Weight loss product from Ksenia Borodina. How did Ksenia Borodina lose weight? How Borodina lost weight: is it true that she uses special drugs

The host of the reality show “House 2”, Ksenia Borodina, has a large fan club. All fans closely follow their favorite. This is not surprising. This girl has so much charm and cheerfulness, and God generously gifted this woman with beauty. True, after giving birth, Ksyusha gained about 16 kg. But she quickly regained her seductive shape. Naturally, fans wondered: how did Ksenia Borodina lose weight?

Losing extra pounds when your favorite idol inspires you to do so is always easier and more interesting. That is why we decided to figure out in order what our beloved Ksyusha’s diet consists of.

When the Internet became aware of the fact about Ksyusha Borodina’s weight loss, it was filled with rather contradictory information. Everyone had an increased interest in what the diet consisted of, which turned out to be so effective for the presenter after childbirth.

Some comrades even tried to make money from such a magical transformation of Ksyusha. Websites were created that offered to send detailed magical diets for a fee.

Others were simply trying to gain attention by spreading "interesting" facts about the presenter's diet. They wrote, for example, that Ksyusha lost weight after giving birth thanks to increased consumption of cucumbers. In other sources one could find information that Ksenia said goodbye to extra pounds After I completed several courses of colon hydrotherapy, I cleaned myself with enemas. Some wrote that the presenter smokes heavily to dull the feeling of hunger.

Of course, none of this is true. Ksenia Borodina lost weight only thanks to an integrated approach to her problem.

Constitution of Borodina

Ksyusha's constitution suggests a tendency to be overweight. Simply limiting yourself to certain foods would hardly help achieve such phenomenal results. How many kilograms would Borodina lose if she simply gave up certain foods? Well, by 4-5 kg. How many kilograms did you need to lose? In fact, at least 10 kg.

Therefore, it was important to take radical measures. These are the measures that were taken. And the result was obvious. The beloved presenter lost as much as 16 kg after giving birth. Ksyusha’s miniature size, given her short stature, suits her very well. And Ksenia herself says that now she likes herself more.

Supply system

So what nutritional rules does the diet suggest, thanks to which Ksyusha lost 16 kg?

Let's describe them:

  1. The diet involves excluding from your diet confectionery, baked goods, fast foods, fatty foods. There is also a ban on foods that are too high in calories - nuts, legumes.
  2. Borodina forgot about using sauces such as ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard. This is exactly what the diet required.
  3. The main foods that the diet includes are fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy and dairy products, meat and fish of low-fat varieties, steamed.
  4. Ksenia's diet includes compliance with the drinking regime. She drank at least 1.5-2 liters of purified water per day. Borodina made sure to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals, which significantly reduces her appetite.
  5. The diet involves the principle of fractional nutrition. It is impossible for a person to remain without food for a long time. How much nerve does he lose at this? This makes him irritable and spoils his mood. Therefore, it is better to satisfy the feeling of hunger as it approaches. Ksyusha ate small meals several times a day.
  6. This is a diet whose menu often includes first courses. They perfectly fill the stomach, while their calorie content is very low. Thanks to soups, you can stay full for 4-5 hours.

Physical exercise

It’s stupid to think that you can lose 16 kg after childbirth without physically straining yourself. In fact, Ksenia actively worked on herself in the gym. My favorite TV presenter was actively involved in dancing and swimming.

So that she wouldn’t get bored with fitness, she changed different types of it, one after another. The presenter says that she did not deliberately force herself with those types of fitness that are not interesting to her.

She is convinced that it was precisely those physical activities that brought her pleasure that helped her lose weight after giving birth.

Healthy sleep

Borodina also focuses on how important it is for losing weight and feeling great. healthy sleep. Of course, getting enough sleep with a baby is not so easy, but Ksyusha tried very hard to do it. It was sleep that gave her the strength to stick to a diet and exercise.

No magic pill

As we see, there is no magic pill in Ksenia Borodina’s weight loss system. It is also impossible to single out just one aspect that helped the TV presenter lose 16 kg after giving birth. Everything worked together.

Here, of course, the motivation of a person losing weight is also important. The TV presenter knew that by losing extra pounds after giving birth, her fans would love her even more. Borodin had a favorite job waiting for him, for which it was worth losing weight. I wanted to please both my beloved husband and to be an example of a beautiful mother for my daughter.

