Breathing: what the dream is about. Perform artificial respiration (interpretation of the dream book)

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Do in dream artificial breath to someone - you will provide irreplaceable help to a good person in the near future. If artificial breath do to you - takeoff, success awaits you, things will go uphill. Had a dream artificial Breath, But necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming artificial Breath in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.mpv"

    For what dreaming artificial breath- interpretation sleep according to dream books. What does this mean if you in dream dreamed artificial breath, what is this for? Here you will find the interpretation of this sleep V various dream books peace. artificial breath in dream what is this for? Suffocate in dream- portends good luck. If you smell a pleasant smell, you will be patronized. Feel bad smell- a quarrel with a friend awaits you. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    For what dreaming Breath in dream according to the dream book? In dream it became difficult for you to breathe - dream indicates to you your health, which would be worth taking care of and treating. If dreamed artificial breath- a symbol of “inspiration”, a surge of vitality or reaching a new level of life. See in dream, how are you do artificial breath- provide assistance or moral support to a loved one. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "raut"

    If in dream You do to someone artificial breath, then this means that you have dealt with some anxiety, fear or tension that previously caused you nothing but inconvenience. Besides, dream symbolizes creativity and intelligence. If, on the contrary, someone in dream does artificial breath, then this is a symbol of exhaustion, exhaustion and emotional exhaustion. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "valkira"

    Refuse in dream from God. Do garden bed Drop in dream icons. To carry the dead in the arms. Lying with the dead man in the grass. Raise a fallen dead person. Sew in dream a shroud for yourself. Wash in dream dead. Wash white pigeons. Ask the deceased to move. Ride in dream on a threesome with a dead man. See a doll the same size as you. Do artificial breath dead.Read more

    Dream book "wiki-sonnik"

    It is better to avoid ill-wishers, try not to say too much and not do nothing that could compromise you or be interpreted in an ambiguous way. Tags: Artificial breath in dream, Artificial breath meaning sleep, Artificial breath dreamed, Artificial breath dream, Artificial breath dream book, Artificial breath interpretation sleep, For what dreaming Artificial breath, Dreaming Artificial breath.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "nepoznannogo"

    Himself do artificial breath to someone in dream- to a noble deed, selfless help. Had a dream that you could breathe in water like a fish - you will fit in perfectly in a place or group that is unfamiliar to you. Do not breathe under water for a very long time, hold breath with all his might - like this dream indicates that you are holding back your emotions, but very soon your patience will run out. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Breath- If in dream you hear someone breath, such dream indicates that in the near future you will be listened to and understood. For what dreaming breath- Your loved one will show increased attention to you, but do not delude yourself or take advantage of this situation - he is probably pursuing some goal hidden from your understanding. Why dreaming breath- Asthma – If you will dream the way you're suffocating in dream from an asthma attack is a warning. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "colady"

    Temporary stop breathing in dream may be dangerous for a child! Causes and signs of apnea in dream in children - what do when stopping breathing, how to help a baby. As a rule, the previous measures should make the child, especially an infant, breathe. If this does not happen, you should artificial breath. Open your mouth, clasp it lightly with your hands, pinch your nose, then breathe a little into the baby’s mouth. Read more

    Dream book "snovid"

    To me dreamed about it dream in dream). Everything was recognizable. I was coming out...feeling stale breath in dream breath": Madikhan In dream deceased wife did artificial breath Read completely

    Dream book "name-sonnik"

    Dream Interpretation breath in the neck - if dreamed feel breath in the neck, you will be in a great hurry in some matter in reality. For what dreaming breath - in dream breath determines the pace of events. Dream Interpretation artificial breath - in dream do artificial breath to a deceased person, may mean unsuccessful efforts and quarrels in reality. Read more

    Dream Interpretation ""

    Dream, in which a man sees himself as a girl, can symbolize a darkening of reason. See in dream a virgin - to good luck in business. If a young woman will dream that she is a virgin, then perhaps she will regret her past. Internet).. Act in dream means that soon you will do a lot of things to do to achieve what you want. Something all the time do in dream- to an active life full of bright impressions. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "mysonnic"

    all dream books." Search by keyword. Today dreamed.Home / Search for interpretation sleep. By request " artificial breath do» 5 words found. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "LiveExpert"

