I dreamed of a blue color - interpretation from various dream books. Seeing blue in a dream

Dreams are a special world that surrounds humanity throughout for long years. But the main images of dreams are drawn from the objects around us, and therefore the interpretation is strikingly different from those that were given, say, a hundred years ago. But there are such dreams that are filled not with objects, but with flowers. Such dreams are very memorable, it is interesting to know the meaning of such an extraordinary dream, for such cases we turn to the dream book. - what does he mean?

Dream groups

You must always remember that in the world dream is coming continuous communication of the human soul with its past, present and future. It is the dreams of the future that interest us the most. They can be divided, in turn, into those that come true in the first three days and those that come true within two weeks, or long-term dreams.

Morning dreams are very often called empty, they can contain any trifle and any trifle of tomorrow, it is pointless to solve them. Midnight dreams, especially those that occur between two and four in the morning, are particularly valuable information. But do not overload yourself physically and mentally, and it is not recommended to take sleeping pills at night. It is also not allowed to abuse alcohol, otherwise dreams will pour in a stream that no interpreter of dreams will understand.

Details of your dreams

So, do you remember the dream in which you saw Blue colour. We are looking for an interpretation of such a dream in a dream book: blue in a dream, what does it mean ... Before turning to the interpretation of the dream itself, you need to remember what emotions you experienced. It is well known that each spectrum refers to a certain element, sphere of activity, even belonging to one or another organ of the human body. The blue color is magical, but it evokes dual feelings: on the one hand, it is a kind of sadness, and on the other, it is peace and tranquility.

The meaning of blue

If we start from the dream book: the whole dream was painted in blue, then this means that in reality you do not experience vivid emotions, blue is considered to be the color of women, therefore, you need to pay attention to the development of your femininity. Something is missing in your life, you need more peace, less vivid emotions, anger, anger. That is, the principle of mirror reflection often works in dreams, being able to understand it correctly, you can solve some issues in life.

blue flower

For example, if in a dream you see yourself in blue clothes. This indicates that in life you are full of aggression, often think negatively, perceive everything around you as hostile. Sleeping in blue can show you that you need to calm down, resolve issues wisely, with prudence and gentleness. For example, blue flowers are interpreted as follows: in addition to the color of the flower itself, it is necessary to determine which flower you saw in a dream. If, for example, it was blue violets, then very soon you will meet your love. If it was cornflowers, then a spiritual rebirth awaits you. In turn, irises mean that such a dream indicates to you increased carelessness, and you prefer a comfortable and frivolous life. But the blue buttercups you saw in a dream can warn against betrayal and deceit. It is also very important to remember what actions happened to you in a dream. Either you tore flowers, dropped them, gave them, put them in a vase. Each action changes the interpretation of the dream itself. So, for example, dropping a flower - to a quarrel, if you managed to quickly pick it up - then a quarrel can be avoided. Pick dry flowers - to loss, pick petals - make yourself unhappy. Sometimes, according to the dream book, a bright blue color can mean some kind of intrigue going on around you. It is important to consider and remember all the details of the dream. If you dreamed blue flower was beautiful, blooming, you sniffed it, plucked it in such a blooming form, then this always promises well-being, happiness and peace, it can also mean the appearance in your life new love, in any of these cases everything will be fine. The meaning of such images is unchanged and will remain so for many hundreds of years.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

If the blue flower was wilted, dry and broken, then be careful, in reality you may face troubles, quarrels, even illnesses of people close to you.

Today there are many colors , each of which interprets differently, but the semantic meanings are close to each other. so there is usually no uncertainty in this case.

So, for example, Miller's dream book, which today is one of the most common and in demand, believes that blue, and not only blue, but any other color, does not have special semantic meanings. But according to the dream book of Denise Lynn, who is today one of the most famous psychotherapists and researchers, self-development trainers, the blue color promises only one blessing to a dreamer: love, faith, understanding, tolerance, sensuality, wisdom, nobility. In any of these cases, one should not forget how important the detailing of the dream is, the actions performed during this process are also important. All this together should add up to one big picture, which will become clear to you as a whole. Also, according to the interpretation of Denise Lynn's dream book, things such as self-isolation, depression, passivity, self-rejection, at the same time getting rid of self-pity, occur in your life.


In any case, the work done to collect information in dream books was the result of painstaking and many years of research by the authors. Just imagine: hundreds of interviewed people, thousands of dreams that had to be studied, and not just studied, but able to connect with everyday collisions. Do not forget how important details, clarifications, even the times in which you live are important. Such knowledge will help to avoid many disappointments that our contemporary may encounter when turning to previously published dream books for help. But in this case we are talking about a dream in which the dreamer saw a blue flower. Such images are durable, inherent general type human civilization and belong to the so-called collective unconscious. Such images, for a better understanding, include flight, meat, flowers, wedding, bread.

