Step-by-step recipe for a basket of dough. DIY Easter basket made of yeast dough. Butter cream baskets

The Easter basket is the same symbol of the celebration of the bright Resurrection, as an elegant Christmas tree is a symbol of the New Year. She is also collected, decorated, embroidered for her beautiful capes, and on the holiday itself they look forward to returning from the church of relatives with a consecrated basket.

If you love the process of preparing for Easter as much as the holiday itself, bake an Easter basket of dough with the cakes. It will not replace a real basket, but it will become a beautiful Easter attribute that will remind everyone of the coming of a bright holiday. Especially kids like to get all kinds of delicacies out of such a basket, and then tear off a crispy piece from it and eat it with sweet tea. And also such baskets with Easter cakes, eggs and sweets can be presented to family and friends.

To make the basket strong, we will bake it not from butter, but from ordinary yeast dough.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: baking in the oven.

Total cooking time: 2.5 h

Servings: 1 .

Ingredients for the dough:

  • water - 270 ml
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tsp.
  • flour - 450 g
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp

Dough preparation

  1. Dissolve salt and sugar in lukewarm water, add vegetable oil and flour mixed with yeast. Knead the dough and knead until it starts to peel off the sides of the pot. You do not need to add additional flour. I added all the ingredients to the bread maker and kneaded the dough in a special mode. The technique helps out great.

  2. Leave the dough to rise under a plastic wrap or towel until it has swollen 3-4 times. The dough will suit better in a warm place. You can place a bowl of dough in a pot of warm water.

  3. Basket formation.
  4. Pound the finished dough, put it on a well-floured table, make a smooth "bun" out of it.

  5. Divide it into several parts.

  6. Remove a third of the dough under a towel, and roll out the rest into long strips about a centimeter thick. Cut the rolled strips into thin strips, which will later be the "rods" of the basket. Try to keep the stripes even and neat, of the same width, then the basket will turn out to be more beautiful.

  7. Take a metal bowl of a suitable size (metal colander, saucepan, cauldron), wrap it in foil and place the base of a basket of 6-8 strips of dough criss-cross in the center.

  8. Now braid the basket, starting from the bottom to the bottom (passing a strip of dough in turn under every other strip of the base).

  9. The free edges of the center stripes can be trimmed or wrapped.

  10. Press the center of the basket well so that it lines up. For this purpose, at the beginning of baking, the baskets can be placed on top of a heavy plate or a wide cup of water.
    To brown the dough well, brush the entire surface with sweet water.
    Place the basket in a hot oven to bake at 180 degrees C.

  11. After a short baking time, the basket will harden sufficiently.

  12. Remove it from the foil and reposition it in the oven several times so that all parts are browned the same.

  13. Take our product out of the oven.

  14. This is how delicious and beautiful it looks. Hands just reach out to break off the ruddy barrel and eat. But let's be patient. We have the final part of the work - to make a handle for the basket so that it takes on a finished look.

  15. From the remaining dough, weave two pigtails - for the edge of the basket and for the handle. Put one pigtail along the edge of the basket, brush with sweet water.

  16. And put the basket in the oven with the bottom down.

  17. This is how it should turn out.

  18. Put the pigtail for the pen on an inverted bowl covered with foil, brush it with sweet water too with a silicone brush and place in the oven.

  19. When it is browned on top, change the position.

  20. Attach the handle to the finished basket, pinning it with toothpicks.

  21. That's all - a beautiful and completely edible basket is ready.
  22. You can decorate it, fill it with Easter attributes and put it in a place of honor in the house.

Note to the hostess:

  • The dough basket will turn out to be more ruddy and shiny if you brush it with a mixture of egg yolk, water and sugar in a 1: 1: 1 ratio.

Delicious cake recipes

cake tartlet

1 hour

370 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Each taste evokes certain associations in us. They can be both good and bad. But there is something that simply fails to evoke bad memories and associations. This is what I want to tell you today. Everyone remembers the wonderful taste of those cakes that we tasted in childhood. Many of them remain our favorites throughout our lives. Therefore, I consider it my duty to teach you how to cook the "Korzinochka" cake at home. This will require a minimum of costs, but what memories will flood you! Let's continue this glorious tradition and prepare such a delicious dessert dish for our children.

Recipe for cake "Korzinochka" with protein cream

Kitchen appliances: m xer or corolla, m It’s, e ugly.


For the test:

For the cream:

How to choose the ingredients for such a dish?

Such an unpretentious dish still requires some self-respect. To make an original cake, you will need to make sure to use premium wheat flour and the highest quality ingredients.

