Causes and treatment of knee pain after running. Knees hurt after running, causes and treatment From joint pain for runners

Running is a healthy workout for the whole body. However, it can also lead to some problems, especially if a person has previously had some kind of injury or is simply not prepared for training. And if your knees hurt after running, this is a signal that you need to change the training process.

Causes of pain

There are some of the most common causes of knee pain:

  1. Excessive loads on fragile muscles, ligaments. If before a person started running, he led a sedentary lifestyle (sedentary work, rare walks, etc.), then the occurrence of pain is not a surprise. To avoid pain for this reason, you need to think about your health in advance. Do not start immediately with heavy loads, prepare your knees for movement: devote time to walking, exercises on the lower body. And only after that you can run.
  2. Injuries. If in the past there were injuries to the foot, pelvis, spine, meniscus damage, then this can also cause pain. The solution to the problem is manual therapy. Seek advice from a specialist.
  3. Weak joints. The reason can also be a lack of minerals, vitamins that are involved in the regeneration and maintenance of the physical strength of the joints, ligaments, muscles. If a person decides to start running, then you need to keep your body in working order: eat right, take vitamins.
  4. Inappropriate running technique. An important role is played by the way a person runs. Properly chosen running technique that will suit him will help to avoid the occurrence of pain in the knees.
  5. Inappropriate shoes. Finding comfortable running shoes is very important. When buying, be sure to take into account the fact that even slightly uncomfortable shoes can adversely affect health.
  6. Wrong place to run. For training, you should choose smooth paths on which there will be no holes, bumps. Asphalt pavement on the treadmill leads to additional load.

You can find out for yourself why your knees are aching. But sometimes pain can occur or, on the side, so it will not be easy to determine the exact cause without a specialist.

Possible diseases

Knee pain can be caused by many diseases. These include:

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • periarthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • synovitis;
  • bursitis;
  • tendinitis;
  • flat feet;
  • scoliosis.

With this training, the load on the musculoskeletal system increases up to 7 times compared to walking. If at the same time you run in bad shoes, on the wrong surface and with illiterate equipment, then the risk of injury (sprain, dislocation) increases. In turn, this can lead to more dangerous diseases.

In order to cure your knees, you first need to know the cause of the pain. You can ease the discomfort yourself, but to get rid of the root cause of its occurrence, you should seek the advice of a specialist. However, if you think that the reason is clear to you and it is more related to overvoltage, then the following tips can help:

  1. Wear an elastic bandage or brace. To allow the joints and tendons to recover faster, it is necessary to relieve them of unnecessary stress. Fixing will help with this. But do not overdo it, if you squeeze the joint too much, then there is a possibility of a violation of blood flow.
  2. The use of warming ointments or therapeutic compresses. This improves metabolic processes and speeds up recovery.

If you do not notice improvements, then this is a signal that you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pain relief methods

Severe aching pain may come on suddenly. In this case, the lesson should be stopped immediately, but you should not stop abruptly. Slow down gradually, take a step and only then stop completely. Pain can be relieved by:

  1. Release the joint from the load. To do this, carefully fix it with an elastic bandage or bandage.
  2. Place your leg above body level.
  3. Ice will help relieve pain both on the side and on the inside of the joint. Avoid direct contact between ice and skin. Wrap the ice in cheesecloth or towel. The procedure should be repeated 3-4 times for 15 minutes every hour.
  4. If you do not have intolerances or allergies, then you can drink painkillers.

If discomfort appears regularly, then you need to reconsider the workout. Maybe you are doing something wrong.

How to run

  1. Choose your shoes carefully. Don't skimp on running shoes, which are supposed to replace plain sneakers. Proper footwear is one of the main components of a safe and productive workout.
  2. Warm up. If you want running to bring only joy and pleasure, and not pain and disappointment, then be sure to do a warm-up. Include stretching exercises in it. Muscles and joints should be ready for the upcoming loads.
  3. Slowly pick up the pace. Start by jogging. Do it measuredly, gently increase the intensity of training. It will be more efficient in the future.
  4. Place for jogging. Choose safe places to run with good coverage. Asphalt is not the best choice.
  5. Running technique. This issue requires special consideration, since there is no universal technique. Each person has his own physiological characteristics that affect the choice of running technique. If you pay attention to professional marathon runners, you will notice that everyone runs in their own way. Someone rolls from heel to toe, others run on their toes, others try to land on the middle part of the foot. There is no one who does right or wrong. Everyone chooses it for himself.
  6. Breathing, heartbeat. While running, you must be able to speak. Also keep an eye on your heartbeat: an acceptable pulse is about 130-150 beats per second. This figure largely depends on the state of health. And if you have any pathologies, then you should pay special attention to this.
  7. Water. Drinking while running is essential, especially if you are running long distances. However, you need to drink a little and still water.
  8. Periodicity. Running should be beneficial, not harmful to health, so it is worth limiting the time and amount of training. Rest 2 days a week if you run for 15–20 minutes, 3 days if the optimal run time is 20–30 minutes, 4–5 days if the run can last more than half an hour.
  9. Hitch. After a run, don't stop or sit down. Walk at an accelerated pace until you restore your breathing and heartbeat.

