Invalid dns address. The DNS server does not respond: what to do in this situation

Users usually start the troubleshooting process when they encounter a yellow exclamation mark on the Internet icon. After the procedure, the system may display the message “DNS server is not responding.” What this means and how to deal with it, we will tell you in the article. The solution may be trivial (for example, rebooting the router or changing the browser), in some situations you will have to check the functionality of the DNS service or clear the cache.

What does this error mean?

Most people don't know what a DNS server is or what it's for. Each resource on the Internet has its own IP address, consisting of 4 bytes. But the user is not able to remember the numeric addresses of numerous sites, so domain names (names of sites that you enter into the address bar) were invented. The DNS server serves to associate a domain with an IP address, so that the user gets to the desired resource.

Now that you know what DNS is, you can understand why your computer won't connect to the Internet. Typically, the DNS server is unavailable due to network problems. Problems with the provider may well be the cause of this error. But there may be situations when the source of the problem is your computer. In the following chapters, you will learn what to do if the DNS service is not responding.

Primary actions

If you encounter the DNS server is not responding message, do not panic, because the problem may not be the resource itself, but the device. Recommends performing a number of simple steps that will solve the problem in most situations:

  • Reboot your computer and router. Unplug the router and leave it turned off for a few minutes. Turn on your router and then boot up your computer.
  • Change your browser. If the error appears in your browser window, try a few alternatives.
  • Update your network drivers. The outdated driver is common cause the error under discussion. Download the necessary software from the official website of your network card manufacturer.

Contact the provider

After the initial steps, contact your provider to find out why the server is not responding. The provider may require your full name, contract number, model of the router used or other information. If the problem is on the side of the service provider, you do not need to perform any manipulations. It is enough to wait for corrections. Otherwise, proceed to the subsequent paragraphs of the article.

Checking the DNS client service

The DNS client may be disabled on the computer. In this situation, all previous steps will be ineffective. The following instructions will help you check the client’s status and enable it:

Now you know one of the reasons why the DNS server is not responding. Activating the client will clear the error so you can freely use the Internet.

Changing addresses or settings of DNS servers

Client activity does not guarantee full functionality. Incorrectly configured settings may limit access to the global network. As a rule, the settings include the option to automatically obtain DNS addresses, but the router may give them incorrectly. You must set the addresses manually. Follow these steps to make the correct setup:

You can also obtain DNS server addresses from your ISP. Now you know how to fix the DNS server not responding error.

Clearing the DNS cache

To speed up access to specific sites, the computer caches information about DNS servers. The information is located in the Windows system partition. Often this cache is out of date and therefore leads to incorrect operation system, which becomes the cause of the already known error. The solution to the problem is simple - clear the cache. The procedure is performed using the command line or restarting the appropriate client.

To get in command line possible in the following ways:

  • Windows 10: Right-click Start and then select Command Prompt (Admin).
  • Windows 7/8/8.1. Press Win + R, type cmd and press Enter.

On the command line itself, enter the following commands in sequence:

  • ipconfig /flushDNS;
  • ipconfig /registerDNS;
  • ipconfig /release;
  • ipconfig /renew;
  • netsh winsock reset.

After each of them, press Enter. The final step is to restart your computer. Clearing the cache will help solve connection problems when DNS is not responding. Alternative way– restart the client. To do this, enter the list of services (described in detail in the DNS service check paragraph). Right-click on the desired line and click “Restart”.

If you encounter problems accessing websites, we recommend that you regularly clear your cache.

Setting up a firewall

Windows has its own security features. Their list includes “Windows Firewall” (or in other words, firewall). A firewall can block access to resources that it considers potentially dangerous to your computer. If you are confident in the reliability of the resources you are using, you can disable the firewall on your computer.

Disabling occurs in a few clicks:

Attention! On some systems, the firewall settings will be unavailable, as their powers will be taken over by the antivirus. In this situation, you will have to temporarily disable your antivirus to change the settings. Disabling FireWall in in some cases removes the message “no access to DNS server y".