Collection of dream books

Why does Blue dream in a dream according to 7 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the Blue symbol from 7 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

American dream book

Blue - inspires love, wisdom, nobility, faith, understanding, impartiality, kindness, compassion, tolerance and the ability to forgive, sensitivity and the ability to contemplate. Relieves Self-pity, fear, self-rejection, separation, isolation, unrest, depression, passivity, anxiety, coldness, alienation.

Imperial dream book

Seeing blue in a dream and experiencing peace- means to realize your daily anger (whether it was legitimate or not) and the manifestation of your strength (there was a forceful solution to the situation, not necessarily physically). To recognize anger even with self-condemnation (the dreamer thinks that it was possible to act softer for others) means to recognize the strength of the liver organ to recognize the strength of one's spirit. The result will be relaxation and success in relationships and affairs.

Suffer in a dream from blue- unbalanced by reality (there is no external object) anger generated by internal fear (the kidneys are a source of fear), here is weakness and dependence on one's internal and external emotions.

Discomfort from blue in a dream- suppression of anger by anger at oneself (internal endless battle). The rejection of one's fear and the desire not to realize it, but to suppress it in any way, results in trouble, miscalculations in business and conflicts with others. From a medical point of view, such a dream means kidneys devastated by fear (no energy disease), which entails further fears and anger. Need a doctor's advice.

Small Velesov dream book

Blue - mystery, faith, top, letter. Moreover, sorcery, reflection, trials, expectation, trade.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Blue-green - liberation. Freedom of the sea or union of oppositions: affect and intuition.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

Rays of blue or blue things, a landscape in blue tones- all this marks trouble, warns of imminent danger in any of the spheres of life.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Blue according to the dream book?

Blue - threat, warning, danger.

Blue is the color of magic. Some interpreters believe that blue-colored dreams promise only big trouble.

Blue color - symbolizes the feminine, fidelity, balance, meekness, eternity, harmony and peace. It is also constancy, perseverance, perseverance, devotion, dedication, seriousness and rigor.

Video: Why is Blue dreaming

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I dreamed of Blue, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

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    Good afternoon Tatyana. 02/06/2014 i had a dream in which there was a man with lilac-violet skin (he was not opposed to me, but rather represented my interests). What does this mean? Help me please.

    Hello! I had a dream feast! The day before, I broke up with my loved one, I left him, and was left completely without money, without work, without help. He dreams that before the feast he calls me and asks .. - if I have meat or good food? Judging by the conversation, I realized that he had picked up a pooch and needed to feed her .. But, I reacted with resentment, with a dissolved voice .. How can you ask? You left me without money, without everything .. I even yelled at him and hung up. And I immediately realized that I needed to talk to him calmly .. And then I see myself at a large table, I was surrounded by relatives .. They saw what condition I was in, and they say that they would give me mushrooms in a small solo jar, they went to the cellar, but they found only one jar and put it on the table on plates, then they began to take out all the little salt that they have and everything was on the table ... There were many varieties. Later we start to eat, I eat pickled mushrooms, after that I start the second plate with various lightly salted and I see a bright blue color, a trial taste and I understand that I like it so much, the music also radiated from the taste, I wanted to photograph this lightly salted, like I look at this plate, everyone flew in and this blue color was hiding somewhere downstairs, I tried to find it, but I didn’t find it, or maybe I found it, but it wasn’t the same. Later, my relative pours juice into my glass, as she says that it is very tasty and intoxicating, of course I realized that it was wine. We all raised our glasses and drank. I am getting up. What does this dream mean? Please help me figure it out!!!

    This is part of the whole dream, but it turned out that I was walking along the alley with a relative and this whole alley was covered in blue petals ... I started taking pictures, and the cold tones began to turn into warm ones ... then, after a series of events, I had an accident but did not suffer ... why am I I was driving a car .... how it turned out later that it was my car, but I don’t have a license or a car ....!

    Hello. Today I dreamed of a bright blue color in the form of a ball. The ball grew, pulsated, and then began to slowly subside and fell into darkness, but then returned and I felt mysteriousness and beauty and ... even a couple ... I don’t know how to say it was like ... but it was nice to see, feel.
    Maybe it's to the awareness of one's own self? Or just a sign of what? Explain to me, please. Thank you very much for this.
    P.s. if I still dream of something, then these are fountains, flights and various creative urges, for example, to draw something or something else (in other words, I come up with an idea, develop it), and hear different voices of relatives and your own too. Hope I'm not crazy

    I walk on stones (like on a mountain slope) and next to right side the tree is a young birch, i.e. leaves like a birch. everything is painted with oil blue wall paint. it looks like a corridor. then I get into a room with other people. there are also stones, we climb them. then someone accidentally summoned a spirit and he wants to capture us, I go out into the bright corridor, I see a white door. the evil genie is still raging in the room, but I'm not afraid anymore, although some people could not escape. the white door closes, I feel safe.

