The longest ears in the world. Who has the biggest ears in the world Big ears given by nature

In the animal world, some are the fastest animals, some are the strongest, and some are the most eared.

If they ask you, who has the biggest ears? Surely you will answer - the elephant.

Everything seems to be correct - a huge giant, ears one and a half meters long, what doubts can there be? But no!

His ears are large, but he himself is four meters tall and six meters long. So it turns out that if you look at the proportions, the elephant’s ears make up only a quarter of the body.

Animals have their own “book of records” from which we find out who has the biggest ears.

Among the rocky deserts of Mongolia and China lives a mysterious and funny creature of the planet Earth - the long-eared jerboa.

The animal is nine centimeters tall, and its ears are five centimeters long! This means more than half the height! If we translate these dimensions into our human sizes, it turns out that our ears would reach to our knees.

Scientists have not yet figured out why a small animal has such big ears. The fact is that these animals try to settle away from humans, avoid contact with the scientific world in every possible way, and come out of their burrows at night.

The next hero who has the biggest ears is the bat eared eared mouse.

No one doubts why she has such ears. navigates with the help of its “radar”, which picks up the reflection of signals. And these are nothing more than big antenna ears.

Another representative from the “book of records” is the big-eared hedgehog.

He looks like the one we all know, only with big ears. These animals, like jerboas, live in the steppes and Asian deserts. Perhaps it is in deserts that hearing plays a major role in saving from predators and in hunting.

This also includes the fennec fox, which lives in the Sahara Desert.

The weight of this baby rarely exceeds one kilogram, the body length is 40 cm, and the length of the ears is 15 cm. Its ears are the largest among predators in relation to the size of the head.

Due to the incredible heat, the animals sleep in the hole all day and come out only in the evening, when the coolness sets in. For some time, the little foxes sniff the air, and most importantly, listen with their large ears to the slightest rustle of a lizard or the jump of a locust.

This is an unusually modest (it is very difficult to catch or observe an animal in the wild), but terribly charming and attractive, long-eared inhabitant of the African deserts.

Lots of space in terms of size various forms Rabbits open our ears.

And pets have the biggest ears.

From a scientific point of view, it is possible to characterize people with large ears. In addition to the enormous size of the ears, what is very unusual is the extreme length of the hair growing from them.

What do big ears mean?

The science of physiognomy claims that a person’s large ears indicate a number of his qualities. They may indicate that their owner is prone to global thinking and philosophy, at the same time he is kind and sociable. Such people live interesting life, which is eventful. In a family, a person with big ears is compliant and non-conflict.

Ears are a kind of door to the world. They play no less a role in understanding the world than the eyes. Thanks to them, a person captures information from all sides, and not just from where he looks. According to physiognomy, with childhood experiences and personal life associate left ear, and with business life and the outside world - the right ear.

Presence of ears big size indicates excellent prospects for a person, the presence of great potential for spiritual and mental qualities. But this is only potential, and whether it will be manifested throughout life depends on many life circumstances of the owner of large ears.

Professionally, people with big ears are used to leading and taking responsibility, relying only on their own strengths. These qualities bring success in the profession.

Such people are rarely lonely, they enjoy the love of numerous friends, are very sociable and cheerful. There is a possibility that, having become interested in the financial sector, the owner of big ears will become very stingy. Harmony is important to them love relationships. It has been noticed that good lovers often have large ears.

Animal has the largest ears in the world

It may seem to many that the elephant has the largest ears among the representatives of the animal world. However, this is not quite true. Compared to the size of the body, the ears of an elephant are very miniature.

However, the greatest earedness is observed in African savannah elephants. Their ears measure one and a half meters from base to top. At the same time, they have a unique network of veins, which is similar to human fingerprints. The size of an elephant's ears is an adaptation to climatic conditions. Huge ears elephants fan themselves like fans. Moreover, they have a developed blood supply, so elephants can tolerate heat more easily.

