Dog's play scenario or goodbye ravine. "Dogs" Staging on the story of K. Sergienko "Distoping, ravine!". How people spoiled the apartment question

In the theater of Stanislavsky people talk about dogs

The play with the mark "For family viewing" and also "12+" under these categories falls with stretch. Especially strangely sitting in the auditorium surrounded by groups of schoolchildren, some of them 9, and all of them, of course, with chips and breadcrumbs. However, no scubarancy, all decently, falls under formal requirements.

The performance was raised according to the story of Konstantin Sergienko "Goodbye, ravine", he about dogs and about people; In the plot there are some parallels with a play Maxim Gorky "at the bottom." Gorky wanderer Luka - a yamomoto cat, ranting about the paradise life in Japan and who persuars the dog to run into the country of the rising sun. A suicide actor is almost an old dog nicknamed chrome, which has become a victim of human cruelty. The dog "bottom" - they were chosen by the ravine, which soon the people should build up for their needs, know what the apartment question spoiled them.

One of the culminating moments of the performance is the legend on how a person and the dog was originally each other as brothers, but the consumer humans turned his brother in a powerful servant, because of the dogs with a normal communication with the owner of Lai. And everything was someday completely different ... and the memory of the lost paradise of someone from the characters encourages again to hope for a meeting with the owner, to return home. The same, who was desperate, there is nothing else, how to dream about the cherished "dog door" - will enter it and all sorrow will forget. Only the door of this will become for the dogs of the alkaline. Creepy essentially a story, not designed for children's perception. Many young spectators did not understand almost nothing, and maybe it is for the better.

But back to the very formulation of Valery Belyakovich. For more than 20 years, the performance goes in the repertoire of the theater in the southwest. The minimalistic stage decision was embodied in the formulation of the theater. Stanislavsky: car tires, suits in the earthy gamma, some light effects, music from the 90s. In some moments, Stanislavsky would say his "I do not believe": for example, the cat yamomoto looks more on the dog and generally replaces, claiming almost on the main character, although there are no such in the performance. At the same time, everything is extremely individual. And for some reason, men play out of three female roles of two, which, however, does not hinder the perception of the plot, but does not add special meanings.

One of the strongest points of the performance is the death of an old dog and subsequent preparation and the embodiment of revenge flocks for a deceased friend. And so, closer to the final, you find yourself rejoice in dogs, who managed to take revenge on the enemy in the face of all mankind, cuddling forty innocent people. That is, it could be called some kind of dog verbatim, if the dogs knew how to talk. The performance of the "Dogs" to a certain extent can be put in one row with the "Novodramov" stories about Tajiks, drug addicts and abandoned children - mercilessly, insanely, hopelessly. No Japan, of course, will not save, the dog doors do not exist at all, and the owner will not return. And all that we are capable of together - it is to unite in the face of the general enemy, fiercely snatch in a row and together divide the defeat. And of course, we will regret. Obviously in this story something is wrong - or with a directorial decision, or with the story Sergienko. Because if the author of history does not offer any exit - is it worth it sincerely dive into it? After all, the fact that in front of death in chrome ceases to hurt a foot, which tormented his years - hardly comforts ...

Black, Yamamoto's cat, chrome, bubble. Photo by Alexey Karakovsky.

Piece about homeless dogs.


The black- stray dog, the leader of the flock.

Proud- stray dog \u200b\u200bdoes not belong

Former tax homeless dog

Chit- stray puppy

Lame- old volaty dog

1 puppy puppy

That summer came. How I love this time! In winter it is easy to live. Find on the road of the stub, and it is blocked, try to bite.

Winter is boring. Only and joy when children ride from the mountains. You can run behind them, jump and bark.

One dog from ours was in the forest on the hunt. He says that there are many traces in the snow. The dog's heart lights up from them.

But then in the forest. And in our ravine if it parses, the familiar cat. Circle of human traces, bird crosses and skis rules. Only in the morning after the snowfall, the ravine becomes clean and white.

No, in summer it is better. Grow big grass. Flowers swing heads. And the smells are fully, from which the nose tremble.

Our ravine is big and beautiful. In the ravine, we have a detriment, to rest on it - a whole journey.

At the edges of the ravine, bushes and trees grow. Birds live in the trees. Their houses are like baskets, no roofs or doors. The dog's house, of course, is better, but not every dog \u200b\u200bhas its own loophole.

I know here every felling. In the middle of the ravine flows the stream. In the summer he almost dries, but the earth around is still wet, and even there is a small swamp. Grass is high here, by the ears. Mosquitoes fly clouds, and frogs laugh.

In the ravine a lot of things. What can you just not meet! Old shoes and mittens. Wheels, balls and skimming.

Nakedly found a crumpled hat and learned to wear it, and the baby lives in a drawer from under the apples. The box smells like apples, but the cakes are shot at night.

