Lesson summary "Generalization of the theme" Communion ". Morphological analysis of the participles."

Morphological parsing communion ">

Russian language
7th grade

§ 25. Morphological analysis of the participle

The order of parsing the sacrament

  1. Part of speech. Overall value.
  2. Morphological signs.
    1. Initial form(nominative singular male).
    2. Permanent signs: a) real or passive; b) time; c) view.
    3. Not persistent signs: a) full or short form (for passive participles); b) case (for participles in full form); c) number; d) genus.
  3. Syntactic role.

Sample parsing

The steppe, which cooled down during the night, is shrouded in a gray fog.

Oral analysis

Cooled down- participle.

First, it denotes a feature by action: steppe(what?) cooled down.

Secondly, the initial form cooled down has constant morphological signs: a real participle, past tense, perfect kind.

Used here in nominative, singular, in feminine- these are its fickle signs.

Third, the sentence is the definition.

Written analysis

Cooled down- participle.

  1. Steppe(which?) cooled down.
  2. N. f - cooled.

    Fast. - valid, pros. vr., owls. view; unpost - I. p., Unit. h., w. R.

  3. Which steppe? cooled down .

152. Read the text aloud using enumerated intonation. Parse the participles: two in writing, the rest orally.

Kolya painted the fields that were harvested at the end of August. A large series of watercolors depicted either a field before the rain, or a river and bushes, dutifully calming down in anticipation of an impending thunderstorm, then the smooth surface of meadows, sewn with the first threads of rain, or a loosened sky that had just been washed by a recent rainstorm, watered valleys, trees with heavy foliage.

(According to L. Cassil)


Scheme of morphological analysis of the declined verb form - participles

I. Select the verb form from the text and name its type.

II. Specify initial form - infinitive.

III. Install lexical meaning words.

IV. Having posed the question, indicate the general categorical and grammatical meaning.

V. Describe the morphological features of the verb

1. Kind: perfect or imperfect, indicate:

but). general and particular meaning of the species;

b). grammatical features;

in). type in relation to the category of the species: correlative in kind (to determine how a species pair is formed) or inappropriate in kind: two-species or one-species (name the meaning).

2. Returnable or non-returnable, correlative in terms of return or not.

3. Transient or intransient, indicate the value.

4. Having highlighted the formative bases, determine the class of the verb: productive or unproductive.

5. Conjugation: I, II, non-conjugated, archaic conjugation.

Vi. Determine how the participle is formed: from what stem, with what suffix.

Vii. :

1. Collateral: real or passive, name the meaning and indicator.

2. Time: present or past (name the indicator); indicate a relative temporary value (prior, simultaneous, subsequent action).

3. In full or short form (for passive participles).

4. Number (indicate means of expression).

5. Genus (indicate means of expression).


1. Kind of connection with other words.

2. Role in the proposal.

Sample analysis

German fascist troops, defeated The Red Army soon surrendered.

I. Defeated

II. To win .

III. To win - “something. Defeat someone else. " [Ozhegov, Shvedova, p. 527].

IV. Answers the question: what to do?

V. from which the participle is formed:

1. Perfect look:

won - will win ;

victorious - defeated;


to conquer - win , the species pair is formed by the suffix method, as well as by alternating d // railway '.

2. Non-returnable, irrelevant in terms of return.

3. Transient: Indicates an action that transitions to a direct object.

4. The basis of the infinitive is to win- (win be), the basis of the future tense is victories yat).

5. Form of the 3rd l. pl. h. - win, shock subspecies, II conjugation (at the end).

yenn -:

-winning-+ -enn- → defeated

(and abbreviated to j: u> j, * dj> zhd ’- iota tion in the late common Slavic era).

Vii. Morphological features of the participle:

1. Passive voice: denotes a sign of an object for a tested action, an indicator - a suffix - yenn -.

yenn -

3. In the context, used in full form, indicator - ending - s.

4. In pl. h; OPS - ending - s.

5. The genus cannot be determined, since in plural. h., SS - noun form. troops(noun stands in the plural form, in I. p.)

VIII. Syntactic features participles:

1. Defeated(by whom?) army: connection with a noun army- verb control, the participle controls the noun, putting it in the form of T. p.; troops defeated: connection with a noun troops- agreement, participle is consistent with the noun in number and case.

Old poet, late having achieved fame, hated and feared beginners.