    Esoteric Questions Interpretation of Dreams Why dreaming do artificial breath...Esoterics > Interpretation of dreams. It's decided. I hear my name in dream. 6 answers. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Do artificial breath dead. Bad dream; portends death.TV Legs Breath. Dream Interpretation - Escape from the monument. Run away in dream- a sign that in reality you are tormented by some problem, the episode with the monument is some circumstances that have some meaning.... Monument in dream- a sign of ossified and erroneous ideas about someone or something. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Prophets dreams. Dream Interpretation - Do artificial breath dead. Bad dream; portends death. See in dream dreamed dreaming dream Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Do artificial breath dead. Bad dream dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Prophets dreams.They also say what to see in dream Opening doors in front of you is a favorable sign, foreshadowing an imminent pleasant and joyful event, and closing the door in front of you is a sign of unfavorable events. Who in dream enters the door or gate, he will achieve success in life and become a winner. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Do artificial breath dead. Bad dream; foreshadows death. Interpretation dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Prophets dreams.See in dream an old woman without hair means poverty, illness, hunger, and a bald old man, on the contrary, means good luck. If you dreamed that you cannot comb your hair and the comb is broken, this portends trouble. If dreaming that they shave your head (or beard), dream warns you of the danger of losing your fortune, or getting sick, or losing loved ones. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Do artificial breath dead. Bad dream; portends death. What is the way in dream, the section of the road along which the sleeping person moves, this will be his life path or a section of a path in a future reality (slippery, covered with ice, straight, wide, narrow, dead-end, potholed, swampy, etc.). Crossroads and transverse roads indicate our opportunities, temptation (“to go sideways”), choice or distracting obstacles. Read more

    Dream book "SpiroMedical"

    Stop breathing in dream, or rather, repeatedly repeated stops breathing talk about the presence of a serious disease - syndrome sleep apnea. The person with apnea, for obvious reasons, does not notice or remember what is happening to him in dream.Very often patients talk about how when they suspected they had apnea symptoms, they were at a loss: “What do when stopping breathing in dream?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation - Do artificial breath dead. Bad dream; foreshadows death. Interpretation dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Prophets dreams. Dream Interpretation - Doors (house threshold). The upper part of the doorway signifies the man, and the lower part indicates the wife. Who in dream If he sees that his house has burned down, he will be touched by misfortune and sadness from the ruler or from the plague. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Prophets dreams. Dream Interpretation - Do artificial breath dead. Bad dream; portends death. Dream Interpretation - Unfamiliar woman. If you dreamed about it old woman, expect gossip and grief. See in dream a beautiful young woman - to joy and new acquisitions, and not only material ones. Pregnant woman seen in dream, means that you need to beware of slander and troubles. Read more

    Dream book "snovid"

    To me dreamed about it dream from 3 parts. I don't remember the first and the beginning of the second. I'm interested in the 2nd part. It took place in our city around early autumn ( in dream). Everything was recognizable. Also, business promised to be profitable. Feel stale breath- to illnesses and difficult situations. Reader comments on the topic “See in dream breath": Madikhan In dream deceased wife did artificial breath mouth to mouth, she survived and smiled. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Prophets dreams. Dream Interpretation - Do artificial breath dead. Bad dream; portends death. Publish yours dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Do new strange floor in dream. Order for free online interpretations dreams!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Prophets dreams. Dream Interpretation - Do artificial breath dead. Bad dream in dream will dream Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Prophets dreams. Dream Interpretation - Do artificial breath dead. Bad dream; portends death. Dream Interpretation - To endure blows or injections painlessly. If in dream you will be stabbed with a needle, a sharp object, or a bladed weapon, but you will not feel anything, no matter what terrible scenes accompany the torture - this means that danger awaits you or a conspiracy is being prepared against you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "forums.rusmedserv"

    [Archive] Cramps and cessation breathing in dream Neurology and neurosurgery. What do do artificial breath - do from mouth to nose: roll under the neck, tilt your head back so that the root of the tongue does not block the path of air and exhale into the nose (If it is determined that the attacks are epileptic, then this is not necessary.) Read more

    Dream Interpretation "forums.rusmedserv"

    After the end of the period and normalization breathing comes dream for 1.5-2 hours. After graduation sleep the woman does not remember anything that happened during the attack. What do during attacks: there is no need to unclench your jaw (you can hurt yourself and break her teeth). if you think it necessary do artificial breath - do from mouth to nose...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Prophets dreams. Dream Interpretation - Do artificial breath dead. Bad dream; portends death. The left one means the same for a mother, wife, servant, or already accomplished success in business. See in dream If the fingers on the hand are cut off, foreshadows the loss of friends or spouse. If anyone will dream that he has seven fingers on his hand means friendship, a new relationship, happiness, inheritance or income.

Have artificial teeth- fake love. Artificial fire is short-lived happiness.

