Romanovs Nikolay 2 and his family. Standing standard. Family of the last emperor of the Romanov dynasty - Nicholas II

The upbringing obtained by him under the leadership of the Father was strict, almost harsh. "I need normal healthy Russian children" - such a demand has put forward the emperor to the educators of his children. Such education could be only Orthodox in spirit. Another child Tsearevich showed a special love for God, to his church. The heir received a very good home education - knew several languages, studied Russian and world history, understood deeply in military affairs, was a widely erudite man. But the plans of the father for the preparation of the Son to carry the monarch of the monarch was not destined to fully come true.

The first meeting of the sixteen-year-old heir to Nikolay Alexandrovich and the young princess Alice Gessen-Darmstadt occurred in the year when her older sister, the future Recovers of Elizabeth, marriage with the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, Uncle Zesarevich. There is a strong friendship between them, then passed into deep and ever-increasing love. When a year, reaching the age of majority, the heir appealed to parents with a request to bless him to marry with Princess Alice, the father refused, motivating the refusal to his youth. Then he was coming before his father's will, but in a year, seeing the unshakable determination of the Son, usually a soft and even timid in communicating with his father, Emperor Alexander III gave a blessing to marriage.

The joy of mutual love was overshadowed by a sharp deterioration in the health of Emperor Alexander III, who died on October 20. Despite Mourning, it was decided not to postpone the marriage, but it took place in the most modest setting of November 14th. The days of family happiness, the days of family happiness were soon changed to the new emperor the need to take on the whole burden of the management of the Russian Empire, despite the fact that it was not yet fully introduced into the course of higher state cases.


The character of Nikolai Alexandrovich, who was twenty-six during the topics, and his worldview by this time was well defined. Persons who stood close to the court celebrated his living mind - he always quickly settled the essence of the questions reported to him, excellent memory, especially on the face, the nobility of thoughts. At the same time, Nikolay Alexandrovich his softness, tacty in circulation, modest manners at many made the impression of a person who did not inherit a strong will of his father.

The leadership for Emperor Nikolai II was the political will of the Father:

"I'll hang you out to love everything that serves to the good, honor and dignity of Russia. Protecting autocracy, after seeing that you are responsible for the fate of your subjects before the throne of the Most High. Belief in God and the holiness of your royal debt will be the basis of your life. Be hard and courageous, do not show weakness. Listen to all, there is nothing shameful in it, but listen to yourself and your conscience ".

From the very beginning of his rule, the Power of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II belonged to the mercy of the duties of the monarch as a sacred debt. The sovereign was deeply believed that the royal power was and remains sacred for the Russian people. It always lived an idea that the king and the queen should be closer to the people, more often to see him and trust him more. Having become the Supreme Ruler of a huge empire, Nikolay Alexandrovich assumed a huge historical and moral responsibility for everything that happened in the state entrusted to him. One of the most important duties honored the storage of Orthodox faith.

Emperor Nicholas II paid great attention to the needs of the Orthodox Church at all time of his reign. Like all Russian emperors, he generously sacrificed to the construction of new temples, including outside Russia. Over the years of his reign, the number of parish churches in the empire has increased by more than 10 thousand, more than 250 new monasteries were opened. He himself participated in the bookmark of new temples and other church celebrations. The personal piety of the sovereign manifested itself in the fact that during the years of his reigning more saints were canonized than for the two preceding centuries, when only 5 saints were glorified - during his reigning, Saint Feodosii Chernigovsky (G.), Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky (G.), Holy Princess Anna Kashinskaya (Restoration of West in), St. Joasaf Belgorodsky (G.), Saint Ermogen Moscow (G.), St. Pitirim Tambovsky (G.), St. John Tobolsky (G.) . At the same time, the emperor was forced to show a special perseverance, seeking the canonization of Rev. Seraphim of Sarovsky, St. Joasafa Belgorod and John Tobolsky. Emperor Nicholas II highly honored the Holy Righteous Father of John Kronstadt and after his blissful death commanded his nationwide prayer permissions on the day of the day.

During the reign of the Emperor Nikolai II, the Synodal Church Management System was maintained, however, it was when it was the church hierarchy, it was possible not only to discuss widely, but also to almost prepare the convening of a local cathedral.

The desire to bring into public life Christian religious and moral principles of their worldview always distinguished the foreign policy of Emperor Nicholas II. Even a year, he appealed to Europe's governments with a proposal to convene a conference to discuss the issues of preserving peace and reduce weapons. The consequence of this was the peaceful conferences in the Hague in and the years, whose decisions did not lose their importance to the present day.

But, despite the sincere desire of the sovereign to the world, in his reign of Russia had to participate in two bloody wars, which led to the inner confusion. In the year, without declaring war, military operations against Russia, Japan and the consequence of this severe war for Russia, the revolutionary confusion of the year became. The nurses that took place in the country perceived as a great personal sorrow.

In the unofficial setting with the sovereign, few people were communicated. And everyone who knew his family life was not at the time, noted the amazing simplicity, mutual love and the consent of all members of this closely cohesive family. The relationship of children with the state truck was touching - he was for them at the same time king, father and comrades; Their feelings were modified depending on the circumstances, moving from almost religious worship to full gullibility and heart friendship itself.

But the center of the family was Alexey Nikolaevich, where all attachments and hopes focused. His incurable disease overshadowed the life of the family, but the character of the ailment remained a state secret, and parents often had to hide the feelings experienced by them. At the same time, Zesarevich's disease opened the doors to the palace of those people who were recommended by the royal family as healers and prayermen. Among them, there appears in the Palace Peasant Grigory Rasputin, whose healing abilities gave him a great influence at the court, which, together with the evil glory spread about him, fell to the faith and loyalty to many to the imperial house.

At the beginning of the war, internal disagreements were in many ways in the wave of patriotism, even the most difficult issues became solvable. It was possible to implement a long-conceived state-in-law banning the sale of alcoholic beverages for the time of the war - his belief in the utility of this measure was stronger than all economic considerations.

The sovereign regularly traveled in the bet, visits various sectors of its huge army, dressing points, military hospitals, rear plants - everything that played a role in the conduct of a grandiose war.

The emperor since the beginning of the war considered his stay at the post of the Supreme Commander as the fulfillment of moral and public debt before God and the People. However, the sovereign always provided leading military specialists a broad initiative in solving all military-strategic and operational-tactical issues. On August 22, the sovereign went to Mogilev to accept the command of all Russian armed forces and from this day was constantly at the rate. Only about once a month, the sovereign came to the royal village for several days. All responsible decisions were made by him, but at the same time he instructed the Empress to maintain intercourse with the ministers and keep him aware of what was happening in the capital.

Sharpening and execution

Already on March 8, the commissioners of the Provisional Government, arriving in Mogilev, announced through General Alekseev about the arrest of the sovereign and the need to proceed to the royal village. The arrest of the royal family did not have the slightest legal basis or the occasion, but born on the day of the memory of the righteous Ieow Multi-trust, in which he always saw a deep meaning, the sovereign took his cross as well as the biblical righteous. According to the sovereign:

"If I am a hindrance of Russia and I am all those who are still standing at the head of her public strength, ask to leave the throne and give it to his son and brother, then I am ready to do it, I'm not only ready for the kingdom, but the life of your homeland is ready. I think no one doubts those who know me ".

