Solitons are killer waves. shock waves. Solitary waves Closed solitons

After thirty years of searching, non-linear differential equations with three-dimensional soliton solutions have been found. The key idea was the "complexification" of time, which can find further applications in theoretical physics.

When studying any physical system, the stage of "initial accumulation" of experimental data and their comprehension first takes place. Then the baton is passed to theoretical physics. The task of a theoretical physicist is to derive and solve mathematical equations for this system based on the accumulated data. And if the first step, as a rule, does not present a particular problem, then the second one is exact solving the resulting equations often turns out to be an incomparably more difficult task.

It just so happens that the time evolution of many interesting physical systems is described nonlinear differential equations: such equations for which the principle of superposition does not work. This immediately deprives theorists of the opportunity to use many standard techniques (for example, combine solutions, expand them into a series), and as a result, for each such equation, an absolutely new solution method has to be invented. But in those rare cases when such an integrable equation and a method for solving it are found, not only the original problem is solved, but also a number of related mathematical problems. That is why theoretical physicists sometimes, sacrificing the "natural logic" of science, first look for such integrable equations, and only then try to find applications for them in different areas of theoretical physics.

One of the most remarkable properties of such equations is the solutions in the form solitons- limited in space "pieces of the field" that move over time and collide with each other without distortion. Being limited in space and indivisible "clumps", solitons can provide a simple and convenient mathematical model of many physical objects. (For more information about solitons, see the popular article by N. A. Kudryashov Nonlinear Waves and Solitons // SOZH, 1997, No. 2, pp. 85-91 and A. T. Filippov’s book Many Faced Soliton.)

Unfortunately, different species very few solitons are known (see Soliton Portrait Gallery), and all of them are not very suitable for describing objects in three-dimensional space.

For example, ordinary solitons (which occur in the Korteweg-de Vries equation) are localized in only one dimension. If such a soliton is “launched” in the three-dimensional world, then it will look like an infinite flat membrane flying forward. In nature, however, such infinite membranes are not observed, which means that the original equation is not suitable for describing three-dimensional objects.

Not so long ago, soliton-like solutions (for example, dromions) of more complex equations were found, which are already localized in two dimensions. But even in three-dimensional form they are infinitely long cylinders, that is, they are also not very physical. The real ones three-dimensional Solitons have not yet been found, for the simple reason that the equations that could produce them were unknown.

Recently, the situation has changed dramatically. The Cambridge mathematician A. Focas, author of the recent publication A. S. Focas, Physical Review Letters 96, 190201 (19 May 2006) has managed to make a significant step forward in this area of ​​mathematical physics. His short three-page article contains two discoveries at once. First, he found a new way to derive integrable equations for multidimensional space, and secondly, he proved that these equations have multidimensional soliton-like solutions.

Both of these achievements were made possible by a bold step taken by the author. He took the already known integrable equations in two-dimensional space and tried to consider time and coordinates as complex, not real numbers. In this case, a new equation was automatically obtained for four-dimensional space and two-dimensional time. As a next step, he imposed non-trivial conditions on the dependence of solutions on coordinates and "times", and the equations began to describe three-dimensional a situation that depends on a single time.

It is interesting that such a "blasphemous" operation as the transition to two-dimensional time and the allocation of a new temporal about th axis, did not greatly spoil the properties of the equation. They still remain integrable, and the author was able to prove that among their solutions there are the much desired three-dimensional solitons. Now it remains for scientists to write down these solitons in the form of explicit formulas and study their properties.

The author expresses confidence that the usefulness of the method of "complexification" of time developed by him is not at all limited to those equations that he has already analyzed. He enumerates a whole range of situations in mathematical physics in which his approach can give new results, and encourages colleagues to try to apply it to the most diverse areas of modern theoretical physics.

annotation. The report is devoted to the possibilities of the soliton approach in supramolecular biology, primarily for modeling a wide class of natural wave-like and oscillatory movements in living organisms. The author has identified many examples of the existence of soliton-like supramolecular processes ("biosolitons") in locomotor, metabolic and other phenomena of dynamic biomorphology at various lines and levels of biological evolution. Biosolitons are understood, first of all, as characteristic one-humped (unipolar) local deformations moving along the biobody with the preservation of their shape and speed.

