Sea battles. Black and Azov Sea

Well, as always, I again remembered my abandoned LJ six months later. To become more disciplined is my most important task now, and it consists of such small things as the maintenance of LJ. But, on the other hand, it happened for these six months ... No, that! However, I will try to tell you as quickly as possible in the next post. In the meantime, he remembered a long-term sedired photos of marine fighting World War II.

Artillery battles of ships in it were no less than in the first, and the photographic technique by that time significantly stepped forward. But ... photographs of battles are still small. Why? The point here is probably that the fights themselves have become more configured and unpredictable, and it was especially necessary to prepare for the shooting. In rare cases, when it was specially prepared, the result was long and well known. The most famous of them is the Reynubung operation, Raid "Bismarck". Yes, and then the snapshots have been preserved because the material was prudently crossed on the "Prince of Oygen", before the German ships were divided into the ocean, to no longer meet ... the transformation of war. And the opposite case is the death of the archive of the Japanese Navy in Nagasaka - no one knows how many priceless materials burned down on the fire of the nuclear explosion! In general, according to the campaign on the Pacific Ocean, as you know, most photos or are made from the air, or reflect the fights of ships with an air opponent. And one moment. Many photos are ... parts of the film. Most often also survived.

Let's start, as they say, from the beginning ... with Vesterplatte. The first volley wars were the volitions of the old armadire "Schleswig-Holstein" on the coastal Polish fortifications. Here the Germans were well prepared, even the film was preserved.The view is almost peaceful, it is not clear that this is shooting? However, it was.

Is this photo - real color or painted?

But from the side of the lincard itself:

So, the war began. One of the first large fleet operations in it was the Norwegian operation, and one of its most dramatic episodes was the feat of the English destroyer "Gloorm", alone captured by the heavy cruiser "Admiral Hipper" on April 8, 1940. The photo captured the last moments of the battle when the destroyer, hiding behind the smoke curtain, goes to the ram,

And already sinking:

Through the eyepiece of the Hipper rangefinder:

Meanwhile, other battles unfolded in Norway. From their photographs while I know the second fight pictures for Narvik on April 13, made by the English side:

Waraspit leads fire in Ufut Fjord:

Boyesmins, shot from English. Aircraft (something vague, hard to say specifically)

And these photos from the film - the sinking of the English aircraft carrier "Glories" by the German linkers "Sharnhorst" and Gneisenau in the Norwegian Sea on June 8, 1940. Of course, the German newsreel modestly silent about the subsequent attack of the battlefields by the Esming Esming "Ardent" and "Akast", which ended unpleasant for the Germans to the Akast Torpedes in the feed part "Sharnhorst".

Fire "Sharnhorst"

And Gneisenau:

The destroyers cover the "Glories" smoke:

But it does not help

"Ardent" sweeping ...

And behind him - and the Glories himself:

And now - the attack "Akasta" is its triumph and death:

Now we are transferred to Africa - to Algeria. Mers-El Kubir is the name immediately speaks a lot for military historians, lovers of military history ... Most of the pictures of this battle are also a newsreel personnel.

Mers-El Kubir under the fire of the English Squadron:

Distribution of the projectile at LK "Brittany"

The salts are cunly at the feed "Provence" and "Strasbourg", which has already gave move:

"Strasbourg" comes out of the harbor:

Another photo of the exit "Strasbourg" under the fire:

Coming out of the harbor, the battleship has developed and opened fire:

And after him, destroyers and leaders go to a breakthrough

This photo is sometimes attributed as "the English Linkors" Hood "and" Valiant "under the opposite fire of French ships in Mers-El Kubire." In my opinion, more like the fall of the bomb. If someone knows, please tell me what exactly displays this photo:

And after 6 days after Mers-El Keebri, the first combat clash of the English and Italian linear forces was held - the fight at Cape Punta-styled. By itself, the uniform, he, however, was captured by the Italian side to film, which gives us a great chance to see the battle of the linear forces, which is called, from the inside, the eyes of his participant. Kinockadras diverged the photographs that even in Soviet books on the history of the Second World War.

Perhaps the most famous of them - "Conte di Cavour" leads fire. Shot from the side "Julio Cesare":


And now - on the contrary, "Cesare" with "Kavur":

And - on the part, with the destroyers, wealthfully held aside from the "Giant Battle":

The failure of this resistance led to the lord of the Italians of domination at its own sea theater and the walle of the fleet of the martial spirit. Therefore, so large-scale shooting of marine operations they no longer produced. But still removed. For example, a battle at Cape Teulada November 27, 1940

Italian heavy cruisers under fire:

The heavy cruiser "Fiume" leads fire on English cruisers:

Manchester and Sheffield are fire:

"Vittorio Veneto" and "Julio Cesare" in battle in sparetherto:

It was one of the battles with varying success, limiting the initiative of the English fleet in operations in the conservoi wiring.

It was 1941, and the most famous of the battles, including the plan of interest to us, was the Rainbüng operation - the first and only raid of the German Lincard "Bismarck". Preparation for the raid was in German solid, and correspondents and film operators were sent to the battle. The film was filmed, including in battle in the Danish Strait, but ... part of the materials were sent to the "Prince of Ohgen", and he was safely "brought" them to Brest, thanks to which we can see them now. The kinomaterials were left at the Bismarck, and when it became clear that the battleship with the rules were disabled soon will be overtaken by the main forces of the English fleet, they tried to send them to France on the side of the hydrosapol. But the catapult was damaged in battle, which was not immediately noticed, and "Arado" fell into the sea.These photos, in principle, are already widely converted. But something new is constantly appearing.

Shells "Prince Welsh" began to cover "Prince Oumen":

And then "Prince Ohiz" lost the place "Bismarck" ahead:
English ships under the fire (left "Prince Wales, right -" Hood "under the cover):
Key point of combat - the death of "Hud":

Increased photo of ship agony with details:

The damaged "Bismarck" (a differential to the nose is noticeable) continues to fire to "Prince Welly", forcing him to get out of the battle:

And on May 27 at 08:00 on damaged and almost immovable Bismarck, the English linear ships and cruisers opened fire. Photos of this battle, who actually became the shooting of the German lincard, were made by the English side, and at a significant distance, and not from the ships of the participants of the battle, as was the Germans and Italians. But for sure and photographs of fighting from English ships are, it is unlikely that this is due to the characteristics of the character or something like that. As such shots are found, we will try to publish them.

Breaks from the Rodney shells and King George V lay next to the Bismarck:

End of battle. "Rodney" leads on the "Bismarck" fire from the distance of the direct shot:

Burning and sinking "Bismarck":

I did not find photographs of the later major battles on the European-Atlantic TVD. Little shots of artillery battles and the Pacific TVD. These pictures are represented by the American side - for obvious reasons. Accordingly, photographs of the battle at the first stage of the war, when the Japanese owned the initiative, no or almost no. What the Japanese did not take, doubtfully (remembering the pictures of times russian-Japanese war!) Well, and myself and sea battles The second stage of war

(For about November 1944) - were venerable and often unexpected for both sides, sometimes took place at night.

So there was a fight at the Island of Savo, one of the eastern Solomon Islands. In August 1942, the Americans and their allies began landing on the islands, and the Japanese took counter measures. The Japanese connection on the night from August 8 to August 9 entered the shed between the islands and attacked the compound of the assault cover, as a result of Speaking 4 heavy cruisers and damaged another and two destroyers. The picture (very famous) is a burning and diving American heavy cruiser Kinsey, struck by torpedoes and artillery of Japanese cruisers:

And on this, no less well-known, with the cruiser "Tёkai" - the Cruiser of the Allies "Australia", "Canberra", "Chicago", lit by the searchlights of the Japanese and lighting bombs, from the hydraulic agents. By the way, here's the photo "Tyukai", the leading fire is not in that battle, of course, and in 1933, just a picture to the place came:

From 12 to 15 November 1942, the Islands of Guadalkanal held two decisive marine (exactly classic) battles in this campaign, after which the advantage was finally bowed towards the side of the Americans and their allies. Both fights took place at night (such was the tactics of the Japanese, striving to avoid daylight due to the superiority of the Allied Aviation). Snapshots of combat is almost unknown, except for one - the shooting of the Washington LC on "Kirishima" in the second battle on the night of November 14-15, as a result of which the Japanese battleship was dismissed, and, in the future, will leave the crew and sank.

Well, finally, the last major (you can even say, the biggest) sea battle today was and remains the battle in the Gulf of Leyte. She herself consisted of several marine boards, including artillery. American photos, though, on Japanese ships there were also those who photographed. And although the shooting by the Japanese of their ships in front of the battle is, the pictures themselves are the fight by the Japanese until I have seen. It is unlikely, given the position of the Japanese in this battle, they were for shooting.

On the night of October 25, a fight in the Surigao Strait took place, as a result of which the "connection with" Admiral Nisimura was completely destroyed. The battle took place at night and was quite a steps. In photos, little can be distinguished, except this:

True, this silhouette is more likely not to participate in this battle battle battles of type "Isa", and it is still difficult to say this snapshot. Taken from the book Antoni Tulli.