TV presenter Ksenia Borodina became famous throughout the country thanks to her participation in the television project “Dom-2”. For several years now, the star has been constantly under the radar of cameras and regularly makes it to the front pages of gossip columns. With such popularity, you need to look your best 24 hours a day. However, even stars are no strangers to banal problems like excess weight. Ksenia admits that all her life she worried about her own figure and dreamed of improving it. And so, as soon as she managed to get closer to the ideal, all her fans and colleagues became interested in the changes that had taken place. How did Borodina lose weight? Expose the myths and the whole truth about the magical transformation of the TV presenter - below.

Were you overweight?

Ksenia does not hide the fact that she is naturally inclined to be overweight. Combined with her short stature, every kilogram she gains looks more than unattractive. Borodin fights for slimness for half of his life. conscious life. Even before pregnancy, the star tried a huge number of different fashionable diets. However, there were no significant results: no one asked how Borodina lost weight, and often those around her did not notice the changes at all. After the birth of the child, the problem worsened, and when Ksenia decided to take serious care of herself, there were already 16 extra kilograms. Having tried the most various methods, the star has acquired an ideal figure and has been maintaining an optimal weight for her height of 48 kilograms for several years now. How did Borodina lose weight and what can she advise to all women who dream of repeating her positive experience?

The main thing is the right attitude

In her interviews, Ksenia willingly tells journalists that in order to defeat excess weight, you should set yourself up for success and determine the exact goal. Calculate your ideal body weight for your height and determine for yourself exactly how many kilograms you want to lose. At the same time, dreaming about slimness and new outfits is not at all harmful. On the contrary, the more you think about your new figure, the faster your subconscious mind will tune in to achieving this goal. It is also useful to undergo an examination at a clinic and consult with a therapist about planned weight loss. If you ask how Ksenia Borodina lost weight, she will honestly answer you that she herself started by going to the doctors.

Rational principles of nutrition

Borodina is a radical opponent of prolonged hunger strikes and extreme diets. The TV presenter claims that everything is good in moderation, and it is much healthier to monitor your diet every day than to go on hunger strikes every few months. The rules are simple: do not overeat at night, reduce the amount of meaningless carbohydrates, try to give up too fatty foods. After festive banquets, fasting days are useful, on which you can eat low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits, and cereals. To the question “How did Borodina lose weight?” Ksenia herself answers, talking a lot about spiritual practices. You cannot give up, even when it seems that nothing is happening and there is no effect. Love your body and strive to make it perfect.

Cucumber diet of Ksenia Borodina

According to one version of journalists, the star first thought about radical weight loss on the eve of Valentine's Day. There was very little time, but the desire to please my husband with an ideal figure was enormous. Therefore, Ksenia chose the cucumber diet, which many printed publications later dubbed “Borodina’s Sexual Diet.” The main product in this food system is fresh cucumbers. They can be eaten whole or as a salad with olive oil. An important condition is to minimize salt consumption or abandon it altogether. Allowed at lunch vegetable soup, prepared without meat from any green vegetables. Breakfast and dinner are 3 medium cucumbers, eaten whole or as a salad; in the morning you can add a piece of black bread to your meal. How did Borodina lose weight? Is it true that she succeeded only thanks to this diet? The star honestly ate cucumbers for 2 weeks and admits that it was very difficult, and sometimes completely unbearable. However, the result was not long in coming; the contours of the figure really improved. But it was after this experience that Ksenia decided to lose weight naturally, without chasing the speed of weight loss.

How Borodina lost weight: is it true that she uses special drugs?

Having decided to get the figure of her dreams by any means necessary, the star made the favorite mistake of many women - she turned to the products of pharmaceutical companies. Ksenia does not hide the fact that she tried diet pills (the brand is not named), and she did not like the result, rather, she even scared her. After starting to take the drug, the TV presenter lost sleep and peace, became nervous and irritable. Appreciating everything side effects, Ksenia refused the pills. However, today in advertisements for a variety of biologically active food additives you can see this star person and promising slogans: “Lose weight with Ksyusha!”, “Find out how Borodina lost weight!” Photos before and after weight loss complement all these advertising banners and colorful product packaging. So did Ksenia really use a whole arsenal of drugs in her fight against excess weight? In fact, Borodina is indeed the face of the Leovit company, which produces weight loss supplements. The star even personally praises some specific products in interviews and in his book.

