We pay for prescriptions. How to make money on the Internet on culinary recipes Recipes not implemented

You can earn on everything, including everyday activities performed by a person every day. This type of income includes working on photographing recipes and posting them on resources. Such earnings as recipes on the Internet are available to any hostess, because almost every woman has original ones in her piggy bank. So why not make money on it?

Make money on recipes You can visit the PhotoRecipe resource. It is necessary to post /recipes/, a photo and a step-by-step explanation for each recipe.

And that's it! The site has its own requirements: each recipe must be posted within 30 days, if this is not done, then payments will be suspended until the next recipe is published. Payment is made for every 1000 views of a culinary masterpiece. Payments up to 500 rubles.

Regarding recipes, the PhotoRecipe service has its own requirements:

1. Each recipe is written at least 500 characters;

2. Each recipe must be prepared by the hostess herself;

3. The entire cooking process must be photographed, the photos must not be copied from the Internet;

4. All recipes should arouse the interest of readers, each dish should have more than 3 components;

5. No need to post banal recipes like scrambled eggs or juicing.

How to sell recipes online?

Many housewives earn extra money by making custom-made cakes at home. It is these people who can earn on the resource. Because such /recipes with photos/ will be viewed the most. Thus, money can be received from the sale of cakes, and for posting photos on the Internet. There are a lot of sites on the Internet that contain a huge number of recipes, and not all of them are made by one person.

A lot of recipes are bought on stock exchanges on the Internet, or owners of sites with photo recipes are looking for people who will send recipes directly to them. Any recipes are popular: /recipes for salads/, soups or cakes. These performers are found by webmasters on content exchanges.

Recipes with photos of finished dishes can be sold on 2 exchanges:

These sites are most often looking for people who are willing to send recipes to order. Perhaps, when working on these exchanges, there will be such a webmaster who will offer to work directly, and this is very important, because the performer will be provided with work for a long time, and this work is permanent, which is important. Working on PhotoRecipes is different from making money on stock exchanges. The main difference is that payment on exchanges is charged once, and on PhotoRecepts for the number of views.

How quickly recipes are bought on content exchanges

Usually recipes sell out very quickly, because many webmasters have sites about photo recipes. Sales will go faster if all the small steps in preparing a dish are photographed and accompanied by explanations. In order for recipes to be bought instantly, you must follow the rules:

1. All cooked dishes must be photographed, even minor moments: grate, salt or cut something;

2. You can not copy photos or text from other sites. Everything must be original and prepared personally. Any recipe taken from the Internet can be remade in your own way;

3. The entire recipe must be described in great detail, because this will lead to an increase in the volume of text. Namely, payment is charged for the volume;

4. The text of recipes must be written correctly and readably, there should be no errors. Poor-quality texts will not please the webmaster who bought them;

5. Photographs must be made clear and understandable, they must clearly show what is photographed on them;

6. You must not forget to list the ingredients that are used in the preparation of the dish;

7. At the end of the recipe, there should be a photo of the finished dish.

Earning on recipes is simple and pleasant, they should be used by all housewives who love to cook. Now you know where and how to sell recipes on the Internet, I wish you all good luck in your endeavors!

Hello dear readers of my experimental blog business on the Internet "From words to deeds!". In one of my previous publications, I raised the topic of making money on recipes. Here is the article -

Culinary publications or how to sell your recipe on the Internet ...

To begin with, many of this information is sold in the form of their information product for bucks. Just yesterday I saw a text on one of the sites where this course is praised and recommended to be bought. By the way, they usually scold and curse most other information products, but this one is recommended as a proven and cool one. From the comments and discussions at the bottom of their post, I realized that many are looking for and want to buy this course. I keep my promise and publish a list of culinary publications ready to pay you money for your recipes.

Culinary publications You can sell your recipe online on the following sites:

  • webspoon.ru This culinary publication pays its authors generously from $3 to $9 per recipe photo. But right away I want to warn you against the idea that this is easy money. The site contains rules that the author must follow in order for his recipe to be published and he received his denyuzhku. In short, the recipe should be clear, concise with a step-by-step description and plus beautiful and high-quality photos for each of the steps. I must say right away that they have serious requirements for photos. It's stupid to snap pictures on a 5-6 megapixel soap box and then sell it right away. The dish needs to be prepared for a photo session in the truest sense of the word. If you are a photographer who loves to cook, then this is your business forward for orders.

