It means that since their time. What happened with time? (Check out everyone!!!). What happens with time anyway?

Throughout a person's life, the highest speed of the body's work is observed in newborns. All their processes are fast. They grow quickly, gain weight quickly, quickly learn skills, thanks to a person who is able to see, breathe, walk, then speak. And the surrounding life, accordingly, seems to them very slow. If a child is only two days old, then for him one day is already half a life! And with age, the rate of tissue growth decreases many times over. This also affects our perception of time - the lower the intensity of the processes, the faster time flies. When the body begins to age - the weeks begin to flicker like movie frames.

This is how we traditionally explain the effect of the acceleration of the passage of time, linking this with age-related changes in our carcass and in the work of the deteriorating brain, which no one can clearly explain. Five years ago, I heard the conversation of my children, they were then 12 and 13 years old, and thought hard. They discussed how time flies by unimaginably fast, that school "terms" fly by like one day, and summer vacation comes 10 times faster than when they were in first and second grade! I listened and was amazed, but is this possible? For me, the first 17 years of my life dragged on like time stood still! Then suddenly acceleration began, and now I have what I have. But how can they, at such a tender age, complain about the acceleration of the flow of time!? A few months later I remembered their conversation again, and came to the conclusion that probably something is actually happening over time, and this is no longer just our subjective perception.
It is clear that for a flying bee we are just frozen idols. For the same reason, we put a lot of effort to swat a fly sitting on a glass. She then giggles when she sees how a funny little man, with his face twisted from tension and hunting passion, sneaks up on tiptoes so as not to frighten the game. For her, the fly swatter that descends on her back moves slowly, slowly, as in a nightmare.
But for a turtle, a hunter sneaking up on her seems like something like an approaching locomotive. A running person is not visible to her in the same way as a flying bullet is to a person. Obviously, time for each of us has its own, individual dimension. Hence the difference in the perception of the speed of the passage of time between an adult, one who is still growing. And it would seem, what reason to doubt that it is only a matter of perception? The feelings of my daughter and son came to my mind now, when I read the testimonies, which at first glance would seem to be unrelated to the topic voiced. So:

1. One priest, known for his special gift to see the invisible, told impressive information; time is running out! Compared to what it was a hundred or more years ago, the current day has become shorter. According to the real, and not the calendar duration, if we take the old time that has not changed over the centuries as a standard, the modern day lasts only 18 hours against the previous 24. It turns out that every day we lose about 6 hours, and that is why we always do not have enough time, days fly at high speed. The shortening of the day was especially noticeable at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.

2. On sacred Athos, the monks even spend their nights in prayer. Moreover, the Athos elders have long developed a special prayer rule: in a certain period of time they must read so many prayers, and so every day, strictly by the hour. Previously, the monks had time to complete this "program" overnight, and before the early morning service they even had a little time to rest. And now, with the same number of prayers, the elders no longer have enough night to finish them. Or have the elders become so feeble?

3. H For several years, the lamps at the tomb of the Lord have been burning longer than before. Previously, oil was added to large lamps at the same time, on the eve of Easter. It burned out completely within a year. But now, for the umpteenth time, before the main Christian holiday, there is still a lot of oil left. It turns out that time is ahead of even the physical laws of combustion. Unless it's the oil itself. Can genetically modified oil burn longer?

4. One grandfather recalls that in the 30s his father, returning from exile to his family, with a minimum of assistants, managed to build a new good hut in just a week. And in the memoirs of Boris Shiryaev about the Solovetsky camp there is an episode of how 50 prisoners, of which almost half were "goal", built and put into operation a hefty bathhouse in just 22 hours! The builders were armed only with hand saws and axes. Now, even with modern electric tools, we will not be able to keep up with the hard workers of the past! And not only because they have become lazier and weaker, but also because there is not enough time.

Yes, all of us who managed to start working even before computers, fax machines, printers and other filth became commonplace, recalled many times that we used to do twice as much in a working day! How is this possible, if each piece of paper was written by hand, copies were made using carbon paper, only the boss and the accountant had a telephone, and the fax was generally in the mind along with the annihilator and blaster!
And here's the thought. If an organism that is aging begins to slow down the perception of the passage of time more and more, can the whole planet do the same, aging also begins to slow down in everything, including in time? At first glance, stupidity.
And if not?


A reader writes: Please tell me what happens over time?
Each week seems to fly by faster than the previous one. Summer will soon be over - it flew by like one month earlier.

Plus something strange happens to people. Everyone is as angry as possible, calls are heard from all sides for the murder of infidels (pop Chaplin), for medieval savagery (circumcision of women from the Mufti of the Caucasus), all sorts of "surgeons" arrange absolutely "hellish" dances in Crimea ...

I answer:

The effects of the cleansing waves continue +

confrontation of the system (staging, forcing fears, radiation and other sacrifices) +

the matrix is ​​bursting at the seams +

time is accelerating (number of events per unit of time) +

there are constant mergers / splits of branches (depends on the personal choice of each) +

3 eclipses per month +

the adequacy of the population is checked +

zeroing + summing up

There is no need to write about what is happening every day (these processes simply accelerate, and everyone should track specific changes on their own).

Expected Wave Effects

reset continues:

The cycle of events is provided by one, and the other will become a little bored, complete calm-aggravation of sensitivity (empathy), powerful energy flows in the body (up to trembling, vibrations),

Difficulty sleeping, insomnia, too shallow/not deep sleep, change in daily sleep cycles (from early morning to night owl or vice versa).

There is information that some are sometimes transferred to one of the old genetic models that existed at a time when the earth's day lasted 36 hours (there was a link to the planetary cycle).

So you can go to bed at 9 pm tonight, and the day after tomorrow at 9 am. At the same time, some will sleep for days on end, others will need 4-5 hours.

*from comments:

Q: and I thought I had problems with the cycle due to the fact that on my home planet it's so ...

A: it is more than possible that there is a connection with the home planet, because the chakra systems have long been attuned to their home worlds with all the consequences)

Scattered attention with peaks of spontaneous concentration or bursts of "superpowers". Particularly sensitive people can begin to see the world as a matrix, scenery, feel the transfer from one time branch to another (events repeat, mirror each other).


Equipment breaks down and comes back into operation - in addition to energy drops (for example, when communicating with certain personalities, in cases of emotional outbursts), this is also often associated with a jump along the branches of reality.

If today your phone or computer * is buggy, concentrate on yesterday (when it worked) and a good mood. Set the intention "I fix the system in working order, I ask the guardians and the Higher Self to transfer me back to the branch where the computer works when I wake up, if this corresponds to my optimal development."

We turn off the gadget, go to bed, if we wake up in a good mood, the chances are high that everything will work fine. Checked multiple times! Naturally, this technique can and should be applied in all other spheres of life.

*from comments:

The computer is usually buggy when some completely new information is transmitted. It does not fit into the matrix, and therefore the matrix is ​​buggy. Small minds that visualize this thing for us on a computer in a stupor slightly. But this is not for long, they are trainable)

Strengthening the psycho-emotional mood in which the individual is constantly located (if there is fear / anger, it will intensify; love / joy - the same.

A tired person will get even more tired, a vigorous one will gain more and more energy, etc.)

Strong mood swings, from fatigue, despondency, apathy and depression, up to psychosis and loss of self-control

for some - bursts of love, joy, humor and new joyful events for others - settlements will manifest themselves in the most severe way (the story of a decapitated child in Moscow is one of the extreme examples)

As usual, relatives, colleagues, friends will be used as tools.

