Astrological calendar for April Gemini. How to treat drug allergies

Horoscope for April 2016 - Gemini 5.00 /5 (1 votes)

General horoscope for April for Gemini

The April 2016 horoscope encourages Gemini to be bold and decisive to provide moral leadership in matters at home, at work and in social life. You are filled with energy that will allow you to work hard without becoming tired and exhausted.

Gemini - you are an Alpha man/woman, capable of taking responsibility and solving problems. Representatives of this sign can be successful in the role of leaders, since others feel the winning quality of power in you - reliability, and therefore respect you.

Advice from the April horoscope for Gemini:
You will probably benefit sports activities, but more for fun than in the competitive aspect - now you are full of enthusiasm, and not fierce competition.

April is a pretty good month for Gemini, everything around will be in motion to take advantage of the moment and work more productively than usual. Even banal everyday things will be easier to do. This is the period when you feel confident, it is advisable to use the time for things that you usually shy away from. Look at some chances in terms of attracting new jobs or new positions, take part in a competition, competition, etc. This is not about starting serious changes right now, this is a great time to test your strengths and capabilities. Those who don't take risks don't drink champagne!

Love horoscope for April for Gemini

Gemini, giving and taking is a theme for you in love relationships in April 2016. Your partner may accuse you of being selfish, although his demands are, in fact, unfair; you both are just on different pages of the book. Sometimes our loved ones need material confirmation of our affection, and the April horoscope advises you to really make extra efforts and show maximum attention and care to them. Listen more, help, show interest, figuratively speaking - you go the same way as always, only add another extra kilometer.

Warning from the love horoscope for Gemini:
Often we do not realize that we take those we love for granted, and it seems that everything is not bad, within the bounds of decency, to further confirm this affection and love by making additional efforts.

It is quite possible that at the beginning of April you will want to express your accumulated arguments, throw out your emotions, but the advice of the horoscope is to try to keep your mouth shut, as you will probably regret it later. Don't rush to conclusions and try to be fair, even in heated debates. By arguing and swearing you will not gain anything, you will only become more stubborn and even more entrenched in your views. Set aside petty discussions and think about how to constructively balance your needs. April is not a month when argument clears the air, it is a month when Geminis need to continue trying to agree and remember what arguments each makes and what they expect from each other.

Rhythm of life Gemini accelerates. Helpful planets encourage you to move faster, and this is to your liking - after all, you are the most restless sign of the Zodiac.

Love, Gemini family in April 2016

Gemini's situation in family life can get out of control. The second half becomes demanding and even aggressive. Perhaps you spend little time at home; work, social connections, and friendships take up too much time. In order not to provoke a conflict, it is worth explaining to your family that you are trying not only for yourself, but also for them. Maybe, close person will look at the matter from a different angle and the problem will be resolved.

The same advice is relevant for most lovers.

To look charming in April 2016 horoscope Gemini recommends cutting and coloring hair according to Lunar haircut calendar for April 2016.

Career, finance Gemini in April 2016

In business terms, April is very good for Gemini. A lot of communication is expected - with friends, partners and very influential people. All contacts this month will turn out as you planned, that is, support is guaranteed. Employees' relationships with their superiors will improve, and the entrepreneur will be able to conclude a very lucrative contract.

For all professional matters best time- the first half of the month, during this period the most important events should be planned. In the third decade, one of the partners will take a break or begin to doubt the reliability of the common cause. It is possible that we will have to return to some complex professional issues and reconsider many things. This will take at least two months, and during this time many changes will occur. We must hope that they will benefit the cause.

In April, Gemini's financial position is not particularly stable. Money will constantly go away, and there are many reasons for this - investment in business, entertainment expenses, communication with friends, as well as the demands of certain high-ranking persons. The stars advise not to lend money to friends; later you may be left without money and without friends. Family people will have to spend a large sum on the needs of their children.

Accept with gratitude everything that fate gives, and do not complain about not receiving something.

“We assume, but life disposes,” - in April you will remember this saying more than once. But it doesn’t matter that some plans are not destined to come true this month. You are probably in too much of a hurry or are not yet mentally prepared to get what you are striving for - everything has its time.

Events last decade April will make you take a fresh look at life in general and your own place in it.


Even in the most difficult situations situations that you will find yourself in in the first half of the month, try to control your behavior. Hot temper will serve you badly now. So, if you get excited on April 7, the day of the new moon, you will find yourself drawn into a long conflict. Do everything possible to avoid this. Do not think that the stars are calling you to endure grievances in silence. Protect yourself, but don't let your emotions get out of control.

In the second ten days of April there will be a chance to put an end to some important matter. You will achieve success only if you follow the saying “Don’t change horses in midstream.” Keep in mind: suddenly choosing a new strategy will set you back several steps.

New prospects may open up before you in the third decade of the month. Anyone who is thinking about changing jobs may quite accidentally find a very lucrative vacancy. And some Geminis will even have to take their first steps, working for themselves.