What does the dream portend: Artificial nutrition

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To a chronic illness.

Artificial something in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Having artificial teeth is fake love.

Dream Interpretation: Why Cherub Dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Artificial insemination, the miracle of birth.

What does a dream mean in which you dream of Kissing (kiss)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

“kiss of death” (fatal disease), “kiss of Judas” (betrayal). “kiss” - mechanically collide. "kiss of life" or artificial respiration- life-saving assistance, return to life, activity. A kiss at a joyful meeting or parting, farewell.

What does it mean to dream about Cinema?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

What a movie!” - some amazing, unexpected, lucky coincidence. “like in a movie” - something made, artificial, unreal, playful, rigged. “cinema” is a game, role-playing situation.

Dream Interpretation: Why dream of Kissing (kiss)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Kiss of death (fatal disease), kiss of Judas (betrayal). Kissing is a mechanical collision. Kiss of life or artificial respiration - life-saving assistance, return to life, activity; a kiss at a joyful meeting or parting, farewell.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Cinema?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

What a movie! - some amazing, unexpected, lucky coincidence. Like in a movie - something made, artificial, unreal, playful, staged. Cinema is a gaming, role-playing situation.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Cinema?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbolic space where a person is immersed in fictional plots. They may look believable, they may even teach something, although not necessarily good. It is necessary to understand that a cinema in earthly life and in a dream are fundamentally different things. If in earthly reality there is a cinema...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Pool?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Artificial pond. Just the word “artificial” should make you skeptical about its usefulness. Sleep is a dimension of the soul, where its existence, development, selfhood are there, and suddenly something artificial appears. Yes, we know that water is life, absolutely true. But the pool...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of an Aquarium?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In circles of people interested in dreams, there is a widespread belief that fish and other living creatures in an aquarium dream of pregnancy. This really happens, but this is only a special case and far from the most common. The fact is that the metaphysical meaning of an aquarium correlates ...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Line?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The straight line is the ego. Two parallel lines - the principle of duality, the opposition is something artificial.

Dreaming of "Drowning someone" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you drowned someone in a dream, in reality you may lose good friend. If drowning happened before your eyes, you should expect illness or a tragic incident that will break the usual course of life. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that a drowned man is being pumped out, giving him artificial...

Dream Interpretation: Why the Champion dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you see one of your friends becoming a champion means that you are an ambitious person and really hope, thanks to your perseverance, to take a higher position, something that you can really count on. Well, miracles sometimes happen...

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Important points:

But more often, the dream book offers a pleasant interpretation of the dream.

Why do people dream of performing artificial respiration?

He is sure that bright times are coming when you to the fullest you can enjoy peace and well-being. Especially if you happened to see in the night that your efforts brought the desired result.

To be sure, the dream book suggests establishing the reason why a person stopped breathing on his own in a dream. I dreamed that someone lost consciousness from heatstroke or a heart attack? In reality, there is great joy and happiness in store.

Seeing or receiving artificial flowers is a sad event / danger to your life or life loved one. Perform artificial respiration according to the dream book.

Hearing someone's heavy sighs is an epidemic of a contagious disease, you should urgently take preventive measures, since all this can directly affect you. In a dream, coming close to a person with clean and fresh breath means that your behavior will be worthy of praise, and business transactions will end favorably for you.

What does it mean if you do artificial respiration in a dream?

This method of resuscitation in a dream is associated with some uncertainty. It is not always possible that artificial ventilation of the lungs will help in any way in reality, except for some increase in mental strength.

Interpretation of sleep: do artificial respiration. In the event that the sighs you heard were replaced by crying or sobbing. your troubles will be short-lived.

Why do you dream about artificial respiration in other dream books?

Attention! These dreams are very important

Dream interpretation of doing artificial respiration

Inhaling the scent of lilies means that sadness will cleanse your soul and unusually sharpen your senses. Vanga's dream book interprets your dream in two ways Bad dream; foreshadows death.

Vanga's dream book interprets your dream as follows:

If you had trouble breathing in your sleep, you should check your heart.

If in a dream someone performed artificial respiration on you, then in reality they will provide invaluable help. This dream is especially good for a businessman. For precise definition the meaning of a dream in which you dream of Artificial respiration, you will need to refer to lexical meaning words Artificial respiration.

Making artificial flowers is a lie. Why do you dream about artificial respiration? If you dreamed of a person with clean and fresh breath, this means that the relationship with your loved one will not be overshadowed by quarrels and conflicts. Bad breath foreshadows the illness of a loved one.

