Do they take the Unified State Exam after college? Studying after college. Should I take the Unified State Exam?

The procedure for admission to the Unified State Exam for students in secondary vocational education programs who do not have a secondary education has been clarified. general education.

Letter of Rosobrnadzor dated 01.02.2019 N 10-51-127/10-129 “On participation in the Unified State Examination of students who do not have secondary general education”:

It is reported that in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia and Rosobrnadzor dated November 7, 2018 N 190/1512, students in secondary vocational education programs who do not have secondary general education (hereinafter referred to as SPO students) have the right to undergo state final certification(GIA), which completes the development educational programs general secondary general education.

Students of secondary vocational education who receive secondary education externally have the right to take the State Examination Test, provided they receive grades no lower than satisfactory. intermediate certification and receiving a “credit” for the final essay (presentation). The results of mastering educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), practice, additional educational programs in other organizations. To be admitted to the exam, an external student must present a certificate confirming the completion of educational programs of secondary general education or the completion of educational programs of secondary general education in the current year. At the same time, there is no requirement to issue this certificate only to organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of secondary general education, secondary vocational education (having state accreditation of educational programs of secondary general education).

Students of secondary vocational education have the right to participate in the Unified State Exam, bypassing the registration procedure as external students in an educational organization that implements educational programs of secondary general education. In this case, students of secondary vocational education participate in the final essay (presentation) at will, in addition, students of secondary vocational education choose only those Unified State Exam subjects which they need to enter universities. When submitting an application to participate in the Unified State Examination, in this case, it is necessary to present a certificate from the educational organization in which the person is studying, confirming the development of educational programs of secondary general education or the completion of the development of secondary general education programs in the current academic year. Presentation of a certificate of mastering SPO in this case is not allowed. In this case, a certificate of secondary general education is not issued.

Persons who have received an education document confirming receipt of secondary vocational education can participate in the Unified State Examination, including if they have valid results Unified State Examinations of the past years. In this case, a diploma of secondary vocational education is presented. When submitting an application, a secondary vocational student must present a certificate from the educational organization in which he is studying, confirming the completion of educational programs of secondary general education or the completion of educational programs of secondary general education in the current academic year. It is not required to present an academic certificate from the student.

After ninth grade, many students enter colleges or schools. Not only avid C-grade students go to college, but also excellent students, because after graduating from an educational institution they receive a full-fledged secondary education, and in addition to it, the sought-after profession of an employee or a highly qualified worker. There is another reason for continuing education not at school, but at a college or technical school: it is easier for secondary school graduates to enter a university.

After studying, you can immediately get a job - in the modern labor market there is now a shortage of specialists with an average vocational education. But many graduates are in no hurry to find a job - they plan to continue their studies at higher educational institutions. There has been a tendency among schoolchildren to enroll in colleges in order to gain advantages when entering a university and not have to take the Unified State Exam, which is quite difficult for many.

Why go to university after college/technical school?

So is it worth continuing your education after college? The answer is clear - it’s worth it. Moreover, college graduates have the opportunity to enter a university without the Unified State Exam. They can combine work and study by choosing part-time or evening courses, or they can study according to an individual schedule. It all depends on the student’s abilities and the rules of the educational institution itself. Without higher education It will be difficult to improve your professionalism and you will not have to count on career growth: according to the law, many positions can only be filled by holders of university diplomas. If theoretical knowledge is also confirmed by practical skills, which is typical for college graduates, then the chances of finding a prestigious and well-paid job increase significantly.

How to choose a university and whether you need to take the Unified State Exam

After graduating from college, a natural question arises: where can you go next? Graduates have the right to choose any higher education institution. They can continue to study in the specialty they have already acquired, or they can choose a diametrically opposite one. After all, this often happens - as they grow up and learn, young people come to the understanding that this is not their calling and that their souls are not in the profession that seemed ideal at 16-17 years old. Therefore, choosing a decent university after college is a very important step.

Before the Ministry of Education and Science issued Order No. 1147 in 2015, which adjusted the rules for admission to universities, applicants with vocational education diplomas enjoyed some concessions: they were admitted through an interview or testing. Now all candidates are placed in almost equal conditions.

This radical step is due to the fact that there is a growing shortage of mid-level specialists in the labor market, the state bears large costs for their training, and a very small percentage of holders of college diplomas actually go to work.