Some may be flattened so that it seems to you that the person has been replaced (and you yourself too). Avoid scandals and misunderstandings, think about what you say and in what tone.

The fluctuations in planetary energies will have a variety of health effects - from headaches, aching joints/muscles and exacerbation of chronic diseases, up to death for those who cannot withstand the flow.

As I have repeatedly written, such souls have fulfilled their program on Earth and it is time for them to leave, not necessarily through illness, accidents, accidents, "acts of nature" and other major events are possible. Let them go on a new path without regret, it will be much easier for them and for you.

New wave and its effects

Change in general perception and empathy. The fact is that at this time, empathy is waking up for many - the ability to feel the world and people around is much thinner than it was previously possible.

At the same time, the possibilities for controlling reality, abilities (clairvoyance, contact with higher aspects, etc.) and the memory of other incarnations are activated. A person is used to thinking that all thoughts in his head belong only to him. This is not true.

Our brain is a receiver-transmitter and reads the thoughts of other people from the general information field. Usually, if a person is tuned in to dark thoughts or problems, they will constantly come to him, and the system takes advantage of this, deliberately tuning him in the way she needs, throwing more and more hooks and hooks. Of course, many of them also come through the media, as in your case. But times change, and so do we.

When consciousness expands, it begins to generate requests for thoughts of a different order, without realizing it. You intuitively want something more, pure, you feel the echoes of the silver wind, but reality constantly shifts attention to information traps, apathy, chagrin, disappointment, etc. to keep you in the lower vibrational spectrum. Roughly speaking, instead of emanations of love and joy, they try to dip you back into fear, anger and hopelessness.

In addition, you begin to more clearly read the state of close people (and in public places too, it all depends on the level of openness and the strength of your abilities), and these states do not always coincide with your desires and settings. Not realizing that even these emotions are not your own, you can be powerfully influenced, because. anger, depression, apathy and other psycho-emotional disorders are quite "dense", they are much easier to "hook" from others and even more so "weather out of oneself".

Imagine that your energy structure/consciousness is a sieve. Pebbles are sifted through a sieve, and each pebble is a whole thought or emotion. The larger the sieve cells, the fewer pebbles will get stuck in it. Smaller pebbles are minor household problems, and larger ones are "serious troubles".

If you cling to every cobblestone with your sieve, it will quickly fill up and you simply cannot bear the weight of the accumulated problems.

Let your sieve expand the cells, pass through it all the troubles, bad moods and problems, because many of them are beyond your control, you cannot change them, and they rarely concern you personally. This does not mean that you cannot sympathize with the suffering, but you should not blame yourself for all the troubles of the world either.

The same example can be given to the sail and the wind: if the sail is made of dense matter, then a strong gust of wind can break it or break the mast. If the sail is less dense / more airy (like gauze), the wind will simply fly through it, and the sail will continue to fly proudly.

Of course, it all depends on the strength of the wind and the purpose of the sail - whether you want to move the boat slowly and keep a steady course, or quickly rush into distant distances without controlling speed.

Allow yourself to tighten and loosen your sail as needed, adapt to the winds of change and you will always keep the ship of your spirit under control, and your journey will be soft and calm.

Actually, this is exactly what is happening now with many: the winds of change and energy flows are accelerating, and the sails of the majority are simply not adapted to the new situation. They are torn and broken, although everything could be different if a person stopped and thought about what was happening, looked for answers inside himself.

Perception of time

It is known that the perception of time by a person varies depending on the quantity and quality of information entering the brain.

The more information, the faster the passage of time seems and vice versa.

If you're watching an action-packed blockbuster, the time usually flies much faster than in the tedious daily bus to work (although the opposite effect is also sometimes observed).

In the first case, you are pumped up with new information, in the second, you are experiencing a scenario that has already been repeatedly passed through, which your brain practically does not register as unnecessary. Oddly enough, in both cases you can "fall out of time", i.e. lose your assemblage point in it, your attention moves away from the here and now.

This happens because the observer's brain is put into an alpha (semi-meditative) state, where consciousness can flow either into the outer (for you) world of the film, or into the inner world of your own fantasies and thoughts to distract yourself from the tedious trip.

And often in both cases, we break away from the rhythm of time in which we usually live - it either flies unnoticed if you are completely immersed in the process, or becomes viscous like rubber in the absence of interest.

But this applies only to the perception that is projected by the human brain. The rhythms of time on the clock themselves are the same for all those present, whether they are film viewers or bus passengers.

This is one of the main tricks of the matrix - to bind us to what essentially exists only in our adapters to physical reality.There is an internal and external time, where the internal is personal for each cell of consciousness, and the external is a common, synchronizing flow that has its own carrier beam, wrapped in a multidimensional spiral

Reader writes:

Can you please tell me what happens over time?
Each week seems to fly by faster than the previous one. Summer will soon be over - it flew by like one month earlier.
Plus something strange happens to people. Everyone is as angry as possible, calls are heard from all sides for the murder of infidels (pop Chaplin), for medieval savagery (circumcision of women from the Mufti of the Caucasus), all sorts of "surgeons" arrange absolutely "hellish" dances in Crimea ...

The effects of cleansing waves continue + confrontation of the system (staging, forcing fears, radiation and other sacrifices) + the matrix is ​​bursting at the seams + time is accelerating (number of events per unit of time) + there are constant mergers / divisions of branches (depends on the personal choice of everyone) + 3 eclipses per month + checking the adequacy of the population + resetting + summing up

There is neither desire nor need to write about what is happening every day (because in fact the processes are simply accelerating, and everyone should track specific changes on their own), therefore, in order not to repeat myself, please re-read the following posts and comments on them if you want to understand and something then change:

Expected wave effects:

Equipment breaks down and comes back into operation - in addition to energy drops (for example, when communicating with certain personalities, in cases of emotional outbursts), this is also often associated with a jump along the branches of reality. If today your phone or computer * is buggy, concentrate on yesterday (when it worked) and a good mood. Set the intention "I fix the system in working order. I ask the keepers and VE to transfer me back to the branch where the computer works when I wake up, if this corresponds to my optimal development." We turn off the gadget, go to bed, if we wake up in a good mood, the chances are high that everything will work fine. Checked multiple times! Naturally, this technique can and should be applied in all other spheres of life.
I also advise:
*addition from comments:
The computer is usually buggy when some completely new information is transmitted. It does not fit into the matrix, and therefore the matrix is ​​buggy. Small minds that visualize this thing for us on a computer in a stupor slightly. But this is not for long, they are trainable)

Strengthening the psycho-emotional mood in which the individual is constantly located (if there is fear / anger, it will intensify; love / joy - the same way. A tired one will get even more tired, a cheerful one will gain more and more energy, etc.)

Strong mood swings, from fatigue, despondency, apathy and depression, up to psychosis and loss of control over failure for some

Splashes of love, joy, humor and new joyful experiences for others

Settlements will manifest themselves in the most severe way (the story of a decapitated child in Moscow is one of the extreme examples)

As usual, relatives, colleagues, friends will be used as tools. Some may be flattened so that it seems to you that the person has been replaced (and you yourself too). Avoid scandals and misunderstandings, think about what you say and in what tone.

