Google banner sizes. Banners for Google AdWords

Banners for Google AdWords

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Google AdWords is the largest search and contextual advertising service on the Internet. One of the AdWords tools is to conduct advertising campaigns by placing graphic ads - Internet banners.

What banners are placed in Google AdWords?

The following ad types are used:

  • graphic ads without animation (static image in JPG, PNG, GIF formats);
  • animated graphic ads (animated GIF);
  • HTML5 ads.

The maximum allowable weight of a Google AdWords banner, according to TT (Technical Requirements) is 150kb. This limitation applies to any types of banners - static JPG or PNG, animated GIF or HTML5. In the latter case, we are talking about the weight of the ZIP archive containing the HTML5 banner.

A number of requirements also apply to the design of banners in terms of design and common sense. You should not use too catchy “poisonous” color combinations, hard-to-read fonts, low-quality photographs, or annoying or misleading effects (blinking, flashing, etc.).

At the same time, Google AdWords allows you to place motivating buttons with a call to action - CTA (Call to Action), almost any animations and interactive elements on banners, which provides greater freedom in creative development and makes Google AdWords banners an effective advertising tool.

All banners uploaded to an AdWords advertising campaign account undergo a mandatory moderation procedure. Usually the verification takes about a day, after which the status of the image ad in personal account will change from “Under Review” to “Approved” or “Approved with Restrictions.” In the latter case, you will receive a comment from the moderator with recommendations for changes.

Banners without animation (JPG, PNG, GIF).

For static banners (images), the general AdWords requirements for content and size apply.

It is worth paying attention to the readability of fonts, given the display of banners targeting various devices. Do not overload a static banner with a large number of texts. It is better to give priority to the ease of perception of your information.

A banner frame 1px wide can be added by the system, but it is better to immediately provide it in the banner layout. A banner frame is necessary to visually indicate the boundaries of a banner on a website page and allows you to avoid merging advertising material with the page content if the colors of the creative and the background of the page match (for example, white on white).

Animated GIF AdWords banners.

There are a number of specific requirements for AdWords GIF banners:

  • animation speed no more than 5 frames per second;
  • animation duration is no more than 30 seconds;
  • The animation can be played in a loop, but not longer than 30 seconds.

The last requirement is worth paying attention to Special attention and think over the content of the last frame (packshot, pack shot - a still image or final shot showing the advertised product and the advertiser’s contact information), at which the animation will stop. After all, the banner will essentially turn into a static picture, which should contain all the significant information.

If it is necessary to place a separate frame with legal information in small text (disclaimer) on an animated banner, it is better to make such a frame the penultimate one. A banner “frozen” in this frame is an unreasonable waste of the advertising budget.

Based on the experience of conducting advertising campaigns, it is better if the last frame (packshot) on which the animation stops visually contains the main advertising idea of ​​the banner, information about the service or product and a Call to Action (call to action) that is understandable to the user - a button calling for a purchase or get more information.

HTML5 AdWords banner.

Google advertising services are fully adapted for placement various types HTML5 banners are the most relevant and universal type of animated banner advertising. Moreover, it is Google AdWords that sets the standard for the development of this advanced technology.

Google has developed its own editor for creating HTML5 ads - the Google Web Designer program.

However, banners for Google AdWords can be successfully created in other editors, provided that the basic technical requirements of the system are met:

  • the total size of the HTML5 banner zip archive is no more than 150kb;
  • the number of files in the archive is no more than 40;
  • allowed file types: HTML, CSS, JS, GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG and SVG;
  • Links to external resources are prohibited in the banner code (with a number of exceptions regarding Google Fonts and allowed js libraries);
  • mandatory indication of the banner size in the HTML meta tag “ad.size”;
  • mandatory inclusion of the clickTag parameter;
  • The duration of the animation is no more than 30 seconds; it can be played cyclically, but not longer than this time.

The finished HTML5 AdWords banner is downloaded to the advertiser’s account as a ZIP archive.