"I need my renunciation. The essence of the one that in the name of the salvation of Russia and holding the army on the front in calm need to decide on this step. I agreed ... At the hour of the night, I left Pskov with a heavy sense of experience. Circle treason and cowardice and deception! "

For the last time he turned to his troops, calling them to loyalty to the temporary government, the one who subjected him to arrest, to the execution of his debt to the birthplace to the full victory. For a farewell order of the troops, which was expressed by the nobility of the soul of the sovereign, his love for the army, faith in it, was hidden from the people the temporary government, who forbid him to publish it.

The sovereign accepted and transferred all the tests sent to him firmly, meeklyko and without the shade of Ropot. On March 9, the emperor arrested on the eve of the emperor was transported to the royal village, where the whole family was looking forward to him. There was an almost five-month period of an indefinite stay in the royal village. The days were measured in regular worship, joint trapes, walks, reading and communicating with native people. However, the life of the prisoners was subjected to petty constraints - the sovereign was announced by A. F. Kerensky, which he should live separately and see the sovereign only at the table, and to talk only in Russian, the guard soldiers in gross form did comments, access to the palace The close royal family of persons are prohibited. Once the soldiers even took away a toy rifle at the heir under the pretext of the ban wearing a weapon. Father Athanasius Belyaev, who regularly who regularly committed division in the Alexander Palace during this period, left his testimonies about the spiritual life of Tsarskoye gear prisoners. This is how the wretch service of the Great Friday was held in the palace on March 30:

"The service was reverently and comfortably ... Their Majesty listened to the whole service. Folding anals were delivered in front of them, on which the Gospels lay, so it could be followed by reading. Everyone stood until the end of the service and went through a common room in their rooms. We must see himself and so close to understand and make sure that the former royal family is diligently, in Orthodox, often on his knees, praises to God. With some kind of humility, meekness, humility, fully betrayed himself in the will of God, are for worship ".

In the Palace Church or in the former royal rest, Afanasi's father regularly performed the vigil and divine liturgia, which were always attended by all members of the imperial family. After the Day of the Holy Trinity in the Father's Father's diary, anxious reports are increasingly and more often - it marks the growing irritation of the guard, reaching sometimes to rudeness in relation to the royal family. It does not remain without his attention and the mental state of the members of the royal family - yes, they all suffered, he noted, but along with suffering they increased their patience and prayer.

In the meantime, the Provisional Government appointed a commission to investigate the activities of the emperor, but, despite all the efforts, to detect at least something of the rational king could not. However, instead of liberation of the royal family, it was decided to remove from the royal village - on the night of August 1, they were sent to Tobolsk, allegedly due to possible unrest, and arrived there on August 6. The first weeks of stay in Tobolsk were hardly the most calm for the entire fee. On September 8, on the day of the holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the prisoners allowed to go to church for the first time. Subsequently, this consolation extremely rarely faltered their share.

One of the biggest deprivities during the lifetime in Tobolsk was almost a complete absence of any news. The emperor with anxiously followed the events expressing in Russia, realizing that the country was rapidly going to death. The sorrow was sorrow of the king, when the temporary government rejected Cornilov's proposal to introduce troops to Petrograd to stop the Bolshevik agitation. The emperor perfectly understood that it was the only means to avoid an imminent catastrophe. These days, the sovereign was repent in his renunciation. As P. Bowls recalled, Zesarevich Alexey teacher:

"He accepted this decision [about renunciation] only in the hope that the desired removal would be able to continue to continue with honor with honor and will not destroy the work of Russia's salvation. He was afraid that his refusal to sign the renunciation did not lead to the civil war in mind the enemy. The king did not want because of him there was a drop of Russian blood because of him ... Emperor was painful to see the infertility of his victim and to realize that, having in mind only the benefit of the Motherland, he brought her harm to her renunciation ".

Meanwhile, the Bolsheviks have already come to power in Petrograd - the period came about which the sovereign wrote in his diary: "Much worse and disgraceful events of troublesome time." The soldiers guarding the governor's house were imbued with the arrangement to the royal family, and several months have passed after the Bolshevik coup, before the change of power began to affect the position of prisoners. In Tobolsk, the "Soldier Committee" was formed in Tobolsk, which, in every way to self-affirmation, demonstrated his power over the sovereign - they made him remove his shoulder straps, they destroyed the ice slide, arranged for royal children, and from March 1, Nikolay Romanov and his family were transferred to Soldier's lads. " In letters and diaries of the members of the imperial family, a deep experience of the tragedy, which unfolded in their eyes was witnessed. But this tragedy did not deprive the royal prisoners of the Spirit, Solid Faith and Hope to help God. Consolation and meekness in the transfer of sorrows gave prayer, reading spiritual books, worship and communion. In sufferings and trials multiplied spiritual knowledge, the knowledge of themselves, his soul. The aspiration for the life of eternal helped to endure suffering and gave great consolation:

"... Everything I love is, the bills are not all dirt and suffering, and the Lord does not allow despondency: he protects from despair, gives strength, confidence in a bright future on this light".

In March, it became known that the Separate world was concluded in Brest, about which the sovereign wrote that it was "equivalent to suicide." The first Bolshevik squad arrived in Tobolsk on Tuesday on April 22. Commissioner Yakovlev Osmatello House, met the prisoners, and after a few days he said that he had to take the sovereign, assuring that nothing bad would not happen to him. Assuming that he wants to send him to Moscow to sign the separation world with Germany, the sovereign said firmly: "I will better give a hand to my hand than letting this infant agreement." The heir at that time was sick, and it was impossible to carry him, but the Empress and the Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna followed the emperor and were transported to Yekaterinburg, for conclusion in the house of Ipatiev. When the health of the heir was recovered, the remaining family members from Tobolsk were sharpened in the same house, but most of the closest to them were not allowed.

The Ekaterinburg period of imprisonment of the royal family of evidence remained much less - there are almost no letters, mostly this period is known only by brief records in the diary of the emperor and the testimony of witnesses. Especially valuable is the evidence of the Archpriest John Schetzhev, who committed the last worship services in the Ipatiev House. John's father served there twice on Sundays depletion; For the first time, it was on May 20 (June 2) of the year, when, according to his testimony, members of the royal family "prayed very diligently ...". The living conditions in the "special purpose house" were much harder than in Tobolsk. The guard consisted of 12 soldiers who lived in close proximity to prisoners, ate with them at one table. Commissioner Avdeev, a shortwater drunkard, daily sought together with his subordinates in the fabrication of new humiliations for prisoners. We had to put up with deprivation, to transfer bullying and obeying the requirements of gross people, including former criminal criminals. Sleeping tsarist couple and princessed on the floor, without beds. During the dinner, a family consisting of seven people was given only five spoons; The guards sitting at the same table were smoking, brazenly by releasing the prisoners in the face, rudely chose food from them. The garden in the garden was permitted once a day, at first for 15-20 minutes, and then no more than five. The behavior of the sentries was completely obscene.

Near the royal family, only Dr. Eugene Botkin, who surrounded the prisoners of care and was an intermediary between them and the commissars, trying to defend them from the rudeness of the guards, and several tried, faithful servants.

The faith of prisoners supported their courage, gave them strength and patience in suffering. All of them understood the possibility of a quick end and expected him with the nobility and clarity of the Spirit. In one of the letters, Olga Nikolaevna have such lines:

"The father asks to convey to all those who have left him is devoted to whom they can have an impact so that they do not be revenge on him, since he forgive everyone and pray for everyone, and in order not to be revenge on himself and remember, Something evil, which is now in the world, will be even stronger, but that no evil wins evil, but only love ".