I know where the golden ring is lying. I snapped him and realized that the ring was wing like a kind person. I just do not know why he put it in the ravine.

All sides of the ravine surrounds high white houses. And then these houses are more and more. There buzzing cars, night rises at night.

Our ravine becomes smaller every summer. This spring poured a whole bunch of stone, sand and clay. They want to build a house again. All our swear. Do it be enough space? Why is it necessary in our ravine? Where to go a dog?

But there is no one to complain.

Especially I love our ravine at night. From his deep bottom, a black sky is visible, and there are many beautiful brilliant stars in it. They are very high, and no matter how jumping, you will not get.

Instead of the Sun leaves a white moon. The chill runs on the back, the wool gets up on end. And if you sleep during the moon, there are dreams from which tears flow, and inside so sweetly spis.

We are all free dogs. Once around the ravine was a village. Small houses broke, built big. The owners left, and the dogs remained.

Wriths us black. He's big and strong. All obey him, only I hold down. Two times we clung to. He realized that I was not worse than fangs, and no longer marry.

Sometimes I run with everyone, sometimes one. I did not beat in black pieces, and he calmed down.

Previously, the black was a friend, a big and stupid clichrock spiked. Slightly, dying rushed into a fight. He was always black. Now there is no sew, but black is still afraid.


- Proud, take me to the flock.


- I have no flock, holly.


- Then collect. Former dachshund asks and chrome.


- There should be no two flocks in the ravine.


- Then win black. Yesterday he threw my hat in a swamp.

Be away, winning, win.


Everybody releases the heads diverge through the coneers. And they fit to sleep.


Let me dream today a big bone!

Former dachshund:

And let me dream of a soft sheepskin, and then in my box it is quite wet.


And I want to find a beautiful and clever book in a dream, I will read it.

The black:

And let me dream of a person! I'll kill him!


Not all people are bad! Good night everybody!


People are divided into children and adults. Children are small people. Children are more fun and kinder. Adults are evil, but are and kind.

Sometime and the black was his own man. He kept him on the chains and beat. When the village broke, that man sat in the car and left. Black fled to him for a long time.

The car stopped. Man came out and drove black. But the black again ran for the car. Then the man hit him. Black fell, and the car left. Since then, black does not like people.

Goodbye, ravine


Piece about homeless dogs.


The black- stray dog, the leader of the flock.

Proud- stray dog \u200b\u200bdoes not belong

Former tax homeless dog

Chit- stray puppy

Lame- old volaty dog

1 puppy puppy

That summer came. How I love this time! In winter it is easy to live. Find on the road of the stub, and it is blocked, try to bite.

Winter is boring. Only and joy when children ride from the mountains. You can run behind them, jump and bark.

One dog from ours was in the forest on the hunt. He says that there are many traces in the snow. The dog's heart lights up from them.

But then in the forest. And in our ravine if it parses, the familiar cat. Circle of human traces, bird crosses and skis rules. Only in the morning after the snowfall, the ravine becomes clean and white.

No, in summer it is better. Grow big grass. Flowers swing heads. And the smells are fully, from which the nose tremble.

Our ravine is big and beautiful. In the ravine, we have a detriment, to rest on it - a whole journey.

At the edges of the ravine, bushes and trees grow. Poultrychards live on the trees. Their houses are like baskets, no roofs or doors. The dog's house, of course, is better, but not every dog \u200b\u200bhas its own loophole.

I know here every felling. In the middle of the ravine flows the stream. In the summer he almost dries, but the earth around is still wet, and even there is a small swamp. Grass is high here, by the ears. Mosquitoes fly clouds, and frogs laugh.

In the ravine a lot of things. What can you just not meet! Old shoes and mittens. Wheels, balls and skimming.

Nakedly found a crumpled hat and learned to wear it, and the baby lives in the drawer of apples. The box smells like apples, but the cakes are shot at night.

I know where the golden ring is lying. I snapped him and realized that the ring was wing like a kind person. I just do not know why he put it in the ravine.

All sides of the ravine surrounds high white houses. And then these houses are more and more. There buzzing cars, night rises at night.

Our ravine becomes smaller every summer. This spring poured a whole bunch of stone, sand and clay. They want to build a house again. All our swear. Do it be enough space? Why is it necessary in our ravine? Where to go a dog?

But there is no one to complain.

Especially I love our ravine at night. From his deep bottom, a black sky is visible, and there are many beautiful brilliant stars in it. They are very high, and no matter how jumping, you will not get.

Instead of the Sun leaves a white moon. The chill runs on the back, the wool gets up on end. And if you sleep during the moon, there are dreams from which tears flow, and inside so sweetly spis.

We are all free dogs. Once around the ravine was a village. Small houses broke, built big. The owners left, and the dogs remained.

