Allergies, asthma. We fight, we explore. Where can I check for a specific dog? Dog, epithelium (E2), allergen-specific IgG Allergy tests for a specific breed of dog

[21-621 ] Allergen e5 - dog dander, IgE (ImmunoCAP)

970 rub.


Quantitative determination in the blood of specific antibodies, class E immunoglobulins, which appear in the presence of an allergic reaction to dog dander.

Synonyms Russian

Specific immunoglobulin class E for dog dandruff.


Specific immunoglobulin E to the dog dandruff, Spec. IgE to the dog (serum).

Research method

Solid phase immunofluorescence (ImmunoCAP)


kUA/l (kilounit of allergen per liter).

What biomaterial can be used for research?

Venous or capillary blood.

How to properly prepare for research?

  • Do not smoke for 30 minutes before the test.

General information about the study

An allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction. There are a huge number of substances of natural or artificial origin, each of which can become an allergen for humans.

The main participant in an immediate allergic reaction (type 1) is immunoglobulin E (IgE). For each allergen there is a specific immunoglobulin E. Purpose this test is to determine an allergic reaction to dog dander.

There is a misconception that allergies are caused by animal fur, but this is not true. The main activity in the formation of an allergic reaction is shown by secretions (saliva, urine, etc.) and animal dander. Only after contact with the animal’s skin do the allergens reach the fur. Moreover, the allergenic properties of animal hair, dander, saliva and urine do not depend on their breed or hair length.

These allergens are included in the group of epidermal allergens. In addition, this group also includes wool, fluff, feathers, excrement and saliva of various animals (cats, guinea pigs, hamsters and other rodents, birds, rabbits, horses, sheep, goats, etc.). They enter the body by air, in contact with animals, in contact with products that contain an allergen (clothing, pillows, blankets). Allergy symptoms may include the following: redness (hyperemia), skin rashes, urticaria, itching of the skin, swelling and swelling, redness and burning of the mucous membranes of the eyes, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, bronchospasm.

The analysis is safe for the patient compared to skin tests (in vivo), as it eliminates contact with the allergen. In addition, taking antihistamines and age characteristics do not affect the quality and accuracy of the study.

Quantitative determination of specific IgE antibodies allows us to assess the relationship between antibody levels and clinical manifestations allergies. Low values this indicator indicates a low probability of allergic disease, while high level has a high correlation with the clinical manifestations of the disease. By detecting high levels of specific IgE, it is possible to predict the development of allergies in the future and a more pronounced manifestation of its symptoms. However, the concentration of IgE in the blood is unstable. It changes with the development of the disease, with the amount of allergen dose received, as well as during treatment. It is recommended to repeat the study if symptoms change and treatment is monitored. You should consult your doctor about the need for re-examination.

ImmunoCAP is characterized by high accuracy and specificity: even very low concentrations of IgE antibodies are detected in a small amount of blood. The study is revolutionary and is based on the immunofluorescent method, which allows it to increase sensitivity several times compared to other tests. The World Health Organization and the World Allergy Organization recognize ImmunoCAP diagnostics as the “gold standard”, as it has proven its accuracy and consistency in independent studies. IN Russian Federation Until now, the technique has not become widespread, although around the world up to 80% of tests for specific immunoglobulins E are performed using ImmunoCAP.

Thus, identifying specific IgE using this technique takes allergy diagnostics to a qualitatively new level.

What is the research used for?

  • For the diagnosis of allergic diseases caused by dog ​​dander.
  • To assess the risk of developing allergic reactions for dog dander.

When is the study scheduled?

  • If you have the following symptoms indicating an allergic nature: redness and burning of the mucous membrane of the eyes, lacrimation and swelling of the eyelids, nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, bronchospasm.
  • For children - if their parents suffer from allergic diseases, including those manifested by contact with dog dander.
  • To evaluate the ongoing drug treatment and allergen specific immunotherapy(ASIT).

What do the results mean?

Reference values

Indicator value,


Level of allergen-specific antibodiesIgE


Very tall

Intensely high

More than 100.0

Extremely high

Reasons for increased levels of specific IgE:

  • the presence of allergic reactions to dog dander;
  • bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis caused by sensitization to dog dander.

