1242 Nevskaya battle. Battle on Lake Chiction ("Ice Battery") (1242)

Oh century in thick inhabited - in Middle Ages, of course, the standards - Western Europe were marked by the beginning of expansion. In the future, from the century to the century, this expansion has grown, taking a wide variety of forms.

The European peasant, bent under the burden of duties in front of the senor, ventured to invade dismissed forests. He cut down the trees, cleared the ground from the shrub and dragged the swamp, getting an additional arable land.

The Europeans were tested by Saracinov (Arabs who captured Spain), she was reconquicker ("Wanting" of Spain).

The inspired by the high idea of \u200b\u200bthe liberation of the coffin of the Lord and the crusaders acheded by the thirst for riches and the new lands were stepped into Levant - so called the territory of the territory located along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea.

European "Natisk to the East" began; Selyan, skilled urban masters, experienced merchants, knights in the mass appeared in Slavic countries, for example, in Poland and the Czech Republic, began to settle and equip them there. This contributed to the rise of the farm, public and cultural life of Eastern European countries, but at the same time caused problems, creating rivalry and confrontation of the progressive and indigenous population. Especially a big wave of immigrants knocked out of German lands, where the rulers of the German Empire (following the Emperor Friedrich Barbarosse) supported "on the East".

Soon the view of Europeans chained the Baltic to themselves. She was perceived as the forest desert, slightly populated by wild letto-Lithuanian and threat-Finnish pagan tribes that did not know the state power. Here, since ancient times, the expansion was led by Russia and Scandinavian countries. They colonized border areas to themselves. Local tribes were sidewiden. Russians still at the time of Yaroslav wise built for the chili of the lake in the land of threatening-Finno-Esta, the fortress of Yuriev (named on this Yaroslav wise with the baptism of Georgy). The Swedes moved to the ownership of Finns, until they reached the frontiers of the Karelian land controlled by Novgorod.

In the late XII - early XIII centuries, people from the west of Europe appeared in the Baltic States. The first Catholic missionaries are the first to come. In 1184, Monk Meinard tried unsuccessfully to turn livov (ancestors of modern Latvians) to Catholicism. Monk Bertold in 1198 preached Christianity with the help of the swords of the crusaders. The Bremen Canonon Albert, sent by the Pope, captured the mouth of Dvina and founded Riga in 1201. A year later, the order of the monks-knights was created on the Livonian lands conquered around Riga. He called Order of the Middle Eastern At the form of a long cross, more like a sword. In 1215-1216, the swordsmen captured Estonia. This was preceded by their struggle against Russian and Lithuanian princes, as well as enmity with Denmark, which since the beginning of the XII century claimed Estonia.

In 1212, the swordsmen came close to the borders of the Pskov and Novgorod land. The reign in Novgorod Mstislav deleted successfully confronted them. Then, in the reign in Novgorod, the father of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, the swordsmen were broken under Yuriev (modern Tartu). The city remained behind the Crusaders, subject to the payment of the Novgorod Dani for him (Yuryeva Dan). By 1219, Denmark dismantled Northern Estonia, but after 5 years the launders returned her to themselves.

The activity of the Crusaders pushed the Lithuanian tribes to cohesion (Lithuania, Jum). They, the only of the Baltic peoples, began to form their own state.

In the land of the Balt tribe of the Prussians, which was located at the Polish cube, was founded another Order of the Crusaders - Teutonic. Previously, he was in Palestine, but the Polish king invited Tutonians to the Baltic States, hoping for their help in the fight against Prussians. Teutons soon began to capture Polish possessions. As for the Prussians, they were exterminated.

But defeat in 1234 from the Father of Alexander Nevsky Yaroslav, and in 1236 - from Lithuanians led to the reform of the Orden of the Middle Mares. In 1237, he became the separation of the Teutonic Order, and began to be called Livonsky.

Batievo invasion gave rise to the crusaders hope that expansion can be expanded on the northern lands of Orthodox, which in the West have long been - after the split churches in 1054 - considered heretics. Mr. Veliky Novgorod was especially attracted. But not alone Crusaders were seduced by Novgorod Earth. She was interested in the Swedes.

Mr. Veliky Novgorod and Sweden fought more than once when their interests in the Baltic States faced. In the late 1230s, Novgorod received news that the Byrger's Swedish Byrger (title) Birger prepares raid to Novgorod ownership. Prince in Novgorod was then sitting Alexander, 19-year-old son Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. He punished the Izhora elder the Pelgus to follow the coast and report the invasion of the Swedes. As a result, when Scandinavian rooks entered the Neva and stopped at the place of sign up in her the Izhora rivers, Prince Novgorod was notified on time. July 15, 1240 Alexander arrived at the Neva and the forces of a small Novgorod detachment and his squad suddenly attacked the enemy.

Against the background of the ruin of Northeast Russia Mongolian Khan Batym, this battle opened a heavy circle for contemporaries: Alexander brought Rusi victory and with her hope, faith in his strength! This victory brought him the honorary title of Nevsky.

The confidence is that Russians are able to win victories, helped to stand in difficult days of 1240, when a more dangerous enemy invaded the Livonian Order. The ancient islar fell. Pskov traitors opened the gate in front of the enemy. Crusaders crumbled at Novgorod Earth and robbed in the vicinity of Novgorod. Not far from Novgorod, Crusaders built fortified outpost, made a raid under the meadow and a saber graveyard, which was located 40 versts from Novgorod.

Alexander was not in Novgorod. He climbed with independent Novgorod and left Pereyaslavl Zalessky. Under the pressure of the circumstances, Novgorod began to ask for the Grand Prince Vladimir Yaroslav to help. At the head of the Suzdal regiments, Novgorod wanted to see Alexander Nevsky. The Grand Duke Yaroslav sent another son - Andrei with an equestrian squad, but Novgorodians stood on their own. In the end, Alexander arrived, he brought his Pereyaslav squad and Vladimir-Suzdal militia, which consisted mainly of the peasants. Gathered shelves and Novgorod.

In 1241, the Russians began an offensive, beating Coporye from the Crusaders. The fortress destroyed the fortress destroyed by knights. In the winter of 1242, Alexander Nevsky suddenly appeared at Pskov and freed the city.

Russian troops entered the limits of the Order, but soon their avant-garde was broken by knights. Alexander took the shelves to the eastern shore of the Church of the Lake and decided to give a battle.

April 5, 1242. of the year The Great Singer happened on the laid ice. The Russians stood up with a traditional "eagle": in the center of the regiment, consisting of Vladimir-Suzdalsky militia, on the sides - the shelves of the right and left hand - the heavy-planted Novgorod infantry and horse-drawn princely squads. The peculiarity was that a significant mass of the troops was located on the flanks, usually the center was the strongest. Behind the backs of the militia was a steep bank covered with boulders. On Ice in front of the shore put the sleeves bonded by chains. This made the shore completely impassable for the Knight's horses and should have been kept faintly in Russian. At the island of Voroni, the stone stood an equestrian squad.

Knights moved on Russian "Cabania head." It was a special system, more than once, who brought the success of the Crusaders. In the center of "Caban Head" walked, closer to the ranks, infantry knechti. From the sides of them and behind in 2-3 rows, riders-shaped riders were riders, horses also had Panciri. Ahead, narrowing the edge, the ranks of the most experienced knights moved. "Caban Head", called Russian "Pigs," tagged the enemy, broke through the defense. Knights with spears, battle axes, the enemy destroyed swords. When he was crushed, the infantry of Knechta, who won the wounded and running.

The chronicle tale about the ice is racing the "silence of evil, and a cracking from copies, and the breaking, and the sound from the sword of the section."

