Gdz in Russian 2nd class workbook. Why is this guide needed?

Page 3-5. Our speech
Page 6 - 7. Text
Page 8. Parts of the text.
Page 9 - 11. Proposal.

Page 39 - 48. Vowel sounds
Page 49 - 58. Consonants
Page 59 - 63. Soft sign(s)

We continue to study the great and mighty Russian language, to become more familiar with the text, words, letters and sounds. If you are studying under the “School of Russia” program, then the author of your workbook on the Russian language is V.P. Kanakina.

Topics of part 1 of the workbook by page

Page 3-5. Our speech
Page 6 - 7. Text
Page 8. Parts of the text.
Page 9 - 11. Proposal.
Page 12 - 14. Members of the sentence
Page 15 - 19. The word and its meaning
Page 20 - 22. Synonyms and antonyms
Page 23 - 26. Similar words
Page 27 - 32. Syllable. Emphasis. Word wrap
Page 33 - 35. Sounds and letters. How to distinguish sounds and letters?
Page 36 - 38. Russian alphabet, or ABC
Page 39 - 48. Vowel sounds
Page 49 - 58. Consonants
Page 59 - 63. Soft sign(s)

Not all teachers use such workbooks when teaching lessons, since they are not provided free of charge by the school, and parents of students are forced to buy them at their own expense. If you purchased such Russian workbooks, then, most likely, your child in the second grade will have to work on them homework. The tasks are simple, but for verification purposes, parents and students can use ready-made homework assignments or simply GDZ from our website 7 Gurus.

Answers to part 1 of the Russian language workbook Kanakina grade 2

Answers website to pages 3-5. Our speech

2. Read.

Listening and speaking are oral language. Inner speech is speech to oneself. Reading and writing are written language.

3. Read and copy.

4. ...Make a sentence from Russian words. Write it down.

We are studying Russian.

6. ... Determine which one is a dialogue and which one is a monologue.

Oleshkina's chant is a monologue, "grandmother" is a dialogue.

7. Make up a dialogue based on any picture on p.3. Get ready to stage it.

Mom, let's quickly cross the road!
- You can’t, daughter!
- And why?
- Because the traffic light is red. Now let's wait for the green light and move on.

Answers to pages 6 - 7 Text

Exercise 8

8. Read.


You and I have our own
The native land is there,
By the stream and native land -
And the crane. One.

  • Underline the words that express the main idea.

Native land - One.

Exercise 9

9. Read. Fill in the missing words in the sentences.

Every person has his own homeland. My homeland is the city of Moscow.

Exercise 10

10. Read. Make up a text from the sentences. Indicate in circles with numbers (1, 2, 3, 4) the sequence of sentences in the text.

3. The girlfriends gathered in the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.
2. They had a granddaughter Mashenka.
4. They came to call Mashenka.
1. Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a grandmother.

Write down the first two sentences from the composed text.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They had a granddaughter Mashenka.

Orally compose a continuation of the fairy tale.

Exercise 11

11. Read the words and combinations of words.

A dog, two young cockerels, she carried, walked, won, across the river, meat, on a plank, in the teeth, fought, one cockerel.

Tell me where they come from: from the same text or from different ones? How did you find out about this?

These words and combinations of words are from two different texts, because if you make sentences from them, they will not be connected in meaning and will not have a common theme.

Make up two sentences from the fable "The Dog and Its Shadow." Write them down.

The dog walked along a plank across the river. She carried meat in her teeth.

Answers to page 8 Parts of the text

Exercise 12, p. 8

12. Read. Come up with and write a title for the text.

Select three parts in the text. Mark the beginning of each section with a Z.

Brave Blackbird

Z There is a nest in the branches of a birch tree. A blackbird lived there.
Z Vaska the cat climbed to the nest. The blackbird noticed the cat and pecked him on the forehead.
Z Vaska got scared, jumped from the tree and ran into the garden.

Exercise 13, p. 8

13. Read the beginning of the text.

A swan was flying in the sky and dropped a feather. The bunny caught a feather and thought: “The first snowflake. Winter is coming...”

G. Tsyferov

Orally compose a continuation of the text.

The bunny began to prepare for winter: he changed his gray fur coat to a white one. He walks through the forest, collects mushrooms and berries, and prepares supplies for the winter.
Suddenly the squirrel noticed him and asked:
- Why did you, hare, change your gray fur coat to a white one?
“Of course,” the bunny answers, “after all, winter is just around the corner!”
- Where did you get the idea, oblique? - the squirrel was surprised.
“Yes, well, I caught the first snowflake,” the bunny said uncertainly.
The squirrel looked at the swan feather and laughed:
- Apparently, you are a hare, you have never seen a bird in your life, if you mistook a feather for a snowflake...

Write down the first sentence.

A swan was flying in the sky and dropped a feather.

Answers to pp. 9 -11 Proposal. What is an offer?

Exercise 14, p. 9

14. Read. How many offers are there? Write them down correctly. Remember that the first word in a sentence is capitalized.

September has arrived. Autumn has come. The rowan berries have turned red. The cranberries are ripening. The foliage is turning yellow.

Prove that you wrote the text.

Here all sentences are united by a common theme and are interconnected in meaning.

Exercise 15, p. 9

15. Read. Consider the signs. (.), (,), (!), (?).

Period, comma, exclamation and question marks are punctuation marks.

Fill in the missing words in the sentence.
Make sentences about autumn with different signs punctuation.

Golden autumn has arrived. The days have become shorter.
How beautiful the trees are in October! It's a wonderful autumn time!
Is it raining outside again? Have all the birds flown to warmer climes?

Exercise 16, p. 10

16. Read the dialogue.

Place punctuation at the end of the sentence.
Read the dialogue expressively with your desk mate.

Sun, sun, where are you from?
- I am golden from dawn!
- Rain, rain, where are you from?
- I'm from a thundercloud!

O. Vysotskaya

Exercise 17, p. 10

17. Read. Make a sentence using these words. Write it down in two lines of poetry according to the diagram.

The wind blows across the sea

And the boat speeds up.

Exercise 18, p. 10

18. Read. Fill in the missing letters in the words. Indicate the emphasis.
Check the spelling of words in a dictionary.

vet e r d e bold with e November
birth And quickly O X O R O sho
soon O T e work towards A R A yep

Exercise 19, p. eleven

19. Read. Explain the meaning of the proverb.

A proverb is folk wisdom.

Wisdom is experience, knowledge that comes with age. Proverbs are a wise teacher who will always give wise advice. You just have to listen to them, because this is the voice of the people, reaching through the centuries.

Exercise 20, p. eleven

20. Read. Make three sentences from the words. Write them down. Compose an oral continuation of the text.

The autumn sun was shining like summer. Misha and Dima were fishing in the river. The fish were biting well. The guys caught a whole bucket of rudd and decided to divide them equally. There were nineteen fish, and the guys started thinking - everyone wanted to get the last fish. But suddenly Misha offered to take Dima’s fish. And Dima took the fish and released it into the river. And the friends ran home with the catch.

Exercise 21, p. eleven

21. Read. Remember the fairy tales and answer the questions in writing.

1. What did Emelya catch? Emelya caught a pike.
2. Who did the fox become friends with? The fox made friends with the crane.
3. Who cooked the porridge from an ax? The soldier cooked porridge from an axe.

