Sights of the Dominican Republic

It is the most visited country in the Caribbean and for good reason. Here you will find a variety of activities that tourists who come here enjoy, from surfers to animal lovers, cyclists to cultural enthusiasts and much more. However, unlike other Caribbean countries, the Dominican Republic is large enough to be fully explored in just one trip, so Good THERE have provided a condensed list of some of the best attractions the Dominican Republic has to offer.

1 Whale watching

Samana is home to humpback whales, with approximately 2,000 humpback whales visiting each year between December and March to breed in warm waters near the shore. Research shows that all populations of Atlantic humpback whales come to breed in the waters near the Dominican Republic. Humpback whales can weigh up to 40 tons and perform a variety of acrobatic feats during mating, such as jumping out of the water, and some male whales sing “songs” to attract females to mate.

Samana, Dominican Republic

2 Visit the Zona Colonial

Zone Colonial(Zona Colonial) is a small town located in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. The area is home to many important historical buildings such as the cathedral, monastery, university, customs house and hospital in the "New World". In addition to historical sites, Zona Colonial has a variety of restaurants and is known for its clubs and vibrant nightlife.

Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

3 Stay in Costa del Coco

Costa del Coco is known in the Dominican Republic as a retreat resort. La Costa del Coco is located on the easternmost tip of the Dominican Republic and features a long coastline white sand and palm trees, home to a sprawling complex of all-inclusive resorts.

4 Go Partying in Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo is the capital of the Dominican Republic and the most visited city in the Caribbean, as well as the oldest continuously inhabited European settlement in the Americas. Here you will find some of the largest and most pristine beaches in the Caribbean, as well as the highest concentration of all-inclusive resorts. The city is a combination of old world colonial charm combined with modern Latin architecture. Santo Domingo is known for having a very vibrant nightlife with a huge number of clubs and lounges to choose from.

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

5 Explore the Dominican Alps

Dominican Alps are located 80 km from the capital city of Santo Domingo. This mountain range forms a kind of “spine” of the island. The central part of the Alps is a paradise for nature lovers, with protected national parks, rivers and valleys. Here you will find the most best views that only the Dominican Republic has to offer. In the mountains you can take a break from the intense heat that accompanies you in the rest of the country. The cooler climate encourages the growth of fruits such as strawberries, which are difficult to find in other parts of the country. The most high mountain, Peak Duarte, green meadows and pine forests grow here, this rare species in the Caribbean Sea.

Peak Duarte, Dominican Republic

6 Visit Puerto Plata

Puerto Plata is a beautiful area filled with pristine beaches and stunning mountain scenery. In this place you will find the best water activities in the country. Cabarete, one of the cities in this region, is known as the capital of windsurfing, the beaches in this part of the country have waves that attract surfers from all over the world. Puerto Plata is also well known for its vibrant nightlife and very rich culture, and is a great place to learn about some of the country's traditions.

Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic

7 Head to Los Haitis National Park

Haiti translates as "mountain land" and is one of the few remaining tropical forests in the Dominican Republic. The park has a huge number of mangroves covering an area of ​​1600 km². Los Haitis Famous for its large number of caves, as well as a variety of wildlife, such as the endangered hawk, the Spanish-speaking woodpecker, the Spanish emerald, pelicans, frigate birds, herons and many other majestic birds.

The park's jungle was used in the making of the film Jurassic Park.

The hills in the park can reach 40 meters and offer stunning views, this is information for those who want to try their hand at rock climbing.

Los Haitis National Park, Dominican Republic

8 Attractions on Lake Enriquillo

Lake Enriquillo is the most big lake in the Caribbean, it is home to a diverse array of wildlife such as saltwater crocodiles, pink flamingos and lizards, but the list is certainly not limited to these animals. This is a great place to visit if you are interested in wildlife. We highly recommend that those who are interested in visiting this place be sure to contact trusted travel agencies, since this is a rather remote place located almost on the border with Haiti and you still find yourself in a dangerous wildlife.

