The last favorite of Catherine Great: Why Platon Zubov was called the shadow of his predecessors. Platon of teeth - the last favorite of Empress Ekaterina Great (9 photos) "torment himself over the papers"

Alexander Lanskaya

In historical archives, quite a lot of predators information. In any case, a lot of information about people with strong magnetism, which enjoyed him, enchanting the first state persons and getting their wealth.

Magnetism is not just beauty. Among the magnetic historical persons were beautiful, were not very, there were even ugly sometimes, but the most beautiful were magnetic not only at the expense of beauty. Next to them were always no less beautiful, but less charming and the impact of such not having had.

Magnetism is a particularly strong charm, a resistant charm of a person involving others in its own field.

I will tell about one family of the 18th century, whose charm could be partly in genes, whether it was formed in early adolescence by copying each other, whether it was akin to talent, but at the talent, go to the end, what nature is.

Most of all is aware of the two representatives of this family: about the Zuben Plate, the last favorite of Catherine the second, and his older sister (probably weather) tooth Olga. But the younger brother of teeth, Valerian (for three years younger than Plato), had, apparently, the potential is not much less brother.

Already being in love with Plato so much that the surroundings were shocked by a scope, the Empress met the younger teeth and noticed that he was "poured plastic, but only more beautiful face."

Platon teeth

Valerian teeth

"It's such a cute child," she wrote to Potemkin about Valerian. "It is so often that it cries every time when he is not allowed to go into my bedroom."

Crying when he is not allowed to the bedroom to the Empress. Not bad, isn't it?

Plato was so frightened by the competition of frisky brother, which, while taking even greater love of Catherine, persuaded her to send a nineteen-year-old Valerian away, in the current Army of Potemkin, where he soon received many ranks and awards, then he became a general, fought with Suvorov, and after a few years In Poland, the kernel was wounded in his foot, which he was immediately taken away. The sovereign soused, seeing the beautiful Valerian in a wheelchair, the competition to the eldest brother could not make more. Although after three years he made an excellent prosthesis, but it was after the death of the empress.

Even before Valerian took his leg, he wrote Georg von Gelbig "stained himself unacceptable behavior with Polish wives." As a result of the scandal, because of his connection with his wife, Veroversky and her pregnancy, Valerian was forced to marry her, and she left her husband.

Much more pleasant and comforted the life of Plato.

The teeth were from a poor kind with the Turkic ancestor, thanks to which there were beautiful dark hair and beautiful big eyes ("Blackless" called Catherine Plato, and also "Round out", well, "the boy written", "diet", "child"). Potemkin was shocked by how quickly the passion of Catherine to Platon flashed and how soon it turned into love. And although he hinted in letters, he will soon return to the capital and "grinds his tooth worrying", he could not objectively, he could still not, because Catherine wrote that thanks to the "Milic Child" came to life like a sleepy fly in spring and feels healthy and happy . Is it not the mission of Favorita? (By the way, Potemkin never got to the sick tooth, he soon died).

They said that the acquaintance of the Empress with Plato Klyukov was a planned share of her Freinin, especially by Naryshkina, and his mentor Saltykov, who wanted to reduce the influence of Potemkin and saw the rich potential in the teeth. The Empress worried about the betrayal of the previous favorite, Mamonov, who fell into her Freilin Shcherbatov (with whom she was a little later acquainted and drove him), and a little earlier his expulsion, Freillans reported her for a long time in love with her young beauties, an officer. The sovereign allowed him to accompany her carriage at the head of the squad at the royal village. The teeth drew a stream of Charm to the sovereign, and on the same day he was invited to her for lunch, and then in her rest. Where and dwelt until the end of her days.

All those who described the novel of the Empress in the summer of 1789, believed that this is a boy - an option of passing, too stupid, not educated, tried by the body and soul, but everything was mistaken. Soon he ranked Mamonov's chambers and was appointed an empertritsa outperture. And a few years later, Count Menivers wrote Vorontsov: "Teeth are all here."

