Culture for Mycoplasma hominis. Description of tests taken for mycoplasma hominis, genitalium (smear, culture, blood, PCR). Should partners have the same results?

After a doctor prescribes an examination such as culture for mycoplasma (often simultaneously with ureaplasma), patients wonder how to take this test. The biomaterial under study is taken from the affected area.

Among women– from the cervical canal, posterior vaginal fornix, urethra.

In men– from the anterior part of the urethra at a depth of approximately 1-3 cm, sometimes after massage of the prostate.

The collection is made using sterile swabs or special instruments.

  • take a test before menstruation or a couple of days after its completion
  • on the day of the examination, do not douche or wash your face
  • abstain from sexual intercourse several hours before taking the sample

Both men and women should:

  • refrain from urinating 3-4 hours before taking the sample

  • stop treatment procedures and medications one week before

The resulting material is applied to a special nutrient medium and placed in a thermostat. It maintains conditions favorable for the growth of mycoplasma.

After a certain time, the nutrient medium is examined for color, density, shape, and size of the formed colonies of microorganisms. The interpretation of the results is determined by the qualifications of the researcher and the correctness of the technique.

In our paid dermatovenerological dispensary, such procedures are carried out only by highly qualified specialists using the most modern techniques.

Quantitative assessment in the simplest case is carried out by the degree of growth, by the number of colonies from grades I to IV. The fact that the inflammatory process is caused by this particular microorganism is evidenced by degrees III and IV.

Tank inoculation for mycoplasma and ureaplasma

Tank seeding for mycoplasma and ureaplasma is carried out by collecting biomaterial from the urethra, vagina or cervix. Bacteria are placed in a nutrient medium, where their numbers are examined. During the analysis for mycoplasma and ureaplasma, a quantitative indicator of microorganisms is necessary to decipher the result. The analysis also determines whether the inflammatory process is caused by other infections.

Culture for mycoplasma hominis

Mycoplasma hominis is pathogenic infection. This means that a small amount of it is present in the body healthy person. Culture for mycoplasma hominis allows you to determine whether the quantitative indicators of infection have gone beyond the acceptable limits, and whether it is possible to diagnose the presence of mycoplasmosis in a patient.

Important! Mycoplasma genitalium infection is not detected by culture.

Other methods of studying infections can reveal it.

Preparation for culture for mycoplasma and ureaplasma

Proper preparation for analysis involves obtaining more reliable result. It is recommended for men and women:

  • Refrain from sexual intercourse 2-3 days before the test;
  • When taking antibiotics, wait a month and only then get tested for infections;
  • Do not use antifungal or antibacterial ointments, suppositories, gels;
  • Eat properly;
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol;
  • Avoid stressful situations;
  • On the day of the test, wash your face warm water no soap;
  • Avoid urination 2-3 hours before collecting biomaterial.

Testing for mycoplasma: how much is done

The readiness of culture results for mycoplasma and ureaplasma depends on the availability modern technologies in the clinic laboratory. If the laboratory is very busy, the analysis result will be ready in a few days. On average, the result of a culture test for mycoplasma and ureaplasma will be ready within 1-2 days. If the sensitivity of the infection to antibiotics is tested, the result will be ready in 5-7 days.

In our medical center you can get PCR results for mycoplasma on the same day of your visit.

Attention! Detection of infection in a seed tank requires a minimum of 3 days for the biomaterial to remain in a nutrient medium.

Sowing for mycoplasma: deciphering the analysis

Correct interpretation of the analysis allows you to assign effective treatment. The decoding is carried out by the attending physician.

If mycoplasma is not detected in the culture, it is absent in the human body this infection. If the test result is positive, the infection is present and treatment is necessary.

Quantitative indicator:

  • Less than 10^4 CFU – the result is negative;
  • Exceeds 10^4 CFU – the result is positive.

If the patient has undergone a comprehensive analysis - mycoplasma + ureaplasma, it is necessary to study the quantitative indicator of ureaplasma in the body. It should not exceed 10^4 CFU.