Solitons, sometimes called "wave atoms", are endowed with properties that are unusual from the classical (linear) point of view. They are capable of acts of self-organization and self-development: self-localization; energy capture; reproduction and death; the formation of ensembles with pulsating and other dynamics. Solitons were known in plasma, liquid and solid crystals, classical liquids, nonlinear lattices, magnetic and other polydomain media, etc. The discovery of biosolitons indicates that, due to its mechanochemistry, living matter is a soliton medium with various physiological uses of soliton mechanisms. A research hunt in biology is possible for new types of solitons - breathers, wobblers, pulsons, etc., deduced by mathematicians at the "tip of a pen" and only then discovered by physicists in nature. The report is based on the monographs: S.V. Petukhov “Biosolitons. Fundamentals of soliton biology”, 1999; S.V. Petukhov "Biperiodic table of the genetic code and the number of protons", 2001.

Solitons are an important object of modern physics. Intensive development of their theory and applications began after the publication in 1955 by Fermi, Pasta and Ulam of work on computer calculation of oscillations in a simple nonlinear system from a chain of weights connected by nonlinear springs. Soon, the necessary mathematical methods were developed to solve soliton equations, which are non-linear partial differential equations. Solitons, sometimes called "wave atoms", have the properties of waves and particles at the same time, but are not in the full sense of the one or the other, but constitute a new object of mathematical natural science. They are endowed with properties that are unusual from the classical (linear) point of view. Solitons are capable of acts of self-organization and self-development: self-localization; capturing the energy coming from outside into the "soliton" medium; reproduction and death; the formation of ensembles with non-trivial morphology and dynamics of a pulsating and other character; self-complication of these ensembles when additional energy enters the medium; overcoming the tendency to disorder in soliton media containing them; etc. They can be interpreted as a specific form of organization of physical energy in matter, and accordingly, one can speak of "soliton energy" by analogy with the well-known expressions "wave energy" or "vibrational energy". Solitons are realized as states of special nonlinear media (systems) and have fundamental differences from ordinary waves. In particular, solitons are often stable self-trapped bunches of energy with a characteristic shape of a single-humped wave moving with the same shape and speed without dissipating its energy. Solitons are capable of non-destructive collisions, i.e. able to pass through each other when meeting without breaking their shape. They have numerous applications in engineering.

A solitary is usually understood as a solitary wave-like object (a localized solution of a nonlinear partial differential equation belonging to a certain class of soliton equations), which is able to exist without dissipation of its energy and, when interacting with other local perturbations, always restores its original form, i.e. . capable of non-destructive collisions. As is known, soliton equations “arise in the most natural way in the study of weakly nonlinear dispersion systems of various types on various spatial and temporal scales. The universality of these equations turns out to be so striking that many were inclined to see something magical in it ... But this is not so: dispersive weakly damped or undamped nonlinear systems behave the same, regardless of whether they are encountered in the description of plasma, classical liquids, lasers or nonlinear gratings". Accordingly, solitons are known in plasma, liquid and solid crystals, classical liquids, nonlinear lattices, magnetic and other polydomain media, etc. small dissipative terms into soliton equations).

It should be noted that living matter is permeated with many non-linear lattices: from molecular polymer networks to supramolecular cytoskeletons and organic matrix. Rearrangements of these lattices are of great biological importance and may well behave in a soliton-like manner. In addition, solitons are known as forms of motion of phase rearrangement fronts, for example, in liquid crystals (see, for example, ). Since many systems of living organisms (including liquid crystal systems) exist on the verge of phase transitions, it is natural to assume that the fronts of their phase rearrangements in organisms will also often move in a soliton form.