Wriths us black. He's big and strong. All obey him, only I hold down. Two times we clung to. He realized that I was not worse than fangs, and no longer marry.

Sometimes I run with everyone, sometimes one. I did not beat in black pieces, and he calmed down.

Previously, the black was a friend, a big and stupid clichrock spiked. Slightly, dying rushed into a fight. He was always black. Now there is no sew, but black is still afraid.


- Proud, take me to the flock.


- I have no flock, holly.


- Then collect. Former dachshund asks and chrome.


- There should be no two flocks in the ravine.


- Then win black. Yesterday he threw my hat in a swamp.

Be away, winning, win.


Everybody releases the heads diverge through the coneers. And they fit to sleep.


Let me dream today a big bone!

Former dachshund:

And let me dream of a soft sheepskin, and then in my box it is quite wet.


And I want to find a beautiful and clever book in a dream, I will read it.

The black:

And let me dream of a person! I'll kill him!


Not all people are bad! Good night everybody!


People are divided into children and adults. Children are small people. Children are more fun and kinder. Adults are evil, but are and kind.

Come and the black has his own man. He kept him on the chains and beat. When the village broke, that man sat in the car and left. Black fled to him for a long time.

The car stopped. Man came out and drove black. But the black again ran for the car. Then the man hit him. Black fell, and the car left. Since then, black does not like people.

Song "Good morning, ravine".

After the song, everyone scatters.


The scene goes black and occupies the Honor of the leader.

The former dachshund resorts:

Iron box appeared in my groove.

The black:

- Rusty?

Former dachshund:

- Yes, very rusty, with two holes.

The black:

- Okay, let it lie.


On my bugger, someone forgot the book.

The black:

- About dogs?


- No, about people.

The black:

- Razing on small nurses.


Near me burned at night the fire and broke a comfortable bitch, which we all were cleaned.

The black:

- I still know who broke, so the firing of him for a pant that she will break!


And in my emblek nothing has changed.

The black:

- How did this not change? Everybody has changed, and you have not changed? And you talked well? Did you touch the loop with a nose, Shaaril cross the cross, drove from top to bottom?


Yes, I was plated loop, Shaaril the cross will turn down and drove down from above.

The black:

- And what's that?

He throws a branch of a branch in front of a crumb.

The black:

- I specifically checked you, crumb. I ran into your empty and Otgby this thread, and you did not notice.

Baby begins to ginger and giggle.

The black:

- That's right. Do not know anything, do nothing. Falling them all the ravines will not notice.

To be built! Put noses! Forward!

Song: "Free Press"

Everyone is built on the edge of the scene.

And we slip the shadow on the ground past the sleeping houses. Opened in the nose. The thirst for finding a head. Night Watch - a solemn hour for a dog.


During the night watch, we are looking for a dog door. Find a dog's door - the dream of every dog. I have heard a lot about her stories. The dog's door is very small, less beads. Until you break into her nose, you will not find. And when you find, the dog door will open and become big, any dog \u200b\u200bwill pass.


There is a completely different life behind this door. Always warm and beautiful. Many game and delicious food. Around the field and forest, and hurt there are some dogs.

Door, door, getting off! Door, door, get up, get up!


If there is a dog door in our ravine, I will definitely post her. And when to look for a door, like not at night. At night, the ravine rests. Machines do not rummage, the sand and stones do not rush. At night at the bottom of the ravine, as in a magical country. Above you are only a huge sky in blue grains and a large round mirror.

Former dachshund:

In this mirror you can watch without end. And you see something familiar there, but very distant. From this is done sad. I want to sing some song. Whether to complain to someone, whether someone can call, or just tell something.

Chit(He sits down, raising an acute fruit to the moon, and brings a thin voice):

- Oh, I'm babe, I am a white dog, I just live and live!


- And I am a scientist, I am smart. I sing glorious songs!

Former dachshund:

- Oh, I dachshund, former dachshund, where are you, my kids? (At such moments, the former dachshund recalls his puppies).


- Grow chrome, serve chrome, throw at least a small twigs of the moon!

The black:

- And I am black, I am the whole black, I am black outside and inside! Go from the black, do not spare the black, I am the whole black outside and inside!


On the scene, 2 small puppies appear.

The black:

- Have you seen? New replenishment.

He went past the pussies there here, with contempt, scratched asphalt with the rear paw, and then raised it and put her pole. This meant a mockery and threat.

The pins understood and pressed each other.

The black:

- Hey, what are you doing here?

1 puppy:

The black:

- Who are you waiting for?

2 puppy:

- Our person.

The black:

- Where is he?

- He will come back soon.

The black:

- Do you know that this is our place?

2 puppy:

- No, we do not know.

The black:

- Have you seen? They are waiting for their own man. In the morning he brought them, and now evening. They still think he will come back.


- Hahaha!