Most of the evidence speaks of the prisoners of the Ipatiev house as people of suffering, but deep believers, undoubtedly submissive will of God. Despite bullying and insults, they led in the house of Ipatiev a decent family life, trying to brighten the oppressive situation with mutual communication, prayer, reading and accomplices. One of the witnesses of their life in imprisonment, the teacher of the heir Pierre Bow, wrote:

"The sovereign and the sovereign believed that they die with the martyrs for their homeland ... Their true greatness spacing not from their royal sanity, but from the amazing moral height, to which they gradually rose ... And in his very humiliation they were the striking manifestation of that Amazing clarity of the soul, against which all violence and every rage and which tries in the death of death ".

Even gross guards gradually softened to communicate with prisoners. They were surprised by their simplicity, they were conquered full advantageous clarity, and they soon felt the superiority of those who thought to keep in their power. Even Commissioner Avdeev himself softened. Such a change did not hide from the eyes of the Bolshevik authorities. Avdeev was replaced by Yurovsky, the guardian was replaced by Austro-German prisoners and selected people from among the executioner's executioners. The life of its inhabitants turned into solid martyrdom. 1 (14) of July, the Father John Storozhev was committed to the last worship service in the Ipatiev House. Meanwhile, in the strictest mystery from prisoners, preparations were made to their execution.

On the night of July 16, July 17, at about the beginning of the third, Yurovsky woke up the royal family. They were said that in the city restless and therefore it is necessary to go to a safe place. After forty minutes, when everything was dressed and gathered, Yurovsky, together with the prisoners, went down to the first floor and led them to a semi-base room with one born window. All externally were calm. The sovereign in the hands of Alexey Nikolayevich, the rest in their hands were pillows and other small things. At the request of the sovereign, two stools brought to the room, they laid pillows brought by great princesses and Anna Demidova. The chairs are located the sovereign and Alexey Nikolaevich. The sovereign stood in the center next to the heir. The remaining family members and servants are located in different parts of the room and prepared for a long time to wait, already getting used to night anxieties and all sorts of movements. Meanwhile, armed, waiting for the signal has already been crowded in the next room. At that moment, Yurovsky approached the sovereign at all closely and said: "Nikolay Alexandrovich, according to the decree of the Ural Regional Council, you will be shot with your family." This phrase appeared so unexpected for the king that he turned towards the family, stretching his hands to them, then, as if wishing to ask, appealed to the commandant, saying: "What? What?" Alexander and Olga Nikolayevna, Olga, wanted to cross. But at that moment Yurovsky shot at the sovereign from the revolver almost focus several times, and he immediately fell. Almost simultaneously began to shoot all the rest - everyone knew his victim in advance. Already lying on the floor finished the shots and blows of the bayonets. When it seemed, everything was over, Alexey Nikolayevich suddenly weakly groaned - he was shot in him several times. Making sure that their victims are dead, the killers began to take jewels from them. Then they were taken to the courtyard, where the truck was already standing - the noise of his engine was to drown out shots in the basement. Even before sunrise the body of the body was taken to the forest in the surroundings of the village of Kokeniki.

Together with the imperial family, their servants who followed their gentlemen were shot in the link: Doctor

Biography of Emperor Nikolai 2 Alexandrovich

Nicholas II Aleksandrovich (Rod. - 6 (18) May 1868, death - July 17, 1918, Yekaterinburg) - Emperor All-Russian, from the imperial house of Romanovs.


The heir to the Russian throne Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich grew up in the atmosphere of the luxurious imperial yard, but in strict and, you can say, the Spartan atmosphere. His father, Emperor Alexander III, and the mother, Danish Princess Dagmara (Empress Maria Fedorovna) fundamentally did not admit any weaknesses and sublimination in the raising of children. For them, a hard routine of the day was always installed, with mandatory daily lessons, visits to church services, indispensable visits to relatives, obligatory participation in the set of official ceremonies. The kids slept on ordinary soldiers with hard pillows, in the morning they took cold baths for breakfast were given oatmeal.

The youth of the future emperor

1887 - Nikolai was produced in headquarters and determined to the Life Guard of the Preobrazhensky Regiment. There he was listed for two years, fulfilling the responsibilities of the excoring, and then the regular commander. Then, for admission to the cavalry service, his father translated him to the Life Guard Gusar Regiment, where Nikolai took the squadron command.

Thanks to its modesty and simplicity, Tsarevich was quite popular among comrades officers. 1890 - His training ended. Father did not burden the heir to the throne of state affairs. He appeared from time to time at the meetings of the State Council, but his glance was constantly rushed at the watch. Like all officers of the guard, Nikolai has given a lot of time to secular life, often visited the theater: he adored the opera and ballet.

Nikolai and Alice Hessian

Nicholas II in childhood and youth

Obviously, women also occupied him. But it is interesting that the first serious feeling of Nikolai experienced to the princess Alis Hessian, who later became his wife. For the first time they met in 1884 in St. Petersburg at the wedding of Ella Hessian (Senior Sister Alice) with Great Prince Sergey Alexandrovich. She was 12 years old, he - 16. 1889 - Alix spent 6 weeks in St. Petersburg.

Later, Nikolai wrote: "I dream of ever marrying Alix G. I love it for a long time, but I didn't believe it all deeply and strongly from 1889 ... All this long time I did not believe my feeling, I didn't believe that my cherished dream could come true."

In fact, the heir was able to overcome many obstacles. Parents offered to Nicholas other parties, but he resolutely refused to associate himself with any other princess.

Climbing to the throne

1894, Spring - Alexander III and Maria Fedorovna were forced to give way to the desire of the Son. Preparation for the wedding began. But before it was time to play, October 20, 1894, Alexander III passed away. No one for whom the death of the emperor was more significant than for a 26-year-old young man who inherited his throne.

"I saw tears in his eyes," remembered the Grand Duke Alexander. - He took me on hand and led down, in his room. We hugged and cried both. He could not get together with thoughts. He knew that he was now the emperor, and the severity of this terrible event struck him ... "Sandro, what should I do? He exclaimed pathetically. - What should happen to me, with you ... with Alix, with Mother, with all over Russia? I'm not ready to be king. I never wanted to be him. I do not understand anything in the affairs of the board. I even have no idea how to talk with the ministers "".

The next day, when the palace was draped into Black, Aliks adopted Orthodoxy and from this day became referred to as the Grand Prince Alexander Fedorovna. On November 7, the solemn burial of the late emperor in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg took place, and the marriage of Nicholas and Alexandra was held a week. On the occasion of mourning there was no solemn admission and wedding travel.

Personal life and royal family

1895, Spring - Nikolai second transported his wife to the royal village. They settled in the Alexander Palace, which remained the main home of the imperial couple for 22 years. Everything here was arranged according to their tastes and desires, and therefore the royal always remained their favorite place. Nikolai usually got up at 7, had breakfast and disappeared in his desktop to get started.

In a warehouse of character, he was loner and preferred to do everything himself. At 11 o'clock the king interrupted classes and went to walk in the park. When children appeared, they invariably accompanied him in these walks. Lunch in the middle of the day was the official ceremonial procedure. Although the empress was usually absent, the emperor dined with daughters and members of his suite. The food began in Russian custom from prayer.

Neither Nikolay nor Alexander loved dear sophisticated dishes. He received great pleasure from borscht, porridge, boiled fish with vegetables. But the king's favorite dish was a fried young piglet with a horserome, whom he washed in port. After dinner, Nikolai performed a ride in the surrounding rural roads in the direction of the Red Seall. At 4 o'clock the family was going for tea. According to the etiquette introduced yet, only crackers, oil and English biscuits were served to tea. Cupcakes and candy were not allowed. Harbor tea, Nikolai flew through the newspapers and telegrams. After he returned to his work, taking a stream of visitors between 17 and 20 hours.