And this is a confirmed snapshot. Linkor "West Virginia" leads fire on the Japanese compound:

Fire of American cruisers of the operational group 77.2:

On the morning of October 25, the main forces of the Japanese Fleet entered the battle, headed by his flagship - the world's largest Linor of Yamato. But the purpose of it was just - by the escort aircraft carriers "White Plains" and "Saint Lowe". American pilots, attacking "Yamato", took a picture of the leading fire of the Japanese flagship:

Esming covers counterattacked enemy, lost heavy losses (in the picture - "Johnston", "Hoel", "Heerman" under the fire:

Meanwhile, the Japanese cruiser, bypassing American aircraft carriers from the north, discovered fire, sterling "Gambier Bay" and damaged the rest. The Japanese cruiser (marked with a circle) shoots "Gambier Bay":

One more photo:

Left - "Gambier Bay", right - "Kitkin Bay" under the fire of Japanese cruisers:

"Gambier Bay" - very close:

The unfortunate "Gambier Bay" was sweeping, but the resistance of the destroyers and pilots of aircraft from aircraft carriers led to the departure of the main Japanese forces. Of course, the reasons for the waste were not only in this, but still this battle showed that the battle of aircraft carriers and artillery ships without aircraft is now unpromising for the latter.

The battle finale in the Gulf of Leit was the fight at Cape Enthano, in which the latest Japanese aircraft carriers were destroyed. Since the Americans had complete superiority in the power, especially in the air, the fight turned, in fact, in the hunt for Japanese ships of the connection (not very successful, by the way). In the picture: Fire Creiser "Mobile" on the Esming "Hatsulzuki":

But the Lincarp "Isa" (in the picture, leads fire) managed to return to the base almost unharmed:

On this era of large marine artillery battles ended. Until the end of the war, and after, such battles still occurred. And, perhaps, in the future, everything can be - after all, artillery is an unmarried sign of today's ship - boats, Corvette, Frigate, destroying, cruiser ... and caliber is growing. The most promising ship that is in the construction is the American destroyer "Zumvolt" - equipped with 155-mm artist with manageable shells. So marine artillery battles can still take place in the future. Although it would never be better than them. Neither artillery or rocket. No.

Held on July 27 (August 7) \u200b\u200bof 1714, the gangut battle was the first victory created Peter I. Regular Russian fleet.

Baltic recessed by Schkers required the presence along with sailing squadrons of powerful rowing forces. To the campaign of 1714, the Russians managed to create a strongest gallery fleet from the 99 half-mellor and a scopeway, before which the king set the task to break into the Aland Islands to promote the onset of the seaside flank of the land forces.

Countering these plans, the Swedish fleet blocked the exit of the Russian from the Finnish Bay at the Gangeut Peninsula. The adversary rowing vessels defended the coastal fairway, and the past Morushey sailing fleet was covered with a flank.

To avoid attacks of the strong Swedish forces "in the forehead", Peter I decided to build in the narrower of the peninsula Gangeut "Perevolat" (wooden flooring), designed to translate the gallery dry by the opponent in the rear. This mannewer forced the Swedes to divide his strength, and the coming calm was deprived of the maneuverability of their sailing ships.

Taking advantage of the situation, the Russian avant-garde bypassed the Swedes, remaining unattainable for their fire, and attacked the squad under the command of the counter-admiral Niels Ehrenshölda, taking the enemy's ships to the board.

The victory at the Gangeut Peninsula provided the Russian fleet by the freedom of action in Finnish and the Hardware, which made it possible to effectively support those operating in Finland ground troops. Since then, the Swedes stopped feeling themselves the owners of the Baltic Sea. Success ensured the ability to create superiority in the main direction. Against the Swedish flagship - the Prama "Elefant" - concentrated 11 gallery.

Taking on the Aabordage of Prama "Elefant"

In September 1714, the winners solemnly passed in St. Petersburg under the triumphal arch, which was depicted sitting on the back of an elephant eagle. Alleguria was illuminated by the inscription: "Orel Muh does not catch." Currently, the anniversary of the battle at the Gangeut Peninsula (August 9) is celebrated in Russia as the Day of Military Glory.

Chesme battle on the night from 25 to 26 June 1770

After the beginning of the next Russian-Turkish war in 1768, in order to distract the enemy's attention from the Black Sea Theater, Russia sent his ships to the Mediterranean Sea. It was the first group transition of ships from one sea to another. June 23 (July 4) of 1770, two Russian squadron (nine linear ships, three frigates, a bombard of the ship and 17-19 subsidiary ships) under the general command Alexey Orlova The Turkish fleet was discovered (16 linear ships, six frigates, six Shebeks, 13 gallery and 32 small vessels) on the raid of the Chesmen Bay.

The next day, an artillery duel began between opponents, during which the Linear Ship "Saint Eustaphy" tried to take the Turkish ship "Real Mustafa". However, the burning mast of the Turkish ship fell on it. The fire got to the Cup cameras, and "Eustafius" exploded, and after 10 minutes he took off to the air and Real Mustafa. After that, Turkish forces retreated deep into the Chesmen Bay under the cover of the coastal batteries.

The Russian command decided on the night of June 26 to destroy the Turkish fleet with the help of branders, which hurried four vessels. Linear ships began to fire the enemy ships bored in the bay, and frigates - suppress the coastal batteries. Soon after the incendiary projectile hit, one of the Turkish ships caught fire. The enemy fire weakened, which made it possible to take the attack by the flags. One of them managed to set fire to the Turkish 84-cannon ship, which soon exploded. Last minute debris scattered around the bay, causing fires on other ships. By morning, the Turkish squadron ceased its existence.

Victory managed to achieve due to the skillful concentration of forces in the main direction, a bold decision to attack the Turkish fleet under the protection of the coastal batteries and the use of his crowded location in the bay.

Fedor Ushakov

April 19, 1783 Empress Catherine II. Signed manifesto on the accession of the Crimea to Russian Empire. In 1878, Turkey presented an ultimatum with the requirement of the restoration of the Vassalitet of Crimean Khanate and Georgia and, having received a refusal, again declared war to Russia.

Russian troops were besieged to the Turkish fortress of Ochakov, and the squadron came out of Sevastopol under the command of the counter-admiral Marco Wortenovich topretend to assist the Turkish fleet besieged. 3 (14) July, opponents discovered each other in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Island of Fidonisi. Turkish squadron more than doubled Sevastopol, and Marco Wornovich had no desire to fight, while confident in his victory Gassan-Pasha, adhering to the classic linear tactics, began to approach the distance of the artillery volley. However, the brigadier commanded by the Russian avant-garde Fedor Ushakov He ordered his terminal frigates to add sails and take the enemy in two fire. Manovour Frigates put the Turks in an extremely difficult position. They also added sails, but it led to the fact that their stroke was strongly stretched, and the ships have lost the opportunity to support each other with fire.

At the very beginning of the battle, Fyodor Ushakov cut off two Turkish vessels, focusing against them the fire of the Linear Ship "Saint Paul" and two frigates. The battle turned over the entire line. Without sustaining the fire of Russians, the Turkish ships seded in front of one after another began to leave the battle. Soon the flagship ship of Hassan-Pasha also got under the focused fire. This decided the outcome of the battle. Following the flagship, Turkish ships began to leave the system and, using the advantage of speed, depart towards Rougeleian shores.

In the battle at Fidonisi for the first time, the fleet of Fedor Ushakov was revealed, which perfectly implemented the principles of focusing fire and mutual support. Soon Grigory Potemkin Marko Wortenovich removed Marco, and the Sevastopol squadron was transferred to Fedor Ushakov received a Chin-Admiral.

Monument to Ushakov at Cape Kaliacria

The Turks prepared very thoroughly prepared for the campaign of 1791. The fleet under the command of Kapan-Pasha Hussein consisted of 18 linear ships, 17 frigates and many small ships. Assistant Caputan Pasha appointed distinguished courage and enterprise Algerian Pasha Saita Ali. Turks were quite reasonably believed that with such a numerical advantage and headed with such famous admirals, they will be able to defeat Russians. Sait-Ali even promised to deliver to Istanbul a chain in Istanbul Ushak Pasha. (Fedor Ushakov) and carry it around the city in a cage.

On July 31 (August 11), 1791, the Turkish fleet was anchored at Cape Kaliakria. In honor of the holiday, Ramazan part of the teams were released ashore. Suddenly, the Squador of Fedor Ushakov appeared on the horizon as part of six linear ships, 12 frigates, two bombarded ships and 17 small ships. The famous Flotodets took a bold decision to attack the enemy by the shore. The appearance of the Russian fleet found the Turks by surprise. Hasively having wrapped the anchor ropes, they became a mess in the mess. Sait-Ali with two ships attempted to take in the two fire Avangard Fyodor Ushakov, but he solved the maneuver, on the flagship ship "Christmas of Christ" overtook his squadron's head and attacked Saita Ali's ship, tolding the battle on the closest distance. Then Ushakov skillfully visited the stern and gave a longitudinal volley on the Turkish ship, knocking down a bizan mast.

