Liarsin for dogs - instructions for use. Liarsine for cats: general information. application, dosage Instructions and dosage

IN last years There is a pronounced interest in homeopathic medicines, which has developed not only in medicine, but also in veterinary medicine. As a rule, such drugs are cheaper than “traditional” drugs, and in some cases they show only slightly worse effectiveness. One of the most interesting and effective compounds of this type is Liarsin.

This is the name of a unique homeopathic composition, which some veterinarians jokingly call “Panacea”. The respectful nickname is due to the fact that the drug has a pronounced beneficial effect on almost all organs and tissues of the body. This is due to the exceptionally precisely selected composition, the development of which leading veterinary pharmacists worked for a long time.

So, The first component is white arsenic, also known as Arsenicum album. A powerful poison, used in homeopathy since ancient times. Arsenic has a pronounced specific feature, expressed in instant binding to proteins (especially muscle fibrin). Back in the Middle Ages, this feature of the toxic compound was widely used by people involved in exhausting physical work.

They noticed that when taking small doses of arsenic, muscle endurance sharply increased, so much so that you could work for hours without feeling tired or tired at all. In addition, this substance has a pronounced antibacterial effect, as it destroys the membranes of bacterial cells. Of course, use arsenic as antimicrobial agent- not the best idea, but still, in homeopathic doses, it is really capable of providing a sick cat with considerable help.

Release form

The drug Liarsin is produced in two forms: solutions for injection, as well as in tablet form. Solutions can be packaged in glass bottles of 10 and 100 ml, closed with rubber stoppers and aluminum caps, as well as in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml. This solution can be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly; it is possible that it can be used as drops for oral administration.

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The tablets are packaged in blisters made of plastic and food-grade aluminum foil, and packaged in cardboard boxes (with a capacity of two to five blisters, that is, 20 and 50 tablets each). Please note that before use you need to review the drug being used: a cloudy solution and a drug with sediment, as well as pills that have changed color and contain large amounts of impurities, are strictly prohibited for use in treating animals.

Other components

The second component is the natural alkaloid lycopodine. Its closest analogue is atropine (also an alkaloid, widely used in veterinary medicine and medicine). Like atropine, lycopodine acts on the peripheral part of the nervous system, has an effect on vascular system the whole body. Moreover, this effect is most pronounced in relation to older dogs that experience age problems with the cardiovascular system.

In veterinary practice there have been many cases where injections of this drug for a long time supported good quality lives of elderly “giants”: Great Danes, St. Bernards and other dogs large breeds, especially predisposed to heart and vascular diseases.

The substance phytosterol, which is a component of this alkaloid, is also very beneficial for the dog’s body. This unique stimulant of natural origin, ensuring improved functioning of all endocrine glands. Again, this can have an extremely beneficial effect on your health. old dog experiencing age-related problems. In particular, cases are reported when, after a course of Liarsin, elderly bitches managed to bear full-fledged, healthy puppies.

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Also phytosterol “spurs up” all regeneration processes in the body. It is also very useful for older animals, as well as dogs recovering from a serious illness or surgery. Finally, lycopodine contains organic forms of silicon. Due to this, the drug is able to provide significant assistance to the animal’s liver, accelerating the conversion of toxins into an insoluble form. Toxins are removed from the body, and the dog’s health improves significantly.

In what cases should the drug be used?

Indications for use are very broad and include dozens of a wide variety of diseases characteristic of both old and young animals:

  • All pathologies of the kidneys and excretory system, including cases of nephritis, nephrosis, kidney stones and bladder stones. Veterinarians believe that the phytosterol contained in the drug can destroy small stones! In some cases, you can avoid expensive and complex operation, significantly improving the quality of life of a pet suffering from advanced cases of chronic renal failure.
  • The same can be said about liver diseases, and Liarsin has a pronounced effect on dogs. positive effect even in advanced cases of hepatitis and, easing the dog’s condition even with cirrhosis. Of course, in the latter case there is no talk of recovery, but still the pet’s lifespan will increase noticeably.
  • Joint diseases, including age-related

Homeopathy is a rather controversial area, but it is still impossible not to admit that some homeopathic medicines actually have a pronounced positive effect on the body of sick animals. Sometimes there are truly unique remedies that have a complex effect. Liarsin is one of these.