The knights crumpled the Russian center and spoke on the spot, breaking their own construction. They had no place to move. From the flanks on the knights crushed "Shelves of the right and left hand." As if ticks were squeezed by "pig". On both sides, the fought had a lot of dead. The ice has flushed from the blood. The opponent suffered mainly infantry. Kill the knight was difficult. But if he was taken from the horse, he became defenseless - the severity of the Armor did not allow to get up and move.

Suddenly gave the crack the April ice. Knights mixed. Falling into the water went with a stone on the bottom. Alexander Nevsky's troops hit double energy. Crusaders ran. Russian riders pursued them a few kilometers.

Ice singer was won. The crusader plan to establish themselves in Northern Russia failed.

In 1243, the ambassadors of the Order arrived in Novgorod. The world was signed. The crusaders recognized the unbreakable borders of Mr. Veliky Novgorod, promised to regularly pay Yuriev Dan. The conditions for the repurchase of several dozen knights who were captured were stated. Alexander held these noble prisoners from Pskov to Novgorod beside their horses, sunk, with a uncoated head, with a rope on the neck. It was impossible to come up with a greater insult for the Knight's honor.

In the future, the military clashes took place between Novgorod, Pskov and Livonian Order, but the boundary of the ownership of both parties remained stable. For the ownership of Yuriev, the Order continued to pay tribute to Novgorod, and from the end of the XV century - the Moscow Unified Russian State.

In political and moral terms of victory over the Swedes and Knights of the Livonian Order were very important: the scale of Western European Natius in the North-Western Rui Rui decreased. Alexander Nevsky's victory over the Swedes and Crusaders interrupted a series of defeats of Russian troops.

For the Orthodox Church, it was especially important to prevent the Catholic influence on the Russian lands. It is worth remembering that the crusade of 1204 ended with the capture of the Crusaders of Constantinople, the capital of the Orthodox Empire, which considered himself the second Rome. For more than half a century, the Latin Empire existed in the Byzantine territory. The Greeks-Orthodox "stood" in Nice, from where they tried to win their possession from the Western Crusaders. Tatars, on the contrary, were allies of Orthodox Greeks in their fight against Islamic and Turkish Natius on the eastern Byzantine limits. According to the prevailing practice, most of the highest hierarchs of the Russian Church were the origin of the Greeks or Southern Slavs, coming to Russia from Byzantium. The head of the Russian Church - Metropolitan - appointed Constantinople Patriarch. Naturally the interests of the Universal Orthodox Church were for the leadership of the Russian Church above all. Catholics seemed much more dangerous than the Tatars. It is no coincidence to Sergius Radonezh (the second half of the XIV century), no prominent church hierarch blessed to the fight against Tatars and did not call for her. The invasion of Batiya and Tatar rati was interpreted by the clergy as the Beach of God, the punishment of the Orthodox for their sins.

It was the church tradition that he created around the name Alexander Nevsky, ranked after death to the face of saints, the halo of the ideal prince, warrior, "sufferer" (wrestler) for Russian land. So he entered the folk mentality. In this case, Prince Alexander is in many ways "fellow" Richard Lion's heart. The legendary "twins" of both monarchs departed their real historical images. In both cases, the "legend" was far away from the initial prototype.

In serious science, meanwhile, disputes do not subscribe about the role of Alexander Nevsky in Russian history. Alexander's position in relation to the Golden Horde, his participation in the organization of N'TRY-RADI 1252 and the spread of the Ordane Iga to Novgorod, cruel even for the time of the massacre peculiar to Alexander in the fight against their opponents, cause contradictory judgments in relation to the results of this certainly bright hero of Russian history .

For Eurasians and L.N. Gumileva Alexander is a long-scale politician who correctly chosen the Union with the Horde, turned back to the West.

For other historians (for example, I.N. Danilevsky), the role of Alexander in domestic history is rather negative. This role of the actual conductor of the Ordane addiction.

Part of historians, including S.M. Solovyova, V.O. Klyuchevsky, does not consider the Ordane Igo "useful for Russia to Russia," but notes that Russia had no strength to fight. Proponents of continuing to fight the Ord - Daniel Galitsky and Prince Andrei Yaroslavich, despite their nobility of their impulse, were doomed to defeat. Alexander Nevsky, on the contrary, was aware of the realities and was forced as a politician, to search for a compromise with the Horde in the name of the survival of the Russian Earth.

And Vladimir residents led by Alexander Nevsky, on the one hand, and the army of the Livonian Order, on the other hand.

The opposing armies met in the morning of April 5, 1242. The moment of the start of the battle "Rhymed Chronicle" describes as:

Thus, the news of the "chronicles" about the combat order of the Russians in general combined with reports of Russian chronicles on the allocation of a separate rifle regiment in front of the center of the main forces (from 1185).

In the center, Germans broke through the Russian system:

But then the troops of the Teutonic Order were surrounded by Russians from the flanks and destroyed, and other German detachments retreated to avoid the same participation: the Russians pursued the rules on the ice for 7 worst. It is noteworthy that, unlike the battle at the omkov in 1234, the sources are not informed close to the battle time that the Germans fell under the ice; According to Donald Island, this information has penetrated into the late sources from the description of the 1016 battle between Yaroslav and Svyatopolk in the "Tale of Bygone Years" and "Tale of Boris and Gleb."

In the same year, the Teutonic Order concluded a peace treaty with Novgorod, refusing all his recent seizures not only in Russia, but also in Lethal. Also was exchanged prisoners. Only after 10 years, the teutons tried to seize Pskov again.

Scale and value of battle

"Chronicle" says that in the battle for each German accounted for 60 Russians (which is recognized as an exaggeration), and the loss in the battle of 20 knights killed and 6 captives. "Die Jungere HochmeisterChronik", sometimes translated as "Chronicle of the Teutonic Order"), the official history of the Teutonic Order, written much later, speaks about the death of 70 ordinar knights (literally "70 ordinarians", "Seuentich Ordens Herenn" ), but unites those killed in the capture of Alexander Pskov and on the Church of the Lake.

According to the traditional historiography of the point of view, this battle, together with the victories of Prince Alexander over the Swedes (July 15, 1240 on the Neva) and above the Lithuanians (in 1245, under the Toropota, the Lake Lake, and near the Combat), was of great importance for Pskov and Novgorod, delayed the head of three serious enemies from the West - at the time when the rest of Russia was strongly weakened by the Mongolian invasion. In Novgorod, the Ice Bare together with the Nevskaya Victory over the Swedes back in the XVI century I remembered the objects in all Novgorod churches. In Soviet historiography, the ice was considered one of the largest battles in the entire history of the German-knightly aggression in the Baltic States, and the number of troops on the Church of the Lake was estimated at 10-12 thousand people from the Order and 15-17 thousand people of Novgorod and their allies (the last figure Complies with the assessment and the genitress of the Latvian numbers of Russian troops in the description of their trials in the Baltic States in the 1210-1220s), that is, at about the same level as in the Grunwald battle () - up to 11 thousand people from the Order and 16-17 thousand people in Polish-Lithuanian troops. "Chronicle", as a rule, reports the small number of Germans in those battles that have been ligged, but even in it the ice is unequivocally described as the defeat of the Germans, in contrast, for example, from the Raskovor battle ().

As a rule, minimal estimates of the number of troops and losses of the Order in the battle correspond to the historical role that concrete researchers of this battle and Figure of Alexander Nevsky in general (for more details, see the assessment of Alexander Nevsky's activities). At all, did not mention the battle in his writings V. O. Klyuchevsky and M. N. Pokrovsky.