For an hour, the opponent's resistance was broken, and the Turks turned to flight. Most of the crushed Turkish fleet crumbled through the Anatolian and Rougelian coasts, only Algerian squadron reached Constantinople, while the flagship ship of Saita Ali began to sink. The Russian fleet dominated the Black Sea. Residents of the Turkish capital swept fear. Everyone was waiting for the appearance of Ushak Pasha at the walls of Constantinople. In this situation, Sultan was forced to conclude peace with Russia.

Strengthening Corfu Island

In 1796-1797, the French army under the command of the young and talented commanders Napoleon Bonaparte Ionian islands belonged to the Northern Italy and belonging to the Venice Republic. Emperor Paul I. Joined the anti-Manzu coalition. In St. Petersburg there was a plan to send a squadron to the Mediterranean Sea under the command of Fedor Ushakov. This time, the glorious fleece had to act in the Union with his former opponents - the Turks. Napoleon's landing in Egypt made Sultan to ask for help from Russia and open straits for Russian ships.

One of the tasks set in front of the united Russian-Turkish squadron was the liberation of the Ionic Islands. Soon, the French garrisons knocked out from Cemerig, Zante, Kefalonia and Santa Maur, although the enemy continued to hold the most strongly fortified island - Corfu. The French command was confident that Russian sailors would not only be able to take the fortress by storm, but also will be unable to lead a long siege.

At first, Fedor Ushakov decided to take the storm covering Corfu from the seabed Rocky Island Vido. February 18 (March 1) of 1799, Russian ships began a massive shelling, under the cover of which landed land. The landing with the help of skillful flanks was able to capture the coastal batteries from the go, and by 14 o'clock, the landing forces had already fully controlled the specion.

Now the path to Corfu was opened. Russian batteries installed on the captured island opened fire on Corfu himself, and the landing began to storm the advanced fortifications of the island. This demoralized the French command, and the next day they sent the Parliamentary Parliamentary to the ship to discuss the capitulation conditions. Captivity surrendered 2931 people, including four generals. The trophies of the Russians were Linear ship "Leandr", Frigat "Brinus", a bombarder, two galleys, four half-money and several other ships, 114 Mortira, 21 Gaubitsa, 500 guns and 5,500 rifles. The victory was able to win right choice Fedor Ushakov's directions of the main strike, creating on this section of superiority in the forces over the enemy, as well as bold and decisive actions of the landing.

Having learned about the next brilliant victory of Fedor Ushakov, great Alexander Suvorov I wrote: "Why was I not at Corfu, at least Micheman!".

On the liberated ionic islands, the Greek Republic of Seven Islands was created on the liberated system of Russia, which for several years served as a supporting base for the Russian fleet on the Mediterranean.

Andrei Chaplygin

Author Harlamov Vitaly Borisovich G. Volgograd. Thus, but the letters are not just a lot, but a lot.
When on May 31, 1916, the captain of the English light cruiser (*) "Galatia" ordered to open fire on the German squadronous destroyers (2 *), he did not guessed that it was these volleys that would become the first in the largest sea battle in the history of mankind. On this day, in the North Sea, two most powerful fleet of their time British Grand Fleet and the German Open Sea fleet were met. Met to put a point in the dispute: whose fleet is dominated by the sea. A resulting for:

By the spring of 1916, the land front was finally stabilized. By turning the land battles in "Giant meat grinders", which did not justify the hopes assigned to them. And the underwater war unleashed by Germany could not bring her fast victory. The war turned into a war of resources more and more. In war on exhaustion. Which could not bring the victory of Germany with its disabilities. And then the German command decided to use the last remaining "visor" in Germany. Its second in the world is a linear fleet. With the help of which, the German General Staff hoped to defeat the long-awaited victory to the sea. And thereby bringing out of the war England. The most powerful countries of the coalition opposed Germany.

Open sea fleet in campaign.

For which it was necessary to put out from the bases of the English fleet and the blow of the main forces to try to destroy it. For this, the German cruisers were directed, in a raid, to the shores of England. In the hope that after that, part of the Grand Fleet forces is relocated from Skapa-Flow to the south. They succeeded. Under the influence of public opinion, the Grand Fleet was divided into 4 squadron. Based on various bases along the east coast of England. But the activation of the actions of the main forces of the German fleet alarmed the British. After a raider of German linear cruisers on Louston, they expected re-sharing. Measuring, using a scenario similar to German, lure part of the German fleet under the guide of heavy guns Grand Flit. And thereby finally approve their domination at sea. Thus, two huge fleets came to the sea. And their admirals did not even guess, with which forces they will have to meet. And as a result, the collision of fleets turned out to be purely random. Not stipulated by any plane of the opposing parties.

Grand flit in the sea.

Prelude to battle.

The German fleet left the main database of the fleet at 1 o'clock in the morning on May 31. And took the course to the north, to the strait of Skagerrak. In the avant-garde of the fleet, 5 linear cruisers (3 *) Vice Admiral Hipper held by 5 light cruisers and 33 destroyers were walking. With the task of bringing part of the forces Grand Flit on the entire fleet of the open sea. Light cruisers and destroyers walked in a semicircle ahead of linear cruisers at a distance of 7-10 miles. Behind the ships squadron Admiral Hipper, after 50 miles, the main forces of the German fleet were walking.

Open sea fleet from zeppelin.

But even earlier, 16 submarines were sent to the sea. Which should have occupied positions near the English bases. And be on them from May 24, on June 1. What predetermined the exit of the Germans, in the sea, May 31. Despite the weather. Moreover, most submarines, 7 units, were deployed against the Firth of Fort, where the fleet of linear cruisers was based. One was at the exit from the Gulf of Cromari, where there were 2 squaders of the battleship. Two submarines deployed against Skapa Flows, where the main forces of the English fleet were located. The rest of the submarines were deployed along the east coast of England. The main task of these submarines was intelligence. However they had to put mine fields, on the intended routes of the movement of English ships. And in the subsequent and attack the ships that came out of the bases. Direct intelligence on the battlefield should have been carried out. But at noon on May 31, 5 German airships, because of the unsuccessful destined routes, did not find anything. They were not even over the place of battle.

The torpedo compartment of the German submarine.

Grand Fleet came out in the sea before the German fleet. As soon as the agent intelligence and radio equipment reported preparations for the exit to the sea of \u200b\u200blarge ships of the open sea fleet. Probably avoiding a curtain from German submarines. Although, with some ships, and entered erroneous signals about the detection of German submarines.

4th Escades of Dreadnought Grand Flit ("Iron Duke", "Royal Oak", "Sewerb", "Canada") in the North Sea

However, to assemble into a single fist, which came out of different bases, the ships needed time. So 2 squadrocks (4 *) was able to join the main forces of the British fleet only at 11 o'clock. And the escade of Admiral Beatty was still south of the ships of Admiral Jellyko. Only about 14 hours Admiral Beatti ordered to turn to the north. Meaning to connect with your fleet. The trap put by Admiral Jellyko, for the German fleet, was ready shut. How suddenly an emergency happened.

2 squadrocks of the Germal Fleet of the Open Sea.

Random meeting.

Shortly before the turn of the ships Admiral Beatti north, from the German light cruiser "Ellbing" was noticed by smoke. And 2 of the destroying cruiser of the destroyer were directed to inspect the seen vessel. They turned out to be a neutral Danish steamer "En. Ji. Fjord". But fate was pleased to simultaneously with the Germans, the Danish steamer was discovered english easy cruiser "Galatia". Admiral Beatti squador. And as a result, at 14 o'clock 28 minutes, "Galatia" together with the approached, to her, the light cruiser "Phaeton" opened the fire in German destroyers. Who hurried to be returned from the battlefield. However, soon the Elimbing joined the Eliminians and the fight broke out with a new force. At 14 o'clock 45 minutes from the Angadine air transport raised the hydrosapol. Which at 15 hours of 08 minutes discovered 5 linear enemy cruisers. The pilot tried three times to communicate with his command and report information. Which never reached Admiral Beatti.

English Linear Cruiser "Lyon".

At this time, both squadron fell on a new course. And at full speed, cutting the waves by the terrests, rushed to meet each other. Thus, by chance, the British linear cruisers met the enemy in the detachment from their main forces. They remained only to act on the previously scheduled plan. And try to bring the enemy's ships to the main forces of their fleet.

Deploying the squadron of Admiral Beatti before the battle.