That's what the special is called homeopathic medicine, intended for a complex effect on the animal’s body in order to normalize the functioning of all its systems. The manufacturer reports that the product is especially effective in cases of serious functional disorders of protein and mineral metabolism; it helps to normalize the condition of the entire body after serious illnesses and in the postoperative period.

During the entire testing period no side effects were identified, no episodes of drug overdose were recorded either. In rare cases, it is possible to develop allergic reactions, which is due to the individual sensitivity of some individuals to the components used in the composition.

Available in the form of injection solutions (can be used as drops) and tablets. The first ones are packaged in glass bottles of 10 and 100 ml. The bottles are closed with rubber stoppers and rolled with aluminum caps. In addition, you can find the drug on sale in ampoules of 2 and 5 ml. The tablets are packaged in blisters made of aluminum foil and food-grade plastic. Available in packs of 20 and 50 pieces.

When should the medicine be used?

Below we list the main cases and situations when the drug Liarsin will be especially useful. Here is a short list of them:

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These are the indications for use. As you can see, they include almost all types of pathologies that any cat breeder may encounter in practice.

Basic information about the composition of the drug

The composition includes a large number of alkaloids. Of course, in fact they are quite strong poisons plant origin, but in homeopathic doses they have the most beneficial effect on the cat’s body. It manifests itself most clearly in relation to the central nervous system(more precisely, the medicine mainly acts on its parasympathetic department).

The drug also contains three particularly important connections, due to which the product has a beneficial effect on almost all organs and systems of the animal. Firstly, it is lycopodine. The closest analogue is atropine, which is also a natural alkaloid. The substance is a natural regulator salt metabolism, when introduced into the body, it prevents age-related changes blood vessels. Accordingly, it is for this reason that the medicine is very useful for old cats, “burdened” with diseases characteristic of older pets.

Behind useful action Phytosterol, which is part of the above-mentioned alkaloid, also “responds”. It is a natural stimulator of many processes occurring every minute in a living organism. In particular, it ensures the uninterrupted functioning of the internal endocrine glands and the hematopoietic system, enhances nonspecific defense mechanisms cat's body. The compound is also capable of restoring to some extent the reproductive function of aging animals and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it significantly stimulates regeneration processes, which is especially useful in the postoperative period. There is also evidence that phytosterol is capable of destroying small stones in the kidneys, urinary and gall bladders.

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In addition, the alkaloid contains organic silicon, which has a beneficial effect on liver function. It promotes the rapid binding of toxins, converting them into insoluble form and evacuating toxic substances into the external environment. In addition, this compound is beneficial for the kidneys, which begin to work more actively, “sending out” toxins from the body.

Arsenicum album (White arsenic)

Of course, arsenic is a generally recognized poison, known to mankind for a long time. But it has also been known since ancient times that in microscopic doses this harmful substance can have a very positive effect on the body. In particular, it is expressed in a sharp increase in the endurance of muscle tissue.

In addition, it has been proven that homeopathic amounts of arsenic help reduce pathological vascular porosity (which often happens with infectious diseases and generalized forms of allergic reactions). Thanks to arsenic, it is possible to significantly reduce the intensity of accumulation of effusion in the abdominal and chest cavities, which in some situations will certainly save the cat’s life.

Even ancient healers found out that this poison can be successfully used to relieve severe inflammatory and purulent processes, even in cases where they are fraught with the development of gangrene and massive tissue necrosis. Thus, Liarsin for cats can be used in especially severe cases, when the animal’s life is in great danger.

Phosphorus (Phosphorus)

The third substance included in the composition we are describing medicine. Phosphorus is extremely important for the normal functioning of the body, as it is a key element of many biological compounds, including enzymes, hormones, etc., without which the cat’s life itself would be impossible. They participate in all biochemical processes. Thus, it is not at all surprising that microscopic doses of phosphorus can “reconfigure” errant biological metabolic processes in organism.

Surely, you once wondered - is there a universal pill for cats for everything?

Today we will introduce you to a homeopathic medicine with such possibilities that you will find the answer to your question. Liarsine for cats - will work when other drugs fail.

The drug is indispensable for regulating all types of metabolism in a cat’s body (protein, carbohydrate, fat). Liarsin also copes with problems gastrointestinal tract, in addition, it has another magical function, which you will learn about further.

Such a systemic effect occurs thanks to the three components of the Liarsina formula. Are you wondering what these components are?