What to do if your culture is positive for mycoplasma

Attention! A positive test result is not a diagnosis. More detailed research needed

Often, the doctor examines the patient to identify local signs inflammation. If necessary, it can be prescribed additional examination. Only after a comprehensive diagnosis is a verdict about the presence of the disease made.

Culture for mycoplasma: control analysis

Repeated analysis for mycoplasma allows you to determine how effective the treatment was. If no microorganisms are found in the culture, the patient is healthy. If the test for mycoplasma is positive, it is necessary to review and change the treatment regimen.

To ensure that the analysis does not give a false result, it is necessary:

  • Re-test a month after taking antibiotics;
  • Follow all doctor's recommendations;
  • Take medications for as long as prescribed by your doctor.

Only the right approach to treatment can guarantee the reliability of the control analysis.

Culture for mycoplasma: which doctor takes the test

The collection of biomaterial to determine mycoplasma in the body can be carried out by:

  • Gynecologist;
  • Urologist;
  • Venereologist.

Culture for mycoplasma: where to test

Culture analysis for mycoplasma is practically not done in city clinics. If you have made an appointment with a gynecologist at a city hospital, if you suspect that you have mycoplasma, he will refer you to a private clinic for tests. This is due to the fact that not all municipal clinics collect cultures for mycoplasma.

You can test for mycoplasma at paid clinic. Usually the attending physician will recommend one or another private center.

If you are searching for a clinic on your own:

  • Contact a trusted doctor;
  • Read reviews about the clinic and doctors;
  • Pay attention to the qualifications of the gynecologist and venereologist.

Sowing for mycoplasma: price

It is important to understand that a high price does not guarantee the correct diagnosis of the disease and the prescription of effective treatment.

On average in Moscow, collection of biomaterial for one infection costs from 500 rubles. Appointment with a gynecologist or venereologist - from 1,500 rubles. Testing the sensitivity of infections to antibiotics – from 2000 rubles.

In our skin and venereal disease clinic, a doctor’s appointment costs 900 rubles. Analysis for the presence of one STI – 300 rubles. Culture test for mycoplasma and ureaplasma + determination of sensitivity to antibiotics – 1500 rubles.

If you need to take a culture test for mycoplasma, contact the author of this article - a venereologist, a urologist in Moscow with 15 years of experience.

Culture for ureaplasma and mycoplasma is a microbiological study through which it is possible to identify the causative agent of the disease and select effective antibacterial drugs. The material is collected from the patient under sterile conditions by a specialist, which prevents the entry of foreign microflora. The analysis allows the doctor to be confident in the correctness of the prescribed treatment tactics and is an integral part of preparation for surgical intervention on the pelvic organs and before IVF.

Indications for use

The decision about whether it is necessary to take a culture test for ureaplasma and mycoplasma is made by the doctor based on his observations of the patient and the indicators of other laboratory research and existing symptoms.

Analysis is mandatory in the following conditions:

  • inflammation of the pelvic organs in women (tubal infertility, endometritis, cervicitis, vaginitis, salpingitis);
  • frequent urination(acute urethral syndrome);
  • chronic genitourinary infections in persons of both sexes, especially if studies have shown the absence of trichomonas, chlamydia and gonococci;
  • frequent spontaneous abortion and miscarriage;
  • to control the therapy;
  • before in vitro fertilization;
  • when a couple is planning a pregnancy;
  • as preparation for surgery in the pelvic area;
  • in the presence of sexual inflammatory diseases in men (inflammation of the epididymis, urethritis, prostatitis);
  • when sperm quality deteriorates.

Neglecting examination of couples preparing to conceive a child is frivolous, since there is a high probability of infection of the child during childbirth or during intrauterine development. Pneumonia caused by ureaplasmosis or mycoplasmosis, meningitis and bronchopulmonary dysplasia are especially dangerous at this age, since they pose a threat to the life of the newborn. The most severe complication caused by these pathogens in infants is sepsis.

Bacteriological examination is carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after the end of treatment.

Advantages of the method

The method of inoculating biological material has become widespread along with PCR (polymerase chain reaction), due to the high accuracy of research results.