Seven years lasted Platon of the teeth in Favorites Catherine and lasted longer if the sovereign did not doubt. During this time, he did not allow anyone to her (even his beloved brother quickly drove away, and others did not let one at all). But the teeth did not roll the scene of jealousy as the previous favorite, Mamonov, he had an amplua of a good boy, with adoration of looking at her hostess. In the descriptions of Plato, Catherine constantly used the words "modest", "dear", "good", "gentle." At the time, the surroundings hated by the torture considered it impudent, greedy and arrogant, the Empress admired the modesty of the Zub. He refused to all gifts, so she wanted more and more often to give him and reward him. The teeth was one of the richest people of the state (after his death, his brother, Dmitry Zubov, got 20 million of his state), and his list of his awards and ranks did not fit on a sheet of paper with small handwriting. He was similar to the New Year tree, braided with ribbons with orders, although he was not in war.

In wars there was his cute brother, Valerian, and many biographers with shame mention the words from the letter of Catherine, where she wrote that Valerian's teeth did in two months what Peter is the first - in two years. Weakness to the brothers tooth made a great mind of the sovereign ... not quite clear and objective.

Against potential rivals, the Tooth Platon always acted with cunning. Aldanov describes how in 1794 the Chevalé de Saks, a handsome, Lovelace and an adventurerist, whom Aldanov compares with Casanova and Caliostro was presented. He liked Catherine, received her protection, and it immediately noticed jealous teeth. He reacted very quickly. (Fast response and effective strategy are possible only in the absence of a crown, otherwise you will not notice the threat). With the earliest opportunity, when Chevalie was glared by the harmless pun, the teeth inspired one young man, Nikolay Shcherbatov, that Sax was fatally insulted him, and pushed him to a fight. Scherbatov climb and obscenely called Saks, he hit him and then Shcherbatov Ochel Saks specially seashed stick. The Empress painted this scene, Chevalier was immediately expelled with a scandal, and Shcherbatov sent to the village for correction.

Later, Sax guessed who the culprit of what had happened, and had long tried to cause a duel to the duel. He insulted him in the letters, published his insults in different magazines, passed through public individuals, tried to hurt the zub, but did not react the teeth. Perhaps even laughed. Already after the death of Catherine, Saksu managed to cut a plato somewhere in Europe and he managed to insult him in public in such a way that the Zubov had reliably agree to the duel. But on the duel of the teeth immediately stumbled upon his palm on Saks's sword and showing all the wound, said that she could not fight now. And retired, not paying attention to the perturbation of those present.

That was Platon of teeth. He is very coherent and did not care about someone else's opinion.

When his brother, Nikolai Tooth his own, killed Paul first among other conspirators, Plato was allegedly present in the same room, but stood, turning to the window and said: "My God, like this man shouts!".

During the reign of Catherine, Derzhavin devoted to him, Kutuzov cooked him some kind of special oriental coffee in the morning and wore to bed (according to Rostopchina's testimony), Suvorov of the teeth met hardly in the underwear, and generally met everyone in negligee, lounging on the couch And playing with his monkey, which everyone was called favorite favorite. Suvorov threatened to take revenge on the tender for disadvantage, but dismissed only by the fact that one day, when Plato appeared to him, quickly undressed and appeared in front of him in underwear.

And about the monkey, the tender should be said particularly. She behaved extremely bold and unfastened and loved to jump along the heads of the courtiers, running off their wigs. But if at first, some were outraged by the behavior of the favorite favorite, then, when the influence of the tender increased, many became specially doing hairstyles higher and attract a monkey to their heads. It was considered a special honor and even a good admission.

Zubzova and the empress tried to quarrel many times, quite deftly wearing intrigue and burning the jealousy of the Empress. But it took place a few days after a quarrel, the empress was put up with teeth, and the jams and the culpes of the quarrel were so severely punished that others were scary to interfere in the relationship of this couple.

When the Empress died, the teeth, naturally, got into opal to her son, but thanks to the charm of the same Plato, they soon returned to themselves everything. Plato was expelled, however, he managed to charm the daughter of the nearest friend Pavel Kuttais, and he asked for him as for the future son-in-law. So the teeth returned to the capital, they got back all their confiscated luxurious property and were able to do well prepare a conspiracy against Paul.