A step-by-step recipe for making shortcrust pastries "Korzinochki"

Before you start creating a culinary masterpiece, you will need to get the butter out of the refrigerator so that it warms up a little. Only after that you can start cooking the "Korzinochka" cake in accordance with GOST.


  1. Place the butter in a deep bowl and beat for 4 minutes with a mixer or whisk.

  2. After beating, add 140 g of sugar. Start the whipping process again, continue it until the sugar is completely dissolved. You will have to spend 5 minutes on this.

  3. Separate the yolks from the whites and add the yolks to the butter container. Beat for about 5 more minutes.

  4. Then add 1 teaspoon of baking powder, a pinch of salt and a few drops of rum or vanilla essence.

  5. Mix all the ingredients of the future cake in the best possible way.

  6. Add 350 g flour at the very end. Before that, you will need to sift it through a sieve to get rid of unnecessary foreign objects. Start the kneading process. You will need to knead it until smooth to get the perfect shortbread dough.

  7. Place your finished shortbread dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 40 minutes.

  8. Already chilled dough, you definitely need to roll it out with a rolling pin into a layer, the thickness of which is about 7 millimeters.

  9. Now you need to distribute all the dough into metal molds.

  10. When you have done this, remove the excess dough that is peeking out of the edges so that the dough itself is slightly larger than the rims of the mold.

  11. Use a fork to poke many holes in the dough found on the bottom of each mold. This should be done so that air bubbles do not form during baking.

  12. Put the finished forms in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  13. Preheat the oven to 215 degrees and bake the baskets for about 15 minutes.

  14. Let the dough cool and remove the pieces.


  1. Now let's get down to an interesting cream preparation process. To do this, mix sugar in water.

  2. Begin the process of boiling down the syrup.

  3. Boil the syrup to a temperature of 120 degrees. This is about 5-6 minutes.

  4. At 110 degrees, add citric acid to the syrup.

  5. Begin to beat the egg whites well with a pinch of salt. If you use a mixer, beat at medium speed.

  6. When, while whipping the whites, there are traces of the mixer blades or your whisk on them, start slowly pouring in the syrup in a thin stream. After you add the syrup, you will need to increase the speed of the mixer. At this speed, you need to beat all this consistency for 7 minutes.

  7. Divide the cream into cooking bags and place a very small amount of jam or preserves on the bottom of each basket.

  8. Now you can turn on your imagination and fill the baskets with cream in any manner. By using different attachments, you can make different patterns or exposures.

  9. Here are your lovely cakes "Korzinochki" with cream.

Video recipe for the "Korzinochka" with protein cream

In this video tutorial on how to prepare the above dish, you can find a detailed description of how to make the right dough for the Tartlet Pie.

Cakes Baskets with Protein Custard in accordance with GOST

Wonderful protein custard baskets from childhood. Try to cook!
Modular paintings to order -

For the test:
350 g flour
140 g sugar
200 g butter
3 egg yolks
1 teaspoon baking powder for dough
a pinch of salt
a few drops of rum or vanilla essence

For the cream:
3 egg whites (90 g)
180 g sugar
50 ml hot water
1/4 teaspoon citric acid
a pinch of salt

jam or jam.

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2017-10-05T09: 37: 39.000Z

Cake "Korzinochka" with fruit

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Servings: 6 servings.
  • Kitchen appliances: m xer or corolla, mmetal molds in the form of baskets, with ito, e containers for your ingredients, d ear chamber.


For the test:

For filling:

Step by step recipe

  1. Melt all the margarine in the microwave.
  2. After that, you will need to mix the margarine with sand sugar and stir.

  3. Add eggs to the margarine mass one by one. You need to add them as you stir.

  4. In a small container, you will need to extinguish the soda with a tablespoon of vinegar.

  5. Then add the baking soda to the dough.

  6. Add flour to the rest of the ingredients and start stirring with a spatula. When it becomes difficult to knead with a spatula, use your hands.

  7. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After that, you need to distribute all the dough into metal molds in the form of baskets.

  8. Preheat oven to 200 degrees and bake for 10 minutes.

  9. Cool the baskets completely and get ready for the next steps.

  10. Pour a tablespoon of Kurdish into each basket and arrange the fruit as you like best.

Now you thoroughly know how to make the "Korzinochka" cake at home!