Instructions for use Liarsin for cats

The homeopathic “for everything” tablet contains:

  • Lycopodium is a substance that has a beneficial effect on the liver, and, therefore, works against disorders of protein metabolism in the body;
  • Arsenicum album - has proven itself in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as all types of gastritis, glossitis, ulcerative stomatitis, but in addition, it is good for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, pulmonary problems, kidney diseases and all kinds of dermatitis;
  • Phosphorus – is responsible for nervous regulation and also for the gastrointestinal tract.

It's time to tell you what is the indication for prescribing Liarsin to your pet:

  • piroplasmosis;
  • urticaria, furunculosis, scrofulous skin diseases with weeping eczema, dermatitis, dermatoses;
  • , gastroenteritis, dyspepsia, including toxic, intestinal dysbiosis;
  • degenerative acute and chronic pancreatitis;
  • liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty degeneration;
  • age of the animal.

By the way, geriatrics (age-related decline) is accompanied by a bunch of all kinds of disorders in the body, and Liarsin for cats perfectly corrects them. It is important that the veterinarian signs correct courses treatment and dosage.

Are you ready to record your dosages?


The miracle product was developed by the Hel-vet company, which has representative offices in Moscow, Minsk, and Kiev. In any country, Liarsin is available in standard packaging. If this is an injection form, then in bottles of 10 and 100 ml, if tableted, then in jars of 50 tablets.

Injections of this drug prescribed by a veterinarian can be administered intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously.

When chronic form illnesses the course of treatment is 4 weeks, 2-3 injections per day.

Single dose – 0.5-2.0 ml Liarsin.

Tablets are given up to 6 times a day acute phase diseases.

A quick effect will occur if you give the cat tablets every quarter of an hour for 2 hours.

Chronic diseases are treated with “liarsine” 2-3 times a day for a month.

One dose = 1 tablet.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of Liarsin are its systematic nature and high efficiency.

But the fact that it is not always on sale can be attributed to disadvantages.


Side effects

Reviews of the use of the drug Liarsin for cats

Alyona:“I have noticed more than once that Liarsin does not give any side effects or allergic reactions in my animals. Our veterinarian prescribes Liarsin to the cat for prophylaxis - the cat, it is not clear why, often did a lot of tests - nothing was found. They started injecting Liarsin in a course of 5 days (two injections a day) and the problem slowly went away.”

Evgeniya:“We left the cat with my mother during my husband and I’s New Year’s trip, and when we returned, we were scared. The cat lay there and didn’t react to anything. He felt nauseous and lost his appetite completely. We rushed to the veterinarian and began getting tested. It turned out that . The parents admitted that they fed the cat from the New Year's table. We were prescribed a 10-day course of Liarsin along with other restorative medications. Within two days my appetite returned.”

Svetlana:“We took Liarsin tablets for the first time four years ago, when the cat started having problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Then they gave her medicine for a month. Since then we have been drinking from time to time. We were prescribed it again when a tick was found in a cat’s fur at the dacha. For piroplasmosis, Liarsin was already injected to stop vomiting. There was definitely an effect!”

Nina:“We have encountered Liarsin more than once or twice and have long realized how multifunctional it is. I had to give it both to restore the coat and when there were problems with urinary system. But now that my pets are older, I give them Liarsin in the off-season for prevention.”

Loose stools, vomiting, and frequent illness are common signs of metabolic disorders. To eliminate them, metabolic normalizers are used, which include liarsine for the treatment and prevention of cat diseases. Homeopathic remedy has wide range actions, allowing to normalize the pet’s condition in case of impaired activity of the liver, pancreas and other organs, causing symptoms intoxication and impaired digestion.

Composition and release form

The therapeutic effect is dictated by three ingredients - Lycopodium, Phosphorus and Arsenicum album, classified as polychrestas. The components included in Liarsin are natural regulators of metabolic processes. The composition also contains excipients: granulated sugar, sodium chloride, calcium stearate (only in tablets).

Liarsine is a homeopathic medicine intended for the treatment of cats.

The product is produced by a Russian company (AlexAnn) in two forms - tablets (20 and 50 pcs) and ampoule bottles (100 and 10 ml) intended for injection. The solid version of the medication has a small tablet volume (snow-white color), as well as a pleasant taste and smell, which simplify the process of administering the drug as a food additive. The rounded edges also make swallowing easier.