Exactly at 20 o'clock all official meetings ended, and Nikolai second could go dinner. In the evening, the emperor was often sitting in a family living room, reading aloud, while the wife and daughters needled. By his choice it could be Tolstoy, Turgenev or his favorite writer Gogol. However, there could be some fashionable novel. Personal librarian of the sovereign selected for him to 20 the best books per month from all countries of the world. Sometimes instead of reading the family spent the evenings, sticking photos made by the court photographer or themselves, in green leather albums with an embossed golden royal monogram.

Nicholas II with his wife

The end of the day came at 23 o'clock with serving evening tea. Before removing, the emperor did records in his diary, and then took the bath, went to bed and usually fell asleep. Notes that, unlike many families of European monarchs, the Russian imperial couple had a common bed.

1904, July 30 (August 12) - the 5th child was born in the imperial family. To the great joy of parents it was a boy. The king wrote in his diary: "The Grand Unforgettable day for us, in which God's mercy so clearly visited us. At 1 o'clock the day, Alix had a son, whom Alexei made a prayer with prayer. "

On the occasion of the appearance of the heir throughout Russia, the guns were paled, the bells called and flags fluttered. However, after a few weeks, the imperial couple was shocked by terrible news - it turned out that their son was sick hemophilia. The following years have passed in the hard struggle for the life and health of the heir. Any bleeding, any injection could lead to death. The torment of a hot beloved son ruined the heart of parents. In particular, Alexey's disease was affected by Empress, who over the years began to suffer from hysteria, she became a changeful and extremely religious.

The Board of Nicholas Second

Meanwhile, Russia was experiencing one of the most stormy stages of its history. The Ambassador of the Japanese War began the first revolution, depressed with tremendous labor. Nikolay the second had to agree to the institution of the State Duma. The next 7 years were alive alone and even with relative prosperity.

The Stolypin put forward by the emperor began to hold his reforms. At one time it seemed that Russia would be able to avoid new social upheavals, but broke out in 1914 the First World War made a revolution inevitable. The crushing defeats of the Russian army in the spring and in the summer of 1915 forced Nikolai 2 to head the troops.

Since that time, he was in the Mogilev on debt and could not deeply delve into state affairs. Alexandra, with great zeal, took to help his spouse, but it seems to hope him anymore than actually helped. And the highest officials, and great princes, and foreign diplomats felt the approach of the revolution. They tried to warn emperor as they could warn. Repeatedly during these months, Nikolai II was offered to remove from Affairs Alexander and to create the government to which the people and the Duma would have confidence. But all these attempts were not crowned with success. The emperor gave the Word Contrary to the whole to preserve the autocracy in Russia and transfer it to his whole and unshakable his son; Now, when pressure on it was put on him, he remained faithful to the oath.

The revolution. Refraction from the throne

1917, February 22 - never adopting a decision on the new government, Nikolai second went to the bet. Immediately after his departure in Petrograd, excitement began. On February 27, an alarmed emperor decided to return to the capital. On the road at one of the stations, he accidentally learned that in Petrograd there is already a temporary committee of the State Duma, led by Rodzianko. Then, consulting with the generals of Sweet, Nikolai decided to wade into Pskov. Here, from the commander of the Northern Front, General Ruza Nikolai on March 1, he learned the last stunning news: the entire garrison of Petrograd and the Tsarist village passed on the side of the revolution.

His example followed the guard, the Cossack convoy and the Guards crew with the Grand Duke Kirill at the chapter. The king finally struck negotiations with the front teams taken by Telegraph. All generals were merciless and unanimous: to stop the revolution with the help of force is no longer possible; In order to avoid civil war and bloodshed, Emperor Nicholas 2 must renounce the throne. After painful oscillations late in the evening on March 2, Nikolay signed his renunciation.


Nikolay 2 with his wife and children

The next day, he gave an order to his train to go to the bet, in Mogilev, because I wanted to finish saying about the army. Here, on March 8, the emperor was arrested and delivered to the convoy to the royal village. From this day, the time of constant humiliation began. The guard behaved defiantly rudely. Another offend was to see the betrayal of those people who were accustomed to considered the smallest. Almost all servants and most Freinin threw the palace and empress. Dr. Oratogradsky refused to ride the patient Alexey, stating that "finds the road too dirty" for further visits.

Meanwhile, the situation in the power began to exacerbate again. Kerensky, which was by the time the head of the Provisional Government, decided that in order to security reasons, the royal family should be sent away from the capital. After a long hesitation, he gave an order to transport Romanovs to Tobolsk. Relocation took place in early August in the deep secret.

In Tobolsk, the royal family lived 8 months. Its material situation was very cramped. Alexandra wrote Anna Crowpova: "I knit socks for the little (Alexey). He requires a couple more, as all it is in holes ... I'm doing everything now. Papine (king) pants broke up and need to be cut, and the underwear of girls in rags ... I became very gray-looking ... "After the October coup, the position of the prisoners was even worse.

1918, April - Romanov's family was transported to Yekaterinburg, they were settled in the house of the merchant Ipatyev, who was destined to become their last prison. In the 5-top rooms of the 2nd floor settled 12 people. Nicholas, Alexander and Alexey, lived in the first, in the second - the great princesses. The remaining divided between the servants. In a new place, the former emperor and his loved ones felt like real prisoners. Behind the fence and on the street there is an external guard from the Red Guards. The house has always been a few people with revolvers.

This internal security was selected from the most reliable Bolsheviks and it was very hostile. She commanded Alexander Avdeev, who called the emperor is not different as "Nikolai Bloody". None of the members of the royal family could not retire, and even to the toilet, the great princesses were accompanied by someone from the convoirs. Only black bread and tea was served for breakfast. Lunch consisted of soup and a kitlet. The guard often on the eyes of the dinners took slices from the pan. Clothes of prisoners completely dilapidated.

On July 4, the Ural Council dismissed Avdeev and his people. Their place came 10 Chekists led by Yurovsky. Despite the fact that he was much polite Avdeev, Nikolai from the first days felt a threat from him. In fact, clouds over the family of the last Russian emperor were condensed. In late May, Czechoslovak insurgency broke out in Siberia, in the Urals and in the Volga region. Czechs launched a successful attack on Ekaterinburg. On July 12, the Ural Council delivered permission from Moscow himself to solve the fate of the depth dynasty. The Council decided to shoot all the Romanovs and instructed the execution of the execution of Jurovsky. Already later, the White Guards were able to capture several participants of the execution and with their words to restore the painting of execution in all details.

Shot of the Romanov family

July 16, Yurovsky distributed 12 revolvers to Chekistam and announced that the shooting will take place today. At midnight, he woke up all the prisoners, told them quickly dressing down and go down. It was announced that the Czechs and White are approaching Yekaterinburg, and the local council made a decision that they should leave. Nikolay went down the stairs first, carrying Alexei's hands. Anastasia kept in the hands of Spaniel Jimmy. On the ground floor, Yurovsky led them to a semi-base room. There he asked to wait until the car would come. Nikolai asked his chairs for his son and wife. Yurovsky ordered to bring three stools. In addition to the Romanov family here, Dr. Botkin, Laci Trupp, cook Haritons and the bedroom girl Empress Demidov.

When everyone gathered, Yurovsky again entered the room, accompanied by the whole detachment of the CC with revolvers in his hands. Going ahead, he quickly said: "In view of the fact that your relatives continue the offensive to Soviet Russia, the uralized team decided to shoot you."

