Birthday October 6th zodiac sign. Don't hide your feelings

Libra is the zodiac sign of people born on October 6th. They are outgoing, energetic individuals who strive to make the world a better place.


People who were born on this day really want to do better life other people through teachings and deeds. And this does not always apply to everyday work, because Libras do not consider themselves officials. The incentive for their action is satisfaction from the knowledge of what they are doing, they like entertainment, and the desire to make their life better.

Libras born on this day are used to living to the fullest, because for them this is one big adventure, but they hate routine. They find all ordinary tasks tedious, and they try to make them easier, realizing that this is a necessary waste of energy. This simplification will leave them more time for doing things they love, relaxing and having fun, but they are in danger of getting carried away by their feelings in pursuit of novelty and impressions.

People of this day will be great and friends because they have fun with these people. Their appearance will give any party a frivolous mood, because they are always the center of attention. They love to be admired, given compliments, and they themselves give their energy to others.

Sign compatibility

Libra and Aries. They are a good match physically, but that's where their similarities end. Although Aries is independent, he will demand from Libra, but Libra is not decisive and will not be able to surrender to feelings.

Libra and Taurus. This couple is drawn to each other physical level, in other respects they are not similar. Taurus is a homebody, loves calm and stability, but for Libra, communication and the desire to shine in society play a huge role; they are irritated by the dictatorial habits of Taurus.

Libra and Gemini. This couple will create the perfect union. They both love communication, entertainment, and noisy companies. They will give each other freedom and personal space.

Libra and Cancer. These signs are not compatible. Cancer is economical, careful, loves the comfort of home, Libra, on the contrary, craves to be in the center of attention, is wasteful, indecisive. Their frivolous attitude towards feelings hurts Cancer.

Libra and Leo. Libra and Leo can build a good relationship. They both have a craving for parties, entertainment, luxury, beautiful interiors, and love to spend money on beautiful things.

Libra and Virgo. Virgo is looking for a serious relationship, stability, she is stingy and conservative, while Libra is frivolous, independent, loves luxury and money. They will not be able to build a good relationship.

Libra and Libra. Two Libras share each other's interests, they are both life-loving, independent, love freedom and beautiful things. Because of their similarity, they may become bored with each other and to create an alliance they need a stronger support.

Libra and Scorpio. Difficult relationships will be between these signs. Scorpio is owner and will try to subjugate Libra, but they will not be able to give up their freedom, they need variety. Quarrels, conflicts and, as a result, a breakup.

Libra and Sagittarius. Good compatibility signs. Their relationship will be exciting, joyful, sensual, romantic, they will give each other freedom.

Libra and Capricorn. A short romance awaits this couple. Libra is attracted to Capricorn's sexuality, and that's where the positive aspects of their relationship end. Capricorn is reserved, hardworking, loves solitude and home comfort; all this does not suit the frivolous, romantic Libra.

Libra and Aquarius. This couple has every prospect of building a good union. They share interests and many of each other's views, both need freedom.

Libra and Pisces. Their relationship can only be short-lived. From the beginning, they are happy with each other, but then, as they get to know each other, their relationship deteriorates and ends in a breakup.

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Persons born on October 6, 15, and 24 are influenced by the number 6. If your birthday falls on any of the indicated dates in October, then according to the laws of zodiac astrology and the system based on Chaldean numerology, you are under the influence of Venus and Saturn in the sign of Libra, the second House of the trine of air.

The main traits and characteristics of your character are described in the general section dedicated to persons born in October.

Venus, which is in its negative House during this period, will play a very important role in your life. You will have many friends, and you will always and everywhere be everyone's favorite.

You will have great personal charm and irresistible attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.

You will always be willing to have fun, so considerable expenses await you, but you will never mindlessly squander money, since you will always be able to “improvise.”

Most likely, you will have many love affairs and several marriages, but keep in mind that not only unusual adventures await you here, but also numerous trials and disappointments.

Thanks to your abilities, you will be able to achieve a high position in society and establish relationships with rich and powerful people.

You will have a great love for literature, music, painting, poetry, drama and the fine arts in general, and if you cannot engage in artistic creativity yourself, then at least you will patronize the arts and patronize creative workers. At the same time, if you decide to devote yourself to art, great success will definitely await you.

Most important to you numbers and dates associated with the number “6”, these are the 6th, 15th and 24th of each month, especially in May and October.

Colors. To enhance your magnetic influence, you should, at least in some details, wear clothes in the colors of Venus and the Sun, namely:

  • The sun - all shades of gold, yellow, orange and golden brown;
  • Venus - all shades of blue, from the lightest to the darkest.

