Forecasts for breast cancer at different stages of the disease. How many breast cancer live - it all depends on the circumstances how long live with breast cancer

Cancer, is a big problem in the modern world, despite the rather high level of development of medical care to the population. Some processes appear very rarely, others on the contrary are registered quite often, especially if there are many conditions (profession, lifestyle, environment, heredity, etc.).

If we take the statistics of cancer concerning women, you can see a high level of damage to breast cancer. Any woman, having heard this diagnosis will be upset, and will ask the very expected questions about the cancer stage, methods of treatment, and of course how many people live with such pathology.

The result of treatment is fully dependent on factors such as:

  • Stage of diagnosed breast cancer;
  • The scale of the propagation of the process in the breast itself, and the nearest lymph nodes;
  • The presence of metastases in other organs and tissues of the body;
  • Is it possible to carry out the operation, and what consequences are waiting for the patient after it;

On time the diagnosed oncological disease of the breast is fully cured in 95% of cases. To identify cancer at an early stage, all women should pass the annual inspection of an oncologist or a mammologist, the same doctors must train women by the method of inspection.

How many live with breast cancer

Breast cancer is not rare pathology among the female population, it ranks first among all oncological neoplasms. World statistics do not please, because every year, around 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 cases of breast cancer, 25% of which have fatal outcomes, are registered.

Most often, life expectancy during breast cancer is estimated using five-year survival data (the number of women who live 5 or more after diagnosis). About 50% of women who have begun treatment on time, live 5 years or more. But if breast cancer is not treated, the life of such women in five-year statistics does not exceed 15%.

No less important in life predictions, cancer aggressiveness.

What is the survival with breast cancer in stages

Given the prevalence of breast cancer and the size of education, oncology allocates 4 stages of this disease. Each person knows that the forecast for life is reduced as the stage increases.

(I Stage) - the size of the tumor is within, up to 2 centimeters. There are no metastases into regional lymph nodes. On time, the operation to remove the tumor in the first stage contributes to a high level of life. 5-year survival rate is 80-95%.

(II Stage) - malignant neoplasm increases from 2 to 5 centimeters, but no spread to lymph nodes is observed. The forecast at this stage of breast cancer is also positive, and the 5-year survival rate is 50-80%;

(III Stage) - the tumor reached the size of more than 5 centimeters, and cancer cells begin to spread to lymph nodes, in the most difficult cases, they germinate into the skin of the chest. To cure a person with such a stage is extremely difficult, therefore survival forecast fluctuates in the range of 10-50%.

(IV Stage) - cancer tumor continues to grow. Metastase penetration arises in distant organs and tissues. With this stage of breast cancer, five-year survival rate is very low, up to 10%.

In addition to the process stage, the number of regional lymph nodes affected by cancer cells is of great importance. In their absence, the patient is able to live for more than 10 years in 75% of cases when metastases penetrated lymphotok, this indicator drops significantly to 25%.

This is not final data, each person can affect them in its own way. As a rule, a timely operation to remove the tumor in a pair with chemo or radiation therapy already gives good prospects. In addition, all the recommendations of the attending physician should be followed:

  • complete rehabilitation after surgery (consultation of the psychologist and returning the normal state of the body, especially important when operations at more running stages).
  • observe the day of the day (normalization of the time of work and recreation, to not provoke fatigue and decrease in immunity).
  • diet and healthy diet - food after surgery for cancer removal, should be fresh and most useful. In no case do not overburden food products, do not use semi-finished products, carefully read the composition for harmful preservatives.
  1. Consume about 4-5 portions of fresh vegetables and fruits, can be replaced by a glass of freshly squeezed juices;
  2. Increase the number of proteins;
  3. Reduce the overall caloric content of food in the daily diet on a 30% method of limiting carbohydrates;
  4. refusal of bad habits - in favor of long life, better forget about smoking and alcohol.

All of these factors in any case will not harm the body, but their observance is a purely individual desire for each patient, especially those who want to extend their life for one year.

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Breast cancer is a rather difficult diagnosis, but the successes of medicine gave the opportunity not to perceive it as a sentence. Survival with breast cancer is high - every second patient after receiving a full and proper treatment in the first stages of the disease for another 5 years, each third woman is 10 years old.

Causes of RMW

Keep the championship in the frequency of detection in women - such pathology is found in each third diseased. Doctors marked two peaks of morbious cancer. The first is observed in women in 35-45 years, at an active age. To factors, sharply improving the risk of RMG during this period, include:

  • high level of estrogen in the body;
  • early occurrence of monthly cycles;
  • menstrual cycle failures;
  • diagnosed disorders in the work of the thyroid gland;
  • abortion;
  • the first birth at late age;
  • lack of breastfeeding baby in history;
  • inflammatory and tumor gynecological pathologies.