At 15 hours and 30 minutes, both squadron entered visual contact. And seeing the advantage of the British in the power, Admiral Hipper turned his ships to the connection with the main forces of the Open Sea fleet. However, the Linear Cruiser Admiral Bitte Taking advantage of the advantage in the speed of the course began to gradually catch the German ships. But the British, who had more long-range artillery, did not open fire. Due to the error in determining the distance to the target. The Germans were silent, waiting when the British are suitable closer to lead more effective fire from their less large guns. In addition, the 5th British squadron of the linkers was still out of sight of German ships. And without having received the order of Admiral Beatti to change the course for some time continued to go east. Removing from the place of battle.

The development of battle from 15-40, up to 17-00.

Free cheese without mousetrap.

Only at 15 o'clock 50 minutes, being at a distance of 80 cables (5 *), the linear cruisers of both squaders opened fire. By order of the admirals, the ships of both sides were the fire on the opponent's vehicle appropriate to him. But the British had an error and the German linear cruiser "Derflinger" at the beginning of the battle at all was not fired at all. The distance between the squadron continued to be shrinkled and 65 cable reached for 15 o'clock 54 minutes. The battle joined the anti-mining artillery. Ships went surrounded by water poles from continuously falling shells. By that time, the squadron rebuilt and rushed south.


At about 16 o'clock, the flagship cruiser Admiral Beatty "Lyon" received a projectile hit, we barely become fatal for him. The projectile hit the third tower, struck the armor and drove under the left gun. All servants died. And only the courage of the deadly wounded tower commander of Major Harveya saved the ship from death. However, the cruiser was forced to fail. What allowed his opponent to German linear cruiser "Derflenger" to postpone the fire on the linear cruiser "Queen Mary". For which the fire and Zeidlitz led.

Linear cruiser "Queen Mary".

At 16 o'clock 02 minutes, the Linear Cruiser "IndefatyBeble" was walking in the column of the British, with a shelter, with a shelling linear cruiser "background der Tann". And disappeared into smoke and flame. Most likely, the shell struck deck and got into the artillery cellar of the fodder. "Indefatybirl" plunging the feed, rolled out of the order. But the next volley also covered the dying ship. Scary explosion shocked air. The cruiser lay on the left side, turned over and disappeared. Agony "Indefatifyabla" lasted only about 2 minutes. From a huge crew managed to escape only four.

Linear cruiser "Invinsbel".

But the battle was lying. Seeing the difficult position of his linear forces, Admiral Beatti at 16 pm 10 minutes threw on the attack on the Germans, 13 Flotilla Esminsev. To meet them, crossing the course of linear cruisers, 11 German squadrous destroyers led by the Light Cruiser "Regensburg" were prompted. And entered into battle, covering their ships. When the compounds of the destroyers were separated, then 2 destroyers were missing. Germans "V-27" and "V-29", and the British "Nomat" and "Nestor". And if the "Germans" died directly during the battle. Moreover, "V-27" was surfed with a torpedo with the destroyer "Petard", and "V- 29" died from artillery fire. That "the British" lost move, but remain afloat. And they were drained by the Linkuras of the Germans. Hurry up before death, release torpedoes on the Lincora Fleet of the Open Sea. True to no avail, the torpedoes did not fall into the goal.

English Esminets "Abdiel" at the side of a light cruiser.

At this time, the Linear cruiser "Lyon" again took his place in the ranks. But "Derflinger" continued to fire "Queen Mary". While at 16 hours 26 minutes, the second tragedy did not play. 11 The "Deflenger" volley struck "Quin Mary" (6 *). The explosion of the ammunition so smashed the ship on the part that the next in the ranks "Tiger" was covered with wreckage. But when after a few minutes "Tiger" passed through the place of the death of Queen Mary, neither found any traces of the deceased linear cruiser. And a pole of smoke from the explosion "Quin Mary" shot at the floor of a kilometer. Within 38 seconds, 1266 English sailors (7 *) died. But, despite such heavy losses, the British continued to fight. And even increased their strength. 5 squadrine of linear ships joined the English linear cruisers.

Meanwhile, torpedo attacks on both sides followed one after another. At 16 o'clock 50 minutes 6 German destroyers were unsuccessfully attacked by English ships. From 7 taped issued to the goal did not get any. On the other hand, 4 English destroyers attacked the Linear Cruiser "Zeidlitz". From the torpedo released by the destroyers, one still fell into the nasal part of the German ship.
At the same time, the main forces of the German fleet appeared on the horizon. Admiral Beatty turned to the north. German ships, reflecting the attacks of the English destroyers, went to the trail of the enemy of the front. The German fleet had an overwhelming superiority in everything except the speed. Taking advantage of this Admiral Beatty brought his linear cruiser from under the enemy fire.

Linear Cruiser "Indefatybel"

And the battles of 5 squadron began to withdraw the enemy on the squadron of Admiral Gilliko, leading fire on the head ships of the German fleet. In which ran from 5 to 10,381 millimeter shells. But the British ships received significant damage. Linkor "Uorpight" received 13 hits, and having a damaged steering wheel drive, was forced to leave the battlefield. Linear ship "Malaya" received 8 shells. At the same time, one of them broke through the anti-mining artillery armor, caused a fire of Cordita, the flame from which was shot down to the level of the mast, disabled all the artillery of the right side and 102 people from the crew. Linkor "Barham" received 6 shells.

Linkor "Malaya".

Fights continued between light fleets. At 17 36 minutes, 19 minutes' battle between the cruisers of both sides occurred. Moreover, due to the decreased visibility, the German lightweight cruisers fell under the fire of English armored cruisers (8 *). Participated by Grand Flit's major forces. As a result, the German lightweight cruiser "Wiesbaden" and "Pillau" was damaged. And having lost damage to the "Wiesbaden" cars lost its move. And those who seemed due to the haze ships of the English 3 squadron of linear cruisers turned "Wiesbaden" in the glowing fire. At this time, the attack of 23 German destroyers into English 4 destroyers and a light cruiser "Kanterur" was followed. As a result of this fight, the English destroyer "Shark" was swaming, and the rest of the British ships received significant damage. English destroyers in response successfully attacked torpedoes linear cruiser "Lutsz". This German cruiser was shooting out, from the opponent surrounding his ships, until 19 o'clock. So far, the torpedo of the English destroyer "Defenger" did not finish "Wiesbaden". And the waves of the North Sea did not clounce on it. The crew "Wiesbaden" killed with her ship. Saving managed only to one person.

Linear cruiser "Lutsz".

At the same time, carried away by the shooting of German lung cruisers British armored cruisers closely approached the German linear cruisers. As a result, he received 2 volley from Luttsov "Défens's armored cruiser exploded. And after 4 minutes, the marine pature absorbed the ship with 903 crew members and the commander of 1 squadron of armored cruisers by Admiral Arbutnot.

English armor cruiser "Defense"

Craiser "Warrior" threatened the same to take into account. But he was deposited by a linear ship "Waraspit". As a result of the resulting, in battle with German linkers, damage to the steering wheel, he rolled out. And accidentally ended up between "Warrior" and the German cruisers. And accepted a blow to himself. True, as a result of mutual maneuvers and "Warrior" and "Wiospite" collided several times and, due to damage gained, were forced to leave the battlefield.

Light cruiser "Wiesbaden"

So not slapping "Mousetrap".

At 18 o'clock 14 minutes, the main forces of the British fleet seemed to be majestically. The "Open Sea fleet" was still trapped. On the head German ships focused fire of 4 english ships. The hit followed one by one. But the German commandors did not remain in debt. A volley from the Linear Cruiser "Derflenger" was fatal for the English linear cruiser "Invinssib". At 18 o'clock 31 minutes, the shells of the strollers board in the middle towers. "Invinsbel" split in half. With you, almost the entire crew with you, and Admiral Hud, who commander 3 squadron of linear cruisers commander. Save a total of 6 people. But it was a major last success of the German fleet. The British started the methodical shooting of their opponents.

The development of the battle from 17-00 to 18-00.

Gradually silent "Luttsy". The nose of the linear cruiser was covered with a flame, the superstructure was destroyed, the masts are shot down. Admiral Hipper left the missing meaning of Lutsz and moved to the destroyer "G-39". Meaning to transfer to another linear cruiser. But during the day it was not possible and the linear cruisers commanded the captain of "Derflinger". But Himself "Derflinger" was a pitiful spectacle. 3 towers of 4 were destroyed. Fire pillars from the porch-peel in the towers rose above the mast. In the nose of the cruiser, from Waterlinia, the English shells have blurred a hole dimension of 5 to 6 meters. The ship accepted 3359 tons of water. The crew lost 154 people killed and 26 injured (9 *). No less terrible appearance and Zeidlitz.

All that remained from the linear of the "Invinxist" cruiser.

Seeing such a deplorable state, his fleet, Admiral Sheer ordered to turn the "all suddenly" with all the fleet and lie on the reverse course. And he sent the 3rd flotilla of the squadrock destroyers to attack the enemy. Hoping to exit from under the fire. The attack of the destroyers was crowned with success. At 18 o'clock 45 minutes was torpeted by the Linor "Malboro". But the ship retained 17 nodal stroke and did not leave the battlefield. True, a day later, the axis is almost 12 meters, with a roll on the right side of the battleship barely reached the base. Torpedo released the destroyer "V-48". Having succeeded at the price of his death. This destroyer was recorded at his own account "Malboro".