PCR diagnostics allows you to evaluate with 99% accuracy the causative agent of the disease, including the most dangerous one - Mycoplasma genitalium (mycoplasma genitalium). However, not all laboratories are equipped with equipment that allows quantitative assessment of the pathogen DNA content in the test material. Therefore, in most cases, research results contain only information about the pathogen.

The bacteriological culture method for identifying ureaplasma and mycoplasma has a number of advantages:

  1. The number of pathogen microorganisms per unit volume of material is determined. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to give an objective assessment of the infectious process and prescribe the correct treatment.
  2. The sensitivity of identified microorganisms to antibiotics is determined and suitable drugs are selected.

Examination of patients using the bacteriological method shows less accuracy than PCR analysis, however, the possibility quantification and accurate selection medicines more than compensate for this shortcoming.

Preparation stage

A man and a woman must approach the test responsibly and comply with certain requirements in order to avoid receiving unreliable results.

Preparation for the study is as follows:

  • abstain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days;
  • do not take antibacterial drugs for a week;
  • do not urinate 2-3 hours before handing over the material;
  • women should not douche the day before antiseptic solutions and do not use vaginal creams and suppositories;
  • do not wash yourself on the day of the test;
  • Women are recommended to be examined after the end of menstruation.

In some cases, sperm is used as material for sowing, which is collected under sterile conditions. Pregnant women are allowed for analysis; there are no contraindications to the procedure for collecting material in this category of patients.

How is it carried out?

The collection of material from men is carried out as follows:

  • a sterile probe or tampon is inserted into the urethra to a depth of no more than 3 cm;
  • with the inserted instrument, several translational movements are carried out to scrape the mucous membrane of the urethra;
  • the probe is removed and the resulting material is placed in a nutrient medium.

After removing the instrument from the urethra, the man may feel discomfort, which soon goes away.

In women, material should be taken from 3 places: the cervical canal, urethra and vagina. To do this, a dilator is inserted into the vagina. During the procedure, a woman may experience discomfort if the mucous membranes of her genitals are irritated and inflamed. The entire process of collecting material is quick and does not pose any health risk.

Decoding the results

A negative test result is the norm for patients. The acceptable content of ureaplasma in 1 ml of the test material is 10 to 4 degrees CFU. If the growth of colonies on the nutrient medium exceeds this value, but there is no inflammatory process, then the person is a carrier of mycoplasmosis. If the established norm is exceeded and inflammation is present, the pathogen is considered established.

You should not decipher the results of the analysis yourself, since the final diagnosis is not made on the basis of only one study. To confirm you need to carry out comprehensive examination, and repeat the sowing itself 3 times.

The analysis period is up to 5 working days, and when determining sensitivity to antibacterial drugs The analysis time may take 14 days. During the study, the pathogen is tested for sensitivity to 12 antibiotics.

As additional tests It is recommended to take ELISA and PCR. Price bacteriological research on average is 1500-2500 rubles. The price in a particular laboratory may differ from the indicated figures. Considering the importance of the information obtained as a result of bacteriological culture, it can be recommended to all patients with symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases and for preventive purposes when planning pregnancy.

Genital mycoplasma and Mycoplasma hominis are the most common causative agents of mycoplasmosis in humans. Mycoplasma hominis is the source of diseases such as gardnerellosis,. In women, it can provoke inflammatory damage to the uterus along with the appendages. In turn, genital mycoplasma is a source of inflammation urethra in women and men, that is - .

Incubation period after infection with mycoplasma can range from 2-3 days to 4-5 weeks. Most often, pathogenic microorganisms are transmitted sexually; the household route is also possible, but less likely.

Various studies have proven that 55-60% of people who have diseases of the urethra have mycoplasmosis, and in 11-14% of people the disease occurs without visible symptoms, but exacerbation is possible in case of decreased immunity, as well as against the background of stress, during carrying a child.

Mycoplasma is diagnosed late if it occurs without symptoms, which in turn leads to consequences such as chronic inflammation uterine appendages, Bladder, prostate gland in men.