Nikolay, continuing to keep Alexei's hand, began to rise from the chair. He just managed to say: "What?" And here Yurovsky shot him in his head. For this signal, Chekists became shooting. Alexandra Fedorovna, Olga, Tatiana and Maria were killed on the spot. Botkin, Kharitonov and Troupe were mortally wounded. Demidov remained standing on his legs. Chekists grabbed the rifles and began to pursue her to deliver bayonets. With shouts, she rushed from one wall to another and eventually fell, receiving more than 30 wounds. The dog was played off her head butt. When silence reigned in the room, the heavy breath of Cesarevich was heard - he was still alive. Yurovsky reloaded the revolver and twice shot the boy in his ear. Just at that moment Anastasia, which was only unconscious, woke up and screamed. She was finished with bayonets and butts ...

From birth trotia His imperial Highness Great Prince Nikolay Alexandrovich. After the death of his grandfather, Emperor Alexander II, in 1881 he received the title of Heir to Cesarevich.

... Neither the figure, nor the ability to speak the king, did not touch the soldier's soul and did not make that impressions that needed to raise the spirit and strongly attract hearts to himself. He did what he could, and it is impossible to blame him in this case, but he did not cause good results in the sense of enthusiasm.

Childhood, education and upbringing

Nikolay received a home education in the framework of the Gymnasic Course and in -1890 - on a specially written program, which combined the course of the State and Economic Departments of the University of Law with the course of the Academy of General Staff.

The upbringing and training of the future emperor was held under the personal leadership of Alexander III on a traditional religious basis. Nikolay II training activities were conducted on a carefully developed program for 13 years. The first eight years were devoted to subjects of an extended gymnasic course. Special attention was paid to the study of political history, Russian literature, English, German and French languages, which Nikolai Alexandrovich was overfeeding. The next five years were dedicated to the study of military affairs, legal and economic sciences necessary for the statesman. Lectures were read by outstanding Russian academician scientists with world names: N. N. Beketov, N. N. Obruchev, Ts A. Kyui, M. I. Dragomirov, N. Kh. Bunghe, K. P. Victoronesev and others. Presbyter I. L. Yanyshev taught Cesarevich canonical law due to the history of the Church, the main departments of theology and history of religion.

Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexander Fedorovna. 1896

The first two years, Nikolai served as a junior officer in the ranks of the Preobrazhensky regiment. Two year old seasons he served in the ranks of the cavalry hussar regiment by a squadron commander, and then the camp fee in the rows of artillery. August 6 produced in Colonels. At the same time, his father introduces him to the course of the country's management, inviting participating in the meetings of the State Council and the Cabinet of Ministers. At the suggestion of the Minister of Railways S. Yu. Witte Nikolai in 1892 to acquire experience in public affairs was appointed Chairman of the Committee on the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. By 23 years old, Nikolay Romanov was a widely educated person.

The Emperor's education program included travels in various provinces of Russia, which he made with his father. To top item, the Father allocated a cruiser for traveling to the Far East at his disposal. For nine months, he visited Austria-Hungary, Greece, Egypt, India, China, Japan, and later - dryly through the entire Siberia returned to the capital of Russia. In Japan, Nicholas had an attempt (see the incident in OCU). Blood stained shirt is stored in the Hermitage.

Education was combined with deep religiosity and mysticism. "The sovereign, like his ancestor - Alexander I, was always mystically configured," Remotted Anna Celebov.

The ideal of the ruler for Nikolai II was King Alexey Mikhailovich Tischy.

Lifestyle, habits

Zesarevich Nikolay Alexandrovich Mountain Landscape. 1886 Paper, watercolor signature in the picture: "Nicky. 1886. July 22 "Drawing passed on a passe

Most of the time Nicholas II lived with his family in the Alexandrovsk Palace. In the summer rested in the Crimea in the Livadia Palace. For rest, two-week trips at the Finnish Bay and the Baltic Sea on the Yacht "Standard" performed annually. I read both easy entertainment literature and serious scientific works, often on historical topics. I smoked cigarettes, tobacco for which was grown in Turkey and sent him as a gift from Turkish Sultan. Nicholas II was fond of photography, loved also to watch movies. Photographed all his children. Nicholas from 9 years began to keep a diary. The archive stores 50 volumetric notebooks - a diary script for 1882-1918. Part of them was published.

Nikolay and Alexandra

The first meeting of Cesarevich with the future spouse took place in 1884, and in 1889 Nikolai requested the father of blessing to marry her, but received a refusal.

The entire correspondence of Alexandra Fedorovna with Nikolai II has been preserved. Only one letter of Alexandra Fedorovna was lost, all her letters are numbered by the Empress itself.

Contemporaries were different in different ways to empress.

The sovereign was infinitely good and infinitely puzzled. It is these properties of her nature that were prompting reasons in the phenomena who gave the founding to people who were intriguing, people without conscience and hearts, people, blinded by the authorities, to unite among themselves and use these phenomena in the eyes of dark masses and greedy to the sensations of the idle and self-election of intellectuals for discrediting Royal family in their dark and egoistic purposes. The sovereign was tied to the whole soul to people who really suffered or skillfully played their suffering before her. She herself reinforced too much in life, and as a conscious person - for his depressed Germany, and as a mother - for passionately and infinitely his beloved son. Therefore, she could not not belong too blindly to others, approaching people, who also suffered or submitted to it ...

... The sovereign, of course, sincerely and greatly loved Russia, absolutely, as her sovereign loved.


Entry into the throne and the beginning of the Board

Letter of Emperor Nicholas II Empress Maria Fedorovna. January 14, 1906 Autograph. "Frames for me is an indispensable, kinda, secretary. He is experienced, smart and careful in advice. I give him to read thick notes from Witte and then he reports them soon and clear. It's of course a secret from everyone!"

The coronation of Nikolai II was held at 14 (26) of May (about the victims of coronation celebrations in Moscow, see "Khodyanka"). In the same year, the All-Russian industrial and art exhibition was held in Nizhny Novgorod, which he visited. In 1896, Nicholas II also traveled a big trip to Europe, having met with Franz Joseph, Wilhelm II, Queen Victoria (Grandma Alexandra Fedorovna). The completion of the trip was the arrival of Nicholas II to the capital of the Allied France Paris. One of the first personnel solutions of Nikolai II was the dismissal of I. V. Gurko from the post of the Governor of the Kingdom of Polish and the appointment of the Minister of Foreign Affairs A. B. Lobanov-Rostovsky after the death of N. K. Girs. The first of the major international actions of Nicholas II was a three-time intervention.

Economic policy

In 1900, Nicholas II sent Russian troops to suppress the Etoan Uprising together with the troops of other European powers, Japan and the United States.

The revolutionary newspaper "Liberation", published abroad, did not hide his concerns: " If the Russian troops won the Japanese victory ... then freedom will be quietly strangled under the cries of Hurray and the bell ringing of the triumphant empire» .

The serious position of the royal government after the Russian-Japanese war prompted German diplomacy to make another attempt in July 1905 to tear Russia from France and conclude the Russian-German Union. Wilhelm II suggested Nicholas II to meet in July 1905 in Finland Schkers, near the island of Björke. Nikolay agreed, and at the meeting signed an agreement. But when he returned to Petersburg, he refused him, since the world with Japan was already signed.

American researcher of the T. Dennet's era wrote in 1925:

Few people now believes that Japan was deprived of the fruits of the defeated victories. The opposite opinion prevails. Many believe that Japan has been exhausted by the end of May and that only the conclusion of the world saved it from a crash or complete defeat in a collision with Russia.