English researcher J. Fennel believes that the meaning of the ice travel (and the Nevsky battle) is greatly exaggerated: "Alexander did only that numerous advocates of Novgorod and Pskov did before him and that many did after him - namely they rushed to protect the lengthy and vulnerable Borders from the tippers detachments. " The Russian professor I. N. Danilevsky is agreed with this opinion. He notes, in particular, that the battle was inferior to the battle of Saul (1236), in which Lithuanians were killed by Master of the Order and 48 knights, and the battle under the shell; Modern events sources Even the Nevsky battle describe in more detail and give it more importance. However, in Russian historiography about the defeat with Saul, it was not accepted, since Pskovichi took part on the side of the defeated knights.

German historians believe that, conducting battles on the Western borders, Alexander Nevsky did not pursue any whole political program, but success in the West gave some compensation for the horrors of the Mongolian invasion. Many researchers believe exaggerated and the scale of the threat that the West represented for Russia. On the other hand, L. N. Gumilev, on the contrary, believed that it was not the Tatar-Mongolian "IHO", namely the Catholic Western Europe in the person of the Teutonic Order and Riga Archbishopianism was a fatal threat to the very existence of Russia, and therefore the role of Alexander Nevsky's victories In Russian history is especially great.

The Ice Barely played its role in the formation of the Russian National Miph, in which Alexander Nevsky was given the role of "Defender of Orthodoxy and Land of Russian" in the face of the Western Threat; The victory in the battle was considered justifying the political steps of Prince in the 1250s. The cult of Nevsky in the Stalin era was especially actualized, serving a kind of visual historical example for the cult of Stalin himself. Sergey Eisenstein's film was becoming the cornerstone of the Stalinist myth about Alexander Yaroslavich and the ice (see below).

On the other hand, it is wrong to assume that the Ice Battle has become popular in the scientific community and in the general public only after the appearance of the film Eisenstein. "Schlacht Auf Dem Eise", "Schlacht Auf Dem Peipussee", "PR -LIUM GLACIALE" [Battle on Ice (us.), Battle on the Church of the Lake (Him.), Ice Battle (Lat.).] - Such well-established concepts are found in Western sources long before the work of the director. This battle was and for all will remain in the memory of the Russian people as well as, say, the Borodino battle, which in a rigorous look can not be called victorious, - the Russian army left the battlefield. And for us this great battle, which played an important role in the outcome of the war.

Battle memory



  • Music support for the film Eisenstein, written by Sergey Prokofiev, is a cantathip dedicated to the events of the battle.



Monument to squaders of Alexander Nevsky on Mount Sokolich

Monument to Alexander Nevsky and Poklonnaya Cross

Bronze Poklonnaya Cross Molds in St. Petersburg to the funds of the Pattius Steel Group (A. V. Ostapenko). The prototype served Novgorod Alekseevsky Cross. The author of the project A. A. Seleznev. Mold a bronze sign under the leadership of D.Goriyaeva Lattechiki CJSC NTCT, architects B. Kostyov and S. Kryukov. In the implementation of the project, fragments from the lost wooden cross of the sculptor V. Rosikovov were used.

    CommemoRative Cross For Prince "S Armed Force Of Alexander Nevsky (Kobylie Gorodishe) .jpg

    Memorial Cross Dublins Alexander Nevsky

    Monument in honor of the 750th anniversary of the battle

    Error creating miniatures: File not found

    Monument in honor of the 750th anniversary of the battle (fragment)

In philately and coins


In connection with the wrong calculation of the date of the battle on the new style of the day of the military glory of Russia - the day of the victory of the Russian warriors of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the Crusaders (established by Federal Law No. 32-FZ dated March 13, 1995 "On the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia") 18 April instead of the right one on the new style on April 12. The difference between the old (Julian) and the new one (first introduced in 1582 by the Grigorian) style in the XIII century would be 7 days (counting on April 5, 1242), and the difference between them in 13 days takes place only in the period 14.03.1900-14.03 .2100 (on a new style). In other words, the Day of Victory on the Church of the Lake (April 5, on the old style) is celebrated on April 18, which really falls on April 5 in the old style, but only now (1900-2099).

At the end of the XX century in Russia and some republics of the former USSR, many political organizations celebrated an unofficial holiday of the Russian Nation Day (April 5), designed to become the date of the unity of all patriotic forces.

On April 22, 2012, the Museum of the Expedition History of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR is opened to the 770th anniversary of the Ice Pskov Region in the village of the Gdovsky District of the Pskov Region, to clarify the place of Ice Bullings of 1242 years.

see also

Write a review about the article "Ice Battery"


  1. Razin E. A.
  2. Uroangov A.
  3. Ice breaking 1242 g.: Proceedings of an integrated expedition on clarifying the place of ice travel. - M.-L., 1966. - 253 p. - P. 60-64.
  4. . Her date is considered to be more preferable, since in addition to the number it contains another binding to the day of the week and church holidays (the day of memory of the Martyr Claudia and praise the Virgin). In Pskov Chronicles there is a date on April 1.
  5. Donald Ostrowski. (eng.) // Russian History / Histoire Russe. - 2006. - Vol. 33, NO. 2-3-4. - P. 304-307.
  6. .
  7. .
  8. Heinrich Latvian. .
  9. Razin E. A. .
  10. Danilevsky, I. . Polit.ru April 15, 2005.
  11. Dittmar Dahlmann. DER RUSSISCHE SIEG ÜBER DIE "Teutonische Ritter" AUF DER PEIPUSSEE 1242 // SchlachtenmyThen: Ereignis - Erzählung - Erinnerung. Herausgegeben von Gerd Krumeich und Susanne Brandt. (Europäische Geschichtsdarstellungen. Herausgegeben von Johannes Laudage. - Band 2.) - Wien-Köln-Weimar: Böhlau Verlag, 2003. - S. 63-76.
  12. Werner Philipp. Heiligkeit und Herrschaft in der Vita Aleksandr Nevskijs // Forschungen Zur Osteuropäischen Geschichte. - Band 18. - Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1973. - S. 55-72.
  13. Janet Martin. MEDIEVAL RUSSIA 980-1584. SECOND EDITION. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. - P. 181.
  14. . gumilevica.kulichki.net. Checked September 22, 2016.
  15. // Gdovskaya Zarya: newspaper. - 30.3.2007.
  16. (Inaccessible link from 25-05-2013 (2103 days) - history , copy) // Official website of the Pskov region, July 12, 2006]
  17. .
  18. .
  19. .


  • Lipitsky S. V. Battle on the Ice. - m .: Milivdat, 1964. - 68 p. - (Heroic past of our Motherland).
  • Mansicka V. Y. Life of Alexander Nevsky: analysis of the editors and text. - St. Petersburg., 1913. - "Monuments of ancient writing." - Vol. 180.
  • Life of Alexander Nevsky / Podg. text, translation and comm. V.I. Huncovik // Monuments of Literature Ancient Russia: XIII century. - M.: Fiction, 1981.
  • Runners Yu. K. Monument of Russian literature of the XIII century: "The word about the death of the Russian Earth" - M.-L.: Science, 1965.
  • Pashuto V. T. Alexander Nevsky - M.: Young Guard, 1974. - 160 s. - Series "Life of wonderful people."
  • Karpov A. Yu. Alexander Nevsky - M.: Young Guard, 2010. - 352 p. - Series "Life of wonderful people."
  • Hitrov M. Saint Blessed Great Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky. Detailed biography. - Minsk: Panorama, 1991. - 288 p. - Reprinted ed.
  • Klepinin N. A. Saint of the beloved and grand prince Alexander Nevsky. - St. Petersburg: Aletiaya, 2004. - 288 p. - Series "Slavic Library".
  • Prince Alexander Nevsky and his era: research and materials / ed. Yu. K. Begunov and A. N. Kirpichnikova. - SPb.: Dmitry Bulanin, 1995. - 214 p.
  • Fennel J. The crisis of medieval Russia. 1200-1304 - M.: Progress, 1989. - 296 p.
  • Ice breaking 1242 g.: Proceedings of an integrated expedition on clarifying the place of ice travel / resp. ed. G. N. Karaev. - M.-L.: Science, 1966. - 241 p.
  • Tikhomirov M. N. About the place of ice travel // Tikhomirov M. N. Ancient Rus: Sat. Art. / Ed. A. V. Artzikhovsky and M. T. Belyavsky, with the participation of N. B. Shelamanova. - M.: Science, 1975. - P. 368-374. - 432 p. - 16,000 copies. (in per., Superobl.)
  • Nesterenko A. N. Alexander Nevsky. Who won in the ice is lucky., 2006. Alma-Press.