What was the charm of Plato Zudne, except for a wet and shining look and luminous from the inside of the skin? (Which is just an indirect indicator of a very good state of energy)

If you do not take into account the view of the ill-wishers and envious, for which the favorite, understandable thing, was a god, and the empress who survives from the mind of the Nymphomaniac, if with attention and respect, refer to how Ekaterina's second herself described, that's what you can highlight.

1. The incredible spontaneity, which beats the key, from which the torn 60-year-old sovereign immediately "came to life like fly, healthy and having fun" and felt well seven years. They say, even when Plato Garcel on the horse in front of her on her first day of dating, Catherine was fascinated by his energy driving through the edge. "MY RUSSIAN" - was the main nickname of Plato in the first year. However, he was not annoying, he was not annoying, did not tired an elderly empress, but was relevant and comfortable, that is, the empathy of Plato was enough.

2. Childhood in the best sense of the word, that is, the immediacy, unforgettable, ease, unquestion in statements, frivolity and curiosity. The sovereign was disagreering the fact that Plato is stupid, she considered him smart and very capable. He really had a good memory and a passionate desire to grab the study of everything that the empress was talking about. He was devoted to her and hardly only outwardly. That is, she saw in him a very capable and grateful student and called him so "my student of the plate".

3. Plato and outwardly was like a child. He was thin, medium height, quite a muscular, but very compact, with delicate features of the face. Very riddled, always positive and completely restless. From the game, first of all, from a love game, he never tired and always was located to her. "Duralyushka" - called Plato, but it was fond of consciously and very artistic. He loved to entertain himself by allowing paper serpent with Tsarskoil towers.

4. The main thing is that the sovereign notes, praising his favorite Potemkin: "He never changes himself." Apparently, it was about the fact that Plato truly loved himself, his mind and heart were in Ladakh (the king and queen in marriage), he always did the choice in his favor, did not betray himself, did not merge, was pleased and I did not need illusions to like myself, I took myself as it was, I felt comfortable in my body and stayed in a state of a Valya "Narcissical Cat" as Freud described the base for charm.

In the Russian state there were people where, much more significant than the plato of teeth, much greater, ingenious and important personalities. However, he fully deserves attention, since he had an impact on politics, internal and external, exclusively thanks to his charm. Other his abilities and contemporaries and descendants were assessed quite low. But this only proves that charm and in itself is valid.

In continuation, I will tell about Olga tooth, no less interesting predator, the native sister of the brothers of the tooth.

On November 26, 250 years from the birth of Platon Zubova - a man, whose name is unlikely to go to the story, not be His patronage of Ekaterina II herself. When they write about her favorites, the main attention is usually given to Gregory Orlov and Gregory Potemkin - and not surprisingly, because they played a prominent role not only in the personal life of the sovereign, but also in the socio-political life of the country. What can not be said about Platon Zubne - he was called a pale shadow of the predecessors. But the Empress itself, the last favorite of which was younger than it for 38 years, did not think so ...

F. Rockots. Portrait of Catherine II, 1780s.

Plato of the teeth came from the family of small nobles, his father was the provincial vice-governor. Catherine drew attention to the lieutenant of one of the Guards regiments, when he was 22 years old, and she was 60. He became her last favorite and the first of those who were her official chosen one on Potemkin's protection, but thanks to the efforts of his opponents - Saltykov and Naryshkina .

I. Lampy. Portrait of Prince Plato Alexandrovich Zudova, 1802

The young favorite had a huge impact on an aging empress. They say, once in the theater gave a performance on the Molver, and the actress said from the scene: "That a woman in 30 years old can be in love, let! But in 50?! It is intolerable! " After these words, Catherine rose, said: "This thing is stupid and boring!" - and retired from the hall. She was convinced that in the 60s aged was quite attractive. The court ladies strengthened this confidence, repeating it that the teeth were completely crazy about the teeth.