Checking the system for viruses

On Windows 10 and other OS versions, the “DNS server is not responding” message may be caused by malware. Viruses can completely block access to the network or to individual Internet resources. It is recommended to scan the system with an antivirus or using Live media (for example, a flash drive).

VPN and other programs

To solve the problem when the DNS server does not respond, specialized software will help, which allows you to manually install a server from the list of available ones. Bright representative in this segment – ​​DNS Jumper. The program does not require installation. The application can select a service automatically, but if necessary, the user can manually set the desired server.

The modern Internet is nothing more than a multitude of different computers, laptops and mobile devices interconnected into one network. Essentially, all these devices are servers. After all, each of them has an IP address, which is unique. It is thanks to IP that devices are identified on the global network.

At the same time, the Internet requires two types of servers: main and auxiliary. The first one is used to host user sites. Depending on how much information is sent and received, the server can store different number sites - from one (,, to many thousands. The second type is represented by auxiliary servers, which help the main network operate, providing overall interaction. One type of such auxiliary devices is DNS servers.

What is a DNS server and what is it used for?

A DNS server is essentially a computer, but not quite. It serves to host a distributed database that is part of the Domain Name System (DNS), which is used to receive, transmit, and communicate to users information about domains of interest. DNS servers are connected to a network and interact with each other using a specific protocol.

A simpler description can be given. With the help of a DNS server, the correspondence of the site’s familiar name to its IP address is determined. This information is stored in a constantly updated database.

Let's look at the whole sequence in practice. The browser in which the user opens the site initially contacts the DNS server and notifies it that it wants to find and get to the site whose address is entered in the text field of the address bar. Go ahead. The DNS server determines from its database where in the network the site with that name is located, matching it with the IP address of the server with the resource located on it and sends a request there. As a result, a response is generated, consisting of a set of various files that make up the site itself (HTML documents, images and tables, CSS styles) and is sent to the user’s browser.

Where are the DNS server settings and how to find out its address in Windows 7

Let's consider a situation where a user on his computer is running Windows control 7 calmly “travels” on the Internet.

This means that the DNS server is working. You can verify this by going through the “Administration” tab of the control panel in the “Services” menu and look at the status of the DNS client. The service must be enabled when the automatic startup type is selected.

In order to find out the DNS server address, you should use the ipconfig /all command by entering it in the command line of the cmd.exe utility running as administrator.

How to install and configure: instructions

The DNS server is connected when configuring the network protocol.

  1. Startup sequence:
  2. Select a network connection at the bottom of the desktop (right in the tray) by clicking on the corresponding icon, and in the pop-up window that opens, follow the link to the network connection management tab.
  3. Select a valid connection and in the window that opens, click the “Properties” button.
  4. Select the TCP/IPv4 Internet Protocol properties settings tab.

It should be noted that such automatic configuration is only possible if the DHCP client service is enabled, which ensures the launch and operation of a DHCP server on the network. Its settings can be viewed and changed by selecting the appropriate item in the open system services window of the “Administration” tab of the control panel.

During automatic configuration, the provider's DNS servers are used. This is not always advisable, as difficulties may arise. For example, the provider’s servers are not always able to cope with the resulting load and do not perform filtering. In this case, it is preferable to connect through large, well-known companies.

Yandex DNS servers:

  • 88.8.8;
  • 88.8.1.

Google DNS servers:

  • 8.8.8;
  • 8.4.4.

OpenDNS DNS servers:

  • 67.222.222;
  • 67.220.220.

Depending on the selected company, a pair of addresses is entered in the Internet Protocol properties window in the fields of the preferred and alternative DNS server when the radio button for using them is checked.

Possible problems and ways to solve them

If you have problems accessing the Internet, then do not rush to get upset. It is quite possible that this happened due to problems with the DNS server.

Main problems:

  • the Internet disappears and it is impossible to open a single site;
  • sites do not open in the browser, but the torrent client continues to work;
  • When you try to reboot the network adapter, the process freezes;
  • It is impossible to restart the DNS client, and an error is displayed.

