Iggy Azalea: new plastic surgeries. Iggy Azalea - photos before and after plastic surgery Iggy Azalea surgery

For the first time, people started talking about changes in the appearance of singer Iggy Azalea after the Billboard Music Awards in May of this year. Having examined her both from the front and in profile, fans came to the conclusion: the singer did something to her nose. For several months, Iggy remained silent on this matter; she decided to talk about the transformation of her face in an interview with the American magazine Seventeen. Iggy confirmed the presence of rhinoplasty, saying that she is not ashamed of it:

Deny plastic surgery- stupid. That is why I once admitted that I had breast augmentation surgery. It is important to wait a little to understand whether it was the right decision or not. Plastic surgery is an emotional journey. Living with your shortcomings is not easy, deciding to change is even more difficult. However, it is important to remember that it is impossible to achieve absolute perfection.

Jennifer Aniston, Blake Lively, Megan Fox, Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman and other beauties also decided to improve their appearance with rhinoplasty. Some of them admitted this publicly, some did not, but it is generally accepted that sometimes a photo speaks louder than any words.

Our gallery contains photos of 8 stars who were not afraid to talk about their successful or unsuccessful experiences with plastic surgery.

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Amethyst Amelia Kelly (this is her real name) was born in 1990 in distant Australia.

Already in her teens, she decided to become a global celebrity. Little Amethyst was a pretty sweet child.

Iggy had no complexes and considered her average appearance, if not the standard of beauty, then quite pleasant. The modeling agencies that Iggy tried to take by storm sorted out all her shortcomings.

Iggy Azalea: photos before and after plastic surgery

Amethyst listened to the professionals, but did not despair. From the age of 14, the girl read rap and knew that she did it great. She changed her complex real name to the more euphonious Iggy Azalea, and then posted a video with a huge single on YouTube.

The immodest title of the song Pu$$y and the provocative behavior of the performer blew up the Internet and instantly brought Iggy great fame.

A girl with an unconventional appearance and protruding hips drew attention. Unlike others, Iggy got her buttocks from nature, which she is very proud of.

At first, her words really did not raise any doubts: the photos of Iggy Azalea, which flooded the Internet after tremendous success, prove this.

« I have heard repeatedly that she is not real. I heard that I increase it with the help of underwear. I heard that these are implants. In general, a bunch of nonsense. But these are my own fabrics.” But the latest photos of the hip-hop artist suggest gluteoplasty.

The girl knew that she would become popular, and minor flaws in her appearance would not be an obstacle.

Soon she was already singing on the same stage with the most bright stars musical sphere by Rita Ora, Jennifer Lopez and.

Her duet with Lopez has received almost 200 million views on YouTube. Fans appreciated the chic figures of the singers, and it seemed that Iggy was not shy about anything.

But soon Iggy surprised fans and publicly announced mammoplasty. The rapper had breast augmentation done to balance out her heavy hips. It turned out that she was embarrassed by her disproportionate bust of the first size with a pronounced lower part and a narrow waist. The new breasts in the photo of Iggy Azalea after plastic surgery look very natural and neat.

Now I like my breasts so much that I cannot remain silent.

Iggy Azalea: nose and chin plastic surgery

Iggy remembered the advice she received from the modeling agency. Iggy's second notable plastic surgery is rhinoplasty. Iggy Azalea's face is very different before and after surgery. The wizard-surgeon transformed the girl’s long and wide nose beyond recognition. To make a neat nose with a narrow back look harmonious, the specialist corrected the contours of the face.

Implants were inserted into the cheekbone and chin: the rounded chin became sharper and the cheekbones more aristocratic. Fans condemned the singer and recommended not to overdo it with plastic surgery. Against the backdrop of serious interventions, the singer’s repeated lip augmentation with filler injections no longer seems so significant.

The change in appearance was another victory for the singer and another step towards the podium. Plastic surgery helped Iggy gain confidence, not feel sad after breaking up with basketball player Nicky Young, and start a new romance.

Iggy Azalea: new plastic surgeries

Australian rapper Iggy Azalea seems to be seriously interested in reshaping her body. Plastic surgeries follow one after another. Fans began to worry about their idol and even suggested that she turn to a psychotherapist for help. Sources close to the singer claim that as a child she grew up as a rather awkward child, she was often teased, and she really did not like her appearance. The girl grew up and began to build a successful musical career on another continent, leaving her native Australia, but her own reflection in the mirror still seemed ugly to her. The singer continues to feel complex about her appearance.