Google Adwords banner sizes.

AdWords currently offers 20 image ad sizes. Among these sizes, formats of vertical and horizontal orientation, including for display on mobile devices oh, and also on the YouTube video service.

Let's give full list Google Adwords banner sizes:

Square and rectangle

Vertical formats

Horizontal formats

Mobile formats

To describe ad formats, the Google AdWords Rules Center uses quite specific terms, for example, “Triple widescreen ad” or “Wide skyscraper”. However, the peculiarities of translation make these terms not very accurate and convenient to use. For full-fledged work, it is enough to know the size and type of banner format, which we listed above.

The list of image ad sizes is the same for all types of banners: static JPG or PNG images, animated GIF or HTML5 banners. This means that you can use any type of banners at any position and replace them if necessary.

This set of formats is complete and sufficient to launch a media banner campaign on all necessary advertising platforms, both in Google services itself and on Google partner sites. Moreover, most of the banner formats made for Google Adwords, after minor adjustments, you can successfully use in other advertising networks and platforms (for example, Yandex).

It is also worth noting that for some regions the list of permitted Google Adwords banner sizes may vary slightly. For example, the 240x400px format, which is very popular in Russia, is additionally included in this list.

A list of specific regional formats can be found on the Adwords website.

Do you need all 20 formats to run ads in Adwords?

Not at all, you can use only those banner sizes that are needed as part of the planned advertising campaign.

20 sizes are a complete package, covering all possible sites, including rare ones. In practice, you can use banner sets (packages) of 7 - 12 of the most popular sizes.

Our specialists will always help you choose the necessary formats when ordering the production of banners for Google Adwords.

What is a clickTag, and why does Google require it in HTML5 banners?

The clickTag parameter is a variable or, in simpler terms, an intermediate link used Google services to redirect the user to the advertiser’s website after clicking on the banner. Similar parameters are used by all advertising networks.

Let's try to explain in simple language, how it works.

When a user clicks on a banner, a message is sent to the advertising network:

“They clicked on such and such a banner on such and such a site.”

The advertising service takes this event into account in its statistics and tells the user’s browser which page to open for viewing (depending on the advertising campaign settings). On the technical side, the service tells the browser that the clickTag parameter (that is, the address of the advertiser’s website) is equal to, for example, “”.

Why is this necessary?

To account for click statistics, compile reports, and so that the transition address (for example, to another promotional page or landing page) can be simply replaced in the advertising campaign account, without making changes to the banner itself.

At the banner creation stage, the developer does not need to know the URL of the advertised page; it is indicated when adding the banner to Google system Adwords in the advertiser’s personal account. Google AdWords provides the advertiser with a complete set of tools for conducting truly effective advertising campaigns.

Our specialists will help you decide on the necessary types and formats of Internet banners, which will be produced on time and in strict accordance with AdWords technical requirements.

Clients who want to run banner ads on the Google Display Network often ask what the most popular banner sizes are.

Let me remind you of the main options:

  • banner: 468x60;
  • full size banner: 728x90;
  • square: 250x250;
  • small square: 200x200;
  • large rectangle: 336x280;
  • embedded rectangle: 300x250;
  • skyscraper: 120x600;
  • wide skyscraper: 160x600;
  • half page block: 300x600;
  • vertical rectangle: 240x400;
  • large full-size banner: 970x90;
  • billboard: 970x250;
  • large banner for mobile devices: 320x100;
  • mobile full-size banner: 320x50.

To determine the winner, we conducted several studies of advertising campaigns.

Let me clarify that we are talking about graphic ads created by designers for each format, and not about adaptive Google Ads banners.