Animal with big ears - elephant

By the way, the savannah elephant is the largest mammal on Earth. They have a length of up to 7.5 meters and a height of up to 3.5 meters. The average weight of giants ranges from 3 to 5 tons.

Well, the leading place among eared animals belongs to the long-eared jerboa. This little beast, no more than 9 centimeters long, has the most long ears relative to body length. The prominent part of the body grows up to 5 centimeters and this is more than half of itself. To make comparison easier: the length of the ears of a savannah elephant is equal to a quarter of the length of the entire body.

The long-eared jerboa lives in the Gobi Desert in Mongolia, as well as in China. And now it is in danger of extinction. Jerboas live in underground tunnels and come to the surface only at night.

The most eared peoples of the world

Some people are not at all happy with the ears Mother Nature gave them. And they strive by all known means to increase them to large sizes. To a civilized person this seems wild, but some tribes have the largest ears in the world and changing natural sizes is the norm for them. These are the most eared tribes in the world.

Maasai village with the biggest ears

The largest ear in the world can be found among the Maasai tribe. Now they live in eastern Africa; the tribe, although small, is very original. The Maasai have accumulated many unique traditions, for example, they stretch their earlobes. Girls in early age, at 7-8 years old, the ears are pierced and the earlobes are gradually stretched. Over time, instead of earrings, they are given massive beads that can stretch their earlobes almost to their shoulders. Moreover, both women and men have such an outlandish decoration. The inhabitants of Kalimantan also have the largest ears in the world. They too use the hearing aid as an experimental tool. However, unlike the previous tribe, they do this for practical rather than aesthetic reasons. When the baby turns one year old, the residents of Kalimantan insert the first bead into the baby's earlobe. A year later another one appears in the ear. And so on all the time. As a result, older women and men walk around with their ears stretched out and covered in dozens of beads.

There are probably other tribes where similar traditions exist and where the largest ears are the standard of beauty. But mostly people try to change their ears based on their own aesthetic ideas.

People with big ears

Ears are not the most beautiful and important part of our body. They don't attract as much attention as the eyes, lips or nose. Not meeting generally accepted standards, the size and shape of the ears can ruin the life of their owner. However, if the ears are extremely large, a person in childhood is nicknamed Ushastik, Cheburashka or Elephant. But there are countries where such ears are considered a piquant detail. It is known that in Japan, girls with large protruding ears always have more fans.

A man named Richard Stone, who lived in the eighteenth century, was nicknamed "Donkey Ears" because of his enormous ears. He had excellent hearing. Richard served in the secret police, where he was considered a valuable employee. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Gustav von Schwarz was born into a noble family, who not only had huge ears, but also a long, impressive nose. He was nicknamed "Bird Man".

The largest artificial ears in the world

Note to all those with protruding ears: against the background of such personalities, a slight prominence of ears seems like a trifle that does not deserve any attention. However, some people who have been blessed with normal ears try to change them with piercings or plastic surgery.

This is a girl artist from St. Petersburg named Christina Ray. And the main art object of her life is her own body.

For the first time she was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the largest lips in the world, which she does not have naturally. Christina has done a lot plastic surgery to achieve the desired result. The extraordinary girl decided not to stop there. She transformed her ears into “elf ears”, again turning to plastic surgeons. Now her ears not only protruding, but also pointed. The girl likes to experiment with her appearance. Half of her head is shaved and she has several tattoos. “Tunnels” were made in her ears, and an incision was made in her tongue; she also sewed small metal horns into the skin on her forehead.

By the way, the owner of the biggest ears is not going to stop there. She plans to make a body that is in harmony with her inner world. And the next step, according to the record holder, is breasts.

People with long ear hair

It is known that hair grows, including in the ears. Anyone who has this extremely lush vegetation is forced to fight with it throughout his life. However, there are those who have made this feature their property.