I. Lampy. Portrait of Plato Zubov, 1793

Most contemporaries argue that the youth was the only advantage of the last favorite of the Empress. Apparently, nor a brilliant mind, nor strategic thinking, nor other talents, in contrast to his predecessors, did not possess. He wrote about him: "With all his might torment himself over the papers, there is no fluid mind, no extensive abilities, the burden of its real forces." Ebug Bezborodko, an experienced diplomat, in a letter to Vorontsov noted with indignation: "I am a golden - I clean the fact that the dirtiffs of the teeth ... This child is with good manners, but not a long mind; I do not think that he long lasted in his place. However, it does not occupy me. "

I. Sablukov. Portrait of Catherine II, 1770s.

In the meantime, the Empress itself did not lose hope to raise the new statesman from their last favorite. However, all its efforts were in vain: his political projects were separated from reality, and it was the most familiar order: "Do, as before." Catherine called Zudda "My Cute Child Poor" and recognized Potemkin: "I returned to life like a fly after a winter hook ... I am fun and healthy again." He did not share her enthusiasm, but with the presence of the favorite, she resigned.

Unknown artist XIX century. Prince G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky

After the death of Potemkin, the influence of Plato Zubov at the court in the court. He switched to "inheritance" many of those positions who had previously occupied Potemkin, he became the owner of a 20 millionth state and was appointed General-Feldshmeister, Novorossiysk governor-general, head of the Black Sea Fleet. True, three assistants were engaged in all the affairs instead of him: altesti, mushroom and ribas. During the tender, bribery - Velmazby built it into a queue to ask for help in solving various issues. And the young favorite swept the power and actively proteffled his numerous relatives.

P. Yejordin. Portrait of Catherine II, 1796

Charles Francois Masson, the author of "secret notes about Russia of the reign of Catherine II and Paul I", wrote: "Fraging in chairs, in the most obscene negligee, stuck a little finger in his nose, with eyes, aimlessly striking in the ceiling, this young man, with a face Cold and inflated, barely awarded to pay attention to others. He was amused by the foolishness of his monkey, which was jumping on the heads of low lests, or talked to his joke. And at this time, the elders, under which he began to serve as a sergeant - Dolgoruky, Golitsyn, Saltykov and everyone else was expected to bring him down his eyes to humiliate to his footsteps. Of all the bauls of happiness, no, except for the zunk, was not so punished and externally, and internally. "

D. Levitsky. Left - portrait of Catherine II. Right - Portrait of Catherine II in the form of legislation in the temple of the Goddess of Justice, 1780s. |

After 7 years, after the death of his patroness, the plato of the teeth left the highest light and settled in his estate. Together with the brothers, he participated in the conspiracy and murder of Paul I, but soon it was on the side of political life. In 54, he finally decided to marry - his chosen was his chosen, poor and dormant beauty-polka. A year later, Plato of the teeth died, leaving the spouse a multimillion state.

