What is a lake and how to find Double Baikal. Where is Lake Baikal and his story

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Lake Baikal is located on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia - in the center of the Asian continent. "Blue Oco Siberia", "Sacred Sea", "Brilliant Planet" - so called Baikal. The deep-sea lake stores the largest global stock of fresh water, unique in composition. It is not only clean and transparent, but also contains so few mineral salts, which is equal to distilled.

In the form of a born crescent Baikal stretched from the southwest to the northeast. The length of the lake is 636 km, the largest width in the central part is 81 km, the minimum width opposite the Selenga delta is 27 km away. Located Baikal at an altitude of 455 m above sea level, the length of the coastline is about 2 thousand km. More than half of the lake coastline length is under guard.

About 300 rivers and streams fall into Baikal, while half of the volume of water entering the lake brings the Selenga River. From Baikal flows the only river - hangar. On the lake - about 20 islands, the largest of which is Olkhon.

From all sides, Baikal is surrounded by mountain ranges and hills - the west coast is more rocky and frivally than the east. The picturesque surroundings with exceptional variety of flora and fauna attract tourists from around the world. This region received the status of the Planetary Reserve. By the number of rare plants growing only here, he is superior to Madagascar and Galapagos Islands. The most favorable time to relax on Baikal - from May to October. In the summer, except for excursions, campaigns and fishing, tourists are available beach holidays, and in winter - skiing clauses.

How to get to Baikal

Search for flights to Irkutsk (nearest a / n to Baikal)

Basic resorts Baikal

What will bring

From Baikal bring branded delicacies - Omul, Harius and Cold Smoked Cement, Pine nuts, fees and teas on Baikal herbs - Sagan Dive, Ginseng, Golden Root. Ethnic souvenirs are popular - Buryat National Clothing, smoking tubes, knives, tambourines, shaman figures, charms, as well as products of art crafts from bark decorations and stones. Children will probably like souvenirs with the image of the charming symbol of Baikal - Neri.

What to try

Baikal places are famous for Buryat and Siberian cuisine, which is based on fish and meat dishes. The impression of a trip to Baikal will be incomplete if you do not try the local gastronomic attraction - the Omul of hot smoked. Another specific Baikal fish is a Golomanka, it is tasty in a sluggish form. In addition, the Sig and Harius are mandatory to tasting, especially the way they are prepared on a fire fishermen - on the ramp. Collection and thickening - branded fish dishes. The splitting is a piece of fresh-frozen fish with salt and pepper, and thickens are freshly-salt fish, arched by spices and oil. From Buryat dishes it is recommended to taste the poses that resemble large dumplings, lamb soup - Bukler, and green tea with milk in Buryatski. The Siberian region is rich in wild berries - bounds, blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries and sea buckthorn. They can be bought from local residents along the tracks or in the grocery markets. The season of famous Siberian mushrooms begins in August.

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Entertainment and attractions of Baikal

Flora and the fauna of the Baikal region are unusually diverse and numbered up to 2.6 thousand species and varieties, three quarters of which are no longer found anywhere in the world. In the lake there are 58 species of fish. The most famous - Omul, Sig, Harius, Timen, Ostr, Golomanka, Lenok. On the shores there are 200 species of birds. In Baikal, there is a unique, typical marine mammal - Baikal Nerpe. In the summer in the central and northern parts of the lake, they can be seen quite often. In the Baikal region there are three national reserves and two natural national parks designed to protect his unique animal and plant peace.

The Baikalia is called the territory of Lake Baikal, stretching along his east coast, crossed by the valleys of the Selenga rivers, Turk, ITan, Kika, Khaim, Kotorchik, as well as a number of smaller rivers. Along the coast, the mountain sings of Golobedinsky ridges, Ulan-Burgasy and Marine are located. Baikalia has long been populated by man. There are many monuments of antiquity, including parking of the paleolithic, neolithic era, the grave of various time, rock paintings.

A total of about 30 sources on the lake, the most famous of them in the Tunky Valley (Arshan, Pearls) and in the north of Baikal (Hakus, Dzelinda, Sunny). "Singing Sands" of the West Bank, 17th century Monastery in the village of Embassy, \u200b\u200bBystrinsky Waterfalls, Ulongtuskaya Cave, Krugobaikal Railway.

Cape Burkhan is particularly standing out among the Baikal attractions. This is one of the 9th shrines of Asia and the business card of Olkhon. Burkhan is the main deity of Baikal for Buryat-Buddhists, and Cape Burkhan with a through cave in a smoke-scan is considered his inhabitant.

Climbing the piquet (2090 m) is a popular route that does not require special equipment. The length of the trail, which starts from Slyudyanka, is 25 km away. At the foot of this mountain is a picturesque alpine lake heart.

Slyudyansky lakes are 25 km from Severobaykalsk. A large lake reaches 2 km in diameter and surrounded by sandy beaches, the water in it is well warmed. The route along the serpentine trail will lead to mica gallery, from where a breathtaking view of Baikal and Cape is thin.

Malocherschanskaya cave. In the 50 m south of the mouth of Malaya Cheremshanes there is the largest cave grotto on the east coast of the northern part of Baikal. The depth of it is 15 m, the height is 10-15 m, the width at the entrance is 2 m. The most effective cave in winter, when, after severe storms, during the freezing of the lake, the heating ice and garlands of ice icicles reach, reaching the height in some years to 6- 8 m.

Baidinsky caves are a popular excursion from Olkhon Island. The caves have several grottoes and halls that can be visited without special equipment. A dream cave with huge stalactites and glass is the most famous and most beautiful cave of Baikal. It is located 7 km from the village of Sahurt in the Tazhranian steppes. It has a throne and music halls, where ice formations can produce melodic sounds. Shishkinsky writers - drawings on Lensky rocks near Baikal dated Paleolithic era.

EHE ERDO - Mountain of the perfect proper form on the right bank of the Anga River, 10 km from Elans. This is the place where Erdynian games were held in antiquity - a cult holiday of Siberian ethnicities. To the mountain is forbidden to climb women, local men also try to avoid it and only shamans can freely make ascent to commit their rituals. SUVINSK Saxon Castle - a group of rocks, resembling its outlines of the ruins of an ancient castle. Here, the ancient Evenks conducted their shamanist rites.

Ivolginsky Dacan is the residence of the head of the Buddhists of Russia and one of the main Buddhist centers in Siberia and the Far East. The temple complex is located in the foothills of Hamar Dabana 29 km from Ulan-Ude. The monks of this Buddhist Monastery are treating with the help of Tibetan medicine and make up astrological forecasts. Mount Barhan-Wool is one of the 5 main Buryat shrines Baikal, a place where the owner of the Barguzin Valley lives in Buryat mythology. Every year, those who received the permission of Lama in Kurumkan Dacan are committing a pilgrimage climb. Barhan-Uula ranked first in the Republican competition "7 Wonders of the Nature of Buryatia".

Fishing on Baikal

In Baikal, there are about 50 species of fish, of which only 14 are coming to the number of commercials. It is Sig, White Harius, Black Harius, Lenok, Tymen, Sturgeon, Nalim, Perch, Pike, Corton (roach), Elets, Yas, Davatchan and Karas .

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Hunting Baikal

Hunting is the traditional occupation of the inhabitants of Eastern Siberia. In the taiga, a lot of winter and rich animal beasts. Major fishing species of animals and birds: Baran Snowy, Squirrel, Wolf, Mornosttay, Zayak-Square, Raisub, Kaban, Kabagra, Kozel Mountain, Siberian Kosloga, Fox, Elk, Bear Boy, Nerpe, North Deer, Wolverine, Sable, Ceremakha, Thermis, duck red.