Goji berries, green coffee, gum?

Any woman who follows domestic show business wants to find out how Ksenia Borodina lost weight after giving birth and repeat her success. That is why various scammers are trying to make money on the star’s honest name. Photos of the slender Borodina can be seen in advertisements for a variety of weight loss products, and in some they are even supplemented with supposedly real stories and excerpts from the presenter's interview. Another popular trick of scammers is to order a unique diet based on Ksenia’s formula via a paid SMS. Borodina herself is already tired of swearing and suing unscrupulous entrepreneurs. She often repeats to fans that she herself is only confident in the quality food additives from "Leovit", and goji berries, chewing gum for weight loss, green coffee she never even tried.

Book “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina”

As soon as the public saw the TV presenter in a new image, there were too many questions regarding her personal secrets of losing weight. And Ksenia decided to write a book about the fight against excess weight in order to tell everyone her whole story firsthand. Today, the publication “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina” can be bought in specialized stores or ordered on the presenter’s official website. In her book, the star talks about how she gained weight, what methods she tried and which ones worked. After reading this publication, everyone can find out how Borodina lost weight after giving birth. In addition, she gives detailed recommendations on nutrition and exercise.

How does Borodina manage not to gain weight?

Today the TV presenter looks great and, it would seem, has forever forgotten about the problem of extra pounds. But, of course, this is not so, she continues to go to the gym and monitor her diet. Ksenia eats exclusively healthy and low-calorie foods. In addition, she periodically takes courses in hardware procedures in elite beauty salons, which she does not hide. The only thing that is not in the story called “How Ksenia Borodina lost weight” is plastic surgery. The star is a cardinal opponent of surgery in the name of beauty; she believes that you can keep your body in shape on your own. Don’t forget that all public people have enough money to purchase the highest quality branded clothing, thanks to which you can profitably hide flaws and emphasize the advantages of your figure.

Before and after losing weight - two different girls. Just a few years ago she was a lady in body. And now she has a slim and toned figure. Want to know how she managed to achieve such results? All information about the transformation of the TV presenter is contained in the article.

Where did it all start?

Many fans of “House-2” remember what Ksenia Borodina looked like before and after losing weight. She used to have chubby cheeks, a small tummy and rounded hips. Now there is no trace left of all this.

Before the birth of her daughter Marusya, the TV presenter weighed 60 kg with a height of 165 cm. During pregnancy, Ksyusha gained a little weight. This bothered her greatly. The baby was born healthy. Borodina had no time for diets. However, in a few months she managed to get rid of those extra pounds. But soon the weight returned with interest.

When the presenter returned to the Dom-2 site, she realized that the participants and viewers saw her as a plump lady. Plus 5-7 kg is added by the screen. Borodina decided to look at herself from the outside. She turned on the release and was horrified: in the frame there was a girl in a body, with a swollen face and flabby belly. Then our heroine firmly decided that she needed to get in shape. You have the opportunity to compare what Borodina was like before and after losing weight. A photo of her transformation is presented below.

Protein diet

This nutrition system is balanced. Therefore, you can sit on it for quite a long time. How did Borodina feel before and after losing weight? Previously, she experienced weakness and slight shortness of breath. And after several weeks of dieting, the TV presenter felt light in her body. She became energetic and active.

Approximate menu


150 g oatmeal pour boiling water. After 10 minutes, add low-fat kefir.


We eat 2 apples (preferably green). You can cut them into quarters.


Choose one of the options: boiled chicken breast, 2-3 eggs, steamed fish or grilled lean meat.

Afternoon snack

We eat any fruit (200-300 g), except bananas and grapes.


We eat boiled eggs and fresh vegetable salad. Drinks allowed

The diet can be changed at your discretion. However, you should avoid the following products:

  • sugar and salt,
  • potatoes, carrots and beets,
  • baked goods and everything made from flour,
  • alcoholic drinks,
  • fats of vegetable and animal origin.

With strict adherence to the diet, tangible results are guaranteed. In a month you can get rid of 5-10 kg. What results did the TV presenter get on the protein diet? She lost 16 kg. This is in 5 months. This nutrition system allowed her to achieve the desired figure on the scales - 48 kg.