In addition to using the above tips, it is advisable to seek help from professional runners. They will tell you what to do so that running is safe and useful.

If you are not a professional runner, for whom all kinds of injuries are a constant companion of their sports career, then the prospect of getting knee pain instead of recovery after a morning run is unlikely to suit you. It’s scary to imagine how many people quit running because their joints started to hurt. But this is quite easy to avoid if you follow a few simple rules.

Why do my knees hurt after running?

Not only the knees can hurt, but also the hip joints, and the lower back, and the spine, and all at the same time. The fact is that running is accompanied by constant kicks of the foot on a hard surface with a force several times greater than your own weight. Through the leg, the blow is transmitted to the pelvic bones and spine, especially if the running technique has not been set by a trainer with 20 years of experience. As a result, pain in the knees a couple of weeks after the start of training.

Is it arthritis, you ask? At a young age, arthritis as such may not be present. The knee joint has a complex device, it is enough to stretch the ligament and the pain syndrome is provided. In adolescents, the causes of pain may be. In people over 45 years of age, after improper running, the likelihood of developing traumatic arthritis and subsequent arthrosis of the knee joint is very high.

You gotta run right

Suppose you decide to take care of your physical form, shake your fat, remove your stomach and sides. Gather your courage, take your will into a fist, start the alarm clock at half past seven in the morning ... Stop! You probably still put on your old flats, and then, awake, run as fast as you can along the asphalt path around the house? A direct path to arthritis of the knees is provided to you.

How not to run

  • Early in the morning, barely waking up - at this time it is easy to get injured.
  • Without warming up, without warming up - the risk of injury increases to almost one hundred percent.
  • It is not recommended to run on asphalt, which gives too much shock load on the joints of the legs and spine.

So, the main enemies of the knee joints when running are: a hard surface under the feet and cold, unheated ligaments of the legs, which are torn at the same time like a tightly stretched rope in the cold. From this we can logically conclude what remedies will help us avoid knee pain after running.

It is better not to go for a run early in the morning. At this time, the ligaments are tense, the body still wants to sleep, it is not ready for an active load. You should always run only after a good warm-up. Before leaving the house, you need to work out all the joints of the legs, jump, squat, run on the spot.

It is better to choose the road not the most even, but with a soft surface - unpaved. If there have already been injuries, then it is necessary to wrap the knee with elastic bandages on the advice of a doctor. Shoes must have shock-absorbing soles.

What can happen if running is wrong

  • Arthritis of the knee joint - from frequent strong blows of the heel on the asphalt.
  • An exacerbation of a herniated disc is also from blows that are transmitted through the legs to the spine.
  • Foot injuries - if you run for a long time on a hard surface without shock-absorbing sneakers.
  • Neurinoma is a painful thickening of the nerve on the sole of the foot that is difficult to treat.
  • Runner's toe - Injuries to the toes from shoes that are too narrow when hitting the pavement. The nail may turn black and cause severe pain.

How to run without knee injury

  • It is better to choose the time for classes not too early. It can be in the morning a couple of hours after you wake up, in the afternoon or in the evening.
  • Run only after a good warm-up for the joints in place.
  • Instead of asphalt, it is better to run on a dirt road or path.
  • Shoes should be suitable for running: running shoes with cushioning, stability and good lacing.

To whom running is generally contraindicated

  • People with painful leg joints.
  • Overweight people.
  • Pregnant and new moms.
  • All patients "with a back" (scoliosis, osteochondrosis, etc.) should personally consult with their doctor.

If you follow all these tips, then you can protect yourself as much as possible and minimize the risk of injury. Then your wellness activities will really benefit, not injury. But it may turn out that it is not possible to comply with all the conditions for safe running. In this case, it is better to replace running with less traumatic exercises.

The safer you can replace running

  • Swimming in the pool is not only safe for the joints, but also helps to treat osteochondrosis, arthrosis, postural disorders and a host of other diseases.
  • An exercise bike is a good replacement for running for back problems. If your knees hurt, then cycling can also be harmful.
  • Rowing machine - allows you to pump not only the legs and back, but also the shoulder girdle. Contraindicated in back and knee problems.
  • An elliptical trainer is a good substitute for running, it does not give a shock load to the joints, and allows you to use your hands in training.

There are a few things you may not know about knees.