Baikal Cruises and Alloys

Most water travel on Baikal starts from the village of Listvyanka and are possible from May to December.

The most thick river network is in the mountain systems of East Sayan, Hamar Daban. Even in the upper course, mountain rivers reach a width of 10-15 m and a depth of 0.5-1 m, which makes them suitable for alloy on rafts and kayaks.


The climate in Eastern Siberia is sharply continental, but a huge mass of water contained in Baikal, and its mountainous environment creates an extraordinary microclimate. Baikal works as a large thermostabilizer - in winter warmer, and in the summer a little more cooler than, for example, in Irkutsk, located 60 km from the lake. The temperature difference is usually about 10 degrees. Significant contribution to this effect gives forests growing almost all over the coast.

A favorable time for traveling among wildlife is a period from June to August. At this time of the year on Baikal, the warmest days and nights and, as a rule, it is worth clear sunny weather.

Late autumn and early spring - the most inappropriate time for recreation and tourism in the Baikalier due to rainy weather, strong winds and a dishthele on the roads.

Due to the fact that the evaporation of cold water from the surface of the lake is very slightly, the clouds over Baikal cannot be formed. As a result, most of the time over Baikal sky is clean. But it should not be thought that the sun over the lake is always shining - if you are not lucky, you can run into one, or even two weeks of a disgusting rainy weather, even in the solar place of Baikal - on Olkhon, but it happens extremely rare.

In winter, Siberia's journey is hampered by harsh climatic conditions, a short light day and lack of places for a comfortable stay away from cities. In December, starts light at 9:00 and after 17:00 quickly darkens. With severe frost, the atmosphere is filled with a dense fog, through which the sky is barely visible. Until the middle of January, Baikal does not freeze, water is craying, hiding in the fog opposite shore. At the end of winter, there is a powerful ice support, and individual bulk can exceed human growth. In March, the skiing, travels on Beres and bicycles on the ice of the lake and treated fishing are especially popular.


Wishing to see the pristine beauty of Baikal without a cluster of tourists on his shores it is better to come at the beginning of summer (from May 15 to June 10). At this time, Baikal is just beginning to be freed from ice. Until the middle of June, Baikal is still cool, and traveling on a boat on the lake often falls in warm clothes. Ice on the lake melts unevenly. In the southern part of Baikal - in the first days of May, in Northern - at the end of the month. Clusters of ice floes on which it is possible to observe the nerve, continue to swim in the north of the lake until June 5-10. On the pebble beaches of Barguzinsky and Baikal Lena nature reserves at this time, you can see bears.


The most favorable time for traveling among wildlife is from June 15 to August 15. At this time of year on Baikal, the warmest days and nights, as a rule, is worth good sunny weather. Regular passenger navigation starts after June 15. In the summer in favorite places of relaxation on the coast of the Small Sea and the Chivirkuy Bay, especially where it is possible to get by car, there are crowded tent camps. On the coast, where there are no roads, tourists are less common. And in the northern part of Baikal, on the territory of the reserves, even in the peak of the tourist season, a meeting with a person is generally uncommon.


End of September, Indian summer, attracts multicolored autumn forest paints. Especially beautiful mixed surfaces of the coast near the sandy bay and in the Chivirkuy Gulf.

Lake Baikal - What is it?

Map of Lake Baikal

On the outlines of Baikal look like a narrow crescent, so easily memorable that even those who are not particularly strong in geography are easily found on the map of Russia. Smelted from the south-west to the northeast for as many as 636 kilometers, Baikal seems to be squeezed between mountains, and its water surface is at an altitude of more than 450 meters above sea level, which gives all the grounds to consider it a mountain lake. From the West, the Baikal and Primorsky Range, from the East and Southeast - Massives of Ulan-Bourgasi, Hamar-Daban and Burgasi, is adjacent to it. And the whole natural landscape is so harmonious that one without another is difficult to imagine.

Oleg Kirillovich Gusev (1930-2012), Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professional Okhotovy, the chief editor of the oldest hunting and hunting economy magazine and the author of several books about the problems of preserving the unique nature of this lake, wrote: "Baikal gives us great joy and Huge pleasure. " And added: "It strikes the monumentality of style and the beautiful, eternal and powerful, which is laid in its nature," emphasizing that the more with him you get closer, the tempting it becomes, and the more clearly you understand that Baikal is unique and charmingly unique. In the truth of these words, everyone will be able to make sure that at least once will visit here.

Depth of the lake

The depth of the lake is truly impressive - 1637 meters. According to this indicator, Baikal is superior to such largest reservoirs like Tanganyika (1470 m), the Caspian Sea (1025 m), San Martin (836 m), Nyasa (706 m), Issyk-Kul (702 m) and a large slave lake (614 m). The rest of the deepest lakes of the world, all of their twenty-two, have a depth of less than 600 meters. And the climatic conditions on Baikal, which is called, to become its unique features: here it is mercilessly to the sun, the cold winds blow, then the storms are raging and the silent weather is installed, conducive to beach rest.

Features and riddles of Baikal

The length of the coastline of the Siberian "Crescent" is 2100 km, there are 27 islands on it, the largest of which is Olkhon. The lake is located in a kind of basin, which was mentioned above, the mountain ranges and hill are surrounded from all sides. This gives reason to assume that the coastline of the reservoir all over the same way. In fact, only the western coast of Baikal is the rocky and frivist. The relief is eastern more flatuned: in some places, mountain peaks are at a distance from the shore by 10 and more kilometers.

Water Lake Baikal

Transparent water Lake Baikal

23 615, 39 km³ - such a fantastic digit is measured by the reserves of the Baikal water. According to this indicator, the lake is inferior only to the Caspian Sea. Given the same thing that in the latter she is salted, it is Baikal that takes the first line of world ranking on fresh reserves, that is, suitable for drinking water. In addition, it is distinguished by emergency transparency, and all thanks to a very small amount of weighted and dissolved minerals, not to mention organic impurities - they are generally negligible. At a depth of up to 35-40 meters, you can even distinguish between individual stones, especially in the spring, when water becomes blue. It is different and huge reserves of oxygen. Not in vain Baikal - for the combination of such unique properties and qualities - is called the national heritage of Russia.

Water in Baikal is very clean. Previously, it could be drunk directly from the lake and not even boil. But now the crowds of tourists rushed to Baikal, who still pollute this terrain, so now, before drinking the Baikal water, you should ask local residents, in which place it can be done.

Ice Baikal

The time of the ice station on the lake lasts on average from the beginning of January to the beginning of May. During this period, it freezes almost completely. The exception is only a small 15-20-kilometer plot located in the origin of the hangars. At the outcome of winter, ice thickness can reach 1 meter, and in the bays and more - one and a half or two meters. With severe frosts on the ice, huge cracks are formed, which were called "styling slits." They are so impressive that in length can reach from 10 to 30 km. The width, however, is small: only 2-3 m. Such "slits" literally tear the ice coat on separate fields. If there were no cracks, the formation of which is accompanied by loud, as if a cannonous shot, sound, then the lake fish would have died massively from the lack of oxygen.

The ice of Baikal has a number of other features inherent in only to him, and truly mysterious, which scientists could not explain. In the middle of the last century, the so-called "hills" were found by specialists of the local limnological station - hollow ice hills in the form of a cone, reaching the height of 5-6 meters. Being "open" to the side, the opposite shore, they even resemble tents. Sometimes there are "singing-loners", that is, located separately from each other. In some cases, they are grouped by forming "mountain ranges" in miniature.