Answers to pages 12 - 14 Members of the sentence

Exercise 22, p. 12

22. Read

Make sentences from these words.
Wild geese flew south.
Wild geese have flown south.
Wild geese have flown south.
Wild geese flew south.

Write down any sentence. Emphasize the main members in it: subject and predicate.

Wild geese flew south.

Exercise 23, p. 12

23. Read. Fill in the missing words in the sentences.
Underline the main parts of each sentence: subject and predicate.

Rain passed .
Grass glitters
In the sky rainbow burns .

Exercise 24, p. 13

24. Read. Make up an unused sentence with each word and write it down.

The guys are drawing.
The clouds are floating.
The crow caws.

Exercise 25, p. 13

25. Read the tongue twisters. What does each of them say?
Underline the main parts of the sentence. Write down the sentence that fits this scheme.
Who? whom? What did you do? When?

Poodle The poodle was treated to pudding.

The first tongue twister says that one poodle treated another poodle with pudding.

The second tongue twister says that the finch woke up the morning dawn.

Finch I woke up Zoryanka early.

Exercise 26, p. 14

26. Read. Underline in each sentence grammatical basis.

1. Where did you go? circus?
2. Guys got off the bus.
3. We We were looking for mushrooms in the forest.

In which sentence the predicate answers the question what did they do? Write this sentence down.

The guys (what did they do?) got off the bus.

Exercise 27, p. 14

27. Make sentences based on the drawings, diagrams and supporting words.

1. Who? what is he doing?
∟ __ .
2. Who? what is he doing? how?
∟ __ __ .
3. Who? what is he doing? how? What?
∟ __ __ __ .
Words for reference: saw, carpenter, board, saws.

Write down the sentences. Underline the subject and predicate in each sentence.

A carpenter saws.
A carpenter sawing with a saw.
A carpenter sawing a board with a saw.

Answers to pages 15 - 19 The word and its meaning

Exercise 28, p. 15

28. Read. Explain how you understood the meaning of each sentence.

Any language consists of words.
The Russian language is rich in words.

Every country has its own native language. It consists of words. The unit of communication is a sentence, and a sentence consists of words. The word is the basic unit of language. Any language is, first of all, a language of words.

Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. So about a true friend you can say: faithful, devoted, reliable, ready for fire and water.

Tell me where I can find out how many words there are in the Russian language.

To find out how many words there are in the Russian language, you need to look at the Big Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language.

Exercise 29, p. 15

29. Read. What did you imagine when you read the words? Draw an illustration for any word.

berry flower

Did you and your classmates get the same or different drawings? Why?
Make up and write down a sentence based on any drawing.

Grows in the meadow beautiful flower.
Strawberries are a delicious berry.
A new toy makes kids happy.

Exercise 30, p.16

30. Read. Divide the words into three groups depending on their meaning. Write them in the drawings. Pick up common name for each group of words and write it down.

Ruff, saffron milk cap, pike, rose, aster, honey mushroom.

Rose ruff saffron milk cap
Aster pike honey mushroom

Flowers. Fish. Mushrooms.

Exercise 31, p. 16

31. Read. Complete each group of words with other words.

Trees: birch, maple, oak, ash.
Bushes: currants, rose hips, blackberries, gooseberries.
Herbs: sorrel, nettle, mint, wormwood.

Choose a common name for all these words.

Make up a sentence with any word. Write it down.

Thin birches stand golden, and the handsome maple is crimson.

Exercise 32, p. 17

32. Read. Place the missing punctuation marks at the end of the sentences.

Who you are?
- We chanterelles -
Friendly sisters.
Well, who are you?
- We chanterelles Same.
- How, with one paw?
- No, also with a hat.

A. Shibaev

Explain the meaning of each of the highlighted words. Make up your own sentences using these words. Write them down.

In the first case, we mean chanterelle mushrooms, and in the second, animal foxes.

We collected chanterelles in a forest clearing.
Of all the animals in fairy tales, the most cunning are red foxes.

Exercise 33, p. 17

33. Read. Write the words in the boxes that correspond to their meanings.

1. Non-venomous snake

2. Migrant with black shiny plumage.

3. The place where you were born and raised.

4. Tool for digging earth.

Exercise 34, p. 18

34. Read.

My h A sy gone forward, -
Aunt said M asha.
- Oh, ran away m O l O ko! -
Aunt said G Runya.

A. Shibaev

Hours (cha-sha is written with the letter a), Masha, Grunya (people's names are written with a capital letter), milk (a dictionary word).

Underline ambiguous words. Make up a sentence using one of these words with a different meaning. Write it down.

Children gone to the forest to pick mushrooms.

Exercise 35, p. 18

35. Look at the pictures. What ambiguous words do they illustrate? Make another drawing for any other ambiguous word and label it.

Handle (door handle, ball pen). Brush (brush, hand). Lightning (thunderstorm, zipper).

Label each drawing. Make a proposal based on any drawing.

Lightning flashed in the sky.

Exercise 36, p. 19

36. Read. Explain the meaning of each phrase.

Crystal vase. Khrustalnaya water.
Cloud dust. Thundercloud.
Frowning day. Frown.
To play football. Play with fire.

Crystal vase (crystal vase), crystal (clean, transparent) water, cloud (many, thick cloud) of dust, thunderstorm (black) cloud, gloomy (cloudy, stormy) day, gloomy (dissatisfied, angry) look, playing football (play on the field with the ball), play with fire (take risks).

In what phrases are the highlighted words used in figurative meaning? Underline these words.
Make up a sentence using any phrase. Write it down.

Yesterday was a gloomy day.

Exercise 37, p. 19

37. Read. Underline ambiguous words. Which of them are used figuratively?

Quails slept in the field.
Breeze fell asleep(translated) in the forests.
Golden like bees
Stars swam(translated) in the heavens.

A. Usachev

Write down the third sentence. Underline the predicate in it.

Golden like bees
The stars floated in the skies.

Answers to pages 20 - 22 Synonyms and antonyms

Exercise 38, p. 20

38. Read.

Synonyms are words that are close in meaning.

Exercise 39, p. 20

39. Read. Insert the missing letters. Connect the synonyms with a line.

Genus And na ⇒ Fatherland d O horns ⇒ path
etc O shai ⇒ to St. And Denmark p A bota ⇒ labor
R e guys ⇒ kids are fast O⇒ speed O
R And sunok ⇒ vet pattern e r ⇒ hurricane

Orally make a sentence with one of the words.

Frost drew a beautiful pattern on the window.

Exercise 40, p. 20

40. Read.

Fire ⇔ flame mischievous ⇔ naughty sparkle ⇔ sparkle
sadness ⇔ sadness frost ⇔ cold frog ⇔ frog
golden ⇔ yellow

Make pairs of words that are similar in meaning. Write the synonyms according to the example.

Frost - cold, frog - frog, yellow - golden, sadness - sadness, sparkle - shine, fire - flame, mischief - naughty.

Exercise 41, p. 21

41. Read.
Fill in the missing word. Indicate the emphasis in words.

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.

Exercise 42, p. 21

42. Read the dialogue expressively.

Mom, this one big Did you leave a piece of cake for Olya?
- No, for you.
- Such small a piece?!

What sign is missing? Put it down.
Why did the boy call the same piece of cake both big and small?