    Hello! I very rarely dream, but this morning I had a strange dream: A small pool is filled with blue-blue water. I climbed into the water in my nightgown, although I didn’t want to. And many people went for a swim. Then for some reason I was naked and continued to swim.

    My ex-husband, who died a long time ago, brought me to a certain house, where a woman is in charge - she heals the souls of people. She has a lot different people. It's like an ashram. Then he left. Like he left me. I'm in the room, I feel bad, I look at myself in the mirror, my face is blue, as if my soul is suffering, and I'm trying to squeeze out three blackheads on my nose. But farts don't listen. I go to the guys and ask for tools to squeeze out these blackheads and sow that my hands do not obey. The guys also look knowingly what pins me when I come here.
    I have fear and rejection that my husband left me, left me, and he left. But I understand that this state will pass. You just have to wait.
    Before that, I dreamed that I was doing all sorts of pirouettes with my feet in a dream - splits, swallows. And friends artists came and asked me to give them some kind of picture that I drew. Yasaka is an artist.

    I dreamed that I was painting my room sky blue, and a person was helping me next to me, his name was Pasha, whom I know in life and we communicate a little. Having painted the room, I want to paint two seagulls on one wall with white paint. Then I ask Pasha to take a picture of me near the wall. And when I look at the picture, I have a noble red hair color. When I woke up, I wanted to paint in this color. What does this dream mean?

    Tatyana, good afternoon! Two days before bedtime, my personal fitness trainer didn't show up for a workout and disappeared. Doesn't respond to messages.
    In a dream, I went into a perfume store, saw him surrounded by girls. He stood with his back to me. I experienced an unpleasant feeling and went with the sales assistant to the window to choose perfumes. Everyone was dressed in acid blue clothes. And the coach too. The picture was very bright and saturated. That's the whole dream. Thank you in advance!

The interpretation of blue is very multifaceted and depends on the shades that prevail in the dreamer's dream. The lighter they are, the more favorable dreams. The most positive in this regard is the symbolism of blue water and blue sky, the heavenly hue indicates sublimity. But at the same time, dark shades in other manifestations can speak of a depressed depressed state or depression, about unpredictable actions that will damage your reputation. Saturated blue is a sign of loyalty to an idea or a person. Basically, this color characterizes the following qualities:

  • devotion;
  • dedication;
  • persistence;
  • harmony;
  • seriousness;
  • forgiveness;
  • compassion;
  • contemplation;
  • equilibrium.

The dreaming blue color inspires kindness, faith, understanding and symbolizes self-confidence and calmness. Just such a state is possessed by a person who sees himself in a dream in blue clothes. If someone else dreamed in such clothes, do not trust him and do not count on his closeness. It is possible that such people will start to suppress you. If we turn to esotericism, then this color, being a symbol of magic and fraught with a lot of the unknown, is also associated with wisdom and spirituality. In a certain combination with some objects, the blue color can signal an impending threat or danger. And for people experiencing the vicissitudes of fate, this color can become a healer and help get rid of the following problems:

  • self-pity;
  • alienation from others;
  • states of depression;
  • fear;
  • unrest;
  • self-acceptance;
  • passivity;
  • coldness;
  • anxiety.

If a man dressed in a blue outfit is present in the dream of the newlyweds, this is clear evidence of the birth of a boy.

What does blue mean according to Tsvetkov's dream book

In many cases, feelings and emotions are associated with the dominance of any one color. Interpretation of the dominance of blue in some manifestations:

  • the predominance of light shades speaks of impending big troubles;
  • interior in similar colors: there may be problems in the family due to some temptations, disruption of plans due to the lack of like-minded people or insufficient study;
  • to see clothes with light colors on yourself will lead to a deterioration in health and psychological state;
  • bright colors are a good sign of future achievements and success.

What does blue mean according to Hasse's dream book

Hasse believed that the predominance of light tones of blue in a dream, regardless of the manifestation and objects of combination, signal significant troubles in all areas of life. This makes it possible to reconsider many aspects of life and change some situations.

What does blue mean according to Loff's dream book

Loff believed that the blue color reflects a peaceful state of peace of mind, speaks of the nobility and higher qualities of the dreamer, positive situations in his life and correct perception peace.

The blue color, like a pre-stormy sky, is a sign of danger and sadness. It is the color of witches and sorcerers. Seeing everything in blue is a nuisance, or a warning of imminent danger. It also shows anxiety, anxiety. May mean an obstacle in business. But not everything is so clear.