To begin with, the harm of running for the knees is a theory that is almost completely refuted by practice. Of course, many runners suffer from some degree of knee pain. Sometimes intermittently, sometimes constantly.

Research results

However, running is not always the culprit. Moreover, studies show that, for example, knee osteoarthritis occurs in runners half as often as in ordinary people. Moreover, runners with high mileage suffered from it even less often.

Despite the generally accepted position of doctors that wasting or loss of cartilage is a purely age-related and inevitable disease, for some reason this does not work with runners, regardless of age.

These studies, however, have a small caveat. The fact is that they were held mainly among professional athletes, not amateurs. That is, cause and effect may well be confused in places.

However, just recently two more global studies ended simultaneously, in France and in Scandinavia, in which professional runners were not present, but only amateurs. There, indeed, as expected, two control groups participated - runners and pedestrians.

The observation was carried out for twenty years, after which, scientists made an unambiguous conclusion: running does not destroy the knees and does not harm them in any way.

What's more, nearly 10 percent of the control group of runners had gouty knee disease. In the group of runners during this time, not a single person with a similar problem was found.

While the old-school doctors opened their mouths and rolled their eyes, advanced specialists immediately explained everything: “The result was quite predictable, since cyclic exercises like running not only strengthen the joint area itself, but also promote excellent blood and oxygen circulation in the surrounding tissues.”

It should be added that runners are less likely to consume large doses of alcohol and alcohol in general, which instantly worsens the condition of all joints.

But All this is true only under one condition: the correct functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Causes of diseases

Looking at the question more broadly, it is found that, in most cases, knee problems in recreational runners, such as, are the result of general biomechanical problems.

First of all, they are caused by inattention to the development and strengthening of such responsible muscles as the buttocks, hips, abs, back, etc. This leads to instability of the entire leg as a whole.

Naturally, you can not get around such a problem as overweight. In combination with excessive loads, the purpose of which is to lose weight as soon as possible, the knee joints have a very hard time. As a rule, this comes with an absolute disregard for the correct running technique, lack of warm-up and stretching.

And what about drugs that supposedly have a positive effect on the knee cartilage and even contribute to their restoration? Oddly enough, the researchers found no real benefit from taking, for example, glucosamine. This is a substance produced by cartilage tissue, which is part of the synovial fluid that helps lubricate the knee joint, or the same vitamin D. In a global study, they turned out to be useless.

How to protect your knees while running?

In order for knee problems to bypass you, it is enough to follow a number of simple, but important rules. First of all, this is a warm-up before training. Warming up, including rotational exercises, will prevent joint distortion. This will ensure their proper functioning, as well as supply the joint area with oxygen and additional lubrication.

Of course, it is necessary to work on strengthening the muscles of the whole body, and not focus solely on the legs. No less important are the buttocks and core muscles.

Unless you're purposefully doing disciplines like trailrunning, it's best to eliminate inclines or uneven surfaces from your training program to reduce knee torque.

Of course, running technique is perhaps the most important condition for joint health. It is likely that this is why the pros who made up part of the runners studied were the least seen to have knee problems. After all, the setting of running technique is the basis from which training begins.

Pain in the knees and joints is a common problem for all runners, whether they are experienced professionals or beginners. The following 11 tips will help you avoid joint pain, prevent sports injuries, and enjoy every run.

Joints, like other parts of the body, wear out and lose their properties over time. Runners most often experience problems with the hip, knee, ankle and spine. Even if you have perfect running technique, you are still at risk, since osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) has a large hereditary factor.

A study (1) from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found that long-distance running does not increase the risk of knee and hip osteoarthritis in healthy runners and may even have a protective effect against joint degeneration. But scientists acknowledge that larger studies with more participants are required to confirm this theory, and sports injuries may contribute to the development and worsening of osteoarthritis in athletes.

The following study (2) by the Brigham Young Institute showed that running can be beneficial for the knee by altering the biochemical environment within the knee so that it moves more freely and smoothly.

1. Try to maintain a healthy body weight

Extra pounds while running increase the load not only on your joints, but also on the entire musculoskeletal system. One study (3) reported that a one pound (450g) reduction in body weight reduced the load on the knee joint by almost four pounds (1.8kg) with each step.

2. Avoid hard and uneven surfaces

Running on hard and uneven surfaces due to the high impact load negatively affects your joints, and you can easily injure your ankle or knee joint.

According to celebrity trainer Alberto Salazar: “Asphalt and other hard surfaces can lead to joint, tendon and muscle injuries. Try to run on dirt and grass as often as possible. My athletes do 90 percent of their training on soft surfaces.”

Alternate workouts on soft and hard surfaces and stay as far away from concrete as possible.

3. Train with the right shoes

Running is one of the most popular and affordable types of physical activity that requires a minimum of equipment. And the shoes you choose for your runs are the most important thing that will affect your speed, comfort, and injury rate.