Reasons for decreased levels of specific IgE

With repeated research (over time), the level of specific IgE may decrease for the following reasons:

  • limiting or eliminating contact with the allergen;
  • carrying out drug treatment.

Cross reactions

So that very day has come - a charming baby, undoubtedly the best breed in the world, has appeared in the house. But the joyful event is overshadowed when one of the family members suddenly has a red and itchy nose, wheezing appears in the chest, and there are tears in the sore eyes. The doctor confirms the suspicions - it is an allergy to the dog that is showing symptoms. The recommendations are clear - get rid of the puppy immediately. What to do? Will you really have to stop communicating with these beautiful animals for the rest of your life?

Contents [Show]

Causes of allergies

The term “allergy” was introduced relatively recently, just over a century ago. But this disease has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt. And since then, humanity has been trying to get to the bottom of the reasons for the body’s abnormal reaction, which, in fact, is the so-called allergy to dog hair (it’s not about the hair at all, but more on that below).

So, fact one: an allergy is an excessive, unnecessary reaction of the immune system to a foreign substance that has entered the body (anything, except perhaps distilled water). Fact two: lymphocytes learn to distinguish between “friends” and “strangers” even during the formation of the child’s body, therefore allergies to dogs in children born and growing up surrounded by these pets are much less common. Fact three: allergies occur due to the release of antibodies into the blood, which are aimed at fighting the “intruder” (i.e. the substance that causes the allergy). Similar reactions occur, for example, when a virus enters the body - antibodies (if immunity has been developed) prevent the virus from multiplying. If we are talking about an allergy to a dog’s saliva (pollen, food, whatever), antibodies are produced in excess and without a real need, which leads to unpleasant symptoms.

Thus, to put it very simply, the body seems to develop eternal immunity to dogs. You cannot get rid of this “immunity,” that is, it is completely impossible to cure allergies. But you can “put to sleep” an overly vigilant organism, deceive it with medications, or “butter it up” by reducing the amount of allergen in the environment.

Why is it that in some people an allergy to dogs appears and goes away without any treatment, in others it does not occur at all, and in others it causes severe symptoms? First of all, it is important to consider hereditary factor. If one of the parents suffers from allergies, the child is born allergic in 50% of cases, if both - in 70% of cases. Moreover, the type of allergy does not matter: mom cannot stand the smell of perfume, dad sheds tears during the flowering period, and children are allergic to dogs, fish or chemical dyes - it is impossible to predict.

What if there is no genetic predisposition to allergies? Don't get upset, it's easy to earn. Every second we are surrounded by billions of aggressive substances: lipstick, wallpaper, house dust, dishwashing detergent, a purchased apple oozing with pesticides - the list is endless. And we do not pay attention to the environment and nutrition until the question arises bluntly: “Allergy to a dog, what to do now, how to live further?” But the breakdown of the immune system has already occurred: the body is tired of fighting billions of “intruders” and made a mistake.

Can specific symptoms be identified?

Unfortunately no. Allergies different people manifests itself in different ways: one develops a terrible cough and swelling of the larynx, another itches, the third “cries”. But the degree and type of manifestations practically do not depend on the type of allergen; this is only an individual reaction of the body. Those. Dog allergy symptoms are nonspecific:

  • lacrimation, redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids;
  • itchy eyes, nose, skin;
  • dermatitis, manifested by a rash at the site of contact with the allergen or everywhere throughout the body, eczema;
  • cough, sneezing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, bronchial spasm, asthma, swelling of the larynx and/or parts of the body;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, dizziness, weakness;
  • otitis, pressure in the ears, hearing loss.

Similar symptoms often occur upon contact with toilet litter, dog equipment, ready-made food, cosmetics for dogs, etc. Therefore, it is important not only to see a doctor, but also to get tested for allergies to dogs (sensitivity test). There is a possibility that the pet is not to blame for the manifestations of allergies: do not take the doctor’s word for it, our allergists are very fond of blaming animals without hesitation, without bothering to conduct an in-depth study.

