Why do people sleep badly on a full moon. The causes of insomnia on a full moon. The lunar calendar and its meaning in human life

On a full moon, werewolf people turn into animals, the mentally ill are aggravated by their ailments, suicides commit suicide, and ordinary people do not sleep well ... The moon has stirred people's minds for centuries, myths about its mysterious influence on the human body found in almost all peoples of the world. But are these stories that fantastic? Recently, a group of scientists from Switzerland received factual confirmation that it is really unimportant to sleep on a full moon - our sleep is shortened by as much as 20 minutes.

The main value of this work is that it is impartial: scientists obtained data on the effect of the light of the full moon on sleep ... by accident. The data was originally collected for a completely different purpose. Experts from the University of Basel in Switzerland, led by Christian Cayoken, tried to understand how sleep changes with age. To do this, they filmed an encephalogram from several volunteers during sleep, studying how the activity of the sleeping brain and the quality of sleep depend on various factors.

The study itself was conducted in the early 2000s. Several years later, scientists drew attention to another factor that "did not participate" in the original study: the phases of the moon. It turns out that the EEG of sleep changed depending on whether there was a thin month in the sky or a full moon. The brain activity showed that during the full moon sleep was significantly less deep - by 30 percent. Moreover, during the full moon and a few days before it, the participants in the experiment took an average of 5 minutes longer to fall asleep. In total, sleep was shortened by 20 minutes.

What is the mechanism of this connection, scientists have yet to figure out. So far, only one thing is known: the point is not that bright moonlight floods the room and interferes with sleep: during the experiment, the volunteers slept in a closed room, where the street light did not penetrate. Perhaps, the researchers suggest, the point is in some biological mechanism inherited from our distant ancestors.

Interestingly, a few years earlier, German scientists had obtained exactly the opposite results. They invited volunteers to a "sleep laboratory" to find out how the full moon affects people. For two nights, devices recorded their brain activity, respiratory rate and heart rate. One night in the laboratory was spent on a full moon, the other at a different time. A camera installed in the laboratory recorded how calm the subjects' sleep was. The results then showed that the full moon had no effect on the subjects' sleep. It is difficult to say which results are more accurate.

The results obtained by Swiss scientists are most likely more impartial, since the researchers did not initially have the task of proving or disproving the influence of the full moon on people. While scientists are looking for a valid reason for the connection between the full moon and insomnia, let us recall the already proven factors that affect the quality of sleep.

Unlike animals, we do not sleep while standing or lying in trees. A sleeping person tosses and turns in a dream - he needs to relieve pressure on certain areas and restore normal blood supply. With a very deep sleep, this sometimes does not happen, and then we wake up with a stiff arm or leg. Our sleeping brain regulates these movements, and at this moment our sleep becomes less deep. The even distribution of body weight over the surface ensures a more restful sleep, so a moderately elastic sleeping surface is better than a feather bed or ascetic boards. So the benefits of sleeping on a hard surface are nothing more than a myth.

By the way, the partners sharing the bed move almost synchronously. A high degree of influence of the movements of one of the sleeping people on the movements of the one who lies nearby was found. Therefore, it is logical that spouses or partners go to bed better at the same time: otherwise, when the phases of sleep diverge, they will interfere with each other.

The generally accepted myth that it is good to sleep in a cool room has also been questioned for a long time. In practice, few people are able to fall asleep at a temperature of 16-17 degrees Celsius. Recently, scientists are inclined to believe that the parameters of a comfortable temperature for sleep are individual. The main thing is that the room is well ventilated.

Sleep experts advise turning off all gadgets at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. The fact is that flickering and light from the screen, as well as an abundance of information, excite the nervous system and prevent normal falling asleep. It has been found that using a tablet or smartphone for two hours before bed can cause a 23 percent decrease in melatonin levels in the body. Typically, melatonin levels depend on how dark the person is in and whether the body is ready for sleep. Thus, scientists suggest that the presence of gadgets in sleeping rooms can cause insomnia.

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Many people suffer from full moon insomnia. But the reasons for this are poorly understood, and scientific medicine tends to different opinions: the presence of a mobile psyche, the influence of the lunar phases, the presence of genetic memory, since a person is not only a social being, but also a biological one. That is why each phase of the moon has an impact on our lives.

