thin cake and fry in a dry frying pan until browning. Grease the finished rice cakes with melted butter so that they remain soft and tastier for a long time.

Korean style rice cakes


  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp;
  • rice flour - 350 g;
  • salt, sugar - 1 tsp;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • ghee.

For filling:

  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 t .;
  • bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • ground chili pepper - 2 tsp;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • greenery;
  • spices.


So first, let's make the rice cake dough. To do this, take a bowl, break an egg into it, throw in salt, sugar, pour in water and vegetable oil. Beat everything lightly with a whisk until smooth, then gradually add flour and knead a soft but elastic dough. We roll it into a bun, cover it with a towel on top and leave it to rest for 30 minutes.

In the meantime, let's start preparing the filling. We clean vegetables and herbs, rinse thoroughly under running water and dry on a paper towel. Chop the onion and carrot into small pieces and sauté until golden brown. Then add the chili and spread the minced meat. While the meat is fried with vegetables, finely chop the herbs, sweet bell peppers and send everything to the pan along with tomato paste. Mix everything thoroughly, add salt to taste, add chopped garlic and pour in a little balsamic vinegar. That's it, the filling for the rice cakes is ready. Remove the pan from heat and leave to cool.

Now we return to our test: we divide it into 4 identical parts, each of which we roll into a ball. Next, we roll them out one by one into cakes using a wooden rolling pin, or simply knead them with the palm of our hand to the thickness we need.

Then warm up the pan thoroughly, pour in a little vegetable oil and fry each cake on it on both sides until tender. Moreover, after we turn the dough to the other side, we spread a small piece of ghee on its surface. Now that we have all the ingredients of the dish ready, let's move on to the final stage of making Korean-style rice cakes.

To do this, carefully lay out the hot cake on a separate portioned plate, lay out the warm meat filling on top, sprinkle with grated cheese if desired, add a little fresh chopped herbs, put a spoonful of sour cream to taste and carefully roll everything into a tube to make it easier to eat this yummy! We do the same with all the other cakes and serve the finished dish to the table.