- If in the morning, then, of course, it will not return.

Former dachshund:

- I was just brought and threw me. What is your name?

1 puppy:

- Javik and this is a tobik.

The black:

- What are these names? Vavik and Tobik! Isn't it a shame to get angry with such nicknames?


- Hahaha!

The black:

- Now you will be just new. Well, go here!


- Will not go.

The black:

- Will not go? You do not want to obey me?

1 puppy:

- We are listening to your person.

The black:

- And now you will obey me! Your man just threw you. He will never come back!

2 puppy:

- We do not believe.

The black:

- Do you know that I'm the main thing here?


- Do not know ...

The black:

- Then I will teach you.

Behind him, though reluctantly, moved naked, lashed the baby, the former dachshund was reached, slapped chrome. To learn two young pins such ohma was worth nothing.


- Do not touch them, black.

The black:

- Do not bother, proud.


- Do not touch. Let wait. They themselves will understand that their person will not return, and ashad to you in flock.

Song "No ... He will come!"

Former dachshund:

- Boys are so modest.

Chrome coughed


- They will ask.

The black:

- Okay. Let them ask for themselves.

When a person and the dog spoke the same, they lived together and all divided their equally. They had a small house, a vegetable garden and a field.

In the morning the dog got up and went to graze cows, and man smelled and sowed. The harvest was collected together, eat ate one.

Somehow went hunting. Long chased the beast, and the man said:

I'm tired of running, I do not sleep for you. After all, you have four legs, and I have only two.

Well, - says the dog, - rest. I will help you the beast, and you catch.

So began to do. The dog runs, chasing to game, and a man stands on the spot and catches.

Catch game and eat. Man says:

I'm tired of chewing raw meat. Won do you have some fangs, and I have little teeth. Swari me meat, so that it was softer.

Okay, - says the dog. He welded meat.

There are no place here. Build yourself a coneer. You have wool, you will not wonder, but I have a slottle leather.

Okay, - said the dog and built a coneer.

And in those days, many terrible animals wandered through the forest. Gather at night, look into the windows, growl. Man is scary. Says a dog:

I'm afraid to sleep without you, but with you cramped. You would drive the beast at night, shoved them.

Okay, "says the dog," I smoke.

Night gathered terrible beasts. The dog came out and began to shout:

Get out of here, dug!

In the morning, man says:

All night you did not give me to sleep. Shout "Tomb! ", I'm scared. You are something simple shouts, for example "Gavgav!".

Night came terrible animals, the dog came out and began to shout:

Leave from here, Gavgav!

In the morning, man says:

Again, you did not give me to sleep. How to cry "Leave from here! ", I think I drive me out of the house. You're better just shouting "Gavgav!".

At night, scary animals came again, the dog screamed on them:


But here a person is dissatisfied:

Too you shout loudly, driving a dream. I even had to lose weight. Than shouting, it is better to go hunting, bring me meat.

I went to hunt the dog, brought me a man, welded, fed. The man fell asleep, and when he woke up, asks food again:

Hey, dog where meat?

WOF WOF! - answers the dog.

What does he mean "Gavgav"? - A man is angry. - Speak so that it was clear.

WOF WOF! - answers the dog. "While we lived like a brother with a brother, I said clearly." Now we have nothing to talk about. Until you fix it, I will talk to you "Gavgav!".

So it came out that the dog stopped talking to a man. Man has been corrected a little since then. He himself walks on the hunt, the meat itself cooks. But, it can be seen, it's not enough time to make it up with him to the end. Therefore, a person only hears from the dog: "Gavgav!"

That's what my mother told me when I was still a little puppy.


There is no one on the stage, the chrome appears. He is all beaten, barely goes.


Dog life is so. Today you have a bone in your teeth, and tomorrow you do not know how to survive.

Rod runs out, helps chrome, seats it.


What's the matter?


I, as always, I swam in the train, and there I was well knocked. I had three paws, and now at all on two rags.

But lucky new. I saw it myself. At the house there was a car, an adult man did something in her. Nearby spinning new, waited, maybe something falls.

Here the girl came out of the entrance. I knew this girl, somehow she treated me a piece of meat. The girl said:

- Dad, such good dogs, they always go here.

"Dogs, dogs, go here," the girl called.

New merged with tails and ran up. I, on the contrary, departed. If the girl does not call me, then it is not necessary. She already gave me a piece of meat. And now she has nothing.

"Doggy, dogs," said the girl and stroking new ones.

Those jumped, squeezed from pleasure, and Tobik turned his belly up and tried his paws. Nasty habit.

"Dad, let's take them to the country," the girl said.

"As you like," said Dad, and the car grumbled him.

The girl opened the door and called:

- Go here, pussy. We will go to the cottage. In the country good.

New looked at me inquiringly. We all listened to the stories of the dachshunds about the cottage. In the country is not life, but a paradise for dogs.