Ice Lake Baikal

Dark rings on the lake

Another mystery is dark rings, the diameter of which is 5-7 km (and the width of the lake itself is 80 km). With the "belt of Saturn" they have nothing to do, although they are also discovered by space filming. Satellite photos of amazing formations made back in 2009 at different parts of Baikal, went around the Internet. Scientists have broken their heads for a long time: what can it be? And they came to the belief that rings arise due to raising the deep waters and increase the temperature of the upper layer in the center of the ring structure. And as a result, the current clockwise occurs, which is achieved in separate zones of maximum speeds. As a result, the vertical water exchange is intensified by provoking the destruction of ice cover in accelerated mode.

Bottom of Baikal

It is impossible not to say about the day of an amazing reservoir. It is also different from others, and above all, what has a very pronounced relief - there are even underwater mountain arrays. The three main basins of the lake - north, southern and medium, separated by academic and selengine ridges - differ in pronounced bed. The first ridge (its maximum height over the bottom is 1848 meters), especially expressive: it extended by as much as 100 km from Olkhon Island to Ushkanyim Islands.

Bottom of Lake Baikal


Another feature of these places is high seismic activity. The oscillations of the earth's crust here occur regularly, but the force of most earthquakes does not exceed one or two points. But in the past there were also powerful. For example, in 1862, when a decade bullical "Shake" led to the care of the whole site of sushi in the northern part of the Selenga delta, one of the many bikal tributaries. Its Square was 200 km, about 1,500 people lived on this territory. Later, the bay was formed here, which is called - a failure. Strong earthquakes took place in 1903, 1950, 1957 and 1959. The epicenter of the latter, 9-point, was at the bottom of the lake in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rural settlement dry. The shocks were also felt also in Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude - about 5-6 points. Nowadays, the region shakes in 2008 and 2010: the force of the jokes was 9 and 6.1 points, respectively.

The origin of Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal still hides and the mystery of his origin. Researchers often argue about his age, coming to the opinion that it is at least 25-35 million years. The indicator is impressive, especially if you consider that the life cycle of most lakes, and primarily glacial origin, does not exceed 10-15 thousand years. After this period, they or are fenced, or filled with or or filled. With Baikal, nothing like this did not happen and does not happen. And, according to scientists, it is unlikely to happen in the future. The lack of signs of aging is explained by the fact that the lake is ... an emerging ocean. The hypothesis did not appear on the level place: as it turned out, its shores each year are removed from each other by 2 cm.

Flora and fauna

An interesting fact: the purity of the Baikal water - by the way, is very cold (the temperature of the surface layers even in the warm season does not exceed an average of + 8-9 ° C) - supported by microscopic epishura lacht, one of the most famous local endemics. In the process of its vital activity, this 1.5-millimeter crustacean consumes the organic (algae), passing water through its small organism. The role of Episircraft in the ecosystem of the lake is difficult to overestimate: it forms 90 and more than a percent of its biomass, serving in turn nutrition for the Baikal Omul and predatory invertebrates. In the processes of the self-cleaning of Baikal, iligochetes or non-timing worms also play a prominent role, 84.5 percent of which are endemics.

Of the 2600 species and subspecies of the local fauna endemics, that is, living exclusively in this lake, is more than half of the aquatic animals. You can also distinguish the Harius, Baikal urgent, Siga, Taima, Pike, Namilim and others. Of particular interest is a Golomanka, which from a human point of view "suffers from obesity: its body contains about 30% fat. She loves to eat so much that in search of feed every day makes the "travel" from the depths of the shallow water than a lot of surprise researchers. This underwater resident is also unique in what applies to courtesy fish. The long-distance "neighbors" of Golomyanka can be called freshwater sponges growing at great depths. Their presence here is an exclusive phenomenon: they are not found in any other lake.

If the Lake Bospofer is to present in the form of a pyramid, then the Baikal Nerpe or Seal, which is the only mammal in this reservoir be wary. Almost all the time it lives in water. The exception is only autumn when the nerve is massively running on the stony shores, forming a kind of "settlements". The coast and the island is mastering and many other inhabitants of Baikal, for example, seagulls, Gogoli, Ogari, Crochali, Orlans-Belohvosts and other birds. It is characteristic of these places and such a phenomenon as an exit to the shores, and in mass order, brown bears. And in a mountain range of Baikal taiga, you can meet Kabargu - the smallest deer on the ground.

Attractions Baikal

Lake Baikal is so majestically that it is often called the Siberian Sea. In 1996, it was introduced by UNESCO to the list of World Heritage Site. But not only due to the unique ecosystem requiring a careful relationship - there are also a lot of historical and architectural attractions, not to mention the monuments of nature and culture.

One of them is located at the lake, in the origin of the hangars, the reserved rock, called the shaman-stone. It can be seen in the middle of the river, between the Casses of the Slogaty and the Stretmensky. If you are focused on the port-Baikal ferry crossing, then the cliff will be 800 meters below. Even with the ancient times, the shaman-stone was endowed with the inhabitants of Priangarya with an unusual force, near him prayed and various shamanic rites were carried out.

Between the mainland and the peninsula, the holy nose is the most, perhaps, the famous bay on Baikal - Chivirkuiskian. Its area is approximately 300 km², it is the second largest on the lake, besides shallow water (depth of about 10 m). Thanks to the last circumstance, water in the bay warms well, an average of up to +24 degrees. On the south-west coast, such settlements such as Kurbulik, Katun and Monastov are located. The main wealth of the bay is fish resources. Here is a pike, perch, sorry, whose weight can reach tens of kilograms. However, fishing on an industrial scale is prohibited - only amateur. The Chivirki bay is known and its thermal source, one of the hottest: water temperature used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, fluctuates in the range of 38.5-45.5 ° C. The source is in the Snake Bay, which is on the western side.

On the northeast coast of Baikal is a tract related to the natural geographic area of \u200b\u200bthe polec. It is called Frolich and includes the river the same name, which flows into the Baikal Frolich Bay and follows from the lake with the same name. In the Valley of the River - its channel, by the way, crosses the famous tourist route with a length of 95 km - is the Frolichinian reserve. Together with the Trans-Baikal National Park and the Barguzinsky Reserve, he jumped into a federal budget state institution "Reserved polemnia".

Other Attractions:

  • North Baikal is the last plot on the Great Lake, the nature of which due to the remoteness and the absence of roads retains its primacy,
  • Barguzinsky Bay is the biggest and deep on Baikal,
  • Ushkanya Islands - a small archipelago with rocky shores in Barguzinsky district of Buryatia,
  • sandy Bay, famous for his unique painting,
  • cape Ryt is the extreme northernmost point of the coast, where there are extensive pastures, and one of the most abnormal places,
  • cape Ruma, located near the old village Zabaikalskoye,
  • the peak of Church - from his slopes begins the Rivers Sludanka and Unnamed, Blowing in Baikal,
  • Krugobaquica railway, having historical importance.

Rest on Baikal

It was in the 1980s of the 20th century that the Bureau of International Youth Tourism "Satellite" (Irkutsk) was developed by the first ecological tour. Since that time, Ecotourism on Baikal is actively developing, despite the fact that the tourist infrastructure is not well well developed, there are some transport difficulties. There are also problems associated with environmental pollution by emissions of the Baikal pulp and paper plant. But all of them to some extent are compensated by the events for the creation and arrangement of the excursion trail, regularly conducted by the tourist organizations of the region.

The most favorable time to relax on the lake is the period from May to October. You can swim in July and August, because these months are the hottest - the air warms up to + 30 ° C, shallow water - to + 25 ° C. Vacation on Baikal will satisfy the needs of even the most demanding tourists. Beach holidays, cycling and car excursions, hiking along the coast, alloys on catamarans and kayaks, kating on quad bikes and even helicopter excursions - this is not a complete list of what is offering travel agencies to their customers. Popularity is popular for coastal rocks and descents in the cave.