As you know, Iggy Azalea admitted to plastic surgery for breast enlargement, details However, judging by appearance stars at the recent music awards, it didn't stop there. Iggy Azalea has a completely new face - the shape of her nose, chin and the shape of her face as a whole have changed. These changes are being vigorously discussed on English-language sites and forms. Several prominent American surgeons have suggested that Iggy Azalea has undergone rhinoplasty (reshaping the nose), as well as chin correction, which is usually done with an implant.
Photos of Iggy Azalea before and after plastic surgery

Australian Iggy Azalea is a famous hip-hop artist. Before her popularity, Iggy had a more sophisticated and mysterious name - Amethyst, and the name Iggy belonged to her dog. Azalea is the first successful non-American white girl to perform rap. She has a fighting spirit and stunning determination.

While still a teenager, Azalea decided to devote herself to rap performance and, in her opinion, for this she definitely needed to go to America.

To realize her goal, she needed money and began working as a cleaner. Having accumulated savings, 16-year-old Iggy ran away from her parents' home to another continent straight to fame.

Iggy's appearance was not ideal. Pear-shaped figure high growth(178 cm), very small breasts. The lack of breast volume was especially striking against the backdrop of pronounced buttocks. The girl's nose was long and wide, and her chin, on the contrary, was small and inconspicuous. These two parts of the face did not create harmony with each other at all.

Iggy herself did not experience any complexes because of her appearance. Upon arrival in America, she visited several modeling agencies in search of part-time work. It was there that she learned of her disproportionality. Appearing in agencies, she received refusal after refusal with recommendations for rhinoplasty and getting rid of excess weight. Despite her unconventional appearance, Azalea made a successful career as a rap artist, and some physical qualities helped her with this. The pronounced hips against the background of a thin waist really stood out, and the girl emphasizes this with the help of revealing outfits.

But in favor plastic surgery Iggy Azalea also gave in. Photos before and after plastic surgery clearly show how many changes she had, and the star herself does not hide them. She enlarged her breasts, giving her figure balance. Azalea chose a moderate size and her breasts began to look very correct. Iggy happily commented on the fact of breast enlargement to the press.

The first operation became the starting point on the path to idealizing one's appearance. Iggy had a nose job, giving it a more correct appearance and reducing its size. On the contrary, the chin was given volume by inserting implants.

Some users social networks appreciated the benefits of rhinoplasty, which cannot be said about the changes in the chin. Externally, its asymmetry increased and the implant stood out significantly. Nose, despite Good work surgeons, looks like a typical “rhinoplasty”.

Many believe that breast augmentation and nose correction were enough changes that benefited the performer's appearance, but when Iggy also resorted to lip augmentation, her appearance was considered standard, having lost all individuality.

It’s upsetting that the celebrity still can’t stop; Iggy recently enlarged her buttocks, which now look simply huge and unnatural.

She decided to make drastic changes: the singer had breast surgery, significantly increasing the size of her bust. The popular blonde became one of the celebrities who admitted to plastic surgery, and did not hide the fact that she had long dreamed of having full breasts. It seems that Iggy decided to go even further and went under the surgeon's knife again.

Fans suspected Azalea of ​​having inserted an implant into her chin and undergone rhinoplasty. Not long ago, the 24-year-old Australian appeared at the 2015 Billboard Music Awards, where she showed off her “new face.” If you compare recent and old photos of Iggy Azalea, it becomes obvious that changes are present. Now the star’s face looks more elongated and her nose more even.

The singer changed her appearance

According to press reports, Iggy Azalea decided to undergo plastic surgery to get the nose and chin of her dreams. Following her breast augmentation, the star was not afraid to transform her appearance again in order to get rid of her teenage complexes and finally look perfect. “She really liked the result! Iggy for a long time“I wasn’t happy with my nose, so she immediately decided to have nose and chin plastic surgery,”- said the insider.

Iggy Azalea and Britney Spears at the 2015 Billboard Music Awards

However, Iggy Azalea's official representative has still not commented on the rumors regarding his client's plastic surgery. However, some sources are still not sure whether the doctor actually intervened. They do not rule out that in reality it is just competent makeup and “stylist magic.”

This is what the singer looked like before plastic surgery

Iggy Azalea got a chin implant

What do you think - Iggy Azalea really had plastic surgery or not? Leave your opinions in the comments below.