The fluctuations in planetary energies will have a variety of health effects - from headaches, aching joints/muscles and exacerbation of chronic diseases, up to death for those who cannot withstand the flow. As I have repeatedly written, such souls have fulfilled their program on Earth and it is time for them to leave, not necessarily through illness, accidents, accidents, "acts of nature" and other force majeure are possible .. Let them go on a new path without regret, they and it will be much easier for you.
I advise you to read the entire post and comments to it:

Change in general perception and empathy:

The fact is that at this time, empathy is waking up for many - the ability to feel the world and people around is much thinner than it was previously possible. Along with this, the possibilities for controlling reality, abilities (clairvoyance, contact with higher aspects, etc.) and the memory of other incarnations are activated.

A person is used to thinking that all the thoughts in his head belong only to him. This is not true. Our brain is a receiver-transmitter and reads the thoughts of other people from the general information field. Usually, if a person is tuned in to dark thoughts or problems, they will constantly come to him, and the system takes advantage of this, deliberately tuning him in the way she needs, throwing more and more hooks and hooks. Of course, many of them also come through the media, as in your case. But times change, and so do we.

When consciousness expands, it begins to generate requests for thoughts of a different order, without realizing it. You intuitively want something more, pure, you feel, but reality constantly shifts attention to information traps, apathy, chagrin, disappointment, etc., in order to keep you in the lower vibrational spectrum. Roughly speaking, instead of emanations of love and joy, they try to dip you back into fear, anger and hopelessness.

In addition, you begin to more clearly read the state of close people (and in public places too, it all depends on the level of openness and the strength of your abilities), and these states do not always coincide with your desires and settings. Not realizing that even these emotions are not your own, you can be powerfully influenced, because. anger, depression, apathy and other psycho-emotional disorders are quite "dense", they are much easier to "hook" from others and even more so "weather out of oneself".

Imagine that your energy structure/consciousness is a sieve. Pebbles are sifted through a sieve, and each pebble is a whole thought or emotion. The larger the sieve cells, the fewer pebbles will get stuck in it. Smaller pebbles are minor household problems, and larger ones are "serious troubles". If you cling to every cobblestone with your sieve, it will quickly fill up and you simply cannot bear the weight of the accumulated problems. Let your sieve expand the cells, pass through it all the troubles, bad moods and problems, because many of them are beyond your control, you cannot change them, and they rarely concern you personally. This does not mean that you cannot sympathize with the suffering, but you should not blame yourself for all the troubles of the world either.

The same example can be given to the sail and the wind: if the sail is made of dense matter, then a strong gust of wind can break it or break the mast. If the sail is less dense / more airy (like gauze), the wind will simply fly through it, and the sail will continue to fly proudly. Of course, it all depends on the strength of the wind and the purpose of the sail - whether you want to move the boat slowly and keep a steady course, or quickly rush into distant distances without controlling speed. Allow yourself to tighten and loosen your sail as needed, adapt to the winds of change and you will always keep the ship of your spirit under control, and your journey will be soft and calm.

Actually, this is exactly what is happening now with many: the winds of change and energy flows are accelerating, and the sails of the majority are simply not adapted to the new situation. They are torn and broken, although everything could be different if a person stopped and thought about what was happening, looked for answers inside himself.

- choleric people are drawn to scandals, the release of aggression
-phlegmatic people, on the contrary, want to sleep, apathy and unwillingness to communicate in society are acutely manifested
- internally balanced people feel almost nothing (everything is relative)

That is, what we carry inside, then climbs to the surface

In general, keep in mind and use for the benefit of personal studies)

Perception of time:

It is known that the perception of time by a person varies depending on the quantity and quality of information entering the brain. The more information, the faster the passage of time seems and vice versa. If you're watching an action-packed blockbuster, the time usually flies much faster than in the tedious daily bus to work (although the opposite effect is also sometimes observed). In the first case, you are pumped up with new information, in the second, you are experiencing a scenario that has already been repeatedly passed, which your brain practically does not register as unnecessary. Oddly enough, in both cases you can "fall out of time", i.e. lose your assemblage point in it, your attention moves away from the here and now. This happens because the observer's brain is put into an alpha (semi-meditative) state, where consciousness can flow either into the outer (for you) world of the film, or into the inner world of your own fantasies and thoughts to distract yourself from the tedious trip. And often in both cases, we break away from the rhythm of time in which we usually live - it either flies unnoticed if you are completely immersed in the process, or becomes viscous like rubber in the absence of interest.

But this applies only to the perception that is projected by the human brain. The rhythms of time on the clock themselves are the same for all those present, whether they are film viewers or bus passengers. This is one of the main tricks of the matrix - to bind us to what essentially exists only in our adapters to physical reality.

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Priest Alexander Shumsky said that strange things have been happening in recent years - even small children say that time flies very quickly. Meanwhile, adults have been organizing online consultations on the topic of what has happened over time for a long time.

Speaking about modern children, the famous Moscow priest Alexander Shumsky told the Russian Line news agency: “Children's sense of time is changing. As children, it seemed to us that time flows very slowly, while in an adult, by definition, time flows quickly. I ask small children, but they say that time flies very quickly. My grandson went to first grade, and he says that time flies very quickly.

The priest is perplexed: why is this happening? He makes guesses: “Is the substance of time objectively changing, because it is the most incomprehensible substance, or is such an impression formed from information overload? But in any case, time subjectively passes faster than before.

According to Priest Alexander, all this is very dangerous, as it leaves an imprint on the psyche. He says that when a person's internal clock works in a measured way, then the psyche develops smoothly and there are no jerks. And when a person is overloaded with information, and time flies quickly, then he, and especially a child, may have mental breakdowns.

The Russian Internet is already full of discussions about the problem of time change. For example, on one forum, a person opened an extensive discussion with the following message: “People, who knows: why does time fly so fast? And every time it gets faster and faster! Or am I the only one who feels like this? Soon again the new year, but, it seems, recently was the last!

And even schoolchildren complain that time passes very quickly. For example, on one school forum, a girl writes: “Time flies very quickly, and I began to realize this a long time ago. I especially felt it when I came to the 12th grade in September and realized that three months flew by for me like two weeks. Now it’s also flying fast – June is already ending.”

Some forum visitors, referring to some unnamed scientists, say that something really happened over time. And others ask questions about this problem to priests on Orthodox websites. But they answer that nothing fundamentally new is happening. None of the scientists with official statements that time has accelerated its course, has not yet come out. On the contrary, they all say only that this category is subjective and little studied, and that time passes faster with age.

There are Christian prophecies, according to which, before the end of the world, time will change dramatically. The “Posthumous broadcasts of the Monk Nil the Myrrh-streaming Athos” says that in the very last era of the existence of mankind, when the tyrant - Antichrist reigns, something incomprehensible will happen with time.
“The day will turn like an hour, a week like a day, a month like a week and a year like a month,” said St. Neil. “For human cunning made the elements become tense, began to rush and strain even more, so that the number prophesied by God for the eighth number of centuries would end as soon as possible” (here we mean the eighth millennium from the creation of the world).

Theory of Temporal Acceleration

The problem of the modern world is an acute shortage of time. At the same time, those who are over 50 will say that this shortage has not been felt so acutely before. There was enough time for work, and for rest, and for doing something around the house. Now, literally, you barely have time to do the most necessary things. Why is that?

Many modern scientists have paid attention to the issue of the transience of time, or rather, the fact that it began to run much faster than before. The passage of time is greatly accelerated. In general, this problem could be considered fictional, so to speak, attributed to the subjective perception of a person, if not for the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein, who in 1905, at the age of 25, revolutionized science and ordinary human thinking with his discovery.