About fishing should be said separately. Many lovers catch with cliffs adjacent to Lake. The same gambling fishermen prefer to settle on specialized bases, which are quite a few, and which are distinguished by different levels of comfort. They go to the fishery on leased courts. The most popular on Baikal Fishing Places are considered already mentioned Chivirkiy Bay, the Bay of Mukhor, the shallow coves of the Small Sea and, of course, the rivers flowing into it. The largest of them (besides Selenga) is the upper hangar, the snowy, Barguzin, Khercher, Turk, Buguldeka and Holoupe. And only one river follows from the lake - hangar.

Fishing on Baikal

Fishing, only already becoming money, finds his fans and in the winter season, which lasts here since the end of December in the middle of May. Professional instructors help to lovers of the "second Russian hunting": without them inexperienced fishermen, it is difficult to do the right hole in unusually transparent ice in unusually transparent ice. They will be eagerly divided by secrets, how to organize a comfortable rest in conditions of frequent for Baikal of 40-degree frosts. And who does not want to experience his health extreme cold, go to scuba fishing in March and April. At this time, the ice is still strong, and the air temperature begins to reach the plus marks.

Winter sports

From winter entertainment, tourists also offer riding on dog sledding (routes - a wide variety of both complexity and extension), snowmobile walks (excursion programs are also different and depend on the level of training of rolling), skiing, sledding and snowboarding (rent Ski equipment can be in numerous rolling points on the coast). In winter, as, however, in the summer among holidaymakers in honor, helicopters, giving unforgettable impressions of life.

Children's and youth tourism

It is sufficiently developed on Baikal and children's tourism, involving rest in summer camps. Immediately you will pay the parents: your children do not have to miss here. Staying in the children's institution involves rich excursion and creative programs, including conducting sanatorium and recreational activities on specialized bases. One of the most convenient places on Baikal to relax with young children is the M Mandarkan bay. It seems to be specifically created by nature for this purpose: very small, and in the summer here, perhaps, the warmest water and children do not risk cold.

The youth does not go without attention. For her, the Interregional Public Organization "Big Baikal Trail", established in 2003, implements various international programs, taking into account the specifics and needs of age to 30. For example, the arrangement and reconstruction of the environmental trail, conducting educational lectures on the topic of nature conservation. Schoolchildren are also actively involved as the listeners of the latter.

Video: Underwater world of Lake Baikal

Hotels and recreation centers on Lake Baikal

Many tourists come to relax on Baikal, as they are called, savages, getting on their cars. They choose the place on the coast and stop there, spending the night in the tents. On the lake specially equipped for travelers, car enthusiasts of campgrounds is very small. Scheduled to stop at such a site, it should be noted that in this place it may not be firewood for a fire and elementary amenities (for example, toilet). Therefore, think about how you will "survive."

Those who prefer to travel with comfort will be delighted with such experiences, even minimal. It service has many hotels, recreation bases and guest houses scattered throughout the Baikal coast. Moreover, each tourist will be able to find the most suitable accommodation option for it - taking into account, of course, individual preferences and financial capabilities. Forced to upset the bohemian public: five-star hotels with the highest level of service are not here. She, like "simple mortal," will have to be content with ordinary numbers with all the amenities. More note: some recreation centers take holidaymakers only in the summer.

Tourists traveling independently risk running into unfair intermediaries when booking a room in a hotel or recreation center. To this not happen, reserve the hotel room only through proven and reliable services, which will not only save you from scammers, but also will allow you to remove the room at the lowest cost, without unnecessary cheating. We recommend Booking.com - one of the first and most popular online booking systems hotels.

How to get

You can get on Baikal in various ways. The starting point, as a rule, serve nearby major cities: Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Severobaykalsk. Tourists first come to one of these settlements and are already planning their future route in detail. Especially remembered the trip to the site of the Trans-Siberian highway between Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk: the lake extends right outside the train windows and can be admired by his magic panorama.

One of the most popular places of tourism in the Siberian Sea is the village of Listvyanka, located at the origin of the hangary, is 65 km from Irkutsk. From the regional center, you can reach the bus or ship by bus or boat, while just over an hour. In Irkutsk, all the routes of water transport running not only on Baikal, but also hang, take the beginning.

Tourists who visited ever Baikal say not only about the wondrous species, dala, water horizons of the lake, and first of all about the energy and magnitudia that proceed from BaikalMany celebrate its unearthly deep beauty, strength. Writers called Baikal Sacred, Healing, Almighty ...

Talking about the beauties of the Russian Earth, it is impossible not to tell about a great place - Lake Baikal. It is perhaps one of the main attractions and wondrous landscapes, treasures of the storage room of our country.

Besides the fact that Lake Baikal is a masterpiece of the Russian Earth, Eastern Siberia, it still occupies an honorable place among the water beauties of the planet: this is the deepest lake in the world, and one of the most bulk reservoirs of fresh water (by the word - fresh water on earth is only a few percent from total waters).

On the beauties of the lake in the documentary film "Baikal without borders":

About Lake Baikal

« Baikal - lake of tectonic origin in the southern part of Eastern Siberia.

The lake and coastal areas are distinguished by a unique variety of flora and fauna, most of the types of animals endemic (that is, it is found only here).

Locals and many in Russia are traditionally called Baikal by the Sea (as A. Chekhov said).

However, the deepest lake in the world with fresh water is not only a beautiful place for Russia, but also a enviable tallery piece for other countries.

Baikal is located in the center of Asia on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia in the Russian Federation. The lake stretches from the north-east to the southwest of 620 km in the form of a giant crescent. Baikal width ranges from 24 to 79 km. The bottom of Baikal is 1167 meters below the level of the world's ocean, and its water mirror is 455.5 meters above.

Baikal water surface area - 31,722 km² (excluding islands), What is approximately equal to the area of \u200b\u200bcountries such as Belgium or the Netherlands. On the area of \u200b\u200bthe water mirror, Baikal takes the seventh place among the largest lakes of the world.

The length of the coastline is 2100 km.

The lake is in a kind of basin, from all sides by the mountain ranges and hills "(Wikipedia)

The most "deep" set of lake - 1642 m (recorded by the expedition in 1983), the average depth - 744.4 m, What is much higher than the parameters of the depths of the deepest lakes. Only the Caspian Sea (1025 m) and Tanganyika (1470 m) deeper the middle of the depths of Baikal.

"Water reserves in Baikal Giant - 23,615.39 km³ (about 19% of the world reserves of lake fresh water - in all fresh lakes of the world contains 123 thousand km³ of water).

According to the volume of water reserves, Baikal ranks second in the world among lakes, yielding only the Caspian Sea, however, in the Caspian Sea, the water is salty. In Baikal, the water is more than in all together with five great lakes (top, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario), and 25 times more than in Lake Ladoga. "

"Interesting Facts. If all the water contained in Baikal is divided into all citizens of Russia (141,927,297 people), then each will have about 166.4 thousand cubic meters of water, which is about 2,773 railway tanks of 60 tons each ".

Baikal water has unique properties: It is always clean, transparent, especially in the depth of several tens of meters, stones can be visible; "It has very little dissolved and suspended mineral substances, insignificantly little organic impurities, a lot of oxygen" - mineral salts of over 96 mg / l.

