“No access to the Internet” - we solve the main reason. We configure the Wi-Fi router to work with the provider. Setting up the TP-Link TL-WR841N router, connecting to the Internet

Hello! I’ll probably continue a series of articles about setting Wi-Fi router ov, solving problems with a wireless network and the like. I have already seen many times that this topic is very popular and a lot of different errors can arise when setting up Wi-Fi. We have already considered some problems and tried to solve them. I most likely will not be mistaken if I say that when setting up a Wi-Fi router, the most common mistake is -.

To know the enemy by sight :), I will attach screenshots of this error.

If the computer connects to the router via Wi-Fi, then the problem looks like this (network level with yellow triangle):

When connecting to the Internet via a router via network cable, the error looks like this (computer with yellow triangle):

On mobile devices(phones, smartphones, tablets), such a problem with Wi-Fi operation looks like this:

The device connects to Wi-Fi, the status is that everything is connected, but sites do not open and programs that use the Internet do not work.

I have already written a large article about solving this problem. In it, I wrote about solving problems through which there may be a problem in the form of “No access to the Internet”. But one of the main reasons is incorrect setting Wi-Fi router, or rather tabs WAN, where you need to specify the provider settings. In this article we will look in detail at how to configure a Wi-Fi router to work with your provider and provide access to the Internet.

I’ll tell you more, the process of setting up the router itself is just specifying the settings from the provider and, if necessary, cloning the MAC address, well, apart from other little things that you can read about in the article.

After you Right In the router settings, enter the data that the provider provided to you, then the Internet should work immediately, well, maximum after rebooting the router.

For even greater clarity, let me provide a screenshot of a recently left comment on this blog:

And this is how “Voffka” solved this problem:

That's it, friends, now let's get to the point, otherwise my introduction is longer than the main part :). But we have to figure it all out.

“Without Internet access” – check the provider settings on the Wi-Fi router

I will show you with an example TP-Link TL-WR841N, as always:).

First of all, we need to find out what technology your provider uses for connection. For example, in the TL-WR841N in the settings tab WAN You can specify one of the technologies:

  1. Dynamic IP
  2. Static IP
  3. PPTP/Russia PPTP
  4. BigPond Cable
  5. L2TP/Russia L2TP
  6. PPTP/Russia PPTP

And depending on which technology you choose, you can specify Additional information, which was most likely provided to you by your provider when you connected. For example, if technology Static IP, then the provider must give you an IP address and other information for connection. If technology PPTP/Russia PPTP then you can specify login, password, IP (if it is needed). If the provider allocates a dynamic IP address, then simply set Dynamic IP and everything works. This is how it is for me, the provider uses dynamic IP.

This means you need to find out what technology your provider uses. How to do it? You can look at the documents that you received when connecting, you can look for information on the provider’s website, or you can just call and ask. Say that you are setting up the Internet on a Wi-Fi router, and you don’t know what type of connection and what settings to specify in the router settings. You must be provided with the necessary information.

You have learned what settings you need to specify, now for clarity, I will show you how to specify these settings in the router itself.

Go to the router control panel. To do this, type in the address bar of your browser (if it doesn’t work, then look at the address at the bottom of the router). Enter your login and password, by default it is admin and admin (if you haven't changed it).

Go to the tab "Network", then "WAN".

For example I show settings for Kyivstar Home Internet(Ukraine). This provider, as I already wrote, uses dynamic IP. Therefore, in order for the Internet to work, on the contrary WAN Connection Type: indicate Dynamic IP, press the button "Save", reboot the router and rejoice, (I hope :)).

Another example is the setting for the Beeline\Corbina provider.

As far as I know, this provider uses technology L2TP(Russian L2TP). Therefore, opposite WAN Connection Type: indicate L2TP/Russia L2TP.

User Name and Password – indicate your connection details (most likely, you received them when connecting).

Server IP Address/Name: – VPN server tp.internet.beeline.ru

WAN Connection Mode: – select Connect Automatically.

To save, press the button "Save".

After making these settings everything should work. If I'm not mistaken, then none of these providers use MAC address binding. Well, if your provider binds to MAC, then read on.