Allergy to “wool” and wonderful “hypoallergenic” dogs

Roughly speaking, wool itself is not an allergen. What is commonly called an allergy to dog hair is actually an allergy to a foreign protein that is always found on the surface of the hair. This can be: saliva, sebaceous secretions, exfoliated skin, tear and nasal discharge, urine, genital discharge. The amount of aggressive protein depends on many factors: the gender and general health of the pet, feeding and housing conditions, sexual activity, coat type and, of course, the size of the dog. And according to the latest data, colors: it is believed that black dogs provoke allergies more often than white ones.

Unfortunately, dog breeds are not causing allergies– deception of unscrupulous breeders. Attempts to breed hypoallergenic cats and dogs have been made more than once, but so far this is impossible (genetics is simply not mature enough for such discoveries). But there are breeds that are easier for allergy sufferers to live with:

  • hairless dogs, since fur “flavored” with an allergen does not fly around the apartment;
  • dogs without undercoat, since fluff does not fall everywhere;
  • Dogs are wire-haired because they shed less if you trim (pluck) dying hair in a timely manner. Of course, an allergy sufferer should not do this themselves;
  • dogs are small, or preferably tiny, since an allergy to the epithelium of a dog slightly larger than a kitten, in most cases, will not be as pronounced as an allergic attack after interacting with a St. Bernard (the amount of allergen entering the body is not comparable).

To be more specific: Puli and Poodles, Mexicans, Portuguese and Chinese, Yorkies, Maltese, Bichons and all lap dogs, Schnauzers. You will have to forget about brachycephals with constantly flowing drool; constantly falling off short hair with “needles” is also prohibited. In addition, the amount of allergen is sharply reduced if your pet is spayed/sterilized on time. But remember that there are no allergy-free dog breeds! Before purchasing a puppy, you need to conduct a test: take a scraping from the skin and cheek cavity of the puppy, and donate the material and your own blood for analysis to the laboratory (a responsible breeder will not object, and will even insist on a test if he finds out that someone in the family has buyer's allergies).

Get rid of it or...?

If we are talking about allergies to dogs in newborns, the pet, unfortunately, will have to be sent to kind hands– the baby may die because he is not yet able to inform adults about his deteriorating health. The same applies to severe cases when there is difficulty breathing: bronchospasms, true asthma, laryngeal edema, etc. Although there is a possibility that the disease will be brought under control, and therefore it makes sense to give the pet temporary housing until the allergy sufferer’s condition improves.

So, the decision depends entirely on how the dog's allergy manifests itself. When it comes to increased lacrimation, sneezing, itching and other relatively safe symptoms, you can solve the problem without depriving yourself of the joy of communicating with your four-legged friend.

In addition, symptoms of an allergy to dog fur are less likely to occur if you regularly take care of your pet’s cleanliness. The dog should be bathed at least once a week, using special products that reduce the amount of aggressive protein. It is advisable to comb it daily (if there is something to comb out). Of course, care manipulations should not fall on the shoulders of an allergy sufferer.

What else can you do to make your dog allergies less likely to manifest themselves? Of course, reduce the amount of allergen in the environment: replace heavy curtains with tulle, throw out carpets, store underwear and bed sheets in airtight bags, use an air purifier, and do wet cleaning weekly. There should not be a single corner in the apartment where dog waste accumulates (exfoliated skin, hair, etc.). It is important to regularly ventilate rooms, keep your pet out of the bedroom, and wash your face and hands after close contact.

But since it is impossible to cure an allergy to dogs, the most important thing to do first and without any excuses is to find a competent specialist. Remember that without treatment, a common cough can develop into asthma, and lacrimation can lead to severe swelling! An allergist should be your best friend: attentive, meticulous, not quick to judge. Only together with a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medications, write down the diet, plan the schedule and adjust the lifestyle, you can take control of the allergy.

An allergic reaction is the body's intolerance to certain substances called “allergens.” How does a dog allergy manifest? Constant sneezing and nasal discharge, various skin rashes, unstable stools, suffocation - all this is a sign of wool intolerance. How to get rid of dog allergies? This article talks about the most effective medicines, and useful tips, which have been tested in practice.