Some "experts" believe that water from Baikal can be drunk without processing, others are confident that it is necessary to boil it or skip through filters. At the shore, where there are a lot of algae, there is a garbage, especially in the heat, albeit Baikal himself remains cold, but in small raw materials - warmer (where many decomposition products can accumulate from the coast), or after the storm - it is better not to try raw water .

Collected far from the shores, at a depth, in a clean boat, and raw or (at will and preference) missed through filters - Baikal water is a useful product.

The temperature in the lake is usually cold, even in the summer it does not exceed +9 degrees Celsius (at a depth of +4), in certain racas, it can reach +15 and even up to +23 degrees Celsius.

Spring on Baikal and the surroundings usually comes with a delay of two weeks, and autumn is delayed. If there is a sewage heat in the district - which, of course, is almost unrealistic for Siberia and Russia, but everything happens - then the lake will blow fresh, slightly "cold", saving breeze, and the cool temperature of the water will cool "as it should" anyone.

The age of the lake, according to scientists, about 25-35 million years. First mention: "110 BC e. - Under the name "Beihai", the lake is first mentioned in Chinese chronicles. "

The biggest island of Baikal - Olkhon:

« 71 km long and 12 km wide, located almost in the center of the lake at his West Coast, Square - 729 km², according to other data - 700 km². " Total on Lake 27 islands.

About 336 flows into Baikal (sometimes, during floods, during collapsions these figures reach - according to different counts up to 1123) rivers and streams.

"The largest of the tributaries of Baikal - Selenga, the upper hangar, Barguzin, Turk, Snow, Sarma. One river - hangar follows from the lake.

About Flore and Faun Baikal, the Baikal Reserve visually in the film "Baikal Fantasy":

Flora Baikal Rich by algae, among which there are unique representatives, endemics. Fauna It is also very diverse and unusual, for example, the Baikal Epiphur (the type of plankton crustaceans from the subclass of weary) is a microscopic crust (about 1.5 mm), actively supports the purity of the lake, passing the organic through its body.

In addition to epispishes in the aqueous depths of Baikal, about 2600 species and subspecies of the aquatic animals endemics are inhabited: fish, worms, wraps, sponges, etc.

From fish here are found: Baikal Omul, Harius, Baikal Osn, Pike, Sig, Nalim, Tymen - only 58 species. Unique and living in the vicinity of bird lakes, animals.

Even during the examination of the lake - algae, they actively live under water, ensuring the existence of fauna, also due to the cracks of the ice in the lake, oxygen comes.

In winter, the thickness of the ice on the surface of the lake from 1 m to 5 m. Zaled Baikal on a sunny winter day with climbing cracks on the ice - a beautiful sight.

In the Baikal Reserve (located on the eastern shore in the southern part of Baikal and covers the territory of 165.7 thousand hectares. Mountainside Hamar-Daban) There are brown bears, boars, roebles, sable, black casuals, depuchari ...

Most of the reserve occupies a taiga, protected from plants: AIR Bolotnaya, Calina, an ordinary Cubia, an edible honeysuckle, etc.

It happens that Baikal "shakes", there is quite high seismicactivity: the earthquake of 1-2 points was tali, but the last time was the last time in 2008 (9 points) and in 2010 (6.1 points).

From whom and from what is worth saving Baikal?

Any miracle of nature necessarily suffers encroachment ... Who would you think, first of all? Naturally, from the people themselves constructed by productions, decay products, garbage.

"Lake Baikal is a unique environmental system, the legal basis for the protection of which is governed by the Federal Law" On the Protection of Lake Baikal "by the Federal Law" On the Protection of Lake Baikal ".

In 1996, Baikal was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. "

Also, the protection of Baikal is engaged in several funds and environmental organizations.

One of the main problems is poachers. They kill, catch the Baikal Nerpen. Its young, spawning omulus.

In addition, the forests in the vicinity of Baikal are regularly subjected to cutting down.

Transneft leads near Baikal construction of the pipeline.

Resting near the lake, remember that nature must be preserved, because it is at least silent, but it is better for our prosperous existence, it is better not to conduct experiments with the meaning of checking, what will happen to us if the very best wonders of nature will be removed, remove the garbage at least - This is such a little.

Chop, saw and damage trees , any, regardless of size.

Leave behind trash. If you were able to give a full bottle here, then you really need to carry her when she became empty?

Like a fire where it has never happened. Nature heal the wound caused by fire, years. If the parking lot is not equipped with a fire, and the fire is needed to incinerate, spread it on the shore, on the pebbles, having previously convinced that there are no trees nearby, whose roots can be damaged by fire.

To decorate as a cryptop, i.e. For their own names, the names of the places of residence and other disgraces of coastal rocks . Do not share the nature of self-sufficient, the person is able only to worsen her.

Catch fish poacier ways. I will explain how to catch her on the fishing rod. Or do you care what your grandchildren will have?

Tear flowers. Are they more beautiful than the dead?

Turn on loud music. Yes, and do not turn on soft, listen better than the rustle of the leaves and the splash of the waves. Or did you come here here? ".

Rest on Lake Baikal

Every year Baikal and the Baikal Reserve attend over 400 thousand tourists, including from other countries.

Basically, all roads on the lake go through the nearest major cities: Ulan-Ude, Irkutsk, Severobaykalsk. From any of these points, you can easily get to Baikal by bus.

For example, from Irkutsk (70 km to Baikal) can be reached: on railway transport (electric trains, trains), from the bus station or the central market by bus, a route taxi, in the summer (from mid-June to August) from the pier "Rocket" on the yacht , motor ship.

More detailed routes, options for overcoming the path from experienced travelers can be found on the resources: www.magicbaikal.ru, Baikalholiday.ru, www.baikalvisa.ru, baikal-tourist.ru, order tours to Baikal, cruises, excursions can be at EXATOURBAIKAL.COM - and other sites, agencies offering trips to Baikal - Mass.

You can go on the road and independently, the main thing is to book a place at the recreation center, in a hostel, hotel:

About cruises in reality:

"Often tourists going to a cruise on Baikal do not represent the true size of the lake. Only from the southern to the northern tip of its length is 636 kilometers.

With the average speed of Baikal boats, 15-18 kilometers per hour, the transition along the lake from Kultuk to Severobaykalsk (from the south to the north) will take 3 run hours without stopping. And this is under good weather conditions, in the absence of a wave. Well, to get around the entire coast - it is over two thousand kilometers - you can only in three or four weeks! "

For example, a 9-day tour flight from Moscow (for two people, without taking into account the cost of the flight) will cost, depending on the program of the tour and resting position on Baikal, in 26-50 thousand rubles.

Popular and Favorite tourists Recreation Place - Village Listvyanka, there is a recreation center, there are excursions, cruises.

« The most visited places of the western coast of Baikal:

all the coast of the Small Sea;

west (Malomorsky) Coast of Olkhon Island;

bay of sandy and its surroundings;

Krugobaikal railway;

north-West Coast from the city of Severobaykalsk to the village of Baikal;

any place where can be reached by car.

If you like to relax in the thick of the masses, delighting the rumor around the clock, stealing the popes, the roar of the aquatic motorcycle and the roar of the Motodeltaplan over the head - choose any place from the listed.

If you want rest and silence, then you need to look for places impartial. They still exist even on Olkhon, but traveling there will be either on foot or water.

I note that silence in the most visited places also happens, but outside the summer season. Unfortunately, along with the holt, the unsightly consequences of a youthful pastime "(Baikal Magic. RU).

The best time to travel to Baikal, if you want to swim or alive fish - July-August: in June, cool winds are still cool after August. But in winter, when the Baikal is covered with a thick layer of ice - there is also beautiful, only to dress must be appropriate, and it is thorough to think about the versions of movement, where to stop, etc.