But whatever hypotheses are put forward, the fact remains: many practically do not sleep on a full moon. For some, it is difficult to survive this period, while for others the lack of sleep does not cause problems: the person remains vigorous and active. There are people who do not react at all to the lunar rhythm.

How do the lunar phases affect the body

The Earth's satellite, the Moon, sometimes brings us a lot of surprises. Despite its small size and distant distance, it affects some of the processes taking place on Earth. And it affects not only inanimate nature (ebb and flow at sea, for example), but also affects living things. For example, people are worried about the phenomenon of insomnia on a full moon.

The state of a person is directly related to the phase in which the moon is. The lunar cycle consists of 4 phases, each of which lasts about a week: new moon, full moon, waxing moon, waning moon.

During the full moon period, the flows of energy from the satellite are quite strong, so a person is able to experience not only an increase in vitality and energy, not only emotional outbursts, but also weakness, poor health, and insomnia. This state is experienced by people with a "fine psyche". Fortunately, our satellite does not have an impact on all of humanity.

Here's how some describe their state when the moon is full:

  • a huge influx of energy, the ability to redo a lot of things in a day,
  • the nervous system is working to the limit, it is exhausted by constant emotional outbursts,
  • desire to stay awake even at night in the absence of sleep.

Many people try to use sleeping pills during this period. But they are not a panacea, many can be addictive and then, insomnia goes away as soon as the moon enters another phase. Therefore, there is simply no need for drug treatment.

What are the consequences of "lunar insomnia"

According to the results of a study by Swiss scientists, it was found out how the quality of sleep changes, and why we cannot fall asleep:

  1. The dependence of sleep on the phases of the moon really exists
  2. Deep sleep during this period decreases by 1/3
  3. Sleep duration becomes on average 20 minutes less, and it is much more difficult to fall asleep
  4. There is a decrease in the amount of sleep hormone - melatonin
  5. Sleep quality gets worse

Do you suffer from insomnia?


People complained that they could not sleep properly: both the quality and the time of sleep became less. Perhaps the occurrence of somnambulism - walking in a dream, which passes when the lunar cycle changes. But the form of somnambulism is strange: a person reacts to external stimuli and does not lose touch with reality. He can walk with his eyes open and fall asleep after a few hours.

Long-term sleep disturbance negatively affects performance. Lack of proper rest does not allow thinking normally, concentrating on problems, solving complex issues. Hypersomnia (lack of sleep) also affects the physiological state of the body.

It is important to know: During this period, meditation helps, the absence of disturbing thoughts, melodious and calm music before bedtime. It is important to close the windows tightly so that the moonlight does not fall on your bed and the moon does not "look" through the window.

Impressions of people affected by the lunar cycle

Maria, 40 years old:The moon has a strong effect on me. I sleep badly, have nightmares, wake up drenched in sweat. Some kind of negative energy emanates from our companion, otherwise why should dogs howl "at the full moon"?

Natalia, 35 years old:The full moon has no effect on me. But if you forgot to close the curtain and the moonlight falls on the bed, then you have nightmares. And my mother does not sleep at all on the full moon. But this phase is short and can be experienced.

Oksana, 28 years old: I stop sleeping as early as 3 days before the moon becomes round. Anxiety wakes up in my soul, the reasons for which are incomprehensible. I wander around the house half asleep with my eyes open. I seem to be in a trance. There is nothing better than sunlight! "

What you need to do to fall asleep

You need to go through the full moon period, and with it, insomnia. Especially if there are busy days ahead. We can help ourselves by using simple rules. Will save:

  • absence of anxious situations or stress (unfortunately, this does not always depend on us),
  • a favorable environment for sleeping: soft undertones, the absence of mirrors in which your bed is reflected, the absence of paintings with moving water (water is a stream, noise, current),
  • unwillingness to work at night: do not overwork,
  • refusal from products that have an exciting effect on the body (coffee, alcohol, smoking, energy drinks),
  • turned off TV with night news; the received negative information will not allow you to fall asleep normally,
  • refusal to visit entertainment events, nightclubs, movie screenings, which even without a full moon will bring down the sleep mode.