Why are there allergies to dogs?

Reasons for appearance

The reason for the occurrence of an allergic reaction is the hypersensitivity of the immune system to irritating substances. The wool itself causes allergies quite rarely; the main allergens are: drool, urine, secretions, feces, as well as dead epidermal cells that remain on the hair of animals.

The human body, taking allergens as a probable danger, tries to protect itself from them all possible methods. Protective antibodies enter the bloodstream to “fight” the irritant. As a result, symptoms of allergies to various breeds of dogs may appear: the patient begins to cough and sneeze, and tears may appear. Thus, it turns out that an allergy is an excessive “concern” of the immune system for the body, which always triggers when a source of irritation is present nearby.

Often, an allergy to animals can occur due to the following factors:

  • Late “acquaintance” with allergens. How formerly man begins to come into contact with animals, the lower the risk of developing an allergy to dogs, since selective lymphocytes have time to develop protection against these allergens. Therefore, allergies in children occur much less frequently.
  • Heredity, and parents and children can be irritated by completely different allergens.
  • Various viruses that remain in the human body forever, for example, fungus or herpes.
  • A serious illness, as the body becomes exhausted and weakened.

An allergic reaction can occur not only to dog fur, but also to special food or filler or shampoo that the patient has touched.

In fact, there is no answer to the question: “How to cure dog allergies completely”, since everything existing methods are only auxiliary ways to eliminate the aggravation of the reaction. Even allergen-specific immunotherapy will not give a 100% result if there is a pet at home that can cause such irritation.

Allergy symptoms

Symptoms of a dog allergy include:

  1. The skin begins to itch and turn red, the body becomes covered various types rashes, especially on the face and chest. This often happens when the patient is bitten or licked by an animal.
  2. The condition is getting worse respiratory tract. This is expressed in constant sneezing and coughing, nasal discharge, as well as nasal congestion. It becomes difficult for a person to breathe, and wheezing may be heard from the lungs.
  3. Work is disrupted gastrointestinal tract, headaches occur, hearing deteriorates.
  4. The eyes become red, itchy, and irritated, and may produce tears.

In order to confirm an allergy to domestic or street dogs, you need to pass a radioallergosorbent test. However, there may be nuances here: despite the fact that the analysis for allergies to dogs showed good results, it happens that intolerance is caused by mold or pollen, which a pet brought it from a walk.

Allergy to dog hair is especially dangerous in young children, since during this period there is a very high risk of developing bronchial asthma, which is difficult to treat. It is difficult for a child to understand why he is forbidden to play, touch and approach to a pet, so parents should be constantly vigilant. As often as possible, you need to bathe your baby, wash his clothes and clean the apartment.

Dog allergy treatment

Treatment of allergies to dogs is carried out using medications, which are divided into groups:

  1. Antihistamines (sometimes called antiallergic drugs) block the action of irritating substances and reduce symptoms during exacerbation of the disease:
  • Claritin is based on loratadine and comes in the form of syrup and tablets. Approximate cost: 230 rub.
  • Diphenhydramine, also called "Diphenhydramine", not only eliminates itching due to allergies, but also has a sedative and hypnotic effect. Therefore, it must be used with caution.
  • Suprastin or Chloropyramine, available in the form of tablets and solution for injection, costs about 130 rubles.
  • Benadryl - sold in the form of tablets and syrup, has an anticholinergic effect, an analogue is Diphenhydramine.
  • Tavegil, based on ethanolamine, eliminates itching and burning, strengthens the walls of capillaries.
  • Zyrtec – active substance: cetirizine hydrochloride, available in the form of drops and tablets, eliminates allergic syndrome, approximate price of drops: 350 rubles.
  • Telfast is a derivative of fexofenadine and is sold in tablet form. The price of the drug is high, so you can replace it with analogues, for example, Telfadin, Fexofast or Allerfex.
  • Loratadine - available in powder form, removes signs of allergies to dogs and other irritants.
  1. Medicines that eliminate the manifestation of edema, especially when the patient is in pain copious discharge from the nose, and medications also prevent mucus stagnation:
  • Sudafed - available only in syrup form, treats ailments of the respiratory system.
  1. Corticosteroids local action sprays that have an anti-inflammatory effect:
  • Nasonex - based on mometasone, has anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates various nasal discharge.
  • Flonaz - this medication does not treat illnesses, but alleviates the symptoms of the disease, long-term use drugs are contraindicated.