Excerpt characterizing ice racing

His illness was his physical order, but the fact that Natasha called: it was happening with him, it happened to him two days before the arrival of Princess Marya. It was the last moral struggle between life and death in which death won. It was an unexpected consciousness that he was still treated with the life of him in love for Natasha, and the last, conquered horror fit before unknown.
It was in the evening. He was, as usual after lunch, in a light feverish condition, and his thoughts were extremely clear. Sonya sat at the table. He tristed. Suddenly, the feeling of happiness embraced it.
"And it entered it!" He thought.
Indeed, on the site of Sony sat only with the silent steps of Natasha.
Since she began to walk behind him, he always experienced this physical feeling of her intimacy. She was sitting on his chair, sideways to him, leaving him the candle light from him, and knit stockings. (She learned to knit stockings since the prince Andrei told her that no one knows how to walk for sick, like old nanies that knit stockings, and that in knitting stockings there is something soothing.) Thin fingers quickly came through the occasionally Stocked needles, and the thoughtful profile of her lowered face was clearly visible to him. She did the movement - the tangle rolled down with her knees. She shuddered, looked back at him and, challenging a candle with his hand, cautious, flexible and accurate movement bent, raised the tangle and sat down in the previous position.
He looked at her, not moving, and saw that she had to breathe in all her chest after his movement, but she did not decide to do it and carefully translated the breath.
In Trinity Lavra, they talked about the past, and he told her that, if he was alive, he would thank forever God for his wound, who brought him again with her; But since then they never talked about the future.
"Could it or could not be? - he thought now, looking at her and listening to the light steel sound of the knitting needles. - Is it really just then a fateful fate so strangely to die? .. Did I have a truth of life only for me to live in lies? I love her most in the world. But what to do to me, if I love it? " He said, and he suddenly unwittingly groaned, in a habit that he acquired during his suffering.
Hearing this sound, Natasha put a stocking, leaned closer to him and suddenly, noticing his glowing eyes, approached him with a slight step and bent.
- You are not asleep?
- No, I have been looking at you for a long time; I felt when you were entered. No one like you, but gives me that soft silence ... of that light. I want to cry from joy.
Natasha moved closer to him. Her face shone enthusiastically joy.
- Natasha, I love you too much. More than anything.
- And I? - She turned away for a moment. - Why is it too? - she said.
"Why is it too? .. Well, what do you think, how do you feel like, in the whole soul, I will be alive?" How do you think?
- I'm sure I'm sure! - Almost screamed Natasha, passionate movement taking him for both hands.
He paused.
- How well! - And, taking her hand, he kissed her.
Natasha was happy and excited; And immediately she remembered that it was impossible that he needed peace.
"However, you didn't sleep," she said, suppressing his joy. - Try to fall asleep ... please.
He released, shook her, her hand, she moved to the candle and sat down again in her old position. She looked back at him twice, his eyes glowed towards her. She asked himself a lesson on a stuff and said that until then she would not look like, until he had finished him.
Indeed, soon after that he closed his eyes and fell asleep. He slept for a long time and suddenly in the cold sweat anxiously woke up.
Falling asleep, he thought everything about the same thing he thought was all the time, - about life and death. And more about death. He felt closer to her.
"Love? What is love? - he thought. - Love interferes with death. Love is life. All, all I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is there, everything exists only because I love. Everything is connected with one thing. Love is God, and die - it means me, a particle of love, return to the general and eternal source. " These thoughts seemed comforting to him. But these were only thoughts. Something lacked in them, something was unilateral personal, mental - there was no evidence. And it was the same anxiety and ambiguity. He fell asleep.
He saw in a dream that he lies in the same room in which he was in reality, but that he was not injured, but healthy. Many different persons, insignificant, indifferent, are in front of the prince Andrey. He speaks with them, argues about something unnecessary. They are selected to go wherever. Prince Andrei vaguely recalls that all this is negligible and that he has other, most important worries, but continues to speak, surprising them, some empty, witty words. We gradually, unnoticed all these persons begin to disappear, and everything is replaced with one question about the released door. He gets up and goes to the door to push the valve and lock it. Because he would have time or could not lock it, everything depends. He goes, hurry, his legs do not move, and he knows that he will not have time to lock the door, but still painfully strains all his strength. And the painful fear covers it. And this fear is the fear of death: it stands behind the door. But at the same time, as he awkwardly crams up to the door, this is something terrible, on the other hand, pressed, breaking into it. Something is not human - death will break at the door, and it is necessary to keep it. He grabbed the door, strains the last effort - it is impossible to lock it - even though to hold it; But his forces of his weak, awkwards, and, pressed by terrible, the door will be replete and rejected again.
Once again, it pressed from there. The last, supernatural efforts are vain, and both halves opened silently. It entered, and it is death. And Prince Andrew died.
But at the same moment, as he died, Prince Andrei remembered that he was sleeping, and at the same moment, as he died, he, having made an effort over his way, woke up.
"Yes, it was death. I died - I woke up. Yes, death - awakening! " - Suddenly hen brightened in his soul, and the curtain who hid it still unknown, was raised before his spiritual gaze. He felt the release of the forces before the strengthened in him and the strange ease, which since then did not leave him.
When he, waking in a cold sweat, moved on the sofa, Natasha approached him and asked what he was. He did not answer her and, without understanding her, looked at her weird look.
That was what happened to him two days before the arrival of the princes Mary. From the same day, as the doctor said, the exhaustive fever took a bad character, but Natasha was not interested in what the doctor said: she saw these terrible, more for her undoubted, moral signs.
From this day began for Prince Andrei together with awakening from sleep - awakening from life. And regarding the life expectancy, it did not seem more slowly than awakening from sleep regarding the duration of the dream.

Nothing was terrible and sharp in this, relatively slow, awakening.
The last days and the clock passed by usually and simply. And the princess of Marya and Natasha, who did not move away from him, felt it. They did not cry, did not shudder and recently, feeling it, they walked no longer for him (he was no longer there, he left them), and for the closest memories of him - for his body. The feelings of both were so strong that they did not act on them, the terrible side of death, and they did not find it necessary to retracted their grief. They did not cry with him, neither without him, but never talked about it among themselves. They felt that they could not express the words that they understood.
They both saw how deeper and deeper, slowly and calmly, descended from them somewhere there, and both knew that it should be so that it was good.
He was confessed, seized; All came to say goodbye to him. When he led him, he put his lips to him and turned away, not because he was hard or sorry (Princess Marya and Natasha understood it), but only because he believed that it was all that was demanded from him; But when he was told that he blessed him, he fulfilled the required and looked around, as if asked if something was needed yet.
When the last shudders of the body left by the Spirit, the Princess Marya and Natasha were here.
- End?! - said Princess Mary, after his body for several minutes motionless, the cold, lay in front of them. Natasha approached, looked at the dead eyes and hurried to close them. She closed them and did not kiss them, but was attached to what was the nearest memories of him.
"Where did he go? Where is he now? .. "

When dressed, the wedge body lay in the coffin on the table, everyone approached him to say goodbye, and everyone cried.
Nichushka cried from suffering inappropriate, who ruined his heart. Countess and Sonya cried from pity to Natasha and that there is no more. The old graf cried about that soon he felt, and he had to do the same terrible step.
Natasha and Princess Marya cried too, but they cried not from their personal grief; They cried from a reverent subsignation that covered their souls before the consciousness of the simple and solemn sacrament of death committed to them.