He wrote: “Everyone who is seriously engaged in science is convinced that the laws of the Universe bear the imprint of a higher Mind, so superior to man that we, with our modest abilities, should reverently bow before Him.”

The beginning of the 20th century was the beginning of a particularly progressive development and formation of science. Einstein also made a significant contribution to this. Once, when journalists asked him how he makes discoveries, Albert Einstein replied: “I just turn to God, Who created all these laws, and ask Him how they work.” This answer was taken as a joke by journalists, and indeed, it could be understood as such, were it not for the fact that the discoveries made by Einstein exceeded the limits of ordinary human thinking.

He wrote: "The more science comprehends the physical world, the more we come to conclusions that can only be resolved by faith." The Bible says, "There is one Lord among all, rich to all who call on Him." (Rom. 10:12) “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives freely to all and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5)

The special theory of relativity - SRT, refuted the concept of the constancy of many fundamental quantities, such as time, mass, length, etc. For example, in Newton's mechanics, time was considered absolute, it was believed that, as Newton wrote, “it flows in the same way, regardless of anything external ". "The duration or age of the existence of things remains the same, whether the movements are fast or slow or they do not exist at all." The constant synchronicity of time was considered in Newton's mechanics as obvious and independent of different frames of reference.

But in the theory of relativity, the opposite conclusions were drawn. As a result of the experiments, it turned out that Newton's statements are valid only for special cases when two or more events occur in the same frame of reference. From the postulates of SRT - the special theory of relativity, it follows that time flows differently in different frames of reference. If exact clocks with exactly the same time readings are placed on different planets in space, then later it will be found that each clock shows a different time. Different planets move in space at different speeds relative to each other, and each planet is an independent frame of reference.

The duration of events will be shorter in the frame of reference in which the point is stationary. That is, moving clocks run slower than stationary clocks and show a longer time interval between events. For example: If you launch a spaceship into space at a speed equal to 99.99% of the speed of light, then according to calculations, if this ship returns to earth in 14.1 years, then 1000.1 years will pass on earth during this time. The greater the speed of a moving object, the slower time passes on it.

Time dilation was directly measured in an experiment with chronometers placed on jet aircraft. This experiment was carried out in 1971 by two American physicists, J. S. Heifel and R. E. Keating. For the experiment, two fully coordinated cesium clocks were needed, accurate to 10 (-13), that is, with an error of 1/10,000,000,000,000. One of them stood motionless at the Naval Observatory in Washington, while the other was installed on a jet aircraft , which flew around the world, first from east to west, and then vice versa. In both cases, a distinct and well-measurable difference was found in the readings of the clocks standing still and the clocks flying on the plane. The difference completely coincided with the theoretically calculated value.

There is another confirmation of time dilation proven with the help of muons. A muon is an unstable, spontaneously decaying elementary particle. It has an extremely short lifespan of 0.0000022 seconds. Arising in the upper atmosphere, it moves to the ground and is recorded by instruments. And then it becomes noticeable that the path he has traveled, that is, the length of his flight path, must correspond to a much longer duration of the time that he can actually exist. It turns out that moving randomly in the atmosphere at a speed close to the speed of light, according to SRT, the muon lifetime runs slower. At the same time, the muon's own lifetime in its own frame of reference remains the same, but in the frame of reference of an earthly observer, the muon's lifetime has changed and become longer.

But back to the theory of temporal acceleration. Why did time on earth begin to run faster? It is known that in order to slow down the passage of time, you need to increase the speed, therefore, to speed up time, the speed must be reduced. Our planet had to reduce its speed. There needs to be a serious reason for this. And there is this reason.

American astrobiologists D. Brownlee and P. Ward came to the conclusion that the increase in temperature on planet earth is the result of solar activity, and it is due to the fact that our luminary is a young growing star. Expanding, the sun gradually absorbs our planet. This understanding is consistent with biblical prophecy, which says: “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun: and it was given to him to burn people with fire. And a strong heat burned people, and they blasphemed the name of God. (Rev. 16:8-9) It is also said: “The heavens will pass away with a noise (“pass away” - the old Slavic word meaning - will cease to exist), the elements, having flared up, will be destroyed, the earth, and all works on it will burn. (2 Pet. 3:10)

It is worth noting that the extraction of minerals over the past century has reached fantastic figures. Many billions of tons of oil, billions of tons of gas, coal and other minerals have been mined and burned. They are forever destroyed, turned into energy that has been wasted. If we take into account the oxygen burned and other factors, then huge numbers are also accumulating here. The needs of mankind are growing, production continues and grows.

According to satellite imagery, mass melting and sliding of glaciers has already been noted, but the flooding of territories, which should be associated with this, does not occur, rather, on the contrary, the water disappears. The inland seas are drying up. Evaporating, water vapor rises into the atmosphere, where it cools and falls back to earth as precipitation. Probably, supersaturated thermal masses, which always tend to rise up, prevent normal cooling. In other words, we began to lose water, it goes into space. The total amount of matter consumed by the planet has far exceeded trillions of tons. By this amount, the mass of our planet has decreased.

According to the laws of gravity, any decrease in the mass of the planet should affect its orbit. The attraction of the growing sun will act in increasing proportion to the two ongoing processes. At the same time, the moon, the only natural satellite of the earth, will gradually begin to move away from us. The reason for this is the same laws of gravity. The fact that the moon is slowly moving away from us has already been noticed by astronomers. We are gradually losing it. Since its effect on the earth is extremely significant (tides, tides, and many others), the decrease in its influence due to its distance will lead to a number of natural disasters. Changing the orbit of the earth and its gradual approach to the sun should cause an increase in the average daily temperature and climate change. This is happening now. A phenomenon that is considered in the scientific world to be the “greenhouse effect”.

Several thousand tons of chlorofluorocarbon compounds are produced and used annually in the world. Getting into the atmosphere, they are able to remain there for 60 - 80 years, migrating over the planet. It is known that one molecule of chlorine oxide destroys a thousand molecules of ozone. "ozone holes" are formed. The ozone layer, like a blanket, protects our planet from the scorching sun, dangerous ultraviolet rays and solar radiation. The destruction of the ozone layer will also lead to an increase in the scorching solar effect.

The Bible says: “And there will be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars, and on the earth there will be despondency of the nations and perplexity; and the sea will roar and rage. People will die of fear and expectation of disasters coming to the universe, for the powers of heaven will be shaken. (Luke 21:25-26)

"Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look down upon the earth: for the heavens will vanish like smoke, and the earth will decay like a garment, and its inhabitants will also die out." (Isaiah 51:6)

Year after year, revolution after revolution, our planet continues to change its orbit and approaches the sun. If we compare the solar system with a model of an atom, where at a certain distance from each other, around the nucleus, electrons rotate, then we can understand how the speed of the earth's movement has decreased. Electrons that are closer to the nucleus rotate more slowly than those that are farther from the nucleus. The closer the planet is to the sun, the slower it will revolve around it, slowed down by the more powerful gravitational field of the sun. As the speed decreases, time will speed up. It will just go faster. This does not mean that the day will become 23 or 22 hours. No. The smaller trajectory of the orbit is compensated by the lower speed of rotation along this orbit. There are 24 hours left in the day, but these are not the 24 hours that were before.