Yours lucky stones- diamonds, topazes, amber and turquoise.

Most important years your life - 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60 and 69.

You will be attracted to people whose birth dates fall on numbers in the series “6”.

Financial position

Good luck awaits you when it comes to investments and financial matters in general, especially if you follow your own instincts and intuition. You will have good luck in business partnerships and in any business that involves working for the public.


Diseases do not threaten you because you have good immunity and high resistance of the body, the only source of concern is a certain tendency to tissue swelling, as a result of which tumors may arise. It is possible that in your youth you will suffer from tonsillitis and nasopharyngeal diseases.

For those born on this day, justice, love, harmony and beauty are important in life. People born on October 6 are very demanding of others and the world. However, they are not very patient. Such people want to get results immediately. Those born on October 6 have a sharply negative attitude towards any manifestations of injustice. They are almost always harsh and unceremonious with those who commit actions that are unacceptable from their point of view.

Valuable qualities of those born on October 6 are the ability to work together and the ability to persuade. Such people are able to lead others. At the same time, they do not strive for fame.

What is the zodiac sign on October 6

Those born on October 6 under the sign of Libra are sociable, friendly, and approachable. They easily get along with people and put them at ease. Libras make friends quickly and do not lack attention from members of the opposite sex. IN personal life They are characterized by a certain frivolity. Libra tends to demand devotion and fidelity from a partner.

Representatives of this sign love adventure. They are not averse to trying their hand at implementing outright adventures. Everyday life makes them sad.

Diseases of those born on October 6

The main enemy of Libra's health is excess. This applies to both harmful habits and completely safe ones. For example, the tendency to care about a slim figure is fraught with anorexia for Libra. Once they go on a diet, they may not stop.

As for the use of alcohol and tobacco, it is recommended to strictly limit the use of stimulants. Libras born on October 6, like other representatives of the sign, are prone to addiction. Getting rid of it is not always possible, even with the help of professional doctors.

Work and career of those born on October 6

Libra cannot be denied creativity. They try to modernize their oppressive everyday life. In fact, this results in the simplification of everyday affairs, monotonous work, and repetitive operations. Libras are innovators, and for this they are highly valued at work.

The desire to help people often drives Libra when choosing a field of activity. There are many representatives of the sign among public figures and officials. High positions provide the opportunity to help not specific people, but social groups in need.

Libras should not get too carried away in any activity. Obsession with anything can become a serious problem that requires professional medical attention.

Zodiac sign of people born on October 6th: Libra. The sun on this day is usually at 14° Libra. Behavior type: cardinal. Astrological element: air. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Horoscope for people born on October 6

Character according to horoscope

They strive to help the people around them in every possible way.

They love to live life to the fullest, so they often strive to simplify the daily tasks that fall to their lot and, from their point of view, only consume energy that could be directed to entertainment.

Those born on this day love modern conveniences, but at the same time, their tastes and interests are quite traditional.

Their life is one of elegance and good times, but they must be careful not to become dependent on luxury and comfort.

Love by horoscope

Women are capable of giving everything for love and will never allow marriage or any other social institution stood between them and the romantic ideals in which they believe.

They often brag about their feelings without false modesty and without shame. Men are less romantic and more attracted to adventure, exploration and risk.

Career according to horoscope

Decisive and persistent; must be careful not to let the lust for power overwhelm them, and if this lust is unsatisfied, they may fall into deep depression.

October 6th Tarot Card: Lovers

Name of the figure: Lovers, Love according to the horoscope.

Image of the figure: young people on the verge of concluding a sacred union. Above them is Cupid, who initiates them by releasing his arrow.

Symbol: those who know that love is the most powerful force in the universe.

Meanings: love, attractiveness, sympathy, doubt, uncertainty, infidelity.

Analogies: Astrology: Mercury in the sign of Virgo; Health: liver pain, depression; Professions: doctor, psychologist, teacher.

Planet of those born on October 6

Venus (6): Corresponds to love affairs and love, aesthetics, the need for harmony, well-being, as well as peace and tranquility.

Birthday number October 6

Number 6: the number of harmony, love and reconciliation. Diplomacy rejoices, soothes souls and forgives. A person with the influence of number 6 is gentle and calm.

He loves without calculation and allows himself to be loved with tenderness.


Dizziness, arthritis, hypertension.


Philosopher, pilot, explorer.


Positive, dynamic, sociable.


Explosive temperament, demonstrativeness, irresponsibility.

You are friendly, witty, creative and easy-going. For all your diplomacy, you are quite direct and frank and love society very much. Your abilities are obvious, and your elegant appearance involuntarily attracts the attention of others.