"It is better to see once than hear a hundred times!", Inspired travelers who returned from Baikal say. Among the beloved Russians recreation places - Baikal at 6th place after the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, the Crimea, the Caucasus and Mineral Waters. Baikal is no less beautiful, just there is not so hot as on solar coasts.

On Olkhon, for example (on tourists' reviews who were there in the summer of 2014), gorgeous species, beaches, very bright sun, cold water - swim difficult, everywhere there are a lot of garbage and this is a whole problem, people behind them are not cleaned, bottles from under Alcohol, dishes, dirt left by people contrast with a background of beautiful nature.

Still, if you have never been on Baikal yet - be sure to visit this beautiful place - you will not regret, and then this is a good alternative to an expensive foreign rest. Just do not forget to clean the garbage.

Lake Baikal for most is somewhere very far. The origin of Lake Baikal is shrouded in legends about the great catastrophes of the planetary scale, the gods and their acts. Scientific point of view also exists - no mysticism in it is certainly.

Located Lake Baikal on the territory of the Irkutsk region and Buryatia. It is considered a lake of tectonic origin. The age of Baikal is estimated in different ways. Some scientists put 35 million years. But the doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A.V. Tatarinov in 2009 put forward the version that the deepwater part of Lake Baikal was formed 150 thousand years ago, and the modern coastline is at all - only 8 thousand years. These results of Tatarinov substantiated the results of the Expedition of the "worlds" on Baikal. So with the age of Lake Baikal, too, everything is very ambiguous.

Lake Baikal is also called the Siberian Sea.

Lake Baikal contains 19% of all world stocks of fresh water. How much water in Lake Baikal is estimated at 23,615 km³. There is only one lake in the world whose displacement is more than in Baikal, the Caspian Sea (not everyone knows, but on this sea there is a lake).

Despite the fact that Baikal is located in, here is a lot of sun. The climatic conditions on Baikal have their own unique features: it is mercilessly frying the sun, but cold winds blow, they fly fierce storms, then the silent and hot weather and tens of thousands of tourists are fixed in the Lake Baikal for a beach holiday. By the number of sunny days, Lake Baikal is superior to many resorts of the Black Sea and Mediterranean coast.

The maximum depth of Lake Baikal - 1642 m. Many people write that Lake Baikal in shape resembles crescent. Rather, sorry if something is wrong, - banana. But very big. Baikal Length is 620 km (as from Moscow to St. Petersburg approximately), the width comes to 80 km. The length of the coastline is 2100 km.

Lake Baikal has 27 islands, the largest of them. Many islands are sacred at local residents and are protected by law. On Baikal, there are generally many sacred places whose history is shrouded in secret and legends. The prevailing religion here is rather Buddhism, at least the alarm symbols and worship objects are found everywhere.

Water Lake Baikal

The water temperature in Baikal is a fenomine. In the summer, only the top layer of water and shallow coastal bays are heated in the lake. But at a depth, the temperature is always constant - about +4 ° C.

Water Baikal is generally a separate mystery. Lakes with such age do not have such crystal purity of water, and in Baikal it is very clean. Usually with the time of the lakes are styled, and after 10-15 thousand years in their place already swamps. Baikal not only does not merge, but also contains clean water, which can be drunk directly from the lake without fears. In addition, Baikal water is saturated with oxygen to a very high degree in comparison with other freshwater reservoirs.

Lake Lake Baikal is largely obliged to a tiny (1.5 mm in length) a rack called epishur. Etion racks are very much in the water of the lake. They are cleaning water, and are food for the famous Baikal Omul and predatory invertebrates.

The transparency of water in Baikal is also very high. In good weather through a 40-meter watertime water, you can see the bottom of the lake! In winter, Baikal is also surprisingly transparent ice. It is only necessary to find a place that is not swept away with snow, and so to speak - feel yourself by God - pass through the water. The water from above is true frozen, but at the bottom of the same picture - the bottom, the fish, and you go over them.

Baikal is fueled by the waters of more than 300 rivers, and only one river flows from Baikal -.

Ice Baikal

Lake Baikal freezes in the winter is not evenly. Bays and bays, as well as the northern part of the lake freezes in November - December. And in the south of the ice rises only in February, and if the winter is warm, then at the end of February.

The thickness of the ice on Baikal by the end of winter reaches 1 m, and in the bays - 1.5-2 m. On Baikal, there is a phenomenon that is local called "stale gaps". This is when in a heavy frost there are cracks in ice. They tear the ice on separate large fields. The length of these cracks amazes - from 10 to 30 km, and the width is only 2-3 m. As you understand it is better not to be in such a place at the time of the break. The ruptures occur every year and approximately in the same places of the lake. Sound effect as when shots from guns.

Such gaps saves fish in the lake from lack of oxygen. This is such a mysterious, but the necessary lake natural mechanism. And due to the transparency of the ice, the sunlight penetrates the sun, so that there are plankton algae in water, separating oxygen, develop violently even in winter.

Another amazing Ice phenomenon on Baikal - Iceps. These are hollow ice hills having a cone form that reach a height of 5-6 meters. In some of them you can find "entry", and it is usually located to the side opposite to the shore. Such an ice tent is obtained. Sometimes such tents stand alone, but often grouped, reminding the mountain ranges, only in miniature.

Another mysterious phenomenon was discovered using space shooting - dark rings.

Rings have a diameter of up to 7 km. Scientists have come to the belief that rings are formed due to raising water from the depths of the lake. Due to the temperature difference occurs in a clockwise course, reaching in separate zones of different speeds. As a result, ice cover is destroyed, and the shape of the destroyed sections of the ring-shaped.

The shores of Lake Baikal

The coast landscape is very diverse. Taiga takes the greatest part, it is swollen in places. Many hard passable places where there are no roads nor settlements. But many and such sites that look quite hospitably, sand, pine, cedars, a rose. But from the side of the Tazhran steppe, in the vicinity and on the island of the landscapes of Pribaikalia others - steppes, rocks with forest massifs of the Siberian larch.

Relief area on the Baikal coast as a whole mountainous and transport infrastructure because of this strongly suffers. In many places to drive on the road from one location, located on the shore, to another located, you need to make a big hook in tens of kilometers. The fourth part of the coast of Lake Baikal does not have publicly accessible roads in general and practically uninhabited (there is where the Chinese settle, they think with joy).

Relief DNA

Lake Baikal is peculiar and on the rank of bottom. There are their underwater mountain ranges, the largest of which are academic and selenginsky. These ridges are divided by a lake for three basins.

Not excluded on Baikal and earthquakes. More precisely is the usual thing. But the shocks usually do not exceed 2 points. But there were other cases:

  • in 1862, the earthquake of 10 points was recorded, as a result of which the land plot in the northern part of the Selenga delta went under the water
  • there were points about 9 points in 1903, 1950, 1957 and 1959
  • in 2008 - 9 points
  • in 2010 - 6 points

Fauna and Flora Baikal

Vegetable and animal world are unique here. The lake serves as a reliable shelter for almost three thousand species of animals and thousands of plants. Many species are found only here. And this despite the fact that, as scientists suggest, from living organisms dwelling in the lake more than 20% are still unknown by science. Fisteers of fishing will be well on Baikal (if Klelev goes of course). Harius, Tymen, Sig, Ostr, Omul, Lenok, Golomanka are common. There are about sixty kinds of them.

The vertex of the biosphere on Baikal is occupied by the Baikal Nerpe. There are no other mammals in this reservoir. So far, hot disputes are going on, as Baikal's Baikal got comfortably here - a purely marine mammal. It is assumed that she fell here in the distant times of the glacial period, moving from the Ice Ocean on the hangar and Yenisei. Dozens of thousands of animals now live here.