Cucumber Diet

Ksyusha uses this strict method of weight loss in extreme cases, when she needs to remove a few centimeters from her waist before an important event (a performance, a family holiday, a fashion show or a photo shoot).

Sample menu for the day

For breakfast we eat 2 cucumbers with a slice of rye bread.

For lunch we make a salad. It should consist only of chopped herbs and sliced ​​cucumbers. Sprinkle a few drops on the salad vegetable oil. Additionally, you can eat boiled chicken breast (150-200 g) or fresh vegetable soup.

Dinner will be modest. We eat one cucumber. We don't drink anything. The next day you can make a salad using greens and cucumbers.


Not a day without sports

Most women think that diet alone is enough to lose weight. But that's not true. A striking example of this is Ksyusha Borodina. Before and after losing weight she had different eating habits. She reduced portions and calories. Weight has decreased. But it couldn’t be done without sports. Several times a week our heroine visited the pool, yoga studio and Gym. The girl also went for morning jogs and made an appointment with a massage therapist.

“Lose weight in a week” program

IN Lately Internet scammers often use the name of the Dom-2 TV presenter for their own selfish purposes. Surely many of you have come across advertising banners on which “Borodina Weight Loss” is written in capital letters. Before and after losing weight - such photos are also attached. People believe in all this and order what is offered to them on the Internet.

Our heroine is already tired of repeating: she has nothing to do with miracle drinks, patches and tablets. The only thing Ksyusha advertised was the special program “Lose Weight in a Week.” The “House-2” star tried it on herself. This program includes ready-made breakfasts, lunches and dinners. One package contains a week's supply of food. Everything is very convenient, especially for those who don’t have time to stand at the stove.

What about the results? Borodina’s weight before and after losing weight on this program changed. He lost 2 kg. The secret is simple: fractional meals, small portions and low calorie content. However, this method is not suitable for people who are very overweight. The “Lose Weight in a Week” program is usually used to consolidate the results of diets. So keep that in mind.

Ksenia Borodina's weight loss after her second birth

In December 2015, the TV presenter became a mother again. She gave birth to a charming daughter, Theona. Ksyusha did not spend long on maternity leave. Already in January 2016, she appeared on the set of “House-2”. Our heroine amazed the participants and spectators with her fit figure. Borodina considers her ideal weight to be 48 kg. This is how she was before her second birth. It is quite a bit away from this mark. Now the girl’s weight is just over 50 kg.

Ksenia did not hide the fact that she made a lot of efforts to return to her former form. First of all, she didn't overeat during pregnancy. This allowed her to gain weight within normal limits (no more than 12 kg per month). Secondly, the girl tried not to sit in one place.

Tips for losing weight from a famous TV presenter:

  • Intensive physical exercise in the first 3 months after birth are unacceptable. You can perform light exercises (swinging your arms and legs, bending your torso, and so on).
  • You should definitely take a walk fresh air(1-1.5 hours a day). This is useful for both mother and child.
  • Nutrition should be balanced. Include lean fish, steamed vegetables, and chicken breast in your menu. As for fruits, caution should be exercised here. Exotic fruits can cause allergies in your baby. After all, the substances they contain enter the child’s body with milk.
  • Drinking regime plays an important role in the fight against excess weight. Daily norm water - 1.5 l. Additionally, you can drink a couple of cups of tea.


Now you know what Borodina looked like before and after losing weight. The article describes weight loss methods that she tried on herself. It is worth considering that they are not suitable for everyone. People with hormonal disorders or any diseases, it is best to consult a nutritionist.

Many women have tried various diets for the sake of a beautiful figure, sometimes without achieving positive results. It's important not to just go hungry or give up your favorite food. It is necessary to choose a weight loss method that will have a positive effect on the body and quickly get rid of extra pounds. Ksenia Borodina's diet is a great way to get in shape in the shortest period of time.

The meaning of restrictions

Choosing a diet is quite difficult. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the body and your taste preferences. No method of losing weight will give positive result, if the wrong diet is selected, causing constant hunger.

Women who are slightly overweight can opt for a diet with a minimum amount of fat. They will help the body function fully while losing weight, without causing feelings of hunger.