Even the discoverer of solitons, Scott Russell, experimentally showed in the last century that the soliton acts as a concentrator, trap and transporter of energy and matter, capable of non-destructive collisions with other solitons and local perturbations. Obviously, these features of solitons can be beneficial for living organisms, and therefore biosoliton mechanisms can be specially cultivated in wildlife by the mechanisms of natural selection. Here are some of these benefits:

  • - 1) spontaneous capture of energy, matter, etc., as well as their spontaneous local concentration (self-localization) and careful, loss-free transportation in a dosed form inside the body;
  • - 2) ease of control of flows of energy, matter, etc. (when they are organized in a soliton form) due to the possible local switching of the characteristics of the non-linearity of the biomedium from the soliton to the non-soliton type of non-linearity and vice versa;
  • - 3) decoupling for many of those simultaneously and in one place occurring in the body, i.e. overlapping processes (locomotor, blood supply, metabolic, growth, morphogenetic, etc.) that require relative independence of their course. This decoupling can be ensured precisely by the ability of solitons to nondestructive collisions.

For the first time, our study of supramolecular cooperative processes in living organisms from the soliton point of view revealed the presence in them of many macroscopic soliton-like processes. The subject of study was, first of all, directly observed locomotor and other biological movements, the high energy efficiency of which had long been assumed by biologists. At the first stage of the study, we found that in many living organisms, biological macromotions often have a soliton-like appearance of a characteristic single-humped local deformation wave moving along a living body with the preservation of its shape and speed and sometimes demonstrating the ability to non-destructive collisions. These "biosolitons" are realized at various branches and levels of biological evolution in organisms that differ in size by several orders of magnitude.

The report presents numerous examples of such biosolitons. In particular, an example of crawling of the Helix snail, which occurs due to the passage of a single-humped undulating deformation along its body with the preservation of its shape and speed, is considered. Detailed registrations of this kind of biological movement are taken from the book. In one variant of crawling (with one “gait”), the snail realizes local stretching deformations that run along the supporting surface of its body from front to back. In another, slower variant of crawling, local compression deformations occur along the same bodily surface, going in the opposite direction from the tail to the head. Both of these types of soliton deformations—direct and retrograde—can occur in the cochlea simultaneously with head-on collisions between them. We emphasize that their collision is non-destructive, which is characteristic of solitons. In other words, after a collision, they retain their shape and speed, that is, their individuality: “the presence of large retrograde waves does not affect the propagation of normal and much shorter direct waves; both types of waves propagated without any sign of mutual interference. This biological fact has been known since the beginning of the century, although researchers have never associated it with solitons before us.

As Gray and other classics of the study of locomotion (spatial movements in organisms) emphasized, the latter are highly energy-efficient processes. This is essential for the vitally important provision of the body with the ability to move without fatigue over long distances in search of food, escape from danger, etc. (organisms in general are extremely careful with energy, which is not at all easy for them to store). Thus, in a snail, a soliton local deformation of the body, due to which its body moves in space, occurs only in the zone of separation of the body from the support surface. And the entire part of the body in contact with the support is undeformed and rests relative to the support. Accordingly, during the entire time of the soliton-like deformation flowing through the body of the cochlea, such a wave-like locomotion (or mass transfer process) does not require energy costs to overcome the friction forces of the cochlea against the support, being the most economical in this respect. Of course, it can be assumed that part of the energy during locomotion is still dissipated into the mutual friction of tissues inside the body of the cochlea. But if this locomotor wave is soliton-like, then it also ensures the minimization of friction losses inside the body. (As far as we know, the issue of energy losses due to intra-body friction during locomotion has not been sufficiently studied experimentally, however, the body is unlikely to have missed the opportunity to minimize them). With the considered organization of locomotion, all (or almost all) energy costs for it are reduced to the costs of the initial creation of each such soliton-like local deformation. It is the physics of solitons that provides extremely energy-efficient possibilities for handling energy. And its use by living organisms looks natural, especially since the surrounding world is saturated with soliton media and solitons.

It should be noted that, at least since the beginning of the century, researchers have represented wave-like locomotion as a kind of relay process. At that time of “presoliton physics”, the natural physical analogy of such a relay process was the combustion process, in which local bodily deformation was transferred from point to point like ignition. This notion of relay-race dissipative processes such as combustion, now called autowave, was the best possible at that time, and it has long become familiar to many. However, physics itself did not stand still. In recent decades, it has developed the idea of ​​solitons as a new type of non-dissipative relay processes of higher energy efficiency with paradoxical properties that were previously unthinkable, which provides the basis for a new class of nonlinear models of relay processes.