It may happen that your provider has enabled blocking of some DNS servers, or the addresses specified in the network protocol settings have become unavailable. The solution to the problem is very simple. First, try changing the DNS server addresses, and if this doesn’t work, then turn on their automatic retrieval. If the problem is not solved, then you should look for another reason or contact a service center.

Video: What to do if DNS is not responding and how to fix other problems

DHCP server and its difference from DNS

A DHCP server is an auxiliary type of server containing a network protocol that provides dynamic host configuration at the stage of automatic configuration of any network device connected to the Internet. The network administrator sets only the range of addresses. In this case, there is no manual configuration and, accordingly, the number of errors that occur is reduced. This happens because the server automatically distributes addresses between computers in accordance with the specified range. Most TCP/IP networks operate using the DHCP protocol.

Some PC users may encounter problems connecting to the Internet, and when troubleshooting, the system displays the message “The computer settings are configured correctly, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding.” In most cases, this error occurs on computers with installed Windows 7, but similar problems cannot be ruled out on other Windows operating systems. In this article I will tell you what the DNS server is not responsible for error, what are the reasons for its occurrence, and how to fix it.

As you know, a DNS server can be called either an application created to respond to requests via the DNS protocol, or the host on which this application is running.

The Domain Name System (DNS) itself is used to obtain an IP address from the host name (the user enters in the address bar of the browser letter name site, and the DNS system translates this name into an IP address), for mail routing, and so on.

Causes of the “DNS server is not responding” error

So, what are the causes of the error “Your computer settings are configured correctly, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding”? I would note the following:

How to fix the error “The computer settings are configured correctly but the device or DNS resource is not responding”

So, if you are facing dysfunction device or resource (DNS server) is not responding, then do the following:

  • Reboot the system. One of the most trivial solutions is often quite effective;
  • Reboot your router. Unplug the power cord from the router, wait a minute, then plug the plug back in and turn on the device. The device memory will be cleared and it is possible that the problem DNS server is not responding will be resolved;

  • Use automatic IP and DNS server address from Google. Click the "Start" button and type in the search bar ncpa.cpl and press enter. Find your Internet connection in the list of connections, right-click on it and select “Properties”.

In the list of components, find Internet Protocol version 4, double-click on it, and in the properties window that appears, activate the “Obtain an IP address automatically” option.

At the bottom, click on the option “Use the following DNS server addresses”, and write the address in the first line, and in the other. Check the “Confirm settings on exit” option and click “OK” at the bottom. Then try to reboot the system and go to the website you need on the network;

  • Try updating your DNS settings. Open a command prompt as administrator (Click on “Start” and type in the search bar cmd, a program icon with the same name will appear at the top, right-click on it and select “Run as administrator”). Then enter the following commands one by one, remembering to press “Enter” after each of them:

ipconfig / flushdns

ipconfig / registerdns

ipconfig /release

ipconfig /renew

netsh winsock reset

Then reboot your system, and it is possible that the question “how to fix the error device or resource (DNS server) is not responding” will be resolved.

  • Try setting the physical address as the network address in the network adapter settings. To do this, open the command prompt again with administrator rights as described above, type ipconfig /all in it and press enter .

The screen will display network parameters your system, pay attention to the “Physical Address”, consisting of letters and numbers (for example, 2A-3F-8E-B9-30-C9). Copy it onto your paper.

Now click on the “Start” button, in the search bar enter ncpa.cpl and press enter. Select an active Internet connection, right-click on it and select “Properties”.

