Artificial teeth veneers. Innovative removable overhead veneers Perfect Smile Veneers. What are dental veneers

Veneers are ceramic or composite micro-prostheses that are installed on the front surface of the teeth that fall into the smile zone. Veneers give the front teeth an even, attractive appearance, the desired color and shape.

Veneers differ from crowns in that they do not completely cover the teeth, but only their frontal part and cutting edge. Most often, a microprosthesis is installed on 8 lower and 10 upper teeth.

The thickness of this type of microprosthesis does not exceed 0.6 mm. To visualize this thickness, you can take an eggshell and look at it. So the veneers will be about twice as thick. Although there are even thinner varieties of veneers - these are lumineers (up to 0.1 mm).

The appearance of the dentition after the installation of veneers on them improves significantly, the teeth acquire the desired shape, color and strength. Modern dentistry makes prostheses that will be simply impossible to visually distinguish from your own teeth. However, the pros and cons of veneers installed on teeth are very contradictory, so you should familiarize yourself with them before deciding on the procedure.

Types of veneers on teeth

There are two types of materials from which veneers are made: ceramic and composite:

    Ceramic veneers. Porcelain veneers are usually distinguished into porcelain and zirconium. You can also come across names such as indirect veneers or orthopedic veneers. The fact is that this type of microprosthesis is made by an orthopedic dentist, and not a dentist-therapist. To create a prosthesis, you will need a dental laboratory. Only after a series of corrections and color selections, it will be possible to attach veneers to the teeth.

    Porcelain veneers can be made from pressed and unpressed ceramics. For the manufacture of pressed veneers, ceramics are first held under high pressure and then injection molded at high temperatures. This allows you to achieve maximum strength and reliability of the structure.

    Unpressed veneers are made from porcelain mass, which is applied in layers and fired. In terms of strength, such veneers are inferior to pressed porcelain microprostheses, but they look more aesthetically pleasing.

    Zirconia veneers are characterized by minimal fragility and maximum naturalness. Porcelain is also used for their manufacture, but it is supported by a strong zirconium frame. Zirconium-based veneers are even more reliable than pressed porcelain microprostheses, however, they are less transparent, since their framework is denser.

    The choice of material for the manufacture of veneers should be based on the original color of the enamel of your own teeth. If the enamel is dense, then you can opt for any veneers, and if it is transparent, then it is better to choose porcelain microprostheses.

    Composite veneers. Even a dentist-therapist can make this kind of micro-prostheses, since they are made right in the patient's mouth. If we turn to the essence of composite veneers, then they can be called a regular filling, which is located on the front of the lower and upper dentition.

    To make high-quality composite veneers, you need a laboratory, and not a regular dental office.

    Characteristics of composite veneers:

    • The aesthetics of composite veneers are far from natural, translucent and lustrous of their ceramic counterparts. In addition, such microprostheses differ in color, transparency and surface quality from the patient's own teeth.

      The color of composite veneers quickly loses its original attractiveness. Over time, the design fades and darkens.

      Composite microprostheses are very fragile compared to ceramic veneers, which means they have a lower degree of reliability. This is especially true for the front teeth, because it is with their help that a person bites off food.

      The very technique of manufacturing a microprosthesis inside the patient's mouth should be questionable. After all, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make a high-quality and beautiful dentition in a time limited to 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Veneers are popular micro-prostheses that are very popular among patients of dental clinics.

The advantages of dental veneers include:

    Long service life. If the micro-prosthesis was made of high-quality materials, and the technology of its production was not violated, then veneers can last at least 10 years.

    Stain resistance. Ceramic veneers have this positive feature, as they have a smooth, durable surface that is impervious to any coloring microparticles. Veneers repel plaque and have an attractive appearance for a long period of time.

    Maximum proximity to naturalness, natural color. The mini-prosthesis can be selected taking into account the initial color of the enamel of the patient's own teeth.

    The ability to hide various defects of the teeth, their pigmentation, the presence of large gaps, etc.

    The speed of the procedure. As a rule, the manufacture of even the highest quality veneers does not take more than 1 week.

    Relative simplicity of the procedure. Although the teeth require pre-turning, there is no need to remove as much tissue as when installing a crown.