But the benefits, although limited, still remain: admission to universities for college graduates takes place in the form chosen by the educational institution itself (traditional exams, interviews, tests). Therefore, when choosing a university or institute to continue your studies after technical school, you need to pay attention to the admission rules, especially those points that establish the types of entrance examinations for applicants who have graduated from college.

Is the Unified State Exam mandatory?

Admission to a university after college is possible both based on the results of the Unified State Exam and internal exams conducted by the university. Intra-university exams are significantly easier compared to Unified State Exam assignments. They are most often carried out in the form of testing, their results are also assessed on a 100-point scale. At the same time, one of the three subjects required for all applicants, regardless of the form in which the discipline is taken - the Unified State Exam or internal tests of the university, for applicants after a specialized college can be replaced by a comprehensive special exam in the profession.

Despite the simpler version of the exams, you also need to prepare for them. MPEI University offers graduates of colleges and technical schools a unique and free preparation option: an online trial entrance exam.

What course do you enroll in after college/technical school?

According to the innovations of 2015, all applicants enter the first year of university - be it a school or college graduate. But each institute or university reserves the right to take an individual approach to the duration of training for holders of secondary vocational education diplomas. Because the educational process in the last years of college corresponds to the first years of university, then at the request of the student, the option of individual training is possible.

Many universities provide in their education system the option of a shortened program for those students who have excellent academic performance and pass all the required additional exams. When entering an institute after college, you must find out whether there is a possibility of taking classes in a shortened training program, and write a statement about your desire to study in such a program.

For example, State University MPEI offers graduates of colleges and technical schools admission to accelerated training programs. The duration of study will be from 3 to 3.6 years. For the convenience of combining work and studies, such programs are implemented in evening and correspondence courses.

Some universities practice the “Weekend Classes” form of education, which is very beneficial for those who plan to combine study and work.

How long does the training last?

According to the new legislation, the duration of study at the institute for school and college graduates corresponds to the standard curriculum:

  • 4 years - bachelor's degree;
  • 5 years - specialty;
  • 2 years - master's degree (6 years - bachelor's + master's degree).

Why is it easier for college graduates to study at university?

For college graduates, especially if they continue specialized education, studying at a higher educational institution is indeed much easier. After all, they are already well acquainted with the basics of their future profession; while studying in college, they completed an internship in production and know many subjects not only theoretically. They have real ideas about the conditions and features of work, which are often not as ideal as described in textbooks.

In general, the educational trajectory “school - college - university,” in which college education is assigned the role of a kind of first stage of undergraduate education, is quite viable and has many significant advantages.

It's no secret that more and more ninth-graders are planning to go to college, because... After graduation, they do not need to prepare for the Unified State Exam and take it. A school certificate is sufficient for admission. Based on the scores indicated in it, a decision will be made on admission to the ranks of students. The main condition for admission is a good average score. True, if at the end of college you decide to choose a specialty that is not similar to your current one, it will become a mandatory procedure.

Is it worth studying after college?

It is, of course, worth continuing your studies at a university after graduating from college. If you choose a correspondence course, you will have the opportunity to combine the educational process with work. Everything will depend on your abilities and the rules of the university itself. Without a higher education diploma, you are unlikely to have prospects for moving up the career ladder. If theoretical knowledge is confirmed by practical skills, then the chances of finding a prestigious job will increase significantly.

What is needed for admission?

The conditions for admission to universities are the same for graduates of both colleges and schools. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1147 of October 14, 2015, applicants with secondary vocational education must pass internal exams in 3-4 subjects. Alternative option- pass the Unified State Exam and provide its results in the relevant subjects. Similar rules apply to all forms of education.

Intra-university exams for college graduates are assessed using a 100-point system. The results correlate with Unified State Exam results school graduates. If you are seriously interested in education after college, it is recommended to enroll in special courses for applicants at the educational institution. They open at many domestic universities. Here you can familiarize yourself with the entry requirements and prepare for passing internal exams.

What documents will be required

You should find out where you need to submit documents and take internal specialized exams at the university admissions office. A college graduate needs to prepare:

  • 3x4 photographs (check the quantity at the university);
  • application of the established form;
  • document on completed STR;
  • identity document with copies;
  • certificate from a medical institution.