The second peak of morbidity is celebrated in women after 60 years. They are characterized by an elevated estrogen content in the blood, which is determined by the pathologies of adrenal glands and the large weight of the body. The most susceptible to the RMW women living in megalopolis.

Factors affecting survival in RMG

Medical statistics takes as a basis in counting the survival rate of women with breast cancer period of 5 years. A decisive factor directly affecting life and cure during the RMF is the term of the disease in which it was detected. Many, unfortunately, come to experts with a delay. At the first and second stages of RMW, 60% of women are treated for doctors, on the third - 26%.

The life of the patient relatively relates to the following characteristics of the ailment:

  • magnitude and type of neoplasm;
  • its placement;
  • germination to nearby lymph nodes;
  • sensitivity of growth to hormones;
  • fabric status around the neoplasm;
  • metastasis speed;

In determining the rate of illness, the magnitude of the tumor and the presence of affected cells in the nearest lymph nodes play a major role. When localizing cancer in the outer zone of the chest, the outcome is more favorable, since in this case it is faster and easily deleted.

If a woman did not apply for help to specialists in a timely manner and prefers therapy with the means of traditional medicine, her chances of survival for 5 years will be 15%.

Stages of the disease

Distinguish 5 stages of RMW. Based on the classification lies the size of the neoplasm.

The formation with a diameter of up to 20 mm and the absence of affected cells in lymph nodes is determined. Such breast cancer, the forecast of survival will give three patients out of 4.

There may be two possible ways of breast cancer development:

  • the tumor does not grow, but the defeat will affect the 5 nearest lymph nodes;
  • the tumor grows up to 50 mm without penetration into lymph nodes. At this stage of development, only every second patient will be able to survive.

The tumor exceeds the size of 50 mm, the nearest lymph nodes are affected, metastases penetrated into the bone and chest. With this stage, only 10-15% of the total number of cases will survive.

Characterized by a massive defeat of the whole organism and forecasting is not amenable.

Types of cancer changes of the breast

During the disease, the type of neoplasm is important. The correct definition of the type of RMG and properly selected treatment significantly increase the possibility of survival. Distinguish such a breast cancer:

  • transduce;
  • lolk;
  • Pmzh inflammatory type;
  • three times negative;
  • hormone-dependent;
  • luminal.

These types of cancer have a different degree of aggressiveness and the possibility of cure.

Infiltrative duct tumor is most often diagnosed by doctors. It accounts for 2/3 of all identified cases. It is it the least aggressive form of a neoplasm. Even with significant growth in the ducts, the adjacent fabrics and lymph nodes do not affect. The risk of formation of education in an aggressive form is 30%.

Recurrements can manifest in 10 years after the first operation. An important part of therapy with infiltrative lagging of ducts is to reduce the risk of its relapse in the future.

How many breast cancer live with such a tumor type? It recovers at an early stage of 90%, and this is 5 full-fledged years of life, at the second stage - 60. With the most difficult cases, 25% of patients will live under conditions of persistent treatment.

Salted breast cancer is small dense education in the upper part. It is difficult to diagnose in the early forms and is poorly cured in the later stages. The neoplasm hormone-dependent, in the early detection periods amenable to treatment, has an aggressive nature, in the third and fourth stage, forms deep metastases into the surrounding tissues.

This is a breast cancer, survival rate at which is 45% upon receipt of adequate treatment in the early stages; On the latter, the number of survivors is 10% when the total course of therapy passes.

Inflammatory-infiltrative carcinoma MZ is rarely diagnosed, the main risk group is 50 years old and older. Diagnose this form is difficult, because the modified cells replace normal tissues without forming growth. The process passes extremely quickly, changes capture all the breasts, reaching deep layers of fabrics, penetrating the lymph nodes.

With timely operational removal in the early deadlines to the five-year-old postoperative period, each second lives - this is 45% on statistics.

Hormone-dependent type is possible to detect mainly in the second and third stages of the disease; Therapy hormones gives a forecast for breast cancer to 25% for a five-year period. When identifying recurrences, the outcome is flying.

Lumerous RMW has subspecies A and B. A-type - hormone-dependent, it is relatively easy to succumb to therapy when identifying the disease in the early stages. Such breast cancer survival shows more than 90%. A b-subspecies is difficult to treat and often recurrences.

How many breasts live with cancer? Even with the early identification of the disease and the passage of the total course of therapy, only 40% of patients lives to a five-year round.

In the first stages of the emergence (zero and first stage), a negative cancer makes it possible to cure 75% of the diseased. But at the second and third stages, the indicator decreases to 40%; With the launched form of the disease, there will be another 5 years only one patient out of 10. Also make up its aggressive form.

Possibility of cure

Distinguish breast cancer:

  • nodal limited;
  • nodal infiltrative;
  • diffuse essay;
  • diffuse infiltrative.