The tariff plan on this site is set automatically to each registered user of the resource as the conditions and tasks are met. First, the culinary publication is ready to pay according to the Light tariff plan (Lite $3 for one publication up to 10 published recipes) as soon as you send more than 10 successful recipes, they will pay according to the next tariff plan - Standard. Tariff plan Standard (Standart $5 for one publication up to 50 published recipes) and further similar tariff plans Premium and Vip (Premium $7 for one publication up to 100 published recipes), (Vip $9 for one publication more than 100 published recipes)

The culinary publication Webspoon.ru is one of the leaders in this niche, so I painted it in detail. The rest of the resources are just a list:

  • Prosmak.ru(from $0.3 to $1.3 for your photo-recipe). Money is also automatically credited depending on the number of characters in the recipe (500 - 2000 characters).
  • Findfood.ru (here they pay from 30 to 50 rubles for a photo recipe). Almost the same pattern of recipe quality and your system user rating. If the user rating is less than 0, then the standard cost of the recipe must be multiplied by 0.8. Upon reaching the maximum possible rating, the cost for one recipe will be multiplied by 1.2.
  • Kakprosto.ru (standard payment is 40 rubles for a photo recipe and plus 50 rubles for every 1000 views of your recipe). An interesting nuance is that here they pay not only for recipes, but also for other thematic articles too.
  • Fotorecept.com(from 0 to 500 rubles for every 1000 views of the photo recipe you published).

These are just a few culinary publications that, as of today, are ready to pay and pay. Of course, these are not all culinary sites; there are many more. But for the start, I think this will be quite enough to understand what it is for you. In order to earn real money on culinary publications, you need to specifically plow. And to plow on the uncle. This type of earnings is essentially not much different from hired work. In addition to the schedule, binding to the place and the system of remuneration. But the main thing is that it is still hired labor with a linear payment. Earned - received - spent - forgot. If you want more money, spin the algorithm from the beginning. But all the same, this is a real income, and many people already earn in this way, and this type of income will also suit you.

Announcement of the next posts about making money on culinary sites!

How to work with culinary publications and a few more useful tips I will publish on work in this direction and increase income in one of my next publications. Also, at the first opportunity, I will try to issue a couple of my recipes and upload them to one of the sites. Usually the wife cooks something interesting at the weekend, she will have to settle down with a camera in the kitchen and shoot this process ... If anyone tries this type of income, I will be glad to read your feedback and thoughts on this matter. All for now. Earn!

On the Internet there are a considerable number of sites ready to buy culinary recipes for various dishes with step by step photos. It can be both author's recipes and recipes of dishes known to almost everyone.

How to find websites that buy recipes

In order to find sites interested in purchasing your recipes, you can do this:

  • enter in the search engine you are using the phrases: “sell a recipe with a photo”, “earn money on culinary recipes”, “sites that buy step by step recipes”;
  • look at the search results and go to articles that meet your needs;
  • write down the addresses of several found sites that buy culinary recipes;
  • compare the conditions for purchasing ready-made recipes and choose the most favorable for you.

Below in the article you will find a list of sites publishing recipes for money.

Preparing a prescription for sale

In order for your recipe to be accepted on the site for publication, it must be well designed.


When preparing the text of your masterpiece, pay attention to the fact that it is better to divide the recipe into two text blocks: first, the description of the dish and the history of its appearance, then the ingredients and step by step description photo cooking.

Don't forget to include the cooking time and the number of servings. The ingredients used to prepare the dish are best listed.

It is best to look at ready-made publications on sites that buy recipes with photos in order to understand how to properly prepare a recipe. For example, take a look here. On this site that buys recipes, using the example of an article on how to cook charlotte with apples, you can understand how it should look like perfect recipe for sale.


In order for the recipe photos to look decent, follow some recommendations:

  • it is desirable to have a good camera (not necessarily a professional one, but it’s better not to use a “soap box”);
  • prepare a table for filming (cover a beautiful tablecloth, set the light);
  • use good utensils;
  • prepare a dish on one table, and take photos on another (prepared for filming);
  • the final shot of the finished dish should be of the highest quality.

List of sites where you can sell your recipes with photos

There are 2 payment options for prescriptions: one-time payment And payment for impressions.

With a one-time payment, you will receive the amount specified in the conditions published on the site.

On sites that pay for impressions, you will be rewarded for each article viewing with your recipe as long as the site exists.

Which of the payment options to choose - decide for yourself. It's best to try both options.

Pay-Per-View Sites:

  • fotorecept.com: pay up to 500 rubles. for 1000 views;
  • bolshoyvopros.ru: a portal about everything in the world, where you can earn money not only on culinary articles, but also on publications on any topic.