Mycoplasma symptoms

As a rule, with mycoplasmosis severe symptoms not visible. Often this disease occurs completely unnoticed by a person. That is why mycoplasma is detected already at later development when the body does not receive adequate treatment for a long time.

The average length of time from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of mycoplasma is 3 weeks, but fluctuations from 3 days to a couple of months are acceptable.

In case of weakened immunity, weakening of the body's protective functions, stress, hypothermia, or in combination with other pathogenic microorganisms, mycoplasma can be activated and the disease mycoplasmosis with its characteristic symptoms will appear.

In women, mycoplasma affects the urethra, small and large vestibular glands, vagina, ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. Among the symptoms of the presence of mycoplasma in women are abundant or scanty transparent discharge from the vagina, itching and discomfort in the urethra, pain and burning sensation during urination or sexual intercourse.

In men, the symptoms of mycoplasmosis are scanty transparent discharge from the urethra after a night's sleep, nagging pain in the groin area, moderate discomfort and burning sensation when urinating. If the prostate gland has been affected, signs of prostatitis appear. Mycoplasma can also affect the epididymis, then it increases in size and a vague nagging pain occurs in the groin and scrotum.

An extremely advanced stage of mycoplasma manifests itself cloudy urine with admixtures of pus and frequent urge to urinate, especially at night.

Treatment of mycoplasma in women and men

Treatment of mycoplasma is complex, aimed not only against the bacteria themselves, but also at pathological processes occurring in the body. The main treatment regimen for mycoplasma involves taking drugs that have antibacterial properties.

Mycoplasmas resistant to some antibiotics, they are not affected by:

  • cephalosporins;
  • sulfonamides;
  • penicillins;

That is why such drugs are selected individually and self-medication is unacceptable here. In general, the treatment regimen for mycoplasmosis is drawn up individually, taking into account the diagnosis, the age and gender of the person, the state of his immunity, the neglect of the disease and the characteristics of its course.

Most effective drugs for the treatment of mycoplasma, which makes it possible to achieve extinction clinical manifestations:

  • tetracyclines;
  • macrolides;
  • azalides;
  • cephalosporins;
  • fluoroquinolones.

A number of studies have shown that mycoplasmas are highly sensitive to the above drugs. Therefore, it is preferable to use products from this group.

If other microorganisms are found along with mycoplasma, additional therapy is prescribed. Your doctor will tell you how best to treat mycoplasmas after examination and diagnosis. If necessary, he will prescribe additional treatment - urethral instillations, physiotherapy, immunotherapy, etc.

In case of complicated or chronic form Longer treatment is required, and in some cases, combination antibiotic therapy. An important condition for a positive outcome is the simultaneous treatment of both partners. Otherwise, there is a high chance of re-infection. At the end of the course of treatment, the patient undergoes a series of final tests. The prognosis for recovery is favorable: positive treatment results can be achieved in 96% of cases.

How to treat mycoplasma with other methods? Eat alternative wayhomeopathic medicines. However, such therapy requires much more time and effort than treatment using antibacterial agents. Only qualified professionals undertake this method.

Culture for mycoplasma

Mycoplasmosis is quite difficult to diagnose due to the absence of symptoms characteristic only of this disease, and the mycoplasmas themselves are so tiny that they cannot be detected by microscopy. That is why diagnostics of this disease may cause a number of difficulties.

The most effective methods for diagnosing mycoplasmosis include:

  1. PCR to detect the presence of mycoplasma DNA;
  2. Inoculation of bacterial flora on IST medium;
  3. Culture of vaginal or urethral discharge to determine sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

It is advisable to take tests to determine mycoplasma no earlier than 2 weeks after the possible time of infection. If the result is positive, the patient’s sexual partner must be examined by a specialist who will tell you how to treat mycoplasia in women or men.

In the human body there can be several types of mycoplasmas that cause various diseases: from pneumonia (respiratory types) to urethritis, prostatitis and other infections genitourinary system(they are caused by urogenital mycoplasmas) men and women.