The right shoes will reduce stress on your legs and body, make your run more comfortable and safe, and help prevent knee, calf and lower back pain.

Over time, running shoes lose their cushioning properties, which can lead to pain. To prolong the life of your running shoes, only use them for running.

4. Try to stick to the correct running technique and cadence

5. Do cross-training (cross-training)

6. Do Strength Training

Research (4,5) has shown that strength training helps maintain bone density. In addition, with their help, runners can eliminate muscle imbalances, which will reduce the load on the joints.

7. Stretch

Regular stretching stimulates metabolism and blood flow, which makes the joints more flexible and mobile.

With age, as muscles and joints become stiffer, the role of stretching increases significantly. Yoga and tai chi are great for developing flexibility and elasticity, but be careful as certain yoga positions can be painful. The best stretching exercises.

8. Warm up / cool down

The warm-up phase will allow you to better prepare your muscles, joints and ligaments for the upcoming loads, while the cool-down phase will help to gradually reduce the intensity of the workout and reduce soreness in the joints and muscles. The best warm-up exercises.

9. Make time for recovery

Rest is essential for your joints to recover from the impact they are exposed to while running. Depending on experience and fitness level, you may need one to three rest days per week.

10. Eat right

A balanced diet is essential for overall health and quality training. Include foods rich in calcium and vitamin D in your diet. More frequent consumption of fish/fish oil reduces inflammation and promotes joint health. Also, separate studies (6,7) have found that omega-3 fats may be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of arthritis.

Running is a workout useful in all respects. It helps not only to improve health, but also noticeably. However, we should not forget about what kind of load the body has to withstand when running, why is it dangerous, and what are the benefits and harms of running for joints?

Stress on the joints while running

Regardless of whether you train outdoors or indoors on a treadmill, the body gets a huge load on the joints, which can even be dangerous to health. Why does pain occur?

  • The articulations of the bones have to bear the entire weight of the body, which moves in a horizontal direction for an extended period of time. During training, the load is transferred to the legs.
  • When running, the spine and joints are performed: they prevent an increased load on the internal organs. Even if you run according to all the rules, this load is noticeably reduced.
  • There are also pathologies that give an additional load on the body when running. These include arthritis, arthrosis, tendonitis and many other diseases of the knee joint.
  • The cause of pain can be diseases of the vessels that feed the knee area.
  • For young runners, the cause of pain can be Schlatter's disease- it entails joint pain after intense sports, but does not have dangerous consequences.
  • Pain may appear if.

The greatest load when running is received by people who do not follow the basic rules of running or have.

Safe running rules

Ideally, it is necessary that the rules of running be explained by an experienced runner who can prevent possible problems for a beginner. However, if you follow at least the following simple rules, this is already will help to significantly reduce the load:

  1. The emphasis when running should not be on the heel - this increases the load.
  2. It is not recommended to run with inverted feet. This mistake can be avoided by pre-warming up the feet.
  3. An uneven surface can also cause serious joint pain - this problem is relevant. for outdoor running.
  4. You should not “jump” high when running: this significantly increases the load not only on the joints, but also on the whole organism.
  5. When running, the legs should be in a half-bent position: Landing on a straight leg is prohibited.
  6. Keep in mind that proper running creates almost no noise - no matter what surface it is made on.

Finally, it is important to start running gradually, increasing the load as needed and according to the personal sensations of the body. A sharp strong load can cause serious and development of pathologies.

  1. Proper footwear. You can’t save on sports shoes: they help to properly distribute the load. Even if you run against the rules, high-quality running shoes provide maximum comfort for the body.
  2. Treadmill . If you intend to exercise at home and purchase a treadmill for this, then be careful about the selection of equipment. Do not skimp on the treadmill: the depreciation system in it must be of the highest quality. So the training will more efficient and safer.
    To select a simulator for a person at a respectful age - - follows with the help of individual doctoral recommendations.
  3. The weight. In a state close to obesity, for the spine and the whole organism as a whole. Light running will help protect the joints either. It is safe to move on to a full run only if you are making positive progress with easy running.

If your joints hurt after a workout

Joint pain after running can develop into a serious pathology. Therefore, doctors advise stop training in the event of pain until complete recovery. If the condition does not improve within a week, you should consult a doctor.

To prevent joint pain next time, you need to the following preventive measures:

  • Before each workout, it is recommended that 10-15 minutes are enough to warm up all muscle groups a little.
  • After training, it is recommended to do 2-3 - this is to prevent the occurrence of pain in the future.
  • If the pain appears periodically, then you need to consult a specialist, and also start taking a multivitamin complex to maintain joint health.

Video. Joints of arms and legs hurt! What to do? Training safety, health basics