When the boy thought that the piece of cake was for his sister, it seemed big to him. When he realized that this piece was for him, it seemed tiny to him and he didn’t want to share it with anyone.

Find antonyms in the sentences and underline them. Find synonyms for each antonym.

Big - huge, large.
Small - tiny, miniature.

Exercise 43, p. 22

43. Read. Fill in the sentences with suitable words.

Prepare the sleigh in summer, and the cart in winter.
Together cramped and apart boring.
Think slowly, and work fast.

Why do they say this? Underline the antonyms in the sentences.

Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter. They say this to remind you that you need to prepare carefully and in advance for an important task.
Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring. They say when people often quarrel, argue, and when apart they miss each other.
Think slow and work fast. This is what they say when they want to remind you that work needs to be done energetically, having thought everything through well in advance.

Exercise 44, p. 22

44. Read. In which lesson do you often use these words?

Sum ⇔ difference
less ⇔ more
addition ⇔ subtraction
minus ⇔ plus

We often use these words in math class.

Indicate the emphasis in words. Connect the antonym words with lines.

Exercise 45, p. 22

45. Fill in the “boxes” with antonyms.

What? Which?
morning evening good evil
night day quiet loud
joy sadness new old
summer winter strong weak

Answers website to pages 23 - 26 Cognate words

Exercise 46, p. 23

46. ​​Look at the pictures. Label each drawing.

Elephant) And elephant) baby Gus) b and gus) baby

Designate the root in words with the same root as follows: ∩.
Make a proposal based on any drawing. Write it down.

The goose was leading his gosling to the lake.

Exercise 47, p. 23

47. Write the words. The root of each word is “hidden” in the picture.

cube) IR mushroom) Nick hedgehog) onok

Explain the meaning of the words written down.

Cube - small item in the shape of a cube. A mushroom picker is a person who collects and loves to collect mushrooms. Hedgehog - a baby hedgehog.

Exercise 48, p. 24

48. Read. Fill in the missing root -forest- or -beaver-.

Pere( forest) OK
forest) Nick beaver) Iha
forest) Noah beaver) new
forest) OK beaver) baby

Make up a sentence with one of the same root words. Write it down.

Beaver) the baby was building a dam.

Exercise 49, p. 24

49. Read.
Find the same root words in the sentence. Label the root.
Write down the proposal. Test yourself.

Red) th red) IR red) not in vain:
Red) ik - September messenger.

Exercise 50, p. 25

50. Read. Find words with the same root. Write down each pair of these words. Select the root in them.

ardor) b - ardor) Inca, schools) A - schools) nik, per) O - per) ina, pis) um - pis) atelier, sugar) - sugar) Nitsa.

Exercise 51, p. 25

51. Read. Find in each line only related (same root) words. Label them as a root.

Squirrel , white) small, white) it.
water) Yana, water) ah, drive.
leaf, fox) A, fox) baby
Los) b, flap, los) baby
Gore) ny, mountains) ka, town.

Write down each highlighted word and write the root word next to it.

water) A - water) Yana, fox) A - fox) yonok, mountains) ka - mountains) ny.

Exercise 52, p. 26

52. Read expressively.

(Hedgehog) ova mittens

(Hedgehog) ata - kids anywhere!
And what is there to be surprised about?
After all, mom always keeps them
IN ( hedgehog) new mittens!

E. Serova

Explain how you understood the meaning of the highlighted expressions.

With a tight grip, that is, to educate strictly.

Exercise 53, p. 26

53. Read. Which group of words is missing? Explain your answer.

sparrow) to her tiger) crow) A rook)
V O R O b) ears T And gr) yata V O R O n) yata gr A h) Iha

The extra group is the rook-rook (female and male rook, and everywhere the animal is a baby)

Insert the missing letters.
Highlight the root in words with the same root.

Exercise 54, p. 26

54. Read. Fill in the missing letters and words.

B with e September, in s e November
In the morning herbs in silver,
Like silver saucers,
Shine puddles at dawn.

S. Kozlov

Answers to pages 27 - 32 Syllable. Emphasis. Word wrap

Note from 7 gurus. Kanakina divides into syllables according to the “new” rules (here are these rules, check out those who don’t know >>).

Exercise 55, p. 27

55. Read.


Do you see a train in the distance?
He's on the steel road
Runs like a word along a line,
Broken into syllables...

A. Shibaev

Assemble a word from the syllables. What does it mean?

Electric train - electric train.

Write it down. Indicate the emphasis in the word.

Electric train.

Exercise 56, p. 27

56. Read.

The sky is already new,
Already less often salt | us| school is near,
The day was getting shorter.

Fill in the missing syllables in the words.
Check in the textbook (p. 67, exercise 99) to see if you wrote the words correctly.
Divide three-syllable words into syllables with a vertical line.

Note from 7 gurus. Kanakina and her comrades, apparently, did not delve too deeply into the topic of division into syllables according to the rules of Avanesov’s theory, and therefore the boundary of syllables for her passes after a vowel or after a sonorant and sonorant с ь. This is not true in all cases, but teachers divide as it is written in the textbook, also without getting to the bottom of the truth. An example is the sun. According to the new rules, it is correct to divide into syllables as so/lny/shko, and in the workbook the first syllable sol is highlighted.

Exercise 57, p. 28

57. Collect polite words from syllables.

Thank you, please, excuse me, forgive me, hello, goodbye.

Write down the words. Compose a dialogue orally using polite words.

Hello! Excuse me, please, can you tell me how to get to the Central Library?
- You need to turn right at the intersection.
- Thank you.
- Please. Have a good day. Goodbye.

Exercise 58, p. 28

58. Read. Fill in the sentences with suitable words.

The mower mows,
And the bunny is mowing.
The coward is cowardly
And the donkey is a coward.

What do words mean that are spelled the same but pronounced differently?

These words are homographs.

The mower cuts the grass, the hare crosses his eyes. The coward is afraid, the donkey is jogging.

Exercise 59, p. 29

59. Read the rows of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Make two-syllable words from the syllables. Write them down. Place an accent mark where necessary.

Beetroot, carpenter, ring, glass, driver, sorrel, pussy willow.

Exercise 60, p. 29

60. Select and write down words that fit the following schemes:

__ ′_ |___

___ | _ ′__

__ | _ ′_ |__
duty officer

Exercise 61, p. 29

61. Change the form of each word so that the stressed syllable becomes unstressed. Write it down.

Lands are earth, rings are rings, countries are countries, tears are tears, rivers are rivers, snakes are snakes, letters are letters, pine trees are pine trees.

Exercise 62, p. thirty

62. Read, put the correct emphasis on each word.
Indicate the emphasis. Test yourself using the spelling dictionary.

Alphabet, willow, bows, cakes, coats of arms, glasses, taps, sheets, glue, briefcase.

Exercise 63, p. thirty

63. Read. Find the riddle. Guess it. Make up a tongue twister from the other lines.

It's a hassle to teach a magpie,
Forty clothes and all without fasteners.
And forty forty is forty trouble.

Write down a riddle or tongue twister.

Forty clothes and all without fastenings. (Cabbage)


To teach forty-one troubles,
And forty forty is forty troubles.

What do the highlighted words mean? Put emphasis on them.

Magpie is a bird, forty is a number.

Exercise 64, p. thirty

64. Read. Paste into vocabulary words missing syllables.
Check the spelling of words using spelling dictionary. Indicate the emphasis in words.
Underline the letters in unstressed syllables whose spelling you need to remember.