One of the important advantages of the soliton approach over the traditional autowave approach in modeling processes in a living organism is determined by the ability of solitons to nondestructive collisions. Indeed, autowaves (describing, for example, the movement of a burning zone along a burning cord) are characterized by the fact that behind them there remains a zone of non-excitability (a burnt cord), and therefore two autowaves cease to exist when they collide with each other, unable to move along an already “burned out” site." But in the areas of a living organism, many biomechanical processes simultaneously occur - locomotor, blood supply, metabolic, growth, morphogenetic, etc., and therefore, modeling them with autowaves, the theorist is faced with the following problem of mutual destruction of autowaves. One autowave process, moving through the area of ​​the body under consideration due to the continuous burning of energy reserves on it, makes this medium unexcitable for other autowaves for some time until the energy reserves for their existence are restored in this area. In living matter, this problem is especially relevant also because the types of energy-chemical reserves in it are highly unified (organisms have a universal energy currency - ATP). Therefore, it is difficult to believe that the fact of the simultaneous existence of many processes in one area in the body is ensured by the fact that each autowave process in the body moves by burning out its specific type of energy without burning out energy for others. For soliton models, this problem of mutual annihilation of biomechanical processes colliding in one place does not exist in principle, since solitons, due to their ability to non-destructive collisions, calmly pass through each other and their number can be arbitrarily large in one area at the same time. According to our data, the soliton sine-Gordon equation and its generalizations are of particular importance for modeling biosoliton phenomena of living matter.

As is known, in polydomain media (magnets, ferroelectrics, superconductors, etc.), solitons act as interdomain walls. In living matter, the polydomain phenomenon plays an important role in morphogenetic processes. As in other polydomain media, in polydomain biological media it is associated with the classical Landau-Lifshitz principle of energy minimization in the medium. In these cases, soliton interdomain walls turn out to be places of increased energy concentration, in which biochemical reactions often proceed especially actively.

The ability of solitons to play the role of trains transporting portions of matter to the right place within the soliton medium (organism) according to the laws of nonlinear dynamics also deserves every attention in connection with bioevolutionary and physiological problems. Let us add that the biosoliton physical energy is able to harmoniously coexist in a living organism with the known chemical types of its energy. The development of the concept of biosolitons makes it possible, in particular, to open a research "hunt" in biology for analogues of different types of solitons - breathers, wobblers, pulsons, etc., derived by mathematicians "on the tip of a pen" when analyzing soliton equations and then discovered by physicists in nature. Many oscillatory and wave physiological processes can eventually receive meaningful soliton models for their description, associated with the nonlinear, soliton nature of a biopolymer living substance.

For example, this refers to the basic physiological movements of a living biopolymer substance such as heartbeats, etc. Recall that in a human embryo at the age of three weeks, when it has a growth of only four millimeters, the heart comes first in motion. The beginning of cardiac activity is due to some internal energy mechanisms, since at this time the heart does not yet have any nerve connections to control these contractions and it begins to contract when there is still no blood to be pumped. At this point, the embryo itself is essentially a piece of polymeric mucus in which internal energy is self-organizing into energy-efficient pulsations. The same can be said about the occurrence of heartbeats in the eggs and eggs of animals, where the supply of energy from the outside is minimized by the existence of the shell and other insulating covers. Similar forms of energy self-organization and self-localization are known in polymeric media, including those of a non-biological type, and, according to modern concepts, are of a soliton nature, since solitons are the most energy-efficient (non-dissipative or low-dissipative) self-organizing structures of a pulsating and other nature. Solitons are realized in a variety of natural media surrounding living organisms: solid and liquid crystals, classical liquids, magnets, lattice structures, plasma, etc. The evolution of living matter with its natural selection mechanisms has not passed by the unique properties of solitons and their ensembles.