The defeat in the Russian-Japanese war (first for half a century) and the subsequent cruel suppression of the revolution 1905-1907. (Subsequently aggravated by the appearance at the court of Rasputin) led to the fall of the emperor's authority in the circles of the intelligentsia and the nobility, so much that even in the monarchist environment, Vitali ideas about the replacement of Nicholas II on another Romanova.

The German journalist G. Gunzor, who lived in St. Petersburg during the war, noted the position of the nobility and the intelligentsia in relation to war: " The common secret prayer is not only liberals, but many moderate conservatives at that time were: "God, help us be broken"» .

Revolution 1905-1907

Since the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war, Nicholas II tried to unite society against the external enemy, making significant concessions of the opposition. So after the murder of the ECEROVA militant of the Minister of Internal Affairs V. K. Plevie, he appointed to his post that was considered Liberal P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky. On December 12, 1904, a decree was issued "On the presenters for the improvement of state order", which promised the expansion of the rights of land, the insurance of workers, the emancipation of foreigners and innerians, elimination of censorship. At the same time, the sovereign said: "I never, in no case agreed to a representative image of the board, for I consider it harmful to me by the God of the people."

... Russia has grown the form of an existing building. She seeks to a rule of legal on the basis of civil liberties ... It is very important to make the reform of the State Council on the basis of the prominent participation in it of the electoral element ...

Opposition Parties used the expansion of freedom to strengthen attacks on the royal power. On January 9, 1905, a large working demonstration was held in St. Petersburg, applied to the king with political and socio-economic requirements. There was a clash of demonstrators with troops, resulting in a large number of dead. These events became known as bloody Sunday, whose victims, became, on the study of V. Nevsky, not more than 100-200 people. A wave of strikes swept around the country, national outskirts were worried. In Kurlyandia, the forest brothers began to cut local German landowners, the Armenian-Tatar massacre began in the Caucasus. Revolutionaries and separatists received support for money and weapons from England and Japan. So, in the summer of 1905, the English steamer "John Grafton" was detained in the Baltic Sea, transporting several thousand rifles for Finnish separatists and revolutionary militants. There have been a few uprising on the fleet and in various cities. The biggest rebellion was the december in Moscow. At the same time, the ECEROVSKIY AND ANARRHIST INDIVIDUAL TORROR was received. In just a couple of years, thousands of officials, officers and policemen were killed by revolutionary - for one 1906, 768 were killed and 820 representatives and agents of power were injured.

The second half of 1905 was marked by numerous universities in universities and even in the spiritual seminaries: because of the riots, almost 50 medium spiritual and educational institutions were closed. The adoption on August 27 of the Interim Act on the autonomies of universities caused a universal strike of students and stirred by teachers of universities and spiritual academies.

The submission of the highest dynamics about the current situation and ways out of the crisis were clearly manifested in the course of four secret meetings under the leadership of the emperor, held in 1905-1906. Nicholas II has forced to go to liberalization by turning to the constitutional rule, at the same time suppressing armed performances. From the letter of Nicholas II of the Widdling Empress Maria Fedorovna from October 19, 1905:

Another way is to provide civil rights to the population - freedom of speech, press, meetings and unions and inviolability of the person; .... Witte warmly defended this path, saying that even though he is risky, nevertheless at the moment ...

On August 6, 1905, Manifesto on the establishment of the State Duma, the Law on the State Duma and the Regulations on the elections in the Duma were published. But the revolution that sabilized the forces easily stepped over on August 6, the All-Russian political strike began in October, more than 2 million people started. On the evening of October 17, Nikolai signed the manifesto promised: "1. Give the population the unshakable foundations of civil liberties on the basis of the actual immunity of the individual, freedom of conscience, words, meetings and unions. " On April 23, 1906, the main state laws of the Russian Empire were approved.

Three weeks after the manifest, the government was an amnestied political prisoners, except for convicts for terrorism, and a month later, the preliminary censorship was abolished.

From the letter of Nicholas II of the Widdling Empress Maria Fedorovna October 27:

The people were outraged by the arrogance and audacity of revolutionaries and socialists ... Hence the Jewish pogroms. Amazing, with what unanimity and immediately it happened in all cities of Russia and Siberia. In England, of course, they write that these riots were organized by the police, as always - the old, familiar bass! .. Cases in Tomsk, Simferopol, Tver and Odessa clearly showed how to walk the intestible crowd when she surrounded at home in which Revolutionaries were locked, and set fire to them, killing anyone who went out.

During the revolution, in 1906, Konstantin Balmont writes the poem "our king" dedicated to Nicholas II, which turned out to be prophetic:

Our king - Mukden, our king - Tsushima,
Our king is a bloody spot,
Malicious powder and smoke
In which the mind is dark. Our king - misery blind,
Prison and knut, susso, shooting,
King - Hangster, the lowest twice,
What promised, but not bold. He is a coward, he feels with a wrist,
But it will be, the hour of payback is waiting.
Who started to reign - Walking,
That ending - putting on the scaffold.

Decade between two revolutions

18 (31) August 1907, an agreement was signed with the United Kingdom on the delimitation of spheres of influence in China, Afghanistan and Iran. This has become an important step in the formation of the Entente. On June 17, 1910, a law was adopted after long disputes, which limited the rights of the Seima of the Grand Duchy of Finland (see Pollenia Russification). In 1912, Mongolia became the actual protectorate of Russia, which gained independence from China as a result of the revolution there.

Nicholas II and P. A. Stolypin

The two first state duma turned out to be unable to conduct regular legislative work - the contradictions between the deputies on the one hand, and the Duma with the emperor on the other, were insurmount. So, immediately after discovery, in the response address on the throne speech of Nicholas II, Dumsy demanded the elimination of the State Council (the Upper Chamber of Parliament), the transfer of the peasants of the specific (private ownership of Romanov), monastic and government lands.

Military reform

Diary of Emperor Nicholas II for 1912-1913.

Nicholas II and Church

The beginning of the 20th century was marked by the movement for reform, during which the church sought to restore the canonical cathedral structure, spoke to convening even the cathedral and the approval of the patriarchate, were attempts to restore the Avtochefalius of the Georgian Church.

Nikolay agreed with the thought of the "All-Russian Church Cathedral", but changed his decision and on March 31, on the report of Holy Synod about the convening of the cathedral, wrote: " I admit it impossible to accomplish ..."And established a special (pre-fee) presence in G. to resolve issues of church reform and pre-compensation meeting in G.

Analysis of the most famous in that period of canonization - Seraphim of Sarovsky (), Patriarch of Hermogene (1913) and John Maximovich (-) allows you to trace the process of the growing and deepening crisis in relations between the church and the state. Under Nicolae II were canonized:

4 days after the renunciation of Nikolai Synod published a message with support for the Provisional Government.

Ober-prosecutor of Holy Synod N. D. Zhevakhov recalled:

Our king was one of the greatest devotees of the church of the last time, the exploits whose feet took away only his high title of the monarch. Standing at the last stage of the ladder of human glory, the sovereign saw only the sky, to which his Holy Soul was uncomplicable ...

World War I

Along with the creation of special meetings, in 1915, military industrial committees began to emerge - the public organizations of the bourgeoisie, which carried a semi-imaging nature.

Emperor Nicholas II and front commands at the meeting meeting.

After such heavy lesions of the army, Nicholas II, not considering it possible to stay away from the hostilities and considering it necessary to accept all the responsibility for the position of the army in these harmful conditions, to establish the necessary consent between the rate and governments, to end with the disastrous separation of power, Standing at the head of the army, from power, a managing country, on August 23, 1915 launched the title of the Supreme Commander. At the same time, part of the members of the government, the highest army command and public circles opposed this decision of the emperor.