TO A empty, And sound And Nite, p O sýda, d e jealous, sah A r, for I ts, r And son O k, d O horns, vet e r, s e November, birth And us O well

Exercise 65, p. 31

65. Read. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

Snake|me, notebook, cock|rot, tea|nik, cone, frost, I|go|da, teacher, autumn, I|blo|ko, wind, hare, factory, by|court, goodbye, life.

Separate words into syllables with a vertical bar (|). Underline words that cannot be divided for hyphenation.
Write down five words that can be transferred from one line to another. Separate them with a horizontal dash (-) to hyphenate.

Tet-rad, cock-knock, tea-nick, shish-ka, frost-rose.

Exercise 66, p. 31

66. Choose words that can be transferred from one line to another as shown in the example. Write them down.

Coat, days, skates, letter, strong.
Lei-ka, mai-ka, tea-ka, tea-nick, say-ka.
Van-na, mass-sa, group-pa, ton-na, pan-no.

Exercise 67, p. 32

67. Select and write down two-syllable words that cannot be transferred from one line to another.

Olya, snake, Julia, Yura, humor, singing, walking, deer, autumn, pit, frost, iris, coal, beehive, spinning top, eagle, scarlet, anchor, raccoon, snakes, tongue.

Exercise 68, p. 32

68. Collect words from syllables, and from words a riddle with a solution.

Write down the riddle. Underline the syllable in the words of the riddle that cannot be moved to another line.

The color is white, and I'm black.

Write down the guess word, dividing it with a horizontal line as many times as there are ways to transfer this word.

Answers website to pages 33 - 35 Sounds and letters. How to distinguish sounds and letters?

Exercise 69, p. 33

69. Read. Fill in the missing words in the sentences.

Here's a bud
And here is the loaf.
Here's a can
And here is the python.
Well, here's concrete.
A loaf of bread is baked in the oven,
And there is a bud in the buttonhole.
A python crawls through the grass,
Milk flows into can,
And at a construction site there is concrete.

N. Matveeva

What do the words you wrote in the sentences mean? Which of these words are you unfamiliar with? Emphasize it.

Loaf - White bread oblong shape.
A bud is an unblown flower.
Python is a large non-venomous snake.
A can is a tin vessel with a lid.
Concrete is a building material.

What sounds and letters differ between the words bud and loaf, can and python, concrete and can?
Bud and loaf differ in the letters u - a, sounds [u] - [a].
Can and python differ in the letters b - p, d - t and the sounds [b’] - [p’].
Concrete and can are distinguished by the letters e - i, t - d and the sounds [t] - [d].

Exercise 70, p. 34

70. Look at the pictures. Say the names of the objects depicted. What sounds make words have different meanings?

Ball, scarf (the sound [f] makes words different in meaning).
Cat, whale (sounds [o], [i] make words different in meaning).

Write down the names of the objects next to the pictures.

Exercise 71, p. 34

71. Collect words from sounds. Write them down.

Sled, skates, slide, winter.

Make up a sentence on the topic “Winter fun” with any word. Write it down.

In winter, children love to skate on the ice and rush down the hill on a sled.

Exercise 72, p. 35

72. Read. Fill in the sentences with suitable words.

Spoken words are made up of sounds. In writing, sounds are represented by letters.

Exercise 73, p. 35

73. Read. Why is the poem interesting?

B Christmas tree, beam and bun,
U me a box,
TO hatch, beak, cranberry,
IN the letter dances on the bun,
A from every letter
words grow like onions!

The poem is interesting because the first letters of the words in each line form the word "LETTER".

Write down words that differ by one letter. Underline these letters. Explain the meaning of the words written down.

B e lka, b A lka, b at lka; key h, key V; b forgings, l forgings.

A squirrel is a rodent animal with a fluffy tail.
Beam - timber.
Bun - white bread, round or oval.
A key is an object for opening a lock.
The beak is the end of the mouth in birds.
Bukovki - alphabet signs, diminutive of "letter"
Bulbs are plant shoots, a diminutive of “bulb.”

Exercise 74, p. 35

74. Read. Emphasize the “naughty” letters and return the correct meaning to the couplets.

In the morning grandma to the shirt
At b I filled my pockets.

In our new zoo
WITH T it costs! He waves his ears.

I. Sinitsina

In the morning grandmother to the shirt
At w I filled my pockets.

In our new zoo
WITH l it costs! He waves his ears.

Ask a question to everyone minor member offers.

I sewed (when?) in the morning, sewed (to what?) to a shirt, sewed (to whom?) for me, sewed (what?) pockets.

Answers to pages 36 - 38 Russian alphabet, or ABC

Exercise 75, p. 36

75. Read. Fill in the missing letters of the alphabet.

Aa Bb Vv Gy Dd E Yo Lj Zz
Ii Yi Kk Ll Mm Nn ​​Oo Pp Rr
Ss Tt Uu Ff Xx Tsk Chch Shsh Shch
ъ ь ь Uee Yuyu Yaya

Check in the textbook (p. 81, exercise 121) to see if you have written the letters in the alphabet correctly. Read, naming each letter correctly.
Aa (a), Bb (be), Vv (ve), Gg (ge), Dd (de), Ee (e), Yoyo (yo), Zh (zhe), Zz (ze), Ii (i), Yy (and short), Kk (ka), Ll (el), Mm (e), Nn (en), Oo (o), Pp (pe), Rr (er), Ss (es), Tt (te) , Uu (u), Ff (ef), Xx (ha), Ts (tse), Chch (che), Shsh (sha), Shsch (sha), ъ (hard sign), ы (ы), ь ( soft sign), Ee (uh), Yuyu (yu), Yaya (ya).

Exercise 76, p. 36

76. Write down the lowercase letters in the alphabet into two groups: in the first - letters that denote vowel sounds, in the second - letters that denote consonant sounds.

A, e, e, i, o, u, s, e, yu, i.
b, c, d, d, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, sch.

Exercise 77, p. 37

77. Write down the names of the summer months in alphabetical order, and then the autumn months.

August, July, June.
November, October, September.

Exercise 78, p. 37

78. Read.

Ivanovo, Mikhalkov, Bianki, Prishvin.
Moscow, Kyiv, Volga, Kostroma.
Malvina, Pinocchio, Dunno, Pierrot.

Determine which word in each group of words is the odd one out. Why is it redundant? Underline this word.

Ivanovo (the name of the city among the names of Russian writers).
Volga (the name of the river among the names of cities).
Dunno (a hero from another fairy tale among the heroes of “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”)

Write down any group of words (without extra words) in alphabetical order.

Kyiv, Kostroma, Moscow.

Exercise 79, p. 37

79. Read. What does this word mean? Write out all the letters from this word in alphabetical order.

Encyclopedia (a scientific reference guide on all or individual branches of knowledge, usually in the form of a dictionary).

D, e, i, k, l, n, o, p, c, e, i.

Who can make the most words from the letters of a given word? Write down any of them.

Cycle, bug, lecture, cyclops, con, movie, business, zinc, clone, peak, stake, poison, yak, cop, floor, pony, peony, one, plaid, cap, wedge, clip, line.

Exercise 80, p. 38

80. Name the letters. Decipher each rebus and you will get the words that are the names of the mushrooms.
Write down the names of the mushrooms in alphabetical order.

