At what age do puppies have their tails docked? Tail docking in dogs. Examples of use of the word cut in context

The standard requiring the tail docking of a toy terrier causes a lot of denial from veterinarians. Many dog ​​breeders and simply lovers of four-legged friends also have a negative attitude towards this issue. After all, if we consider the standard of the English Toy Terrier, then the presence of a tip is mandatory. But in the smooth-haired miniature toy and the Russian longhaired toy terrier, the tip must be docked. Although, some exhibitions (especially abroad) are already accepting dogs with appendages and giving high marks. So, as you can see, there is no consensus on this matter.

Cupping itself eliminates one single problem - creases in the extremity. But at the same time, a toy terrier without a tail becomes, as it were, a “goal” in the rings, since the luxurious flag appendage (like the Russian toy terriers) hides the shortcomings visible in standard “samples” decorative breed. The docking allows you to carefully examine the dog's croup and, if present, identify the elongation of the body and short legs. The judges' focus shifts to the shortcomings or lack thereof of your pet. And if your pet's body carries perfect proportions, then the cut off tip will only emphasize the beauty of the miniature dog.

Does a Toy Terrier need to have its tail docked?

The answer to the question “Why do toy terriers have their tails docked?” lies in the breed standard. Requirements to decorative dog stipulate that the tail must be docked short, but an undocked one is also permitted. Docked means that the animal is left with two or three tail vertebrae. Undocked – should be (preferably) sickle shaped and carried above the dorsal line. In case you were wondering, show judging determines the standard of an undocked toy terrier based on how the tip comes out when the croup is sloping. So, it should be where the hour hand is on the dial - in the interval from “half past twelve” to “half past two”. The need to hold an undocked appendage during a stationary trot can harm the dog's movements.

But! Let's once again divide our miniature toys into smooth-haired and long-haired, and talk about the Russian toy terrier. The long-haired dog has won the hearts of foreign dog breeders to such an extent that it was for this particular variety that they even began to prohibit docking the tails of terriers with beautiful fur. And our breeders, knowing the love of respected judges for tailed beauties and beauties, believe that there is no need to cut off the tails of terriers with long hair. As you can see, opinions differ.

When toy terriers have their tails docked.

You have decided to dock the puppy's tail, and are wondering when is the best time to dock the tail of the toy terrier. If you listen to the opinion of veterinarians about what day the tails of toy terriers are docked, it turns out that cutting off the tip literally after the birth of small dogs would be ideal. The first week after birth seems to be meant for this. The fact is that a newborn puppy does not experience pain during the circumcision procedure, since nerve endings are just beginning to take shape. Yes, the puppy will squeak when docked, but this is more likely a reflexive reaction to the head-down position (circumcision is carried out by lifting the puppy and turning it upside down).

You can carry out the docking procedure yourself in the first week of a dog’s life. But if the puppy is older than a week, then entrust the cutting off of the end to a professional - a dog doctor. Only a specialist will correctly carry out the procedure, process and professionally sew up the docked tail of a toy terrier.

You can cut off a small appendage yourself by using one of two existing methods– circumcision and using an elastic band. Whatever docking method you choose, be sure to remove the puppies’ mother from the premises before performing this procedure.

The most important thing is to clearly measure the number of vertebrae that should be left. This is not entirely easy to do, but it is possible.

To shorten the tip using trimming, prepare the following items:

  • sharp scissors.
  • medical alcohol.
  • potassium permanganate.
  • threads
  • light fabric.

Disinfect scissors by either boiling or wiping medical alcohol. Also treat your hands with alcohol. Take someone from your household (not children) or acquaintances as your assistant. The assistant will hold the puppies in his hands.

Having placed the puppy on the table, feel the required length of the tip, straightening the skin on the tail from the base to the very tip. With two fingers (thumb and forefinger), firmly hold the tip, and with a sharp movement, cut the tail with scissors. Then turn the baby over with his tummy up and treat the wound with alcohol and manganese crystals. Calm the puppy and observe him for a few minutes. The bleeding has stopped - send the puppy to an enclosure or playpen. If the blood continues to flow, then tightly pull the tip with a thread, which must be removed after two hours.

When cupping with an elastic band, gather the skin of the tip towards the base. And then wrap the elastic band around the desired spine and tie it in a tight knot. The baby spends about three days with this device, after which the dead part will fall off on its own. If you have clamped the elastic incorrectly, you can move it to another place at any time. It should be noted that this method most humane.