Fact. Medicinal components contained in ultra-small quantities do not accumulate in the body of cats.

Indications for use of the drug

Common purpose - degenerative changes in liver cells (hepatocytes), which lead to the appearance of cirrhosis, fatty degeneration of the organ and others. Changes in its structure are also diagnosed during hepatitis infection.

Rational use for:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • piroplasmosis;
  • weeping eczema;
  • hives;
  • furunculosis.

If dermal problems are dictated food allergies, then taking Liarsin is also rational. For preventive purposes, it is used for weak gastrointestinal tract, as well as frequent intestinal and toxic dysbiosis.

Liarsine is used for liver problems in cats.

Among cat owners, another method is used, associated with taking Liarsin, in the case when the kitten is separated from the mother cat during the feeding period. Introduction homeopathic remedy allows you to prevent when changing the type of food.

Important. Older cats are at risk for developing urinary and digestive systems, and course therapy with Liarsin helps maintain the health of an aging pet.

Contraindications for use

The instructions contain no stated restrictions on use, except for the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. There are also no restrictions on the age of the animal when taking Liarsin.

Instructions for use and dosage for cats

A single injection involves the administration of 1 ml of Liarsin for medium-sized cats, 0.5 ml for kittens, and up to 2 ml for large pets. In severe cases, administration is carried out 2 times a day for 25–27 days.

Common therapy options (ampoules):

  1. Prevention. 2-3 injections are carried out in a course with breaks of 7-10 days.
  2. Treatment. Injections are given at intervals of 4 to 6 times with a time interval between injections of 1–2 days.

The dosage of the drug Liarsin is calculated based on the weight of the cat.

Prophylactic injections will be repeated 2 or 3 times a year, usually in spring and autumn. When using tablets, observe daily norm: 1 tablet is given to both adult animals and kittens. It is allowed to mix the tablet with food.

Features of introducing tablets into the diet:

  1. Prevention. 1 tablet daily for 14 days.
  2. Treatment. Without breaks, 1 table. within 14–30 days.

In the presence of chronic diseases, the number of tablets taken can be increased by the veterinarian to two (taken in the morning and evening). During the therapy period, the instructions indicate the permissibility of combined use of animal products with Liarsin. For elimination clinical signs gastritis, it is possible to feed a homeopathic supplement up to 4-6 times a day. Duration - until the painful condition disappears.

Advice. To make the injection easier for the animal, it is permissible to inject it not into the withers, but into the leg or other place where there are muscles.

Side effects of the drug

Negative reactions occur only with an overdose, which disrupts the process of assimilation of the components of the veterinary drug. Diarrhea, weakness, itching are common consequences of violating the recommendations specified in the instructions.

Side effects appear only if the drug was not used according to instructions.

Veterinarians often prescribe this remedy with other medicinal medications, including Veracol. With most drugs, toxic reactions do not develop when taken simultaneously.

Pharmacological properties of Liarsin

The components of the drug, which are included in the polychresty group, do not have pronounced pharmacological effects characteristic of drugs - antiseptic, antipruritic or laxative. The ingredients deliver missing elements to the body (iodine, potassium, etc.), allowing the body to independently restore the regulation of all internal processes.

Liarsin, as a homeopathic drug, is not a medicine in the traditional sense, therefore it is not recommended for use in acute attacks of the disease or as a drug for stand-alone treatment. It is better to combine it with medications if the pet’s life is at risk.

Fact. The use of Liarsin normalizes appetite in most pets.

Features of drug storage

Liarsin should be stored in a dry place with the lid tightly closed. Variations temperature regime- from +3 to +25 gr.

An open bottle of Liarsin for injection is stored for no more than 28 days.

Best before date:

  • Pills. From the moment of manufacture they are stored for 5 years; after opening, the shelf life does not change.
  • Ampoules. 3 years from the date of production, an open bottle is stored for no more than 28 days. The opened bottle should be stored in the refrigerator.

The special smell of the product may be of interest to children, so children’s access to the drug should be limited. However, Liarsin is not a highly toxic drug, since the assigned hazard class is type 4 (low toxic).

The medicine Liarsin for dogs is often used. After all, now almost all dog breeders know that dogs can have the same diseases as humans. Luckily, there are pharmaceuticals that can help with this.