After opening the properties window, click on “Configure” next to the name of your network card, in the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab, click on the “ Network addresses", activate the "value" option and there enter the physical address you wrote down earlier (without hyphens). Confirm the changes, then open your browser and try to access the desired site;

  • Check your PC for virus programs(Dr.Web CureIt!, Trojan Remover, Malware Anti-Malware and a number of others programs are suitable);
  • Temporarily disable your firewall and antivirus, and then try to access the network, this may help with the question of how to fix the error: the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding;
  • Check the operation of the DNS client service. Click on the "Start" button, enter in the search bar services.msc and press enter. In the services window that opens, find “DNS client”, double-click on it, and check that the startup type is set to “Automatic”. You can also try restarting this service.

Video solution

When analyzing the dysfunction “the computer settings are configured correctly, but the device or DNS resource is not responding,” you should first of all try to restart the router, and also update the DNS settings using the appropriate commands given above. If these tips do not help, try the entire range of solutions I gave above, they will help solve the described problem in the vast majority of cases.

In contact with

This article will discuss the situation when, when connecting to the Internet, the system reports that the DNS server is not responding. Fixing this problem is quite simple; all you need to do is follow the recommendations from the article.

To fix the problem you will need to follow these instructions:

1. Open "Start" and go to menu "Control Panel" .

2. In a new window, go to the section "Administration" and then open the link "Services" .

3. Find in the list of services "DNS client" and check if this service is running. If not, right-click on it, and then go to the item "Properties" .

4. In the window that appears, in the column "Startup type" set the parameter "Automatically" . Save your changes before exiting.

If everything is fine with this service, then you additionally need to perform some more actions:

1) Open "Start" and go to menu "Control Panel" . Open section "Network and Sharing Center" .

2) In the new window, pay attention to the right side and open the menu "Change adapter settings" .

This article will discuss the situation when, when connecting to the Internet, the system reports that the DNS server is not responding. Fixing this problem is quite simple; all you need to do is follow the recommendations from the article.

To fix the problem you will need to follow these instructions:

1. Open Start and go to Control Panel.

2. In the new window, go to the "Administration" section, and then open the "Services" link.

3. Find “DNS Client” in the list of services and check if this service is running. If not, right-click on it, and then go to “Properties”.

4. In the window that appears, in the “Startup type” column, select the “Automatic” option. Save your changes before exiting.

If everything is fine with this service, then you additionally need to perform some more actions:

1) Open Start and go to Control Panel. Open the Network and Sharing Center section.

2) In the new window, pay attention to the right side and open the “Change adapter settings” menu.

3) Right-click on your Internet connection and select “Properties”.

4) In the list of components we need “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”. Select it with one click, and then click the activated “Properties” button.

5) More than likely, in the window that opens you will have the option “Obtain DNS server address automatically” checked. It needs to be changed to “Use the following DNS server addresses.”

6) In the “Preferred DNS Server” column, enter 8. 8. 8. 8, and in the “Alternative DMS Server” column, enter 8. 8. 4. 4. These parameters are the public addresses of Google servers.

If these actions do not bring results, then there may be a problem with the operating system itself. You can perform a system rollback to the restore point when the problem did not yet make itself felt. To do this, open “Start” and use the search to find the “System Restore” menu. Open it and roll back the OS. Please note that after performing the restore, the computer will need to be rebooted.

What to do if the DNS server does not respond?

When the DNS server does not respond, it’s a shame not to know what to do. After all, all the equipment is in good order, there are funds on the balance sheet. But there is no Internet itself due to a banal error in the settings. At the same time, you cannot complain about a breakdown of your laptop or computer; the modem is in perfect order and the provider itself has no problems. But don’t worry, the settings change within a minute and are updated almost instantly. This will be discussed below.

Why are DNS servers needed?

Before moving on to the problem, you need to understand what DNS servers are. By accessing any page located on the network, you gain access to a specific section of the remote server. This directory stores files that the browser interprets and provides information to you in the form of an information page. Each server has its own IP address, which is used to gain access. This practice was convenient when the Internet was a network of several dozen servers. The set of numbers was ideal for scientists accustomed to strict consistency and hierarchy of data. But once the Internet moved beyond the laboratory and became a public entertainment network, the need arose for some other way to identify sites. In order to meet the growing demands of the audience, domains consisting of Latin characters were introduced. Several years ago, their Cyrillic counterparts appeared for visitors from the CIS.