Don’t let the dog lick the tip too much, then in about ten days everything will heal.

The Miniature Schnauzer is the smallest of all schnauzers. The name of the breed can be translated as mustachioed gnome. Despite the fact that the height of the dog at the withers does not exceed 38 cm, it gives the impression of a strong, athletic animal of a square format.

A serious look is given by thick overhanging eyebrows and a hard mustache turning into a goatee. Good character, and convenient size have made this breed very popular for indoor keeping.

With regular trimming, representatives of the breed look very neat, their fur does not fall out and has almost no odor.

If this is not done, then the animal with a naturally growing, coarse coat and undocked ears and tail will not look like the elegant and recognizable Miniature Schnauzer.

Ear cropping

Until 2000, it was customary for representatives of the breed to have their ears cropped. Properly cropped ears continued the clear lines of the muzzle and head. They gave the dogs a rather serious, wary look.

The best time for ear trimming is after vaccination and continues until the change of teeth.

Usually this is done no earlier than 10-11 weeks, but no later than 14-15 weeks. In the case where the operation was not performed before the teeth were replaced, it can be postponed to a later date after they are replaced. Still, it is advisable to have time to crop the ears before the pet reaches the age of 11-12 months.

In extreme cases, it is possible to crop the ears of very young Miniature Schnauzer puppies, but in this case it is difficult for the doctor to determine the final shape of the ears.

The ears of this breed can be cropped if:

  • the puppy's parents had a tendency to straighten the ear cartilages;
  • if the ears are small, light;
  • if an exhibition career is intended in those countries where dogs with cropped ears are allowed to participate in exhibitions.

If the owner has decided to crop the ears, then they do it in veterinary clinic or invite a specialist to your home. The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia, so the pet should not be fed 10 hours before it.

For the operation, the specialist uses a template. The edges of the wound surface are sutured with a special ear suture and treated with an antiseptic. The duration of all manipulations lasts on average from 30 to 60 minutes.

In the future, caring for cropped ears is no different from caring for naturally shaped ears.

Tail docking

The tail of Miniature Schnauzer puppies is docked 3-5 days after birth. The younger the puppy, the easier it will tolerate the procedure.

If the tails of the entire litter need to be docked, then it is more convenient to invite a doctor home.

After amputation of the tail, a stump of three vertebrae should remain. The wound surface hardly bleeds; after three to four days it is completely healed.

Sometimes it happens that the breeder did not dock the tails after birth, then the procedure can be carried out at an older age under anesthesia with mandatory suturing of the wound. Defects and fractures of the tail may be indications for tail docking in adult animals.

The cost of the procedure depends on the age of the puppy. Docking tails in the first week of life will cost 500 - 600 rubles.

Miniature Schnauzer with undocked tail and ears

When buying a Miniature Schnauzer puppy in European countries, he is given the ears and tail. With them the pet looks no worse. Hanging triangular ears give the dog a more good-natured, funny look.

Representatives of the breed hold their tail up, sometimes it curves like a sickle towards the back. It does not interfere with the free movements of the Miniature Schnauzer; the fur on it is subjected to... Very often dogs of this breed participate in various sports competitions, for example, in agility or Frisbee. In this case, the tail even helps them maneuver.

If you plan to crop the ears, then it is advisable to crop the tail as well. This dog looks more harmonious.

When the ears are not docked, the docked tail does not spoil the dog.
If the dog is purchased as pet, then the decision to dock is made by the owner.

Initially, dogs' tails were cut for practical reasons. For fighting and herding breeds, the tail is a vulnerable part of the body that an enemy can grab onto. It was also believed that it protected against rabies. Today, dogs' tails are docked based on aesthetic considerations and breed standards.


The decision to dock a dog's tail is made by the owner of the animal or (in the case of medical indications) veterinarian.

The veterinarian may decide to amputate the tail regardless of the breed of the animal. Indications for such an operation are: serious injury, extensive burns, frostbite, malignant neoplasm, other damage to the tail. Such situations are quite rare.

In the vast majority of cases, the tail is docked to meet standards. This procedure is carried out for fighting, hunting, and some decorative breeds. These include:

  • alabai;
  • Dobermans;
  • poodles;
  • Rottweilers;
  • Yorkshire Terriers;
  • spaniels;
  • kurtshaars;
  • Giant Schnauzers;
  • miniature schnauzers and others.