What course can they enroll in?

If you decide to enroll in a university after college, keep in mind that all applicants, in accordance with the innovations of 2015, begin their studies exclusively from the first year. That is, no benefits are provided to college graduates. But each educational institution has the right to approach this issue individually. If the educational process in the second and third years of college is similar to the first year of university, then the student can submit an application to be transferred to study at individual schedule. But at the same time, you will need to provide a certain list of documents, which should be clarified at the university itself.

In some systems educational institutions An option is possible that involves training according to a shortened program. It is usually reserved for students with excellent academic performance. Therefore, when entering a university, be sure to check whether there is an opportunity to study in such a program. Also, some universities have a form of distance learning called “Weekend Group,” which is intended for working students. Classes usually take place on one of the weekends each week.

Thus, when planning to continue your studies and get an education after college, first familiarize yourself with the existing admission rules for college graduates. Find out which subjects require entrance exams so that you have time to prepare for them.

The need to take the Unified State Exam upon completion of secondary school arises if a graduate decides to change his specialty and plans to enter the institute in a different field. Citizens of CIS countries who correspond to the profile of the university do not need to take the exam.

Delivery locations

Even while studying at a college, you can take training courses in necessary subjects: compulsory and core. Very often, educational institutions themselves have a similar opportunity. This best option for those students who have made the final choice. The college can independently send lists to points where they sign up to take the unified state exam. All an applicant needs is to improve his knowledge of necessary items and appear on the day of the exam.

Some domestic universities operate pre-university training centers. In them, college graduates can familiarize themselves with the rules and procedure for conducting the test. There they also have the opportunity to write trial testing and then pass the Unified State Exam. A certificate containing the exam results will replace the entrance exam. The advantage of this option is that a college graduate will have a good chance of being enrolled in a budget-funded place.

In addition, anyone can independently register for passing the Unified State Exam without intermediaries. To do this, you need to contact your local education department. The exam is conducted in the same format for both school graduates and vocational education institutions.

How to pass the exam after college?

An applicant with Unified State Exam results can submit an application and documents to 5 universities at once, which is a good advantage. All that is required in this case is:

  • Select a university and check out the list of subjects required for admission.
  • Prepare to take the Unified State Exam.
  • Come to the exam location on the appointed day and complete all tasks.
  • Find out the results and receive a certificate.

When taking exams, do not forget that in each subject there is a minimum result that must be achieved in order to enter a university. The Unified State Exam is an indicator of the level of knowledge and success of training. At the same time, do not forget that there are universities where you need to pass entrance examinations. In particular, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University and some other universities have such powers. Other institutes and universities must admit students based on Unified State Exam scores.

If the result turns out to be unsatisfactory, then you should not give up. You can try to improve it by filing an appeal with the appropriate commission. If this does not help you, then retake the Unified State Exam at an additional time. In this case, you will have to try hard, otherwise a retake will be available only next year.

Good exam results will open the way to many universities that interest you, so if you are confident in your knowledge of compulsory and additional items, then you can try to pass the tests. In general, whether to take them after college or not is up to you. If you decide to take the Unified State Exam, then start preparing for it as early as possible in order to score more points.

Since new educational standards obligated schoolchildren to take exams in the form of a unified state test, Russian eleventh-graders and their parents devote the entire last year of school to preparing for the Unified State Exam. Do their peers who went to vocational schools after 9th grade go through this test?

Do they take the Unified State Exam in a technical school or college?

In a number of colleges and technical schools in our country, the state exam cannot be avoided: first- or second-year students mastering parallel education programs end up school year It is mandatory to take the Unified State Exam. After this, they receive a full-fledged certificate of completion of 11 classes.

This gives you the opportunity to choose:

  1. Continue your studies at a secondary specialized educational institution.
  2. Go to college.

There are also colleges in which exams are optional.

There is no need to fear that the study of special and major disciplines will outweigh the preparation in general education subjects. At the beginning of training, special disciplines are given much less time than later, and the emphasis is on school curriculum. The main compulsory subjects remain the Russian language and mathematics, regardless of the college profile and the specifics of the chosen profession. If there is a lack of preparation, it makes sense to turn to tutors or enroll in preparatory courses.

Do I need to take the Unified State Exam after college?