Lake Enriquillo, Dominican Republic

9 Go to Saona Island

Saona is a tropical island located southeast of the Dominican Republic. Saona Island is a great place for a day trip. Around 300 people live here, making it a great place for a quiet and relaxing holiday. You can stroll peacefully along the shore, relax in the shallow waters or sunbathe on the white sand. This is considered one of the most beautiful island excursions that the Dominican Republic offers. Boats depart from Bayahibe every morning, and round trip travel (including hotel pick-up) can range from $50 to $80.

Saona Island, Dominican Republic

10 Swim in the cascades of Damajagua Falls

Damajagua Falls(or 27 waterfalls) are one of the biggest attractions for nature lovers in the Dominican Republic. Every year, more than 50,000 people visit these falls, take photos and swim in the natural pools formed below. A total of 27 waterfalls are found in the northern hills of the mountain range, which are created by Mother Nature from solid limestone.

Damajagua Falls, Dominican Republic

Tourism in the Dominican Republic is growing at a dizzying pace, and it's easy to see why the Dominican Republic has become a popular holiday destination. This happened due to its hundreds of miles of coastline, picturesque landscapes and colonial architecture. The country represents a wide variety of ethnicities, with varied cuisine and music emanating from the cafes and restaurants of bustling cities like Santo Domingo and even the smallest fishing villages. We present to your attention the most popular attractions of the Dominican Republic.

Punta Cana

Punta Cana is located in the easternmost region of the Dominican Republic and is known for its beaches that overlook the Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. The area is dotted with upscale hotels and amazing golf courses located in truly romantic locations. There are many all-inclusive resorts in Punta Cana and numerous entertainment options, from reef exploration to catamaran sailing. With average temperatures in the 30s, why not relax on the sands of one of best beaches in the world?

Samana Province

Samana is a province overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in the northern region of the Dominican Republic. The site was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, who was greeted by a barrage of arrows from the locals. Luckily tourists are now welcome international airport, opening in 2006. Its rainforests, coconut groves and hundreds of tiny, sandy beaches are still relatively unexplored by the tourist hordes. This is a great place to watch humpback whales, thousands of which congregate off the coast of Samana from January to March. Of course, national parks, unspoiled bays and peninsulas are only part of the Dominican Republic's attractions. Those interested can even go on a sea excursion to swim alongside the whales.

Parque Nacional del Este

Visit to the ‘Eastern National Park’ is a special treat for any nature lover. As one of the largest marine parks in the Caribbean, it has an amazing coral reef system where you can encounter a myriad of marine life while diving. Those who prefer land will not be disappointed with more than a hundred various types birds, remote beaches and rainforests. All the components for a romantic holiday are presented in the Parque Nacional del Este. There is also evidence of early Taino activity, with rare rock art that exists along the area.

Zona Colonial in Santo Domingo

This historic area of ​​Santo Domingo is the oldest European settlement in the New World and has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Zona Colonial is located on the west bank of the Ozama River and oozes romance with delightful pastel buildings, colorful hanging baskets, beautifully restored cobblestone streets and mansions. It makes sense to be nostalgic as you follow in the footsteps of the conquistadors. Among the many attractions are Las Damas, the oldest cobbled street in the world dating from 1502, a 16th-century cathedral, a bronze statue of Christopher Columbus and the legendary house of Germán Cortés. Spend a day immersed in history, wandering the area, sipping strong coffee at roadside cafes, or exploring local Dominican craft.

Saona Island

Although this small island of Saona is part of a national park, it deserves special attention and is widely considered to be the most popular part of the park. The path alternates between idyllic stretches of coastline to acres of mangrove swamps to a tiny fishing village - the only inhabited part of the island. For tourists, this tropical island paradise is easily accessible by boat or catamaran. Among the attractions of the Dominican Republic, this island is considered the most uninhabited landmark.

Bahia de las Aguilas beach

Literally translated as 'eagle bay', it is an 8 km stretch of sand and clean water is believed to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. main reason This is that it is a completely unspoiled and virtually completely isolated place away from the major tourist areas, accessible by boat by finding a local guide from the tiny fishing village of La Cueva (the cave). But it's worth it to lie on one of the world's most utopian stretches of coastline. The sights of the Dominican Republic can surprise you endlessly.