Many animals and birds live on the shores of Baikal. Here you will meet Golly, Gogol, there are Oghari, Crochali, Orlans-Belohvosts, other birds. You can see a massive bathing of brown bears (only insegoing!). In the mountainous part of the Baikal Taiga, Kabarg lives - the smallest deer on the ground.

From where the name is Baikal

Regarding the origin of the name of the lake, the researchers argue so far. Assumptions several:

  • Bai-Kul - translated from Turkic means "rich lake";
  • Baigal - from the Mongolian "rich fire";
  • Baigal Dalai - on the same Mongolian means "big lake";
  • Beihai - in Chinese means "North Sea";
  • Baigal Nuur - Buryat name;
  • Lama - so called Lake Evenki.

It is believed that the first landlords appeared here in the seventeenth century, eventually adopted the Buryat name, but softened the letter "g", giving the name now the sound.

Tourism and rest on Lake Baikal

Beautiful places on Baikal a lot. On my site you will find many stories of our tourists about trips and rest on Baikal (see "Stories"). A feature of tourism on Baikal is that the places that I would like to see are often located at large distances from each other. So if you wish to see not all, but many beauties of Lake Baikal, you need to work a literate route. If you feel that you yourself are not under power, contact private guides or buy an integrated tour to Baikal.

View all on Baikal at one time you will not succeed. Baikal is great to go around it all will need not one vacation.

The most massive visit to Baikal tourists is coming in summer. The most popular places are the village of Listvyanka, the Small Sea and Olkhon Island. The place will find themselves and people with a small budget, and even the most demanding. Lake Baikal is visited not only by Russians, but many tourists from around the world. The latter and give for such a vacation sometimes fabulous money, but they still go.

In general, judging by the reviews, rest on Baikal is not among the cheapest, especially if you need to go from nearby cities. Nevertheless, Baikal puts the rejuvenations of attendance - the hours of tourists are calculated by seven-wing numbers per year.

In the summer, people relax on the beaches, attend cycling and car excursions, go to hiking along the coast. There are alloys on rivers flowing into Baikal, and much more.

Popularity in all seasons enjoy climbing on the rocks, in the mountains and descents in the grottoes and caves.


Fish in Baikal Many and lovers find a variety of places in the hope of catching our own omul or other fish. For the most gambling there are specialized bases with different levels of comfort. Fishing fish goes on leased courts.

The most popular on Baikal, the Chivyrski Bay, Mukhor Bay, shallow coves of the Small Sea and, of course, are considered to be a fishing.

Lake Baikal Winter

Despite the severity of the Siberian climate, there are lovers to come to Baikal and in winter. The fantastic Ice World of Baikal is growing. Popular snowmobile walks, dog sledding.

Most popular attractions

A lot of historical and architectural attractions are concentrated on Baikal, even more monuments of nature and culture.

One of the most famous attractions is Shaman stone. This is a couple of boulders, towering over the water in the source of the hangars. Local with the impact of centuries worship these stones and consider them to be empowered.

Another cliff, the photo of which is unusually planted on the Internet on request "Baikal" and "Olkhon Island" - scala Shamananka. Also sacred place for Buryats, access here for tourists was not always open.

Also on Olkhon Island a lot and other cult and historical sites. Olkhon and it's good that in the summer there you can also sunbathe, and buy, and a bunch of excursions to visit either to ride on the island yourself.

Seasons of relaxation on Baikal

Baikal is beautiful at all times of the year. Summer as in all of Russia the most popular season. The very warm from the second half of July to the beginning of August. Since November, it becomes not very hospitable here until the ice gets up. In March and in early April, tourists rushed to Baikal, especially those who like to take photos. The reason for this glittering, transparent ice Baikal. There is one more - a treated fishing. In the spring of Baikal, the same is very beautiful, severe frosts and winds are no longer. Winter relaxants find the combination of weather conditions and beauty landscapes are very attractive.

Rest on Baikal, enjoy its nature and energy. Take care of Lake Baikal, do not leave behind the landfill, do not arrange a forestry. This lake is thousands of years and after many more years need it to be beautiful and attractive as now.

Lake Baikal is truly a mysterious and wonderful place not only in Russia, but also on the entire planet.

Animal and vegetable world, the composition of water and even air can not be compared with the nature of other lakes. Baikal is largely surpassed.

The local population differs markedly from residents of other regions. They honor tradition, remember and keep legends and respectfully refer to Lake Baikal by the Sea.

The lake has the shape of a crescent width, ranging from 20 to 80 km and about 630 square meters. km, and the deepest point of the lake is located at 1642 meters. Baikal adopts more than 300 small and large rivers, and only one hangar is released.

Where is Lake Baikal

Where the lake is located, the border between Buryatia and the Irkutsk region passes. The Russian part of Baikal is geographically located in the south of the eastern part of Siberia.

How to get

Viber for computer

Each tourist planning to spend rest on the lake is concerned about the question - how to get to it. First of all, you need to get to Irkutsk or the capital of Buryatia. You can do this by plane or train. And from administrative centers to the lake itself or the nearest settlement there are buses, minibuses, boats.

Do not forget that tickets to Ulan-Ude or Severobaykalsk are sold not so often and cost enough. Therefore, travelers often acquire ticket to Irkutsk. If the choice was made in favor of the train, you can buy a ticket for almost anyone following in the direction of Vladivostok and Khabarovsk.

The quality of the roads to Baikal is relatively good, which is a certain plus for lovers to wheel around the world driving her car. And for extreme seekers there is always a way to travel, called the hitchhiking.

Cities on Lake Baikal

Cities on Lake Baikal are numerous - from small villages to major administrative centers. Most of the population are professionally engaged in tourism. These are employees of hotels, hotels, tourist databases, entertainment centers, guides and guides, transport drivers and conductors in the mountains.

lake Baikal. Slyudyanka photo

The major cities include Irkutsk, Severobaykalsk, Ulan-Ude. They are architectural, historical monuments and museums. They are also centers of culture, politics and economics. The population of these cities has from 100 to 400,000 people.

Less large settlements is Slyudyanka, Listvyanka, Katun, Maximiha, Khuzhir, Embassy, \u200b\u200bTurk, Gorychkinsk and others. They are more visited by tourists. Alloys on stormy rivers, mountain climbs, lake cruises, various excursions, ski resorts in winter time are held here.

Lake Baikal on the plain or in the mountains

Lake Baikal is located rather in the mountains than on the plain. The western and east coast differ from each other. The eastern side has a more smoothed and gentle relief. And the West is represented by mountains, rocks and cliffs that can be distinguished from the coast several km. Type of lake and pool basin. The Baikal rift zone is measured by 12,500 km and extends from Mongolia to Yakutia.

The rift is called a crack in the layers of the earth's surface, which takes the shape of the crescent. The center of the Baikal Rift is the deepest place. It was here that the pool of Lake Baikal was formed. Type of Lake Lake Volcanic and similar to the Dead Sea in its structure and represents the system of a variety of different sizes. Water volume in the lake. The volume of water in the lake is approximately 23 km in Cuba. This is the largest stock of fresh water in the world.

Baikal photo

The volume of water amazes with its colossality. It exceeds the Ladoga Sea 23 times, and Azov is 90 times. Baikal water is saturated with oxygen and practically does not contain various impurities. At a depth of 30-40 meters, it is fairly easy to distinguish individual items. And in some places of the lake, water can be drunk without fear of poisoning. Depth. Baikal's water surface towers above sea level 456 meters.