Clone a MAC address from a computer to a Wi-Fi router

If your provider binds the connection to the MAC address, then for the Internet connection to work, you also need to clone the MAC address from the computer to the router. You can read more about the MAC address.


You need to connect the router via a network cable to the computer on which the Internet previously worked.

In the router settings, go to the tab "Network""MAC Clone". Click the button “Clone MAC Address” and a button "Save". Reboot your router.

That's it, the setup is complete. I hope everything worked out for you.


I tried to make this article simple and understandable, and it seems to have worked. The most important thing is to lay out the material in the right sequence and remove unnecessary information which will only confuse the reader.

You can leave your questions, comments and additions in the comments below. Best wishes!

Also on the site:

“Without access to the Internet” – we decide main reason. Setting up a Wi-Fi router to work with your provider updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

The TP-Link TL WR 841 ND router is a popular device on the market, mainly used for home use. It can be configured without special knowledge or equipment. Now let's look at this process in detail.

Assembling and connecting the device

It looks like this:

After purchasing, you need to make sure that it is complete. A TP-Link wireless router must contain in the original packaging (in addition to the router itself) a power supply unit (hereinafter referred to as PSU), a patch cord (a short cable with a connector for a network card, needed for direct connection to a computer), as well as a disk with instructions. Having ensured the integrity of the kit, we proceed to the next stage.

Let's start connecting to the network

We assemble the device and connect it to the network
This router allows you to do without wires, but you still have to tinker with them a little to connect. So, we do the following:

  • Having carefully opened the original packaging, we take out a set of our equipment. Tip: compare the current and voltage readings on the power supply with the factory parameters (description in the documentation). There are times when manufacturers include unsuitable models in the kit. Using a power supply with other current parameters will have a negative impact on the router - it may ahead of schedule break down.
  • We take the power supply and connect it to the router via the appropriate connector (TP-Link WR841N has one round connector, so it’s impossible to make a mistake).
  • We insert the power supply into the 220V network. The device must fit tightly to avoid short circuits. Therefore, it is not advisable to insert it into old (“Soviet”) style sockets.

  • Press the power button on the router. If the device is in working condition, the indicators will light up. The first one on the left should be constantly lit, and the one next to it should blink (this signals that the device is ready for operation).

Advice: if the lights do not light up, try connecting the power supply to another device (most have standard connectors). If it works, the problem is in the wifi router, otherwise in the unit itself.

  • Next, we connect the cable from the provider to the router. It needs to be inserted into the WAN connector. If the 4th light starts to light up, it means there is internet.
  • We connect the router and PC (or other device) using a patch cord. We install the first end into one of the four LAN connectors of the router, and the second into the PC’s network card.

Reset all parameters to factory values

This procedure is required if the device was purchased secondhand. Because the TP-Link WR841ND may have non-standard firmware, or the parameters may simply be set incorrectly. However, there are often cases when devices in the factory packaging are incorrectly configured. This is due to the fact that they can be tested in stores.

So, to bring the settings to the default values, press the WPS|Reset button and hold for half a minute. The router will reboot - this will signal that the settings have been reset. If you made fatal mistakes while trying to configure the TP router, this procedure will return everything to its original position.

Working with the interface

Before going into the router settings, make sure that one of the standard browsers is installed on your computer. So, once in the browser, enter these numbers in the address bar (field at the top): This is the router's default address.

Please note: for all models from TP-link there is also a universal address: http://tplinklogin.net.

After entering any of the addresses, press the “Enter” key. As a result, a user interface will open in which you need to log in. On at this stage You need to enter the standard layout “admin” in the “Username” and “password” fields. Finally, click on the login button. As a result, we will get to the interface where the TP-Link WR841ND is actually configured.

Login may fail for 2 reasons:

  1. incorrect network card settings (old drivers, disabled card, etc.),
  2. equipment malfunction.

Changing the default password

This procedure is optional, but if you live in an apartment building, then there is a high probability that your neighbors will start using your Internet. In this case, its speed will decrease greatly (almost like on a modem). The change is made as follows:

· In the user interface, click on the “System tools” section, then “password”.

· Enter the default user data (admin).

· Then enter a new username and password. Duplicate the values ​​of e and confirm the changes by clicking on the “save” button.

Connecting to the Internet

Before setting up a TP-Link router, you will need to find out the type of connection (in most cases, this is enough to call customer support). You will also need user data from the provider.