Virgilius Erixen. Catherine Great

  1. The last favorite of Empress Catherine Great, Connogwarder Platon teethwas 38 years old with his royal passion. At the time of dating Platon was 22 years old, and Catherine is 60 years old.
  1. The third son of the retired lieutenant colonel and the provincial vice-governor Alexander ZubovPlato was not endowed with any special talents. Recorded at 8 years in Sergeants Semenovsky Regiment, in 1779 he was translated into the horse guard in the rank of Wahmistra. The young man did not show himself and grew in the ranks exclusively thanks to parental relations.
  1. The acquaintance of Plato Zubov and the Empress took place at the moment when Connogwarders headed the convoy, accompanied by Catherine from St. Petersburg to the royal village. The statute figure of a 22-year-old Plato attracted an elderly woman, and he was first invited for lunch, and then found himself in royal rest.
  1. None of the favorites of Empress Ekaterina Great was not placed by so much gravity and awards as a plato of teeth. By the end of the life of the Empress, the full title of favorite sounded like this: "General-Feldshmester, over the fortifications of the general-director, over the fleet of the Black Sea, Voznesenskaya Light Connects and the Black Sea Cossack army, the General Adjutant, the Cavalgard Corps of the Chef, Ekaterinoslav, Voznesensky and Tavrichesky Governor-General, State Military College Member, Imperial Educational House Honorary Charity, Imperial Academy of Arts Honorary Amateur and Organs of Russian St. Apostle Andrei, St. Alexander Nevsky, Sv. Equal-Apostles Prince Vladimir I degree, Royal Prussian Black and Red Eagle, Polish White Eagle and St. Stanislav and Grand-Magnish Holstein St. Anna Cavalier. "
  1. During the elevation period of Plato, the numerous members of his family were honored. For example, the diploma of the German-Roman emperor Franz II.dated January 27, 1793 Senator, secret adviser Alexander Nikolaevich teeth and his sons, General Adjutant, Lieutenar General Plato, Major General Nikolai, camera-junker Dmitriy and Major General Valerian Alexandrovichi, they were erected, with their descendants descending, in the Count Roman Empire dignity. Such a decision Franz II accepted in the urgent request of Catherine Great.
  1. Death Grigory Potemkin He led to the fact that many of his titles and positions switched to Plato tooth, in which Ekaterina Great saw the replacement for his faithful companion and assistant. In reality, the activity of the Zubov led only to public affairs disorder and issues in foreign policy. Graph Alexander Bezborodko, supervised relationships with other countries, noticed: "I am a golden; I purify that the dummy dummy. "
  1. The treasures and bribery in the period of finding Plato Zubov in the status of the favorite came for all imaginable borders. For six years, Ekaterina Great spent more than the state treasury on Plato, rather than in 20 years old to Gregory Potemkin. At the same time, it is simply impossible to compare the state activity of the Zuben and Potemkin. As contemporaries wrote, in contrast to the previous favorites of the Empress, the plato of the teeth "never tried and the ruble" for the needs of society.
  2. During the Board Paul I.the position of Plato Zudov was shaky and changed. Initially, the new emperor expressed his grace's last favorite, but soon for the embezzlement of public funds and the inappropriate fulfillment of his duties, the plato of the teeth fell into opal - estates were selected in the treasury, and he himself was ordered to go abroad. In 1800, Opal was replaced by mercy - the teeth returned to Russia, got his estates and was appointed director of the first cadet corps with renaming to generals from infanteria.
  1. Platon of the teeth was an active participant in the palace coup in March 1801, Paul I was overthrown and killed. The largest contribution to the massacre over the emperor was introduced by Brother Plato Nikolai, who, as it is believed to inflicts Pavlu I to hit the head of massive gold tobacco. The former favorite of Catherine himself offered the emperor to sign an act of renunciation, and after his refusal to actively participate in the murder did not accept, providing this to other participants in conspiracy.
  1. After the death of Paul I, Plato of the teeth extended to become a prominent statesman, but it was quickly removed Alexander I.from participation in politics. The last period of life, the former favorite spent as the Lithuanian landowner. Having possessed a huge state and extensive possessions, the plato of the teeth by the end of life became extremely greedy and economical man. It is believed that his stingy knight Alexander Pushkin He wrote off from Plato Zubet. The last beloved Ekaterina Great left on April 7, 1822, at the age of 54, in the castle Renaenal, in Kurland.

Booker Igor 03/29/2019 at 20:00

In the fall of 1779, the theater was given a view of the Molve. When the heroine pronounced: "That a woman in love with 30 years old can be in love, let! But in 50?! It is intolerable!", Ekaterina II jumped up with the words: "This thing is stupid, boring!" - And left the hall. The Empress shouted 60, when a young Connogvardeisky officer Platon of teeth appeared in her life.

The great empress of a huge empire, obeying its ever-sustaining tendency "for an hour to be eagerly without love," repeatedly changed its favorites. The latter, as a rule, were the famine of Grigory Potemkin, at one time who also visited Catherine in bed - even leaving the royal alcove, he remained her advisor.

Unexpectedly to change his next creature - Alexander Matveyevich Dmitriev-Mamonov - revealed his protege the teacher of the great princes of Alexander and Konstantin, the dry and pious old narrowing Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov, who became in the absence of Potemkin by the Vice-President of the Military Collegium. The choice of the sophisticated court fell on the 21-year officer Platon Alexandrovich Zudov.

In the summer of 1789, the teeth overturned the authorization to command the convoy, accompanied the sovereign during her trip. Handsome so famously Garcel near the emperator carriage, that Catherine invited Zudda to dinner. A few days later, one of the courtiers recorded in her diary that Camerener Catherine "suspects guarding seconds-Rothmistra Plato Alexandrovich Zudov ... He began to walk through the top." This meant: through personal chambers of the sovereign.