There are many questions regarding the service life of veneers. Research has been done on this. One of them, completed in 2007, showed that in 100 patients who installed this type of microprosthesis:

    After 6 years, 96% of the linings were intact;

    After 11 years - 91% of veneers;

    After 16 years - 71% of veneers.

Those veneers that periodically failed were damaged as a result of improper dental hygiene, which led to caries, due to mechanical trauma or due to sudden temperature changes affecting the prosthesis.

Speaking about the advantages of veneers on the teeth, we should mention the indications for their use:

    Patient dissatisfaction with the shape of the tooth crown.

    Tooth discoloration that cannot be corrected with whitening.

    The presence of a chip on the cutting edge of the tooth.

    The presence of gaps between the teeth.

    Curvature of the teeth.

Cons of dental veneers

Naturally, like any other type of prosthetics, mini prosthetics with veneers has its drawbacks.

Therefore, before deciding on the procedure, you should carefully study all the disadvantages of veneers on your teeth:

    The main disadvantage is the irreversibility of the procedure. That is, the former appearance of the teeth will never be achieved. The fact is that before installing the veneer, the patient's own tooth will be processed - turning. Tooth enamel, as you know, cannot be restored. Having decided to remove the veneers in a few years, you will need to think about whether to make new mini-prostheses or replace the teeth with dental crowns. It is worth knowing that before installing veneers, up to 0.5 mm will have to be removed from the tooth.

    Moderate fragility of the prosthesis. Although veneers are considered to be very durable, they can still chip and crack. This is especially true for the front teeth. There are cases when, with an incorrect or careless bite, the veneer simply broke off from the base tooth.

    The high cost of the procedure. The better the microprosthesis is, the higher its price will be. The most durable and reliable ceramic veneers based on zirconia are quite expensive.

    No matter how high-quality the prosthesis is, it will still be artificial, so after a while, even if it is a long one, it will have to be replaced.

    The presence of contraindications to their installation.

You can not put veneers on the teeth of people with the following problems:

    Increased abrasion of teeth, which occurs more often the older the person;

    Complete loss of the sixth and seventh chewing tooth;

    Leading an extreme lifestyle, such as boxing or other contact sports;

    Preliminary treatment with resorcinol-formalin;

    Bruxism or the habit of grinding your teeth during a night's rest

    Adherence to bad habits - biting nails, seeds, biting off threads, opening bottle caps with teeth, etc .;

    Pronounced destruction of the inner surface of the tooth;

    Filling a tooth with a large or medium filling from its inner surface;

    Eating disorders.

If the above contraindications were absolute, then thin enamel on the front teeth can be attributed to relative contraindications. This is due to the fact that during the turning it will be completely erased, and it will not be possible to securely fix the veneers on the soft dentin of the tooth.

Porcelain, composite and ceramic veneers are attached to the teeth with one goal - to achieve a quick cosmetic effect. With the help of these micro prostheses, it is easy to restore or completely change the appearance: color and shape. Veneers are subject to what is inaccessible to classical bleaching and traditional restoration.


Most patients who resort to dental restoration with veneers name one reason - the desire to make their smile more beautiful. Before a visit to the clinic, few people can accurately determine the problem and the need for the procedure. Doctors have a different approach - several definitions have been formulated of what veneers are in dentistry.

According to the list of indications, veneer is a tool for correction:

  • enamel erosion;
  • incorrect position and abnormal shape;
  • tooth colors - tetracycline teeth, the consequences of depulpation;
  • fluorosis;
  • injured hard tissues - chips, cracks;
  • significant interdental spaces;
  • tooth surface damaged by old, darkened fillings.

The number of plates depends on the cause: only one tooth is subject to restoration or it is necessary to put veneers on all front teeth in the smile zone. As well as the choice of materials.

To whom vining is contraindicated

Despite the seeming versatility, veneers are not available to everyone. In a specialized dental clinic, a refusal awaits:

  • people suffering from bruxism - involuntary grinding;
  • patients with malocclusion;
  • owners of enamel with high abrasion;
  • lost more than 6 chewing teeth;
  • adherents of bad habits that lead to a reduction in the service life of veneers: those who like to do a “manicure” with their teeth, crack nuts, open bottles;
  • professional athletes or people studying martial arts, who have a much higher risk of injury to the frontal sections of the jaw than the average person.

These are the main contraindications, in which veneer technology is not used. Most dentists will also refuse those who have extensive tooth decay on the inside. Even if there is a seal in this place.