As a result of the constant moves of Nikolai II from the bet to St. Petersburg, as well as the lack of knowledge of the leadership of the leadership, the command of the Russian Army focused on his headquarters of General M. V. Alekseeva and replacing him at the end of 1917 by General V. I. Gurko. The autumn appeal of 1916 put 13 million people under gunsion, and the losses in the war exceeded 2 million.

In 1916, Nicholas II changed the four chairmen of the Council of Ministers (I. L. Goremykina, B. V. V. Sturmer, A. F. Trepova and KN. N. D. Golitsyn), four internal ministers (A. N. Tailov, B . V. V. Sturmer, A. A. Tailov and A. D. Protopopova), three ministers of foreign affairs (S. D. Sazonova, B. V. Sturmer and Pokrovsky, N. N. Pokrovsky), two military ministers (A. A. Polivanova, D. S. Shuvaeva) and three ministers of Justice (A. A. Tvostov, A. A. Makarova and N. A. Dobrovolsky).

Sensing of the world

Nicholas II, hoping to improve the situation in the country in case of the success of the spring offensive 1917 (as agreed on the Petrograd conference), it was not going to conclude a separate world with an opponent - in the victorious completion of the war, he saw the most important means of strengthening the throne. Hints that Russia may begin negotiations on the conclusion of the Separate world, were a normal diplomatic game, forced the Annthant to recognize the need to establish Russian control over the Mediterranean sheds.

February Revolution of 1917

The war struck the system of economic relations - primarily between the city and the village. Hunger began in the country. The government turned out to be discredited by the chain of the scandals of the type of Rasputin intrigue and its environment, as they called their "Dark Forces". But not the war gave rise to an agricultural question in Russia, the most acute social contradictions, conflicts between the bourgeoisie and tsarism and within the ruling camp. The commitment of Nicholas the idea of \u200b\u200bunlimited autocratic authorities extremely narrowed the possibility of social maneuvering, knocked out the power of Nicholas.

After stabilizing the situation at the front of the summer of 1916, the Duma opposition in the Union with the conspirators among the generals decided to take advantage of the established position for the overthrow of Nicholas II and the replacement of his other king. The leader of the Cadets P. N. Milyukov later wrote in December 1917:

From February it was clear, the renunciation of Nicholas can take place from day to day, it was called the date of February 12-13, it was said that the Great Act was to renderate the Emperor's sovereign from the throne in favor of the Heir to Cesarevich Alexei Nikolayevich, that the Regency will be the Great Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich.

On February 23, 1917, a strike begins in Petrograd, after 3 days it became universal. On the morning of February 27, 1917, the soldiers in Petrograd occurred and the connection of them with strikers. In Moscow, the same uprising occurred. Queen, who did not understand what is happening, wrote on February 25, sedative letters

The queues and strikes in the city are more than provocative ... This is a "hooligan" movement, boys and girls only for incitement running with the cries that they do not have bread, and the workers do not give others to work. It would be very cold, they would probably stay at home. But all this will pass and calm down, if only the Duma behaves decently

On February 25, 1917, the manifesto Nicholas II meetings of the State Duma were discontinued, which further grew the situation. The Chairman of the State Duma M. V. Rodzianko sent a number of telegrams to the emperor Nicholas II about events in Petrograd. This telegram was obtained at the rate on February 26, 1917 at 22 o'clock. 40 min.

All-nothing donomose to your majesty that folk unrest, which began in Petrograd take a natural character and threatening sizes. The basics of them are a lack of baked bread and weak removal of flour, suggesting a panic, but mainly complete distrust of power, unable to bring the country from a difficult situation.

Civil War began and flared up. ... on the troops of the garrison no hope. The spare battalions of the Guards regiments are covered by the rebellion ... Learn to cancel your highest decree to convene the legislative chambers ... If the movement is transferred to the army ... Russia's collapse, and with it and dynasty - inevitably.

Refraction, link and execution

Refraction from the throne of Emperor Nicholas II. March 2, 1917 typewrition. 35 x 22. In the lower right corner of the pencil, Nicholas II signature: Nikolai; In the lower left corner, the black ink on top of a pencil is a certificate inscription by Hand V. B. Frederix: minister of the Imperial Yard General Adjutant Graf Frederix. ""

After the start of the excitement in the capital, the king in the morning of February 26, 1917 ordered General S. S. Habalov "Terminated unrest, unacceptable in a difficult time of war." Sending on February 27 to Petrograd General N. I. Ivanova

to suppress the uprising, Nicholas II in the evening of February 28 departed in the royal village, but I could not drive and, having lost contact with the bid, March 1 arrived in Pskov, where the headquarters of the army of the Northern Front of General N. V. Ruzsky was, about 3 hours of the day decided On renunciation in favor of the Son with the regent of the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, in the evening of the same day, the arrived by A. I. Gachkovo and V. V. Shulgin about the decision to renounce and for his son. On March 2, at 23 hours and 40 minutes, he passed the manifesto on the renunciation, in which he wrote: " We are in suspended by our brother to rule the states of the state in full and unpretentious unity with representatives of the people».

Personal property of the Romanov family was looted.

After death

The glorification in the face of saints

The decision of the Bishop Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church of August 20, 2000: "To glorify as passion recorders in the Song of Novomartvikov and Confessors of the Russian Tsarist family: Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexander, Tsarevich Alexy, Great Prince Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia." .

The act of canonization was perceived by the Russian society ambiguously: the opponents of canonization claim that Nicholas II Group II to holy is political. .


Philatelic Collection of Nicholas II

In some memoir sources there are evidence that Nicholas II "sinned by postage stamps", although this passion was not so strong as photography. On February 21, 1913, at the celebration in the Winter Palace in honor of the anniversary of the House of Romanov, the head of the Main Directorate of the Post and Telegraphs, the actual Stat Counselor M. P. Sevastyanov was presented as a gift to Nikolai II Albums in Safyanov bindings with trial correctional implications and essays of the memorable series, published to 300 -Etrication of the house of Romanovs. It was a collection of materials related to the preparation of the series, which was carried out for almost ten years - from to 1912. Nicholas II very much treated with this gift. It is known that this collection accompanied him among the most valuable family relics in the link first in Tobolsk, and then in Yekaterinburg and was with him to his death.

After the death of the royal family, the most valuable part of the collection turned out to be discussed, and the preserved half was sold to a certain officer of the British army, which is in Siberia as part of anntha troops. He took it then to Riga. Here this part of the collection acquired Filatelist Georg Yegen, who in 1926 put it for sale at auction in New York. In 1930, she was again exhibited at auction in London, - its owner became a famous collector of Russian brands GOSS. Obviously, the states pretty replenished it, buying the missing materials at auctions and private individuals. In 1958 auction catalog, the collection of the GOSA is described as "a magnificent and unique collection of samples, implications and an essay ... from Nicholas II collection."

By order of Nicholas II in the city of Bobruisk, women's Alekseevskaya gymnasium was founded, now Slavic gymnasium

see also

  • Family Nicholas Second
  • E. Radzinsky. Nikolai second: life and death.
  • R. Massey. Nikolay and Alexander.