Dynamic connection

Usually set by default. If a different type is specified in the interface, then in order to set it to dynamic, you need to do the following:

· In the “connection type” menu, click on “dynamic IP address”.

· Click on the “define” button.

As a result, the system will load the data after some time. When finished, save the changes

Connection type PPPoE

This is the most popular connection method used by the main Internet providers in the CIS countries. After looking at the user data, do the following:

· Enter user data (from the provider, not from the Wi-Fi connection!).

· We confirm.

· Check the box next to “Connect automatically” and save the settings.

Static method

More complex method for TP-Link WR841N, for which you will need to know a number of data: IP address, main gateway, subnet mask, DNS. Typically, these parameters are specified in the contract from the provider, so there should be no problems. If your computer has already established a connection from the current provider, this data can be found in the network card settings. To do this, you need to find it in the device manager and write down the parameters presented above. You can also contact your provider's customer service and request these characteristics.

We go to the WAN connection type, set the “static IP address” method and enter the characteristics presented above. In the MTU size field, we leave the default value only if the contract does not say anything about this item. We set the secondary DNS to: (this is the Google server). Finally, click the “save” button.

Don't forget to update the firmware

Software for network equipment is constantly being improved, so it needs to be updated. To do this, just download the required distribution kit from the developer’s website (tp-linkru.com). Before flashing the TP-Link WR841N router, look at the bottom of the case and find out the hardware version (denoted as Ver **, where ** is the version number).

By going to the website, select the version we are interested in and download it. To avoid losing your settings, you only need to update the firmware using a network cable via a computer. That is, you need to disconnect the WAN cable (from the provider) and connect the router to the computer via a patch cord. And then we proceed according to the instructions of the installation program.

Hello. And again I will write about wireless Wi-Fi networks and router configuration. The article about this raised a lot of questions. And as a rule, these are questions like: everything It works, but Wi-Fi network without access to the Internet, or the Internet works via cable, but not via Wi-Fi. Well something like that.

Today, I decided to deal with this problem, I understand why such problems can arise.

Here are a few more questions from the article about setting up the TP-Link TL-WR841N router:

Or, Oleg asked the following question:

Hello, here’s the problem: everything is connected to Wi-Fi, you can connect to it both from the computer that distributes it, and from other devices, it sees it and connects, but without Internet access, write in a PM or here I will be very grateful, I’ve been suffering for days but nothing. Help.

So I decided to delve into this topic. Oleg has already configured everything, and everything works for him, but first things first.

I think the problem that we will now solve is clear, and it’s the same for you: after setting up a Wi-Fi router, the Internet via Wi-Fi does not work, or only works via a cable from the router, or does not work at all through the router. We will consider this issue using routers from TP-Link as an example, although I have a specific model TP-Link TL-WR841N, but still, I think that they are not very different in configuration. In principle, if you have some other router, then read it anyway, it might come in handy.

Wi-Fi network without Internet access. What to do?

If a problem has already occurred that the device connects to the Wi-Fi network, but the sites do not open, then first of all we need to find what’s wrong. On the Internet itself, on a router, or on a laptop, tablet, phone, etc.

Checking the Internet connection without a router

Let's go in order. First, we check whether the Internet is working, otherwise you never know. To do this, you just need to connect the network cable directly to, without a router. If the Internet works fine, then everything is fine, let's move on. If not, then solve this problem with your provider.

If everything is fine with the Internet, then there is a problem either with the router, or with the laptop, or other device that you want to connect to your Wi-Fi network.

We find out whether the problem is in the router or laptop.

To do this, just try to connect not only one laptop to your router, but also a phone, tablet, or another laptop. If all devices find your Wi-Fi network, but when connected it will not have access to the Internet (this connection status can be seen on the laptop), or sites simply will not open, then the problem is in the Wi-Fi router settings.

Well, if, for example, the Internet via Wi-Fi does not work on only one laptop, and other devices connect and open websites, then the problem is in the laptop (not necessarily a laptop, it could be).

I hope you managed to find out what the problem is, in the router or in the laptop. And now we will look at how to solve, or at least try to solve, this or that case.