Such a need arises for a graduate only in one case: if he decides to change his profession and plans to enter a university in a completely different field. For example, after receiving a diploma in economics or accounting, yesterday's student suddenly changes his priorities and plans to enroll in the Faculty of History or Chemistry and Biology.

If a graduate intends to continue studying accounting and economics at a university, then passing the Unified State Exam is not mandatory for him - specialized entrance tests are sufficient, if provided for by the rules recent years. Many colleges provide their students with a number of privileges, one of which is immediate enrollment in the third year of a particular institute.

But each educational norm has specific loopholes:

  • Russians who have graduated from a technical school or college in the near abroad have the right to enter college without passing the Unified State Exam, simply by passing the entrance exams.
  • Citizens of the CIS who have received secondary specialized education corresponding to the profile of the university do not take the Unified State Exam. Residents of Uzbekistan and Georgia need to confirm their diplomas.

What will you have to submit?

Mathematics and Russian language are compulsory subjects. The choice of other disciplines depends on the specialty. At the request of the applicant, the following are submitted:

  1. Chemistry.
  2. Physics.
  3. Story.
  4. Social science.
  5. Geography.
  6. Biology.
  7. Foreign languages ​​(oral and written).
  8. Literature.
  9. Computer Science (ICT).

For each subject, a minimum number of points is determined and a time frame for the examination is established.

Thresholds for admission to universities:

  • Social studies - 42;
  • Computer Science - (ICT) 40;
  • Geography and literature - 38;
  • Russian language, physics, chemistry and biology - 36;
  • History - 32;
  • Mathematics - 27;
  • Foreign language - 22.

Almost 4 hours are given to pass mathematics, literature, computer science, physics and social studies. The Russian language and Russian history require 3 hours 30 minutes, and exactly 3 hours are allotted to those who choose foreign language, biology, geography and chemistry.

If the result is unsatisfactory

If you received an insufficient number of points, do not rush to give up: there are opportunities to improve the result by retaking the exam at additional deadlines or filing an appeal. If you do not score the minimum points in all selected subjects, then retaking it is permissible only next year.

Is it possible to do without additional exams?

It turns out that in most cases it is possible. Previously, 24 institutes and universities enjoyed the right to conduct their own entrance exams. Now their number has sharply decreased. In 2015, only five higher education institutions were granted the authority to conduct additional knowledge testing:

  • Moscow State University (at all faculties);
  • St. Petersburg State University;
  • Moscow State Law Academy named after. Kutafina (specialty “law”);
  • MSLU (“translation and translation studies”);
  • Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University (8 directions, including political science).

The remaining universities are required to admit new students based on the Unified State Examination results. When choosing a direction of higher education, a college or technical school graduate must decide: to follow the usual path without additional difficulties, without turning anywhere, or to test his knowledge and enroll in any other university.

Innovations in the GA procedure for school and college students

Innovations you will have to deal with:

Bonuses for personal success

Innovations in 2015 are not limited to adjustments to the state examination procedure.

Universities were given the opportunity to “attribute” a certain number of points to the applicant’s grades obtained on the Unified State Exam for the personal merits of an applicant.

For the GTO standards they add:

  • at Moscow State University - 4;
  • St. Petersburg State University - 3;
  • MGIMO, HSE and Moscow State Law Academy - 1.

A diploma or certificate with honors will give:

  • at Moscow State University - 6;
  • St. Petersburg State University - 1;
  • MGIMO - 3;
  • HSE - 2;
  • Moscow State Law Academy - 5.

And finally, the essay will result in a head start:

  • at St. Petersburg State University - 1;
  • HSE, Moscow State Law Academy, Moscow State University - 10.

Each university has its own system of “additives” to the results of state certification. The management of MSPU stated that their university will add up to 15 points in total for individual achievements:

  • for success in sports - 3;
  • certificate with honors - 2;
  • participation in competitions and olympiads - 5;
  • essay - 5.

More detailed information about the number of bonus points can be found on the websites of higher educational institutions.

The Unified State Exam is considered an indicator of educational success and a measure of the level of knowledge given to a student at school, college or technical school. For some, this exam is like a punishment that cannot be avoided. For others, it’s an opportunity to get into college. For others, it is a way to choose the best road to follow throughout their lives. Whether to take the Unified State Exam in college is up to you. Choose.