British armored cruiser "Warrior".

By this time the battle includes two interesting points. The first point is that the Germans are assured of the "Derflinger" of the 381-millimeter projectile in the chief armored panel. Supposedly Solz's shell hit the armor and smitched. But at the opposing Germans at that moment, the English linants were only 305-millimeter and 343-millimeter guns. And ships with 381-millimeter guns were on the flanks of the English column. And the fire on the linear cruisers did not learn. The second point, to relate to the only one, in the entire history of the ship, full-on-board salvo, the only one in the world, the seven-baked lincard "Edzhinort". From this volley, the ship was dangerous and the danger of overturning the ship arose. Because of which such salts no longer were produced. And on the neighboring ships, seeing the pillars of the flame and the smoke of the "Edzhinort" decided that another English ship exploded. And English officers hardly managed to prevent the Grand Fleet's bunted on the ships.

And "Erin" too. But in the background, and so "Edzhikort"

The fire of the British was weak, but continued to disturb the German ships. Therefore, about 19 o'clock Admiral Sheer turned his fleet to the reverse course, again giving the order to raise the signal "all suddenly." Admiral Sheer was measured to attack the end British ships and slip under the feed of the Grand Fleet. But the German ships were again under the focused fire of English battleships. The thickened haze was increasingly prevented by conducting sighting fire. In addition, English ships were on the dark side of the horizon. And had an advantage over German ships. Silhouettes of which were clearly distinguished against the background of the setting sun.

English linear ship "Iron Duck"

At this critical moment of battle, seeing that he was trying to be from the bases, Admiral Sheer sent all the remaining destroyers to attack. The attack, which was led by a strongly damaged linear cruiser. Linear cruisers got close to an opponent to 8000 meters, and the destroyers are 6000-7000 meters. At 19 o'clock 15 minutes, 31 torpedo was released. And although none of the torpedo fell into the goal. And the British was S-35 destroyed by the Esmynets. This attack has reached its goal. Forcing English ships to change the course. What saved the fleet of the open sea. Which with the beginning of the attack of the destroyers again turned "everything suddenly" and began to quickly leave the battlefield. And at 19 o'clock 45 minutes, breaking out of the Ring of British ships, the German fleet took the course south.

Airship L-31 over Linear Costrole "Ostfrisland"

But the battle has not yet ended. In 20 hours, 23 minutes from the haze suddenly emerged English linear cruisers. And they opened fire on the German linear cruisers who strongly narrow them. Obviously measuring to calculate them. But this difficult, for ships Admiral Hipper, the moment to Him came to help. Fit, after turning ahead of the entire squadron, clearly taken in the battle, for the number, obsolete battleships (10 *) 2 squadron, just carried out rebuilding. To take the most appropriate place at the end of the column.
As a result, these battleships were east of other German battleships. And changing the course, they were able to challenge their linear cruisers by shocking themselves. This courageous attack, held by the destroyers, made English ships turn and hide at dusk. The night more and more came to their rights. The night that allowed the British to be somewhat brightened, bladder for them, the result of the battle.

Development of battle from 18-15 to 21-00

Flame among the night.

The sun hidden behind the horizon. The sky was getting darker. But at 20 o'clock 58 minutes, the horizon was again lit by fire shots. In the rays of the spotlights, it was possible to consider the leading fire duel German and British light cruisers. As a result of this battle, several cruisers were damaged on both sides, and the German light cruiser "Fraenlob" damaged in the day battle was sinking.

German linear ship "Prince Regent Luitpold"

A little late English 4 fleets of the destroyers went into the attack on the German linear ships. At the same time, the destroyer "Tyuppper" was sweeping, and the Speedfire's destroyer was damaged. The attack was unsuccessful, but fulfilling the anti-united maneuver of the Linkor "Pozen" rammed a light cruiser "Ellbing". The British managed only to damage the destroyer "S-32". Who lost its move, but was taken to a tug and brought to the base.
At 22 hours 40 minutes, Torpeda from the British destroyer "Contest" fell into a hard damaged, in previous battles, a light cruiser "Rostock". During this attack of English 4 fleets of the destroyers, the English destroyers "Sparrouse" and "Brooke" were damaged. At 23 hours 4 flotilla for the third time, however, unsuccessfully, attacked German ships. At the same time, the Fortuna destroy was sweeping, and the destroyer "Roproid" is damaged. At 23 hours 40 minutes, the next torpedo attack of the British was followed. 13 destroyers, from different floties, to no avail attacked German linear ships. A list of losses Grand Flit replenished the destroyer "Turbulent".

"Doychland" from 2 squadrons

At about this time, the fleet of the open sea Retroot the Grand Flit course. Being at a distance of about two miles from the last Linkar Grand Flit. And from the battleships 5 squadron seen the attacks of the destroyers. And on one of the battleships even identified the enemy. But during the battle, the Commander of Grand Fleet Admiral Jellyko never learned, either about the fights of the fleet forces with German linkers, nor about the fact that these same battleship passed by the guns entrusted to him. And literally at the distance of the straight shot. It is meaningless continuing the search for the German fleet. From now on, only removing from the open sea fleet.

German lightweight cruiser "Ariadne" of the same type with a cruiser "Franob"

At 07,71 minutes with German linear ships, the British armored cruiser "Black Prince" and the Esmian "Adent" were shot closer to a distance of 1000 meters. After a few minutes, the ships lost their move. A huge bonfire, raging on the deck of the cruiser, illuminated the side of the German battleships and cruisers. While there was no explosion and "black prince" did not plunge into the sea. Somewhat earlier the cruiser sank "Adent".
But the British quickly waved for this loss. At 0 hours 45 minutes, 12 fleets of the destroyers, headed by scout (11 *) "ITIRLING", came to the attack. After 20 minutes, one of the released torpedoes hit the obsolete battleship "Perenn". From the explosion, the ammunition was restored and the ship almost instantly disappeared in a huge cloud of smoke. Together with the ship, his crew was killed - 840 people. It was the most severe loss of German Navy in the Jutlan battle. In addition to Lincar, in this last collision of fleets, died, with all the crew, German destroyer "V-4".

The explosion of linker "Perenn"

The death of the destroyer "V-4" became one of the puzzles of the Etland battle. The ship was in the guise of the German fleet with the opposite side of the face of the face. It was not in this place and submarines or mine units. Esminets just exploded.
German destroyers throughout the night were looking for English ships. But only the cruiser "Champion" was discovered and unsuccessfully attacked. German torpedoes passed by.
According to plan, the speed-to-night boat "Abdiel" on the night of May 31, on June 1, reproduced mine harnesses, on the approach to the German bases. I put a little earlier. On one of these mines, at 5 o'clock 30 minutes, the Ostrisland battle was injured. But the ship retained combat capability and returned to the base.

Damage to the lung cruiser "Pillau" after the Etland battle

The British according to the plan covered approaches to enemy bases and submarines. On May 31, 3 English submarines E-26, E-55 and D-1 occupied positions. But they had an order to attack the enemy ships only from June 2. Therefore, when German ships returned to the base, passing over the heads of English submariners, they were calmly lying on the seabed. Waiting time.

Linkor "Posen"

German submariners also did not distinguish themselves. Attack 2 submarines, at 10 o'clock, tightened damaged "Malboro". Sedding on the base. But the attacks were unsuccessful. The attack of a single German submarine was tested and "Warplan". But the ship that had a move in 22 nodes not only tried to the torpedo. But even made an attempt to braw the enemy

Hermann submarine UD-5

But the ships continued to die. At 1 o'clock, 45 minutes was left by the crew and surfacing the Mastern Mesmina "G-38" linear cruiser "Lutsz". In day fight, he received 24, only large-caliber, shell and torpedo. The nose of the cruiser was almost completely destroyed, about 8,000 tons of water entered the body. Pumps did not cope with so much water and from an all increasing differential on the nose screamed screws. It was impossible to continue the path. And the command of the open sea fleet decided to sacrifice the ship. The surviving 960 crew members switched to the destroyers.

At 2 o'clock on June 1, a light cruiser "Ellbing" sank. The cause of the death of the cruiser was the destroyer "Sparrukhuevi". Damaged during the night battle and deprived of the stern part. At 2 o'clock in the night, Seafarers "Sparrukhuevi" saw a German light cruiser sagging from fog and prepared for the last battle. But the German ship without making a single shot began to suddenly settle and disappeared under water. It was "Ellbing". After a collision, the cruiser lost its move and was left most of the crew. But the captain of the cruiser and several dozen volunteers remained on the ship. Striving with the help of wind and flows to go into neutral waters. But with the dawn, they saw the English destroyer hurried to flood the ship. Following the "Ellbing", at 4 45 minutes at the bottom of the North Sea, a German light cruiser "Rostock" was followed. The crew, which led the struggle for the life of the ship to the last minute. The British at 7 o'clock sank the armored cruiser "Woriror", which received 15 heavy and 6 middle shells in the daytime. And at 8 o'clock 45 minutes by fire of his ships, "SparroHevi" was finished, after the crew was removed from him.
Personally, the Commander of the Grand Flit was never able to find a German fleet. And at 4:30, the English ships took a course on the base. Not knowing that his fleet was discovered by one of the five, flew over to the change of the first five, German tspelins. And the German commander possessed all the received subordinate information.