Important points:

  • If you yourself sighed in a dream, in the very near future you will be burdened with difficult responsibilities, and you will not be happy about this, but you will not be able to refuse. You may have to spend some time at the bedside of a seriously ill person.
  • Why do you dream that you revived a drowned man? In reality, an old problem will literally “resurface”. Safely reviving a hanged man means that someone will be in an unpayable debt to you.
  • This may be the good person you need
  • A dirty dog ​​dreams of failure or illness. A dream in which
  • Did you dream that you actively reanimated a dream character? In reality, the work to be done is difficult, responsible and stressful. But later you will experience an incredible feeling of satisfaction and, of course, you will receive money.

    But more often, the dream book offers a pleasant interpretation of the dream. He is confident that bright times are coming when you can fully enjoy peace and well-being. Especially if you happened to see in the night that your efforts brought the desired result.

    Why do you dream if you had to perform artificial respiration on a person of the opposite sex? The dream book promises dazzling success with the ladies for men, and some interesting offer for women.

    Did you dream that you almost died, but were brought back through artificial respiration? The dream book insists: you will not be able to cope with the coming disaster alone, but you will not be able to prevent it either.

    To be sure, the dream book suggests establishing the reason why a person stopped breathing on his own in a dream.

    Did you imagine that you needed to do artificial respiration? Do you want to know why such dreams occur? The dream book suggests that someone will need your emotional support or assistance in material terms, or it will be necessary to literally give away some vitality. If they wanted to bring you back to life in this way in a dream, then the meaning of the dream remains, in principle, the same. There are other explanations for the dream situation.

    We'll have to work hard

    If in a dream you tried with all your might to bring a person back to life, then in reality you will be entrusted with complex, responsible work that will require maximum effort. But as a result, you will receive not only great moral satisfaction, but also material rewards.

    Why does a representative dream about strong half of humanity, that he had to perform artificial respiration on a woman? This means that he will have dizzying success with the fair sex. If a woman tried to bring a man to his senses in this way, then the dream interpreter predicts that she will receive a tempting offer.

    Everything will be fine!

    The plot of the dream, where it was necessary to perform artificial respiration, leaves a certain degree of uncertainty. After all, you can’t always be sure that this will help in some way in the present. Although there may be some inspiration.

    However, as a rule, the dream book sees a good omen in such dreams. A favorable period of peace and prosperity awaits you. The best option when in a dream your efforts were crowned with success.

    Miller's explanation

    Miller's dream book provides several explanations of why artificial ventilation is dreamed of. If you carried out the manipulations, then in reality new useful acquaintances will appear. Your sensitivity and goodwill will help you find them. If someone brought you back to life, then you are destined to find true happiness, but only after great difficulties.

    Reason to think

    To find yourself one step away from death in a dream, but not die thanks to the manipulation of artificial ventilation? In this case, the dream book warns: a formidable danger is approaching you, which you cannot avoid. Someone needs to help you deal with it; you can’t do it alone.

    Did you dream that you were a doctor in intensive care or a courageous rescuer who, as part of your duty, had to perform artificial respiration? This means that in reality you do not sufficiently possess such qualities as self-sacrifice, compassion, kindness, etc.

    Why else would you dream of such a vision? Perhaps this is a signal from the subconscious that you want and have all the abilities to benefit and help others. It's probably time to start doing this.

    Who were they saving?

    According to the dream book, you need to take into account who needed to be saved in a dream:

    • papu - an unexpected gift;
    • mom - help you can’t do without;
    • child - salvation, something miraculous;
    • beloved - patience and participation will be required;
    • a stranger - the right step, a manifestation of nobility;
    • friend - joy, spiritual growth.

    If you dreamed that you were trying to bring a dead person back to life, then in reality you will receive stunning news. Also, a similar situation seen in a dream suggests that you will have to remember things that you have carelessly forgotten.

    What's happened?

    For the dream book, it is important to take into account the reason why a person found himself on the verge of life and death in his night dreams. If, before it was necessary to carry out manipulations to restore breathing, the victim suffered a heatstroke or had heart problems, then the dreamer will experience joyful events and a happy period in life.

    If forced ventilation of the lungs was carried out in a dream on a drowned person, then in reality some long-standing problem will make itself felt. Why do you dream that you were able to bring back the life of a man who tried to hang himself? You can provide an invaluable service to someone.

    Bad Omen

    The dream book considers a bad sign to be a situation when, in your night dreams, you were unable to save a person despite all your efforts. This prophesies that bleak news will come to you. Illness or loss of a significant amount of money is also possible.