Nicholas II - the personality is ambiguous, historians respond to his reign of Russia very negatively, most of those who analyzing the history of personalities are inclined to the version that the last All-Russian emperor was not interested in politics, did not keep up with the times, he slowed down the development of the country, was not a turning ruler, not It was capable of catching the jet in time, did not hold his nose in the wind and even when everything almost flew to Tartarara, there was already discontent not only the bottoms, but also the tops indignantly, even then Nicholas II, could not make any right conclusions. He did not believe that his removal from managing the country is real, in fact he was doomed to become the last self-container in Russia. But the family man Nicholas II was excellent. He would be, for example, the Grand Duke, and not the emperor, do not delve into politics. Five children - no joke, attention and strength upbringing them requires a considerable one. Nicholas II loved his wife for many years, in the separation of her soaked, did not lose physical and mental attraction to her even after many years of marriage.

I collected a lot of photos of Nikolai II, his wife Alexandra Fedorovna (nee Princess Victoria Alice Elena Louise Beatris Hesse Darmstadt, daughter Ludwig IV), their children: Olga daughters, Tatiana, Mary, Anastasia, Alexey's son.

This family really loved to be photographed, and the frames were obtained very beautiful, lightweight, light. Look at what attractive faces in children of the last Russian emperor. These girls did not know marriage, never kissing beloved and could not know the joys and love of love. And they died with a martyr's death. Although nothing was to blame. In those days, many died. But this family was the most famous, the most high-ranking and death does not yet give it to anyone of peace, the black page in the history of Russia, the cruel killing of the royal family. Fate was prepared by these beauties like this: Girls appeared on the light in heavenly time. Many dreams to be born in the palace, with a gold spoon in the mouth: be princesses, princes, kings, queens, kings and queens. But how often the life of the blue blood is not easy? They were satisfied, killed, poisoned, stirred, and very often, the people close to the monacms were destroyed, destroyed and occupied the throne-free disintegration.

Alexander II was blown up by the Peabership, Paul II was killed by conspirators, Peter III died in mysterious circumstances, Ivan VI was also destroyed, the list of these unfortunate can be continued for a very long time. Yes, and those who were not killed, lived for the current standards for a long time, they will get sick, then when managing the country, they will undermine their health. And after all, this not only in Russia such a high mortality of the monarch of the monarch was, there are countries where the reigning personalities were even more dangerous. But still, to the throne, everything always rushed, and their children regained there at any price. I wanted not long, but live well, beautiful, to enter the story, take advantage of all the benefits, to get in luxury, to have the opportunity to order the holopam, to finish the fate of people and manage the country.

But Nikolai II has never eager to be the emperor, but he understood that being the ruler of the Russian Empire is his duty, his fate, especially since he was a fatalist in everything.

Today we will not talk about politics, we will just watch photos.

In this photo you see Nicholas II and his wife Alexander Fedorovna, so the spouses dressed on the costume ball.

On this photo, Nicholas II is still quite young, he still has a mustache.

Nicholas II in childhood.

On this photo Nicholas II with the long-awaited heir to Alexei.

Nicholas II with Mother Maria Fedorovna.

On this photo Nicholas II with his parents, sisters and brothers.

The future wife of Nicholas II, then the princess of Victoria Alice Elena Louise Beatris Hesse Darmstadt.

Nicholas II (Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov), the eldest son of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Mary Fedorovna, was born May 18 (May 6, old style) 1868 In the tsarist village (now the city of Pushkin Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg).

Immediately after birth, Nikolai was enrolled in the lists of several Guards regiments and was appointed chief of the 65th Infantry Moscow Regiment. The childhood of the future of the king was held in the walls of the Gatchina Palace. Regular home sessions from Nikolai began in eight years.

December 1875 He received his first military rank - ensign, in 1880 he was produced in the companions, four years later became a guarantor. In 1884. year Nikolai entered the actual military service, in July 1887. years began to regular military service in the Preobrazhensky regiment and was produced in headquarten; In 1891, Nikolai received the rank of captain, and in a year - Colonel.

For exploring state affairs from May 1889 He began to attend meetings of the State Council and the Committee of Ministers. IN october 1890. The year went on a trip to the Far East. For nine months, Nikolai visited Greece, Egypt, India, China, Japan.

IN april 1894. The engagement of the future emperor with the princess Alice Darmstadt-Hessian, the daughter of the Great Duke of Hessian, granddaughter of the English Queen Victoria, took place. After the transition to Orthodoxy, she accepted the name Alexandra Fedorovna.

November 2 (October 21st Study) 1894 Alexander III passed away. A few hours before the death, the dying emperor ordered the Son to sign a manifesto about the eDilance on the throne.

Coronation of Nicholas II took place 26 (14 by old style) May 1896. Thirtieth (18 old style) May 1896 during the festival on the occasion of the coronation of Nicholas II in Moscow at the Khodynskaya field there was a crush, in which more than a thousand people died.

The reign of Nikolai II was held in the situation of the growing revolutionary movement and complication of the foreign policy situation (the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905; bloody Sunday; Revolution of 1905-1907; First World War; February Revolution 1917).

Under the influence of a strong social movement in favor of political transformations, 30 (17 old style) October 1905Nicholas II signed the famous manifesto "on the improvement of state order": the people were given freedoms of speech, press, personality, conscience, meetings, unions; The State Duma was created as a legislative body.

A turning point in the fate of Nicholas II became 1914 - The beginning of the First World War. Of August 19 (July 19, old style) 1914 Germany declared the war of Russia. IN august 1915. Nikolai II, Nicholas II accepted the military command (earlier this position performed the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich). After the king, most of the time spent at the expense rate of the Supreme Commander in Mogilev.

In late February 1917 In Petrograd, unrest began, which turned into mass performances against the government and the dynasty. The February Revolution found Nicholas II in the bet in Mogilev. Having received news about the uprising in Petrograd, he decided not to make concessions and power to clean up in the city, but when it turned out the scale of the riots, he refused this thought, fearing the big bloodshed.

At midnight 15 (2 on old style) March 1917 In the salon-carriage of the Imperial train, standing on the ways at Pskov Train Station, Nikolai II signed an act of renunciation from the throne, having passed the power to his brother to the great prince Mikhail Alexandrovich, who did not accept the crown.

20 (7 old style) March 1917 The temporary government issued an order for the arrest of the king. Twenty-second (9 old style) March 1917 Nicholas II and his family were arrested. The first five months they were protected in the royal village, in august 1917 They were crushed into Tobolsk, where Romanov had eight months.

At the beginning 1918. The Bolsheviks forced Nicholas to remove the shoulder shoulder colonel (his last warrior rank), he was perceived as a severe insult. In May of this year, the royal family transported to Yekaterinburg, where they were placed in the house of Mining engineer Nikolai Ipatiev.

On the night of 17 (4 by Old) July 1918and Nicholas II, Queen, five of their children: daughters - Olga (1895), Tatiana (1897), Maria (1899) and Anastasia (1901), son - Cesarevich, Heir to the throne Alexey (1904) and several approximate (only 11 people) . The shooting occurred in a small room in the lower floor of the house, there the victims brought under the pretext of evacuation. The king himself shot out of the pistol to emphasis the commandant of the Ipatiev House Yankel Yurovsky. The bodies were taken out of the city, doused Kerosene, tried to burn, and then buried.

In early 1991the urban prosecutor's office was filed the first application for discovery under Yekaterinburg bodies having signs of violent death. After many years of research of the remains discovered under Yekaterinburg, the Special Commission concluded that they are really the remains of nine Nikolai II and his family. In 1997. In the Petropavlovsky Cathedral of St. Petersburg, they solemnly buried.

In 2000. Nicholas II and his family members were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

On October 1, 2008, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the last Russian king Nicholas II and his family members victims of illegal political repression and rehabilitated them.