Milk mushroom, fly agaric, honey mushroom, boletus, saffron milk cap, russula.

Exercise 81, p. 38

81. Read. Fill in the missing letters in the animal words.

Who is proud of what?

P Avlins - with bushy tails.
R aki - tenacious claws.
AND Shaki's ears are proud.
IN Fingers - sharp teeth.
E the notes are a washed-out new one.
T Elenok - mother cow.

Name the animals in alphabetical order.

Wolves, raccoons, donkeys, peacocks, crayfish, calf.

Answers to pages 39 - 48 Vowel sounds

Exercise 82, p. 39

82. Read. Explain the meaning of the proverb.
Underline the letters that represent the vowel sounds.

N e b at d e tsk at To And, To O l And h A n I T s R at To And.

The meaning of the proverb: you will never be bored if you are busy with something.

Exercise 83, p. 39

83. Read. Fill in the missing letters and numbers.

There are 6 vowel sounds in Russian.
Sounds can be designated as follows: [a], [o], [u], [i], [s], [e].

There are 10 letters in Russian that represent vowel sounds:
a, e, e, i, o, u, s, e, yu, i.

Exercise 84, p. 39

84. Look at the pictures. Label the names of the objects under the pictures.
Underline the word that begins with a vowel sound.

Apple, watermelon, lemon.

Exercise 85, p. 40

85. Say the words. Listen to their sound.
What vowel sound did you hear in the words of each group of words? Indicate these sounds in square brackets.

1. Maple, bridge, flax: [o].
2. Chalk, cupcake, eh: [uh].
3. Hook, bush, hold: [y].
4. Ball, garden, row: [a].

Exercise 86, p. 40

86. Read. Insert the missing letters.
I, a, oh, e

Hat, pilot, map, sailor, field.
Hedgehog, donkey, hawk, aist.

Exercise 87, p. 40

87. Read. Draw a picture for the poem.

I I'll draw today Yu
Winter, snowy Yu so Yu.
Forest, road -
Everything is covered in snow.
Black raven on a haystack.

S. Kozlov

Explain the spelling of the highlighted letters.
Underline the letters in the words that represent the sounds [y'a] and [y'u]

Exercise 88, p. 41

88. Read. What rule did this poem remind you of? Write the highlighted words without brackets.

Unstressed vowel sound
Causes a lot of pain.
How to write mountain, grass
And the words of the sea, deeds?
So that there is no doubt,
We put emphasis on the sound.
Mountains, grass, sea, business!
Now let’s write boldly!

N. Betenkova

The rule about spelling words with an unstressed vowel sound at the root.

G O rá, tr A va, m O row e lá.

Exercise 89, p. 41

89. Read. Indicate the emphasis in words. Insert the missing letters.
and, a, o, e

R e ka - river shore- b e rega
m O ryak - sea P And smo - letters
rain- d O wait rook- gr A chi
page And live - swift knife- n O live

Underline the test word in each pair of words.
Connect with a line the same letters denoting the vowel sounds in the roots of the test and tested words.

Exercise 90, p. 42

90. Read. Choose a test word for each word. Insert the missing letters.

SCH e ki - sch e ká m I h-m I chi
h e rna - z e rno l And st - l And shame
With e stry - with e fear A f - shk A phew
sound e hello - sound e zda hl e b - xl e

Write it down according to the example. Connect the same vowels in the root of the test and tested words with an arc.

Exercise 91, p. 42

91. Read. Indicate the emphasis in words. Choose a test word for each word. Insert the missing letters.

(V e tv) in e twisty (cr And j) cr And cool
(chap. A h) ch A heat (with ó dreams) with O again
(X ó lod) x O icey (in ó spirit) in O local
(V é black) in e black (d A l) d A easy

Write it down according to the example. What question do the test words answer? words being tested?

Test words answer the question what? Verified - which one?

Exercise 92, p. 43

92. Read. Extend each sentence with a suitable word from exercise. 91. Write these words.

It was blowing cold wind.
The pine was rustling forest.
The air was flying ball.

Underline the main clauses in the sentences.

Exercise 93, p. 43

93. Read expressively.
What was the most important thing the author wanted to say?

Tested unstressed vowel at the root of the word: r e koy (rivers), r O bottom (darling), O kne (window), s O lotoy (gold), ber e gi (take care), sv e aphids (light). We select the test word so that the unstressed vowel sound in the root becomes stressed.

Unverifiable unstressed vowel at the root of the word: angry O that one. Need to remember.

Proper name: (on) R Wuxi. We write with a capital letter.

Copy the poem.

Over the river - Take care of it,
native corner, don’t extinguish it,
And in the window - It makes it brighter
golden light. in Rus'.

P. Sinyavsky

Exercise 94, p. 44

94. Read. Choose a single-root test word for each word. Insert the missing letters.
Write it down according to the example.

(tile) slab (garden) gardens
(hill) mountain (hill) hills
(candle) candle (yard) courtyards
(back) back (flower) flowers

Exercise 95, p. 44

95. Read.

1. There is fog over the river in autumn. 2. There was a mountain goat standing on the rock. 3. Kittens are playing in the yard. 4. The forester protects our forests. 5. A fox lives in a hole.

Complete one of the tasks:

a) underline the studied spelling patterns in the words of any sentence;

L e wilted ocher A agrees to shi l e sá.

B) write down three words from the sentences with an unstressed vowel at the root. Write down a test before each word.

(Ré ki) r e koy, (rocks) (on) sk A lé, (kó zlik) to O zel, (le s) l e wilted.

Exercise 96, p. 45

96. Read. Explain the answer to the riddle. Indicate the emphasis in words.

The pig is running, golden back,
Steel toe, linen tail.
Passes through the canvas,
He finds his end.

The answer: a needle and thread. The needle is steel, the thread is linen, the needle passes through the fabric until the thread ends.

Write out three words from the riddle with the unstressed vowel sound being tested at the root, and write down a test word before each word.

(Nose) sock, (tail) tail, (gold) golden, (steel) steel.

Exercise 97, p. 45

97. Read. Indicate the emphasis.

What is he doing? xv á lit- what to do? xv A pour
what is he doing? To ó rmit- what to do? To O laugh
what will he do? joint venture And́shet - what to do? joint venture And become
what is he doing? d é laughs- what to do? d e laugh

What is he doing? l é cheat- what to do? l e read
what is he doing? cm ó treat- what to do? cm O third
what will he do? sk á OK - what to do? sk A son-in-law
what is he doing? d á rit- what to do? d A swear

Fill in the missing letters in the words in stressed syllables, then in unstressed ones. Connect with a line the letters denoting vowel sounds in stressed and unstressed syllables in each pair of words.
Put a question for each word. Underline the words that answer the question what does it do?

Exercise 98, from 46

98. Read. Indicate the emphasis in words. Insert the missing letters.
and, e, oh, I, a

Shi handy p O la, l e removing the O pá, st A flax to O lzo, m O rskaya in O lná, gr A decent Mr. e hello, p O left color e current, s O new l e sá, tsv e to O believe, I dovitye gr And would.

Make up a sentence using one of the phrases. Write it down.

Take care of pine forests!