Dogs often chew dirty things and objects that are not intended for food. Also, during play, animals love to bite off toys. If such an object enters the stomach, the dog’s well-being may worsen. Sometimes there are problems with the liver and metabolism, so in most cases the veterinarian prescribes this particular drug. Let's consider how the tablets act on the animal's body, for what diseases, and what dose of the drug can be given to the animal.

In what cases should Liarsin be taken?

The drug is prescribed to dogs of different age categories. Before using the drug, you must first consult a veterinarian and, if necessary, undergo necessary tests. Only after an examination can the doctor prescribe the drug. So, the medicine should be given to dogs that have the following health problems:

  • metabolic disorders due to poor nutrition;
  • inflammatory processes in the body, especially the liver;
  • excess fat deposition in tissue;
  • with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, small intestine;
  • in case of violation of the ratio and composition of microorganisms inhabiting the intestines;
  • for indigestion;
  • in case of toxic poisoning;
  • impaired renal function;
  • diseases skin protracted nature (boils, eczema, dermatitis);
  • after an intestinal infection;
  • V rehabilitation period after the dog has whelped;
  • age-related changes.

The drug has no contraindications. Side effects are observed only in case of individual intolerance to a specific element included in the composition. The medicine can be given to the dog as a prophylactic to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. How to give the drug as a preventative measure should also be discussed with your veterinarian.

Composition and action of tablets

The instructions for use of Liarsin tablets for dogs contain information about the components, so this drug is constantly used in veterinary practice. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the composition of the medicine immediately before administering it to your animal. The tool consists of several elements:

Lycopodine- is an alkaloid that relieves muscle pain and also reduces the threat of formation chronic disease blood vessels, acute disorder cerebral circulation.

Phytosterol- biostimulant for activating hematopoietic organs, works well on endocrine system, enhancing the production of necessary hormones. Phosphorus is important for improving the exchange of elements.

If your pet is not picky about food and eats well, you can purchase the substance in pill form. All three components have a good effect on the animal’s body. It is worth noting that the functionality of all organs depends on metabolic disorders.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug is effective for many liver and kidney diseases, including chronic diseases, dermatological diseases, so it is considered universal remedy. However, like any drug, liarsine has a precisely defined dosage. Therefore, the instructions for use of Liarsin for dogs contain the following information:

  1. medium-sized dogs are required to receive 2 pills per day;
  2. large breeds - 3 pills;
  3. Small puppies should be given one tablet.

The treatment period is about 3 weeks. In certain cases, for example, in case of severe infectious diseases, the veterinarian may extend the medication. However, you should not overdo it in treatment. Even including the fact that the medicine has no side effects, you should not prescribe the dosage yourself. Since you cannot be 100% sure that the dog’s well-being will not worsen. If you follow your doctor's advice correctly side effects does not arise.

How to give a dog a pill

Sometimes animals can swallow the medicine themselves, but these are very rare cases. The dog does not like such procedures and has to constantly come up with options for the medicine to enter the body. The most common method involves opening the animal's mouth and placing a pill on the tongue. Let's take a closer look:

  1. Big and index fingers Gently press on the hole between the teeth. This manipulation is necessary for the dog to open its mouth slightly;
  2. Carefully, but with a swift movement, place the pill on the root of the tongue;
  3. Raise your head up while stroking the animal's throat. Thus, the dog reflexively swallows the tablet;
  4. If the tablet is successfully absorbed, praise the animal.

If the procedure doesn’t work the first time, it’s okay. The dog will resist such a procedure and resist. Over time, she will stop being afraid. Remember, the deeper the tablet is placed on the tongue, the less likely it is that the dog will be able to spit out the medicine.

Dog breeders' opinions

People who have used Liarsin for dogs on the recommendation of a veterinarian have only positive feedback. Because we are satisfied with the medical result. “Liarsin” will help renew liver cells and has a positive effect on kidney function. Stimulates the work of various glands, forms a protective barrier against skin diseases, both in acute and protracted periods. The drug is indispensable for pneumonia of various etiologies, bronchitis and croup.

The advantage of the medicine is its cosmetic effect - the eyes and fur of your pets will acquire an amazing healthy shine and brightness. The product has no contraindications and belongs to non-hazardous substances. It does not accumulate in the body, but is excreted almost entirely by the kidneys. The only limitation is sensitivity to the product. However, the attachment to this will help you figure it out. medicine instructions for use.

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