Both supporters and opponents of docking have their own compelling arguments.

Arguments for and against cupping

In the process of selecting those dog breeds whose tails are traditionally docked, the balance and appearance of these body parts were not taken into account. As a result, when they stopped trimming them, it turned out that within the same breed there can be significant diversity, and the appearance of the tail does not always correspond to the rest of the exterior.

In some cases, the appearance of a dog with an uncut tail is significantly different from the usual one, so that sometimes the breed becomes almost unrecognizable. For example, an undocked Doberman or Rottweiler no longer looks nearly as menacing.

For service dog the tail is the most vulnerable part of the body. In European countries, the ban on docking does not apply to dogs working in the armed forces, rescue services and police.

In nature, the tail of an animal acts as a kind of “steering wheel”, distributing the load on the bones and muscles and playing a role in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. The tail helps the dog maintain balance. Dogs lacking this part of the body are more likely to have problems with the musculoskeletal system.

The tail also helps the dog express emotions. There is an opinion that after pruning, animals deprived of the opportunity to communicate with other dogs are more likely to grow aggressive and have behavioral problems.

The procedure and subsequent recovery are painful. The animal experiences a painful shock. IN in some cases surgery may lead to complications.

Contraindications to surgery are decreased immunity, any diseases and ailments. If the puppy looks lethargic, has poor appetite, unusual discharge, etc., you should contact your veterinarian. First you have to cure the disease.

Surgery is only permissible for a healthy dog.

Optimal timing

It is considered optimal to dock the tails of puppies between the ages of three days and two weeks, when the cartilaginous bones are still pliable. At this age, the operation is least painful and most quickly forgotten, the risk of complications is minimized.

At the age of up to three months, surgery is still possible with minimal risks and under local anesthesia. The older the pet, the higher the risk of complications.

At the age of three to six months, the procedure is performed under full anesthesia with suturing. There is a risk of scarring or shrinking of the wound surface.

Tail docking for an adult dog is highly undesirable without medical indications. In some veterinary clinics, such an operation is performed at the request of the owners.

Preparation and stages of the operation

Before surgical intervention Be sure to conduct a medical examination and make sure that the animal is completely healthy.

The dog should not be fed for 12 hours before the procedure. You can give water.

If the operation is performed under general anesthesia, alcohol chloroform is administered by inhalation. For local anesthesia give an injection.

The dog is fixed on the table in an extended position. In older puppies and adult dogs, the jaw is also fixed.

The fur is shaved off at the site of the future cut. The skin in this area is shifted as far as possible towards the base of the tail, sometimes additionally secured with a tourniquet. The tail is cut off with one movement of a scalpel or scissors, after which the wound is immediately clamped to stop the bleeding.

For older puppies and adult dogs, a suture is placed at the cut site, tightening the skin on the stump. The wound is treated with an antibiotic and antiseptic, then a sterile bandage is applied.

Tail docking in puppies is sometimes done using the second method. They tie their tail with a tight rubber band to cut off the blood supply. After some time it falls off.

Some veterinarians make house calls. It costs more than surgery in a clinic.

Independent surgical intervention is extremely risky and fraught with consequences for the dog’s health!

The length to which the dog is trimmed is determined by the breed standard. So, in Dobermans and Rottweilers only a couple of vertebrae are left. Toy poodles and Kerry blue terriers have half their tail cut off. In wire-haired pointers and spaniels, a third of the original length is left.

Rehabilitation period

When the dog comes out of anesthesia, there should be a bowl of food next to it. clean water. It is advisable to cover the dog and keep it warm.

It is necessary to observe the stitches for several days in order to notice possible inflammation and begin treatment on time. Sutures and wounds are treated from time to time with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide or calendula tincture.

No changes in diet or walking are required.

Possible complications

The risk of bleeding depends on age. The older the dog, the higher the risk.

Inflammation and suture dehiscence may occur due to low immunity or failure to maintain sterility during the procedure.

A thorough medical examination before surgery and choosing a reliable specialist to perform it will help prevent complications.

If complications occur, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.


The cost of the operation depends on criteria such as:

  • status of the veterinary clinic;
  • surgeon's qualifications;
  • age, breed.

The procedure can cost 300–5000 rubles.