Development of the situation from 21-00 and before the end of the battle.

Last feat of Jutland.

The gunlocks were rummaged, but the battle was not over yet, the Linear cruiser "Zeidlitz" still remained. In battle, the ship received 21 projectile caliber 305-81 millimeters, not counting smaller shells and torpedo into the nasal part. The destruction on the ship was terrible. 3 Towers out of 5 were destroyed, nasal generators failed, electricity went out, the ventilation did not work, the main steam line was interrupted. From a strong blow, the housing of one turbine burst, jammed the steering machine. The crew lost 148 people killed and wounded. All nasal compartments poured water. The slander almost completely disappeared under water. For the alignment of the differentiation, the feed compartments had to flood. The weight of the water caught inside the body reached 5329 tons. Already in the twilight, oil filters were faced, the last boilers went out. The ship fully lost the battle and helplessly cast on the waves. All mechanical means of struggle for the vitigation of the ship failed. Admiral Sheer has already included Zeidlitz in the list of battle victims. And leaving the ship's lost course, the German fleet left south. Shot from the English destroyers. Which, carried away by persecution, did not notice the stopped "Zeidlitz".


But the crew continued to fight. Buckets, veto, blankets went to move. Mechanics, in complete darkness were able to climb the foundation of the boilers, replace the filters and run part of the boilers. The cruiser came to life and feed forward to his native shores. But to top off all the troubles, during the battle on the ship, all marine cards were destroyed, the gyrocompass was faced. Therefore, at 1 o'clock 40 minutes, Zeidlitz flew a stranded. True, not long. The crew managed to bring the ship to clean water. With breakdown to the rescue for the linear cruiser, a light cruiser "Pillau" and the destroyer approached. But at 8 o'clock the unmanaged "Zeidlitz" was again on the mel. And when after a few hours, incredible crew efforts, the cruiser was removed from the mel, a storm was played. Attempts to "Pillau" take "Zeidlitz" on the towing was not crowned with success. And "Zeidlitz" turned out to be on the edge of death. But the wayward fortune remained favorably to the carriage crew. And late in the evening June 2, the ship threw anchor at the mouth of the river poison. Thus, putting a point in the Yutlan battle.

Pyrrhic victory.

Historians are still arguing. Finding out the winner in the Junta battle. Fortunately, both commander reported to victory in their admiralty. And at first glance, Admiral Sheer was right, in his report. Grand Fleet lost 6784 people killed, injured and captured. From its composition, 3 linear, 3 armored cruisers and 8 destroyers were killed (only 11,1980 tons of displacement). And the fleet of the open sea lost 3029 people and lost outdated lincard, linear, 4 light cruisers and 5 destroyers (62233 tons of displacement). And this, despite the semi-sightened superiority of the British. So if you look from the tactical side, the victory remained behind the Germans. Germans won and moral victory. They were able to sow fear in the hearts of English sailors (12 *). The Germans were able to demonstrate the superiority of their technology over English (13 *). But then why after Junland the German fleet came out to the North Sea only at the end of 1918? When, under the conditions of the truce, it was to give up to the main base of the Grand Fleet.


The answer is simple. The open sea fleet did not fulfill the task set before him. He could not cause the English fleet defeat, conquer the domination of the sea and bring England from the war. And Grand Fleet in turn kept his superiority to the sea. Even despite very heavy losses. And a quarter of a century, the English fleet was considered the greatest fleet of the world. But Yutland was a "Pyrrhiest Victory", victory on the grain of defeat. And it is because of this in the composition of the Navy of England there is no ship with the name "Yutland". And it is clear why there is no ship with the same name as part of the Navy. In honor of the defeat, ships are not called.

1. G. Sheer "The death of the cruiser" Blucher. "St. Petersburg, 1995" Ships and battles "series.
2. G. Haade "On" Derflinger "in the Jutlan battle." St. Petersburg, 1995 series "Ships and battles".
3. Shershov A. P. "The History of the Military Shipbuilding". St. Petersburg, 1995 "Polygon".
4. Pubyrevsky K. P. "The fighting damage and the death of ships in the Jutlan battle." Spb. 1995
6. Model designer 12 "94. Balakin C." Superdinary ". Art. 28-30.
7. Models designer 1 "95. Cofman V." New Iposta Lincher ". Art. 27-28.
8. Model designer 2 "95. Balakin S." Incredible return "Zeidlitz". Art. 25-26.
In addition, materials from numbers 11 "79, 12" 79, 1 "80, 4" 94, 7 "94, 6" 95, 8 "95" constructor model store "are used.


Organization of fleets:

1. English fleet:

1.1 Main Force:
2 squadrocks: "King George 5", "Ajax", "Centurion", "Erin", "Orion", "Monarch", Conker "," Tyunder ".
4 Escades of Linkorov: "Iron Duke", "Royal Oak", Superb "," Canada "," Bellerofon "," Temerier "," Vangard ".
1 Linkor's squadr: "Malboro", "Rivenj", "Hercules", "Edgikorta", "Colossus", "Saint Vincent", "Collingwood", "Neptune".
3 squadrine of linear cruisers: "Invinxist", "Inflexible", "Idomyteleb".
1.2 Squades Vice Admiral Beatti: Flagship Ship - Lyon.
1 squadron of linear cruisers: "Princes Royal", "Queen Mary", "Tiger".
2 squadrine of linear cruisers: "New Ziland", "Indefaty Girl".
5 Escades of Linkov: "Berham", "Valiant", "Waraspit", "Malaya".
1.3 Light Forces:
1, 2 Squaders of armored cruisers: "Defense", "Warrior", "Duke of Edinburgh", "Black Prince", "Minotaur", "Hampshire", "Kohren", "Shengon".
1, 2, 3, 4 Squaders of light cruisers (only 23).
1, 4, part 9 and 10, 11, 12, 13 of the Flotilla of the Esminians (only 3 light cruisers and 75 destroyers).


German fleet
2.1 Main Force:
3 Linkor's squadr: "Kenig", "Groser Kurfyust", "Marcgraf", "Crown Princes", "Kaiser", "Priniregent Leopold", "Kaiserin", "Freedic der. Gross".
1 Escades of Linorov: "Ostristeland", "Tyuringen", "Gelgoland", "Oldinburg", "Pozen", "Rhineland", "Nassau", "Westphalen".
2 squadrocks: "Doychland", "Perenn", "Schlesyen", "Ganovener", "Shleizving-Holstein", "Hessen".
2.2 Intelligence detachment Admiral Hipper:
Linear cruisers: "Luttsy", "Derflinger", "Zeidlitz", "Moltke", "background der Tann".
2.3 Light forces:
2, 4 lung cruisers (only 9).
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 flotillas of the destroyers (only 2 light cruisers, 61 squadded destroyers).

"Background der Tann"


* Water-displacement ship 2500-5400 tons, having speed up to 29 nodes (up to 54 km / h.) And 6-10 guns by caliber 102-152 mm. Intended for intelligence, raid and raider operations, protecting linear ships from the enemy's esminists.
2 * Water-displacement ship 600-1200 tons, having speed up to 32 nodes (up to 60 km / h.), 2-4 fine-caliber guns and up to 4 torpedo devices. Intended for torpedo attacks on the enemy ships.
3 * Water-displacement ship 17000-28400 tons, having a speed of 25-2 28.5 nodes (46-53 km / h.) And 8-10 guns by caliber 280-43 mm. Designed to combat raiders, support easy forces, skating in the squadrid battle of the enemy linear ships.
4 * Waterproof shipping 18000-28000 tons, having a speed of 19.5 - 23 nodes (36-42.5 km / h.) And 8-14 guns by calibrome 280-81 mm. Attached by the main forces of fleets and intended for the capture and retention of domination at sea.
5 * Cable - 185.2 meters (80 cable-14816 meters, 65 cable - 12038 meters).
6 * It is assumed that 15 305-Milimetic shells fell into "Quin Mary".
7 * 17 people saved "Queen Mary".
8 * The vehicle of the outdated type with a displacement of up to 14,000 tons, at a speed of up to 23 knots (up to 42.5 km / h.), Which had up to 20 guns by calibrome 152-234 mm. Performed before the appearance of linear cruisers the same functions.
9 * For fighting in "Derflinger" hit 21 heavy shell.
11 * The ship outdated type with a displacement of up to 14,000 tons, at a speed of up to 18 knots (33 km / h.), We had 4 guns with a caliber 280 mm. And before the appearance of "dreadnights" performed the same functions.
12 * Lightweight small displacement cruiser.
13 * The Germans were able to settle the fear in the hearts of English sailors. And so Admiral Jellyko did not risk chasing the fleet of the open sea. To impose on the Germans on June 1 day fight. Although he could oppose the 1st remaining German battlefields from the Germans. And this is not counting the lightweight strength.
14 * So the battle showed that 305 mm. The German shell pierced the onboard armor of the English linear cruisers from 11,700 meters, and English 343-mm. The shell pierced the thickest armor of German linear cruisers total from 7880 meters. In addition, the vitality of English ships, unlike the German, and their most important devices wanted much better. Germans, releasing the 3491 projectile caliber 280-305 mm., Against 4538 English caliber 305- 381 mm., Provided 121 hit in English ships, against 112 English shells in German ships.