A nodal form, it often occurs and detects itself in the early stages mainly in the upper outer part of the gland. Gives a favorable outcome with early detection.

The diffuse infiltrative form is an aggressive type of illness, quickly exciting remote bodies. Activated after a long time after the primary disease. A very unfavorable finale gives breast cancer in diffuse edema. At the same time there is a low cure rate in the early deadlines - about three years.

With late forms of illness, this period is very few.

In the fight against breast cancer, give hope for extending life. Doctors increasingly say that a ten-year life expectancy for breast cancer reaches 60% when identifying in the early stages. But without a positive mood of a woman and her desire to deal with the disease will not be effective procedures and medicines.

A person who lives every minute with a positive attitude is less susceptible to such a fear.

Reading time: 5 min

Dangerous pathology is cancer 3 degrees of breast, the lifespan depends on different factors.

Any oncology carries a threat to life, as accompanied by metastasis.

What are dangerous metastases? Statistics breast cancer

Metastasation is a process in which malignant cells are affected by lymph nodes and organs. The degree of breast cancer affects the outcome of pathology.

It is worth saying that the forecast for the disease is the most favorable of all oncological ailments that can be diagnosed in women.

Breast cancer is a third degree characterized by metastasis, respectively, pathology seriously threatens life. Metastases at oncology shorten life 2-3 times.

The forecast of survival during breast cancer directly depends on metastasis, but the size of the tumor is taken into account.

Breast oncology has been fully studied: many methods have been developed in medicine, allowing you to fight this ailment.

Breast cancer 3 degrees - common pathology. Every year it is diagnosed in 600,000 women over 30 years.

NEUCH may develop in representatives of weak gender, which live in big cities. Many people are interested in how many breast cancer live.

Survival subject to therapy can be from 2 to 11 years. But in history, cases are recorded when women with breast cancer managed to live 20 years.

In recent years, the carcinoma of the breast has become common, the number of cases of female has increased significantly.

On the importance of preventive inspection

Oncological ailments need to be identified in a timely manner. If a woman has a breast cancer of 2 degrees, you can improve life forecast if you start therapy in time.

Survival in RMW is different, but any girl should undergo a preventive inspection. Once every 4 - 5 months it is necessary to visit oncologist.

Diagnostics will allow you to detect the tumor process in time, identify the degree of malignancy.

Diagnostics are effective in identifying adenocarcinoma. Most women later appeal for help.

When the patient comes to use, the doctor can identify the aggressive form of breast cancer. If the tumor progresses, the treatment is difficult.

But here you need to use modern techniques of modern medicine. Breast cancer 4 degrees gives little chance of cure.

In this case, the combination of drug and surgical therapy is required. The doctor can prescribe hormonal drugs.

Conducting therapy

Dangerous and unpredictable disease is breast cancer. How much do you live after surgery? Much depends on the age of the patient.

Preventive diagnosis involves mammography. The procedure allows you to reveal in this case the most favorable.

Mammography is a highly efficient procedure that makes it possible to determine the stage of breast cancer.

When conducting a procedure, you can see what size a malignant education has reached. If it is still in the early stages, the treatment is easier. 2 stage, taking into account the hormonal background.

In pregnant women, the tumor grows faster, in connection with this you need to take therapeutic measures as early as possible.

What affects survival?

The stage of breast cancer affects the growth of the tumor, but it has been established that young women have malignant formations faster.

Danger for life is not so much tumor as metastasis. The percentage of survival depends on which stage is a disease.

The first stage of breast cancer is most favorable: when therapy is timely started, you can cure.

With breast cancer 2 degrees, the forecast is worse. If you treat oncology in the early stages, the ten-year survival is guaranteed in 98% of cases.

Dangerous is a breast cancer of 3 degrees: the life expectancy is 10 years old is observed in 20 - 35% of cases.

In addition to the age, the stage and characteristics of the body on life expectancy affect:

  • education size;
  • its localization;
  • effectiveness of therapy;
  • clinical picture.

The tumor with metastases is always dangerous. The forecast of the disease affects the location of the carcinoma.

Education is located in one of the quadrants of the chest. Survival with breast cancer depends on how fast malignant cells are distributed.

It is taken into account where they apply. If education is in external quadrants, the forecast is the most comforting (subject to timely therapy).

The diagnosis of the tumor located in the outer quadrants is not difficult. Education is removed by the surgical method.

If the tumor is in central zones, the forecast will not be so comforting: in this case, education is more difficult to therapy.

It is not known how much a patient will live with such pathology. The tumor on medial and central zones is characterized in that the malignant cells are distributed with greater speed and cover more organs. Tumor cells are affected by lymph nodes.

