Plastic surgery using the example of Angelina Jolie. Angelina Jolie had surgery to remove mammary glands Jolie plastic lips

One could hear more than once from the first beauty of Hollywood, Angelina Jolie, that her exceptional appearance is a gift of nature. And that, although she personally has nothing against plastic surgery, she has not sought the services of doctors of this profile, and does not intend to do so.

But if you look at what Angelina Jolie was like in her youth, then even with the naked eye you can see that the actress is somewhat disingenuous. Yes, the surgeon’s work is truly exquisite, but the difference in the photographs is still noticeable. None of the most famous plastic surgeons in America, who monitor all the metamorphoses of Angelina’s appearance, knows about all the plastic surgeries that the beauty has done. It is known for certain that the actress underwent rhinoplasty, breast reconstruction after a mastectomy, and also regularly resorts to the plasma lifting procedure. Other transactions cannot be confirmed.

Looking at how Angelina Jolie appears in the photo in her youth, when she began her career as a model, we will see a boyish figure, smooth lines of cheekbones, a plump face with a wide nose, a neat chin and sensual lips. Comparing these images with what she looks like now, it's easy to notice the differences.

Sixteen-year-old Angie, who looks at us from numerous photographs of that period, has a much wider nose, and its tip is slightly larger. Soon after the release of the film “Hackers,” everyone saw how the plump snub nose turned into an even Greek profile.

In addition, comparing all the same photographs, you can see how the shape of the face has changed: the cheekbones have become sharper and more pronounced, the cheeks have become fuller, and the chin has become more protruding. Most likely, all this is thanks to implants, although it may only be due to the play of light, makeup or hairstyle.

In 2009, the paparazzi noticed a scar behind Angelina's ear, and rumors immediately spread that this photo showed Angelina Jolie after otoplasty surgery. Although many surgeons say that such a scar is not characteristic of any change auricle, nor for a facelift procedure.

The second wave of rumors arose in 2010, when the same paparazzi took photographs in which one can see the appearance of strange formations on the cheekbones that extend to the neck. According to one version, this is an unsuccessful result of using Botox. Although the quality of the photographs leaves much to be desired and this may be a banal editing.

The calling card of Angie's appearance is her plump, sensual lips. They have been like this since childhood, so all the talk that this is a consequence of injections is just speculation. Angelina Jolie did not undergo lip surgery. It is possible, of course, that the surgeons worked on the contour, because in his youth it was not clear enough, but one cannot be one hundred percent sure of this.

In 2007, Angelina lost quite a lot of weight, but the fact that her breasts not only did not become smaller, but, on the contrary, even increased, sparked talk that the actress went under the surgeon’s knife and had implants inserted. By this time, she was no longer breastfeeding her daughter Shiloh, so there is no need to say that curvaceous figures are the result of the natural process of lactation.

In the spring of 2013, the world was shocked by the news that doctors performed surgery on Angelina Jolie to remove the mammary glands. This is due to a high risk of developing breast cancer, to which the actress is genetically predisposed. Now, after an operation in 2013, Angelina Jolie can boast of new breasts and the fact that the risk of tumor formation is minimal

0 October 25, 2019, 12:01

My mother battled cancer for almost ten years. As I stood in the hospital hallway waiting for my mother's body to be prepared for cremation, her doctor told me that she had promised my mother that I would be told that I was prone to cancer. Years later I had to take a genetic test which showed that I had a gene called BRCA1.

The actress wrote that the risk of developing breast cancer in women is usually 13 percent. Her rate was much higher: the risk of developing breast cancer was 87 percent, and ovarian cancer - 50 percent. Due to the high risk, specialists recommended that she undergo preventive surgery. Jolie had a double mastectomy and later had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed.

In the years since Angelina's surgery, advances have been made in genetic diagnosis. Genetic testing has become more accessible and less expensive. Treatments such as check-point inhibitors have emerged to help block the “cloak of invisibility” that cancer cells put on to survive. PARP inhibitors, when used in combination with immunotherapy, may improve the chances of survival of patients with breast and ovarian cancer.

- writes the star.

The celebrity believes that while stories like these should give us hope, there is still a long way to go. The thing is that there is currently no reliable screening test for ovarian or prostate cancer and no effective treatment The most aggressive forms of breast cancer are known as "triple negative cancer".

I just feel like I did right choice, to improve my chances of seeing my children grow up and seeing my grandchildren. I hope to spend as much time with them as possible. I have been living without my mother for more than ten years. She saw only a few of her grandchildren and was too ill to play with them. My grandmother died at 40 years old. I hope that my choice will allow me to live a little longer,

— Jolie wrote.

The star said people also ask her how she feels about her surgery scars.

I think our scars remind us of what we have overcome. They are part of what makes each of us unique. Variety is one of the most beautiful things in human existence,

- she says.

According to her, the deepest scars are often invisible - they are in the soul. All the patients she met at the Curie Institute said that the care and support of loved ones was the most important motivation for fighting the disease.

When we talk about women's equality, we often talk about the denial of rights that should be given to us. However, I view this problem in terms of behavior that needs to stop. Stop turning a blind eye to the abuse of women. Stop stopping girls from getting an education or medical care. Stop forcing them to marry the person you chose for them, especially when they are still children. Help young girls realize their uniqueness. Help protect the women you know

- summed up the actress.


0 May 14, 2013, 09:59

Angelina Jolie

The Hollywood actress came out with sensational news: it turns out that the star mother of six children recently underwent surgery to remove both mammary glands.