Experiment No. 1: the best in the “entertainment” theme

The experiment period is May 2018. In total, 328,755 impressions were carried out across Ukraine. Google Ads banner reach results:

Top by coverage:

Top banners by CTR:

  1. Built-in rectangle (300x250).
  2. Large rectangle (336x280).

Experiment No. 2: the best in the gardening theme

We analyzed 762,412 impressions across Russia over a month and a half (April-May 2018). The campaigns had a bid adjustment of -30% for mobile devices and -20% for tablets. Therefore, all conclusions can be considered valid only for desktop platforms. A little visualization of coverage:

Top banners:

  1. Full size banner (728x90).
  2. Banner (468x60).

Top banners by CTR:

  1. Vertical rectangle (240x400).
  2. Wide skyscraper (160x600).
  3. Full size banner (728x90).

Experiment No. 3: the best in the “bulletin board” theme

This experiment was conducted in 2018 from January to May; the sample included 62 million impressions across Ukraine.

Top popular banner sizes:

  1. Full size banner: 728x90.
  2. Built-in rectangle: 300x250.
  3. Banner: 468x60.

Top banners by CTR:

  1. Large rectangle (336x280).
  2. Netboard (580x400).
  3. Billboard (970x250).

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Experiment No. 4: the best metal-plastic windows in the topic

The experiment period is January-May 2018. In total, 11,724,277 impressions were carried out across Ukraine. Google Ads banner reach results:

  1. Built-in rectangle (300x250).
  2. Large rectangle (336x280).
  3. Full size banner (728x90).

CTR data:

Top banners by CTR:

  1. Large rectangle (336x280).
  2. Square (250x250).
  3. Built-in rectangle (300x250) and half-page block (300x600)

Experiment No. 5: the best in the “beauty and health” theme

The sample included more than 2.5 million impressions over six months. Coverage data:

Top most popular banner formats:

  1. Built-in rectangle (300x250).
  2. Full size banner (728x90).
  3. Small square (200x200).

CTR data:

Thus, the most clickable banner formats are:

  1. Half page block (300x600).
  2. Large banner for mobile devices (320x100).
  3. Small square (200x200) and square (250x250).

Experiment No. 6: the best in the “clothes and shoes” theme

The experiment period is March-May 2018. In total, 894,216 impressions were carried out across Ukraine. Google Ads banner reach results:

Top by coverage:

  1. Built-in rectangle (300x250).
  2. Large rectangle (336x280).
  3. Half page block (300x600).

Top banners by CTR:

  1. Large rectangle (336x280).
  2. Full size banner (728x90).
  3. Built-in rectangle (300x250).


  1. In all experiments, two banner formats: 300x250 and 728x90 provide more than 50% coverage. In other words, this is an economical set for those who do not want to bother the designer.
  2. The mandatory gentleman's set of a brand campaign consists of seven banner formats - they provide more than 95% of the total coverage. Another question is what size these banners should be. With a high degree of probability, these formats will include 728x90, 300x250, 160x600, 336x280. But it’s still better not to skimp and make banners of all sizes.

I hope these statistics will help you decide on the best options for banner advertising on the Google Display Network.

Banner advertising opens up wide opportunities for advertisers. A variety of formats and sizes allows you to flexibly manage advertising in accordance with campaign goals. Using banner advertising in Google AdWords, you can not only attract visitors to your site, but also tell about promotions, special offers for your customers, new products and services. The most important thing is that this can be done in the most advantageous manner.

AdWords banner ads appear on the Google Display Network. Display network includes more than 2 million sites and covers about 90% of Internet users. By placing ads here, you can broadcast ads on a variety of resources: websites, videos, mobile applications.

Advantages of banner advertising in Google AdWords:

  1. Increasing brand awareness (product, service, trademark).
  2. Targeted coverage. Advertising is shown only to an interested audience (interests, socio-demographic indicators of the audience, geotargeting, time targeting, the ability to interact with users who have already seen the advertisement - remarketing).
  3. Simple controls.
  4. Launch efficiency.
  5. Ability to place advertising banners on any platform.
  6. Predicted result (impressions, reach, conversions, CTR, etc.).