In each individual frame of reference, time flows differently, but it flows the same for an observer in this frame. If 14.1 years have passed on the spacecraft, and 1000.1 years on earth, then the astronauts lived their 14 years quite normally, just like earthlings, they lived their 1000 years quite normally. Being in different independent reference systems, they did not feel any difference in the run-up. Everyone lived their own time, the same seconds, days, weeks, etc. They lived according to the same standard of time - a measurement, which is used as a constantly uniform process, for example: the swing of a pendulum, the movement of an arrow along a dial, etc. d.

The question arises: How, then, in general, could one see and realize temporal acceleration?

First: The change happened very quickly, in a short period of time - one human life. If it stretched out for 300 - 400 years, no one would have noticed anything.

Secondly: The change took place within the same frame of reference - this is our planet.

Third: Change is still happening. Time continues to accelerate, and this acceleration is within the perception zone of our biological clock, which is forced to constantly adapt to the constantly changing mode of transience. The speed of the planet is not a constant value now, it continues to decrease. This year will go by faster than last, and next year will go by faster than this one.

Any system tries to return to its normal state, that is, to balance, but the earth continues to reduce speed, increasing temporal acceleration. If the speed of the planet ceases to decrease and becomes a constant value, the earth will occupy a certain orbit and the acceleration will stop. Time will pass in its usual, normal mode. In other words, the uniformity of the course of time depends on the constancy of the speed. From this dependence it follows that time can not only be accelerated, but also slowed down if the speed is constantly increasing.

There is a speed limit at which time ceases to exist altogether. The limit at which time is zero. If we assume that even it can be stepped over, then we find ourselves where time has gone negative, i.e., in the past. But in this case, the speed should be equal to plus or minus infinity, that is, it should be so super huge that it will be much less than zero. A speed that is so far ahead of time that it begins to catch up with it. At such speeds, no matter is able to exist.

According to calculations, when moving at the speed of light, the length of an object is so compressed that it becomes zero. No material body can move with such speed. The speed of light is the speed limit for any material body.

Any matter consists of molecules, molecules consist of atoms, atoms consist of nuclei and electrons, and as a result, all this division comes to the point that everything consists simply of positive and negative charges and even less, or rather, from nothing, from emptiness. However, all this emptiness, or vacuum, is nothing but energy. The vacuum energy contained inside a simple light bulb is enough to completely destroy the earth. It is known from physics that the particles that make up any physical body move inside this body at speeds close to the speed of light. When we take any thing in our hand, we do not even think about what kind of movement occurs in it and how much energy it contains.

The speed of light is the limit at which matter ceases to exist, turning into energy. When moving at the speed of light, any matter turns into light. The sun is a huge reactor on which explosions of the greatest power occur. Sunlight is the mass of the sun ejected into space at a speed of 300,000 km/sec. Light is a stream of tiny charged energy quanta called photons. The elementary particles that make up any matter continuously move inside its closed system at very high speeds close to the speed of light, but never reaching it. If some material body begins to move in space faster than the speed of the particles of which it consists, the system will “open” and the body will “crumble” down to photons. When the speed of movement of a physical body exceeds the speed of movement of its own particles, the closed system of this body breaks. This means that no matter can move faster than the speed of the particles of its constituents. Everything that starts moving at the speed of light turns into light.

Photons are the only particles that always move in space at the speed of light and do not have a rest mass. There are no resting photons. The resulting photons can exist forever until they are assimilated by matter, that is, transformed into material particles.

If two particles with opposite charges and equal masses, such as an electron and a positron, collide, they will both disappear in a bright flash of light. It is also known that light can turn into a particle: a photon can turn into an electron pair of an electron and a positron. When an atom passes from one stationary state to another, one photon is emitted or absorbed, that is, light is emitted or absorbed.

In fact, it turns out that any matter is created from light, representing its lower energy level. Gold and iron are made of this light, as well as the bread that we eat. Everything is made of light. Energy constantly forms matter, and matter, being annihilated, gives rise to energy. This cycle in the universe is constant. God created everything with His word: "He spoke and it was." In the scientific world, statements have already been made that matter is actually some kind of oscillatory waves similar to sound waves. By the way, according to the spectrum of light scattering, one can also judge the sounds that come from matter. After all, they make oscillatory movements that give rise to acoustic waves. But these same movements cause the play of reflected light. Therefore, the spectra of sound and light are fully consistent with each other.

The energy reserves are unimaginable. From Albert Einstein's theory of relativity it follows that every kind of energy has mass, and that every matter, having mass, is also energy. Expressing the ratio of mass and energy by the formula E=mc2, where the energy is equal to the mass times the speed of light squared, we get that 1 gram of matter contains 25,000,000 kilowatt-hours of energy.

Matter is like a repository of energy that is stored there until a certain time, so that it can be extracted again, creating everything new and new. But since the energy of photons always significantly exceeds the energy of the molecules of the substance from which they were formed, such cycles constantly increase the reserves of matter in the Universe. This means that if you split, for example, an ingot of gold, turning it into light, and then again create an ingot from this light, you will get not one ingot, but many more. This is very reminiscent of the principle of sowing and reaping discovered by Christ. What is sown will not bear fruit if it does not die, if it does not cease to exist. We won't get more if we don't sacrifice less. Speaking in parables, Christ revealed many secrets of the universe. He said to his disciples: "It has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, and to the rest in parables." (Luke 8:10) God is the Creator. This is his essence. He didn't just create and stop once. No. He continues to create always and unceasingly. Astronomers have already established that the universe is constantly expanding.

Returning to temporal acceleration, it can be noted that since time depends on speed and any material body already at the speed of light turns into light, that is, it is practically destroyed, only beings consisting of light itself can step over all these limits and exist where there is no time . It is noteworthy that the Bible describes angels as beings made of light.

If our planet stopped and stopped all movement altogether, then time would be the most fleeting on earth than anywhere else in the universe, but we would not realize this. Of course, this will not happen, but time will go faster and faster. This may be a second, deeper understanding of the meaning of the words of Jesus Christ. Foretelling the events of the future, He said: “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and will not be. And if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.” (Matt. 24:21-22) And the days will become shorter, and they will pass faster. The temporal acceleration that has begun is a signal that everything has already begun. The great time of tribulation that awaits the earth is at hand.

Among all the civilizations of the Universe, created by the God of creations, only one Earth has fallen and lives in sin. The first earthly civilization was destroyed for its sins by water, by a worldwide flood. “For the Lord saw that the corruption of people on the earth was great, and that all the thoughts and thoughts of their hearts were evil at all times.” (Gen. 6:5) Our civilization will be destroyed by fire. But before that, so many disasters will fall on the earth and such a time of sorrow will come, which the earth has not yet known from its very creation. “But for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened,” says Christ.

The simplest example of space-time relativity is the picture of the starry sky. Looking at Jupiter, we see what happened 40 minutes ago. If you look at the nearest star to us, Alpha Centauri, you will see what happened 4.3 years ago. The light from the star Sirius reaches us in 8.8 years, the light of Capella from the constellation Auriga takes 46 years, Canopus - almost 200. In the constellation Orion there is the star Rigel, its light reaches us only after 800 years. If you point the telescope at a small patch of fog a little higher than the average Andromeda star, then this means that we see the light of a new star system in another galaxy. More precisely, what happened there 2.2 million years ago. Right now you see not the present, but the past, in its various temporal distances. The picture of the present is created from the pictures of the past.