What if the color blue is dreaming?

Blue has many shades. Also great importance has color brilliance. It may approach dark blue (deep blues), or tend towards blue. The blue color can mean both danger (and when dreaming in reality, in blue, one must be wary), and inspire wisdom and nobility. Seeing everything in bright blue color emphasizes kindness and compassion, inspires love and understanding. For those who practice meditation, greater sensitivity and ability to contemplate.

See rich colors blue dreams can mean from the disappearance of depression and fear to the disappearance of passivity and self-loathing. The blue color in a dream can mean the end of self-pity and move to action.

It is very important that the dream is vivid and can be remembered well with all the details. If the dream is faded and is remembered with great difficulty, then you can forget about it. Dreams that mean something in life are very well remembered. When you wake up, write it down.

The blue color must be interpreted based on the context of the dream. But what is the dream of the blue color of things, because they occupy a very large place in life?

If the clothes are dyed blue, then actions will be taken to achieve success. It is very good to see the color closer to blue ( pure water, clear sky) . And the appearance of clothes of this color in a dream speaks of an imminent scandal. But at the same time, to see in a dream a bright women's dress blue color- to the fulfillment of desires.

To see something painted in indigo color means satisfaction and completion of one's affairs. This color has a great influence both on the development of personal traits (intelligence, logic) and on the development of the soul. And if something is painted blue jeans, then you have to wait for a solid profit.

What portends?

Many interpreters of dreams consider the color blue to be troublesome. But we can only say so confidently about the dark blue color. Seeing things or a landscape in dark blue is a warning of danger. But with the blue color, to be calm is the awareness of anger, the recognition of the strength of one's spirit. And, as a result, the improvement of relations and success in business.

It's no secret that a person has an aura, and it happens different color and hue. It is impossible to see the aura without a special photograph or a long training session. But the predominance of any color in a dream indicates a lack of this color in the aura. Blue color is responsible for balance internal state and the will to live. It gives strength and energy. Therefore, blue dreams, as it were, compensate for the lack of this color in the aura.

If in a dream you experience discomfort with blue, this is the suppression of your anger and unwillingness to realize your fear, which can lead to trouble and conflict. And it can also mean a hidden illness and you may need a doctor's advice.

It is always pleasant to see bright and rich colors in a dream. Such dreams are usually well remembered. Pay attention to dreams with a predominance of any color. They suggest a future position in life. And the brighter and lighter the color, the more confident life will be.

We live in a multi-colored reality, therefore it is not surprising that we see color dreams. If a certain color clearly prevails in a dream, the dream book considers such phenomena to be a reflection of emotions and desires. From the interpretations, you can find out what blue and its various shades are dreaming of.

Wardrobe items

What dreams of clothes in rich blue tones will tell you their belonging and purpose. Blue emphasizes courage and masculine character traits.

Women's clothes personify the fulfillment of the plan and work in this direction. Classic blue jeans portend profit.

When you happen to see dark blue leather clothes, the dream book says that you do not intend to put up with fate and are doing everything in your power to change the situation in your favor.


If you dreamed about how you paint the walls in bright blue paint, what you saw in a dream symbolizes completeness and satisfaction with the result. The meaning relates to a variety of life areas: career and personal growth, spiritual development, education.

As you know, there are many shades of blue. Turquoise symbolizes peace, blue serenity and inner freedom, dark indicates fury, deliberately dirty tones mean a tendency to depression.

The blue interior often reflects the real emotional condition sleeping. The symbol speaks of excessive anxiety, which in itself attracts danger and increases the likelihood of all sorts of difficulties.

There is another explanation for why you dream of painting walls. It seems that the dreamer has something to hide from relatives and friends, it is quite possible that for their own good.

Gustav Miller Predictions

If you dreamed of an abundance of blue color, Miller's dream book draws attention to what sensations it causes in the dreamer. If this color scheme does not cause discomfort, the meaning of what you see in a dream is neutral. It is an indicator of harmony and balance.

Miller's dream book warns that an abundance of blue in a dream may indicate a rejection of oneself, a habit of suppressing one's aspirations and feelings. In such cases, what was seen in a dream continues to oppress even after waking up.

Miller's dream book offers another explanation for what indigo colors are dreaming of. Seeing a lot of ultramarine in night dreams happens to those who in reality are filled with warmth, compassion, and understanding.

face and hair

The dream interpretation explains why one dreams when any part of the body stands out for its non-standard color. If you happened to see a bright blue hair color on your head, the appearance in a dream speaks of your jealousy, often groundless.

If you dreamed of blue skin on your face, the image should be regarded as a warning. Someone intends to slander you, and, quite possibly, he will succeed. If you dreamed of someone else's face of such a non-standard color, think about whether you are always tactful with others.