You were born on October 6th, your zodiac sign is Libra. IN financial matters your smarts most often lead to success. You value security and do not hide your desire for a luxurious life. You are able to think accurately and deeply. You are interested in everything advanced, avant-garde.

Despite your charm and grace, you can be very independent and strive for freedom. At times you can be very critical, but more often than not you are easy-going and relaxed and easily establish the necessary contacts. Your stable position may be hampered by excessive worry, especially when it comes to financial problems.

With your thirst for self-expression and keen perception of beauty, color and sound, you can develop your creative abilities by taking up literature, music, painting or theater.

However, you discover good taste and love for everything unusual and in Everyday life. Sometimes your determination fails, but if you start doing something, you will firmly move towards your goal.

At the age of 17, a sharp turn in your spiritual life awaits you. You will feel the need for stronger and richer emotions, feel the will to power and experience a complete psychological transformation.

The next period will begin at about 47 years of age. You will love freedom and stop being afraid of risk. You will meet more foreigners, you will visit different countries, experience a surge of inspiration or replenish your knowledge, expanding your spiritual horizons.

At 77, you will begin to focus on your own safety, order and practical issues.

Personal qualities of those born on October 6

You are a dependent person and are aware of your responsibility. Therefore, home and family are very important to you. You are able to learn and decide quickly complex problems. It's no surprise that you often give advice to your friends.

PERSONAL FORECAST FOR 2020 - calculated based on your PERSONAL birth data. Plus you will receive a calendar of auspicious and unfavorable days for the whole year.

But remember that, wanting to help people, you should not fuss, show excessive curiosity and generally impose your participation.

You can make great sacrifices for those you love, but you don't need to give in to your emotions.

The desire for harmony and peace in the soul most likely means that you need to regularly rest and gain strength.

You immediately feel what it is true value. Libras born on October 6 are characterized by a dramatic perception of what is happening, which is why they are so naturally given the role of leader.

You have good business acumen, but excessive concern for your own safety or attention to purely material issues can hinder you, and these tendencies need to be overcome as soon as possible.

Work and vocation of those born on October 6

You combine creativity and varied talents with a perceptive mind. It's no surprise that you have extraordinary business acumen and the ability to sell your original ideas profitably.

It is better for you to work for yourself and run your own business than to be an employee in some institution. But no matter what career you choose, you always want to improve your working conditions.

Friendliness and subtle intuition help you create a harmonious, friendly environment in the workplace.

The gift of speech and interest in speaking in front of large audiences will allow those born on October 6 to become lecturers or preachers. You can also take up painting, theater, literature or music.

You also have a good grasp of the business world and successfully advertise and sell products. In other cases, a humanitarian or philosophical education will help you become a teacher or politician.

Love and partnership born on October 6

Friendly and charming, you adapt easily to any social setting.

You can be a reliable, loving partner and devote a lot of energy and time to your children.

Usually you act spontaneously, follow all agreements and willingly share with others, but as soon as you dive into your own problems, you seem cold and indifferent.

If your ideals are too lofty, it will be difficult for others to live up to them.

Your sociability and hospitality mean that you have many friends and are an excellent host. With your creativity and imagination, it is easy for you to be witty, funny and inventive.

An ideal partner for those born on October 6th

To find yours ideal partner, pay attention to people born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 4, 8, 13, 22, 26; February 2, 6, 20, 24; March 4, 18, 22; April 2, 16, 20, 30; May 14, 18, 28, 30; June 3, 12, 16, 26, 28; July 10, 14, 24, 26; August 8, 12, 22, 24; September 6, 10, 20, 22, 30; October 4, 8, 18, 20, 28; November 2, 6, 16, 18, 26; December 4, 14, 16, 24.
  • Favorable contacts : January 9, 20; February 7, 18; March 5, 16, 29; April 3, 14, 27; May 1, 12, 25; June 10, 23; July 8, 21; August 6, 19; September 4, 17; October 2, 15, 30; November 13, 28; December 11, 26, 30.
  • Soulmate : January 15; February 13; 11th of March; April 9; May 7; June 5; 3 July; August 1; 29th of October; November 27; December 25th.
  • Fatal attraction : January 27; 25 February; March 23; April 2, 3, 4, 5, 21; May 19; June 17; July 15; August 13; 11 September; October 9; November 7; 5th of December.
  • Troubled relationships : January 2, 10, 19; February 8, 17; March 6, 15; April 4, 13; May 2, 11; the 9th of June; July 7, 30; August 5, 28; September 3, 26; October 1, 23; November 22; December 20, 30.