To effectively burn fat tissue and maintain muscle firmness and elasticity, a protein diet is suitable. A carbohydrate diet can be chosen by women who find it difficult to give up sweets. Fructose and glucose will prevent you from feeling hungry while losing weight and will add vigor and energy during your diet.

Features of the technique

Nutrition is based on the selection of foods that contain a minimum amount of calories. This is a strict type of diet, since many dishes are excluded from the diet. Therefore, the path to an ideal body using this method is quite complex and thorny. You will have to not only give up your favorite foods, but also work hard on yourself.

If you decide to lose weight the same way Borodina lost weight, you will have to follow a special regime for a week. The first part of the diet is strict, with a minimum amount of calories. The second part is aimed at consolidating the results obtained. This diet plan is very effective and gives amazing results. The weight comes off quickly.

Over the entire period of losing weight using Ksenia Borodina’s method, you can get rid of 7 to 12 kg of excess weight. Required condition effective weight loss is to give up fatty, sweet and starchy foods. You should not drink even weak alcohol. If you want to repeat the diet, be sure to take a break of a month.

How the TV presenter lost weight after giving birth

Ksenia Borodina has never been thin. She often went on diets, but her weight constantly “floated”, either decreasing or increasing. However, after giving birth she lost a lot of weight. With a height of 164 cm, she began to weigh more than 60 kg. This greatly worried Ksenia, since she needed to return to the Dom-2 site in uniform. The TV presenter arranged fasting days, but did not get the necessary results.

So, how did Borodina lose weight after giving birth:

  • She began to work hard on herself, losing 16 kg in just a few months.
  • I used a diet based on proper nutrition.
  • Be sure to visit the pool or gym every day.
  • I started dancing and fitness.

Appearing on television after giving birth, the presenter amazed the audience with her perfect proportions. Today her weight is 47 kg.


Losing weight takes place in 2 stages. They complement each other and allow you to achieve best results without harm to health.

"Cucumber" - first

On at this stage weight loss menu includes only cucumbers, which will help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, regulate work gastrointestinal tract. Having diuretic properties, cucumbers will help remove excess liquid, will remove puffiness and cellulite. You can lose weight using this method for up to 3-7 days.

"Protein" - second

Diets are followed for a maximum of a week. If you need to lose weight dramatically, a protein diet can be used for up to 3 weeks. Products are selected in such a way that the body receives protein and all nutrients in the required quantities.

During the period of weight loss, the fat layer will be actively destroyed, but at the same time muscle tissue will remain firm and elastic. By adding physical activity, you can get beautiful muscle definition.

Features and Rules

Ksenia Borodina leads a very active life. She has daily filming, she participates in different projects. Despite being so busy, the presenter carefully monitors her diet. To keep herself in shape, she regularly holds fasting days.

To prevent the weight from returning after a diet, Ksenia recommends that all women permanently avoid the following foods:

  • Sahara;
  • fatty meat;
  • rice;
  • potatoes;
  • beets;
  • alcoholic drinks.

It is imperative to pay attention to sports. Even morning exercises will bring positive results.

Important! Once a month you can break the “law” and eat no more than 150 g of a prohibited food.


There are several options for Borodina’s diet menu, they differ in complexity and permitted products.


This diet plan must be followed for a maximum of 3 days so as not to harm your health.

1 day:

  • Have breakfast with 3 cucumbers with 2 slices of rye bread, drink tea without sugar (465 kcal).
  • For lunch, prepare cabbage soup from fresh cabbage, make a salad of greens and radishes (203 kcal).
  • Dinner is a cucumber salad with tomatoes and herbs with a small amount olive oil(213 kcal).

Day 2:

  • Have breakfast with a glass of kefir (58 kcal).
  • For lunch, eat 3 cucumbers with tomatoes (49 kcal).
  • Dinner is kefir okroshka with cucumbers (77 kcal).

Day 3:

  • In the morning, eat yogurt (65 kcal).
  • They dine with cucumbers and herbs (51 kcal).
  • Dinner is cucumber salad with kefir (59 kcal).

"Cucumber" light

Borodina’s cucumber diet is less strict; you can lose weight on it in 3 to 7 days. Below sample menu, which can be observed for a week.

1 day:

  • Breakfast is boiled egg, cucumber salad and cottage cheese (278 kcal).
  • For lunch, prepare vegetable soup and boil chicken (290 kcal).
  • For dinner, eat a salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and bell pepper with added oil (522 kcal).