Is it possible to cure allergies with special drugs? No, you can only reduce the exacerbation to make the patient feel better.

Hypoallergenic dogs

Which dogs do not cause allergies?

What should a person who is allergic to dogs do if he really wants to have such a pet? There are breeds that cause allergic attacks quite rarely. Hypoallergenic animals lose a little hair during shedding, so harmful substances distributed in much smaller quantities. It is not necessary that it be a short-haired breed - on the contrary, animals with a long coat are not so susceptible to shedding. Pets with short hair often shed all year round, and removing hairs from clothes and interior items is not always easy.

Which dogs do not cause allergies in humans? Of course small - a miniature pet has much less fur than large breed. I wonder what negative reaction It occurs much less frequently on calm, balanced individuals than on nervous, aggressive, frequently barking animals. The reason for this is the abundance of saliva released when barking.

Also, dogs that do not cause allergies have a special saliva structure - it contains less protein, which provokes an irritable reaction in humans. For this reason, it is not recommended to take an animal with excessive drooling, such as bulldogs.

It should be remembered that hypoallergenic dog breeds can also become a source of disease. Doctors' observations have shown that a person's immune system can react differently to two individuals of the same breed: the first pet will cause an exacerbation of allergies, the second will not. This happens due to the individuality of the body not only of the dog, but also of the person.

Hypoallergenic dog breeds

Which dogs are people not allergic to? Here is a list of such breeds:

  1. Bichon Frize - these representatives rarely shed their hair and do not require special care.

    Bichon Frize

  2. The Bedlington Terrier is a fairly balanced and intelligent animal.

    Bedlington Terrier

  3. Bolognese or Maltese are famous for their gentle and good-natured disposition, they are smart, but they are wary of people they don’t know very well.

    Bolognese (Italian lap dog)

  4. Poodles are very obedient and intelligent animals.


  5. The Spanish Water Dog has curly fur.

    Spanish water dog

  6. Papillon.


  7. Puli - The animal’s fur is almost impenetrable, due to its unique hair coat. Keeping your pet in a stuffy room all the time is not recommended.


  8. Border Terrier - very kind dog, madly loving her owners.

    Border Terrier

  9. The Australian Silky Terrier is a small creature with short legs. These active and cheerful dogs are excellent hunters.

    Australian Silky Terrier

  10. Portuguese waterfish.

    Portuguese water dog

  11. Lhaso Apso.

    Lhaso apso

  12. American Hairless Terrier – the animal has no hair, but skin diseases appear quite rarely.

    American Hairless Terrier

  13. Samoyed husky.

    Samoyed husky

  14. The Irish Water Spaniel is very rare view, has a friendly character, gets along well with children and other animals.

    Irish Water Spaniel

  15. Yorkshire Terrier.

    Yorkshire Terrier

  16. Coton de Tulear - its hair resembles cotton wool.

    Coton de Tulear

  17. Skye Terrier.

    Skye Terrier

  18. Dandie Dinmont Terrier. A long body, short limbs and an interesting crest on the head give the animal a rather unique appearance.

    Dandie Dinmont Terrier

  19. Shih Tzu.

    Shih Tzu

  20. The Dwarf Spitz is a small dog that loves to spend time in the company of people. But in large physical activity the animal does not need.

    Dwarf Spitz

  21. Soft coated wheaten terrier.

    Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

  22. Tibetan Terrier.

    Tibetan Terrier

  23. Peruvian Inca Orchid - your pet needs to be bathed often, and the skin must be treated with a special cream to protect it from the sun.