The size of malignant education and the outcome of the disease

The magnitude of education plays an important role in determining the forecast. Depending on the breast cancer stage, the tumor can reach 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and more than 5 cm.

Five-year survival depends on the size of education and watermarking in lymph nodes.

  1. If the tumor does not exceed 2 cm size, five-year survival is observed in 90% of cases.
  2. If the formation does not reach 5.5 cm size, the percentage of five-year survival 40 is 50%.
  3. Diagnosed in young women. Pathology is rarely detected in women who have stepped over a 40-year frontier. Healing cancer 1 degree. The inflammatory form of carcinoma is more difficult to therapy, the forecast will be disappointing.
  4. Under the condition of radical treatment at the 1st stage of the disease, the likelihood of ten-year survival will be 85 - 98%. At 3 stages of infiltrative cancer, the tumor reaches 5 cm, while metastasis occurs in regional lymph nodes. Five-year survival is 33 - 45%.
  5. At the stage of the stage, the magnitude of the tumor does not exceed 2 cm, the lymph nodes are not affected, metastasis remote. Five-year survival is observed in 85% of cases.
  6. The second stage of breast cancer is not as dangerous as the rest, the size of education 2 is 5 cm. Lymph nodes located in the armpits are amazed. Five-year survival is 50 - 60%.
  7. In the 3 stages, the tumor is growing and in the future reaches 6 - 7 cm. Nearby chest fabrics are affected, lymph nodes are also affected. Five-year survival is 41%. Breast 3 degree cancer is a threat to life, as metastasis can occur.
  8. In 4 stages, there is an extensive lesion of lymph nodes. Internal organs have metastases. The body cannot function normally. Five-year survival is 10%.

Metastasation greatly affects the forecast. Oncology in the metastasis stage is incurable.

If you begin therapy from the time of the propagation of metastases, the life expectancy will be 3.5 years.

In 20 - 35% of cases, patients live more than 5 years. There are cases when women with breast cancer when distributing metastases managed to live 9 years.

Invasive carcinoma

The degree of illness plays an important role in determining the forecast of life. It is carcinoma that penetrated breast tissue.

The ailments are characterized by the fact that after a while, malignant cells fall into vital organs (the propagation occurs through blood).

The beginning of the westing is considered to increase lymph nodes located in armpits. If breast cancer 3 stages progress, cancer cells quickly penetrate the organs.

Preinvasive cancer - a disease at which Milky Dukes are affected. In this case, malignant cells are not yet formed in breast tissues.

At the preinvasive cancer of cells are divided, the tumor is becoming more and more. It follows at an early stage to treat carcinoma of the breast, but the forecast may be disappointing, since the preinvasive cancer can go into invasive.

If breast cancer is treated, how much do you live after surgery? The degree plays an important role in determining the forecast.

It is characterized by the rapid spread of carcinoma on breast fabric.

The affected cells are freely penetrated into the blood, lymph nodes. Soon they apply to the body and lead to the defeat of the organs.

Invasive groove cancer is distributed among women. Life expectancy with breast cancer depends on the type of pathology. Invasive ducting cancer is a very common disease.

Dolk infiltrative carcinoma

At the initial stages, the ailment does not give symptoms, respectively, the woman does not recognize that he is sick. It is important to look at the chest.

Infiltrative lolk cancer manifests itself in the chest. If the shape of the breast has changed, it is worth the alarm.

It should be carefully visible to the skin. If the invasive cancer progresses, the skin of the chest is peeling, covered with wrinkles. Symptom of the disease - selection of nipples. In some sections of the chest, you can see the Whisper Skin.

If a woman reveals at least one of the above symptoms, you need to turn to the mammologist.

To reveal the cause of such symptoms, you need to examine. It is important to say that the breast tumor requires integrated treatment.

Depending on the type of pathology, hormonal therapy, chemical therapy, surgery, can be appointed. In most cases, the doctor prescribes treatment with a combination of techniques.

Diagnostics allows you to identify the stage of the malignant process. All analyzes are taken into account in the diagnosis.

When choosing a treatment method, the doctor takes into account the age of the patient. Is the breast cancer treat? This question cannot be answered unequivocally.

The forecast affects the set of different factors. In determining the life expectancy, the doctor takes into account the alend stage, the magnitude of tumors, metastasis in lymph nodes and organs. If you detect oncology in time, the forecast can be improved.

The most favorable prognosis in cases where the tumor size does not exceed 2 cm, while the treatment is carried out at an early stage.

Lumous type of breast cancer also requires serious treatment. If there are no metastasis in regional lymph nodes, the forecast is improved.

To combat the tumor, the doctor prescribes Herceptin - this is a biologically active drug, an overwhelming increase in malignant cells. Gerceptin active substances do not affect healthy fabrics.

When is the forecast unfavorable?