According to the theory of relativity, we are all in a curved four-dimensional space-time. Where time is the fourth dimension of reality. Any movement is now recognized as a displacement in time and space. The four-dimensional space of our universe is curved. Each point of this space is both the beginning and the end. Leaving any point in space and going around the Universe, you can freely return to the same point. But since space is four-dimensional and the fourth dimension is time, then, after leaving a certain time point and going around time, you can return to the same time point from which you left. If we could move along the fourth dimension, then the walls would not be an obstacle for us. We could leave and enter enclosed spaces without going through doors and windows. The Bible says: “In the evening, when the doors of the house where His disciples were gathering were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them: Peace be with you! They, embarrassed and frightened, thought they saw a spirit. (John 20:19; Luke 24:37)

In 1943, at the height of the Second World War, A. Einstein participated in the experiment of the US Navy - Navy to create an undetectable ship. Using the strongest force field, scientists wanted to create a ship invisible to enemy radars. The destroyer Eldridge was specially equipped for the experiments. As a result, the ship became truly invisible, but then everything took an unpredictable turn, the destroyer disappeared. There was a movement of the vessel in time and space. All this led to a number of very strange events, both with the ship and with the crew on it. Subsequently, this experiment was called the Philadelphia experiment. At that time, Einstein was working on the unified field theory. This was to be another breakthrough in physics.

Everything that was achieved was used primarily for military purposes. Probably, this was the reason why, shortly before his death, Einstein destroyed his latest scientific works, writing in his diary that humanity is not ready to possess such knowledge and uses everything for evil.

Back in the mid-1930s, two Russian physicists proposed a theory in which time was considered as matter or energy. It turned out that time can both be absorbed and released by matter. Both scientists were repressed, and one was shot. The second physicist N. A. Kozyrev survived, while still in the camp, he continued to work on his theory. It is noteworthy that in the 1990s, a group of physicists from the Russian Academy of Sciences signed this discovery, officially recognizing it as valid and confirming this with a series of experiments. Now we can say that the possibility of the existence of special zones on earth, with a changed course of time, is quite real.

God said: "Call to Me and I will answer you, show you great and inaccessible things that you do not know." (Jer. 33:3)

God is ready to reveal to us much more than we care to know. The Lord, who has no change and no shadow of change, is the complete possessor of time and space. Time is in his hands like clay, with which he is able to do whatever He pleases. The Creator is Incomprehensible, Immutable, Boundless, Infinite, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Eternal… One of His names is Existing, which means existing always now. Just as any point in space is always “here” for God, so every moment of time is always “now” for Him.

Meister Eckhardt, who had a visionary encounter with God, wrote: “The exclusivity of the Lord lies in the fact that God is exalted beyond space and time. He lives in the continuous "now" and in the "eternal now", where the past, present and future are merged into one. For God, everything is at once. When we mortals talk about the past present or the future, it is because we are subject to time and think in terms of time associated with it. But for the Lord there is no time. This means that God will hear my tomorrow's prayers not tomorrow, just like my yesterday's prayers, he did not hear yesterday. No. He hears all my prayers right now, both yesterday and tomorrow.”

“And it shall come to pass, before they call, I will answer; they will speak yet, and I will hear.” (Isaiah 65:24)

On the Antichrist and the Acceleration of Time

Father, good afternoon!
I wanted to ask about one of the topical topics of the Orthodox part of the Internet - the Antichrist. Now, I noticed that time began to go much faster, which means that the end of the world is near. Misunderstood Americans think that the Lord, at the end of the world, will appear to destroy us, but this is not so. He only wants to save us from Satan, who will soon break free and get out of hell. So now I noticed one strange thing:
I used to do A LOT of homework last year, we were given so many assignments and had time to do everything before 7 pm, but now they don't do enough, I come home at half past three and do my homework, do it quickly, then turn around ... Oops! 6 o'clock already! This is exactly the time has become much faster to go! I wanted to ask about this - but by whose will time is speeding up or is it the way it is? I just read somewhere that time was invented by Satan, in revenge on God, who invented eternity.
If the Antichrist comes, then the era of slavery will come for 3.5 years? And they say that he will force everyone to accept his mark. If there is a refusal, then - exile. I swore to God that if there was an Antichrist in my lifetime, then I would refuse his sign for anything. Although this may be a bluff, I feel with all my heart that I can refuse the temptation sign. I would rather die in a waterless wilderness for the glory of God than enjoy the false pleasures of Satan. Am I on the right track?

Time will be shortened in the last times by the will of God, and the Lord created it. Yes, when the Antichrist comes, after the first half of his reign there will be slavery for those who accept his seal. Yes, you are on the right track, and to correctly understand the end times, read the Apocalypse. Save the Lord!

Aphorisms and quotes about time

They say that time does not exist, but people invented it. Be that as it may, but there are many aphorisms and quotes about time, from which you can find out that time in different periods of life goes at its own speed, and even the fact that being on Earth at the same moment, you can live in different time. Aphorisms and quotes about time will be of interest to both children and adults, as they contain a lot of useful things.

"A child's hour is longer than an old man's day"
Arthur Schopenhauer

“One should look at a day as a small life”
Maksim Gorky

"An hour spent in the company of a pretty blonde will always be shorter than an hour spent in a hot frying pan"
Albert Einstein

"Time and Tide Never Wait"
Walter Scott

"Time is the capital of a knowledge worker"
Honore Balzac

“Not for one day deviate from your goal - this is a means to extend the time, and, moreover, a very sure means, although it is not easy to use it”
Georg Lichtenberg

“Why are your watches spreading? they ask me. - But the point is not that they spread! The bottom line is that my watch shows the exact time.
Salvador Dali

“What I have observed is that most people are promoting at exactly the time that other people are simply wasting”
Henry Ford

"Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't want to spend it with you"
Gabriel Marquez

"True love is not the one that endures years of separation, but the one that endures years of intimacy"
Helen Rowland

"All human skill is nothing but a mixture of patience and time"
Honore Balzac

"Time is the stuff of which life is made"
Benjamin Franklin

“Tomorrow is the great enemy of today; "tomorrow" paralyzes our strength, brings us to impotence, keeps us inactive"
Edward Laboulet

“If we lived forever, we would have found time for everything - but there would hardly have been a hunt”
Vladislav Gzheshchik

"Dies in the stream of time only that which is devoid of a strong grain of life and which, therefore, is not worth life"
Vissarion Belinsky

"The word "tomorrow" was invented for indecisive people and for children"
Ivan Turgenev

“The love of fame is usually just another name for the love of excellence; or is it the desire for the highest excellence, approved by the highest authority - the authority of the time "
William Gaslitt

"To work: to earn money and not have time to spend it"
Adrian Decourcelle

“It is impossible to stop time: the watch industry will not allow this”
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills its students"
Hector Berlioz

"Time comes slowly and goes fast"
Vladislav Gzheshchik

"We are crucified on the clock face"
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

"Killing time looking at the clock - what could be more stupid?"
Haruki Murakami

"Time is a tyrant who has his own whims and who looks at what they do and say with different eyes every century"
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“Time heals sorrows and resentments because a person changes: he is no longer who he was. Both the offender and the offended became other people.
Blaise Pascal

“In nature, nothing arises instantly and nothing appears in the light in a completely finished form”
Alexander Herzen

"The only measure of time is memory"
Vladislav Grzegorchik

“The length of time is determined by our perception. The dimensions of space are determined by our consciousness. Therefore, if the spirit is calm, one day will be compared with a thousand centuries, and if thoughts are broad, a tiny hut will contain the whole world.
Hong Zicheng

“Time seems to me an immense ocean that has swallowed up many great writers, caused accidents to others, and smashed some to smithereens”
Joseph Addison