Exercise 99, p. 46

99. Read. Insert the missing letters. Title the text and write a title.

Morning in the village

At dawn he shouted rooster. Nadya woke up. Dev O chka posm O trill in O kno. Along the street d e The shepherd walked jealously. Malch And To And played the pipe. They followed him to O ditches. A juicy trumpet awaits them in the meadow A va, and on oz e re-x O Lodnaya in O wild.

Underline the main clauses in the first sentence.

Exercise 100, p. 47

100. Read. Indicate the emphasis in words. Fill in the missing letters.

P O lyanka (field), m A lyshi (small), d A leko (distance), pl O area (area), to O lechko (rings), tr A vinka (herbs), hardwood O rets (squawk), p O useful (benefit)

cm e lchák (brave), sh And rina (wider), d e rewya (tree), in e rshina (upper), l And neika (line), with e mena (seed), with And lách (strength), cm e shnoy (laughter)

Prove that you completed the task correctly.

Exercise 101, p. 47

101. Read. Guess the riddles. Fill in the missing letters and guess words.

Sticky buds e linen l And drains.
From white to O roy st O it over g O Roy.

No one is scared, but everyone is trembling.

Exercise 102, p. 47

102. Read. Choose a synonym for each word (a word that is close in meaning). Write it down.

Children - guys
schoolboy - student
way - road
pattern - drawing

Exercise 103, p. 48

103. Read pairs of cognate words. Insert the missing letters.
In which words do you need to remember the spelling of the missing letters, and in which ones can you check? Choose test words for them.
Highlight the root in words with the same root.

R And s\ynok - r And s\ovát (must remember)
R O s\á-r O s\inka (dew)
St. And st\ók - sv And st\ét (whistle\)
sn e gir\b - sn e gir\yok (snow)
With O r\inka - s O r\it (sor\)
sakh A p\ - sakh A r\nitsa (must remember)
vet e r\ - vet e r\ók (must remember)
P O year\a - n O year (need to be remembered)

Exercise 104, p. 48

104. Read. Fill in the missing letters and words in the sentences.

1. On apple O apples don't grow O ki. 2. The nail is driven in O l O tcom. 3. L croaks I gushka, in O Rona croaks, and with O baka barks. 4. On l e sleep p O Lyanke is ripe e ml I Nika. 5. M A Lina is a berry bush. WITH e November is an autumn month.

Answers to pages 49 - 58 Consonant sounds

Exercise 105, p. 49

105. Read. Write the letters in the empty cells. If you do this correctly, you will end up with different words.

Varnish barrel juice
cancer kidney dream
poppy hummock catfish
tank point litter

What does each word mean? Make up and write down a sentence using one of the words.

Today I had an amazing dream.

Exercise 106, p. 49

106. Read. Fill in the missing letters in the words.

Gray wolf in a deep forest
I met a red fox.

S. Marshak

Prepare to answer the question: the same or different sounds designated by the letters "er", "el", "es", "te"?

These letters indicate different sounds according to hardness and softness.
[r] - gray, red, [r’] - met,
[l] - wolf, deaf, met, [l’] - (in) the forest, fox,
[s] - (in) the forest, met a fox, [s’] - gray,
[t] - met, [t’] - met.

Exercise 107, p. 50

107. Read. Insert the missing letters.

Sh ur w A sch that song

Sh ur w at autumn bushes. Sh ur w there are leaves on the tree. Sh ur w it kama w, and rain w ur w it. And it’s quiet there w ur w at w There is w we are little ones w at.

A. Usachev

Read the text again. What sounds do you hear when reading? Underline the letters that represent these sounds. Why did the author use words with repeated sounds?

Exercise 108, p. 50

108. Look at the pictures and symbols of sounds.

[s] ⇒ wasp; [s’], [g] ⇒ goose; [g’], [p’] ⇒ weight; [r] - rose.

Match the picture with the sound that is heard in the names of the objects.
Write down the names of the items. Underline the letters in them that represent the consonants.

ABOUT With A, G at With And, R O h A, G And R I.

Exercise 109, p. 51

109. Read. Fill in the missing words in the sentences.

The letter “and short” denotes the consonant sound [th’]. The letter "and" denotes the vowel sound [and].

Words for reference: vowel, consonant.

Exercise 110, p. 51

110. Find words among the syllables. Emphasize them. Help the dog collect words with the sound [th'] from syllables and write them down.

Dunno, gang, seagull, case, troika, T-shirt, sink, husky, construction site, ant, anthill, teapot.

A snow-white seagull circled over the sea.

Orally make a sentence with any word.

Exercise 111, p. 52

111. Pronounce words based on their sound recordings. Write each word in letters next to it.

[edge’] kra th[edge] kra I
[l'ey'ka] le th ka [y'el'i] e whether
[troy'ka] tro th ka [y’olka] e lk
[play'out] game Yu t [y’ýzhny’] Yu wives th

Underline the letters in which the sound [th’] is “hidden”. Why do some of these words have more sounds than letters?

Some words have more sounds than letters, because the sound [й’] is “hidden” in e, e, yu, i.

Exercise 112, p. 52

112. Read. Fill in the missing words.
Underline the syllables in the words with the letter y.

Raw milk is not drink.
Boil it hurry up.
Back from the street home,
Rather hands with soap my.

Words for reference: go home, quickly, drink, my.

Exercise 113, p. 52

113. Read. What animals are called this? Write down the names of the animals.

The oblique one is a hare, the clubfoot one is a bear, the gray one is a wolf.

Exercise 114, p. 53

114. Read. Fill in the missing words to make rhyming lines.
Emphasize the doubled consonants.

With a double consonant a must NN O
we write the words: ante NN A,
kilogram mm, a game mm, and then NN A,
pa ss azhir, sho ss e, colo NN A,
ss ora, those NN IS and program mm A,
gru pp ah, ka ss ah, telegra mm A,
RU ss cue, cla ss, su bb ota, va NN A,
Ri mm a, e mm a, I NN a, a NN A.

N. Betenkova

Words for reference: telegram, Anna, column.

Exercise 115, p. 53

115. Read. Where do these lines come from?

Here's a telegra(mm)
From Gi(pp)opotáma!

K. Chukovsky

Once upon a time there lived a scattered man
On Ba(ss)eynoy street.

S. Marshak

These are lines from the works of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky “Aibolit” and Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak “That’s how absent-minded”.

Circle the doubled consonants. Underline the synonym for the word hippopotamus.
Write an answer to the question: who read the telegram from sick animals?

Doctor Aibolit read a telegram from sick animals.

Exercise 116, p. 54

116. Choose names that have double consonants.

Ll mm nn pp
Al-la Em-ma An-na Fi-lip
El-la Rim-ma Jean-na Ip-po-lit

Write down the words, separating them with a dash (-).

Exercise 117, p. 54

117. Read. Insert suitable words into the sentences. Write them down.

1. The buses were traveling along a wide highway.
2. A quarrel will not lead to anything good.
3. Appetite comes with eating.
4. Juniper grows in the forest. This is a coniferous shrub.
5. Rimma was collecting a collection of stamps.

Words for reference: quarrel, appetite, juniper, highway, Rimma, collection.