If lymphedem develops, the disease leads to the defeat of the lymphatic system. The lymphidem is characterized by a violation of the outflow of lymphs from capillaries.

The result of the ailment is the swelling of tissues. Milk iron swells, which leads to an increase in the chest. The increase occurs due to the tumor.

If malignant education grows in tissues and organs located nearby, the forecast will be unfavorable.

With a large number of formations, the forecast is also disappointing. It happens that the tumor cells quickly apply to lymph nodes, in this case the forecast is worse. When metastasising the lungs, kidneys, liver and bones, the forecast is bad.

Forecast for slices breast cancer

Dolk carcinoma develops in women after 45 years. As a rule, it is not observed in women older than 50 years.

The peculiarity of pathology is that malignant formations are located in different parts of the breast. The process takes place in the upper and exterior quadrants.

Salted breast cancer 3 stages are not easy to recognize. With the development of this disease in the chest, not too distinct tumors are formed.

They are visible under the microscope. There are cases when the lolk cancer is diagnosed with other types of illness.

Infiltrative rod breast cancer is a late stage of Dolkometric carcinoma. Pathology is diagnosed in women in 45 - 50 years.

The disease is manifested by dense tumors without clear outlines, their size does not exceed 5 cm. Malignant nodes can be detected in different breast segments.

After the malignant process spreads inside the breast, the formation of secondary foci.

Infiltrating luxury carcinoma may affect both breasts. The forecast in this case is disappointing. Diagnosis of pathology may be difficult.

If the infiltrating luxury carcinoma is accompanied by metastases, it is more difficult to overcome it. The forecast for breast cancer in this case does not exceed 3 years.

If the tumor was detected at the 1st stage, in 90% of cases it is possible to cure from the disease. The average survival after treatment is 5 years.

Infiltrating luxury carcinoma can give complications, and then five-year survival will be 55%.

Carcinoma, which depends on hormones

Before choosing treatment tactics, the doctor examines the dairy glands. It is important to determine whether hormones affect the tumor growth.

If the diagnostic test turns out to be positive, then some hormones (usually female) provoke tumor growth.

In such a situation, the doctor prescribes hormonal therapy. Treatment of this nature is also shown to those who have an adverse outcome of the disease.

Hormonal treatment is prescribed to patients who are not recommended chemotherapy. Hormonal drugs can be appointed to women up to 55 years. Such drugs are prescribed with aggravated infectious diseases.

If a history has disorders of the kidney and liver, the doctor may prescribe hormone-containing drugs.

Hormonal therapy is divided into several types. The choice depends on the type of tumor. Mind of mind takes into account the age of the patient.

Androgens can be appointed for the treatment of hormone-dependent carcinoma. Such drugs reduce the level of estrogen.

Corticosteroids block the combination of sex hormones with tumor cells. Oboviectomy is a radical method of therapy.

The procedure involves the removal of ovaries. As you know, these organs produce sex hormones.

The selection of therapy depends on the stage of illness. When the doctor prescribes medicines, it takes into account the accompanying diseases.

Hormone-dependent carcinoma is diagnosed with 40% of women with breast oncology. The danger of pathology is that when progressing hormones stimulates the growth of cancer cells.

Accordingly, you need to take medicines for suppressing hormones. Is it possible to cure breast cancer, which forecast?

It is important to undergo diagnosis on time.

With a comprehensive approach to treatment, a favorable forecast is possible. The process of metastasis is impossible to prevent - this is dangerous breast cancer.

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How many breast cancer live? It is impossible to answer the question. It all depends on the degree, age and metastasis of pathology.

The forecast of breast cancer is the likely outcome of the disease. It indicates what the likelihood of the patient's complete cure, and at how many breast cancer live.

Breast cancer - according to WHO, the most common oncological disease in women of all over the world. About 16% of all cases of malignant neoplasms in women are accurate for this disease. In addition, breast cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality from oncology in the world among representatives of weak gender.

After the diagnosis is established, people often begin to think about the forecast of their illness. But they all want to get a different degree of information. Some prefer not to ask about their prospects, while others want to know all possible data.

It should be understood - the forecast of the disease is based on the statistics of previous years, but each case is unique, and no one can predict what happens with this patient.

The good news is that the detection of symptoms in the early stages and new treatments can significantly improve the survival in breast cancer. Currently, in developed countries, the indicator of the five-year survival of all women with breast cancer, regardless of stage and degree, is 80%. Unfortunately, in countries with less prosperous medicine, life expectancy is significantly lower.

Due to improving treatment, mortality from this disease decreased by about 25%, starting from 1990. Nevertheless, the surviving women live with the uncertain opportunity of recurrence of the disease and with the risk of developing complications by tumor treatment.