Of course, I was offended by the girl. Why not call me? I will not go anywhere, I have my own man here, and the ravine will not bother, but all the same ...

"Go, go," the girl called.

Everything is visible, the girl is kind. Yes, and dad is not angry. It was not worth a new miss such.

"Okay, go," I said.

"And black," they asked, "black will not get angry?"

Black, probably, would not let go of new ones. Black people do not believe. But black now on the side of the ravine.

And new went.


All dogs surrounded chrome, he is very bad.

The black:

- Bad of your business, chrome. He said, do not go to beat.

Chrome something scrolls in response, does not even raise the face.

He lay, boring the face into the paws. The wool on his side was glad, the wound became even more.


- Do you want to eat?


- Bring him the bone.

Someone escaped for the bone. In the Black Cache, there is always a bone, albeit aublined.

Chrome sniffed the bone, wanted to move her paw, but could not.

Former dachshund:

- What do you want?


- Soltenka herb.

Former dachshund:

Saltenka herbs! Where to take it? The place where the salty grass grew, long was risening the earth and stone. We knew, only the salty grass could help chrome. But that's before. Now and the salt grass is not needed. The last day of chrome was coming.

The black:

- Look at the salty grass!.

All silently fled the ravine.

After some time they gathered in a circle again. Everyone brought what could. Cork, apple grizzle, wrapped from sweet candy. Proud in front of a chrome golden ring. Let them admire.


- Thank you.

The black:

- Fareful!

Former dachshund:

- Goodbye, chrome.

Former dachshund and ran into tears.


- To the soon, chrome!


Remain proud and black. Black waited that proud would say goodbye and leaves first. But proud sitting silently.

So sat for a long time.

The black:

"Okay, proud, I'm not so to quarrel when someone dies."

He got up, touched his nose to the nose lame and said:

The black:

- The main thing is not to be afraid.


- I'm not afraid.

Black left.


"We are proud, you ... You know where a cow's bush is a skid curve?"



- There's it ... My ball is hidden. Take yourself.



- Good ball. Most new, only with a hole. Take. To play well with him.



- Jump and bay his nose. You jump well ... proud, this is the most ... put on me on the nose of the ring.

Proud took the golden ring and hung it on the nose chrome. It broke out in the rays of the setting sun.


- Handsomely…

Song "Over Snow Ripples"

The most famous story about the theater in the south-west. Once, after the play "Molor", in which Viktor Avilov dies dramatically, one spectator so sobbed in the hall that the actor had to go to her to prove that he was alive, and death is so, just the theater.

I do not know. I watched the "Moliere" four times. Three of them with Avilov. Yes, it's hard, com in the throat, but then to cry and cry - there is no way.

And after the children's performance, "Dogs" I wanted to scream: "Well, tell me that all this is not true! What everyone remains alive! " And sob without stopping. In general, those who as a child cried over the book "White Bim Black Ear" - my advice - stocking scarves at the time of the performance.

From the overheaval

True, is it a little sad performance? One mother.

Some sad? This is the most tragic play of all I have seen. Shakespeare with his tragedies, including the saddest story in the world, is resting compared to sketches from the life of homeless dogs.

Girls will always survive. One girl with red eyes.

It's true. If I wanted to take a dog, it would certainly chose a small white dog type zhu-zhu, or a taku, or beautiful. But I would never take a huge black or proud dog. And he would not let the threshold of the arrogue quotes of Yamamoto.

Yes, they do nothing to find them! Gleb.

How people spoiled the apartment question

This is a social drama. On the occurrence of the city on the village, about the problem of homeless dogs in the metropolis, that it is difficult to keep animals in the apartments, etc.

Once near the city was a village. Private houses were demolished, and the inhabitants moved to stone boxes. So I stayed without a house, the leader of the flocks, black. He found himself a refuge in the ravine, where he had long been inhabited by a lame, peaceful economic dog with a sick paw. Different dogs began to be nailed to them.

Talked, which for five years lived in school guard and passed all classes, except for one, and at the same time learned to read.

The dog proud believes that he is free dog, and does not want to live in a flock. However, he has affection - his own man. One artist sheltered him overnight, wounded. And since then he has been secretly walking at him.

Intelligent taxis chrome picked up on the road and led to the ravine. Her owner, Professor, threw her at the cottage, did not want to carry the dog to the apartment. Although it is strange. If anyone can start in the city - then Taksu. She is quite compact.

The dog Zhu-Zhu was kicked out of the circus when she became not needed, and she lost his voice from shock.

Gift to actors and audience

What a fertile play for actors! All roles are the main and equal. Each big piece of text and space for acting game. In addition to Karina, the smoke that plays a dumb dog Zhu-Zhu. But she expresses all the feelings of the Mimico - it is excellent seen from any row of a small auditorium. In addition, she has the most piercing scenes. No, in the performance of such scenes is full, but it has the most heartbreaking.