In the Indian city of Bhopal there lives a man named B. D. Tyagi, who in 2001 wrote to the editors of the book that registers various kinds of records - the Guinness Book of Records. He attached several photographs to the letter, which showed his extremely long hair growing in the ears. A year later, representatives of the Book registered this record. As it turned out, the longest hair reached a length of ten centimeters and two millimeters. Tyagi received an official certificate.

There is another known resident of India whose ear hairs are longer than usual. His last name is Radhakanta Bajapai. The length of his hair is thirteen centimeters two millimeters.

The man with the biggest ears in the world

In one of the Ukrainian villages in the Lviv region there lives a man whose ears are recognized as the largest in the world. We are talking about Sergei Malchenko. In his village of Barilov, only four hundred and twenty-seven people live, and Sergei is a famous person there. However, he is popular not only in his native village; the man arouses the interest of residents of neighboring villages, cities and even regions. The local press does not leave him alone either.

Despite the impressive size of his ears, which are six centimeters wide and fifteen centimeters long, this man’s hearing is poor. Doctors at one of the hospitals installed a hearing aid for Malchenko. This man got such big ears from nature.

Big eyes are also not always considered beautiful. For example, Maria Telnaya, whose eyes are recognized as the largest in the world, is considered by some to be ugly. .
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Ears are not the most important and attractive part of our body. They are significantly inferior to eyes or lips, which attract much more attention, but can still significantly ruin a person’s life if they do not meet the unwritten canons of beauty. In accordance with them, the ears should be small and pressed quite tightly to the head.

Otherwise, you can spend your entire childhood with the nicknames Cheburashka, Lop-Eared, Elephant, Ushastik, and so on. And somewhere, on the contrary, they are a symbol of beauty. For example, in Japan, protruding ears and girls are a piquant detail that can significantly increase the number of her fans.

But the largest human ears were recorded not even in the Land of the Rising Sun. Where? Let's figure it out together.

The most eared tribes

Some people don't like their natural ears and do their best to enlarge them to impressive sizes. It seems wild to us, but in some tribes it is the same norm of behavior as we have makeup for women. Here are the most “eared” tribes:

  • Maasai. In the Eastern part of Africa there is a small (now) but very original tribe. They have many unique traditions, for example, stretching the earlobes. From the age of 7-8, girls have their earlobes pierced, gradually stretching them. Over time, fairly heavy beads are hung on them, which stretch the lobe almost to the shoulders. Moreover, such decoration is made for both men and women.
  • Residents of Kalimantan also use the ears as a field of experiment. But in this case, they do it not for aesthetic, but for purely practical reasons. When the child turns one, the first bead is inserted into his earlobe. A year later - another one. And so - constantly. As a result, older ladies and gentlemen sport elegantly elongated ears with dozens of beads perched on them.

There may be other tribes that have similar traditions and revere long ears as a symbol of beauty. But basically, people do this solely out of their own aesthetic ideas, or they are content with what nature has given them.

Big ears, gifted by nature

We have already talked about the fact that some big-eared children have a hard life. But they never dreamed of what the following characters had to endure:

  1. The biggest ears in the world live nearby: in Ukraine. In the small village of Barilov in the Lviv region lives a pensioner, Sergei Malchenko, who could compete with Cheburashka. It's funny, but such impressive ears perform their functions catastrophically poorly: he recently had a hearing aid installed.
  2. On this moment The Ukrainian has no competitors, but they did before. For example, in the 18th century there lived Richard Strawn, who received the completely justified nickname “Donkey Ears”. But his hearing was in perfect order, which allowed him to become a valuable member of the secret police, listening to other people's secrets.
  3. The unfortunate brother of the first two, Gustav von Schwarz, was born at the very beginning of the 19th century into a nobleman’s family. Not only did he have impressively sized ears, but he also had a long nose, which earned him the nickname “Bird Man.”

