Sport competitions. Running in a dream: interpreting meanings from various dream books

If you dreamed that you won a competition, you will be able to carry out your plans. The presence of problems should not stop you, since it is entirely within your power to overcome them. A number of events will happen soon that will contribute to rapid progress towards your goals.

Look into the future with full confidence that everything will work out for you. Make your plans as if you have already implemented them and don’t doubt your success for a minute.

The meaning of a dream where you managed to win a competition

Did you dream that you won a competition? This good sign. It portends the complete and unconditional capitulation of your competitors as a result of clearly thought-out and verified tactics of action. You will be able to occupy a high position in society and gain authority among your colleagues.

Avoid fuss and haste. It is better to take one, but competent step, than many meaningless and ineffective ones.

Why do you dream that you are competing?

Competing in any sport is a symbol of passion and the desire to win. This sign promises the fulfillment of your plans, but for this you will have to put in a lot of effort. If you don’t stop and overcome all the obstacles in your path, you can count on a decent reward. Perseverance and hard work will pay off in the end.

Work with full dedication, don't feel sorry for yourself and don't give up. Set clear goals for yourself and go towards them, no matter what.

A dream in which I had a chance to participate in competitions

Seeing yourself participating in competitions in a dream means that you will soon find yourself an honored guest at some special event. It will have great importance for your career, but despite all the responsibility of the event, you will be able to have a fun and enjoyable time in the company of like-minded people.

Any competition in night dreams, according to the dream book, is considered to be a kind of model of future incidents that are foreseen to the sleeping person in significance. Before you find out what the competition is about in your dreams, the main thing is to remember its type and the place you occupied in the dreamed event.

Miller's Dream Book about Luck and Difficulties

You dreamed that you were watching a skiing competition from the sidelines, Miller’s dream book warns, and there was a lull in business, the reason for which would be the dreamer’s poor health. together with the group, predicts a noisy event in which you will take part. This will lead to the successful implementation of pre-planned goals. Seeing yourself as if you are participating in a bicycle race is a wonderful opportunity to show everyone your talents.

The type of competition determines future prospects

As the dream book indicates, competitions express a certain resistance that the dreamer wages for superiority in the family or at work. Before you understand why competitions are dreamed of, it is worth paying attention Special attention type of competition in which the person who had the dream happened to participate.

Happy to compete in a race, according to the dream book New Era, predicts the desire to close oneself from feelings and thoughts and begin spiritual knowledge. Winning the first race promises the desire of the sleeping person to distance himself from his surroundings and evaluate his actions.

The modern dream book interprets differently what running competitions mean in dreams. For example, taking a leadership position at the end of a race means a favorable conclusion to all matters. A dreamed water competition predicts large amounts of work, as a result of which you will not be able to rest.

Isn't winning the most important thing?

What you see coming first in a bicycle race will be indicated by Bitch’s dream book. Competing in this sport reflects a person’s desire to realize their own talents, and indeed, to use emerging opportunities. Triumph in the competition predicts new and interesting options.

The female interpreter informs you why you dream of winning competitions in the water. For example, swimming at speed with other people in an indoor pool predicts enhanced love emotions, which can distract the dreamer from important matters and obligations.

Participating in a competition in night dreams in a ski race and winning, the interpreter predicts joyful consequences in matters unpleasant for you. Triumph on the school sports field predicts losses for your enemies.

For a representative of the stronger sex, winning in boxing in a dream means favorable leisure time. For a girl to see a boxing match in a dream, predicts that guys will fight for her.

Brace yourself, it's time for hard work

A dreamed biathlon match is explained by a dream interpreter of the 21st century in terms of future mental and emotional experiences. Jumping on a trampoline, warns about wobbly financial condition a sleeping person due to the senseless waste of a decent amount of money.

Preparing for water tournaments means active and hard work. Seeing yourself as the first participant in any match means that you are expected to carry out unnecessary activities.

Rivalry and competition in reality

Esoteric dream book of dreams about competitions vehicles compares with the anger and aggressiveness of a certain person towards you, which in the future will break out and lead to a great struggle.

The general interpreter connects getting ready for sporting events in a dream with the stress and aggression that a sleeping person feels in reality. Probably, in reality you want to go through some kind of competition, which is reflected by your inner consciousness into these dream visions.

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If you want to know why you dream about running in a dream, then you had a similar dream. By the way, many people “run” or “try to escape” in their sleep - you are not alone in this. To solve the dream, remember the details and read the interpretations different dream books.

Running in a dream, as has already been said, is a common dream, and there can be many reasons for it:

  • Very often running symbolizes haste in thoughts; quick decision making. Perhaps you should slow down and not rush in? Forget about rushing.
  • You can soon expect events that will very soon force you to rush and make decisions quickly.
  • Running alone in a dream - such a dream may indicate that now a person is in a hurry and is in a hurry, in particular in his thoughts; or may indicate the likelihood of future rushes.
  • Are you trying to run, but you can't? Most likely, your dream warns about the ineffectiveness of your haste in something important, or you have chosen the wrong approach to solving a problem.
  • Did you have a running competition in your dream? Did you run a race? Then you will find yourself in competition with someone, and the result will depend on the speed of decision-making.