The Black Sea Sea Fleet was one of the most prepared compounds of our army to the beginning of the war. The fleet included about three hundred ships and boats of different classes. Among them are 1 linear ship, 6 cruisers, 16 leaders and destroyers, 47 submarines. The Air Force of the Black Sea Fleet included 600 aircraft of various types. The fleet had five bases: Odessa, Nikolaev, Novorossiysk, Batumi and the main thing in Sevastopol.

Chernomorets one of the first to entered the Great Patriotic War. Relying on suddenness, at about 3 o'clock a night on June 22, 1941, the enemy aviation caused a massive aircraft by the main base of the fleet - Sevastopol. The hopes of Germans to catch the surprise of our sailors were not justified. The fleet was ready, and the ships stood in full combat readiness. The attack managed to repel.

On June 25, 1941, the Soviet forces of the fleet, together with aviation, made a raid operation on the shelling of Constanta, the main base of the Romanian fleet, which was an ally of the Germans. In total, during the battles on the Black Sea, three such raids were held. The second and third were committed in December 1942 and October 1943, respectively.

Heroic fleet showed himself in the defense of Odessa, Sevastopol and Novorossiysk. The Black Sea Fleet and the Azov Flotilla provided fire support to defending cities, carried out supply, reinforcement transformation, evacuation of the wounded. Chernomorets sailors replenished the ranks of the marines and garrisons defending the cities. For his shape and rage in battle, the Germans called them "black death." Odessa withstood 73 siege days. Sevastopol defended almost 10 months, taking the significant forces of the enemy, which the enemy could not use under Stalingrad. For comparison, on the seizure of France, Belgium and Holland, the Germans needed a little more than a month.

As part of the Black Sea Fleet was a unique ship - Anti-aircraft plating number 3. Steel square with guns and anti-aircraft guns.
I came up with this unusual ship captain 1 rank Gregory Alexandrovich Butakov. As a basis, the steel corps of a unfinished lincard was taken, which sailors used as a target for trapeted launches and shooting.

The steel box was cleared of rust, the holes trembled, painted for masking in the color of the sea. On deck area 600 square meters Equipped the supervisory item, put spotlights and placed the battery. The armament of the Iron Island consisted of three 76mm anti-aircraft guns, four 37 mm guns, one orinated machine gun and two anti-aircraft guns. In compartments under deck, Kubrick equipped, weapons and an autonomous power plant. The crew consisted of 120 people. "Iron Island" by the towing was bred to the external raid before Sevastopol at a distance of 300 meters from the coast.

On August 3, 1941, the floating launched on the first duty. Commanded the battery captain-lieutenant frach S. Ya.

Our sailors called the "Calambina" ship or on the first line of songs invented in the battery - "not touch me." The Germans called the battery "Square of Death", "carry the Lord" or "Black Square".

For 9 months of battery combat operations, more than 20 shot down aircraft were documented. The battery commander only once had left it for all this time, in order to get the "Order of the Red Star". The end of June 1942 was the hardest. Only half of the crew remained alive, and less than half of the trunks could shoot. But the battery was held sailors died right away from the guns, leading the battle until recent seconds of life.

On June 27, the battery commander died. The bomb fell accurately to the command post. By the time of the shells no longer, there were only cartridges for machine guns. The next day, the battery was disbanded, and after two more weeks fell and Sevastopol, which she so courageously defended.

In this complex initial period Wars, the Black Sea Fleet heroically performed responsibilities assigned to him. The plans for the rapid seizure of the Caucasus and the Transcaucasia were torn: the enemy did not get to the Baku oil, the important objects of the industry were evacuated, new databases of the fleet were created in Batumi, Poti, Sukhumi and Tuapse, where the fleet was departed. Basic bases were lost, the fleet lost many ships, but destroy (as Hitler planned) The Black Sea Fleet did not succeed.

The preservation of a combat-ready Black Sea Fleet had an exceptionally important military value. The loss of the fleet would mean the loss of the entire Caucasus and the Transcaucasus, and possibly a defeat in the war. As a result, at the beginning of 1943, most of the Black Sea coast turned out to be in the German army, and from the opposite shore of the Black Sea, the Romanian army threatened with Soviet troops, the alliance of Germany.

But not only in a military aspect, the Black Sea Fleet and our military presence on the Black Sea were important. A huge role was played by the fleet in a geopolitical issue. In the Black Sea region there was another power - Turkey. Having a serious fleet and a millionth army right on our border, the position of Turkey could play a decisive role. She was ready to speak on the side of the Axis countries. But the defeat of the Germans near Stalingrad and the active offensive of our troops in the Caucasian Front forced Turkey to maintain neutrality.

The submarines of the Black Sea Fleet were invaluable help. Acting on Communications of the enemy from the first days of war, they seriously complicated the delivery of goods, fuel and soldiers. An attempt to establish the supply of oil and petroleum products by Italian and Romanian tankers through the Bosphorus was suppressed by our submariners. September 29, 1941 distinguished the crew of the submarine "Sh-211" (commander - Captain-Lieutenant Devyatko A. D.): They managed to sink the "Superga" tanker. And submarine under the command of Evgenia Petrovich Polyakova soles the whole four enemy transport. S-33 submarine for a long time failed. She had more than all contacts with the enemy ships on the Black Sea, but was listed one of the Fleet. However, on April 20, 1943, the crew under the command of Boris Alexandrovich Alekseeva finally smiled at luck. The submarine attacked Romanian transport "Suceava" with a displacement of about 7,000 tons, which quickly sank.

One of the most famous submariners on the Black Sea was the captain of the 3rd rank of sins Mikhail Vasilyevich. On the submarine M-35, he, along with the team Skilled 4 enemy transport. And at the end of 1942, by clicking on the boat Sh-215, added another 4 enemy transport and two barges to his combat account. May 16, 1944 he was awarded the title Hero Soviet Union.

Our submarines until the very end of the fighting on the Black Sea patrolled the sea routes, delivering serious difficulties in supplying the land group of the Germans.

The end of 1942 - the beginning of 1943 became a turning point for the Black Sea theater of the fighting, and for the entire Soviet-German front. The landing of the landing on the "Small Earth" was the first offensive operation of the Black Sea Fleet for 2 years of fighting in this region.

Stronger armor

The Moravin Street Boat was to throw a group of scouts into the enemy's rear.

The landing place was not far when the Germans noticed the boat. The enemy opened a strong machine gun and mortar fire. Fiery tracks rushed to the shore. Salt one enemy machine gun, the other, but the rest continued to shoot. The boat was already with a dozen pulleys. Water flowed through them. Matresses flashed from incendiary bullets. Several redflowers were injured. Machine gunner Zhukov bullet hit, Menshikova Motorist wounded in the head.

The redflowers quickly put out the fire, they embarked the largest holes, pumped into kubricks. The wounded did not leave the combat posts. Having expired with blood, the beetles continued to guide and suppressed another firepoint. The shry machine gun made silent the three firepoints of the enemy. Motorist Menshikov bandaged his wound and continued to carry the watch.

Having broken the resistance of the Germans, the boat went to the shore, landed the first batch of intelligence officers, then returned, took the second group and in the same way, under fire, threw it into the rear of the enemy.

Boat crew under the command of Moravin combat order performed brilliantly.

The enemy continued the attacks, despite the huge losses in humans and technique. Already hundreds of corpses of fascist soldiers and officers, dozens of burned tanks and pitched airplanes were lying around, but the Germans went forward again, adjusted by officers.

The company of senior lieutenant Martynov at night imperceptibly moved and took the most responsible plot of defense.

Congratulate Fritz with the sunrise in Black Sea! - Peredished the chain senior lieutenant.

Marines waited until the enemy is coming closer, and boldly entered the battle. A friendly fire they cut off the German infantry from tanks, and then the volley began to destroy it. Several dozen fascists have already been planted on Earth. But the tanks continued to move towards our positions.