Watch a video about how DNS servers work:

DNS servers exist to correctly redirect from IP to domains.

What problems might arise?

Who most often has problems with servers? Most susceptible to it are owners of modems who do not want or cannot switch to the connection option using network cable. In the last few years, such a failure has become very common among providers from Belarus. If you are not using a wireless connection, this problem can only occur if you changed something in the Internet settings yourself. Or as a consequence of a virus or other malicious software affecting the system. Then, first of all, check the activity of your firewall and the activity of your antivirus. Both programs have been disabled long time without your knowledge? A reason to worry about your network security. Often the problem occurs with a factory modem that the user decided to configure himself. Missing several points in the instructions or inconsistently performing moves leads to the appearance of such an unpleasant notification.

DNS server is not responding, how to fix it?

What can we do without having access to the network:

  1. Reboot the modem. The simplest and effective method, just reboot the device. Helps with eliminating most minor troubles if a problem arose during use. After a reboot, the equipment returns to the original parameters that were at the time of startup.
  2. Check if the DNS address is specified correctly in the settings. To do this, we need “Internet Protocol v4”, which can be found in the properties of “connections via local network" You can find out the required address from your provider; it must be indicated in the documents issued to you.
  3. Update the drivers for the network card. This manipulation helps solve the problem if the previous driver did not work correctly.
  4. Check your antivirus and firewall settings again. Some systems block access to the network through wireless network or specific IPs. Go to settings and make sure everything is in order.

Device or resource DNS server is not responding

All these methods are designed to assume that the provider does not have any problems, and the problem lies in your lost settings or a faulty network card. But sometimes things may be different. Due to congestion or purely technical problems, the operator does not have enough capacity, and some of its DNS servers are not working. No amount of “dancing with a tambourine” will help you in such a situation, because the problem was not created by you.

In this case, there are two generally accepted solutions. If you do not have an urgent need to gain access in the next few minutes, simply notify the operator about the current situation and demand the fastest possible solution. But you understand perfectly well that any malfunction requires a certain time to eliminate it. The servers will start working in a few hours, your time will be wasted. If deadlines are running out, important work has not been completed, or you urgently need to contact someone, the proposed option is not suitable. If you have a DNS client service running, you can use Google's DNS. Most often, the user makes the mistake of changing the server settings to connect using a network cable, leaving the data for wireless connections the same. If you are afraid of confusion, change the parameters in both fields; this will not reduce the performance of your laptop or computer.

What if it's not a malfunction?

Public access points and workplaces often block access to certain resources. The list of “undesirable” sites includes:

  1. Social media.
  2. Online cinemas.
  3. Torrents.
  4. Resources with prohibited content.

In this case, you can also correct the situation in two ways. Either talk to the network administrator and ask to remove the restriction, or use anonymity tools. Most bans help bypass proxy servers. Dozens of websites and browser extensions are now available, thanks to which even a beginner can understand the issue. More advanced users can use the TOR or i2p browser. For visiting social networks these last two options will not work.

When the DNS server does not respond, not all experienced network users know what to do. It is enough to call the provider at the main office and ask him to quickly resolve the problem. Even if she is on your side, the employees will explain what needs to be done and in what order.

Video lesson

What to do if the DNS server is unavailable

The problem when the DNS server does not respond persistently haunts users of the Russian segment of the global network. Although you can easily get rid of most of the difficulties that arise simply by reconfiguring the DNS for the proper functioning of the Internet on the user’s computer.

If the DNS server is unavailable, and all the user’s devices are in good condition and are missing financial debts before the provider, then, as a rule, there is no access to the World Wide Web due to incorrect settings. You just need to know how to correct errors in the settings and there will be no difficulties with Internet access.

Below is detailed guide To fix the problem, you just need to strictly follow all the sequential steps of the instructions.

What are DNS servers used for?