Paradise Ilenl and Mangrove

Speedboats quickly take you to this breathtaking deserted island with a white sandy beach, beautiful coral reef and sparkling turquoise waters. Go on a guided snorkeling trip and catch tropical fish to be fried! If scuba diving isn't your thing, take a boat ride through the mangrove forests or enjoy lunch at a traditional restaurant in a typical Dominican fishing village.

Damayacua Falls

This is one of the most popular attractions in the Dominican Republic, located in Puerto Plata. Travelers will follow an English-speaking guide for 25-30 minutes to the hills of the Northern Corridor, where the 27 waterfalls are located. Park visitors can choose a different package to visit one or two waterfalls, and are also offered the chance to climb to the top of each cascade. What could be more exhilarating than splashing around in a warm, sparkling pool of clear water next to a waterfall? La Tinita is the most spectacular of all the waterfalls.

Mountains in Constanta

Constanta is a great place to find refuge from the hot weather high temperature Dominican Republic Review mountainous area is in stark contrast to the miles of coastline that surround the island. This unique microclimate helps local hardworking farmers grow what is not available in other parts Caribbean Sea. With lush green forests in rolling hills and cloud-capped peaks, Constanza invites tourists to explore the highest peak in the Caribbean - Pico Duarte. One of the Dominican Republic's most important natural and cultural monuments is located here, Piedras Letreadas - a collection of spectacular carved statues that document the life of the civilization that lived in this place more than 500 years ago.

Lake Enriquillo

This salty remnant of an ancient ocean channel is famous for its elusive inhabitants - crocodiles and iguanas. In fact, it is one of the few lakes in the world that is home to crocodiles and gives visitors the chance to observe these fascinating creatures in their natural habitat. Tourists check in at a small visitor center with information about the island's history, and take a boat ride through the park. The tour of this natural attraction of the Dominican Republic lasts approximately an hour.

In continuation, I suggest you take a virtual trip to the Dominican Republic in photographs, where many interesting places also await you.

The sights of the Dominican Republic can truly capture the imagination of any, even the most experienced, traveler.

What is a must-see in this country?

Sightseeing or beach holiday

In general, when going on vacation, we are constantly faced with the question of what, strictly speaking, to give preference to: a sun lounger under a palm tree and the sea or exploring local attractions and getting to know the country.

If we talk about this exotic country, like the Dominican Republic, then you need to learn how to combine. Why? Yes, because this is where beaches of incredible beauty are located, but at the same time, the sights are such that even experienced travelers will take their breath away.

A little about the history and features of architecture

The Dominican Republic was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. In general, it must be said that he did it at the right time. Why? The thing is that it was then that the founding of most historical cities took place, the most famous of which is Santo Domingo. This city with its amazing ancient architecture has survived to this day. It is considered one of the most beautiful.

In many cities they have been preserved in good condition.

  • unique churches;
  • ancient palaces;
  • majestic cathedrals;
  • mysterious castles.

Nowadays, only ruins remain of some buildings, which are covered with a veil of mystery and silence.

In the Dominican Republic you can see not only man-made attractions, but also natural beauty. National parks, tropical forests, mountains, groves, caves, waterfalls - all the pristine beauty of the Dominican nature cannot be expressed in words.

Each city and its surroundings offer many interesting sights. Although beginners can be given quite useful advice: when you come to rest in this republic, you shouldn’t rush to immediately inspect just the caves or just the churches. Look around and you will see something more than the well-known Punta Cana. Agree, you can simply look at its views in the photographs of friends and acquaintances. But you should try to capture other places, their ancient architecture, exotic nature, white sand beaches, both in memory and in photographs.

If this is your first time in the Dominican Republic, first visit all the nearby attractions, and then move on to explore more distant ones.

Where can I buy a tour?

Well, in principle, there are actually enough such places anywhere. To see the sights, you can book excursions from a tour operator, hotel or local travel companies. However, try to prepare for such a trip in advance, find all the information on the Internet possible information, work it out, rent a car and go on a journey and adventure!