I first upset when I realized that Karina smoke had no words in the play. I have long wanted to see her, I love her very much. But now it seems to me that this is one of its best roles.

To happily see on the stage of Alexander Zapokhin, he plays the leader of the flock, black. The role is contradictory: it breaks between hate towards people and the desire to protect his own. It is he who makes a decision to take revenge.

Ilona Baryshva plays a taxi. Cute, gentle, intelligent creature. As his monologue, she reads the poem of Marina Tsvetaeva.

How I love names and banners,
Hair and voices
Old wines and old thrones,
- Each Counter PSA!

Where did she hear him? Probably at the dacha of your professor. She lay on his knees, and there were smart conversations around, and a professor, a stroking dog, quoted Tsveyev.

By the way, you ask, where are these people? Who, actually, should I hate? Where are these soulless evil creatures that did so with dogs? And they are not. No appear on the stage. They are present in the form of sound design, in the stories and memories of dogs, the rays of the spotlight they drive themselves.

Do not think that, but there are funny moments in the performance. The cat Yamamoto is responsible for humor - Actor Mikhail Belyakovich. Oh, and the same they are, these cats. Hit noodles on the ears with gulling dogs. To Japan, they say, it is necessary to run, there is a paradise for dogs.

When everyone knows that you need to run to Turkey! There already solved the problem of homeless dogs. Sterilization, vaccinations and food.

Watch everything!

Analogy with another performance of the theater in the southwest I had immediately. It is "on the bottom" about dogs. Broke - What is not satin? Yamamoto's cat - what is not onions? In dogs, as well as in beggars, their legends and myths, their hopes. Some believe in the palace, where they treat from alcoholism, others in the existence of the door, behind which there is a dog paradise.

I usually try to avoid direct appeals to action. If I like something, it does not mean that others will agree with my opinion.

But, speaking of the play "Dogs", I urge everyone - parents, schools, just adults. Everything for the outskirts of Moscow, in the theater in the southwest, - get the vaccine from cruelty! Teenage women. One will not understand, will understand the second, third, fourth. Something will be remembered, and then, in adulthood, suddenly someone will pick up a puppy on the street. And someone will not throw out the PSA street, with whom the character did not grow, but give an advertisement in the group: "I will give a dog in good hands."

Unexpected conclusion

For two years already, as I really want a dog. After the performance, I understood very clearly - not to start. I finally understood what my husband tells me, and I was disgusting. The dog is very big responsibility. Now I see myself. Yes, this is a big responsibility. What if it does not work out? What if I can't? And what to do with it then?

Theater in Nikitsky gates (ul. B. Nikitskaya, 23/9)

Piece on the story of K. Sergienko "Farewell, ravine!" (2h10m)
V. Kopylova
700 - 1500 rubles.

Performance dog

Vera Kopylova
Music performance on the story of Constantine Sergienko "Goodbye, ravine"
"The memory of the bone is dedicated to" M.R.

Staging and scenography: People's Artist of Russia
Balletmaster: Tatyana Borisova
Costume artist: Evgenia Schulz
Music leader: Victor Glazunov

Proud: Sergey Sholok Konstantin Taran
The black:
Beautiful: Natalia Troitskaya
Naked: Honored Artist of Russia Yuri Saltov Alexander Chernyavsky
Former dachshund: Marietta Cigal-Polishchuk Honored Artist of Russia Irina Morozova
Chrome: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Andrei Molotkov Dmitry Rafalsky
Juju: Nika Pyhova Kira Trankaya
Baby: Honored Artist of Russia Olga Lebedeva Valery Sale
Yamomoto, Cat: Denis Yucenkov Natalia Koretskaya
Overrigent Voice: Victor Glazunov
Violin: Valentina Lomachenkova M. Radovich

Songs from the play "Dogs"
(in order of execution):

1. "What are you not drinking, devils?" Poems Sergey Yesenin, Music Folk.
2. "Garbage" poems and music A.P.
3. "I am standing at the road ..." poems and music A.P.
4. "He was with money" The verses of Andrei Molotkova, the music of Viktor Glazunov.
5. "My bow broke ..." Poems and music A.P.
6. "Mirror World" Poems Boris Vlachko, Mark Rosovsky, Mark Mark Rosovsky.
7. "I am not a member of myself ..." Poems Yuri Levitansky, Mark Rosovsky Mark.
8. "My name is silent ..." The verses of Andrei Molotkova, Mark Rosovsky Music.
9. "Valenok" Poems David Samoilova, Music Mark Rosovsky.
10. "Yamomoto-san, say ..." Poems and music Sergey Shcheglova