Day 2:

  • Breakfast is buckwheat porridge with cucumber (152 kcal).
  • For lunch, cook cabbage soup and eat boiled veal (266 kcal).
  • Dinner is kefir with grated cucumbers (59 kcal).

Day 3:

  • Have breakfast with an omelet (181 kcal).
  • Cook for lunch vegetable stew(129 kcal).
  • Breakfast is cucumber salad and rice porridge (109 kcal).

Important! You can drink an unlimited amount of liquid.


How many days to follow this diet menu by Ksenia Borodina, choose depending on the desired result. The technique will not cause harm if you stick to it for 1 to 3 days.

You can create your own diet from approved foods. Example option:

  • Having breakfast oatmeal and a glass of kefir (151 kcal).
  • For second breakfast, eat 2 apples (72 kcal).
  • They have lunch with boiled chicken and 2 hard-boiled eggs (467 kcal).
  • For an afternoon snack, eat 2 oranges (76 kcal).
  • For dinner, prepare a vegetable salad, boil an egg, eat yogurt (347 kcal).

Important! You can eat pasta or cereal twice a week.


In order to accurately repeat how Ksenia Borodina lost weight and achieve similar results, it is important to carefully introduce certain types of foods after finishing the diet. In the first week, vegetable and butter, use higher fat kefir.

From the second week, you can introduce dietary meat into your diet in larger quantities. Meat dishes can be cooked no more than 3 times a week. Then sour cream, cream, and bread are gradually introduced. It is allowed to lightly salt food. Despite the end of the diet, it is worth giving up white bread and sugar.


Before you start losing weight, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

You cannot follow the diet that Borodina is on:

  1. women who are breastfeeding;
  2. pregnant women;
  3. teenagers;
  4. people with anemia;
  5. patients with exacerbation of gastritis.

Permitted and prohibited products

During the diet you can eat:

  • mineral water;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • dietary meat;
  • greenery;
  • olive oil;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

On Ksyusha Borodina’s diet it is not recommended to consume:

  • pork;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • alcohol and soda;
  • potato;
  • bananas;
  • grape;
  • milk;
  • baked goods;
  • White bread;
  • sweets.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include:

  1. Fast cooking.
  2. Budget price of products.
  3. Low calorie content.
  4. Effective weight loss.
  5. Long-term weight loss results.
  6. Accelerated metabolism.
  7. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves.
  8. The body is actively cleansed of waste and toxins.


  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Possible weakness.
  3. There is a feeling of hunger.
  4. The need to give up many foods.
  5. Insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in food.


Borodina's weight loss method is highly effective. The result is noticeable from the first days. Up to 1 kg of excess weight is lost per day. This is facilitated by cucumbers with their diuretic effect. Effective cleansing The body allows you to quickly lose weight, getting rid of extra pounds. Throughout the diet, you can lose up to 12 kg of excess weight.

The diet on which Ksenia Borodina lost weight has a number of rules:

  • Drink up to 2 liters of water per day.
  • Avoid fatty foods.
  • The last meal should end at 18.00.
  • It is recommended to engage in physical activity.
  • You need to give up sugar.
  • You should not drink herbal teas for weight loss.
  • You can take vitamin complexes during your diet.


To have a beautiful body, you need to work hard on yourself without vacations or weekends. Women should always keep themselves in shape by going to the gym, eating right, taking care of their appearance. If a lady has a strong motivation to always be slim, she needs to constantly make efforts to be on top and evoke admiring glances from others.

Reader's story "How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months"
I have been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

Ksenia Borodina was never skinny, her weight constantly fluctuated - she could lose a little weight, after which she would gain even more kilograms. She tried to lose weight many times, constantly adhering to different diets, and regularly practiced fasting days.

However, pregnancy and childbirth radically changed Borodina's body. According to some reports, her weight became more than 80 kg. This required finding another and more effective method losing weight.

And she did it: in just a few months, Ksenia lost 16 kg, which amazed the secular public and fans. After losing weight, Ksenia’s skin remained perfect, which is very important for anyone trying to lose weight.
Diet Borodina– one of the most effective, easy and harmless methods of losing weight, which does not require any expensive products or additional costs. The main principle of this diet - No fasting days, no exhausting fasting!