Veterinarians' opinion

Today, veterinarians agree that tail docking has no practical benefit. In the past, it was believed that cutting off the tail would protect the animal from rabies, but this is nothing more than superstition.

International exhibitions allow dogs with undocked tails to participate. In most European countries, cupping without medical indications is prohibited. Animal rights activists point out the inhumane nature of the operation.

The decision whether to shorten a dog's tail is, in any case, made by its owner.

Tail docking in dogs is a cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to comply with the aesthetic and stylistic traditions that appeared many years ago among some breeds. Many animal protection organizations are actively fighting this phenomenon, considering these methods to be relics of the past coupled with a barbaric attitude towards our smaller brothers.

If formerly dogs with cropped ears and tails were commonplace, today it is an operation prohibited in many countries. It is prohibited to appear at modern European competitions and exhibitions with animals that have undergone tail or ear docking procedures.

Cupping is perceived negatively by many doctors. The process, despite the safety and experience of the veterinarian, is still very painful for the animal. In some cases, complications cannot be ruled out.

Life is tailless

Why does a dog need a tail? This organ in such animals serves as a kind of steering wheel, a control lever. He is an active assistant when the pet is in fast motion, he suddenly needs to turn or run along a log or any uneven surface. It is also a way of communication that can tell a lot about the animal’s mood and intentions. Everyone knows about the positive wagging of the tail, which shows a friendly disposition, or the tucking of the tail when fear is manifested. The animal makes sends with its tail, moving it to the left or to the right. Tailless dogs are deprived of this opportunity. So what good is cupping?

It turns out that the procedure comes from ancient times. In the old days they believed that docking saved dogs from such a serious disease as rabies. After some time, the tails began to be cut off for representatives of service or fighting breeds, as the most painful places. Animals intended for hunting were shortened so that they would not injure themselves by clinging to bushes.

Let's go. This has survived to this day, so it is difficult to imagine some breeds of these animals without docking.

But now there are new standards. In some European countries, docking of dogs is prohibited. Everything would be fine. For people who make a friend “for the soul”, the importance of the length of the tail is not so important. The main thing is that he should be distinguished by loyalty, devotion, complaisance, and also be cheerful and cheerful. Difficulties arise when dog owners plan to take them to all kinds of exhibitions.

If specific evaluative standards are defined for tailed representatives, then what awaits those who are usually seen as tailless? True, docked animals are not yet deprived of attention in our country. They are usually given preference.

But over time, probably, such an inhumane operation will generally sink into oblivion. A clear indication that many European dog shows no longer consider docked representatives. And considering that there will be more and more such exhibitions, soon tailless dogs will completely step aside.

The conclusion here is quite clear. If you are counting on “career growth” for your pet at the European and world levels, then when choosing a breed, think about tailedness.

Of course, a lot can be said about whether a dog’s tail should be trimmed. There are many supporters of this procedure, as well as opponents. Only one thing is clear: tailless life does not bring much joy to the dogs themselves. So is it worth injuring a pet with this, albeit not so complex, surgical intervention just so that it complies with the accepted appearance? Only its owner should decide this. As a result, a tailless dog lives and runs as usual, but it does not have full maneuverability, stability, or sociability. Therefore, you should not cut off this important part of her body unless absolutely necessary.

Puppy age suitable for surgery

We figured out why dogs are docked. Now, let's consider average age pet for which surgery can be performed. Let's start with the fact that almost a third of all known breeds undergo surgery:

  • Dobermans, Rottweilers;
  • Great Danes;
  • Setters, terriers;
  • Boxers, poodles.

The list could go on for a long time, but the essence will not change. Cupping is a tradition that has survived to this day from ancient times. During the times of the Roman Empire, this operation was carried out on dogs for their activity - hunters, watchmen, rescuers, shepherds had no need for long dangling tails, which were considered an “extra attribute”.

Today, many consider the operation pointless - dogs living in the city are not involved in work (with the exception of the watchman), it turns out that there is simply no point in getting rid of ears and tails.

Age restrictions for cupping

The tail is a continuation of the pet, consisting of 15-23 vertebrae. The first 2-3 vertebrae, which have intervertebral discs, are especially developed. The “tail” vertebrae play practically no role in the life of the animal - all the loads fall on the back. Therefore, people believe that tail docking, although unpleasant, is harmless and safe.