What are veneers

Dental veneers - These are thin, durable plates designed to replace the surface of the teeth. Their minimum thickness is 0.2 mm. Since dental veneer is an exclusively individual procedure, each micro-prosthesis completely repeats the surface of the tooth for which it is made.

You can see what veneers look like on teeth and what it is in the photo:

In professional performance, veneer teeth cannot be distinguished from your own, and they are absolutely not felt in the oral cavity.


Dental veneers: before and after

The absolute benefits are:

  • The speed of making veneers.
  • Durability, but only when worn carefully.
  • Natural look.
  • Aesthetics.

Often, the installation of veneers on the teeth is carried out in just two visits to the dentistry. The process is especially fast when the choice is made in favor of composite veneers, which is due to technology.


The main disadvantage of this method is the inevitability of turning. In order for the veneer to take the correct position, the doctor is forced to grind the enamel. The process is irreversible, and in the event of a complete removal of the microprosthesis, restoring the tooth will become a very difficult task. In addition, the disadvantages of veneer coatings include the high cost of ceramic products and the short service life of composite ones.

It is noticed that over time, in some patients, the teeth with veneers installed on them darken, acquire a yellow-brown tint. And it is not always successfully corrected by plates because of their low masking ability.

What and how are dental veneers made of?

Modern aesthetic dentistry has four types of products at its disposal. Veneers are made of ceramic, composite material, porcelain, zirconium dioxide. Each of them has unique characteristics and can be the best option in different situations.

Ceramic veneers

Porcelain veneers are put on the teeth of those who are willing to pay a rather high price for them. The cost of one overlay starts from 15 thousand rubles, but the quality here is also at its best.

The material is durable, a little subject to abrasion and resistant to many dyes: tea, grape wine, coffee, tobacco.

Practice shows that ceramics:

  • densely covers the teeth, leaving no opportunity for caries to develop;
  • operated without loss of appearance for 10–11 years;
  • as seen in the photo, it has a rich palette of natural and "Hollywood" shades.

In Moscow, ceramics is the most popular material. It is used by leading laboratories, and demand is growing every day.

How to make and install

The process has long been debugged, today it is only being improved in small technical details. First of all, a veneer of the desired shade is selected, and then:

  • The surface of the tooth is turned.
  • A cast is taken and a plaster model is cast.
  • Install temporary plastic pads.
  • As soon as the permanent plates are ready, they are installed on the teeth and fixed with special glue.

The patient takes an active part in the process. He influences the selection of color, chooses which teeth to put veneers on, has the ability to evaluate the final result at the modeling stage.

Composite veneers

Vining with composite is chosen due to:

  • a chance to make records in the future without serious consequences;
  • the ability to put veneers in a short time;
  • low cost.

The rejection of this technology is a frequent occurrence. There are several reasons: rapid darkening and staining, the need for cardinal turning, insufficient strength, strong dependence on the degree of professionalism of the doctor.

Manufacturing and installation methods

Composite overlays are made in two ways:

  • After grinding the enamel, using a special tool, the doctor applies several layers of light-polymer composite material to the front surface of the tooth.
  • After turning, the technician makes an impression, according to which future overlays are modeled and made.

The second method is less preferable, since after installation gaps often form between the veneer and the tooth. And this is the best condition for the accumulation and reproduction of bacteria.


Until recently, porcelain veneers were considered an innovative method, but today it is one of the well-mastered ways to create a beautiful smile.

The material is different:

  • resistance to food dyes;
  • reliability;
  • excellent aesthetic characteristics;
  • unpretentiousness in care.
Porcelain veneers do not cause allergies and provide a dense coating. Among their shortcomings, dentists single out only the need to remove the top layer of enamel, but this is also true for other types.

Stages of porcelain vining

After examining the dentition, the doctor models the future look of the smile, grinds off the enamel and creates an impression. Temporary veneers are placed during fabrication. Porcelain plates can be made manually or using a special apparatus. The first option is recognized as more accurate and accurate.

After two weeks, the patient is invited to the clinic for a fitting. Temporary camouflage is removed and a new product is put on. If the veneer is comfortable and meets all the criteria, it can be glued into place.


Ideal from a biological point of view, zirconium does not cause allergies, is durable, and resistant to temperature extremes. Zirconium veneers for teeth have a service life that is almost twice as long as that of ceramic counterparts.