Finding your audience on the Google Display Network is quite simple. Several targeting options are available to allow you to display ads potential clients V in the right place and at the right time.

Targeting options available for customization in Google Display Network:


    When choosing keywords for a display site, you must be guided by the following principles:

    • breakdown of key queries by thematic principle;
    • combining queries into groups of 5–20 keywords;
    • use of brand queries and queries on competitors’ brands;
    • keywords in a group must be interrelated;
    • using queries consisting of 2–3 words.
  1. Placements.

    You can independently select sites that are close to your audience. For example, when advertising cosmetics, you can select sites for placement that are visited by a female audience - blogs, magazines, Internet portals.

    Select topics to target a range of pages on a specific topic.

    Interests and remarketing.


    • audiences by interests;
    • special audiences;
    • audience of interested buyers.


    Use audiences to find new customers and retain existing ones. Similar audiences and audiences of interested buyers allow you to reach users who are highly likely to become your customers. Remarketing lists will help you re-engage users who were already on your site.

    Demographic data.

    You can select the demographic groups you want to reach. Gender, age and parental status are available for customization. For example, when advertising baby food, we choose to reach a female audience of 20–30 years old who have children.

There are many ad formats available on the Display Network. You can use your own image ads. Supported formats are GIF, JPG, jpg, SWF, ZIP. You can also use responsive ads to display image ads, the size and design of which change depending on the format of the advertising space. You can prepare these ads yourself directly in the Google interface.

  • static banners-images (without animation)
  • animated - GIF, Flash, HTML5. These formats allow you to personalize your design by combining images, animation, and interactive elements.

The requirements for different formats are also different.

Image ads without animation

File types

Formats GIF, JPG, jpg
Maximum size 150 KB
Ad sizes mm

Square and rectangle

200 x 200 Small square
240×400 Vertical rectangle
250×250 Square
300×250 Embedded rectangle
336 x 280 Large rectangle
580 x 400 Netboard


120 x 600 Skyscraper
160×600 Wide skyscraper
300×1050 Book

Full size banner

468×60 Banner
728×90 Full size banner
930×180 Top banner
970 x 90
970 x 250 Notice boards
980×120 Panorama

Mobile devices

300×50 Mobile banner
320×50 Mobile banner
320 x 100 Large mobile banner

Animated image ads

File type GIF
file size No more than 150 KB
Image sizes mm

Square and rectangle

200 x 200 Small square
240×400 Vertical rectangle
250×250 Square
250×360 Triple widescreen ad
300×250 Embedded rectangle
336 x 280 Large rectangle
580 x 400 Netboard


120 x 600 Skyscraper
160×600 Wide skyscraper
300×600 Half page ad
300×1050 Book

Full size banner

468×60 Banner
728×90 Full size banner
930×180 Top banner
970 x 90 Large full size banner
970 x 250 Notice boards
980×120 Panorama

Mobile devices

300×50 Mobile banner
320×50 Mobile banner
320 x 100 Large mobile banner
Animation duration and speed

The duration of the animation should not exceed 30 seconds.

Animated GIF ads must play at no more than 5 frames per second


File types

Formats ZIP archive with HTML files (may also contain CSS, JS, GIF, jpg, JPG, JPEG and SVG files)
Ad sizes mm

Square and rectangle

200 x 200 Small square
240×400 Vertical rectangle
250×250 Square
250×360 Triple widescreen ad
300×250 Embedded rectangle
336 x 280 Large rectangle
580 x 400 Netboard


120 x 600 Skyscraper
160×600 Wide skyscraper
300×600 Half page ad
300×1050 Book

Full size banner

468×60 Banner
728×90 Full size banner
930×180 Top banner
970 x 90 Large full size banner
970 x 250 Notice boards
980×120 Panorama

Mobile devices

300×50 Mobile banner
320×50 Mobile banner
320 x 100 Large mobile banner
Supported File Sizes No more than 150 KB

Be sure to analyze ad statistics. With its help, you can identify the audience segments that are most susceptible to advertising. To increase the number of banner advertising conversions (purchases, calls to the company), adjust the settings based on AdWords data. This will increase the effectiveness of campaigns and allow you to achieve your goals.