The cut is made in the first days of life, when the puppies' tails are docked. In this situation, the dog’s bones have not yet formed, and the spine is cartilaginous growths. According to veterinarians, it is at this age that the operation goes as smoothly and practically painlessly as possible.

Experienced dog breeders advise docking puppies after 3-4 days from birth. The tail is docked at the same moment when the dog's 5th toe is removed. Another unshakable rule is that the breed of the dog largely influences the length of the tail cut. It is believed that the shorter the cut, the stronger painful sensations a pet is experiencing (a fragile baby may die).

Often, the operation is performed for more later– when the puppy is no more than six months old. But it should be taken into account that at this age, cartilage is already forming into bones and surgery must be done for an experienced dog breeder or to a veterinarian, using anesthesia and subsequent procedures. After the operation, the pet will have to be given medications and constantly taken to appointments.

Operation - process features

Now we will look at how to properly dock a puppy’s tail. Breed of dog - main criterion, which affects the length of the tail cut. The procedure itself is performed on a predetermined vertebra.

Independently determining the position of a particular vertebra in a dog breed is an impossible task. Therefore, many dog ​​breeders rely solely on special signs on the tail. You should not trust the procedure to a simple and inexperienced veterinarian. This is done by breeders of a particular breed, who carry out the operations themselves. Remember - a properly cut tail will allow your dog to participate in exhibitions and will not spoil its appearance.

If the surgery is performed correctly, your pet will experience little to no pain and will recover quickly from the procedures.

Cupping – good or bad?

When can a dog's tail be docked? This is a question that has set many dog ​​breeders and scientists on edge. According to research conducted at Cleveland University, where 50 puppies were used as “test subjects” different breeds and the following is installed:

  • Each of the puppies squealed when their tail was docked;
  • After the procedure, the puppies continued to whine for an average of 140 seconds;
  • After this time, they calmed down, but still squeaked, feeling discomfort when moving;
  • In the process of studying the reaction of dogs, not a single baby died.

Modern research has shown that the tail is also an organ of communication for dogs - for example, when they are scared, they tuck it, if they are happy, they wag, and when they smell something or feel danger, they pull it out with an arrow. That is why this operation is considered inhumane.

The last question remains - is it possible to dock the tail of an adult dog? Most veterinarians are inclined towards the negative option. Cutting off formed bones, even under anesthesia, will cause terrible pain to the animal. Also, the healing process will be very difficult. And lastly, your pet may be very offended (yes, in this regard they are like people) and simply cannot understand why they were “punished” like that and are experiencing such pain.

About the author: Anna Mikhailovna Tarasova

My specialty is surgery and veterinary medicine for dogs and exotic pets, I also do internal medicine and radiology. Read more about me in the "About Us" section.

The docking procedure for some breeds is most often carried out for a cosmetic purpose - to preserve the established exterior for a given breed. And if docking of the tail in hunting or service dogs is justified by necessity, then in relation to representatives of small breeds, such as miniature poodle, griffon, toy terrier, and some others, this excuse is, to say the least, ridiculous.

There are many historical documents, confirming the antiquity of the practice of tail docking. In his notes about agriculture“De re rustica,” the ancient Roman writer Lucius Junius M. Columella describes the practice of removing part of the tail from herding dogs. The peasants believed that such a measure would save the animal from the disease.

The tails of hunting dogs were cut off so that they would not be injured when meeting a predator on the undergrowth while chasing prey. For burrowing dogs, the tail is removed so that it does not interfere with movement in a narrow hole, etc. The reasons are clear. But is the practice of docking limited only to these considerations?

It turns out that in addition to the safety of hunting dogs, the motive for docking was financial issue. In Old England in the 18th century, a tax was introduced on all dogs, with the exception of service dogs. A short tail was a sign that the owner of the animal was exempt from tax. To save money, the tails of dogs of other “professions” were also cut off. Poachers docked the tails of their dogs in order to avoid liability if caught, because in those days it was believed that a long tail was a sign of a hunting dog.

The shepherds docked the bushy tails of the shepherds so that they would not be injured during fights with wolves, but another reason was the reluctance to clear the tail of the fierce defenders of the flock of debris and thorns. A dog without a tail was considered a shepherd, and its owner was also exempt from tax. This is evidenced by D. D. Wood in his Illustrated Natural History. And when in the 18th century. This law was abolished, but the practice remained, as a stereotype of the exterior of some breeds developed.