Do these materials have anything to do with synergy? Yes, definitely. As defined in Hagen's monograph /6, p.4/, “within the framework of synergetics, such a joint action of individual parts of any disordered system is studied, as a result of which self-organization occurs - macroscopic spatial, temporal or space-time structures arise, and are considered as deterministic and stochastic processes. There are many types of nonlinear processes and systems that are studied within the framework of synergetics. Kurdyumov and Knyazeva /7, p.15/, listing a number of these types, specifically note that among them one of the most important and intensively studied are solitons. In recent years, the international journal Chaos, Solitons & Fractals has been published. Solitons, observed in various natural media, are a vivid example of the nonlinear cooperative behavior of many elements of the system, leading to the formation of specific spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal structures. The best-known, although by no means the only, type of such soliton structures is the above-described self-localizing, shape-stable, one-hump local deformation of a medium that travels at a constant speed. Solitons are actively used and studied in modern physics. Since 1973, starting from the works of Davydov /8/, solitons are also used in biology for modeling molecular biological processes. Currently, there are many publications all over the world on the use of such "molecular solitons" in molecular biology, in particular, for understanding the processes in proteins and DNA. Our works /3, 9/ were the first publications in the world literature on the topic of "supramolecular solitons" in biological phenomena of the supramolecular level. We emphasize that the existence of molecular biosolitons (which, according to many authors, has yet to be proved) does not in any way imply the existence of solitons in cooperative biological supramolecular processes that unite myriads of molecules.


  1. Dodd R. et al. Solitons and nonlinear wave equations. M., 1988, 694 p.
  2. Kamensky V.G. ZhETF, 1984, vol. 87, issue. 4(10), p. 1262-1277.
  3. Petukhov S.V. Biosolitons. Fundamentals of soliton biology. - M., 1999, 288 p.
  4. Gray J. Animal locomotion. London, 1968.
  5. Petukhov S.V. Biperiodic table of the genetic code and the number of protons. - M., 2001, 258 p.
  6. Hagen G. Synergetics. - M., Mir, 1980, 404 p.
  7. Knyazeva E.N., Kurdyumov S.P. Laws of evolution and self-organization of complex systems. - M., Nauka, 1994, 220 p.
  8. Davydov A.S. Solitons in biology. - Kyiv, Naukova Dumka, 1979.
  9. Petukhov S.V. Solitons in biomechanics. Deposited at VINITI RAS on February 12, 1999, No. 471-B99. (Index VINITI "Deposited scientific works", No. 4 for 1999)

Summary . The report discusses the opportunities opened up by a solitonic approach to supramolecular biology, first of all, for modeling a wide class of natural wave movements in living organisms. The results of the author’s research demonstrate the existence of soliton-like supramolecular processes in locomotor, metabolic and other manifestations of dynamic biomorphology on a wide variety of branches and levels of biological evolution.

Solitons, named sometimes "wave atoms", have unusual properties from the classical (linear) viewpoint. They have the ability for self-organizing: auto-localizations; catching of energy; formation of ensembles with dynamics of pulsing and other character. Solitons were known in plasma, liquid and firm crystals, classical liquids, nonlinear lattices, magnetic and other poly-domain matters, etc. The reveal of biosolitons points out that biological mechano-chemistry makes living matter as a solitonic environment with opportunities of various physiological use of solitonic mechanisms. The report is based on the books: S.V. Petoukhov "Biosolitons. Bases of solitonic biology”, Moscow, 1999 (in Russian).

Petukhov S.V., Solitons in cooperative biological processes of the supramolecular level // "Academy of Trinitarianism", M., El No. 77-6567, publ. 13240, 21.04.2006

Scientists have managed to prove that words can revive dead cells! During the research, scientists were amazed at the enormous power of the word. As well as an unthinkable experiment of scientists on the impact of creative thought on cruelty and violence.
How did they manage to achieve this?

Let's start in order. Back in 1949, researchers Enrico Fermi, Ulam and Pasta studied nonlinear systems - oscillatory systems, the properties of which depend on the processes occurring in them. These systems under a certain state behaved unusually.