The disadvantage of the technique is the price. Veneering using this technology is expensive, as it requires expensive equipment, high precision in manufacturing, and a special composition for fastening: it is extremely difficult to fix the material on the tooth.

In two visits

At the first visit, the shape of the lining on the teeth, the color of the veneer are determined. The doctor smooths out areas of enamel that have large irregularities and errors. Then a three-dimensional three-dimensional cast is taken, the parameters of which are transmitted to the milling machine with the help of a computer program - the machine itself grinds the product. At the end of the first visit, a temporary coating is applied.

The second visit includes the removal of temporary overlays, fitting and fixation of veneers based on zirconium dioxide.

Many patients are faced with a choice between traditional crowns and newfangled veneers. But Only a doctor is able to determine the appropriateness of a particular method of correction.

In both cases, there are direct indications and absolute contraindications. And in some situations, a specialist, in general, can offer a combined solution: install a crown for strength, and solve the aesthetic problem with the help of veneer.

Vinyl dentures are often used. As a lightweight elastic material, vinyl becomes the solution for partial loss of teeth, with the threat of loosening.

Much depends on the competence of doctors: whether crowns are precisely adjusted, how veneers are made on teeth, how much they follow the rules prescribed by technology. Therefore, the main thing is to find a good orthopedist, who has the capabilities of a modern laboratory, and get competent advice.


In recent years, the popularity of a new type of veneers - lumineers. Their main advantage lies in the installation without preliminary grinding of the tooth surface. The absence of discomfort and painlessness attract patients, despite the high cost of products. The price for one lumineer varies from 800 to 1500 dollars.

Prices are quoted in dollars because patient data is sent to US laboratories to create the plates.

Teeth covered with lumineers serve for at least 20 years without losing their original whiteness and perfect shape. The material for manufacturing is the same ceramics, only more technologically advanced and of higher quality. And the process itself is noticeably different from the usual one - the accuracy of reproducing a given form is higher.

To make a choice in favor of one or another material is the right of each patient. But it is better to listen to the recommendations of a competent dentist.

A veneer is a plate with a thickness of about 0.5 mm. It is put on the front layer of the tooth with an overlap, so this process is used only for the front teeth and those that are in the smile line.

Veneers help to make teeth perfectly aesthetic, this result cannot be achieved by restoration methods or fillings, even chemical bleaching does not give such an effect.

This process is resorted to when the color or shape of the tooth is broken, there are problems with the enamel. In the case when you need to change the shade, veneers are not quite suitable. Here it is better to consider lumineers, the thickness of which is almost half as much - 0.3 mm, besides, they are opaque.

Veneers are therapeutic and orthopedic (they also include lumineers).

Therapeutic ones are made directly on the tooth, the composition includes composite materials similar to filling ones. This procedure is resorted to when the incisors are heavily chipped (more than half the area). The tooth is gradually restored, restored, and the lost part is increased. In other situations, the teeth are barely noticeably grinded. After that, layers of veneers are gradually applied to the tooth, it is ground and polished.

Orthopedic ones are made in the laboratory using a cast of the patient's tooth, using ceramics, medical porcelain, zirconium oxide. After that, a special dental adhesive is glued to the tooth. In such cases, lumineers are used, they are distinguished by their thinness and strength, therefore their price is much higher, considering also the fact that they are made from photographs of a tooth that comes to the laboratory in electronic form. In addition, lumineers do not need to be ground due to their extreme thinness. We can say that lumineers and veneers are the pinnacle of dental aesthetics.

After that, it is clear who can be offered to do such a procedure. For those who have:

  • a wide gap between the teeth;
  • chipped tooth;
  • the color is strongly disturbed due to caries;
  • slight crooked teeth that can be corrected without orthodontic treatment;
  • when smiling, the upper gum is very visible.

The process of putting on veneers or lumineers is not suitable for those who have:

  • teeth are strongly erased (second degree and higher);
  • bruxism (teeth grinding);
  • no chewing teeth (6th and 7th);
  • engages in a contact sport (for example, boxing);
  • suffers from bad habits: bites his nails, opens lids with his teeth;
  • the inner surface of the tooth is severely destroyed or there is a filling on it;
  • malocclusion.