Characteristics of Lake Baikal

  • Lake Baikal Square 550000 km square
  • Lake Lake 636 km
  • Lake Width 25 - 79 km
  • Maximum depth - 1637m, middle depth - 730m
  • Lake mode. Hydrological regime is a flood and flood of its rivers. Rivers are mainly observed in the warm season. In winter, the nutrition of rivers is carried out only due to groundwater. Water surface freezes about a month from mid-December to mid-January. But the source of the hangars with a length of 15 km is not covered with ice, as it retracts the water above the freezing temperature.
  • The climate is moderately continental. It is characterized by cold winter and not hot summer (+ 16 + 18). Winds formed due to different temperatures of the coastal and water zone often raise storm waves and arrange hurricanes.
  • The age of the lake exceeds 25000 years. This is the oldest icebreaker lake. Most of these lakes, reaching 15,000 age, disappear from the face of the Earth.
  • The Baikal Frash dissets the upper robe of the Earth deeper than 50 km. An abnormally high temperature of the bowels under the thickness of water forms hot springs reaching an average of +80 degrees.

Nature of Lake Baikal

The nature of Lake Baikal is unique and picturesque. Around the lake crushed dense forests, rocky rocks, hill and mountains, volcanic chains. More than 2,600 species of plants and animals live on this territory, 70% of which are endemic. On the coast, the length of which more than 2000 km stretched the spawn waterfalls, sandy bays, about 180 capes with their own bays. The number of solar and cloudless days prevails on cloudy (about 40 per year).

Lake Baikal Animal World

The animal world of Lake Baikal is presented brightly. Some species practically did not touch the evolution, and some dwell only in the Baikal district. Nerpen is a symbol of the lake. Scientists still can not give a clear answer about the way of entering this seal in freshwater Baikal. Kabarga is a deer, reaching 17 kg weighing. Its feature is the absence of horns, but the presence of long fangs in males.

baikal Nerpen photo

Also inhabit red wolf, sable, deer, squirrel, bear, boar, fox, lynx, snow leopard. Birds are common from the birds, eagles-burial grounds, seagulls, ducks, swans, cormorants, droughts, sapsan. In the thickness of water, in addition to fish, special races of epispis are dominated. They are a natural filter, passing through themselves the water of the lake.

Also present a variety of mollusks and sponges. For example, Baikalia and Benediccia accumulate large groups on the rocks. Fish Lake Baikal. The fish of Lake Baikal is represented by Omul, a vivory fish-Golomanka, a sturgeon, bream, a bull-shaker, sazan and others.

Lake Baikal Plants

Lake Baikal densely populated both ground and underwater plants. There are many forests in which century-old trees grow. For example, Siberian pine and cedar achieved in the diameter of the barrel of more than 6 meters and age more than 700 years. Also a unique tree is considered birch with black bark.

There are many medicinal plants (more than 1000 species). This is licorice, anise, tolnaya, chamomile, boring uterus, wormwood, chamber, Orlyak, Badan. The plants found mostly only in this region can be attributed to the Cyrce Paris, a wolter year, a yellow field poppy, sleep-grass, an ordinary ugover and so on.

bottom of Lake Baikal photo

In the thickness of the water, various algae and sponges are engaged in almost every centimeter of the bottom. Basically, it is algae blue-green and golden. Green algae fill bays and bays. Sponges have different colors and prefer to attach to underwater slopes. In addition, quite a lot of higher underwater plants having full leaves, stems and roots (more than 70 species). These are representatives of flood-shaped family, mugh, plain-shaped, rig and other. For example, small cube and quadrangular water lily.

Blowing rivers lake

Baikal Lake Bajkal Rivers are calculated by hundreds (336 rivers). These are more and less large rivers, and large streams. These include the Snowy, Amga River, Utulik, Upper Angara, Selenga, Big Buguldaik, Sarma, Goloupe, Barguzin, Zen Murin and many others.

River arising from the lake

The river arising from the lake is called the Lower Angara and boasts a length of 1779 km. In the source of the river there is a shaman-stone, rock, enchanted by the sacrament and legends. According to one legend, the beauty of the hangar was in love and wanted to escape to his chosen one, Bogatyr Yenisei. And the enraged father of Baikal threw the naughty daughter this stone.

River connecting Lake Baikal with an Arctic Ocean

The river connecting Lake Baikal with the Arctic Ocean is called Yenisei. He shares Siberia to Western and Eastern and has a length of 3487km. The river is unique in that all climatic zones passes. On her shores you can meet both camels and polar bears.

Lakes next to Baikal

Lakes next to Baikal have the same tectonic origin, but smaller dimensions. There are a large number of such lakes and every one in its own way. Popular fishermen is considered a lake of the flask.

lake Baikal Winter photo

Frolh is located on the northeast coast of Baikal and has an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 16 square km and enters the Red Book as a Lake of the Ice Age. And the lake Kotochel is toxic. But although it is forbidden to swim in it, there are about 40 databases on the coast. Also nearby are Lakes Arangatui, goose, Sobolinny, Angarsk Sor.

Attractions Baikal

The sights of Baikal are numerous, especially those created by nature itself. But there are those for what a man put a hand. Natural attractions:

  • Big Baikal trail
  • Sand Bay
  • Small sea with very warm water
  • Olkhon Island and Cape Kobyla's head and Lake Shara Nur, located 750 meters above sea level
  • Ushkanya Islands
  • Chivirkussian and Barguzin Bay
  • Tunkinsky Valley
  • Hot Springs
  • In the mountains of Sayan Valley Volcanoes
    In the area of \u200b\u200bSlyudyanka, Rock is 300 meters high, on which birds are nesting, called a bird market.

Attractions created by man: Taltsey are an architectural monument. The construction of various times from the flooded regions of Baikal is fresh. In Listvyanka, you can visit the Nerpinal and the Riding Dog Center. Drive or walk along the 19 km of the circuit railway 84 km. In the rocks, more than 30 tunnels were cut for her and 248 bridges were built.

Baikal photo

In Irkutsk there are a cathedral of the Epiphany and Astrophysical Observatory. World Heritage Lake Baikal. The World Heritage Title Lake Baikal received in 1996. The lake meets all the requirements of uniqueness. A variety of disappearing species of plants and animals is listed in the Red Book.

  • Ice in winter reaches 30 meters deep into and during the winter spontaneously cleansing, providing fishes with oxygen inflows
  • The height of the storm waves sometimes reaches 5 meters
  • In Lake, the sturgeon lives to 60 years
  • Under the waters of Baikal flooded the highest mountains in the world of 7,500 meters
  • Scientists suggest that over time, Baikal will become the sea. His shores are diverted annually by 2 cm.
  • Baikal Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of September.

Problems of Lake Baikal

The problems of Lake Baikal exist for a long time, and without due assistance will be progressing. It is worth noting the drying of small rivers flowing into the lake. Due to this, its ecosystem changes. The shores are being destroyed, the spawning of fish is hampered. Poachers and forest fires, mostly arranged by a person, put her hand to reducing and disappearing some types of flora and fauna. Practically 2 times the number of Neri, Omuli, island, Kabargy decreased.

Pollution of lake

Lake pollution is a large-scale environmental problem. The culprit is only a person. This includes garbage left by tourists in the coastal zone, petroleum products from shipping transport, waste, carbon dioxide, wastewater from large-scale production.

Baikal's popularity is growing every year, attracting Russian and foreign tourists, artists and scientists. Scientific developments are carried out here archaeologists, geologists, historians, physics, ethnographers and others. But it is this factor that leads to environmental trouble areas of the lake. If you do not take measures to protect it, Lake Baikal may disappear from the face of the earth, and with it the global stock of fresh water.