Today, urogenital mycoplasmosis is considered one of the leading sexually transmitted diseases. Researchers claim that carriage of this microorganism ranges from 10 to 50%. At the same time, mycoplasma genitalium is more often detected in men, and mycoplasma hominis in women.

Except various diseases organs of the genitourinary system, these microorganisms can cause infertility, miscarriage and even stillbirth. That is why the diagnosis of mycoplasmosis is a very important issue today.

To identify mycoplasma today, the most common laboratory methods are:

  • microbiological culture (bacteria culture, cultural method or bacteriological method) for mycoplasma;
  • PCR diagnostics;
  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

The microscopic method of examining a smear is impossible, since the bacteria are poorly stained and are very small in size.

Let us consider in detail all types of tests for mycoplasma in the human body.

Bakposev (cultural method)

In order to conduct a microbiological analysis for bacteria of the genus Mycoplasma, the biomaterial is inoculated on liquid or solid nutrient media. A smear for this study is taken from the cervix, urethra and vagina. It is then placed in a liquid transport medium for delivery to the laboratory.

It should be noted that a smear for such a study cannot be taken during menstruation, as this may lead to a false positive result.

An important advantage of bacterial sowing is that the method allows quantitative analysis, i.e. determine the number of mycoplasmas in the human body. Thus, it is believed that an indicator of up to 10 to the 4th power is a carrier state, i.e. mycoplasmas can be present in the body in such quantities and not cause clinical manifestations. In this case, antibiotic therapy is not needed.

The number of bacteria exceeding this indicator gives the doctor a basis for assuming the etiological role of these bacteria and indicates the need for treatment with antibiotics.

Microbiological culture for mycoplasma also makes it possible to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to various antibiotics, which makes it possible to choose the right treatment strategy. This issue is considered important, since there are bacteria with multiple resistance to antibiotics.

However, it should be remembered that the disadvantage of this method is that it is not 100% reliable, since under the influence of certain factors (for example, the use of antibiotics), mycoplasmas do not grow on nutrient media, which can cause a negative result.

It is also believed that not all types of these bacteria are determined using bacteriological culture: only M. hominis is detected, and, for example, Mycoplasma genitalium cannot be cultivated on nutrient media.

PCR diagnostics

The method is more reliable than bacterial culture, as it allows identifying the pathogen in 99% of cases. It is this technique that makes it possible to determine whether a person has the most dangerous of all types of mycoplasmas - mycoplasma genitalium. In order to diagnose mycoplasmosis using polymerase chain reaction(PCR), the following types of biomaterial can be used:

  • scraping or smear from the mucous membrane of the genital organs;
  • scraping from the urethra or cervical canal;
  • vaginal smear foreskin iliocolourethral region;
  • sperm;
  • urine;
  • prostate secret.

This technique is the most adequate in diagnosing mycoplasmosis, as it involves isolating the DNA of the bacterium. That is, if the PCR analysis for Mycoplasma is negative, this means that these microorganisms have not been identified in the body, and the cause possible illness there are other factors.

However, this method It also has its drawbacks. Thus, it does not allow for quantitative calculations, but only indicates the presence of genetic material.

Today there is a so-called real-time PCR diagnostic method, which also allows you to count the number of microorganisms in real time, but such a study cannot be carried out in all laboratories and is very expensive.

Linked immunosorbent assay

The method is based on the detection of antibodies to mycoplasmas, which include different kinds immunoglobulins, for example, IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, IgD. Serological diagnosis of this disease is considered insufficiently accurate, since due to its intracellular location, bacteria cause a weak immune response of the body.

For example, levels of certain antibodies are thought to increase during different periods of the disease. Thus, IgG is actively produced by the body on the 15-20th day from the moment of infection. IgM is detected in small quantities during indolent infection. IgG in small quantities throughout the entire disease, increasing significantly upon re-infection.

This study is today considered not very accurate, and therefore it is recommended to use PCR diagnostics and the culture method. Blood for mycoplasma, or rather blood serum, is used as a biomaterial for research using the enzyme immunoassay method.