What material are dental veneers made of, and what does the process look like

Consider the types of materials from which these same veneers are made:

  1. Ceramic. They are made in the laboratory of a dental technician or orthopedist. They are divided into porcelain and zirconium. Most often, porcelain is used as a material for veneers, because it is closest in quality to tooth enamel, it also transmits light well.

Zirconium veneers are made in two layers:

  • intra-zirconium;
  • outside - porcelain mass.

In order to make them, the doctor first grinds the tooth, prepares an impression, for which the computer program forms a model of the future veneer.

Externally, veneers do not differ at all from natural teeth, since the use of modern dental materials allows you to achieve maximum resemblance to the natural shade of enamel. If the patient wishes, the smile can be made brighter, but then it is necessary to cover with veneers not one, but the entire front group of teeth at once.

Veneers for front teeth: features

Veneers are a special type of micro-prostheses that are installed on one or more front teeth, significantly changing the aesthetic characteristics of a smile before and after treatment. Thin overlays allow you to hide the defects of natural dental crowns, as well as gray or yellow teeth.

When vining the incisors of the upper jaw, 4 front teeth are often covered with plates at once, and sometimes fangs. This approach makes it possible to achieve even teeth and get the same desired shade of enamel. Upon external examination, the coating does not differ at all from natural teeth, so strangers often do not even realize that their interlocutor has been installed.

When are veneers placed on front teeth?

Not in every case, it is advisable to restore the integrity of the clinical crown by fixing thin plates on the vestibular surface of the teeth, so there are certain indications for installing veneers on the front teeth.

These include:

  • The location of the carious cavity with the involvement of the outer surface of the tooth.
  • The occurrence of persistent pigmentation due to bad habits (coffee, cigarettes) or non-carious lesions that cannot be corrected with.
  • Discoloration of various etiologies, including due to focal or systemic enamel hypomineralization.
  • Such defects of hard tissues of the tooth as cracks, unevenness of the cutting edge, chips.
  • Presence of diastema and trem.
  • Anomaly of the shape of the crowns of the teeth.
  • Defects in the dentition caused by the uneven position of the teeth or their deviation from the axis.

Often, not only the causative tooth, but also neighboring ones are subjected to restoration. To achieve the most natural effect, the technique of simultaneous installation of 4 plates on the front incisors is common.

What are front teeth veneers?

There are several types of veneers that can be installed on the 4 front teeth:

  • Composite veneers. The very first of the developed ways to create an aesthetic design on the teeth. In most cases, pretreatment of the vestibular surface is required, followed by etching and adhesive preparation of hard tissues. Veneers are created in the dentist's office using modern photocurable materials. This is the cheapest and fastest method of veneering, which has significant drawbacks - there is a possibility of discoloration of the restoration due to the absorption of pigments from food, as well as a shorter service life compared to ceramic plates.
  • Ceramic veneers. These pads are made from a special type of medical porcelain. Micro prostheses are performed in a dental laboratory after the doctor takes impressions from the jaws. Fixation is made on a special adhesive material that provides reliable fastening. Service life with careful handling and good care of the oral cavity reaches fifteen years.
  • Zirconium veneers. One of the most modern ways to correct aesthetic defects of teeth. Thin plates are made by milling from zirconium dioxide. Their thickness is 0.3-0.7 mm, which allows them to be used without prior turning of the hard tissues of the tooth.
  • Lumineers. The thinnest ceramic laminates, the thickness of which does not exceed 0.2-0.3 mm. Their installation does not require enamel preparation, which is less traumatic for dental tissues. Among the shortcomings can be noted the high cost.


Veneers installed on the front teeth as a replacement aesthetic design have the following advantages:

  • high level of aesthetics of the end result;
  • short time for execution and installation of a micro-prosthesis on 4 anterior incisors;
  • to create the necessary space for fixing the veneer, the preparation of a small volume of hard tooth tissues is required;
  • when installing the thinnest plates, you can do without turning the enamel layer, which leaves the tooth stronger;
  • high light transmission rates allow the finished attached structure on the teeth to have a natural appearance without differences from intact teeth;
  • long term of use, subject to careful handling and proper hygienic care of the oral cavity.

Veneers allow you to achieve a high aesthetic result with minimally traumatic intervention. This is especially important when the patient wants to have a snow-white and beautiful smile, but his teeth have a slight curvature or visible small carious cavities. In this case, veneers are the best solution.