If the problem is with the laptop

If it turns out that you have a problem with your laptop and the network without the Internet is only on it, then you need to check the settings of the wireless network connection. Perhaps during the process of setting up the router, you changed some settings on the laptop, or you previously set up some other network. Personally, on my laptop with Windows 7, there are parameters by which the laptop automatically receives an IP address and DNS server from the router.

Everything works for me with these settings, my router is configured as written in the article. In order to check whether your wireless connection on your laptop is configured correctly, do this:

Connect to your network, the laptop should connect, but the notification bar icon that shows Wi-Fi will have a yellow triangle, meaning no internet access. Like this:

Right-click on it and select “Network and Sharing Center.”

Then, in the new window, on the right, click on “Change adapter settings”.

A window will open in which you need to select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click the “Properties” button.

Another window will open in which you need to make sure that the “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS servers automatically” items are checked. If not, check these values ​​and click OK.

Restart the laptop, and if your Wi-Fi router is configured correctly (and, as we found out above, it is configured correctly), then the Wi-Fi network on the laptop should work and the sites should open.

And one more important point: very often the connection can be blocked by antiviruses and firewalls, so try disabling them.

Update! I wrote a detailed article in which I separately discussed the main problems with connecting a laptop to Wi-Fi -

If the problem is with the Wi-Fi router

Before you start setting up your router, it is advisable to reset the settings to factory settings. To do this, press with something sharp and hold the small button on the back panel of the router for 10 seconds (more details in the article). Then you can configure the router as written in the article on setting up TP-Link TL-WR841N (link is above).

In solving a problem with a network without Internet access, we are only interested in the tab WAN. In this section, we configure the Internet connection that we connect to the router, setting up the provider, so to speak.

In LICs, providers most often use the following connections: Dynamic IP, Static IP, PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP. For example, my Kyivstar provider uses Dynamic IP, so I have the following settings on the WAN tab:

And if your provider uses a different connection technology, for example Static IP, PPPoE, or PPTP, then setting up with Dynamic IP, like mine, will not work for you. Because the router simply cannot connect to the Internet, it creates a network, but there is no Internet. And exactly These settings are the problem.

For example, we can consider the problem that Oleg had, which I wrote about at the beginning of the article. He has a Beeline provider, in the settings on the WAN tab, opposite WAN Connection Type: he chose Dynamic IP and therefore his Internet did not work.

After I started to figure out what the problem was, it turned out that Beeline uses L2TP/Russian L2TP technology. After Oleg installed L2TP/Russian L2TP on the WAN Connection Type, entered his username and password, and made other settings, everything worked. This is what the router settings for Beeline look like:

As you already understand, this problem is solved very simply. You need to call your provider, or look on the Internet what connection method he uses to connect. And based on the information you receive from your provider, you need to configure the router, or rather the WAN tab. Here's another forum address: Http://forum. tp-linkru. com/viewtopic. php? p=253#p253 on which it is written how to configure TP-Link routers for some Russian providers, such as BeelineCorbina, NetByNet, QWERTY, Dom. ru, 2KOM, etc.

If the provider binds to the MAC address

And further About binding to MAC address. Some providers do this, and it can interfere with setting up your router. Therefore, you need to connect the router via a network cable to a computer whose MAC address is registered with the provider, go to the MAC Clone tab in the router settings and click on the Clone MAC Address button, click Save.


They shared with me one solution that helped overcome this problem when connecting via Wi-Fi. The person had Windows 8 and everything worked fine. But he decided to install it and after that the problems began. Laptop to wireless network connected, but “Without access to the Internet.” All the advice didn’t help, but this is what did:

Go to Control Panel, Network and Internet, Network and Sharing Center. Then, on the left select Wireless Network Management.

Right-click on the network that is having trouble connecting to it. Select properties.

Go to the tab Safety, then click on the button Extra options. Check the box next to Enable compatibility mode for this network Federal standard information processing (FIPS).

Here's an update, perhaps this method will help you!


I hope that I was able to clearly and step-by-step describe what could cause a problem when the network works through a router, but without access to the Internet. And how to solve this problem. Perhaps I didn’t write about something, so I ask you to fill me in in the comments. After all, it is impossible to write about all the ways to solve this problem, because there can be a lot of reasons for its occurrence.