    Peruvian Inca Orchid

  24. Schnauzer.


  25. Polish Lowland Sheepdog.

    Polish Lowland Sheepdog

  26. The Affenpinscher is a playful, mischievous pet of miniature size.


  27. Xoloitzcuintle - it is necessary to train the animal from childhood, otherwise problems may arise.


  28. Chinese Crested - despite the fact that the animal sheds quite rarely, its fur needs to be cared for frequently and painstakingly.

    Chinese Crested

  29. Mexican naked.

    Mexican naked

  30. The Welsh Terrier is a dog that is easy to train. Systematic physical activity is required.

    Welsh Terrier

  31. Bouvier des Flandres.

    Bouvier des Flanders

Dogs that do not cause allergies at all are nothing more than a myth, because each organism reacts individually to environmental factors. All developed drugs to eliminate allergies are just aids, with which you can get rid of symptoms. To find out whether a particular breed is suitable for a person, you need to be in the presence of a pet for at least a couple of hours, and then draw conclusions.


Determination method Chemiluminescent immunoassay.

Material under study Blood serum

Home visit available

Determination of specific IgG to dog allergens. See also test. In most cases, the cause of an allergic reaction is dandruff, small particles of skin (epithelium) of the dog. The main antigen that causes allergies in dogs is Can f 1. It is also found in the air in the form of suspended small particles. The size of this epidermal allergen is 36 kDa. They have high volatility. Dog allergens (from fur, saliva and dander) can remain at high levels for several months, even after the dog is removed from the home. Most frequent symptoms are bronchial asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, less often - eczema. The vast majority of allergy cases are IgE-mediated allergic reactions. Basic laboratory diagnostic allergy tests are based on detecting the presence of specific IgE antibodies in the blood (see). Study IgG antibodies usually carried out in addition to the determination of IgE antibodies. The epitopes of the allergens against which IgE and IgG antibodies are directed do not necessarily coincide. It has been shown that degranulation of mast cells and basophils can be induced not only by the complex of IgE and antigen, but also by other stimuli, for example, anaphylotoxins C3a and C5a, which are produced during the alternative (involving IgG4) or classical (involving IgG1, IgG2, IgG3) activation pathway complement. But it is also known that IgG antibodies to an allergen can function as blocking antibodies, which reduce the severity of allergic reactions that occur with the participation of specific IgE. Thus, after successful specific immunotherapy (hyposensitization by vaccinating the patient with increasing doses of the allergen), an increase in the level of specific IgG4 antibodies is observed, which correlates with the mitigation of the symptoms of the disease and reflects the success of the therapy. It is assumed that different IgG subclasses differ functionally; their effect may depend, in addition, on the physicochemical structure of specific allergen epitopes and manifest itself in the form of both enhancing and blocking allergic reactions. The role of IgG antibodies to allergens is not completely clear, diagnostic value this test is controversial. Simultaneous determination of specific IgE and IgG antibodies in patients with hay fever can be useful both for identifying the pathogenetic role of individual allergens and for laboratory monitoring of the effectiveness of specific immunotherapy. The administration and interpretation of test results must be carried out by a specialist representing the restrictions this study and considering it in conjunction with clinical and anamnestic data and the results of other tests.


It is preferable to wait 4 hours after your last meal; there are no mandatory requirements. It is not advisable to conduct the study while using glucocorticoid hormone medications (you should consult with your treating allergist regarding the advisability of discontinuation). Antihistamines do not affect the result.

Indications for use

  • In a complex of studies to identify the potential pathogenetic role of individual allergens (in addition to the study of IgE antibodies).
  • For the purpose of monitoring specific immunotherapy (inhaled allergens).

Interpretation of results

Interpretation of research results contains information for the attending physician and is not a diagnosis. The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. The doctor makes an accurate diagnosis using the results this survey, as well as the necessary information from other sources: medical history, results of other examinations, etc.

Units of measurement in the INVITRO laboratory: mg/l. Interpretation of results: Reference values.

On 08/06/2019 at 10:03 AM, Lotik said:

Good afternoon everyone. I’ll write a little, maybe it will be useful to someone.

My son returned home after a short "vacation". We have doctor visits planned today and Thursday. How are you feeling? He sniffles a little and coughs. We are waiting to receive specialists.