The recurrence of cancer and its symptoms is usually evolving within 5 years after treatment. Approximately 25% of recurrences and about half of new tumors in the opposite breast develops after 5 years.

What affects the forecast when breast cancer?

The determination of the forecast, the risk of recurrence, the likely life expectancy and the success of treatment, are influenced by several factors.


It is known that the prognosis for breast cancer depends on the stage of the disease. But it also depends on its extent, that is, how the cancer cells look under the microscope. After the doctor removes a tumor during surgery or takes a biopsy from it, it refers samples into the laboratory, where the pathology determines the degree of neoplasm.

When breast cancer there are three degrees - 1, 2 and 3. The higher the degree - the faster the tumor is growing, it becomes invasive and metastasizes, it is more prone to the development of relapses. Therefore, the doctor takes this information to take note when choosing a patient's treatment and determining the likely life expectancy.

Stage of Cancer

The forecast of breast cancer depends on which stage the disease was diagnosed - on early or running. The earlier to identify the tumor, the greater the chances that it will be small and has not metastastered. Non-invasive or invasive cancer in the early stages (I and II) have a more favorable forecast than neoplasms in the later stages (III and IV).

Stage of breast cancer 5-year-old relative survival in women 5-year-old relative survival in men
0 100% 100%
I.100% 100%
II.92% 91%
III72% 72%
IV22% 21%

As can be seen from the statistical data presented in the table, the prognosis of breast cancer in men is a little worse than women. True, this disease is much less likely to have.

View of cancer

In situ ductricity carcinoma is divided into comedot and non-comedo subtypes. This separation provides additional prognostic information on the likelihood of the progression of the disease and the development of recurrences after treatment. In general, for the subtype of the comedot drive carcinoma, the forecast is worse. Approximately 10-20% of women with Dolkno carcinoma for 10-15 years after the diagnosis is established, invasive cancer develops. Infiltrative dial carcinoma tends to metastasis through lymphatic vessels.

Localization of the tumor

The placement of the tumor is a significant factor in determining the forecast when breast cancer. If it is an in situ protrocal carcinoma, or if the tumor did not spread to the lymph nodes, the indicator of five-year survival with proper treatment reaches 98%. If the cancer has spread to lymphatic nodes or beyond the initial location of the tumor (invasive cancer), five-year survival is approximately 84%. If the disease metastasted into other organs (most often in the lungs, liver and bone), on average, this indicator is 27%.

New drugs (for example, aromatase inhibitors) can extend the lives of women with the IV stadium of cancer. The location of the tumor inside the breast is also an important prognostic factor. The neoplasms that develop closer to the outside of the chest are prone to lighter flow than those tumors that are located closer to the middle of the breast.

Hormone receptor - positive or negative tumor condition

Breast cancer cells may contain receptors (binders) for estrogen and progesterone hormones. Cells having these binding receptors are called hormone-receptor-positive. If they do not have these binding places - then hormone receptor-negative cells. Approximately 75% of the malignant breast tumors are estrogen-positive (ER positive or ER +). Approximately 65% \u200b\u200bof ER-positive tumors are also progesterone-positive (PR-positive or PR +).

Cells that have receptors at least one of these hormones or both of them are considered a receptor-positive. Such cancer is also called hormone sensitive (hormone-dependent), since it responds to hormonal therapy (tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors). Hormone receptor-negative tumors are called hormone sensitive or hormone-sensitive.

Women have a more favorable forecast if their tumor is hormone-dependent, since its cells grow slower than the receptor-negative. In addition, women with hormone receptor positive cancer have more possible treatment options, while hormone receptor-negative tumors can be treated only with chemotherapy. A recent reduction in mortality rates in this disease was the most significant among patients with ER-positive tumors, partly due to the widespread use of hormone therapy after the operation.


Oncomarkers are proteins found in blood or urine in the presence of cancer. Although they are not used to diagnose tumors, the presence of some of them can help in predicting how aggressive may be a patient's disease and how the cancer will respond to a certain type of drugs.

Main oncomarker breast cancer - HER2. HER2-positive tumors usually arise in young women; They grow faster and more aggressive than other types of neoplasms. Onekarker Her2 is in about 20% of cases of invasive breast cancer. Women with Her2 positive tumors can help trastuzumab. Other breast cancer oncomarkers include: CA 15-3, CA 27.29, CEA, ER, PGR, UPA and PAI-1.

Gene expression profile

The definition of gene expression profile in tumor tissues allows to know the likelihood of developing a relapse of the disease after the completion of treatment. These tests are also used to determine if adjuvant drug therapy after surgery.

The size and shape of the tumor

Large tumors are a higher risk than small ones. Untifferentiated neoplasms having fuzzy edges are more dangerous than tumors with well-defined boundaries.