How much does Google advertising cost?

The AdWords system works on the principle of an auction. This allows you to save money by receiving best places placement. Three tariff models are offered:

  1. Transfer fee. The best option, If advertising campaign focused on attracting additional traffic.
  2. Payment for impressions. An excellent solution for promoting and popularizing a brand. In this case, the advertisement can be seen by a wide audience belonging to the target group.
  3. Payment for conversion. Using a tool called Conversion Optimizer, you can set a maximum price for a specific action on the site - purchase, order, registration, etc.

If you adhere to all the basic principles and rules for creating and setting up banner advertising on Google, you will definitely find new users interested in your services.

Numerous clients of Demis Group have been convinced that banner advertising on the Google Display Network is effective and fully worth the investment. You also have the opportunity to evaluate the benefits of this method of promoting a brand, product or service.

Want to impress customers with beautiful graphics? With the help of image ads you can attract the attention of users browsing websites in . This network includes thousands of sites and applications - from online newspapers to blogs and Google websites. The combination of images and text will help to interest potential visitors to your web resource.

Let's look at an example. Let's say you sell hand-knitted scarves online and want to attract more customers. Here's how you can do it: Create image ads with photos of scarves and target online clothing and accessories stores on the Display Network. If you are not too worried about sales volume and just want to make your brand more famous, then image ads can be placed on blogs or forums for knitting enthusiasts.

Image Ad - Type AdWords ads, which is an advertising image.

An image ad is an image containing information about your company, products or services. When a user clicks on it, they are taken to your website.

Advertisers often refuse to use image ads in display media due to the need to attract a designer, additional costs and the length of their implementation. But, as practice shows, graphic banners work better in display media than text ones - they take up large area and attract attention with animation, colors and images. In addition, their cost is not much different from the cost of text ads, and can be even lower.

Image ad sizes and formats

Before you create an ad in AdWords, you need to prepare an image of the desired size and format. Its parameters depend on where the advertisement should be displayed: on regular computers or mobile devices.

You can use multiple ad formats in one AdWords account (in some cases, even within the same campaign).

In Google AdWords, you can select an automatically generated ad in the section Ad options. This ad automatically scales to fit any size and ad unit without any effort on your part. This way, you can not only expand the reach of your campaign on the Display Network, but also adapt its characteristics for mobile devices and desktop PCs.

On this moment The following static (non-animated) image file formats are available: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, SWF. Maximum size: 150 KB. The following sizes are supported:

Square (250 x 250)

Rice. 41.2. Image ad in Google AdWords Square (250 x 250).

Small square (200 x 200)

Rice. 41.3. Image ad in Google AdWords Small square (200 x 200).

Ads of this size can be shown at the top or bottom of the page, or to the side of the main text.

Banner (468 x 60)

Rice. 41.4. Google Image Ad AdWords Banner(468 x 60).

Full size banner (728 x 90)

Rice. 41.5. Image ad in Google AdWords Full size banner (728 x 90).

Ads of this size can be shown at the top, middle or bottom of the page.

Built-in rectangle (300 x 250)

Rice. 41.6. Google AdWords Image Ad Inline rectangle (300 x 250).

Ads of this size can be shown at the top or bottom of the page, or to the side of the main text.

Large rectangle (336 x 280)

Rice. 41.7. Image ad in Google AdWords Large rectangle (336 x 280).

Ads of this size can be shown at the top or bottom of the page, or to the side of the main text.

Skyscraper (120 x 600)

Rice. 41.8. Image ad in Google AdWords Skyscraper (120 x 600).

Ads in this format can appear on the left or right side of the page.

Wide skyscraper (160 x 600)

Rice. 41.9. Image ad in Google AdWords Wide skyscraper (160 x 600).