1. "Song of the carelessness" Poems Yuri Ryashetseva, Music Mark Rosovsky.
2. "Great, dogs!" Poems and music A.P.
3. "Oh, blooms Sakura ..." Poems Yuri Golubsyov, variations in music I. Dunaevsky and A. Alyabyev.
4. "Fluff-flesh" poems and music Mark Rosovsky.
5. "Rastafara" Poems Mikhail (T-shirt) Naumenko and Mark Rosovsky, Music Mark Rosovsky.
6. "Kuzma" Poems Dmitry Laptev and Mark Rosovsky, Music Mark Rosovsky.
7. "It was, so that you knew, politics ..." Poems Mikhail Aisenberg (collage), Music Mark Rosovsky.
8. "Swallow" poems of Yunna Moritz, Music Mark Rosovsky.
9. "And I will stand ..." Poems David Samoilova, Mark Mark Rosovsky.
10. "Plach" (memory of Konstantin Sergienko) Poems Mikhail Sinelnikova, Music Mark Rosovsky.
11. "Love each other" the verses of Andrei Molotkova, the music of Viktor Glazunov.

Musical quotes:
Sergey Shnurov and the Leningrad Group ("No one loves", "Tango", "Tools");
Alfred Shnitke, Symphony No. 3, Part I "Moderato".

Vera Kopylova

About Konstantin Sergienko

"I lived in the light of the little-known now, but the surprisingly talented writer Konstantin Sergienko. His story about love - Sea-Pestician, half-sponsored. Tale, where the heroes are shot by strange, mysterious, exciting dreams, where the dolphinium's abandoned dacha crowds and the juniper bush after the rain stands all Tears, where dreams do not come true in reality, but dissolve in it, change it and still make people happy.
The story "The happiest day" is forbidden, secret, completely absurd in the small town of Bobra, the times of the Soviet stagnation of a schoolgirl relations and a young teacher. A strange girl named Lesta in Red Beret, living with dreams - or memories - about the life of a non-existent, about saffron Crimean roses, about brandy with Latin letters on a gold sticker and the evenings in the mysterious city of Hertogen Bosche. She does not match the Komsomol, school, active public life and so contrasting the reality that she could not even understand her friend and beloved - a 25-year-old teacher of literature. "The days of late autumn" is a diary of a 16-year-old girl who has been a strange, unhappy adult man with incomprehensible past. The story of the insignificance of their love, about the impossibility of breaking out of the strict rules of the conservative secured family, about the red sunset, about the star on the pine tree, about the piano of Mr. Bestyere, about the keyboarding instrument, about chrysanthemums and on autumn. It was this book that was my beloved when I was 14 years old, I was then studying in the 9th grade of the French school on the old Arbat. At the same time, I came for the first time in the theater "Nikitsky Gate", the theater I liked so much - then these performances died. I learned that Kostya Sergienko died in the 96th year, quite recently, that he was a very good friend of Mark Rosovsky and that there were attempts to staging his story "Goodbye, ravine" truth, I started up with "Late days Autumn. The dramatization was released - thanks to the crossed - thin, transparent, clean and - thanks to me - childish is naive and funny. It must be that this was its advantages. She became a training material for students Mark Grigorievich, which I am very glad, it gave me a lot of experience, first of all in drama. I am going to enter the Literary Institute named after A. M. Gorky at the Faculty of Dramaturgia. This happened in 2002, my master is Inna Lucianovna Vishnevskaya. In the first year, I wrote another staging on the story of K. Sergienko, on the second - an independent play "We will not catch up with us." The test of the story K. Sergienko appeared so that it was she put on the stage of this particular theater. Theater, where there is a tradition and ability to combine dramatic-sad and musical and cheerful in one play, as in life. "Goodbye, ravine" is the most stage and life-containing theater and life of Sergienko. Heroes of the story - homeless dogs. Losing or never had their homes, their owner and the calm full life of the dogs live in a ravine on the edge of a large city, away from the smug and self-sufficient world of people. Uncle ravine sheltered them on her herbal side. Each dog has its sad past, its own character, his own thing or an item that helps them in minutes of special longing. Even every has its own dream, and there is a dream of every dog \u200b\u200b- to find a door to the dog, for which happiness is hidden. And the winter is getting closer, and the food is less and less, and people all fall asleep and fall asleep the rural ravine, fear of frantic dogs. The last residents of the ravine, where in the afternoon the flowers are swinging heads, and at night there is an endless starry sky, fall into the hands of the styrers, and only one dog remains alive and acquires the long-awaited happiness, the most close friend - the owner.

In the story, the characters were only marked, outlined by several capacious features. To put on stage, they had to be developed and try in dialogues and in music to convey what K. Sergienko transmits prose - sounds, aromas, the finest threads of love that stretches between heroes. Heroes are not quite a dog, but just a creature, the creation of nature, which turned out to be among the measured life of large smart people. They are impossible not to regret and it is impossible not to see the same "dogs" around themselves, therefore the story is not quite children. She is amazing musical in itself, the dogs are often singing in it, they live, laugh, talk about themselves, and, without a doubt, the most expressive form for the scene is a musical.