Against the background of such personalities, even obvious protruding ears seem like a minor circumstance that does not deserve attention. On the other hand, there are people for whom it seems that their own ears, given by nature, are clearly not enough. In this case, plastic surgeons or piercers come to the rescue.

DIY big ears

Miss “the biggest ear” lives not in distant America or in exotic Africa, but next to us, in St. Petersburg. Christina Ray is an artist, but she chose her own body as the main art object.

Previously, she became famous as the owner of the plumpest lips. To some they seem even too plump, but the girl was satisfied. After that, she shaved half of her head, decorated the exposed skin with tattoos, made a forked tongue, implanted small metal spikes-horns on the forehead into the scalp, and also experimented with her ears: she made impressive tunnels and an “elven” pointed tip.

But Christina is not going to stop there. For her, the main meaning of life is to create a body that perfectly matches her inner world. According to her, the next step is breasts.

Interestingly, physiognomists call large ears a sign of high potential, intellectual, creative and spiritual. Imagine what it’s like for Christina and the other heroes of this article!..

The undisputed record holder in the category “largest ears in the world” is the African elephant, you might say. Yes, of course, it’s a huge animal, just a giant and a snake that’s as much as half a meter long. But, in fact, in relation to its overall size, they are not so large.

Height African elephant about four, and about six meters long, or even more. And if you compare the size of the body with the span of the ears, then they turn out to be no more than a quarter, which is not so much among representatives of the wild.

The first place in ear size can be safely awarded to several animals, inhabitants of deserts and steppes.

fennec- a desert fox that lives in the Sahara Desert. Among predators, its ears are the largest in relation to the size of its head.

long-eared bat - the owner of very large ears in relation to the body. They serve as antennas for her to catch the reflection of signals with the help of which she navigates.

Long-eared jerboa - undoubtedly the champion among the “eared guys”. His ears are half the length of his body. If a person had such ears, they would hang almost to their knees.

Among pets Basset dogs and rabbits have the largest ears. But the winner and record holder in the category “biggest ears” was a bloodhound dog named Tiger.

The largest ears in humans

Representatives of the Masai tribe have the largest ears in the world. They deliberately, from childhood, increase the size of their ears by stretching them out. This is their fashion and a tribute to tradition.

Representatives of the Kalimontana tribe behave in approximately the same way.

At the moment, the owner of the largest ears in the world, according to the press, is Ukrainian Sergei Malchenko. The length of his ears is 15 and the width is 6 centimeters.

If you think about who has the biggest ears, then the following come to mind: elephant, Then hare, and then probably a dog breed basset. But all these opinions are wrong.

The Guinness Book of Records involves a lot of calculations regarding the rest of the body, so the “oblique” ones are left far behind.

The leader in this record was the one that lives in the Gobi Desert in China and Mongolia.

The length of the ears of this small animal is more than half the length of his body. So, if an adult animal reaches about 9-10 cm, then the ears are about 5-6 cm.

In 2004, a record was set for the length of dog ears. And the winner was not a basset hound, but bloodhound named Tiger. His ears measuring 34.9 and 34.2 cm respectively for the right and left turned out to be the greatest achievement among canine “big ears” in the world.

Beauty is a relative thing. For example, in the African Maasai tribes, a woman is considered beautiful if her earlobe is pulled down as far as possible. Such ears can naturally be called large, and they deserve special attention, since such a record is achieved in a very painful and unpleasant way. So, for a 32-year-old woman of this tribe, the earlobe was extended by 98 cm and looked like two thin ropes running along her arms.

According to the latest news from the Telegraph newspaper, a resident of the Ukrainian hinterland, Sergei Malchenko, has the most biggest ears in the world, about 15 cm in length and 6 cm in width, but he hears them very poorly. At the clinic, the man was fitted with a hearing aid. So it turns out that hearing doesn’t really depend on the size of the visible part of the ear.

But it breaks all records. A huge radio telescopic observatory, located in Puerto Rico, measuring 305 m, was created to listen to the cosmos.