Every year, on the eve of March 13, I have a "puzzle" - what will give for her birthday a girl who already has everything and who does not eat any sweets at all.
It so happened that in our family of terrible sweet tooth and meat-eaters, a completely unusual child was born 9 years ago. My niece does not eat meat at all and does not recognize any vegetables, while she does not like any sweets, cakes and pastries (well, she doesn’t like it, she just doesn’t eat and doesn’t even try to persuade me).
Remembering her addiction to my buns, I decided to surprise her for her birthday and present an unusual bun in the form of a basket from the forest.
Honestly, the very procedure of weaving a basket of yeast dough always scared me a little, but, having plucked up the courage, I was convinced that it was not so difficult, and most importantly, to prepare the dough correctly, observing all the points.
For the test, we need the following products:

I indicate the number of products, as in the classic recipe, but I used 1.5 servings on my not too large basket and made the right decision: the dough was enough end-to-end.
To begin with, let the yeast swell a little, that is, pour 2 tablespoons of warm water and the same amount of warm milk into a bowl:

Add yeast there and leave it alone for a few minutes, until all the yeast is properly soaked.

At this time, beat the egg in another bowl:

Add the remaining water and milk, mix:

After melting the butter in the microwave or in a water bath, cooling it down:

add here:

Pour sugar and salt, drive in one egg and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour all the resulting mass into the already swollen yeast.

Having mixed everything well again, we begin to gradually add flour and knead the dough.

In the end, you should get a dense dough, which at the same time should remain soft and not stick to your hands.

We put the dough in a warm place and wait until its volume doubles. It took me about 40 minutes.
During this time, we will prepare the form for weaving. We take heat-resistant dishes, for example, a glass bowl made of refractory glass or, as I did, a small cauldron, wrap it with foil or parchment paper. But it is much more convenient and better to do it with foil.

Now we place the container on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. When creating this entire structure, it is important to take into account that after placing the dishes on a baking sheet to the edge, there should be some space (2-3 centimeters), since our basket will increase in size during baking.

We knead it again and, twisting it into a roller, divide it into two parts - one larger for the base of the basket, and the other slightly smaller for decorating the edge and weaving the handle.

Armed with a rolling pin, we begin to roll out most of it to a thickness of 0.5-0.8 centimeters.

Now we cut all the dough into strips about 1.5 centimeters wide:

Now, carefully, we lay out the strips on the form, dividing it, thereby into conditional slices (as shown in the photo):

So that the bottom of our basket does not crumble during weaving, as well as to give it a flatness and stability to the basket, we put a bowl on top, preferably heavy, and you can pour water into it:

Now, with the rest of the strips, we begin weaving in a circle:

We pass the transverse strips, alternating under and above the longitudinal ones, circle by circle:

We tighten each edge of the strip so that the joint is hidden under the longitudinal strip:

The last circle should lie directly on the baking sheet. We carefully cut off the excess edges of the longitudinal stripes with a knife:

Now, after beating the second egg first, using a silicone brush:

we carefully grease our entire basket with it, paying special attention to the joints so that the color of the basket turns out to be uniform:

We send the basket to the preheated oven, where we bake it until a beautiful ruddy color at a temperature of 180 degrees.
Immediately, when you take the basket out of the oven, do not remove it from the mold, and while it is still warm, press the bottom with the same heavy bowl of water as you did at the very beginning, so that the bottom is flat and the basket is stable.

The basket is very easy to remove from the foil and from the inside looks like this:

Now we need to shape its edges and make a handle.
Edge first. To do this, we put, again on a baking sheet, covered with parchment paper, the same form on which the basket was baked and outline it with a simple pencil, defining the boundaries:

After that we grease the paper a little with vegetable or butter.
Roll out the second part of the dough again, trying to length, and in the same way as we did with the first part, cut it into strips. They should turn out to be 9 long pieces with the same length and thickness. We fasten three pieces on one edge:

And we begin to braid the braid:

When the braid is braided to the very edge, we fasten the edges in the same way as we did at the beginning.

We spread the braid on a baking sheet, in a semicircle, on the outlined border:

Lubricate with an egg:

In the same way, we do the second braid, laying it out in a semicircle and smearing it with an egg:

We send to the oven and bake at 180 degrees until golden brown.
And the last detail of our basket is its handle. We make the braid a little longer and thinner than the previous two and lay it out, smearing it with an egg

across the form on a strip of foil:

also bake at 180 degrees until golden brown.
All elements of the basket must be cooled completely and allowed to dry out a little so that the basket becomes rigid and does not wrinkle.
We assemble all the parts using toothpicks:

Now we need to take care of what to fill our basket with. I decided to do it with buns, cones and flowers. To do this, I kneaded the dough, as I already wrote in my previous recipe. And I divide it into two parts - for the cones and flowers.
I will not repeat how I did the bumps again, you can find out by going to.
I will dwell on flowers. I roll out the second part of the dough to a thickness of 0.5-0.8 centimeters:

I cut out circles from it with the help of a mug and a glass, based on one flower, two large circles and one small one.