(Guy de Maupassant)

I. Achieved - declined verb form, participle.

II. To achieve .

III. To achieve - “To achieve something. after the effort. " [Ozhegov, Shvedova, p. 169].

IV. Answers the question: what to do? The general categorical and grammatical meaning is a procedural feature of the subject.

V. Morphological features of the verb from which the participle is formed:

1. Perfect look:

but). denotes an action limited by a limit, a private value - cash-efficient;

b). grammatical features:

In the indicative mood, it has the forms of two tenses - the past and the future: achieved - will achieve;

Forms a synthetic form of the future tense;

Forms only past participles: having achieved;

Perfect participle: having achieved;

Does not combine with phase verbs;

Does not combine with words indicating the duration and repetition of the action;

in). the verb is correlative in appearance, forms a species pair: to achieve - achieve , the species pair is formed by the suffix method.

2. Returnable, irrelevant in terms of return.

3. Intransitive: denotes an action that does not transition to a direct object.

4. The basis of the infinitive is add- (add stay), the basis of the future tense is add'- (add they are).

The ratio of the bases -and ... -t'-: productive, V class.

5. Form of the 3rd l. pl. h. - will achieve, shock subspecies, I conjugation (at the end).

Vi. The participle is formed from the stem of the infinitive (past tense) by adding the suffix - lice -:

-dobi-+ -vsh- → achieved.

Vii. Morphological features of the participle:

1. Actual pledge: denotes the attribute of the subject by the action performed, the indicator - the suffix - lice -.

2. Elapsed tense: denotes a sign of an object by action, manifested before the moment of speech, an indicator - a suffix - lice -; relative temporal meaning: denotes the action preceding the action of the predicate verb.

3. Used only in full form, indicator - ending - ui.

4. In unit. h; OPS - ending - ui.

5. In m. P ​​.; SS - noun form. poet (noun m. r. stands in the form of a singular h., I. p.).

VIII. Syntactic features of the participle:

1. Achieved(what?) notoriety: connection with a noun notoriety- verb control, the participle controls the noun, putting it in the form of R. p .; poet having achieved: connection with a noun poet- agreement, the participle is consistent with the noun in gender, number and case.

2. The offer includes stand-alone definition, expressed by the participle.

OPS is the main paradigmatic tool.

SS is a syntagmatic agent.

I... General grammatical meaning (attribute of a subject by action)

What is the initial form (masculine, singular, nominative)?

what is he doing? what did you do? + from which verb it is derived

II... Persistent signs:

Real or passive

Returnable or irrevocable

Time (present or past)

Irregular signs:

Full or short form (for passive participles)

Genus (singular only)

Death (at full participles)

III. Which member of the clause is (syntactic role)

The fields are already compressed.

I. Fields (what are? What are made?) Are compressed - participle, denotes a sign of an object in action

Beginning of Philosophy: which one? condensed, derived from the verb - to compress

II. Post.pr .: suffering, non-return, sov.v., last time

Non-permanent ex .: in short form, plural.

III. In a sentence, it is the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

Morphological analysis of the participle

I. General grammatical meaning (additional action to the main action)

Initial form: from which verb it is derived

II. Persistent signs:

Irregular signs:


I was walking along the road trying notice their tracks.

I. Walked (what doing? How?) Trying - gerunds, denotes an additional action

Initial ph .: formed from the verb - try

II. Constant ex .: inconsistent view

Non-permanent ex .: immutable.

Morphological parsing of a numeral name

I. General grammatical meaning (number of objects, counting order)

Initial form (nominative) - how much? which?

II. Persistent signs:

Quantitative (whole, fractional, collective) or ordinal

Simple, complex or compound

Irregular signs:

Genus if there is

Lives in the black sea one hundred and eighty species of fish.

I. Kinds (how many?) One hundred and eighty - numeral, denotes the number of objects

Beginning F.: one hundred and eighty

II. Constant ex .: quantity, integer, composite

Nonpost.pr .: in i.p., has no gender and number

III. In a sentence, is the subject.

Morphological parsing of the pronoun

I. General grammatical meaning (indicates an object, its sign and quantity,

without naming them)

Initial form (nominative)

II. Persistent signs:

Order by value (for personal - face)

Irregular signs:

Number (if any)

Rod (if any)

III. Which member of the clause is (syntactic role)

to me Fifteen years.

I. Fifteen years old (to whom?) Me - pronoun, indicates a face

Head of Philosophy: who? I

II. Post: personal, 1 person unit number

Non-postal: in d.p.