Sites with a one-time payment:

  • webspoon.ru: pay 50 rubles. for the recipe
  • findfood.ru: from 30 rub. up to 60 rubles;
  • kuhatpodano.ru: from 35 rubles 50 rubles;
  • multi-varca.ru: you can earn from 100 rubles. for each recipe for a dish cooked in a slow cooker.

How to make more money from prescriptions

In order to earn more on the sale of author's recipes, you can apply a little trick. When preparing each new recipe, take several photos of each cooking step from different angles, and then use these photos to write several different articles about the same dish for different sites with different photos.

Just do not forget that all recipe descriptions for different sites should be different (check articles before publishing for plagiarism).

→ How to make money on recipes: rules, cost, instructions

We offer a unique opportunity for lovers of home cooking to make money on their own recipes. You don't have to be a professional chef to do this - you just need to love and know how to cook. Please not only your family and friends with a delicious treat, but also get rewarded for your work.

Take pictures of all the steps in the preparation of any dish and describe them in simple and understandable words. Publish on our site and get money. Earnings depends only on you - the more interesting and healthy recipes you can publish a large amount You'll get.

How much can you earn from prescriptions?

Fixed payment for recipes depending on the number of characters:

  • from 700 to 1400 characters - 60 rubles;
  • from 1401 to 2100 characters - 90 rubles;
  • from 2101 to 2800 characters - 120 rubles;
  • over 2801 characters $1.50

How do I start posting recipes?

Start by studying the already available recipes on our website. If the name and method of preparation of the recipe is similar to yours, then you do not need to publish it. You can check if there is a similar recipe using , which is in the desktop version in the right sidebar of the site, and in mobile version- button "smart search for recipes". By the way, this is a unique service that should help you find the recipe you are interested in.

In order to publish a recipe you need to register on the site. To add a recipe, go to the "Recipes" section of the site, in the right sidebar at the very top you will see the button " Add Recipe".

Text Requirements

Other people's photos and text are not accepted. If the dish is well-known, taken from a cookbook, or similar ones have already been published on the Internet, but our site does not have it, you can use this recipe. These recipes include: Olivier salad, lecho, Kiev cutlets, Napoleon cake, etc. The main condition is that the entire cooking process must be performed only by you. The job description should also belong only to you.

2. Your task is to describe the cooking process as accurately, logically and consistently as possible.

3. No need to write long and complex sentences- write so that your recipes are understandable and pleasant to read.

4. The work should not contain grammatical, spelling, punctuation, syntactic and typographical errors.

5. The uniqueness of the text must be at least 90% according to Text.ru. This means you can not copy the text of the recipe from other sites in full or in separate sentences.

7. The description of the recipe should be broken down into steps. The minimum number of steps is 5.

In the steps themselves, it is necessary to describe only the technology of preparing the dish. Important deviations are allowed, for example, how to replace the ingredients, the subtleties of cooking. Additional information relating directly to this dish (the history of the dish, the benefits and harms of the dish, the nuances of cooking, the secrets of serving the dish ...) can be written in the very last text field for the recipe. But the text should not be inflated. Remember wise words A.P. Chekhov: "Brevity is the sister of talent."

8. Detailed description steps. Describe the cooking stage in as much detail as possible so that anyone can cook this dish, adhering to your recommendations.

9. The description of the step must match what is happening in the photo.

10. The prescription is accepted in Russian.

11. Fill in your profile: Photo, avatar, location, date of birth.

Photo Requirements

1. Photos must be good quality, minimum quantity: 5.

2. Photos must be crisp, clear and have natural, natural colors. Low-resolution photos, poorly lit, out of focus, photos with captions and watermarks are not accepted;

3. Photos must be rectangular - horizontal orientation (width is greater than height), all the same size. Minimum photo size: width 1000, height 660 pixels.

4. On the first photo of the step, you should arrange all the necessary ingredients according to the recipe. The photo should not show the names, names, brands of manufacturers. Ingredients should be clean (washed vegetables and fruits, etc.), appetizing and attractive.

5. Take photos of your steps with a clean and solid background. Use beautiful and clean dishes, napkins, decor items and appliances to get beautiful and aesthetic photos as a result.

Photos of poor quality are not accepted - muddy, overexposed, dark, with extra items not related to the recipe (with the exception of decor elements) and dirty, untidy elements.

6. To avoid disputes with the authorship of photos, use a sticker with the logo of our site. The sticker is printed on the printer. The sticker must be visible, but not occupy more than 25% of the space in the photo. It is recommended not to focus on the sticker - the most important thing is your recipe. The sticker is best placed in the background.