Cosmetic tail docking in dogs is currently prohibited in some European countries. The permit only applies to dogs that serve in:

  • law enforcement agencies;
  • armed forces;
  • emergency services;
  • deratization services (extermination of rodents, in particular rats).

The Animal Welfare Act (2006) stipulates that tail docking must be carried out by specialists and must be carried out within 5 days of the puppy's birth.

At what age should a dog's tail be docked?

  • 3-10 days. Veterinarians recommend docking the tail of puppies in the first 3-10 days from birth. During this period, ossification of the tail vertebrae has not yet occurred and pain sensitivity is lower than in older dogs. For such puppies, the operation is performed without anesthesia and without stitches. The breeder or owner is obliged to ensure that the mother of the puppies does not lick the wound, so it will take longer to heal. In this case, the operated animals are isolated and brought in only for feeding time.
  • from 10 days. In dogs 10 days and older, the operation is performed under local or general anesthesia. The animal is placed on the operating table in the prone position. The hind and front paws are tied, allowing access to surgical field. A fixing band is pulled across the body. The jaws are tied with a bandage or a muzzle is put on.
  • 3-4 weeks. If the animal is more than 3-4 weeks old, then a tourniquet is applied to the base of the tail.

How does the cupping procedure take place?

1 way

If the operation is performed under general anesthesia, then alcohol-chloroform is administered by inhalation - ether anesthesia and a neuropleptic + vagolytic. A vagolytic is typically used for short-nosed dogs to reduce salivation and normalize the cardiac response when anesthesia is inhaled. Also, animals with a short muzzle are intubated to avoid tongue retraction and to ensure free circulation of oxygen and anesthesia.

The length of the tip removed, as a rule, depends on the breed and exterior. The hair is removed from the tail, the skin is pulled as far as possible to the base of the tail, and amputation is performed using bone scissors or a scalpel, making an incision between the vertebrae. The skin is stretched over the stump and sutured with a skin suture. The wound is treated with an antibiotic, and the surrounding skin is treated with an antiseptic. A sterile dressing is applied.

Method 2

The second docking method is to tie the tail with an elastic band for a period of 2 to 7 days. At the same time, blood access to the tip of the tail is blocked and, after a certain time, it falls off. This technique considered more humane than surgical removal, but in the absence of objective data about the dog’s sensations, it is difficult to agree with such a statement.

Although it is considered to be undeveloped nervous system puppy protects him from pain, research shows that the animal experiences pain. After amputation, the puppy whines heavily for another 15-20 minutes and only then calms down. How older dog, the harder she endures the procedure. The owner should think about whether it is worth exposing the animal to such trauma.

The healing process takes a long period. During this time, the stump must be treated with antiseptics. When docking in a veterinary hospital postoperative complications rarely occur. Opponents of cupping argue against the procedure.

How does tail docking affect an animal?

The effect of cupping surgery on pain sensitivity in puppies has not been scientifically confirmed in the future, but:

  • sensitivity. Experiments carried out on rats showed that injury to a nerve when it is crossed in early age negatively affects the sensitivity of the stump.
  • motor skills. Some scientists argue that removing the tail vertebrae can weaken the animal's motor skills.
  • diuresis. Anatomically, the tail is a counterweight and, having lost it, the dog not only acquires a dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, but also a pathology of urinary function.
  • lumbar and pelvic region. Abnormal, from a physiological point of view, distribution of the load on the lumbar and pelvic region leads to muscle atrophy and deformation of the fingers of the hind limbs, and the formation of intervertebral hernias.
  • communication with relatives. The absence of a tail causes certain problems when the animal communicates with other dogs. It is noted that fellow tribesmen react to bob-tailed dogs differently than to animals with a normal tail. Experiments were conducted using a robot dog. It was found that dogs approached the robot with a short tail less often and were more aggressive. It is believed that the absence of a tail, as a means of communication, makes communication between animals difficult.
  • aggression. In addition, statistics claim that individuals with docked tails are more aggressive, less inclined to communicate, and suffer from behavioral disorders.

Although Scientific research This problem is absent, but it can be established that amputation of the tail does not leave its mark on the animal.

Photos of various breeds before and after docking

  • before
  • doberman after
  • rottweiler before
  • rottweiler after
  • before and after
  • before