The reason for this step was the too high risk of breast cancer (for Angie it was 87 percent) and ovarian cancer (50 percent) - this was shown by genetic analysis, and a mother with many children cannot risk her health. The actress herself spoke about this in a column in The New York Times.

I decided to accept preventive measures and minimize the risk that threatened me. I specifically decided to have a double mastectomy. And I started with the breast, because my risk of getting breast cancer is higher than getting ovarian cancer, and surgery in this case is more difficult. Such a decisive step was influenced by the relatively early death mother of the actress - she died of cancer at the age of 56.

I wanted to write about this to tell other women that the decision to have a mastectomy was not easy for me. But I am very happy that I had the operation. Now my chances of getting breast cancer have dropped from 87 percent to five. Now I can reassure my children that they should not be afraid that I will die from breast cancer.

Especially during this difficult time, Angie was supported by her lover, to whom the actress is immensely grateful:

I am lucky to have a partner like Brad Pitt next to me, who loves and supports me very much. So if your wife or girlfriend is going through this right now, know that you are a very important part of this moment. Brad was with me at the Pink Lotus Breast Center where the surgeons examined me. And we even found reasons to laugh together. We knew what it was the right decision for our family and that this will bring us even closer. And so it happened.

The star’s operation was performed at the end of April, and surgeons reconstructed the natural shape of the breasts using implants.

Few people could believe that the American actress and legendary Hollywood star, owner of luxurious forms and one of the famous sex symbols of our time, Angelina Jolie, would one day decide to take radical measures to eliminate the risk of cancer.

After undergoing surgery to remove the mammary glands, she became a role model for many. The actress openly encouraged women to undergo diagnostics and find out the possible risks of breast cancer in order to protect their lives in the future.

However, her action became another subject for heated discussions in the press. Not everyone supported Angelina Jolie: even among her colleagues there were those who commented rather coldly on this significant episode of her biography. But this did not stop her from continuing to advance in her career. An actress, director, producer, fashion model, UN Goodwill Ambassador, mother of many children and the ideal of beauty for many women, she does not stop being creative and charitable, devoting a lot of time to her family even after a scandalous divorce from Brad Pitt and a long period of depression.

Where did it all start?

Photos of the actress in her youth prove that in her teens and early 20s, Angelina Jolie had small, but already quite beautifully formed breasts. When asked if she had plastic surgery on her breasts in her youth, Angelina always answered in the negative.

"I don't mind plastic surgery, - she said, - because some women may really need them. But all my external data is created by nature. I did not resort to the services of surgeons.”

Later in 2001, the actress was invited to star in the film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, which made her famous throughout the world. The heroine of Angelina Jolie then embodied the ideals of beauty: a sporty, pumped up and toned figure, luxurious feminine forms became a subject of admiration for many.

The actress again claimed that there was no plastic surgery for breast enlargement. To maintain good physical shape, she constantly trained and spent a lot of time on yoga.

Plastic surgeons continued to argue in subsequent years, as some of them still suspected the fact of surgical intervention. The press also wrote that in the 2000s, Angelina Jolie installed breast implants to increase the size of her mammary glands by 1.5-2 sizes. Others believe that her breasts have noticeably increased in size due to pregnancy. But so far there has been no evidence for these assumptions.

When was your breast surgery performed?

The first breast surgery that Angelina Jolie spoke openly about was done in 2013, when it turned out that she had a BRCA1 gene mutation, which indicates a high risk of developing breast cancer (87%).

The actress had already experienced the death of her mother, who died of ovarian cancer, so she could not allow her children to also lose their mother. To prevent the possible risk of developing the disease in advance, Angelina Jolie underwent a bilateral mastectomy.

“I sincerely believe that my experience will help many women,” Angelina Jolie spoke, not embarrassed by the fact of her recent surgery. – Oncological diseases still cause fear in people. We feel helpless and weak when we find out we are sick. I decided that I had to speak openly about my choice. Modern problem is that most women with cancer are unaware of it. If they also undergo gene testing and learn that there is a high likelihood of risk, then they also have a choice.”

The bilateral mastectomy was successful, the actress quickly recovered and, without embarrassment, began to often appear in public in tight-fitting clothes. Many also noticed that Angelina lost a lot of weight after the operation, but this was probably due to stress.

After some time, she underwent a complete reconstruction of the mammary glands with the installation of implants, which made it possible to increase the size. By assumption, this operation was performed at the same time as the mastectomy. Another version: breast reconstruction was carried out a little later.

What was the result?

After breast reconstruction, rumors of complications were common. Someone in the press said that Angelina Jolie was fitted with overly large endoprostheses, which subsequently caused her to experience severe pain.

Were the implants reinstalled at a later date? No one can answer this question with certainty. But in some photographs taken after operations, the breast size is very different.

After having her ovaries removed (a subsequent operation that Angelina Jolie also underwent to avoid possible cancer), the actress became so thin that it affected the shape of her breasts. Some journalists note that thinness does not suit the actress at all, and the installed implants create unnatural body proportions for such a figure.

Probably, the actress herself also understands the essence of the problem, because Lately V Everyday life Quite often she wears loose clothes that hide her breasts.

What does Angelina Jolie look like today?

Having crossed the 40th birthday mark and parted ways with Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie switched to new stage own life. After breast surgery and removal of her ovaries, she changed a lot. The actress is advised to take her health seriously and regain weight. Perhaps this will help her look better and give her strength for new exploits.