The reasons for our condition at a full moon are rooted in the distant past. We inherited the biological clock from our primitive ancestors. They did not sleep on the full moon, because in the light of the moon they became helpless in front of predators.

There are many stories, legends and fairy tales associated with the full moon. But everything is much simpler. The position of the Sun, Moon, Earth depends on the state of any living organism. These are our landmarks in time and space, which affect the physical condition and emotional sphere.

Many people are unaware of sleep problems until the moon is full. During such a period, the state of drowsiness is not felt, the body is in an irritated state all night long, a feeling of anxiety arises, in the morning, as a rule, it is difficult to force oneself to get up, do the usual things. The reason for this is a bad night's rest as a result, the body is exhausted, there is no strength for the working day. Such night wakefulness is very exhausting, affecting painfully on health, and outwardly, a person who does not get enough sleep does not look very pleasant.

Why can't you sleep on a full moon

When people turn to a specialist, complaining about a restless sleep, they say I can't fall asleep on a full moon, why and how to deal with it, doctors are in no hurry to prescribe certain medications. The fact is that the heavenly sanctuary - the Moon has a very strong effect on the human body, especially when it is full. This fact was noticed a very long time ago by our ancestors, and modern science was quite able to confirm it with documents.

The moon is able to magically affect a person, not just controlling his sleep, but also dramatically changing the well-being of the body as a whole. Swiss scientists under the leadership of K. Cayohen conducted a number of studies on the study of human sleep. It was found and recorded that during the period of the full moon, people, not even knowing, and not guessing about the full moon, slept badly. Sleep disturbances were expressed differently for everyone, but in general, few people managed to get enough sleep.

Scientists have woven this fact with the natural biorhythm of the human body, which is inherited from their ancestors. After all, it is difficult for a caveman to remain safe with a full moon, which means good night illumination, predators can easily detect them. Hence the restless sleep of our ancestors, increased sensitivity during sleep, which was transmitted to modern humans at the genetic level.

Nevertheless, other scientists are skeptical about such an assumption, considering it insufficiently proven and referring to the widespread myths of human existence on this planet. It is argued that all problems are hidden in the individual characteristics of a person, the presence of certain pathologies, the degree of their course, the mental state of a person and surrounding factors. It is especially important to be alert to these phenomena when it comes to children. It is not surprising that the mother only refers to the influence of the moon at a time when the strongest pathology begins to develop in a nursing baby. If it is not detected in time, health problems will become irreversible.

Along with this, it is also not worth categorically refuting the fact of the influence of the Moon on the human body, because people, first of all, are living beings created in unison with nature and react, not even consciously, to many natural phenomena, and completely reject the "connection" with heavenly bodies at the present time is impossible, everything is obvious and obvious.

What to do

When a person is faced with the phenomenon that he cannot sleep on a full moon, only in this phase of the moon, most likely there is nothing to worry about. It is believed that women, girls are highly susceptible to such effects, men begin to react to this at a more mature age. Often the manifestations of sleep disturbances are based on their own mood, when a person realizes that the full moon is coming and it is possible that he will sleep badly during this period, he kind of gives himself an installation, which actually happens. Therefore, you need not to cheat yourself, think less about this. Additionally, you can do the following:

  • It is advisable to hang the curtains on the windows the most dense, so that the moonlight passes through them as little as possible, the room is full of darkness. The increased illumination excites the mind, forcing you to wake up, making it difficult to fall asleep in the evening. When in the evening it is impossible to fall asleep as it should be, the usual rhythm is already spontaneously lost.
  • It is important to support your body, to strengthen, taking periodically vitamin complexes, vitamins. A strong, healthy body reacts least of all to such phenomena.
  • Lead a full-fledged lifestyle, try not to sleep one more time during the day, even if the previous night was difficult, since in this case there is a risk of failure of the circulation period. Confused day with night, and will want to sleep only during the day.
  • During the day, finding at least an hour to be in the fresh air, walks before bedtime are especially useful.
  • At night, it is better not to eat heavily, drink less liquids, so as not to provoke the urge to go to the toilet, after which it will be difficult to fall asleep.
  • Do not idle during the day, any work - mental, physical, in any case exhausts a person, causes a feeling of fatigue, the body requires rest. As a rule, during such periods, drowsiness sets in, and the person falls asleep despite any extraneous stimuli.