Exercise 118, p. 55

118. Read. Underline the words that are correctly separated for hyphenation.

Cloud bench Saturday
cloud bench Saturday

Exercise 119, p. 55

119. Write down the letters that can represent:

A) both hard and soft consonant sounds:

B, c, d, d, h, j, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x

B) only hard consonant sound:

B) only a soft consonant sound:

Exercise 120, p. 55

120. Name the objects depicted. Say each sound indicated by the missing letter.
Insert the missing letters. Indicate emphasis where necessary.

d I T e l, e l b, l And Withá, o R e l, And n du To

Exercise 121, p. 56

121. Read. Why are the highlighted words interesting?

On a day off, like in the spring once,
Vol Vasily was carrying a cart of vases.
Bumped into an old one elm...
This is the end of our story.

A. Usachev

What are the similarities and differences between the words “vez” and “voz”, “vas” and “elm”, “raz” and “vaz”? What sounds do they differ in?

carried - voz [v’os] - [vos], vaz - elm [you] - [v’as], once - vaz [ras] - [you]

Write down the answer to the question: what was Vasily the ox carrying?

The ox Vasily was carrying a whole cartload of vases.

Exercise 122, p. 56

122. Read. Pronounce sounds that are often repeated in tongue twister words.

L e n Me and L And l I l e d Enets d e l And l And.
L e n I pricked with a crowbar l ed P e R eating home.

V. Borisov

Underline the letters that represent soft consonant sounds. Prepare to make these sounds.

Exercise 123, p. 56

123. Write in the circles the letters that may indicate the softness of the preceding consonant sound in the word:

e, e, yu, i, i, b

Exercise 124, p. 57

124. Read.

N e sp I etc And l e are melting And my dream e G And R And.
Gore I t on sn e gu he And like a lantern And.

Exercise 125, p. 57

125. Read.
Fill in the missing words (more or less) in the sentences.
Underline the letters in the words that represent soft consonant sounds.

Ry With b m e n more l iva.
M units V e d b bo l more b ate To And.

Exercise 126, p. 57

126. From the dictionary of antonyms, write down two pairs of words in which the first syllable has a soft consonant sound. Underline the letters that represent this sound.

B white - h black, V top - n Izhny

Make up and write down a sentence using one of the words.

The polar bear is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Exercise 127, p. 58

127. Read. Say the sounds indicated by the highlighted letters.

Hello th, G awn- h ima!

Place each spoken sound in square brackets. Highlight its features.

[th’] - consonant or vowel, soft doubles or unpaired, solid paired or unpaired.
[G] - consonant or vowel, soft paired or unpaired, hard double or unpaired.
[z’] - consonant or vowel, soft steam or unpaired, solid paired or unpaired.

Exercise 128, p. 58

128. Look at the drawing. Decorate the Christmas tree with words and names of toys. In the first column write down words that begin with a soft consonant sound, in the second - with a hard consonant sound.

Teddy bear cone
lion bunny
fox mouse
cockerel train

Answers to pages 59 - 63 Soft sign(s)

Exercise 129, p. 59

129. Read a lullaby.
Insert the missing letters. Be prepared to explain their spelling.
Underline the letters that indicate the softness of the preceding consonant sound.

cat I, cat e n b ka-cat,
cat I- With é R e n b To And Thy tail!
Etc And d And, cat I, night e wat b,
My d é download point b, etc And bayuk And wat b.

Exercise 130, p. 59

130. Read. Insert a soft sign and a letter in front of it into the words.

lilac beast schoolboy
seal perch lights

Palm day bell
sadness shadow cornflowers

Underline the words in which all consonants are soft.
Write down a word that has seven letters and six sounds. Divide it for transfer with a horizontal line (-).

Make up a sentence using one of the words.

Night fell and white lights lit up in the sky.

Exercise 131, p. 60

131. In what words can such letter combinations occur? Write down a few words.
n, d, nk, l, s, lk, r, t

Day, shadow, nanny, drops, crucian carp, tracing paper, chest, read.

Exercise 132, p. 60

132. Read. Which words are missing a soft sign? Separate words into syllables with a vertical bar (|).

O|ke|an snow|weight pal|to so|sul|ka
o|len sho|fer pal|ka ve|shal|ka
swan|swan furniture|horse|steps|stumps|ki
lunch glo|bus zone|you pe|sen|ka

Exercise 133, p. 60

133. Read. Insert the missing letters.

L b vineyard has a surprise b new flowers: if compressed b them with b O kov, they open up like pasta b l b va.

Why did the plant get this name?

The plant received this name because of the structure of the flowers, reminiscent of a lion's mouth.

Be prepared to explain the spelling of words with missing and highlighted letters.

Exercise 134, p. 61

134. Read. Write in the boxes the words that correspond to these meanings. Each word ends with a soft consonant sound.

1. Time of year.
2. Summer month.
3. Autumn month.
4. Winter month.
5. Spring month.

1. O S E N
4. I N V A R B

Exercise 135, p. 61

135. Read a joke poem.

Etc And V e l And to sea e Gal b ku.
"Sob And paradise, he said And, - gal b ku!"
Gal b ka gal b To And dialed -
Get up b on the legs And n e I could.

M. Boroditskaya

Tell me, what illustration for the poem could you draw? Draw it.

We draw how a girl collects pebbles on the seashore.

Underline the letters in the words that indicate the softness of the preceding consonant sound.

Exercise 136, p. 62

136. Read expressively.
Underline the spelling letters whose spelling you can explain.
How many soft consonant sounds are there in the words of these sentences? Say these sounds.

In wasps b lamprey tol b by eight b legs,
And the chip b to under in O dear!
The mollusk thought: how is life b?
Where is the map of the bottom? O got hold of the Russian b?

T. Markovskaya

There are 11 soft consonant sounds in the poem. Octopus, [m'], only [l'], eight [s'], [m'], how many [l'], thought [s'], clam [l'], be [t'], where [ d'], get [t'].

Exercise 137, p. 62

137. Read the poem "Mittens." Insert the missing letters.

Snowman at the snowman's
I borrowed some mittens.
The day has passed, the second is coming -
He doesn't give them all away!

He says he's wearing mittens
The titmouses are warming up,
That's when winter will pass -
He will return the mittens.

G. Granova

Underline the grammatical basis in the first sentence.
Does the drawing fit the poem? Tell me, what could you draw?

This drawing matches the text. I would draw a snowman bringing the snowman new mittens as a gift.

Exercise 138, p. 63

138. Read expressively.

Clear day, wonderful air...
Grab your skates and get on the ice!
Let's celebrate our New Year's holiday,
So that you can remember it for a whole year.

N. Sakonskaya

Explain the spelling of the highlighted spellings.

Day, wonderful - a soft sign indicates the softness of the preceding consonant.
Wonderful - write cha - sha with the letter a.
Skates - you need to remember the spelling.
Ice - ice, year - year - a verifiable dull/voiced consonant sound.
New Year's - new, remember - remember - unstressed vowel at the root of the word.

Exercise 139, p. 63

139. Look at the drawing. Compose a text based on it. Get ready to tell it.

Write down a few sentences from the composed text.

There are only a few days left until the New Year. But there are already decorated Christmas trees all around. Children love to go out on the ice or sled down the mountain on the eve of the holiday. Today everyone gathered at the skating rink. Smooth ice sparkles and shines like garlands on a Christmas tree. Children spin to beautiful music. Skates glide on the ice.