Sometimes, you can find out why you dream of running in a dream based on the deciphering of the area in which you ran.

  • If you dream that you were running around the house, then you should think about your life. Perhaps you will be in a hurry in family matters or do things that concern your loved ones thoughtlessly and quickly.
  • If you are running around familiar terrain, in your neighborhood or yard, then soon you will be thinking about relationships with the people around you, friends and family.
  • Did you dream that you were running in circles? Perhaps you are fixated on something, thinking about the same thing and do not want to look at this situation from the other side. There is an assumption that soon you will feel “like a trapped squirrel in a wheel.”

What do popular dream books say about running in a dream?

You can find out the meaning of a dream by studying the interpretations of “proven” dream books. Let's find out the common interpretations of running in a dream.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed that you were running not alone, but in the company of several people, then this is a sign that an event awaits you and you will soon find out that your well-being will increase and all your affairs will “go uphill.”

If you run into one, then in life you will overtake your friends in gaining wealth and a fairly high place will await you on the social ladder.

If while “jogging” you fall or stumble, then real life you may lose your reputation or go bankrupt.

If you are trying to run away from danger, then expect loss in life. According to the interpretation of the dream, you will have to desperately fight the current situation.

If in your dream someone is running away from someone, then you will be upset by the failures that befall your friends.

In a dream, you were running after your spouse - you will be burdened by annoying company.

Vanga's Dream Book

In Vanga's dream book you can find different interpretations this dream. You can consider a dream as a signal of impending poverty, illness, loss, if the running was slow. Running fast in a dream can lead to unexpected happiness in reality, the appearance pleasant surprises. If you run barefoot, you will lose money; be careful about your work and business.

The goal you were running after in the dream is important. If you're chasing a simple person, then it becomes a symbol of financial loss. If you are chasing game, expect joy, especially when you achieve your goal.

If you are chasing your spouse, then you should think about diversity in your family life.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

If you are running away from a wild animal, forget about rash actions. If you are running away from a fire, you will have to take measures and definitely check your health. If you are fleeing an attack, listen to your feelings.

If you are trying to run to the bus or plane, then realize your plan today. And if you are chasing a person, the daily race will be very tiring for you.

According to Freud's dream book, running in a dream means a symbol of sexual intimacy. If running brings joy in a dream, it means you are in good physical and sexual shape.

If you are tired of running or you need to run to bad weather– you don’t like sex with your significant other. You may not realize it at first, but you are already thinking about finding a new partner.

Solomon's Dream Book

By this dream book running means poverty and loss.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Running in a dream signals stagnation in your activities, as well as the appearance of internal problems, such as numbness in the legs, etc.

Women's dream book

According to women's dream book, running after other people means that you are in a hurry to get somewhere. The dream book also believes that you will soon take part in some interesting event.

Perhaps significant success in business awaits you. And a lot depends on the atmosphere of sleep. For example, if you fall while running, wait financial difficulties. If you run alone, it means you will be able to take an advantageous place in life. If you run away from danger, you will lose hope of solving problems in the usual way. If it is not you, but someone else who is running away from danger, then warn the children about possible danger.


Try not to take the meaning of the dream to heart; perhaps “running in a dream” does not mean something bad for you and the dream is just a dream. To find out whether this is true or not, carefully study the popular dream books, which are still in great demand, and follow the further recommendations.

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It’s not at all difficult to determine what a competition is about in a dream. It’s enough to remember what sport you dreamed about, who took part in the competition and what you did in your dream. These details will let you know what the future holds for you.

A dream about a figure skating competition speaks of your vulnerability and sensitivity. Often you take what is happening too close to your heart. Try not to worry about trifles and you will see that life is much simpler than you think.

Sport is power

  • A trip to a competition is a long journey.
  • The competition did not take place in a dream - you will change your plans.
  • A competition in which acquaintances participate is a sign of a pleasant meeting.
  • Cheering for someone means worry.
  • Being a judge means solving other people's problems.

As the dream book explains, the competition in which you took part is a dream of interesting events. For example, you may dream that you happened to participate in a ski race. This means that you will receive a favorable offer. And being a runner means learning a new craft.

A dreamer participating in a swimming competition can count on a generous reward for his labors. And if you saw yourself in the image of a boxer, then you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve your goal.

Winning competitions is a good sign. This promises good luck and success in all endeavors. Usually after such a dream a person feels a surge of strength and energy. And if the dreamer had a lot of unresolved matters before this, then in the near future he will easily cope with them.

According to the dream book, winning a competition and receiving a medal means getting rich. And winning a competition and refusing the reward means committing a noble act. Giving in to competitors means feeling your power. And challenging the judges' decision is a mistake.

As the dream book says, any competition seen in a dream is an important sign of fate. Therefore, after such a dream, you should definitely look through the dream interpreter. There you will learn a lot of new and interesting things for yourself. Author: Vera Drobnaya