Cell division indicator

The higher the tumor growth rate is more dangerous. There are several tests that measure cell division indicators and can predict the course of the disease. For example, the mitotic index is a measurement of cell division rate. The higher the mitotic index - the more aggressive cancer.

How can I appreciate the forecast?

Nottingham Prognostic Index - This scale is used to determine the forecast after the operation concerning breast cancer. It takes into account three criteria - the size of the tumor, the number of affected lymph nodes and the degree of tumor. After counting the assessment on this scale, a forecast that can be excellent, good, moderate or bad is set.

  • Computer programs. Doctors sometimes apply for online program forecast, such as Adjuvant! Online or predict. The result is often presented in the form of a percentage of survival rate after 5 or 10 years after diagnosis. Programs also evaluate the benefit of conservative treatment or operation.
  • ONCOTYPE DX - In this test, a sample of breast cancer tissue is analyzed to identify its genetic structure. This test determines the likelihood of recurrence of the tumor and its symptoms, analyzing a group of 21 gene, helps the doctor to decide which type of treatment is more suitable for the patient.

Disability during breast cancer

The diagnosis of breast cancer itself is not a reason to assign a group of disability. However, the disability associated with this disease, its treatment (operation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy), the emergence of remote metastases in the later stages, may be the basis for directions to the medical and social expertise. Any disability group can be installed - from III and to I.

How can the forecast affect the patient?

Some people are hard to understand and adopt information about their prospects. A good forecast can provide confidence, joy and hope. If the prospects are less ray, it may cause the future alarm. But the patient must understand that no test or analysis can say with complete confidence that it would happen to him. Sometimes people with a worst forecast live for a long time. At the same time, breast cancer can recur in very good prospects.
Patients may need support for friends and relatives to cope with the uncertainty that arises after they have breast cancer.

The concept of breast cancer includes a number of different malignant formations. The type of cancer directly depends on the size of the primary damage, the location of its location, progress in the growth of the tumor, the presence of metastases. Depending on all these factors, treatment methods are made, as well as the prediction of the patient's survival.

Survival depending on the degree of development of carcinoma

Equivalent of effective cure from breast cancer is considered to be the lifespan of life equal to 5 years. The total number, how many survived after the formulation of such a diagnosis for 5 years is approximately half of the patients, subject to the application of therapeutic measures. In the absence of proper treatment, the coefficient is no more than 15%.

Also, significantly affects survival, significantly reducing it, the presence factor of an aggressive type of cancer education, which is determined by the Her2neu marker, which is detected in 20-30% of patients.

Forecast for 5 years

Survival with breast cancer in patients also depends on the stage of development of the tumor, which 4:

  • The first is determined by the occurrence of tumors not more than 2 cm in diameter. Inflammatory processes in lymph nodes are completely absent. Survival, according to the forecast, is 70-95%.
  • The second is conditionally divided into 2a and 2b. With 2a degree of progress of the disease, there is inflammation of up to 5 lymph nodes in the armpit zone, while the tumor itself has a size that does not exceed 2 cm in diameter. The degree 2b is characterized by a significant increase in oncological education, up to 5 cm, with the lesions of the cardiovascular systems are missing. The forecast for 5 years is 50-80%.
  • The third is expressed by the expandments of tumor education more than 5 cm, with concomitant lesions of lymph nodes and possible metastases in the region of the chest and bone. The survival with such a degree of gravity of the disease is 10-50%.
  • The fourth is accompanied by a significant increase in the tumor to arbitrary sizes. Metastases penetrate a large number of body organs and systems, such as: bones, stomach, liver, leather, lungs. The degree of survival in such a running stage does not exceed 10%.

Forecast for 10 years

If you take into account the percentage of survival for 10 years, after detecting malignant education, then, depending on the gravity of the disease, it is:

  • 1st stage - 60-80%;
  • 2nd is 40-60%;
  • 3rd stage - 0-30%;
  • 4th - 0-5%.

Of great importance in determining the forecast, along with the degree of gravity, has the number of metastases in lymph nodes and bones. So, in the absence of penetration into healthy parts of the body, the forecast for 10 years is 75%. With metastases, survival is only 25%.

When penetrating in less than 4 lymph nodes, the forecast is 35%. But, in the case of progress of cancer in tissue of four or more vessels or bones, survival rate is not more than 15% of all cases.


Operations for the removal of tumor formation, parts of the chest or complete removal of the mammary glands produce only up to 4 stages and in the presence of shallow metastases, not affected bones and vital organs. Forecasts in the absence of metastases after the operation are up to 96%. In the case of a significant amount of cancer penetration outside the breast area, the bone area and other vital systems, how many percent is a forecast for life, only after a thorough analysis of the general state of the patient can only establish a doctor.