If, nevertheless, it is not possible to fall asleep during the full moon. The person still complains that he is already very tired, exhausted, but I cannot fall asleep on a full moon, even if I fall asleep, I still wake up in the middle of the night, and there will be no good rest, you need to seek help from specialists. The problem is hidden a little deeper, it needs to be clarified, eliminated at a professional level.

In the full moon phase, the three celestial bodies are practically on the same line. In this case, the moon is reflected in the rays of the sun for the Earth in the form of a full luminous disk. At this time, its influence on all living organisms increases and reaches maximum activity. Full moon insomnia is quite common.

A person feels a surge of strength and energy on a full moon, an excess of ideas and a desire to perform incredible deeds.

On the other hand, an emotional outburst causes an exacerbation of neurological diseases, anxious behavior and conflict situations. This condition causes sleep disturbances, which become restless and less profound.

Effects on sleep periods

Scientific confirmation of why a person cannot fall asleep on a full moon was found by Swiss biologists on the basis of studies.

The full moon affects the processes taking place in the human body as follows:

  • The ratio of the periods of time that a person needs for sleep and vigorous activity is violated - its duration is reduced by one third of an hour;
  • It takes a longer period to enter the sleep state;
  • The duration of deep sleep is reduced by thirty percent.

People in old age, young children, people with mental disorders and people who are able to feel the influence of gravity fall under the special influence of the moon phase.

The phases of the moon and the body's response to them

To understand why insomnia bothers people on a full moon, you should study the effect of the moon on a person in different periods:

New moonFull moon
Sun and moonIn relation to the Earth are located on the same sideAre opposite each other
Gravitational forcesAre summed upNeutralized by counteraction
The state of the bodyThe pressure of fluids in the body decreases, weight decreasesLiquid pressure increases, high pressure problems appear
DreamDeep, calmAnxious, with scary dreams, insomnia

INTERESTING! The female body reacts to the effects of the full moon more brightly than the male.

Physiological processes and the full moon

The full moon creates a special atmosphere that contributes to the appearance of various deviations in human behavior, but is not the cause of them. People with disorders of the nervous system become more impulsive, their nervousness increases. In most cases, this condition results in insomnia.

  1. Exchange processes. Are reaching their peak. Due to this, the level of pressure in the vessels of the human body, which is 75 percent water, significantly increases. The impression of an increase in body volume is created. People with hypertensive problems should be very attentive to their condition and follow the pressure readings.
  2. Brain. The work of the mind does not stop even at night. A person cannot sleep for a long time and painfully. Restless dreams interrupt sleep and return it to tense thoughts. People prone to mental illness find it difficult to endure the night period. Bad sleep is exhausting and takes a lot of energy.
  3. Emotional condition. Life energy is off scale, activity is at the highest level. The vulnerable psyche reacts with nervous stress to any kind of provocation. Against this background, a quarrel or conflict with others may arise. Strong experiences do not allow you to fall asleep until the morning.
  4. Dreams. There is evidence that this time a person can see a prophetic dream. He dreams in the morning, usually with bright colors and deep content. The subconscious mind during the period of lunar activity sends memorable stories to warn of a possible rash action. Interpreting the dream and understanding why nightmares are dreaming will be useful in order to protect yourself from problems in the future.
  5. Somnambulism. In some people, the parts of the brain that are responsible for motor functions do not respond to inhibition from the nervous system when we sleep. A short time after falling asleep, the lunatic makes an unconscious movement around the room. Some scientists believe that sleepwalking is most active during the full moon.

Since ancient times, the full moon was considered a time of demonic phenomena, revelry of witches and ghouls. This is due to the fact that it is very easy to lose control over your behavior due to aggravated irritability and aggression. Dreams on such nights were credited with the power of prediction.

In order not to dream of anything bad, people protected themselves with special amulets from evil spirits. According to statistics, during this period there has been an increase in the number of cases of crime, terrorist attacks and traffic accidents.

Healthy Full Moon Sleep Is Possible

The full moon lasts for about a week. If insomnia occurs, you need to prepare for it in advance.