1. It is impossible to test for allergies to a specific dog. It is a myth. If you have reasoned objections, please express them - addresses, passwords, appearances. The fact is that an allergy to an animal can be to anything - saliva, fur, epithelium, dandruff, urine, semen, discharge from the eyes, poo, smell, etc. There are many allergens and it is very difficult to test all this for an individual dog. It is also difficult because for each allergen you need to make specific samples for a specific animal. Who does this and where remains a mystery.

2. Clean house. Yes! This is mandatory and not discussed. Do not allow the dog into the children's room, wet cleaning and ventilation of the room daily. Air purifiers for allergy sufferers are probably good here (we haven’t purchased them yet, we have some doubts, but more on that another time).

3. Homeopathy. Of course, it has its place! BUT! First you need to know the exact diagnosis... In our case, we need to understand that we just have an allergy or an allergy and some other disease, at the same time. Allergic manifestations definitely on dogs or some other provocateur. We need to answer these questions. When there is an answer, then YES - both homeopathy and oriental medicine.

4. The main thing in any treatment is to find YOUR doctor. Homeopath, allergist, it doesn’t matter, but YOURS!

5. Our dogs....? It's hard... it's unbearably painful and hard to realize that it's possible... Yes, people, everything is possible! And I’m lying if I say that “I don’t even allow the thought of rebuilding them.” Throw your slippers if you want! We, my family, are thinking about different options for living... More about that some other time!

So far so good!

Be healthy and take care of your loved ones!

Faith, as for homeopathy, it treats not the symptoms, but the problem as a whole, an allergy is a consequence of something. Traditional medicine treats symptoms and, as a result, we have pharmacology and, at worst, surgery.

If we ordinary people start reading the indications and actions of homeopathy, then this is abrockadabra. But strangely enough, and as practice shows, it really works if you strictly follow the instructions. When taking a patient, homeopaths conduct tests and ask strange and ridiculous questions, which seems like charlotanism. I was treated for an allergy to the sun at the Moscow Homeopathic Center on Entuziastov Highway. Izar is also on homeopathy as prescribed by Davydov, this is what concerns the Placebo effect, dogs don’t know what it is. And again, before the advent of chemistry and pharmacy, there was homeopathy.

Allergies are one of the scourges modern world. This is due to both the unfavorable environmental situation in many regions and the abundance of chemical additives in food. And not only people suffer from allergies, but also their dogs.

The main problem lies in the need to prevent seizures in a predisposed dog. To isolate your pet from an allergen, you need to understand what the dog is allergic to. And this is not so easy to do.

As veterinary practice around the world shows, Allergic reactions of the atopic type are most common in dogs. If we translate the term “atopy” from Greek, then the closest synonymous expressions will be “strange, unusual.” Roughly speaking, this can be called any allergic reaction of hereditary origin or generally unknown etiology (idiopathic).

In all these cases, it is extremely important to identify the triggers of the pathology, since without this it is impossible to prescribe effective desensitization. Of course, you can simply pump your dog with antihistamines, but this only gives a temporary effect. Today, the only reliable method for identifying allergens is an allergy test, carried out only in the most equipped veterinary clinics. It helps identify everything from reactions to chicken to... side effects taking medications.

Types of allergy tests

There are two main types of allergy tests. Without going into details, in the first case the specialist identifies specific blood serum antibodies produced to a particular type of allergen. There are two standard blood tests that can accurately detect allergens of interest to veterinarians.

  • The first is called the RAST (radioallergosorbent) assay.
  • The second is ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).

Both methods are very similar to each other, but in practice it often turns out that enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is much more accurate. True, both methods are quite expensive, and therefore they are actively used only by well-equipped clinics in major cities. In addition, both methods have certain disadvantages, which we will discuss a little later.

Another type of testing is the so-called skin test. In this case, a small portion of the allergen is injected directly into the animal’s skin, and then the specialist watches how the body reacts to it. As a rule, to speed up the process, a number of small incisions are made on the skin, and a specific allergen is introduced into the thickness of each. This way, within a couple of days (if you’re lucky), you can find out exactly why your pet is developing allergic reactions. We will describe the pros and cons of all methods in more detail below.