The family boat will begin to rock in April. A strong storm is not expected, but for some reason you will take everything that happens too close to your heart. Don’t make a mountain out of a mountain: the situation will return to normal in the near future - and don’t wash your dirty linen in public. The advice you receive from your loved ones will definitely be ineffective.

A man who is already quite long time flirts with you, suddenly switches to active offensive actions: Venus will push him to such a decision. You won’t even notice how you will find yourself drawn into a new relationship that gives you joy and surprises you with its unpredictability. It is difficult to say whether this romance will be long-lasting, but it is already clear that it will give you many happy moments.


In the first week of the month you risk being captured bad mood, which the tense Lilith warns about. In order for sadness to leave your heart faster, it is recommended to rest more (and remember: rest is a change of activity). If you are following a diet, then give it up for at least the indicated seven days. Eat what you like, and don’t forget to consume chocolate, because it contains the joy hormone endorphin.

On April 10 and 11, minor pain in the joints of the hands is possible, as warned by the Moon located in your zodiac sign. Do not resort to using ointments and creams: they will not only be useless, but can also cause allergies. But special gymnastics will allow you to quickly relieve any unpleasant sensations that arise.

The second half of April will pass under the beneficial influence of Jupiter, which means your mood will be excellent! During this period, the risk of getting sick is low, but even if some illness takes you by surprise, it will be short-lived.

The most successful period for playing sports will be from April 14 to April 23, when you will fall under the protection of a favorable planetary configuration. The body's hidden resources are activated, so you can withstand any physical activity.

The world

The beginning of the month will be successful if you set your priorities correctly. Saturn, who patronizes you on April 1-5, calls for you to make a clear plan for each of these days. Otherwise, you may complete a lot of minor tasks, but still not have time to do the most important thing.

Organize a holiday with friends on April 8 or 9, when the Moon connects with Mercury. You will have a wonderful time and at the same time replenish the energy that you managed to expend during the first week of the month.

From April 12 to April 24, you will need new impressions like air, as indicated by aspects of Pluto. Therefore, go somewhere you have never been before: an amusement park, an exhibition of exotic animals, an unusual museum, a themed restaurant, etc. Abstract from household chores and work, direct all your efforts to diversify your life.

Dedicate the remaining days of the month to shopping. Venus successfully aspecting your sign promises that all acquisitions will turn out to be excellent. Please note that April 29 and 30 are the busiest favorable days to make purchases in online stores, as indicated by the Moon located in your friendly sign of Aquarius.

Favorable days - 4, 5, 14, 23, 29
Unfavorable days - 7, 11, 20

A love astrological forecast will tell you how the personal life of representatives of the Zodiac Sign Gemini will turn out. He will tell you what to expect from Fate in April 2016.

Love horoscope Gemini promises a very busy month for April. Especially in the first and last week. The alignment in the future will depend on the actions you take. love sphere for the rest of the spring.

The horoscope advises free Geminis to look around more boldly. Your happiness is somewhere nearby, but you will encounter it only through a lucky chance. So you can't miss it. If you are planning a vacation, traveling or a business trip, do not change your plans - everything will turn out well.

If you have a long and strong connection with your soulmate, it’s time to let in life together spring energy of renewal. Change your hairstyle or wardrobe, get busy appearance and offer your partner a joint business that would unite you. Gentleness will not harm the relationship and will help to seek compromises and common ground.

The love horoscope wishes the representatives of the Zodiac Sign Gemini success in both personal life, and in other areas that are important to you personally. Get better, enjoy the coming of spring and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Gemini horoscope for April 2016.

In April 2016, Gemini will be like a refrigerator! And, as you know, all refrigerators have the property of attracting magnets. So in April 2016, Gemini will attract attention, people, money, troubles, joy, love and other bullshit. Therefore, in order to attract only what you need, for example, only love or only money, Gemini in April 2016 needs to periodically “demagnetize” themselves. But, not with the help of alcohol or antistatic, but with the help of other people. That is, dumping questions, problems, a bad aura, or more fateful problems on them - for example, who is running to buy some bread. This is especially true for Gemini women. So the best thing that Gemini can do in April 2016 is to find a “scapegoat”, and Gemini women - just a “goat” who will solve all your questions, or at least give you a credit card for this. And then you will remain clean and satisfied and will again attract glances, attention, success, and of course new rakes (where would you be without them).

As we have already said, in April 2016 Gemini will be like a refrigerator, also because many will pull you “by the handle” or “by the door” to see what tasty things you have inside. First of all, this, of course, concerns personal life. So in April 2016, Geminis need to be prepared for the fact that in the middle of Spring people will be interested not in your external form, but in your internal content (like a refrigerator). Therefore, try to ensure that in April 2016 everything inside you is only fresh and tasty. No yesterday’s and already callous depression, no stale disappointment (fresh is possible), and no last year’s withered hopes. And try to ensure that inside your refrigerator there is not only alcohol, but also something that you would like to take without heating it. This is especially true for Gemini men, who usually only have eggs in their refrigerator in addition to alcohol.