We put large circles on top of each other:

I make four cuts, dividing the circle into sections:

Now I cut each section into two more:

I unfold each of the resulting petals as follows:

I also cut a small circle into 4 sections and glue their edges:

Now I put a small flower on a large one, and insert a dough ball into the middle.

I spread it out on a baking sheet covered with parchment and grease it with an egg.

I bake like cones, until golden brown.
That's all, to complete the gift, I fill the basket with cones and flowers:

And I pack it in a gift box. Everything! The gift is ready.

I was very worried whether my nephew would like such a surprise or not, but all doubts were immediately dispelled this morning. Happiness in the eyes of a child - what else could be better?

I hope my recipe will be useful to you and help to make your family happy too!)

Bon Appetit!

Cooking time: PT03H00M 3 h.

I baked a festive basket of yeast dough. You can put anything you want in such an edible basket for a holiday: sweets, Easter eggs.

The dough for baking was kneaded by my bread maker, the food should be at room temperature, and the milk should be warm.
for the test

  • dry yeast 2 tsp
  • wheat flour 500 g
  • sea ​​salt 2 tsp
  • sugar 3 tbsp. spoons
  • chicken eggs 2 pcs.
  • vegetable-creamy mixture 45 g
  • milk 220 ml


  • chicken eggs
  • butter

Makes 2 servings

- Put all the ingredients for the dough in the bread pan in the order indicated for a particular model, my order is the same as listed in the recipe:
1. Dry yeast

2.Next flour

3. Salt, sugar

4. Beat eggs lightly

5. Add milk

6. Cut the vegetable-cream mixture into small pieces

7. Add to the bread maker

Place the bread pan in the bread maker, set the dough program (I have 13) and turn on the device.
My dough was ready in 2 hours. 20 minutes. The dough according to this recipe turns out to be elastic, is provided for weaving, it does not stick to the hands and it is a pleasure to work with it.
You need to prepare a work surface, two refractory bowls with a diameter of 18-20 cm, foil, baking paper, a pizza knife (or regular), toothpicks.
Divide the finished dough into two parts, each comes out of a basket.
On baking paper, use a pencil to draw a circle around the bowl that you will use to form the basket. Next, wrap the bowls in foil

Roll out the dough into a rectangle about half a centimeter thick and cut into equal strips (1-1.5 cm) with a knife

From the resulting strips, you need to weave a basket: first, lay out the strips of dough with such rays as in the photo

press the dough on top, I did it using a small ceramic mold

continue to do horizontal weaving in a circle

cut the remaining dough in a circle, transfer the basket to a greased baking dish, grease the dough with a beaten egg

In addition, from strips of dough, make flagella and weave pigtails: one long braid - for the edge of the basket, as long as the circle drawn on paper, and one smaller one - for the handle of the basket, which we will bake by laying out on a bowl wrapped in foil. Also brush the braids with a beaten egg before baking.

Bake at 180 degrees for about 12-15 minutes.
You need to put a load on the baked basket for a few minutes, I have a ladle of water

Then, when the dough cools down, carefully remove the bowl, foil

use toothpicks to attach the braid to the edge of the basket

Edible dough basket. Photo

We offer you to bake a wicker basket made of yeast dough for Easter eggs or sweets by Easter.

To prepare a wicker basket you will need:

2.5-3 gr. fresh yeast;

0.5 cups of warm water;

0.5 cups of milk;

1 egg;

0.25 cups of sugar;

0.25 tsp salt;

0.25 cups vegetable oil;

3-4 cups flour;

1 egg for greasing the dough.

Wicker basket made of yeast dough step by step:

Mix milk with water, 2 tbsp. with spoons of this mixture, you need to pour the yeast and leave for a few minutes. Then add the egg, the rest of the water with milk, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, mix everything well. Then gradually add flour, about half a cup, to make the dough soft and elastic. Let the dough stand until it has increased in volume (doubled). The finished dough must be divided into parts and rolled into rollers.

Use heat-resistant glassware for braiding, which must be wrapped in foil. Roll out the dough and cut it into strips (1.5 mm thick). Turn the bowl over and start braiding with strips of dough.

After the basket is fully formed, grease its surface with yolk and bake in the oven preheated to 180-190. Determine the baking time yourself - it is important that the basket acquires a golden hue. Let cool.

Form the edge of the basket in the form of a pigtail, as well as its handle. Place the braid on a cup in the center, brush with yolk and bake.