The role of religion in the formation of the country: cathedrals and temples

The first thing to see in the capital of the Dominican Republic is the cathedrals and temples. This city was one of the first to be built, so it contains many architectural structures of historical value. Preserved in Santo Domingo a large number of ancient churches and cathedrals, which is not surprising, because the Dominicans are very religious people. Christianity has been developing here since the discovery of the island by Columbus. Perhaps the most famous religious landmark is the Cathedral, built in the Gothic style in the 16th century. Of great interest are the churches of San Nicolas and Regina Angelorum and the Chapel of St. Andrew. You can also see very beautiful monasteries.

In the footsteps of the greats!

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing to see here except churches, but this is far from the case. The palaces and castles built in honor of Columbus and his descendants are striking in their grandeur. The Alcazar de Colon Palace was built by Diego Columbus, son of Christopher. The palace has 22 rooms and a huge number of unique items.

The palaces of Casa Borghella and Casa del Duarte are popular among lovers of antiquity.

The Osama Fortress and the Torre del Omenaje, which once served as a prison, have survived to this day in good condition. Today, by purchasing a tour, you can easily get inside.

The center of Santo Domingo is one large architectural monument of the 16th century. It will be interesting to see: the first hospital, the mint, the very first stone house on the island, the mausoleum, forts and fortresses.

We visit the lighthouse of the world's main navigator

At the end of the 20th century, the Columbus Lighthouse was completed, which is considered the main attraction of the Dominican Republic. In the lighthouse itself there is a museum of the countries that contributed financially to the construction of the lighthouse. By the way, there is a Russian hall with matryoshka dolls and a balalaika.

Well, what about without nature? - Capital parks and squares

In many parks and museums in Santo Domingo you can get acquainted with the life of pioneers, including Christopher Columbus. Although if you don't have enough time, try to see the main thing - Las Casas Reales. This is perhaps the most interesting museum not only the city, but the whole country.

The nature of the Dominican Republic is its main attraction. In the Three Eyes Park you can see not only above-ground, but also underground secrets. It is also recommended to visit the Botanical Garden and Columbus Park.

Perhaps this is the place to go for those who love to spend time on fresh air and quickly gets tired of various kinds of museums, cathedrals, castles and modern municipal buildings.

Prove that you are brave! - Cable car

From this resort there is a cable car that leads to the top of Mount Isabel de Torres. There is a botanical garden with amazing, pristine beauty of nature. It is noteworthy that a statue of Jesus, a copy of the Brazilian statue, was erected on the mountain.

What to see in Santiago

Spiers reaching into the sky

Like other cities in the Dominican Republic, Santiago is rich in cathedrals and temples that amaze with their spirituality. The most interesting is the Santiago Cathedral.

A place you've never been to before: the tobacco factories of Santiago

Local excursions may invite you to visit tobacco factories, which are the national pride of the Dominicans. In the suburbs of Santiago you can visit coffee plantations. Dominican coffee is one of the best in the world.

Do you want to take a useful walk? Do you want to combine the process of getting a first-class tan, swimming and exploring the local attractions? Then you need to first visit the world-famous Saman Peninsula. There is everything here to conquer even the most experienced and capricious traveler!

So, let's begin.

First, let's take a walk through the tropical grove

Excursions on horseback are organized to the mountainous part of the peninsula. During excursions, tourists are taken to admire high waterfalls and tropical groves.

Let's take a look at the unique cave park

There is also the Haitises National Park, which has a large number of caves.

Let's watch whales play

The main attraction of this peninsula is its nature. Mostly tourists come here to watch the games of huge whales in the Banco de la Plata marine reserve. These games take place from mid-January to mid-March.

And finally, let's relax on the beach island

The island of Cayo Levantado is of great interest to tourists. It attracts tourists with its magnificent, clean beaches.

The Three Eyes Cave is a popular attraction in Santo Domingo, located in the Mirador del Este Park. It consists of three dark caves connected by passages that are filled with...”

“The Ecological Park of Manati is a must-visit for those who want to get to know Dominican exotic nature: a variety of tropical plants, graceful pink flamingos, colorful...”

“Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines and get ready for an adventure - a half-day safari in the Dominican Republic that will take you through the picturesque countryside in a real buggy. Departing from Punta Can...”

“The Punta Cana Ecological Park covers an area of ​​about 8 thousand km. protected coastal and inland areas, home to about 80 species of birds, 160 species of insects and 500 species of plants. Visitors..."

“Pic Duarte is the highest mountain in the Antilles. The height of this peak is 3087 meters above sea level. The first person to rise to this height was an Englishman of German origin...”

“Spend a full day of adventure on a buggy safari and experience the unforgettable adventures that Punta Cana has to offer. You will ride on a special buggy through rice fields, along beaches, about...”

“In the northeastern part of the Dominican Republic, on the Samana Peninsula, among the wild jungle there is a “Pirate Amusement Park”. The park is designed in the style of the popular film "Pirates of the Caribbean..."

“La Caleta is the most popular underwater park in the Dominican Republic. A huge number of tourists are attracted here not only by the beauty of the richest marine flora and fauna, but also by several sunken ships. Od...”

“The anthropological caves of the Sanctuary of Wonders are located in Gumayasa, 15 km from San Pedro de Macoris, on the way to La Romana. There is a sign on the main road. Huge caves are currently being found...”

“The anomalous zone of Polo Magnetico is one of the most amazing natural phenomena associated with exposure magnetic field Earth. If you put the car in neutral in this “enchanted” place...”

“Leave the urban center of Punta Cana far behind and visit the true Dominican Republic! Join a unique tour of the Dominican Republic on a special eight-wheeled monster - the Safari Truck...”

“Los Haitises National Natural Reserve will especially appeal to those tourists who prefer wild nature and active recreation. Traveling through this reserve, you will see gorgeous bamboo groves...”

“The delightful, picturesque island of Saona, covered with thickets of tropical plants of the Este National Park and the delicate thin sand of cozy beaches, was discovered by Christopher Columbus himself. Nature itself took care of...”

“Not far from the Baaibe pier, the cargo ship St. George has been lying on the bottom since the mid-80s. Now it is an extremely popular attraction among divers in the Dominican Republic. He froze upright..."

“Get the most out of swimming with dolphins in the sea near Punta Cana - on the east coast of the Dominican Republic! Visit Dolphin Island - an area specially created in...»

“Ocean World Marine Park is located near Puerto Plata. This is one of the most popular places, both among tourists and among the local population on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic. Here..."

The Dominican Republic is one of the popular resorts in the Caribbean. The full and correct name of the island state is the Dominican Republic. It occupies approximately 2/3 of the island of Haiti and its neighboring islands. Tourists come here to relax in the warm sea and look at the amazing.

Dominican Republic: attractions and interesting places

Holidays in the Dominican Republic are an opportunity to combine mountains and sea. On the territory of the state is the highest point of the Caribbean - Duarte Peak (3087 meters), located in the Cordillera Central ridge.

Also in the Dominican Republic there is a depression located below sea level - Cul de Sac (-44 meters). There are also waterfalls on the island. Hidden in the hills of the northern Corridor are 27 waterfalls of varying heights.

But the main beauties of the country are sandy beaches, framed by tropical forests. The most alluring of them can be considered Bahia de las Aguilas. This is an 8-kilometer strip of sand, hidden from civilization. You can get here by boat and relax like a real savage.
One of paradises Dominican Republic - Samana province, where from January to March you can see the humpback whales that swim here. Even boat trips are organized here to take a closer look at them.
Sights of the Dominican Republic will not be fully revealed without the Nacional del Este park. This park is partly marine - here you can see the inhabitants of the tropical depths and admire the corals. The best way to get here is by boat.

By the way, Nacional del Este is not the only park in the country. You can also visit national park"3 eyes".

Zona Colonial is the site of an ancient settlement, the oldest on the island. Moreover, this is the first Spanish settlement in the New World, founded by Christopher Columbus and his companions. The zone is located in the capital Santo Domingo. Here is Las Damas Street, which is recognized as the oldest surviving cobblestone street in the world. There is also a statue of the island’s discoverer, Christopher Columbus, and an ancient cathedral from the 16th century.