The installation of four veneers as a method of restoring lost hard tissues and defects has negative aspects. For this reason, before making a decision on the manufacture of veneers, a consultation with a competent dentist is required, who will tell you about all the advantages and disadvantages of such structures.

Cons of veneers for front teeth:

  • Veneers made of composite dental material have the ability to absorb coloring substances from food and drinks, therefore, in order to maintain the achieved aesthetic result for a long time, it is necessary to limit the consumption of certain foods.
  • Veneers are the thinnest plate, the thickness of which does not exceed 1-1.5 mm, depending on the material and method of manufacture. Lumineers have a thickness of no more than 0.3 mm. Micro prostheses are rather fragile products that can be damaged by injuries, as well as by the habit of chewing seeds or nuts, tearing threads with your teeth, etc.
  • The manufacturing process requires a high level of skill from the doctor, as well as the use of modern technologies in the laboratory creation of veneers, so the cost of such products is high.
  • For most species, hard tissue preparation is required, in which a small layer of enamel is cut off on the vestibular and proximal surfaces, as well as in the cervical region, so in the future the microprosthesis cannot simply be removed - a second replacement with a similar design or tooth covering will be required.

Contraindications to the installation of veneers on the front teeth

Since veneers are rather fragile structures that perform an aesthetic function, their manufacture and installation are limited by a list of contraindications:

  • Pathological abrasion of teeth of the second and third degree.
  • Absence of molars in the dentition.
  • Acute form of inflammatory processes of the gums and periodontium.
  • Bad habits associated with an increased load on the front 4 teeth - biting off threads, cleaning seeds, opening bottles with teeth, and so on.
  • Direct and reverse bite.
  • Hard tissues of the tooth heavily damaged by the carious process.
  • The presence of extensive restorations and the absence of underlying intact dentin.
  • Teeth, for the treatment of which the resorcinol-formalin method was previously used, due to the increased fragility of enamel and dentin.

There are certain limitations for various types of microprostheses, so the choice of design often depends on which veneers are suitable in each case, and what type of veneers is best placed on the front teeth - you need to ask your dentist about this.

Installing veneers on front teeth

We will figure out how veneers are placed on the front teeth, how much tissue is cut off and with what help the plates are “glued” to the surface of the enamel.

The veneering process requires a high level of manual skills from the doctor, so the choice of a specialist to create aesthetic overlays for the 4 upper incisors should be approached with great care.

The installation of veneers takes place in several stages:

  1. At the first visit, the doctor needs to carefully examine the oral cavity to identify possible contraindications to the installation of veneers, after which the dentist suggests treatment options. The patient needs to decide what the plates will be made of, as well as choose the desired color and shape of the updated teeth.
  2. After the underpass, the enamel is prepared on the anterior surface of the tooth with the creation of a bevel in the cervical area and retention points on the sides of the crown and the cutting edge.
  3. With the help of special impression masses, an imprint of the teeth is made and transferred to the dental laboratory for casting individual models of the jaws and subsequent creation of veneers by an indirect method.
  4. Fixation of temporary plastic veneers is carried out to protect the sawn tissue from damage and prevent the gums from “floating” onto the prepared tooth surface.
  5. Veneers are created in a dental laboratory with subsequent application of the required color and final polishing of the product.
  6. Checking the design in the oral cavity and fixing with a special adhesive material.

If the replacement is carried out with a composite material in the doctor's chair (direct method), then after the preparatory manipulations, the dentist begins the restoration using the layer-by-layer technique with the gradual illumination of the composite with an LED lamp.

Recovery period

There is no special rehabilitation period for the installed veneers on the front teeth, therefore, immediately after fixing the structures, you can return home to your usual lifestyle. However, in order for the products to last as long as possible, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations for caring for the oral cavity.

In most cases, a follow-up visit to the dentist is needed so that the specialist evaluates the condition of the gums and its reaction to the microprosthesis made, and also checks the position of the veneer on the anterior tooth surface and the reliability of fixation.

Sometimes, after veneering, vital teeth may occur, so a course of desensitizers will be required. In particularly difficult situations, to eliminate the increased response of teeth to thermal stimuli, depulpation is required, and sometimes the tooth is covered with a metal-ceramic crown.