How to Create an Image Ad in Google AdWords

There are two different ways to create an image ad:

  1. Take advantage of the options that AdWords creates based on your existing text ads and images from your site. All you have to do is select the appropriate files, changing them if necessary.
  2. Upload a ready-made image ad.

To get image ad options, follow these steps:

  1. Click Campaigns.
  2. ads.
  3. Click the button + ANNOUNCEMENT and select Image ad.

An image ad cannot be created if you have selected the campaign type “Display Network -> Interaction”, “Display Network Only -> Settings” mobile application" or "Display Network Only -> Mobile App Interaction."

Rice. 41.10. Creating an image ad in Google AdWords.
  1. In the Choose How to Create an Image Ad dialog box, click the pencil icon and enter your site URL.
  2. Click the button Create an ad.

The system will create ad variations related to the content of your site.

  1. Find the most suitable one, and then click on the link in its window View all options.
  2. Under Select Ad Size, select the checkboxes next to the layouts you want and click OK.
  3. In the View Ad Options window, click the drop-down menu Select ad group, go to the desired campaign and click on the ad group name.
  4. Click the button Update options.
  5. Click OK.

To upload an image ad, follow these steps:

  1. Click Campaigns.
  2. On this page, open the tab ads.
  3. Click the button + ANNOUNCEMENT and select Image ad.
  4. In the Choose How to Create an Image Ad dialog box, click Upload ad.
  5. Drag or select files for your image ad.
  6. Select your ad group and enter the required information.
  7. Click the button Save.

How to create effective image ads?

Display ads give you a lot of room for experimentation: by combining templates, colors and content, you can make your advertising catchy and attractive.

Make the call to action prominent, such as on a button

This is especially important if the ad is graphic-based, as the user may not know which part of the ad to click on to reach the landing page. And if the style of the ad and the site are truly similar, it may not even be clear to customers that this is an advertisement! Don't make users guess and spend a long time searching for a link.

Additionally, people want to know what they will see when they click on your ad: Additional information, offer to purchase or something else. Let potential clients know in advance what they might see.

Rice. 41.11. Call to action on the button.

Make your ad proportional

The text and images in the display ad block should be proportional to each other, as well as to the size of the ad as a whole. Test your ad in all sizes and change images if necessary. To achieve best results, follow these tips:

  • Images must be clear and easily distinguishable and consistent with the outline of the ad. They should not be circumcised.
  • The text should be as simple, clear and readable as possible. Lines of text must be complete and meaningful. There is nothing worse than shortened text!

Experiment with various options advertisements

Having trouble coming up with an interesting ad? Use templates to create content based on your existing image ads and images from your site. After this, all you have to do is select the appropriate options and correct them if necessary.

Include prices and special offers in your ad.

If you have something exclusive, please let us know. Users resort to Internet searches to obtain more information and make choices. To ensure that they contact you specifically, mention in your advertising something that might interest them.

Use words like special offer , coupons, discounts, promotional codes And sale so that visitors immediately become interested in your promotions.

Create a relevant landing page

Analyze the landing page - the section of the website to which the ad leads. Use a clear call to action to attract visitors. For example, if your ad includes the phrase “Call Us,” be sure to include a business phone number on the landing page. And if your ad says “Limited Offer,” be sure to add that information to your landing page.

Use ads in different sizes

Create three or four ads in each group with different text and images, and then compare them. AdWords can automatically select the best performing options and show them more often. This will allow you to act based on practical data, rather than guesswork.

Be more mobile

Show: phones, smartphones, tablet PCs.

How to order advertising in Google AdWords

Don’t want to delve into the basics of Google AdWords contextual advertising? Contact the professionals! We will perform preliminary analytics for you free of charge. To do this you need to register and with the type Google account AdWords. After 4-8 business hours, we will send the results, which will include information on the average cost per click, audience size, budget forecast and instructions for further actions.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.