For the human mind, the totality of the causes of phenomena is not available. But the need to search for the causes are in the soul of man. And the human mind, not performed in the countlessness and the complexity of the conditions of phenomena, of which each separately can predict the reason, grabs for the first, the most understandable rapprochement and says: That is the reason. In historical events (where the subject of observation of the essence of people) the most primitive rapprochement seems to the will of the gods, then the will of those people who stand in the most prominent historical place are historical heroes. But it is worth only to delve into the essence of each historical event, that is, in the activities of the whole mass of people who participated in the event, to make sure that the will of the historic hero not only does not lead the actions of the masses, but herself is constantly led. It would seem, anyway to understand the meaning of the historical event anyway. But between a person who says that the peoples of the West went to the east, because Napoleon wanted it, and a man who says it was committed because it should have been done, there is the same difference that existed between people who argued that the land It is firmly and planets move around her, and those who said that they do not know what the Earth is holding, but they know that there are laws that control the movement and her, and other planets. The reasons for the historical event - no and can not be other than the only reason for all reasons. But there are laws that manage events, partly unknown, partly fastened by us. The discovery of these laws is possible only when we completely disgraced from looking for the reasons in the will of one person, just as the opening of the laws of the motion of the planets became possible only when people were renounced from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe approval of the Earth.

After the Borodino battle, the occupation of the enemy of Moscow and the burning of it, the most important episode of the war of the war of 1812, historians recognize the movement of the Russian army with Ryazan to the Kaluga road and to the Tarutinsky camp - the so-called flank march behind Red Pahra. Historians attribute the glory of this ingenious feat to various persons and argue about who, in fact, it belongs. Even foreign, even French historians recognize the genius of Russian commander, speaking of this flank march. But why all the military writers, and everything, and everyone believes that this flank march is a very deep invention of some one person who saved Russia and destroyed Napoleon, is very difficult to understand. First, it is difficult to understand what is the deepness and the genius of this movement; For in order to guess that the best position of the army (when it is not attacked) to be there, where more food is not needed by great mental tension. And everyone, even a stupid thirteen-year-old boy, could easily guess that in 1812 the most favorable position of the army, after retreat from Moscow, was on the Kaluga road. So, it is impossible to understand, first, what kind of conclusions are historians reach before seeing something deeply in this maneuver. Secondly, it is even harder to understand what historians see the accuracy of this maneuver for Russians and his fear for the French; For this flank march, with other preceding, accompanying and followed circumstances, could be a detrimental for Russian and saving for French troops. If from the time that this movement was made, the position of the Russian troops began to improve, then it should not be from this so that this movement would be a reason.
This flank march not only could not bring any benefits, but could destroy the Russian army, if there were no coincidence of other conditions. What would happen if Moscow had not burned down? If Murat would not lose sight of the Russians? If Napoleon was not inaction? If under the Red Pahra, the Russian army, on the advice of Benigsen and Barclay, would give a battle? What would be if the French attacked Russians when they walked behind Pahra? What would happen if subsequently Napoleon, approaching Tarutin, would attack Russian at least with one tenth of the same energy with which he attacked in Smolensk? What would happen if the French went to Petersburg? .. With all these assumptions, the savings of the flank march could go into trouble.
Third, the most incomprehensible is that people who study history are deliberately not want to see that the flank march can not be attributed to any one person that no one has ever foresaw him that this maneuver, just like the retreat in Filia, in the present never appeared to anyone in its integrity, and step by step, event for the event, a moment for a moment flowed out of the countless number of a wide variety of conditions, and only then it was introduced in all its integrity when he was accomplished and became the past.
On the Council in Files, the Russian authorities prevailing the thought was to be a reasonable retreat in direct direction ago, that is, in the Nizhny Novgorod road. The evidence of this is that the majority of votes on the advice were filed in this sense, and, the main thing, a well-known conversation after the Commissioner of the Commander-in-Chief with Lansky, the head of the provisional part. LANSKA RESERN OF THE COMMANDING THAT FOOD FOR THE ARMY GROUP MUST POSSIBLE ON OCE, in Tula and Kaluga provinces and that in the case of retreat to the lower reserves of the province will be separated from the army the Big River by Okoy, through which transportation in Prosimeier is impossible. It was the first sign of the need to evade from previously represented the most natural direct direction to the lower. The army was held south, along the Ryazan road, and closer to reserves. Subsequently, the inaction of the French who lost even view of the Russian army, care for the protection of the Tula factory and, most importantly, the benefits of approaching their reserves forced the army to devaway still south, to the Tula road. Crossing the desperate movement behind Pakhra on the Tula Road, the warlords of the Russian army thought to remain at Podolsk, and there were no thoughts about the Tarutin position; But countless circumstances and the appearance of the French troops, before those who have lost sight of Russian, and the projects of battle, and, most importantly, the abundance of the province in Kaluga made our army even more deviate to the south and go to the middle of ways of their food, with Tula to the Kaluga road, to Tarutin. In the same way, as it is impossible to answer the question when Moscow was left, it is impossible to answer and when it was and who was decided to go to Tarutin. Only when the troops have come to Tarutin as a result of countless differential forces, then just began to confrete themselves that they wanted it and had long been foreseen.

The famous flank march consisted only that the Russian army, retreating everything back to the opposite direction of the offensive, after the offensive of the French stopped, rejected from the direct direction taken first and, without seeing persecution, naturally came to the other side where he was Intended an abundance of food.
If you imagine not ingenious commander at the head of the Russian army, but just one army without chiefs, then this army could not do anything else, besides the inverse movement to Moscow, describing the arc from the one side with which there was more food and the region was abundant.
Movement it from Nizhny Novgorod to Ryazan, the Tula and Kaluga roads were to such an extent, it was natural that the Marauders of the Russian Army were thrown away in this very direction and that in this direction it was required from St. Petersburg, so that Kutuzov translated their army. In Tarutin Kutuzov, he received almost a reprimand from the sovereign for giving the army to the Ryazan Road, and he was indicated that the very position against Kaluga, in which he was already at that time he received a letter of the sovereign.
Rounded in the direction of the shock given to him during the entire campaign and in the Borodino battle, the ball of Russian troops, when destroying the strength of the push and not receiving new impetus, took the situation that it was natural.
The merit of Kutuzov did not in some brilliant, as they call, strategic maneuver, and in the fact that he alone understood the importance of the event. He alone understood the value of the inaction of the French army, he continued to argue that the Borodino battle was victory; He is one - the one who seemed to be the commander-in-chief, should be caused by the offensive, - he was one of all his strength to keep his Russian army from useless battles.
The baked beast under Borodin lay there somewhere where he left the hunter. But whether he was Silen whether he was, or he just plucked, the hunter did not know that. Suddenly he was heard a moan of this beast.
A moan of this wounded beast, the French army, the observing her death, was sending Loriston to Cutuzov's camp with a request for peace.
Napoleon with his confidence is that it is not good, which is good, and it is good that he occurred to him, wrote Kutuzov the words, the first who came to his head and having any meaning. He wrote:

"Monsieur Le Prince Koutouzov, - I wrote, - J" Envoie Pres De Vous Un De Mes Aides De Camps Generaux Pour Vous Entretenir de Plusieurs Objets Interesens. Je Desire Que Votre Altesse Ajoute Foi A CE QU "Il Lui Dira, Surtout Lorsqu" Il Exprimera Les Sentiments D "Estime ET De Particuliere Consideration Que J" Ai Depuis Longtemps Pour Sa Personne ... Cette Lettre N "Etant A Autre Fin, Je Prime Dieu, Monsieur Le Prince Koutouzov, QU" Il Vous AIT EN SA Sainte et Digne Garde .
Moscou, Le 3 Octobre, 1812. Signe:
Napoleon. "
[Prince Kutuzov, I send one of my General Adjutants to you to negotiate with you about many important items. I ask your lordship to believe everything that he will tell you, especially when, will express you to feel the feelings of respect and special respect, fed by me for you from a long time. We will assign a prayer for keeping you under your sacred blood.
Moscow, October 3, 1812.
Napoleon. ]

"JE SERAIS MAUDIT PAR LA POSTERITE SI L" ON ME REGARDAIT COMME LE PREMIER MOTEUR D "UN ACCOMMODEMENT QUELCONQUE. Tel Est L "ESPRIT ACTUEL DE MA NATION", [I would have been damned, if I watched at me on me on the first instigator, any transaction; Such will of our people.] - answered Kutuzov and continued to use all his strength on to keep troops from the offensive.
A month later, a change in the strength of both troops (spirit and numbers) was made to the strength of both troops (spirit and numbers), as a result of which the advantage of the Russian Federation turned out to be a change in the robbery of the Russian troop. Despite the fact that the position of French troops and its number were unknown by the Russians, as soon as the attitude changed, the need for an occurrence immediately expressed in countless signs. The signs of these were: and sending Loriston, and the abundance of the province in Tarutin, and the information came from all the parties about the inaction and unrest of the French, and the recruitment of our regiments with recruits, and good weather, and a long holiday of Russian soldiers, and usually arising in the troops due to recreation Impatience to fulfill the case for which everyone is collected, and curiosity about what was done in the French army, so long ago, and the courage, with which the Russians who stood in Tarutina, and the news of the light victories over the French of the French and partisans and envy excited by this, and the feeling of revenge lying in the soul of every person until the French were in Moscow, and (most importantly) is unclear, but the consciousness of every soldier who arose in the soul of the fact that the relation of the force has changed now and the advantage Located on our side. The substantial attitude of the forces has changed, and the offensive has become necessary. And immediately, as well, how to beat and play in the clock, Kurats, when the arrow made a full circle, in the highest spheres, respectively, a significant change in forces, reinforced movement, hissing and the game of the chimes.

The Russian army was controlled by Kutuzov with his headquarters and a state truck from St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, even before receiving the news of the leave of Moscow, a detailed plan of the entire war was compiled and sent to Kutuzov to leadership. Despite the fact that this plan was drawn up under the assumption that Moscow is still in our hands, this plan was approved by the headquarters and was accepted for execution. Kutuzov wrote only that long-range diversion is always difficult to fulfill. And to resolve the difficulties, new instructions and persons who must follow their actions were sent and convey about them.
In addition, the entire headquarters transformed into the Russian army. The places of killed Bagration and offended, who was borclae, was replaced. Very seriously thought about what would be better: A. Put in place B., and B. in place D., or, on the contrary, D. in place A., etc., as if anything, besides the pleasure of A. and B., could depend on this.
In the headquarters of the army, on the occasion of the hostility of Kutuzov with his headquarters, Benigsen, and the presence of trusted persons of the sovereign and these movements, was more than usually, the complex game of parties: A. Digid under B., D. under S., etc. ., In all possible movements and combinations. With all these dugouts, the subject of intrigue mostly was the military affair who thought to lead all these people; But this military thing went regardless of them, just as it should have to go, that is, never coinciding with the fact that people came up with, and emerging from the essence of the relationship of the masses. All these invented, crossing, confusing, represented in higher spheres only the right reflection of what had had to be accomplished.


Monument to Dersey A. Nevsky on Mount Sokolich

The controversial is the question of the loss of parties in the battle. About Russian losses says foggy: "Many Harbor Warriors Palo." Apparently, the losses of Novgorod were really hard. The losses of the knights are indicated by specific numbers, which cause disputes. Russian chronicles, and for them and domestic historians say that the knights were killed about five hundred people, and the Fifty "Brothers", "deliberate governor", were captured by the Knights. Four hundred and five hundred killed knights - the figure is completely unreal, since there was no such quantity in the whole order.

According to the Livonian chronicles, it was necessary to collect "many brave heroes, bold and canceled" led by a master, plus Danish vassals with a significant detachment. The "rhymed chronicle" particularly says that twenty knights died, and the six was captured. Most likely, the "chronicle" means only the "brothers" -Repsires, without taking into account their squads and chosen-scored in the army. The Novgorod first chronicle says that the battle fell 400 "Germans", 50 was captured, and "Chud" is also discharged from the accounts: "Bebyssla". Apparently, those suffered really serious losses.

So, it is possible that 400 German horse warriors really fell on the ice on the ice (of these were the real "brothers" -Reztsi), and 50 Germans (of which 6 "brothers") fell into Russian. "Life of Alexander Nevsky" argues that the captives then went around their horses during the joyful entry of Prince Alexander in Pskov.

The direct place of battle, according to the conclusions of the Expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Karayev, can be considered a section of a warm lake, located 400 meters to the west of the modern shore of Cape Cition, between the northern tip and the latitude of the village of the island. It should be noted that the battle on a flat surface of the ice was more profitable to the heavy Connection of the Order, but traditionally it is believed that the place to meet the enemy was chosen by Alexander Yaroslavich.


According to the traditional historiography of the point of view, this battle, together with the victories of Prince Alexander over the Swedes (July 15, 1240 on the Neva) and over the Lithuanians (in 1245, under the Toroptz, the Lake Lake and is sitting on coming), was of great importance for Pskov and Novgorod, delayed the head of three serious enemies from the West - at the very time when the rest of Russia suffered from the princely gravestones and the consequences of Tatar conquest big losses. In Novgorod, the Ice Battle of the Germans was remembered for a long time: together with the Nevskaya Victory over the Swedes, it was remembered in the XVI century on the objects in all Novgorod churches.

English researcher J. Fannel believes that the meaning of the ice travel (and the Nevsky battle) is greatly exaggerated: "Alexander did only that numerous defenders of Novgorod and Pskov did before him and that many did after him, - namely, they rushed to protect extensive and vulnerable Borders from the tippers detachments. " The Russian professor I. N. Danilevsky is agreed with this opinion. He notes, in particular, that the battle was inferior in its scale battles under Shauliam (G.), in which the Lithuanians were killed by Master of the Order and 48 knights (20 knights died on the chief of the lake), and the battle under the shell in 1268; Modern events sources Even the Nevsky battle describe in more detail and give it more importance. However, even in the "rhymed chronicle", the ice is unequivocally described as the defeat of the Germans, in contrast to the sink.

Battle memory



Music support for the film Eisenstein, written by Sergey Prokofiev, is a symphonic suite dedicated to the events of the battle.

Monument to Alexander Nevsky and Poklonnaya Cross

Bronze Poklonnaya Cross Molds in St. Petersburg to the funds of the Pattius Steel Group (A. V. Ostapenko). The prototype served Novgorod Alekseevsky Cross. The author of the project A. A. Seleznev. Mold a bronze sign under the leadership of D.Goriyaeva Lattechiki CJSC NTCT, architects B. Kostyov and S. Kryukov. In the implementation of the project, fragments from the lost wooden cross of the sculptor V. Rosikovov were used.