To sleep well on a full moon, it is necessary to ensure a positive emotional state and sufficient oxygen levels. To do this, follow simple rules:

  • It is advisable not to attend noisy events and crowded companies - to exclude alcohol, smoking, spicy and heavy food;
  • Organize outdoor walks in the evening;
  • Provide oxygen access to the room where the person sleeps, ventilate it at night;
  • Replace watching films with a sharp psychological plot with reading literature of light, calm content;
  • Limit sleep stabilization medications. On a full moon, they can cause unwanted side effects;
  • Fall asleep with positive thoughts.

Man is especially susceptible to the influence of the Moon at the peak of its full disk. The celestial body stimulates all systems of a living organism. The concentration of vigor, energy and positiveness reaches the maximum level and prompts you to take action. Emotional stress during the day is the reason why you can't fall asleep at night.

By following simple rules, you can reduce the negative impact of this period on a person's condition, get rid of insomnia and ensure yourself a healthy and restful sleep.

The moon is a satellite of our planet. It provides lighting in the evening and affects many vital processes of living organisms, participates in the movement of water, creating ebb and flow. The celestial body acquired such properties due to its powerful gravitational field. Man is also a part of the Earth's ecosystem, therefore, it is common for him to react to a change in lunar activity. Most often, people have insomnia during the full moon, which significantly worsens their condition. Let's figure out why this condition occurs and how you can deal with it.

Lunar phases

As you know, the satellite of our planet is constantly in motion. While the Moon makes a full circle around the Earth, it goes through 4 main phases:

  • new moon;
  • height;
  • full moon;
  • decreasing.

Depending on which phase the planet is in, we can see only a small part of it in the sky or a bright lunar disk. The satellite has a great influence on the water that is on Earth. As you know, the human body is also 75% water, and therefore it is subject to the influence of the moon.

Consider how the state of health changes in different phases of the luminary.

  1. New moon. At this time, the gravitational force of the Moon and the Sun will be summed up, since both planets are on the same side of the Earth. A person begins to depend less on the gravitational field of his home planet, as the influence of the luminaries on him increases. As a result, the pressure of fluids in the body is significantly reduced and even body weight is reduced. Sleep becomes strong and calm, during which the body relaxes completely and recovers its strength as much as possible.
  2. Full moon. During the waxing moon, some changes begin to occur in the body. Gradually, a person's body weight increases, as he becomes more dependent on gravity, and the pressure of fluids inside the body also increases. This is due to the opposition of the gravitational fields of the Moon and the Sun. They practically "extinguish" each other, because they have minimal impact on people, at this time we are fully dependent on the gravity of our planet.

Who is prone to disorder

When there is a full month in the sky, some people may not feel any significant changes in their biorhythm or well-being at all. But others note a strong emotional uplift, a surge of energy, ability to work, activity. This helps to realize oneself professionally, but negatively affects the rest.

Sleep becomes disturbing, its duration is significantly reduced, some cannot fall asleep at all or do it only for a few minutes.

Scientists have not yet come to a common explanation for these changes. Some believe that the disorder is related to the genetic memory of humanity, which still dominates our behavior and condition. Others are inclined to the version that everything depends on the resilience of the human psyche. There are also experts who completely refute the relationship of the full moon and insomnia.

However, over the years of studying the sleep of millions of people, it was possible to find out that there are individuals who are either subject to the change of lunar phases, or do not react at all to it.

Who suffers from insomnia most often? These are people with a fine organization of the psyche, with excellent intuition and high emotionality. It is also worth noting that they depend on the power of cosmic energy and the force of gravity.

How to help yourself

A healthy and sound sleep is possible even on a full moon. People who cannot rest at all are prescribed special drugs that are suitable for occasional use. They speed up falling asleep, relieve stress, relax, help you sleep soundly and well, and not suffer from awakenings at night.

Means can have a chemical and natural composition, they are selected by the doctor depending on the age of the patient, the characteristics of his body and the disorder itself.

There are also effective homeopathic medicines that are completely harmless to health:

Drawing conclusions

The phases of the moon can really affect the general state of a person and his sleep in particular. The phenomenon has not been fully studied by specialists, therefore, few doctors undertake to actively normalize the state of people dependent on the lunar cycles.

However, there are ways to help you get the night sleep during the full moon. You can choose from medicines and homeopathy.

Before using any product, you should consult a doctor so as not to harm your health and not aggravate the problem.