"He who does not know the value of time is not born for glory"
Luc Vauvenargue

“Time has served my love only for what the sun and rain serve the plant - for growth ... All my spiritual energy and all the strength of my feelings are concentrated in it. I again feel like a man in the full sense of the word, because I feel a great passion "
Karl Marx

"Modern man does not know what to do with the time and forces that he has released from his hands"
Pierre Chardin

"There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left"
Coco Chanel

"Time is a moving image of a motionless eternity"
Jean Jacques Rousseau

"Year: a period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments"
Ambrose Bierce

"In a real time bomb, the explosive is time"
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

“What is time? If no one asks me about it, I know what time is; if I wanted to explain to the questioner - no, I don’t know”
Aurelius Augustine

“One girl was asked what is the most important person, what is the most important time and what is the most necessary thing? And she answered, thinking that the most important person is the one with whom you are communicating at this moment, the most important time is the one in which you are now living, and the most necessary thing is to do good to the person with whom you are dealing at every given moment.
Lev Tolstoy

"The two greatest tyrants on earth: chance and time"
Johann Herder

"What lives long grows slowly"
Henri Baudrirallar

"Time and chance can do nothing for those who do nothing for themselves"
George Canning

“Everything in this world is relative. For example, the length of a minute depends on which side of the bathroom door you are on.”
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

"Time is divided with death in justice: for itself - all life, for her - all eternity"
Vladislav Grzegorchik

"It is common knowledge that a quarter of an hour is longer than a quarter of an hour"
Georg Lichtenberg

“Everything is good only in its place and in its time”
Romain Rolland

“Time is like a skillful steward, constantly producing new talents to replace those that have disappeared”
Kozma Prutkov

“Do you love life? Then don't waste your time; for time is the fabric of which life is made"
Benjamin Franklin

"Woe to those peoples who obey the times instead of commanding them!"
Carl Burne

"The time will come when national pride will be looked upon as selfishness and vanity, and war as slaughter"
Joachim Rachel

“A man should not complain about the times; nothing comes of it. Time is bad: well, that’s what a person is for, to improve it. ”
Thomas Carlyle

“To find out the price of a year, ask a student who failed an exam. To find out the price of a month, ask a mother who has given birth prematurely. For weekly pricing, ask the weekly editor. To know the price of an hour, ask a lover who is waiting for his beloved. To find out the price of a minute, ask a latecomer to the train. To find out the value of a second, ask someone who has lost a loved one in a car accident. For the price of one thousandth of a second, ask an Olympic silver medalist."
Bernard Werber

“Time wasted is existence; Time used to good use is life."
Edward Jung

“I can say with pride that I spent whole days and nights not reading anything, and with iron energy I used every free minute to replenish my encyclopedic ignorance more and more”
Karl Kraus

“I am outraged that the precious hours of our lives, these wonderful moments that will never return, are wasted aimlessly on sleep”
Jerome Jerome

“The torment of our existence is greatly facilitated by the fact that time constantly oppresses us, does not allow us to take a breath and stands behind everyone, like a torturer with a scourge. It only leaves in peace those whom it has given over to boredom.
Arthur Schopenhauer

“As if you can kill time without hurting eternity!”
Henry Thoreau

"Time and money are mostly interchangeable"
Winston Churchill

“For love there is no yesterday, love does not think about tomorrow. She greedily reaches for the present day, but she needs this whole day, unlimited, unclouded.
Heinrich Heine

“Since the will is not subject to time, the pangs of conscience do not pass with time, as do other sufferings. Villainy oppresses the conscience even after many years, just as painfully as immediately after committing it.
Arthur Schopenhauer

“A good medicine against slander, as well as against spiritual sorrow, is time”
Giacomo Leopardi

“Time is long enough for the one who uses it; who works and thinks, expands its boundaries"

“Choosing time means saving time, and what is done out of time is done in vain”
Francis Bacon

“As time passes, our ancestors perform more and more glorious feats”
Wiesław Brudzinski

“Often people go with the flow of time! Meanwhile, our fragile shuttle is equipped with a rudder; why does a person rush along the waves, and not obey his own aspirations?
Dante Alighieri

"Beauty is a gift for several years"
Oscar Wilde

“Time paints something other than memory. Remembrance smooths out old wrinkles, time adds them.
Otto Ludwig

"Wealth is good because it saves time"
Charles Lam

“Time, this diligent artist, works for a long time on the past, polishes it, selecting one thing and discarding the other with great tact”
Max Beerbom

“There was so little time in her watch that she didn’t keep up with anything”
Ramon Serna

“It used to be a good hotel, but that doesn't mean anything - I was once a good boy too”
Mark Twain

“No matter how much time you lose, but years are added”
Emil Krotky

“Thanks to love, time passes unnoticed, and thanks to time, love passes unnoticed”
Dorothy Parker

"Truth was the only daughter of time"
Leonardo da Vinci

"Happy hours do not watch, and then complain that happiness lasted so short"
Henryk Jagodzinsky

"Everything comes in due time for those who know how to wait"
Honore Balzac

“Those who run after great wealth without finding time to enjoy it are like the hungry who always prepare food and never sit down to eat.”
Maria Ebner Eschenbach

“There is nothing longer than time, since it is the measure of eternity; there is nothing shorter than him, since he is lacking for all our undertakings ... All people neglect him, everyone regrets his loss ”

“Work fills all the time allotted for it”
Cyril Parkinson

“I divide my time like this: one half I sleep, the other half I dream. When I sleep, I do not see any dreams, and this is good, because being able to sleep is the highest genius. ”
Soren Kierkegaard

“As soon as she stopped, froze, fascinated by some kind of spectacle, she immediately had the feeling that the precious time of her life, measured in minutes, was slipping between her fingers, that she would not have time to do many important things and meet the necessary and close people, and she it always seemed that this time could be put to better use, because there is still so much to learn and understand.”
Paulo Coelho

"Punctuality is a thief of time"
Oscar Wilde

"Take care of time: it is the fabric of which life is made"
Samuel Richardson

"It takes a century to restore what the day destroyed"
Romain Rolland

“You can’t imagine how short a month is until you start paying child support”
John Barrymore

“The clock is still, the pendulum is swinging, and time is resolutely moving forward”
Emil Krotky

"Time is money"
Benjamin Franklin

"Losing time is the hardest thing for the one who knows the most"
Johann Goethe

"Time is a waste of money"
Oscar Wilde

"Tomorrow is an old rogue who will always be able to trick you"
Samuel Johnson

“Time does not stop to admire glory; it uses it and rushes on"
Francois Chateaubriand

"While we think about how to kill time, time is killing us"
Alphonse Alle

"Tomorrow is a big deceiver, and his deceit never loses the charm of novelty"
Samuel Johnson

“Broken clocks show the correct time twice a day and, after a few years, boast a long line of successes”
Maria Ebner Eschenbach

“Beginning your career, do not waste, O young man, precious time!”
Kozma Prutkov

“There are seconds that are longer than others. Like hitting pause on a DVD player. A moment will pass, and time will become extensible. All these people will finally get to know each other. A moment will pass, and they will all turn into horsemen of the Apocalypse, unite at the End of the World.
Frederic Begbeder

“Tell me, when did space and its fleeting bride arise - the time when their child was born - matter, along with which the sufferings of the world came? For along with space began suffering, along with time - death.
Arthur Schopenhauer