Cultural and Sports Education Raid Expedition

Since 1997, a raid expedition is held annually at the places of military dealers of Alexander Nevsky. During these trips, the arrival participants help the improvement of territories related to the monuments of cultural and historical heritage. Thanks to them, in many places in the North-West, memorial signs are installed in memory of the exploits of Russian warriors, and the village of Kobyl settlement became aware of the whole country.

Choosing a battlefield. Dosters reported to Alexander's prince, that a slight enemy detachment moved to Islaska, and most of the troops turned to the Pskov Lake. Having received this news, Alexander turned his troops east to the shore of the lake. The choice was dictated by strategic and tactical calculations. In this position, Alexander Nevsky, with his regiments, cut off his enemy all the possible ways to Novgorod, turning out, thus, in the very center of all possible opponent's routes. Probably, the Russian commander knew how 8 years ago his father, Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, defeated the Knights, knew about the benefits of battle with heavy knights in winter conditions.

Alexander Nevsky decided to give a fight to the enemy on the Church of the Lake, the north of the Untus, the island of Voroni Stone. A few important sources reached us about the famous "Ice Baby". From the Russian side is the Novgorod Chronicles and "Life" by Alexander Nevsky, from Western sources - "Rhymed Chronicle" (author unknown).

Question about the number. One of the most complex and controversial issues is the number of opponents armies. Chronicles of both parties did not provide accurate data. Some historians believed that the number of German troops amounted to 10-12 thousand people, and Novgorod residents - 12-15 thousand people. It is likely that a little knights took part in the ice, and most of the German military made up militia from among Esta and Livov.

Preparation of parties to battle. On the morning of April 5, 1242, the Crusaders knights lined up in a combat order, ironically referred to as Russian chronicles "Great Pig" or Wedge. The edge of the "wedge" was directed to Russians. On the flanks of the combat structure, knights were stood in heavy lats, and there were passenger-plated warriors inside.

There are no detailed news about the combat location of Russian rati in sources. Probably, it was the usual for the military practice of Russian princes of the time "complete row" with a guardian regiment in front. The combat orders of Russian troops were addressed to the rippled coast, and Alexander Nevsky's squad was covered with one of the flannels in the forest. The Germans were forced to adopted on open ice, not knowing the exact location and number of Russian troops.

The course of battle. Despite the miser coverage of the famous battle in the sources, the course of the battle is schematically clear. Waving a long spear, the knights attacked the "man", i.e. Center of Russian rati. Sounded by the hail of the "wedge" arrows crashed into the location of the guard regiment. The author of the "rhymed chronicle" wrote: "Here the banners of the brothers have penetrated into the ranks of the shooters, it was heard how swords are ringing, and it was visible how the helmets cut themselves, the dead fell on both sides." The Russian chronicler wrote about the breakthrough, the Russian chronicles wrote: "The Germans and Chusady piercing the piggy through the regiments."

This first success of the Crusader was, apparently, provided for by the Russian commander, as well as those who were met after this are impassable to the enemy. This is how one of the best domestic military historians wrote about this stage: "... I stumbled upon the clutched shore of the lake, the knights caught up in the lats could not develop their success. On the contrary, the knight's root occurred, because rear ranks of the knights pushed the front who had nowhere to turn to the battle. "

The Russian troops did not give the Germans to develop their success on the flanks, and the German Wedge turned out to be firmly clamped into mites, losing the slightness of the rows and freedom of maneuver, which turned out to be disastrous for the Crusaders. In the most unexpected for the enemy, Alexander gave orders to an ambulance shelf to attack and surround the Germans. "And the silence of evil and a great German and Chusi," the chronicler reported.

Russian militia, armed with special hooks, became knights with horses, after which the heavy "Lady nobles" became completely helpless. By the weight of the wounded knights, the imputying ice began to crack and somewhere to crack. Only a part of the crusaded man managed to escape from the environment, trying to escape. Part of the knights drowned. In the completion of the "Ice Empire", the Russian shelves pursued the church of the searp of Seven Musto to Sokolitsky coast. The defeat of the Germans was crowned with a contract between the Order and Novgorod, through which the Crusaders left all the captured Russian lands and returned the prisoners; For its part, PSKovich was also released captive Germans.

The value of the battle, its unique result. The defeat of the Swedish and German knights is the bright page of the military history of Russia. In the Nevskaya battle and ice, the Russian troops under the start of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky, performing a defensive and consistent task, was distinguished by decisive and consistent offensive actions. Each subsequent campaign of the regiments of Alexander Nevsky had his own tactical task, but the commander himself did not let out of sight of the general strategy. So, in battles 1241-1242. The Russian warlord inflicted a number of consecutive strikes on the enemy before the decisive battle occurred.

Novgorod troops in all battles with the Swedes and the Germans perfectly used the sudden factor. The Swedish knights were destroyed by an unexpected attack, which landed in the mouth of the Neva, the German rapid and unexpected strike were knocked out from Pskov, and then from Coporya, finally, quickly and sudden was the attack of an ambulance regiment in the ice, which led to a complete confusion of the enemy's combat rows. Combat orders and tactics of Russian troops turned out to be more flexible than the notorious construction of the wedge of the troops of the Order. Alexander Nevsky, using the terrain, managed to deprive the enemy of the space and freedom of the maneuver, surround and destroy.

The unusualness of the battle on the Lake Church is also in the fact that for the first time in the military practice of the Middle Ages, the heavy cavalry was broken by the foot troops. According to a fair remark of the historian of military art, "the tactical environment of the German-knightly troops of Russian Reli, i.e. The use of one of their complex and decisive forms of military art is the only case of the entire feudal period of war. Only Russian ruffle under the command of a talented commander could carry out a tactical environment Strong, well armed enemy. "

The victory over German knights was extremely important in military-politically. For a long time, the Natishki Germans on Eastern Europe was delayed. Novgorod the Great retained the opportunity to maintain economic and cultural ties with European countries, defended the possibility of entering the Baltic Sea, defended Russian land in the North-West region. The defeat of the Crusaders pushed to the resistance of crusading aggression and other peoples. This is how the historical importance of the Ice Bullings is the famous historian of ancient Russia M.N. Tikhomirov: "In the history of the struggle with German conquerors, the ice is the greatest date. This battle can only be compared with the Grunwald defeat of Teutonic knights in 1410. The struggle with the Germans continued on and on, but the Germans could never apply any significant harm to Russian lands And Pskov remained a formidable stronghold, which all the subsequent attacks of the Germans were broken. " Despite the fact that we see a famous exaggeration by the author of the Victory Victory on the Church of the Lake, you can agree with him.

Another important consequence of the Ice Bullings should be assessed within the framework of the General Regulation of Russia in the 40s. XIII century In the event of the defeat of Novgorod, it would be created a real threat to the seizure of the North-Western Russian land for the troops of the Order, and if we consider that Russia was already conquered by Tatars, then to get rid of the double oppression of the Russian people, it would probably be twice as harder.

For all the severity of the Tatar oppression, there was one circumstance, which, ultimately it turned out to be in favor of Russia. Conquered Rus Mongol-Tatars in the XIII century. They remained with pagans, with respect and whatequinity belonged to someone else's faith and not encroaching on her. The Teutonic Hospital, a personally centered by the Roman dad, tried to introduce Catholicism at the conquered territories conquered. Destruction or at least undermining the Orthodox faith for scattered, losing the unity of Russian lands would mean the loss of cultural identity and loss of any hope of restoring political independence. It is Orthodoxy in the era of Tatarist and political fragmentation, when the population of numerous land and the principalities of Russia almost lost a sense of unity, it was the basis for the revival of the national self-consciousness.