Studies have shown that the systems memorized the conditions of influence on them, and this information was stored in them for quite a long time. A typical example is a DNA molecule that stores the information memory of an organism. Back in those days, scientists were asking themselves how it was possible that an unintelligent molecule with no brain structures or nervous system could have a memory that surpassed any modern computer in accuracy. Later, scientists discovered mysterious solitons.


A soliton is a structural stable wave found in non-linear systems. The surprise of scientists knew no bounds. After all, these waves behave like intelligent beings. And only after 40 years, scientists managed to advance in these studies. The essence of the experiment was as follows - with the help of specific devices, scientists managed to trace the path of these waves in the DNA chain. Passing the chain, the wave completely read the information. It can be compared to a person reading an open book, only hundreds of times more accurate. All experimenters during the study had the same question - why do solitons behave this way, and who gives them such a command?

Scientists continued their research at the Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. They tried to influence solitons with human speech recorded on an information carrier. What scientists saw exceeded all expectations - under the influence of words, solitons came to life. The researchers went further - they sent these waves to wheat grains, which had previously been irradiated with such a dose of radioactive radiation, at which DNA chains are torn, and they become unviable. After exposure, the wheat seeds sprouted. Under the microscope, the restoration of DNA destroyed by radiation was observed.

It turns out that human words were able to revive a dead cell, i.e. under the influence of words, solitons began to possess life-giving power. These results have been repeatedly confirmed by researchers from other countries - Great Britain, France, America. Scientists have developed a special program in which human speech was transformed into vibrations and superimposed on soliton waves, and then they affected the DNA of plants. As a result, the growth and quality of plants was significantly accelerated. Experiments were also carried out with animals, after exposure to them, an improvement in blood pressure was observed, the pulse leveled out, and somatic indicators improved.

Research scientists did not stop there

Together with colleagues from scientific institutes in the USA and India, experiments were carried out on the impact of human thought on the state of the planet. The experiments were carried out more than once, the latter involved 60 and 100 thousand people. This is truly a huge number of people. The main and necessary rule for the implementation of the experiment was the presence of a creative thought in people. To do this, people voluntarily gathered in groups and directed their positive thoughts to a certain point on our planet. At that time, the capital of Iraq, Baghdad, was chosen as this point, where then there were bloody battles.

During the experiment, the fighting abruptly stopped and did not resume for several days, and also during the days of the experiment, the crime rates in the city were sharply reduced! The process of creative thought influence was recorded by scientific instruments, which recorded the most powerful flow of positive energy.

Scientists are confident that these experiments have proven the materiality of human thoughts and feelings, and their incredible ability to resist evil, death and violence. For the umpteenth time, scientific minds, thanks to their pure thoughts and aspirations, scientifically confirm the ancient common truths - human thoughts can both create and destroy.

The choice remains with the person, because it depends on the direction of his attention whether a person will create or negatively influence others and himself. Human life is a constant choice and one can learn to make it correctly and consciously.

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The wider and deeper the knowledge of mankind about the surrounding world becomes, the brighter the islands of the unknown stand out. That is what solitons are - unusual objects of the physical world.

Where are solitons born?

The term solitons itself is translated as a solitary wave. They really are born from waves and inherit some of their properties. However, in the process of propagation and collision exhibit the properties of the particles. Therefore, the name of these objects is taken in consonance with the well-known concepts of electron, photon, which have a similar duality.

For the first time such a solitary wave was observed on one of the London canals in 1834. It arose in front of the moving barge and continued its rapid movement after the ship stopped, maintaining its shape and energy for a long time.

Sometimes such waves appearing on the surface of the water reach a height of 25 meters. Born on the surface of the oceans, they cause damage and death to ships. Such a gigantic sea shaft, reaching the shore, throws huge masses of water onto it, bringing colossal destruction. Returning to the ocean, it takes thousands of lives, buildings and various objects.

This picture of destruction is characteristic. Studying the reasons for their occurrence, scientists came to the conclusion that most of them really had a soliton origin. Tsunami-solitons could be born in the open ocean and in calm, quiet weather. That is, they were not generated at all or by other natural disasters.