III. The sentence is an indirect addition.

Morphological parsing of an adverb

I. General grammatical meaning (a sign of an action or a sign of another sign)

Initial form (if it is an adverb that has degrees of comparison)

II. Persistent signs:

Group by value

Irregular signs:



III. Which member of the clause is (syntactic role)

Kolya jumped higher.

I. Jumped (how?) Higher - an adverb, denotes a sign of action

Beginning business: high

II. Constant ex: actions

Non-permanent: unchanged, in a simple comparison. degree

III. The sentence is a circumstance.

Morphological parsing of words of the category of state

I. General grammatical meaning (state)

The initial form is for homonymous adverbs that have degrees of comparison

II. Persistent signs:

Bit by value

Irregular signs:



III. Which member of the clause is (syntactic role)

The street is very light.

I. On the street (what is it?) Light - the word of the category of state, denotes the state

II. Const.pr .: state of nature

Non-permanent: non-permanent

III. In a sentence, it is a predicate.

Morphological analysis of a preposition

I. Grammatical role (what it serves for)

II. Morphological features:

Bit by value

Simple or compound

Derivative or non-derivative

What case is used

Unchangeable word

III. Which member of the proposal is.

By anxious jackdaws darted across the sky.

I. Po - a preposition, expresses the dependence of the noun sky on the verb rushed

II. Morph.ex .: reckoning a place, simple, unproductive, used with d.p., unchanged. word

III. Not a member of the proposal.

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The grammatical signs of participles, unfortunately, are not revealed by any one dictionary. This part of speech is rather difficult to learn, and tutorials, teachers do not always present such topics in an accessible way. Therefore, we have to figure it out ourselves, look for participle examples, study the morphological analysis of the participle online in order to master the information at a high level.

The participles are associated with verbs, but answer the questions of the adjective: which one? which? etc. For example: Learn - Recognized, Run - Runner. To "guess" this part of speech is obtained using suffixes, they are highlighted in the article.

The participles, when they indicate an action performed by someone on their own, are called valid. If this action is performed on someone, then this is a passive participle. Examples: Gone - left by himself - valid pledge, asphalted - he was asphalted - passive.

Morphological analysis of a participle is the definition of grammatical features. Some of the signs of the participle are taken from adjectives (case, gender, number). The participles are always associated with some noun: the cafe (which one?) Is closed, the story (which one?) Is read. For example: READ MAGAZINES- instrumental case, plural... To the purchased ticket - unity. number, dative male. The initial form is considered a unit. number, m. genus, names. case.

The participles can be short: aware, closed, sawn, combed. Short words in the sentence will be predicates (this is their syntactic role). Complete are definitions.

The rest of the signs are from the verb. For a better understanding of them, you need to study here the morphological analysis of the participle online for free. The signs are associated with the verb from which the participle originated: to throw is a transitive, irreversible, perfect verb. This means that the participle "thrown" is also irrevocable, transitional, perfected. species. The time of the sacrament is not difficult to determine by the meaning: the shooter - is shooting now - the present, the SEEED - he has already been seen - the past. It is important to remember: there is never a future tense for the sacraments!

Let's remember the terminology. Transitivity allows you to associate with a noun in the accusative or genitive without a pretext. Those. can you defeat someone? or what? - laziness, opponent, fighter. Therefore, "overcome" - transitive verb, and "conquered" is a transitional participle.

The perfect form of a verb if it answers the question "what to do?" Imperfect view - the question "what to do?"

The reflexivity of a participle, a verb is the presence of -СЬ- or -СЯ- at the end. Otherwise, they are considered irrevocable.

If it is difficult to identify the signs, you can use the suffix information. By suffixes, it is easy to find out whether it is real or passive, as well as the time:

For valid present tense, the suffix will be -УЩ -, - УЩ -, - АЩ- or –ЯЩ-;

The valid past has suffixes -Ш- or -ВШ-;

The passive present tense is distinguished by the suffix -OM-, -EM- or -IM-;

Passionate of the past - with the suffix -НН-, -ENN- or -Т-.

We present the morphological analysis of the participle sample, and we will analyze the participle from the sentence: "Clouds floated over the falling asleep village."

(Above) falling asleep - the sacrament.

1. Above the village (what?) - falling asleep. The initial form is falling asleep.

2. Permanent (ie unchangeable) signs: real, real. time, imperfect species; Non-permanent (change from text to text) signs: unity. number, husband. gender, instrumental.

3. Settlement (what?) Falling asleep. The sentence will be a definition, underline with a wavy line.