RAST and ELISA tests

To perform either of these two tests, you need to take a blood test from your dog and immediately send it to the laboratory. Since there are only a few clinics that carry out such studies, it would be more advisable to take the dog to any of them so as not to waste time. They test the blood serum's response to a wide range of allergens, including pollen, dust and soils that are common in the region where the particular animal lives (as well as where the dog regularly walks).

Both of these methods are good for identifying more than 90% of all kinds of substances and compounds common in the external environment, but some of them (such as cotton wool and nylon, for example) are less detectable.

A huge disadvantage of RAST and ELISA is their turnaround time - it can take up to several weeks.

And this is not all the problems. No one has ever adapted these techniques for dogs, but they were created by doctors for people. The biochemistry of humans and dogs differs quite significantly! And often all this backfires: an analysis can show the presence of allergies even in a dog that has never suffered from this pathology until old age. Therefore, the old skin test, developed at the beginning of the last century, is more reliable and accurate (in the case of animals, of course).

RAST and ELISA tests, however, are used in special circumstances when a skin test cannot be performed for some reason:

  • The dog has dermatitis, dermatosis or another skin disease. In addition, in some breeds (bulldogs) skin covering is quite sensitive in itself, and therefore such a test is not recommended.
  • Please note that for some time before and during the test, taking antihistamines and anti-inflammatory corticosteroids is prohibited. If your dog’s allergies are so severe that he immediately begins to become covered in rashes and crusts, a skin test is also not worth doing.
  • This research method is also not very suitable for puppies.
  • If your dog regularly participates in exhibitions, areas of clipped and scratched skin are unlikely to make him charming in the eyes of the jury.
  • Your veterinarian does not have a complete set of allergens (in these cases, testing will likely be pointless).
  • A skin test showed nothing, but the allergy exists and is clearly manifested.

Features of the skin test

Despite all the above circumstances, it is the skin test that is the “gold standard” of veterinary allergists. It is simple, quite informative and relatively cheap. To carry it out, several sections of the animal’s skin are cut and shaved (each approximately 5x5 cm). In the classic case, rows of scratches are then made on the skin (in the form of a grid), and allergens are rubbed into them at intervals of approximately one centimeter. Of course, it is necessary to write down which one and where.

After a few hours or days, they look at the presence/absence of a reaction. If the latter is positive, the pet develops a strong inflammatory reaction in the treated area. The problem is that it is not always very pronounced, and therefore correctly reading the results of a skin test is a real art. Thus, it should only be performed by a veterinary dermatologist with truly extensive experience.

The skin test success rate is believed to be approximately 75%. The effectiveness rate is significantly higher in the spring-summer season, when the intensity and frequency of allergic reactions increases sharply. Please note (although we have already talked about this) that before the test the dog must be “clean” for at least a month, that is It is prohibited to give him antihistamines and anti-inflammatory corticosteroids! Otherwise, there is no hope for the accuracy of the analysis. But still, the exact exposure time should be determined by the veterinarian, based on the characteristics of the allergy and the condition of the animal.

General features of allergy tests

All the methods we describe have several common features:

We would like to warn all owners about one important circumstance. Any allergy treatment (and not just suppressing its symptoms with antihistamines) is a long-term and very expensive task. Moreover, all the above analyzes without specific treatment which involves desensitization is a waste of time and money.

In what cases is an allergy test necessary?

An allergy test is mandatory for all dogs that suffer from constant allergic reactions for at least four months a year, as well as animals whose bodies no longer respond to normal antihistamines. Please note that in many cases the animal's condition can be improved by including a sufficient amount of fatty acids in its diet. Alas, in practice there are many cases when owners of dogs who suffer from severe allergic reactions limit themselves to only occasional administration of antihistamines and do not take their pets to the veterinarian.

Please note that delaying a visit to the clinic is fraught with many dangerous consequences. In particular, such dogs may develop incurable autoimmune diseases, having just an allergic origin.

So you shouldn’t put off going to a specialist for a long time: this is fraught. In addition, always choose those veterinarians who offer not just to suppress the signs of allergies, but actually treat your pet.