The sticker must be on the photo of all stages of cooking, EXCEPT: the photo of the finished dish and the photo of the last step.

Download sticker from here:

  • (Adobe Acrobat Reader)

The stickers are presented in A4 format, for your convenience, cut out the required number for your work, as the stickers get dirty, wrinkle and so on. Only use one sticker per photo.

7. All steps of the recipe description must be accompanied by a photo. If there are 5 steps, then the photo should be 5 plus the final photo of the finished dish.

8. Beautiful final photo of the finished dish. Try to take the most aesthetic photo of the finished dish so that readers want to cook and try it.

9. The photo should show exactly what you write about.

Regulations: the work of the editorial board and the author

As you add the recipe to the site, you will receive an email ( personal account) with a link where you can follow the status of the recipe and exchange information with the editor. Here the editor will indicate the reasons for returning the work, if any.

After your recipe has been moderated, it will be published. The time for moderation is up to 14 calendar days.

If the recipe was returned to the author for revision, but since the return, within a month, the author has not taken any action (any attempt to correct it), the recipe can be published with the editor's revisions as abandoned without payment.

Reasons for refusal or return for revision


Low uniqueness (less than 90%)

According to text.ru if the uniqueness is below 90%. ;


Found a copy on another site

- found a photo or text taken from another site;

Much water"

- a conscious increase in the volume of text that is not related to the preparation of a dish (composition of products, their value, choice, abundant expression of one's own feelings);
4 Lots of extra characters - double spaces, multiple!!!, ...;
5 Wrong category - the recipe section is incorrectly specified;
6 Stylistic and semantic errors - the description should be, first of all, a user-friendly instruction;
7 Lack of a prescription - the recipe should be of informative and instructive value. Just a combination of products (assorted).
8 Poor quality photo - low resolution photos, poor lighting, out of focus, photo with unnecessary inscriptions, watermarks;
9 Lots of grammatical errors - a large number of obvious grammatical errors: spelling, punctuation;
10 No photo - the main photo of the dish was not added, or the photo was missing at the key step;
11 No sticker - it is impossible to determine the uniqueness of the photographs taken;

Missing ingredient(s)

- the ingredient that is mentioned in the description and is necessary for preparing the dish is not attached;

Wrong ingredient

- the ingredient is indicated outside the proposed list (if it is on the list);

Extra ingredient

- an ingredient is indicated that is not mentioned in the recipe;

Unit not specified. rev. ingredient

- spices or optional ingredients of the dish are indicated to taste. And the main ingredients are required to fill.

Prescription not specified

- There are no checkboxes for which type your recipe belongs to

Recipe Copyrights

After paying for the recipe, all exclusive rights to the photos and the article are transferred to us. You will not be able to post recipes and photos published on our website anywhere else - This is the most important condition of our cooperation with you! But your name / nickname will be in the recipe as the author of the recipe.

Hello! In this article, we will discuss earning from recipes.

  • How much can you earn: up to 500 rubles per day.
  • Minimum Requirements: the ability to cook, write and take high-quality photos.
  • Is it worth doing: just as a hobby.

General information about making money on prescriptions

Judging by the forums, many housewives dream of making money on their own recipes. Indeed, there is such a possibility. But at the same time, there are clear requirements for recipes, and this type of income is quite complicated.

For recipes you need:

  • Unique text. They check it for different services, but most often they use Etxt and Advego.
  • Unique photos. You need your own photos. Photos from the Internet cannot be used.
  • interesting recipe. Unique dishes that can be prepared at home are valued.

Articles should be written simply and interestingly so that every person, even coming to the stove once a month, can cook tasty dish. Not everyone can do this, so it’s not worth thinking that everything is so simple.

Earnings on recipes, as well as on any articles, has its own characteristics, requirements and pitfalls. Let's figure out what ways to earn money exist, what is needed for this, and how much you can earn on each of them.

How to make money online with recipes: 3 ways

There are only 3 ways to make money on recipes: write them to order, sell them, and. We will find out what will have to be done in each of the ways, what will bring money, and what can be considered more for the soul.

Writing recipes to order

Still remains profitable. But you can't make much money just selling recipes. The average cost of one prescription is 200-300 rubles. At the same time, unique photographs and often high uniqueness are needed (if you know how to negotiate with customers, then this item can be dismissed).

Orders are best taken on. At the initial stage of work, if you earn only on recipes, you will have to take cheap orders. But there are fewer requirements for them, and photographs are not always needed. When you get a normal rating, customers from the category of 50-60 rubles for 1,000 characters will catch up.