Special care for teeth covered with veneers is not required:

  • it is necessary to carry out daily oral hygiene with the help of and, which will allow the structure to maintain its shine and original appearance;
  • it is advisable to limit foods that can leave pigmentation on the teeth, especially cigarettes, strong black tea, beets and blueberries;
  • in order to avoid accidental chipping of a part of the plate, increased chewing pressure on the front teeth should be avoided;
  • once every six months visits to the dentist are necessary for a professional examination and possible correction of the product.

Veneers installed on the front teeth allow you to correct the aesthetic defects of the teeth in a short time and make your smile more attractive. For their fixation, minimal enamel turning is required, which is a less traumatic restoration method than covering teeth with.

However, before making veneering, it is necessary to carefully study all the pros and cons of the procedure, consult a dentist about the possibility of installing such micro-prostheses.

Useful video about veneers

This technology appeared in the last century in the United States. So, in the 30s of the 20th century, Charles Pincus created a semblance of veneers specifically for Hollywood stars, for whom white teeth were an important factor. Such first plates were fixed with a special powder on the tooth surface and kept for several days.

Modern veneers allow you to solve the problem of dark teeth. Also, with their help, it is possible to correct the shape if the bite is correct. For example, veneers are placed on short or crooked teeth. Moreover, by installing such overlays only on chewing teeth, Achieve a lifting effect.

What you need to know about veneers

The use of such plates justified in the following cases:

Before installing veneers, it is necessary to study the main contraindications. It is also necessary to treat caries first and improve weak gums. If, due to improper treatment or long-term destruction, enamel damage has appeared on the tooth, a crown should be installed.

Benefits of veneers:


  • before installing the veneer, you have to grind your teeth;
  • if for some reason you want to remove the overlay, after performing this procedure, additional tooth restoration will be required;
  • the cost of veneers is quite high;
  • if not properly cared for, the color of the lining may change.

Main types

If we talk about the varieties of veneers, it is necessary to mention the main classification, according to which the therapeutic and orthopedic varieties are distinguished. The first products are created directly on the patient's teeth. Such plates are used for chipped incisors. Most often, they are used step-by-step restoration of a part of a tooth. In some other cases, the tooth is turned with the formation of a veneer and its further polishing.

Orthopedic veneers are made in the laboratory based on a cast of the patient's teeth. Almost any material can be used for this purpose. Most often it is ceramics, zirconium oxide, medical porcelain. Lumineers are also used in dentistry today. They are very strong and thin. To make them you need tomographic images. The advantage of the product, which is quite expensive, is the absence of the need for turning.

Choosing therapeutic veneers There are several important factors to consider:

When choosing orthopedic veneers, as well as lumineers, you need to remember the following points:

Types of veneers and their cost

The price of veneers ranges from 5-35 thousand rubles per plate. In general, the cost depends on many factors, including the material used and technology. Naturally, the number of teeth that need restoration is also taken into account. So, to achieve an aesthetic effect it is necessary to put 4-10 veneers.

One of the most expensive are ceramic orthopedic veneers. They allow you to recreate the exact shade of enamel and provide natural transparency of the teeth. The budget option is therapeutic composite veneers.

Today, patients of dental offices are offered the following types of overlays:

Features of care and service life

In order for veneers to last as long as possible, it is necessary to properly care for the oral cavity. The gap between the tooth itself and the plate is a kind of risk zone, because pieces of food remain here and bacteria multiply, which means that the likelihood of developing caries increases. For this reason, experts recommend using an irrigator when caring for the oral cavity. It is also recommended to avoid eating highly acidic and coloring foods, not cracking nuts and seeds, and not opening bottles with your teeth.

If a person has bruxism, that is, he involuntary grinding of teeth in sleep, it is necessary to wear a protective cap at night.

In general, the service life of veneers depends on the type of lining, patient habits, hygiene and even unforeseen situations. On average, the warranty for ceramic overlays is about 25 years, because this material is very durable and is not subject to crumbling and coloring. The thinnest veneers will last 15-20 years on the teeth. Products made of composite materials have a minimum shelf life. Need them polish every 6 months, because they can be erased or darken. In addition, restoration will be required every 4 years.

Choosing veneers, you should focus not only on the price, but also on the condition of the teeth. This will help solve dental problems and maintain a beautiful smile.