Konstantin Sergienko was too famous in the 1980s, he was too thin, elegant, sensual writer and too good man, he died too accidentally and ridiculous to be now completely forgotten. His books are not on the Internet, almost not in libraries and very little on sale. Publishing house "O.G.I." And "Limbus Press" recently released his books, but they are so few, they are so rare! K. Sergienko must remember or find out. If, after setting by Mark Grigorievich, the Rosovsky play "Dogs" in the theater "At Nikitsky Gate" will change something, then maybe readers will appear - visitors to a completely different world, where the month of April - dracosy wings, and August - this is the time of silver cobwebs . Due to this world since childhood settled inside me, I probably live. "

Vera Kopylova. Born in Moscow.
Student II Course of the Literary Institute named after A. M. Gorky, a workshop of drama under the leadership of I. L. Vishnevskaya. The author of the stage "The Days of Late Autumn", "Goodbye, ravine!" According to the names of K. Sergienko and the plays "we will not catch up with us."

People's Artist of Russia
Mark Rosovsky

About the play "Dogs"

"Once upon a time the door opened and the girl entered into my office with the words:
- "I wrote a play. My name is Vera Kopylova."
- "And how old are you?"
- "Fourteen".
- "What is the play?"
She handed me a manuscript, I painted. On the title page stood: "According to Konstantin Sergienko" The days of late autumn. "
Kostya was my friend. And the other "Nikitsky Gate" theater, in which he was not dozens, no, - hundreds of times! ..
- "How do you know this writer?"
The schoolgirl jumped, nothing answered. But murmured embarrassed only one thing:
- "This is my favorite writer."
I was terribly delighted, because I thought - and I think! - Konstantin Sergienko is a brilliant prose master.
Once Liya Ahacedzhakova told me about the bone of the bone "Goodbye, Rimg":
- "Read. It is ingenious. All heroes are dogs. Homeless."
- "And who is the author?"
- "Familia I forgot. But you find and read."
I found and read. And it is necessary to happen to such a thing - just a couple of days later I found myself in the writing house of creativity in Dubults in the room next door to Konstantin Sergienko - lived almost a month through the wall, met and became friends.
Kostya was not simple.
Today, when for several years after his unexpected death has passed, he remains in our memory as a poet, who loved all sorts of adventures and adventures (especially night), with unchanged and countless dry wine bottles under the arm, with the thirst for ironic-penetrated conversations with any person, The interest in which he was tested ... Especially for him, nymphite girls stretched to him, each of them crossed him into a vest, trusting that the coste is his most secret secrets, and he managed this packs of robust living creatures completely disinterestedly, hanalen and absolutely virtuoso. Konstantin Sergienko professionally turned the everyday weekdays in feasts and holidays - suffice to say that he learned all of us "in those more years to celebrate Valentine's Day. His loneliness he was amazingly skillfully processed into unity with no less single souls - together was not so lonely, not so sad.
At the same time, he wrote with frantic hardworking. The sense of the word Rodninil him with Sasha Sokolov, with whom they were friends, together began and together - before the departure of Sasha abroad - they defined their attitude to the language as the main means of self-sustainment and development of the world.
If I had the right, I would appoint Konstantin Sergienko "Classic" - without Natuga, without exaggeration.
That is why, when the girl's unfamiliar to me, Vera Kopylova discovered his worship before the bones, I was well in my heart.
In the future, faith attended my classes at the Russian Theater Institute as a "Wolversman", and then, at the end of the school, he entered the Litin Institute to the workshop of the professor of Inna Lucianovna Vishnevskaya.
But to enroll in the Litin Institute, it was necessary to write another plays. Here, I was also suggested by faith - just if she really loves a writer named K. Sergienko - to make the staging of his story "goodbye, ravine" with the transfer of the time of action in our days.
As a result, it turned out a performance shown by our viewer.
I do not hide, much in the play I had to remake, much add. For example, songs are different authors and composers.
However, with all this difference, I wanted to assemble the sign of the "dogs" of the company of the authors who knew a hob in life well, respected and even bowed to him. This is the winner of the awards them. Andrei White Mikhail Eisenberg, and Mikhail Sinelnikov, and Yuri Ryashetsev, and the author hidden under the pseudonym A.P.
I wanted to create some kindatrical fantasy based on the story, making a sense focus on the lack of heroes. We did the play "Dogs" not about dogs, but about people living with dog life.
There are a lot of such in our country ...
Now let's get up in the ravine "in the Nikitsky gate" and begin to empathize with the characters and destinies.
After the third call, we will begin ... "