What is it and why are DNS servers needed? When going to any website on the Internet, a certain directory on the server becomes available to the user. This section stores information that the user's computer's Internet browser reproduces in the form of a familiar web page. All servers have an individual “IP” through which login is made.

The main requirement for DNS is that they provide accurate redirection from the “IP address” to domains that no longer have a digital address, but an alphabetic one. For example, the Internet resource “” has a domain name of “nastrojkin” and a zone of “.ru”. On the World Wide Web, this site has an IP - The DNS service, if necessary, allows the user to access, gives the digital address, because machines can only understand digital codes, not letters. However, sometimes it happens that the servers do not work correctly and then an unpleasant message is displayed on the user’s monitor: “The DNS server is not responding.”

A yellow triangle with “!” appears on the Set panel. inside.

Instructions for troubleshooting

The following sequential steps must be performed:

When the above service is running, but there is still no Internet access, you need to take the following steps:

If there is no access to the Internet after carefully following the above steps, most likely there are errors directly in the operation of Windows. You can use the well-known function of rolling back the OS to a time when everything worked fine. To this end, you only need to take a few steps:

  1. Through “Start” open the “System Restore” window;
  2. Select a restore point and roll back the system.
  3. Restart PC.

Most common difficulties

Often, such difficulties arise when users entered network settings incorrectly or because the computer was infected with malicious applications. Therefore, it is recommended to make sure that the anti-virus databases of the installed utility are up to date and that the firewall is active.

Sometimes problems appear due to incorrectly entered parameters in the interface of your router or banal omissions of some items in its settings.

Beginning users of high-speed Internet access, due to their lack of any experience with computer networks, periodically encounter various problems, which a more experienced user or IT specialist would solve “one or two”. One of these common problems is the error: DNS server is not responding. The most interesting thing is that Internet access itself usually works fine, Skype and ICQ also work, but the pages in the browser do not open. What to do?

Let's first figure it out - what kind of server is this and what is it for?!

What is DNS, how does it work?!

As you already know the names of sites in global page made in letter form so that they can be easily read and subsequently easily remembered. But the computer network itself (both local and Internet) is built on digital IP addresses. That is, behind a beautiful symbolic name there is a set of numbers hidden.

So DNS (from the English Domain Name System) is a complex step-by-step hierarchical system, which stores all information about the symbolic names of nodes on the Internet and quickly allows you to convert an address from one type to another. For example, you want to go to the website and enter it in the browser. Your computer sends the DNS server a request like:

"What is the IP address of the site"

DNS checks information against its database or contacts higher-level servers. The resulting result will be like this:

"The site has an IP address of"

It is sent back to the computer that sent the request. Thus, if the DNS server does not respond or there are some problems with it, then the user will not be able to open any site or page. And yes, Internet access itself will work great, like all programs that access hosts directly via IP. But the browser will not open the page. If the DNS server does not respond, then in the browser Google Chrome(and all others on this platform) will display the error: net err name not resolved. Example:

That is, the browser cannot perform the resolv operation - that is, it cannot convert a letter address into a digital one and displays the message "Name not resolved".

Let's look at what options there may be to solve the DNS problem.

If the DNS server does not respond, change it!

Each more or less large provider has its own DNS servers. And all network settings are made in such a way that when a subscriber connects, he automatically receives everything he needs to work. Including the addresses of the necessary servers. But not everyone can boast of a stable job. Some telecom operators generally leave their DNS at the “as is” level, without paying due attention to it. But in the end, it works very poorly, problems constantly arise with it and it crashes, causing users to receive errors like “The DNS server is not responding.” The use of public servers from the largest IT companies in the world will help solve the problem. I prefer to use Google public servers:

Or from Yandex:

How to register them in Windows 10?! Very simple! Click the Start button and open Operating System Settings. We need the "Network and Internet" section:

In the menu on the left, you need to select the type of connection through which you access the Internet, and on the right, click on the link “Configure adapter settings.” A window should open " Network connections Windows":

Right-click on the connection icon and select “Properties” from the menu that appears. The following window will open:

Here you need to find and double-click on the line “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” to open the Internet Protocol properties window:

Here you need to check the “Use the following DNS server addresses” checkbox at the bottom of the window. After this, two fields below will become available, in which you need to enter DNS IP addresses. Above you see an example with Google servers, and below - from Yandex:

After that, click on the OK button to apply the changes. Now we launch the browser again. The "err name not resolved" error should be resolved.