What is Borodina’s diet based on?

Low calorie diet. It will probably be difficult for lovers of delicious food to give up their favorite “wrong” foods, but you need to get used to this idea before starting a dietary experiment. After all, the path to beauty beautiful body complex and thorny, and it is effective only when you are ready to work and approach the solution of the problem head-on, without counting on “magic solutions.”

The duration of the diet is only 2 weeks (the first is strict, the second is to consolidate the result). During the first “strict” week you can lose 3-5 kilograms overweight.

Diet features

In order not to harm your health, you need to adhere to this diet for no more than 7-14 days, then you need to take a month break, after which you can repeat the diet. This is due to the fact that over time the body gets used to a low-calorie diet and stops burning fat deposits. After leaving the diet or during a break prerequisite is the exclusion of fatty, sweet, flour and alcohol (you can’t even drink dry wine). You should also not have snacks between main meals and eat after 6 pm.

Ksenia Borodina's diet menu

The main product of the diet is cucumbers, so it is advisable to “sit” on this diet during the natural ripening period of your favorite green vegetable.

The first stage is cucumber

More dietary and low calorie product than a cucumber, it’s hard to even imagine. The “eat and lose weight” product is about cucumber. The vegetable consists of 95-97% water, which contains iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iodine and silicon. Cucumber water flushes the kidneys and helps remove accumulated “toxins” from the blood. Cucumbers contribute complete cleansing body.

Almost everyone is allowed to eat cucumbers, with the exception of people suffering from gastrointestinal tract problems.

A cucumber diet helps the body easily get rid of extra pounds and go to proper nutrition. In this case, you need to use homemade cucumbers, not store-bought ones.



  • 1-2 slices of rye or other diet bread
  • 2 cucumbers (fresh)
  • Cucumber salad
  • Boiled egg


  • Cucumber salad with herbs (onion, parsley, arugula, dill), dressed with olive oil
  • Vegetable soup cooked in water. A couple of times a week, soup can be replaced with boiled lean meat


  • Cucumber salad dressed with oil or 1-2 cucumbers
  • Cucumber and green vegetable salad

After passing the first stage on the path to slimness, as well as losing unnecessary pounds, the result needs to be consolidated.

The second stage is a protein diet that consolidates the result

The protein diet has a very wide range of prohibited foods. Compliance with all rules guarantees its effectiveness.

  • fats (animal, vegetable origin)
  • potatoes, beets and carrots
  • sugar, salt
  • alcoholic drinks.

The above prohibitions apply during the first phase of this diet - from 2-3 weeks to 1-3 months. The length of the phase depends on the number of kilograms that need to be lost. But even after reaching the desired weight, you should not abuse “forbidden” foods.

This diet is completely safe for health. You can eat this way for as long as you want. The range of excess weight loss is 5-10 kg in 1 month.



  • Oat flakes (in water)
  • 0% kefir

Second breakfast (lunch)

  • 2 apples


  • Fish or lean meat (chicken breast), or 2-3 eggs

Afternoon snack

  • Any fruit, except bananas and grapes. Ideally, apples or any citrus fruits.


  • Vegetable salad
  • Boiled egg
  • Low-fat yogurt

Of great importance consolidation of the result. You should not immediately after the diet eat very fatty, salty and high-calorie foods. It is advisable to reduce your previous diet. If you achieve the desired result, still try to stick to the second menu, the only thing is that you can add vegetables to lunch and dinner and pamper your stomach with pasta 1 to 3 times a week.

Borodina's diet: pros and cons

At first glance, this diet may seem complicated and low in calories. IN winter time it is very difficult to carry out. It is contraindicated for people with diseased kidneys and digestive organs. This is due to high fluid consumption. Before you start choosing a diet for weight loss, you need to visit a specialist who will completely examine your body.

Ksenia's diet has several main foods that need to be consumed - cucumbers, meat, eggs, bread and water. Most people will not be able to get used to such a limited diet. But in fact, not everything is so complicated - even these products can be consumed and receive taste pleasure.

Despite the low calorie content of the products, Borodina’s diet does not imply the presence of feelings of hunger. You need to eat often, but in small quantities. This will not only help you lose weight, but also normalize digestion.
Good luck to you in your “harmonious” endeavors!