After a positive report made by Freillan Protasova, which, in accordance with her duties, was called the "test", and the Life-Medica of Rozhorson, Plato Zubovii complained to the outbreak-adjutant, making a gift in 100 thousand rubles to the "blank of shirts". He also took the chambers of the former Favorita Mamonov.

Specifying a young man with a complete insignificance - it means to consciously hang a label on him. Judge for yourself, one of the contemporaries responded about the plastic so: "He tormented himself over the papers, without having a quick mind, no extensive abilities, the burden above his real forces." The aging Catherine would have enough alone pumped muscles and a fluent French speech of their young chosen one.

Perhaps the more accurate portrait of the Catherine Favorite painted French in the Russian service Charles François Philibert Masson (Charles François Philibert Masson, 1762-1807): "As the sovereign of her strength, activities, genius loses, it acquires power, wealth. Every morning numerous crowds of lets The doors are precipitated, filled the hallway and receptions. Old generals, Velmazby were not ashamed to caress his naughty Laces. We often saw the generals and officers accelerated these lakes, koi had long been crowded at the door and interfered with them.

Flavoring in the chairs, in the most obscene unprecedented, stuck the little finger in the nose, with eyes, aimlessly directed to the ceiling, this young man, with a face cold and inflated, barely honored to pay attention to the surrounding. He was amused by the foolishness of his monkey, which was jumping on the heads of low lests, or talked to his joke. And at this time, the elders, under which he began to serve as a sergeant - Dolgoruky, Golitsyn, Saltykov and everyone else was expected to bring him down his eyes to humiliate to his footsteps. Of all the bauls of happiness, no, except for the zunk, was not so punished and externally, and internally. "

Certificate Sh. Masson, the author "Secret Notes on Russia's Day of the reign of Catherine II and Paul I" was valuable because this captain of the Dragun Region led foreign correspondence and was a governer with sons of N. I. Saltykov. Using his patronage, Masson was determined by a mathematics teacher to the Grand Princes and subsequently appointed secretary of the Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich. After a month and a half after the death of Catherine, he was expelled outside of Russia, but the family - a wife and daughter - remained to live in St. Petersburg.

Beauty Olga Mason entered the circle of acquaintances Alexander Pushkin, his poems "Olga, Cresan Cyprids" are addressed to it. Let the Charles of Mason led the resentment and vulnerable pride when he wrote his "notes" about Russian tempors. Let him compose Paskvil to the Zubov, only that's the thing: after all, other sources do not burn with the desire to introduce Plato Alexandrovich in a more advantageous light.

"I do a considerable benefit, raising young people," Catherine herself, who was trying to raise him from his new beloved statesman. The Empress wrote Potemkin that "This is a very cute child, Nehlup, has a good heart and, I hope it is not spoiled. He today I compose a cute letter in which the nature created him". During the lifetime of the light - Prince Gregory Aleksandrovich Potemkin - Plato of the teeth did not resolve to open opposition to the Morganotic spouse of his royal patroness.

Grigory Potemkin, fairly fearing intrigue against him, nevertheless, calmed Catherine: "My mother's mother, can I not like a humble person who pleases? You can be sure that I will not have a friendship for him to him. attachment". Maybe the head of the heart of her elderly Mrs., and maybe she came up, stumbled upon opposition. Usually, the obedient of His will of Catherine in the case of the teeth showed the temper and refused to set out his "little novice".

On August 5, 1789, Catherine wrote Potemkin that Plato had a younger brother, 18-year-old Valerian, who "here on the guard now, in his place; a day child, a boy written, he is in the horse guard guar, help us with time to bring it to People ... I am healthy and cheerful, and, like a fly, came to life ... ". The change in the moods of the state court indicate the change of its literary works. Instead of libretto for the opera, which she composed in the clock of sadness, Catherine returned to writing comedies.

After the unexpected death of Potemkin, in the fall of 1791, Catherine policies would seem to be replaced. The place of the first years of Favorita took the "fast", which solved the affairs of state importance on the principle: "Do as it was before." When Catherine said his son: "I see that you agree with the opinion of Prince Zudov," the Grand Duke Paul asked: "Your Majesty, did I say any nonsense?". Future Alexander I, often in his grandmother's society, did not hide his hatred and contempt for her lover.