Mathematicians created a theory that made it possible to predict the conditions for their occurrence in various environments. Physicists reproduced these conditions in the laboratory and discovered solitons:

  • in crystals;
  • shortwave laser radiation;
  • fiber light guides;
  • other galaxies;
  • nervous system of living organisms;
  • and in planetary atmospheres. This suggested that the Great Red Spot on the surface of Jupiter also has a soliton origin.

Amazing properties and signs of solitons

Solitons have several features that distinguish them from ordinary waves:

  • they propagate over vast distances, practically without changing their parameters (amplitude, frequency, speed, energy);
  • soliton waves pass through each other without distortion, as if particles were colliding, not waves;
  • the higher the "hump" of the soliton, the greater its speed;
  • these unusual formations are able to remember information about the nature of the impact on them.

The question arises, how can ordinary molecules that do not have the necessary structures and systems remember information? At the same time, their memory parameters are superior to the best modern computers.

Soliton waves also originate in DNA molecules, which are able to store information about the body throughout life! With the help of supersensitive devices, it was possible to trace the path of solitons in the entire DNA chain. Turns out, the wave reads the information stored on its way, similar to how a person reads an open book, but the accuracy of wave scanning is many times greater.

Research was continued at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientists conducted an unusual experiment, the results of which were very unexpected. The researchers influenced solitons with human speech. It turned out that the verbal information recorded on a special carrier literally revived the solitons.

A vivid confirmation of this was the research conducted with wheat grains previously irradiated with a monstrous dose of radioactivity. With such an impact, the DNA chains are destroyed, and the seeds lose their viability. By directing the solitons, which "remembered" human speech, to the "dead" grains of wheat, it was possible to restore their viability, i.e. they sprouted. Microscopic studies have shown complete restoration of DNA strands destroyed by radiation.

Application prospects

The manifestations of solitons are extremely diverse. Therefore, it is very difficult to predict all the prospects for their application.

But it is already obvious that on the basis of these systems it will be possible to create more powerful lasers and amplifiers, use them in the field of telecommunications for transmitting energy and information, and apply them in spectroscopy.

When transmitting information over conventional fiber optic cables, signal amplification is required every 80-100 km. The use of optical solitons makes it possible to increase the range of signal transmission without distortion of the pulse shape up to 5-6 thousand kilometers.

But where the energy comes from to maintain such powerful signals over such vast distances remains a mystery. The search for an answer to this question is still ahead.