Read also other topics parts IX "Rus between East and West: Battle of the XIII and XV centuries." Section "Rus and Slavic countries in the Middle Ages":

  • 39. "Who is the essence and rejuvenation of the delight": Tatar-Mongola by the beginning of the XIII century.
  • 41. Genghis Khan and Muslim Front: hiking, siege, conquest
  • 42. Rus and Polovtsy on the eve of rolling
    • Polovtsy. Military Political Organization and Social Structure of Polovtsy Horde
    • Prince Mstislav deleted. Princely Congress in Kiev - Decision Help Polovtsam
  • 44. Crusaders in Eastern Baltic

Alexander Nevsky and Battle of the Ice

Alexander Nevsky: brief biography

To the nazev, Novgorod and Kiev and Grand Prince Vladimirsky, Alexander Nevskiy Whole is famous for stopping the promotion of the Swedes and the Knights of the Teutonic Order on Russia. At the same time, he, instead of withstanding Mongols, paid him tribute. This position, many considered cowardice, but perhaps Alexander simply expected his capabilities.

Son Yaroslav II Vsevolodovich, Grand Duke Vladimir and communional leader, Alexander, in 1236 was elected Prince of Novgorod (mainly military position). In 1239 he married Alexander, Daughters of Prince Polotsk.

Some time ago, Novgorod people invaded the Finnish territory, which was under the control of the Swedes. In response to this, as well as wishing to overlap Russian access to the sea, in 1240 the Swedes invaded Russia.

Alexander won a significant victory over the Swedes at the mouth of the Izhora River, on the banks of the Neva, as a result of which received honorary nick Nevsky. However, a few months later, Alexander was expelled from Novgorod because of the conflict with Novgorod boyars.

Somewhat later, Pope Roman Gregory IX He began to call on the Teutonic Knights to the "Christianization" of the Baltic region, although people who lived there were already Christians. In the face of this threat, Alexander was invited to return to Novgorod, and, after several clashes, in April 1242, he won a famous victory over the Knights on the Ice of the Lake Church. Thus, Alexander stopped promotion to the East and Swedes and Germans.

But there was another serious problem, in the east. Mongolian troops won most of Russia, which was not politically unified at that time. Alexander's father agreed to serve as new Mongolian rulers, but died in September 1246. As a result, the throne of the Grand Duke was free and Alexander with the younger brother Andrey went to Batu (Batyu), Mongolian Khan Golden Horde. Batty He sent them to the Great Kagan, which may be called Bat, who preferred Alexander, violating the Russian custom, appointed Andrei Great Prince Vladimir. Alexander became the prince of Kiev.

Andrei entered into collusion with other Russian princes and Western neighbors, against the Mongolian rulers and Alexander took advantage of the opportunity to bring Sartak, son Batya on Brother. Sartak sent an army to overthrow Andrei and soon Alexander took his place as the Grand Prince.

As the Grand Duke, Alexander sought to restore Russia's prosperity by building fortifications, temples and adoption of laws. He continued to control Novgorod with his son Vasily. This violated the established traditions of the Board in Novgorod (evening and invitation to the reign). In 1255, residents of Novgorod expelled Vasily, but Alexander gathered an army and returned Vasily back to the throne.

In 1257, in connection with the upcoming census of the population and taxation, an uprising broke out in Novgorod. Alexander helped force the city to obey, probably, fearing that the Mongols shook all of Russia for the actions of Novgorod. In 1262, the uprisings were taken against Muslim collectors of Dani from the Golden Horde, but Alexander managed to avoid repression, going to the barn, the capital of the Horde on the Volga, and discussed the situation with Khan. He also achieved the liberation of Russia from the obligation to supply warriors for the Khan army.

On the way home, Alexander Nevsky died in the city. After his death, Russia broke into the warring principality, but his son Daniel received Moscow to the Principality, which, in the end, led to the reunion of northern Russian lands. In 1547, the Russian Orthodox Church ranked Alexander Nevsky to the face of saints.

Battle on the Ice

The Ice Bottomier (Chunk Lake) occurred on April 5, 1242, during the Nordic Crusades (12-13 centuries).

Army and commander


  • Herman Derptsky
  • 1 000 - 4,000 people
  • prince Alexander Nevsky
  • prince Andrei II Yaroslavich
  • 5,000 - 6,000 people
Ice breaking - prehistory

In the thirteenth century, the papacy was trying to force Orthodox Christians living in the Baltic region, to accept papal supreme power. Despite the fact that previous efforts were not crowned with success, in the 1230s a new attempt was made to create a church state in the Baltics.

Preaching the crusade in the late 1230s, William Modensky organized the Western coalition to invade the Novgorod Earth. This papal action against Russia coincided with the desire of the Swedes and the Danes to expand their territories to the East, so both states began to supply troops for a hike, as well as the Knights of the Teutonic Order.

The shopping center of the region, Novgorod, like most of Russia, was subjected to the invasion of the Mongols in the nearby past (Novgorod lands were ruined only partially, and the Mongola's Novgorod himself did not go per.). Formally, remaining independent, in 1237 Novgorod adopted Mongolian domination. Western invaders calculated that the invasion of Mongols will respond to Novgorod's attention and that this is the right time to attack.

In the spring of 1240, the Swedish troops began promotion to Finland. The alarmed inhabitants of Novgorod called the recently expelled prince Alexander back to the city to lead the army (Alexander was expelled and was called back after the Nevsky battle per.). Planning the campaign against Swedes, Alexander defeated them in the battle on the Neva and received honorary nickname Nevsky.

Campania in the south

Although the Crusaders were defeated in Finland, they were lucky in the south. Here, at the end of 1240, the mixed forces of the Knights of the Livonian and Teutonic Order, Danish, Estonian and Russian troops managed to capture Pskov, Izborsk, and Coporye. But in 1241, Alexander dismantled the eastern lands of the Neva, and in March 1242 liberated Pskov.

Wanting to put a retaliatory blow to the crusaders, he at the same month made a raid on the land of the Order. Having finished with this, Alexander began to retreat east. Having collected their troops in this region, Hermann, Bishop Derptsky, went to the pursuit.

Battle on the Ice

Although her husband's troops were small, they were better equipped than their Russian opponents. The pursuit continued, and on April 5, the army of Alexander stepped on the ice of the Church of the Lake. Crossing the lake, in a narrow place, he was looking for a good defensive position and it turned out to be the eastern shore of the lake, with a protruding from uneven land with ice boulders. Deploying at this place, Alexander built his army, placing infantry into the center, and cavalry for flanks. Arriving on the West Bank, the Crusader's army was built by a wedge, placing heavy cavalry at the head and on the flanks.

Moving along the ice, the crusaders got to the location of the Russian troop Alexander. Their movement slowed down, because they had to overcome the irregularities and carry losses from the archers. When both armies collided, a hand-to-hand fight began. While the battle raged, Alexander ordered his cavalry and horse archers to attack the crusaders from the flanks. Rushing forward, they soon successfully surrounded by the army of Herman and began his beating. Since the battle took such a turn, many crusaders began to make their way back across the lake.

According to the myths, the crusaders began to fall under the ice, but most likely that had fallen a bit. Seeing that the enemy retreats, Alexander allowed him to pursue him only to the West Bank of the Lake. The victim defeat, the crusaders were forced to run to the west.

The consequences of ice clogs

While the loss of Russian losses with sufficient accuracy is not known, it has been established that about 400 Crusaders died and another 50 were captured. After the battle, Alexander proposed the generous conditions of the world, which were quickly adopted by Herman and its allies. The lesions on the Neva and the Lake Muscular actually stopped the west attempts to subjugate Novgorod. Based on a minor event, the ice is subsequently formed the basis of the Russian anti-Western ideology. This legend contributed to the film Alexander NevskiyShot by Sergey Eisenstein in 1938.

The legend and iconography of ice travels in propaganda purposes were treated during World War II as a description of the protection of Russia from the German invaders.