"The wise distribution of time is the basis for activity"
Jan Comenius

“For lovers, the clock usually runs forward”
William Shakespeare

“To create a literary masterpiece, one talent is not enough. The talent is to guess the time. Talent and time are inseparable…”
Matthew Arnold

"We kill time, and time kills us"
Emil Krotky

“Time and money are the heaviest burden in life, therefore the most unfortunate of mortals are those who have both in abundance ...”
Samuel Johnson

"Of all critics, the greatest, the most ingenious, the most infallible is time"
Vissarion Belinsky

"Time: universal fixative and solvent"
Elbert Hubbard

“Happy people count time in minutes, while for the unfortunate it lasts for months”
James Cooper

"On the wings of time, sadness is carried away"
Jean La Fontaine

“Nothing a person can manage to a greater extent than time”
Ludwig Feuerbach

"Beware of those who complain about the lack of time - they steal yours"
Hugo Steinhaus

"Time erases the error and polishes the truth"
Gaston Lewis

“How quickly time flies: I didn’t have time to wake up, but I was already late for work”
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

“Time is such an uncertain thing. One seems very long. The other is the opposite."
Agatha Christie

"Happy Hours Don't Watch"
Alexander Griboyedov

"Time is a space for the development of abilities"
Karl Marx

“The boss should have enough someone else’s time for everything”
Georges Elgosy

“Time is the greatest illusion. It is only an internal prism through which we decompose being and life, an image under which we gradually see that which is timeless, in the idea.
Henri Amiel

"If you love life, don't waste time - time is what life is made of"
Bruce Lee

"Time doesn't like being wasted"
Henry Ford

“How long does it take people to understand the century they have lived? Three centuries. When will humanity understand the meaning of its life? 3,000 years after his death
Vasily Klyuchevsky

“What grief does not take away time? What passion will survive in an unequal struggle with him?
Nikolay Gogol

“Since there is nothing more precious than time, it is most noble to spend it without counting it”
Marcel Juando

"The world was not created in time, but together with time"
Aurelius Augustine

“Time is motionless, like a shore: it seems to us that it is running, but, on the contrary, we are passing”
Pierre Buast

"Delay is a thief of time"
Edward Jung

"All times are turning points"
Karol Izhikovsky

“People who are outstanding in their talents should spend their time in the way that respect for themselves and for posterity requires. What would posterity think of us if we left nothing to them?
Denis Diderot

"Years teach much that days do not know"
Ralph Emerson

"The wisest person is the one who is most annoyed by the loss of time"
Dante Alighieri

"If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste"
Benjamin Franklin

“The old people who, on every occasion, pull: “Here in our time ...” - they blame, and rightly so. But it's even worse when young people mumble the same thing about modernity.
Karol Izhikovsky

“An excessive supply of time often speaks of a person’s lack of concentration”
Cyril Parkinson

“The average person is concerned about how to kill time, while the talented person seeks to use it”
Arthur Schopenhauer

“There is no time for higher intelligence; what will be, that is. Time and space are the fragmentation of the infinite for the use of it by finite beings.
Henri Amiel

"Year: a horse that gallops, but with small steps"
Adrian Decourcelle

"Love is the only passion that recognizes neither the past nor the future"
Honore Balzac

"Time flies like an arrow, although the minutes creep"
Jacob Mendelsohn

“Nothing puzzles me more than time and space, and at the same time nothing worries me less: I never think about either one or the other”
Charles Lam

“Since you are not sure even for one minute, do not waste even one hour”
Benjamin Franklin

“Of all things, time belongs to us least of all and most of all we lack it”
Georges-Louis-Leclerc Buffon

"Time is like money: don't waste it and you'll have plenty of it"
Gaston Lewis

"Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today"
Benjamin Franklin

"What you can prove to yourself and your time by the power of reason, logic, science - that is what time wants"
Ferdinand Lassalle

“For a long time, not the future tense - it does not exist; a long future is only a long expectation of the future. Long-term is not the past, which does not exist; a long past is a long memory of the past"
Aurelius Augustine

“When it comes to time, I am an addict: the more I use it, the more I need it”
Tadeusz Kotarbinski

“Contrary to appearances, it is winter that is the time of hope”
Gilbert Sesbron

"Only time doesn't waste time"
Jules Renard

"Time is a great teacher"
Edmund Burke

"Good use of time makes time even more precious"
Jean Jacques Rousseau

“A person who decides to waste at least one hour of his time has not yet matured to understand the full value of life”
Charles Darwin

“No matter how fast time flies, it moves extremely slowly for someone who only watches its movement”
Samuel Johnson

“A year is like a chunk of time, it is cut off, but time remains as it was”
Jules Renard

“Time passes! - you are accustomed to speak as a result of an established incorrect concept. Time is eternal: you pass!”
Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

"Time strengthens friendship, but weakens love"
Jean La Bruyère

“All savings ultimately come down to saving time”
Karl Marx

"Time ... a great master to cut all the Gordian knots of human relations"
Alexey Pisemsky

"Happiness is when time stops"
Gilbert Sesbron

"Time is money and many people pay their debts with their time"
Henry Shaw

“Many of those for whom the day is too long complain that life is too short”
Charles Colton

“Regret about the unwisely wasted time that people indulge in does not always help them to use its rest wisely”
Jean La Bruyère

"If you want to have little time, do nothing"
Anton Chekhov

“Life is an album. Man is a pencil. Affairs - landscape. Time is gumelastic: it bounces and erases"
Kozma Prutkov

“There are no such strong sorrows that reason and time could not soften”
Fernando Rojas

"Every moment wasted is a lost cause, a lost benefit"
Philip Chesterfield

“Idleness in the classroom, the lack of mental work where it should be, is the main reason for the lack of free time”
Vasily Sukhomlinsky

“Listening to the ticking of the clock, we notice that time is ahead of us”
Ramon Serna

"Day is dear to those who know how to live"
Ernst Spitzner

"One today is worth two tomorrows"
Benjamin Franklin

"Alarm Clock: Home Time Phone"
Ramon Serna

"Time reveals what hides the folds of deceit"
William Shakespeare

"Don't put off anything until tomorrow - that's the secret of someone who knows the value of time"
Edward Laboulet

“Wealth mainly depends on two things: diligence and moderation, in other words, do not waste either time or money, and use both in the best possible way”
Benjamin Franklin

"Time is a bad ally"
Winston Churchill

"If you want to have leisure, do not waste your time"
Benjamin Franklin

"Time takes the most, but gives everything"
Vladislav Grzegorchik

“We would have plenty of time if it didn’t exist”
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

"Minutes are long and years are fleeting"
Henri Amiel

"Time is the greatest of innovators"
Francis Bacon

"Time is an honest man"
Pierre Beaumarchais

"One of the worst losses is the loss of time"
Georges-Louis-Leclerc Buffon

“Time is shrinking. Each next hour is shorter than the previous one.
Elias Canetti

“Use the current time so that in old age you do not reproach yourself for youth lived in vain”
Giovanni Boccaccio

"Life takes too long for people"
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

"Time flies faster the closer we get to old age"
Etienne Senancourt

"Time is the mother and nurse of all good things"
William Shakespeare

"You can't kill time without harming eternity!"
Henry Thoreau

"Days and months rise, but years die forever"
Vladislav Grzegorchik

"One hour today is worth two hours tomorrow"
Thomas Fuller

"Time is the sin of eternity"
Paul Claudel

“Time passes differently for different people”
William Shakespeare