If this message was useful to you, I would be glad to see you

Sailors have long known high-altitude solitary waves that destroy ships. For a long time it was believed that this occurs only in the open ocean. However, recent data suggests that solitary killer waves (up to 20-30 meters high), or solitons (from the English solitary - “solitary”), can also appear in coastal areas. The Birmingham Incident We were about 100 miles southwest of Durban on our way to Cape Town. The cruiser was going fast and almost without rolling, meeting moderate swell and wind waves, when suddenly we fell into a hole and rushed down to meet the next wave, which swept through the first gun turrets and hit our open captain's bridge. I was knocked down and, at a height of 10 meters above sea level, found myself in a half-meter layer of water. The ship experienced such a blow that many thought that we were torpedoed. The captain immediately slowed down, but this precaution turned out to be in vain, since moderate sailing conditions were restored and no more "pits" came across. This is an incident that happened at night with a darkened ship. was one of the most exciting at sea. I readily believe that a loaded ship under such circumstances can sink. This is how a British officer from the cruiser Birmingham-. describes an unexpected encounter with a single catastrophic wave. This story took place during the Second World War, so the reaction of the crew, who decided that the cruiser was torpedoed, is understandable. A similar incident with the steamer Huarita in 1909 did not end so well. It carried 211 passengers and crew. All died. Such single waves unexpectedly appearing in the ocean, in fact, are called killer waves, or solitons. Seemingly. any storm can be called a killer .. Indeed, how many ships died during the storm and are dying now? How many sailors found their last resting place in the depths of the raging sea? And yet the waves. resulting from sea storms and even hurricanes are not called “killers”. It is believed that an encounter with a soliton is most likely off the southern coast of Africa. When the shipping lanes changed due to the Suez Canal and ships stopped sailing around Africa, the number of encounters with killer waves decreased. Nevertheless, already after the Second World War, since 1947, for about 12 years, very large ships, the Bosfontein, met with solitons. "Giasterkerk", "Orinfontein" and "Jacherefontein", not counting the smaller local courts. During the Arab-Israeli war, the Suez Canal was practically closed, and the movement of ships around Africa again became intense. From a meeting with a killer wave in June 1968, the World Glory supertanker with a displacement of more than 28 thousand tons died. The tanker received a storm warning, and when the storm approached, everything was carried out according to the instructions. Nothing bad was expected. But among the usual wind waves, which did not pose a serious danger. suddenly there was a huge wave about 20 meters high with a very steep front. She lifted the tanker so that its middle rested on the wave, and the bow and stern were in the air. The tanker was loaded with crude oil and broke in half under its own weight. These halves remained buoyant for some time, but after four hours the tanker sank to the bottom. True, most of the crew managed to be saved. In the 70s, the "attacks" of killer waves on ships continued. In August 1973, the Neptune Sapphire, sailing from Europe to Japan, 15 miles from Cape Hermis, with a wind of about 20 meters per second, experienced an unexpected blow from a solitary wave that had come from nowhere. The blow was so strong that the bow of the ship, about 60 meters long, broke off from the hull! The ship "Neptune Sapphire" had the most advanced design for those years. Nevertheless, the meeting with the killer wave turned out to be fatal for him. Quite a few such cases have been described. Naturally, not only large ships, on which there are possibilities for saving the crew, fall into the terrible list of disasters. Meeting with killer waves for small craft often ends much more tragically. Such ships not only experience the strongest blow. capable of destroying them, but on a steep leading edge, the waves can easily overturn. It happens so fast that it is impossible to count on salvation. This is not a tsunami. What are these killer waves? The first thought that comes to the mind of an informed reader is a tsunami. After the catastrophic "raid" of gravitational waves on the southeastern coast of Asia, many imagine the tsunami as an eerie wall of water with a steep front, falling on the shore and washing away houses and people. Indeed, tsunamis are capable of much. After the appearance of this wave near the northern Kuriles, hydrographers, studying the consequences, discovered a decent-sized boat thrown over the coastal hills into the interior of the island. That is, the energy of the tsunami is simply amazing. However, this is all about tsunamis that “attack” the coast. Translated into Russian, the term “tsunami” means “big wave in the harbor”. It is very difficult to find it in the open ocean. There, the height of this wave usually does not exceed one meter, and the average, typical dimensions are tens of centimeters. And the slope is extremely small, because at such a height its length is several kilometers. So it is almost impossible to detect a tsunami against the background of running wind waves or swell. Why, then, when “attacking” a shore, tsunamis become so frightening? The fact is that this wave, due to its large length, sets the water in motion throughout the entire depth of the ocean. And when it reaches relatively shallow areas during its spreading, all this colossal mass of water rises from the depths. This is how a “harmless” wave in the open ocean becomes destructive on the coast. So killer waves are not tsunamis. In fact, solitons are an unusual and little-studied phenomenon. They are called waves, although in fact they are something else. For the emergence of solitons, of course, some initial impulse, an impact, is needed, otherwise where will the energy come from, but not only. Unlike conventional waves, solitons propagate over long distances with very little energy dissipation. This is a mystery that is yet to be explored. Solitons practically do not interact with each other. As a rule, they propagate at different speeds. Of course, it may happen that one soliton catches up with the other, and then they are summed up in height, but then they still scatter along their paths again. Of course, the addition of solitons is a rare event. But there is another reason for the sharp increase in their steepness and height. This reason is the underwater ledges through which the soliton “runs”. At the same time, energy is reflected in the underwater part, and the wave, as it were, “splashes” upwards. A similar situation was studied on physical models by an international scientific group. Based on these studies, safer ship routes can be laid. But there are still many more mysteries than studied features, and the mystery of killer waves is still waiting for its researchers. Particularly mysterious are the solitons inside the waters of the sea, on the so-called "density jump layer". These solitons can lead (or have already led) to submarine disasters.