Russian language 2nd grade




In second grade the number didactic materials, which schoolchildren use for studying, is increasing, as is the number of homework assignments. But, as a rule, second-graders are not yet prepared for long periods of sitting in front of notebooks to figure out a particular case. Parents can make their fate easier with Workbook for the textbook "Russian language. Workbook 2nd grade" by Kanakin./p>

What is included in the worksheet.

The two parts of this manual contain more than two hundred and seventy tasks. Each of them in GDZ in Russian language 2nd grade has a very detailed solution, which will allow schoolchildren to understand how to relate the rules to their practical implementation.

Why is this guide needed?

Correct work with teaching aids can help children with further education. In addition, similar Additional materials contribute to better assimilation of the material and preparation for verification work. Does it follow from this that children should independently figure out everything that teachers assign at home? Essentially this is true, but if schoolchildren fail to reach the right decision themselves, then there is nothing wrong with them being told the right direction in which they need to move. Workbook for the textbook "Russian language. Workbook 2nd grade" Kanakina will help parents show the wisdom necessary in these matters, as well as comply school curriculum, which is also an important factor. "Enlightenment", 2012

Ready-made homework on the subject Russian language for grade 2 for the first part of the workbook according to the perspective program, authors L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina for the current academic year will help you check your child’s answers without wasting a lot of time on the part of busy parents. By the way, the tasks are quite simple, but sometimes, as in all textbooks and workbooks of the perspective program, some tasks leave you stumped because you don’t understand what the authors wanted from you and what answer the teacher will require. We will analyze such tasks in more detail.

Not all teachers buy these workbooks, since they greatly increase the amount of homework, and according to the Federal State Educational Standard you cannot assign so much. And besides, the tasks are mostly creative. So, if developing these same creative abilities in your child is not important to you, he/she can simply copy the answers from here and pay attention to more important lessons.

The answers in the workbook have been checked and approved by a primary school teacher.

Select the pages you need from the list to view the answers.

Answers to tasks in the Russian workbook

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Explanations for answers to assignments in the Russian language for part 1 of the workbook for grade 2

Page 4 task 1. What fairy tales are these heroes from? Which of them can be called polite? Who can't?

Answer: Fairy tales Puss in Boots and Cinderella. Puss in Boots and Cinderella are polite fairy tale heroes. The stepmother is rude and not polite.

Page 6 task 5. Remember the spelling of words from the dictionary.

A common mistake is that children do not emphasize " difficult places". It is necessary to emphasize as written in dictionaries.

Page 7 task 8. Read Vanino's letter in drawings. Try to write down the text of this unusual letter.

There are many options. Eg:

Hello my friends! Soon I will come to your village by train. We will play together, pick mushrooms and herd your cow Buryonka. See you soon!

Hello! When you left, I felt lonely. Do you remember how the guys and I got together and played? Katya, the youngest of us, was also with us. Do you remember how we walked in the forest, picking raspberries? How did you go to the river? I remember how we grazed our cow, Burenka. It was fun in the summer.

Hello! Recently I went by train to the village to visit my grandparents. There I met very good guys. We went to the forest together to pick mushrooms. A small river flowed in the forest, but I was afraid of the cow and did not swim. I really enjoyed visiting my grandparents!

Page 15 task 20. The richness of the Russian language is its sounds, letters, books, notebooks, words, tongue twisters, sentences, stories, poems, fairy tales and riddles.

The riches of language are epithets, comparisons, metaphors.

Task 21. My favorite person is my mother. She is the most beautiful. My mother is very kind and affectionate. She cooks well and sings beautifully.

Page 16 task 24. Try to come up with the names of animals or birds using different letters alphabet.

Answers. A - stork, B - squirrel, C - wolf, raven, G - goose, hyena, D - woodpecker, E - echidna, E - hedgehog, F - crane, giraffe, H - hare, bison, I - oriole, snow leopard, K - cat, rat, L - horse, lemur, M - mouse, bear, walrus, N - rhinoceros, seal, O - deer, monkey, P - rooster, R - lynx, S - falcon, elephant, T - tour, tiger, U - duck, platypus, F - eagle owl, X - ferret, hamster, C - heron, H - turtle, Sh - chinchilla, Sh - schoor, E - emu, Yu - brambling, I - lizard, yak.

Page 18 task 28. Find the letters of consonant sounds that do not have voiced-voiceless pairs...

Page 20 task 33. Help Anya form new words using the letters in brackets...

Page 21 exercise 35....Make 3-4 sentences with the resulting words.

My kite soared high into the sky. The parrot was cleaning its colorful tail with its beak. Your tram has already left. The tram stopped and the doors opened. My brother is afraid of snakes. My parrot is very beautiful and talkative. You need to know your native language.

Page 22 exercise 36. Compose a text of 3-4 sentences based on the picture. Write it down. Circle the words starting with the letter y.

The bunny and the sparrow grew carrots in the garden. The sparrow decided to water the carrots from a watering can, but got the water on the bunny. It doesn’t matter that the bunny is all wet, but there will be a good harvest.

Page 25 exercise 43. Make other words from the letters in the word whatnot. Write them down.

Whatnot - river, heat, floor, cancer, arch, karate, acre, heat, chum salmon, boat, track, theft, carriage, rocket.

Page 29 exercise 53.... Which words have more sounds than letters?

Berries (ya is heard as y a), Yura (yura) hedgehog (yozhika).

Page 30 task 54. Water lily. During the day, the water lily basks on the water - and everyone admires it. ... First write down the words in which letters e, ё, yu, i denote the softness of a consonant sound, and then words in which these letters represent two sounds.

1. During the day, basking, in the water, everyone, admiring, all, the depths, it will be, it will emerge, it will become, everyone.

2. They admire her, at night, clear.

Page 39 task 68. Connect the words into phrases with arrows...Make 2-3 sentences with the resulting phrases.

Offer options:

The titmouse chick was pecking at the grains. The predatory beast was watching the bird. There was an elegant vase of flowers on the table. A powerful car was racing along the road. The girl received an A for an excellent answer in class. Today is a sunny day.

Page 40 task 72. Choose as many words as possible that contain:

one syllable Cat, mouth, elevator, grandfather, com, house, nose, mustache, eye, class, syllable, horn, wolf.

two syllables Water, mountain, hole, time, food, jar, mother, fox, hare, leg, miracle, tree, stick, jackdaw, frost.

three syllables Steam locomotive, dog, cow, wheel, computer, team, textbook.

four syllables TV, calculator, gymnasium, provisions, police, lark, vacation, forget-me-not, monkey, decision.

five syllables Mathematics, computer science, library, literature, ice cream, flood, ad.

Page 46 task 82. Write the words in the following sequence: 1) with stress on the first syllable; 2) with stress on the second syllable; 3) with stress on the third syllable.

Answer: 1) Got it, beets, pine needles, spark.
2) Director, took, driver, sorrel, briefcase, carpenter.
3) Agreement, call, deepen, they will call.

From page 53 a topic starts about voiced and voiceless consonant sounds and their designation in writing.

Page 56 task 98. Read and solve the riddles. Write the answers...

White, not snow, sweet, not honey. The answer: SUGAR.
Boards and legs are running along the path. Guess: SKIS.
Jumps deftly and loves carrots. Guess: HARE.

Page 60- unpronounceable consonants. We repeat the theme of unpronounceable consonants >>

If something about the GDZ is not clear, if you have any questions, write in the comments and we will try to help. We also accept thanks :)