Selling prescriptions

Selling ready-made recipes - earnings similar to the previous scheme. Only you do not work to order, but put articles in the store, and they are bought. The advantages are obvious:

  • Work at a comfortable pace.
  • No connection to topics.
  • own requirements.
  • Your prices.

The downside here is also obvious: the lack of stability. You cannot say for sure when the material will be bought from you, and whether they will buy it at all. Another disadvantage: complexity for beginners. Until you have ratings/reviews, customers don't know if you can be trusted. Therefore, they will buy exclusively at a low price.

In general, this method is suitable for those who want not so much to earn money as to get a paid hobby.

On a culinary site

This is perhaps the only way to really earn money. The scheme is simple: you study site building, promotion, manuals for creating high-quality content, bury 1-2 sites and then create the necessary, interesting project that will bring money in the long run.

But most popular requests are already taken. You will either have to come up with and publish new, unique and interesting recipes, or be content with a small number of visitors.

Therefore, now it will be difficult to join infosites from scratch. As an option, create a full-fledged online publication for housewives, which will also include recipes. But it is difficult if you do not even have a banal experience in copywriting.

To summarize all of the above: you can be content with low income and specialization if you sell ready recipes and write them to order. And you can start earning and create your own website, but this takes time and money.

What difficulties may arise at the initial stage of earning

Difficulties at the initial stage are full. The first difficulty that may arise is uniqueness of texts. Recipes are a specific topic in which it is almost impossible to achieve 100% uniqueness without writing nonsense and water. And some customers often put 95 - 100% in the requirements, which makes them spend 1 hour on the article, and 3-4 on finishing the uniqueness.

The next difficulty is unique photos. The cooking process becomes much more complicated when you have a camera / phone in your hands, and at the same time you need to record your every step. It takes more time and effort than just cooking.

The third problem is time costs. To, you need to cook the dish yourself. And a novice writer does not receive much money, therefore, the salary per hour of work will be very low (from 30 to 100 rubles).

fourth and the main problem- . Healthy competition is good. But competition from non-professionals who are desperate to get an order/sell a prescription is not. It is because of the “oh, it’s nothing complicated” approach that a natural price ceiling arises. Few people will pay more than 300 - 400 rubles for one unique recipe, even though a lot of time has been spent on cooking and writing an article.

But if you pass First stage, fill your hand and overcome the first difficulties, the process of earning will go much easier. But do not think that everything will be easy later on. Low prices and the complexity of the work will always be.

Where to sell ready-made recipes

There are several thematic sites with recipes where you can sell your own articles:

  • webspoon.ru: 50 rub. for the recipe
  • findfood.ru: one-time 30 - 60 rubles;
  • kuhatpodano.ru: from 35 rubles;
  • multi-varca.ru: from 100 rubles for recipes in a multicooker.

And another option for selling your own recipes - copywriting exchanges. These are not specialized sites, which means that customers come for different content, including recipes. I worked for Etxt for a long time, so I will tell you about this exchange.

It is almost impossible to sell an article for a newbie on Etxt.

On average, prices fluctuate in the range of 20 - 60 rubles per 1,000 characters. An average prescription for 4,000 characters will cost from 100 to 300 rubles. And for 100 rubles it is likely that someone will buy it, but for 300 it is unlikely. We'll have to wait a few months, or even a year.

A small life hack

You can earn more on recipes if you take several photos of dishes from different angles in one cooking. With this approach, you can get 2 - 4 articles. True, you will have to work very well with uniqueness, because recipes are one of the most difficult topics to adjust for anti-plagiarism.

How much can you earn from prescriptions

While I was working on the copywriting exchange, I saw orders for culinary sites more than once. The requirements were about the same:

  • Unique material.
  • Own photos.

Such articles were rated quite low, up to 200 - 250 rubles for 1 recipe with photos. On professional sites, the cost is a little more expensive - up to 400 - 500 rubles for a voluminous recipe (up to 6,000 characters) + photos. But as you can see, it's still a low price.

The cooking process is noticeably more complicated when everything is recorded, and a camera is at hand. Therefore, you should not count on more than 5 - 6 thousand rubles a month. And this is the best outcome if you cook something new every day, and your articles are regularly bought. More real figure- 3-4 thousand per month.


Earning money on recipes can be a good hobby for those who constantly cook different dishes. But this method of obtaining money should not be regarded as the main one. If you are looking for a full-time income, then take up related professions - copywriting, creating websites or selling photos.