The autrogery who revived the body was very weakened by the mind. Although his behavior sometimes "delivered" and her. From the notes of the State Secretary of the Empress Alexander Khrukovitsky, it is known that Platon of the teeth often annoyed the sovereign to his inability to publicly fulfill his duties.

After the death of Catherine II, the favorite for a while was hidden. The heir to the throne did not send it from the capital, but he gave him to black ungratefulness. Three brothers of the tooth took part in the conspiracy against Paul I. At the same time, Nikolay Tooth was the first to defeat the emperor. Benefit It did not bring anyone - Alexander I was churad to communicate with the killers of the Father.

The teeth settled in Lithuania in the castle of Janishka and became famous for all the districts of unusual greed. One of the richest people of Russia, as if Gogol Plushkin, walked in a shabby form, and his peasants were the poorest in the district. Another literary character, a stingy knight, is also written off by Pushkin from Plato Zub.

Platon Alexandrovich teeth took place from the poor noble family. The boy grew up handsome: a slim figure, expressive eyes, the correct features of the face. At the time of dating with Empress, he held the ranmist of second-Rothmistra and was not considered his leadership owner of any talents. The teeth accepted the command of the Connogvardee detachment, which accompanied Catherine to the royal village. So there was a fateful acquaintance. I must say that Plato was the only favorite that Potemkin did not "promote". On the contrary, the enemies sought to bring the young man to the court. Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov and Anna Nikitichna Naryshkina joined the tender.

After exploring Plato, he retired his previous favorite. By this time, Count Alexander Dmitriev-Mamonov has already received a lot of gifts, including diamond accelers worth 50 thousand rubles. About 200 thousand each year he brought his positions. Count himself shake his position, tolding a novel with Freilina Darya Shcherbatova. And in his rest in the palace settled Plato. In the evenings, he disappeared from the Empress, and during the day he entertained himself with games - for example, letting paper snakes. In the 1789th young man received a appointment to the Cornet of the Sauna Corps and was produced in Majora General.

Platon of teeth. (

The tooth got a unpelled number of valuable gifts. The sovereign presented him with several million rubles. Plato flashed in luxurious clothes and was extremely vain. An arrogant young man was unloved at the court. The Count of Bezborodko in a letter to Vorontsov was noted: "This child is with good manners, but not a long mind; I do not think that he long lasted in his place. However, it does not occupy me. "

It turned out otherwise - the influence of the zuba intensified, and Catherine admired his character and abilities. "I returned to life like a fly after winter hibernation ... I cheer again and healthy," said Empress Potemkin.

Catherine II. (

Plato had three brothers, and he pulled more and more money for their content. After the death of Potemkin, the teeth becomes one of the main officials in Russia. In the 1793th, the people who held the days in the company of the Air Snake entered the post of Ekaterinoslav and Tavrichesky governor. "Every day, with eight o'clock in the morning, his front was filled with ministers, connoisseurs, generals, foreigners, petitioners, searches for places or mercies. It was commonly waited for four hours or five hours and left to return the other day. Finally, the desired day was assumed: the doors were widened widely, the crowd rushed into them and found a favorite, which was combed to sit in front of the mirror, leaning her foot on the chair or the edge of the table. Visitors, bowing to the legs shrouded in powder, became in a row in front of him, not daring to move or talk. Favorite did not notice anyone. He printed the letters and listened to them, diligently pretending to be busy business. Nobody dare to speak with him, "Alexander Fedorovich Langeron wrote.

The favorite surrounded himself with luxury, but the desert was hiding behind this magnificent form. The ideas of the tender in the field of foreign policy were fantastic for common mind. He believed that in the new war with the Ottoman Empire, Russia would easily deposit Constantinople from the sea, taking pre-maintenance points. Preparation for the campaign began. The army has already moved into the way when it became clear that a lot of money was required to such a project.

After the death of Catherine, heavy times have come for Zudda. By order of Paul, his land was seized, he himself drove outside the country. In 1798, the former favorite returned and took part in a conspiracy against Paul I.

From 1814 he lived in the Vilen province and dedicated himself to economic concerns. A year before death, he married a young Lithuanian girl Temk Valentinovich.