After a period of time, constituting from a pair of months to several years, symptoms of oncological formations may appear again. Recurrements, most often occur after the preceding, low-differentiable type of cancer. Often relapses occur after invasive ducting cancer, since it is characterized by significant manifestations of metastases in the field of armpits. Also, the appearance of recurrences is quite often occurring after removing large-sized tumors.

The percentage of survival in such situations directly depends on the therapeutic mechanisms of action and the duration is 1-2 years.

Place of appearance of pathology

The localization of malignant education is largely affected by the results of the death rate, because the intensity of the development of metastases and the direction of their introduction into healthy cells and bones directly depends on this factor.

The greatest percentage of survival is contained with the appearance of tumors in the zone outside the chest, because so their occurrence is easier to notice the initially. In addition, such a location allows operations to remove an anomaly with greater accuracy and efficiency.

In the event of pathologies in other sections of the chest, the likelihood of metastases is large. Because the percentage of survival in this situation, even as a result of a very successful operation, significantly falls.

Types of cancer formations

One of the main circumstances characterizing a malignant education in the chest is the ability of the tumor to grow and penetrate other fabrics and organs. Based on this, the doctors distinguish several types of breast oncology:

  • infiltrative cancer of ducts,
  • invasive sloped cancer,
  • inflammatory type referred to as low-differentiated
  • hormone-dependent
  • three times negative
  • luminal.

The type of breast cancer type is very important, since the choice of the most effective therapeutic measures depends on the exact formulation of the diagnosis.

Protock cancer

Infiltrative cancer of the ducts is the most frequent form of malignant formations in the chest, which appears in 78% of diseases. On mammographic images, infiltrating ducting cancer, has a star or a round spot with sharp boundaries. In the event of a tumor of a star-like type, the disease is characterized by a significant degree of severity. The forecast of survival rate directly depends on the severity of the disease, on which the diagnosis was determined. So, at stage 1, it is 91.8%, at 2 - 64.5%, at 3 stages - 42%. In case of extreme neglence, only with a persistent treatment can be achieved by a result of 28%.

Dolly cancer

Invasive lolk cancer appears in the form of a seal of a small thickness in the upper zone of the inner portion of the chest. Education is often sensitive to female hormones, because hormone therapy in most cases of lolly cancer, with non-launched forms of the disease, is very effective. However, given the fact of the difficulties of diagnosing the ailment in the early forms, a good forecast is given not often. The main problems of the early diagnosis of lolly cancer can be called a hard-to-reach localization site of the tumor, as well as very irregular preventive measures. With the initial stages of invasive solo cancer, it is 54%, the late stage of oncology of Dolkometric carcinoma with the presence of deep metastases in the bone, skin, lungs, liver, allow you to predict the duration of life up to 3 years, after discovering the ailment in 2-12% of cases.

Inflammatory view

For many factors, low-differentiated cancer is identical with mastitis. However, it is quite an aggressive form of carcinoma. The disease in the initial degrees of education, after the operational purpose of treatment, gives a positive forecast in 45% of cases of low-differentiated breast cancer.


Since this type of oncological disease is accompanied by a sufficiently blurred symptomatic basis at the beginning of the emergence of formations, it is found most often for 2-3 stages. The forecast for a long-term course of treatment with hormones is 27%. In the case of relapse, the forecast for survival is impossible.

Three times negative

Triple negative breast cancer, with proper treatment at the initial stage, allows you to obtain a forecast of 77% survival. With 2 severity of the disease, it is possible to reach 42%. And in the case of launched forms of three times of negative cancer, the maximum forecast reaches 9%. However, three times negative breast cancer, represents a very aggressive education. Due to the high speed of development, three times the negative kartarome, it is possible to detect it, in most cases, only in the later stages.

However, at the moment, some subtypes of a triple negative kartzen are known. Doctors still failed to collect enough research data for the allocation of these types of triple negative cancer in separate groups. However, it is already known that a significant percentage of studied, three times a negative cancer, has a form of non-aggressive nature. This fact is able to increase survival rates in the presence of formations three times of negative type.


The luminary type of breast cancer is conditionally divided into 2 subspecies: A and V. Type A has a high percentage of survival due to the sensitivity to hormone therapy. In the initial stages, the forecast for luminal cancer is 94%. The type B, being a very aggressive form of illness, is very difficult to treat and inclined to relapses in most cases. The forecast for this form of luminal cancer is no higher than 46%.

There are many types of cancers affecting the dairy glands and very often producing metastases in vital organs and bones. To give a universal accurate forecast for the development of the illness and the degree of survival after it is very difficult. The success of the treatment of any of the oncological formations, whether it is a lolk, three times a negative or other possible cancer, largely depends on the preventive measures taken. It is important to prompt medical treatment, the choice of an effective method of therapy, as well as the general health and psychological attitude. It must be remembered that even the smallest percentage of success is a chance for life.