The antivirus has blocked DNS and it is not responding!

In some cases, the cause of problems with access to the Internet is an overly active antivirus, or rather its network module - Firewall or Firewall. He may not like any request and will easily block access to a particular site on the Internet. Or, as an option, it can block the operation of the Windows DNS client and it will not be able to send or receive requests, which means normal operation The PC on the global web will be paralyzed and the error “DNS server is not responding” will start to appear.

Therefore, when such a picture appears, for diagnostic purposes, it is worth trying to briefly disable the Firewall of the antivirus, as well as the Web Anti-Virus module, if it is present in your security system.

In the case where your Firewall is installed separately, you must also suspend its operation for the duration of the diagnostics.

If after this the problems with the DNS stop and the sites begin to open normally, the reason must be looked for in the firewall rules. By the way, don’t forget to turn it back on, otherwise you risk getting a number of other problems due to malware activity on the network.

Windows DNS client does not work

For how the operating room Windows system contacts the DNS server, a special network module - the DNS client - responds. It is he who is responsible for sending and receiving requests for domain names. But sometimes it can start to fail. First you need to restart it. Right-click on the computer icon on the desktop and select the “Manage” menu item:

In the “Computer Management” window that opens, select the “Services” section. On the left will be displayed full list all available Windows 10 system services. Find the DNS client line in it:

We check that the status column has the value “Running”. After that, right-click on the line and select the “DNS client” item. In the menu that appears, select "Restart".

Note: If the client is disabled or suspended for any reason, you must enable it again. To do this, double-click on this line to open the service properties:

We check that the startup type is set to “Automatic”. After that, click on the “Run” button. Checking Internet access.

When all else fails

If, despite all the steps taken above, your pages still cannot open, your browser writes “net err name not resolved,” and Windows throws up the error “DNS server is not responding,” then a global failure of the operating system is most likely to blame. To finally verify this, try connecting another PC, laptop or tablet instead of your computer. If everything works perfectly on it, then only restoring windows will help. To use it, go to windows settings 10 and select the "Update and Security" section:

Here you need to go to the “Recovery” subsection and find the “Return the computer to its original state” item. Click on the "Start" button and follow the instructions of the wizard. After the procedure has been completed, you will receive a working operating system with completely restored to original condition system files. You can check Internet access.

How to solve DNS server problems

Before you find out why the DNS server is not responding or unavailable, as well as solving other problems with it, it is important to get information about the server itself or refresh your memory if you have dealt with this before. The DNS server is designed to provide information, communication between computers on the network and other similar operations. The abbreviation DNS itself stands for Domain Name System, which means their totality. For clarity, let's look at a small example.

Sometimes there may be problems with the DNS server, but they can be solved if you follow all the instructions

Let's imagine that all computers on the network are people who are assigned a number at birth (for a PC on the network this is an IP address). For even greater understanding, we will assume that the address in question belongs to some site. So, so that people don’t get confused with numbers, they give each other names. In our case, this will be the name of the site, that is, what you type in the address bar of your browser. But people understand names, but machines need numbers, which is why IP addresses exist. Thus, to ensure this exchange between alphabetic and digital data, a domain name system was invented, which stores in its memory the correspondence of IP addresses and site names. If you access, for example, and the DNS server at your Internet provider has fallen, then you will not go to the site, but will see an error warning. Now, if we understand a little about the essence of this service, we can move on to solving the problem.

Can't find address

What to do if you can’t find the DNS server address? This problem is also very common, but there can be many reasons for its occurrence. Therefore, we will consider the most popular:

  1. First, be sure to check the operation of your router (that is, there may be a problem with the connection you are using). You can reboot your Wi-Fi router or a wired modem, then try logging into the site again.
  2. Secondly, you may experience a failure on the provider side, then you should contact them directly. This will significantly save your time and nerves.
  3. The browser used to access the Internet is also important, which may also be the reason why it is not possible to resolve the DNS server address. Try using a different program or application.
  4. If problems occur only on one of your devices, then you should definitely correct its settings. First, you can try to check whether the client service itself is running. Launch Control Panel on your computer or laptop. Open the “Administration” item, where, in turn, launch “Services”. In the “General” tab, check the following parameters: startup type should be automatic, status “Running”. If it is turned off, then click the “Run” button in the same window.
  5. If you cannot find the server address on only one or two sites, then it is likely that the error lies in the site itself. Then it will be enough to wait some time until the work is restored. It's also worth trying out on multiple devices. If the problem occurs at all, then we turn to the second point above.
  6. If the methods described above do not help, try using the Microsoft FixIt utility, which can be downloaded for free from the official website ( It can also help if you are unable to resolve the server's DNS address.

DNS server is not responding

So what should you do if your DNS server isn't responding? Now we will solve this unpleasant problem. Please note that this solution is also suitable if the server's DNS address cannot be resolved. We will look at several ways to eliminate this problem, since there is no single “ lifebuoy", unfortunately no.

Switch to DNS from Google

  1. First, you will need to clarify the question: is the DNS client running on your device (computer or laptop)? To do this, write “Run” in the “Start” search bar and run the found utility. In the field of the window that appears, enter services.msc. Now, in the list of services that appears, find the client we need. If it has an automatic startup option and operating status, then move on to the next point. Otherwise, set these items according to the specified criteria.
  2. Next, you will need to switch to public domain name systems from search giant Google. The only thing you should pay attention to is that when working with some providers, redirection to a page with a notification about the end of funds in your personal account may not work. But if this is not a critical problem for you, and the correct operation of the server is more important to you, then we will describe to you how to do this.
  3. Launch Network and Sharing Center in your computer's Control Panel. Open the “Change adapter settings” tab, where you need to select the one from which your Internet works. If you have both a wired and wireless connection, then configure both adapters just in case to avoid conflict situations.
  4. Right-click on it and in properties select “Internet Protocol Version 4”, where we will also need properties.
  5. In the "General" tab, enter the following parameters:
  • The preferred DNS server will be
  • The alternative will be the following:
  1. Click OK and close all settings. Check if the problem is resolved. Usually, in most cases, switching to Google's DNS helps when the DNS server does not respond or the server's DNS address cannot be resolved. Therefore, we hope that everything was resolved successfully for you too.

  1. Network problems. You need to check that the server has an active allowed connection: check the client’s hardware settings, as well as their serviceability. Make sure you can communicate with other devices or modems that are on the same network as the DNS server. To do this, you can easily use the ping command.
  2. If the previous solution did not help, then you need to perform an additional check. Using the nslookup command, check the ability of your server to respond to clients themselves if the DNS server does not respond.
  3. It happens that the browser writes that it cannot find the address. It is possible that the IP address you are interested in simply needs to be added to the list of restricted interfaces for the server (addresses allowed for servicing). This solution will help those users who had a setting on the server to limit the IP addresses that need a response.
  4. Be sure to check your computer for viruses or malicious codes using a special anti-virus utility. Very often, computer or network problems arise due to viruses on your PC or laptop. Therefore, do not omit this item under any circumstances and conduct a deep scan and, if necessary, clean up of infected files.


Dear friends, today we learned how to solve several problems, namely, what to do if: the DNS server does not respond or is unavailable, you cannot find the DNS server address or convert the DNS server address. We hope that you were able to resolve this issue and it no longer torments you with its presence. Please note that most methods are suitable in almost all cases, so try using universal solutions first and then specific solutions.