Rosphotcot Steinberg, before that, destroying several Germans from the machine, was put forward forward and began to adjust fire on tanks. The Germans opened a hurricane shooting of mortars. Framed of Mina Steinberg was killed. His place immediately took the senior sergeant Vershinin. Artilleryrs and armorboosters on the instructions of the adjustment driver knocked out one tank. Rales began to grow in front of other German machines. Tanks turned back. Enemy infantry, devoid of cover, also moved away.

In this battle, the division of the senior lieutenant Martynova destroyed half the enemy company. The Germans have taken some more violent counterattacks, but they were successfully repulsed with a big loss for the enemy.

Captain V. Vakulin.
Novorossiysk district.

The only way to supply a springboard was the sea. Under the squall fire of artillery and continuous airlinals, our ships were performed with honor of the tasks: drove up and weapons, evacuated wounded.

The success of the offensive operations of the Soviet troops in the North Caucasian front in April-May 1943 led to the fact that the German troops lost in the South Flang of the Soviet-German Front, the German troops lost most of the land communications. Under these conditions, the implementation of the message with the group german troops, isolated on the Taman Peninsula, it became possible only by sea. Therefore, the Germans have significantly increased activity at sea, the intensity of traffic has increased, additional military boats were transferred to accompany cargo and troops. The main directions on which German ships moved, were routes: Odessa - Sevastopol, Constanta - Sevastopol, Sevastopol - Kerch, Feodosia - Anapa, Kerch - Anapa, Kerch - Taman. In May-June 1943, about 200 convoys passed on average for these routes.


BLACK SEA FLEET. May 17th. (By telegraph from our. Corr.). Air intelligence reported that self-propelled landing barges, torpedo boats and other small ships are concentrated in the enemy port. Our torpedo boats received an order to produce a raid.

Unlike most similar operations, in this case There was a day in a bright day of day.

Thoroughly worked on the task and prepare the material part, the boats came out of the base. The weather promised to be favorable: Stille stood, a thick fog hung over the sea. But soon he scattered.

Boats walked along the shore busy enemy. Soon fog again with large stripes, like smoke veins, lean over water. Commander of the head boat Senior Lieutenant Smirnov used it for secretive movement.

By time, ships were already approaching the target target. This was evidenced by the detected anti-facility. Coming out of the strip of fog, the commanders decided on the coastal guideline and took the course to the port. Soon they were on the enemy raid. It seemed a big barge. A little further mall had a lot of small ships. With a short distance, Smirnov released a torpedo on the barge. Under its deafening explosion, the next torpedo, released by Lieutenant Stepanenko, struck by the focused plaques.

Having done a turn, the boats lay down on the departure course. Only now the enemy has come to his sense and opened fire, but the boats went away without damage. On the reverse transition, they twice unsuccessfully fired upon the coastal artillery.

The next day, Katerikov visited the fleet commander. He highly appreciated the results of the operation and awarded the crews of the boats participating in the supper raid, orders and medals of the Soviet Union. Senior Lieutenant Smirnov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, Lieutenant Stepanenko - the Order of the Red Star.

Captain I. Vlasov.

In the created conditions one of the main tasks of the Black Sea Fleet was a breakdown of the enemy's shipping. At the same time, the Germans strongly sought to protect their communications from the invasion of our forces, for which the batteries of coastal artillery were used, the radar means, the approaches to the ports were mined. The movement of transport ships took place in the conversions under the cover of aviation and surface ships. In addition, there was a wide network of coastal airfields, so the enemy aviation had the opportunity to quickly perform departures to the target. One of these airfields was located near the village of Su-Psek not far from Anapa. At the airfield, according to the intelligence data, up to 60 light fighters of the green heart squadron and a group of aircraft are 52 squadron. The task was delivered to the rocket boat group - to strike on the airfield. These boats, built on the money of employees of craft schools, for the first time received civil names - "Moscow artisan" and "Labor reserves" (the full name of the "young patriot of labor reserves"). In late May, the beginning of June, the armament of the torpedo boats have improved the reactive installation. The new boats had elongated logging, on which the Katyusha reactive installation was strengthened.

The link, which included the Moscow artisan boat under the command of V. Pilipenko and "Labor Reserves", whose captain was V. Quartz, should have applied a rocket blow to the ground airfield located at an altitude of 30 meters. On May 29, 1943, the boat under the cover of the night approached the shore of Anapa and wrapped the hurricane fire of their "Katyusha" on the enemy airfield. The enemy was completely not ready for such a turnover of events: not only that the blow was applied to the airfield from the sea, it also uses reactive installations. As a result, the airfield and dozen opponent aircraft were dismissed for a long time, many cars were destroyed.

Later, the crew under the command of Vladimir Stepanovich Pilipenko proved that it is possible to use the fire of reactive installations not only for ground targets, but also to defeat aircraft and surface enemy ships. The boat crew was repeatedly awarded, and the commander was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Another task of the Black Sea Fleet at that time was the provision of maritime transport to supply our troops, food, ammunition and vibrant power. These carriages were carried out from the ports of Batumi, Poti, Sukhumi, Tuapse and had exceptional importance to ensure the vital activity of the seaside grouping of our troops.

Military convoys have not always ended well. On May 22, 1943 in the morning at 9 o'clock 45 minutes, the Soviet transport "Internationale" came out of Tuapse in the direction of Port Gelendzhik. He was guarded by two basic trash "Garpun" and "Mina" and the SKA-041 sea hunter. In the way, the convoy was attacked by a group of 17 enemy bombers and 7 fighters. Two bombs hit "International"As a result, the chassis was damaged and the fire arose. The crew coped with the fire, but lost the 3rd sailors. The Miner Mina was pierced by a bomb weight in the center of centner, which exploded in the water. A huge 3 × 2.3 meter sample occurred, a fire began, the telegraph stopped functioning and the machine gun on the right side, and the left side machine gun was flushed overboard along with its calculation. Nevertheless, the crew of "mines", having lost two, managed to eliminate the fire and maintain a ship afloat, restoring the operation of fire pumps and embedding the hole. Thanks to their heroic efforts, the crippled ship was still able to return to the port of Tuapse two o'clock two hours. Sea Hunter "SKA-041" suffered the saddest fate. The vessel splicered Yu-87 and dropped three bombs that sink it. Along with the vessel killed 18 crew members, the six managed to escape. As it turned out later, the sea hunter has already come to the task had problems with a propulsion unit: his two engines did not work, which deprived him of rapidly maneuver and avoid deadly blows of aviation.

For the rescue of transport from Tuapse to the aid, the guard ships "Storm" and "Shkva", the SKA-105 sea hunter and the Petrash tug is. Ten of our aircraft "Yak-1" beat off air attacks on the convoy. Joint efforts at 18 o'clock 50 minutes, the International Transportation was delivered to the port of Tuapse.

One day - one truth "url \u003d" "\u003e

Russian schoolchildren know the Second World War First of all on such key eventsas Stalingrad Battle or tank Battle on the Kursk Dug.. However, no less large-scale marine battles, the story of which we imagine.

As a result of the defeat in the 1940 campaign, France concluded an agreement with the Nazis and became part of the occupied territories of Germany with independently formally, but controlled by Berlin with the Vichi government.

In 1940, the French government became controlled by Berlin

The allies began to fear that the French fleet could go through Germany and after 11 days after the French surrender conducted an operation, which will be a problem in the Union relations of Great Britain for a long time, which resisted the Nazis. She was called "Catapult". The British captured the ships that stood in British ports, exposing the French teams from them, which did not cost without collisions. Of course, the allies perceived it as a betrayal. Another terrible paintings unfolded in Oran, the command of the ships standing there was directed ultimatum - to transfer them to the management of the British or sink. As a result, they were drowned by the British. All the newest battleships of France were disabled, more than 1000 French were killed. The Government of France took diplomatic relations with the UK.

The sea battles of World War II differ from the previous ones that they were no longer a purely maritime battle.

Sea battles of the Second World War were not purely maritime battle

Each of them was combined - with serious support for aviation. Part of the ships were aircraft carriers that allowed such support. The attack on Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian Islands was made using the Aviation Admiral Nagumo aircraft aircraft deck. Early in the morning of 152 aircraft attacked the Base of the US Navy, the removal of anyone unsuspecting the military. The attack was attended by submarines of the Japanese imperial fleet. The losses of Americans were colossal: about 2.5 thousand dead, 4 linkers are lost, 4 minorities, 188 aircraft destroyed. The calculation at such a fierce attack was that the Americans will fall in spirit, and most of the US Fleet will be destroyed. It did not happen, nor the other. The attack led to the fact that there was no doubt for the Americans about participating in the Second World War left: on the same day, Washington announced the war of Japan, and in response Germany, located with Japan in the Union, declared the US War.

A turning point for the American fleet on the Pacific Ocean. Serious victory against the background of a terrible disaster of the beginning of the war - Pearl Harbor.

Battle of Atoll Midway - Panic Moment for American Fleet

Midway is in a thousand miles from the Hawaiian Islands. Thanks to the intercepted negotiations of the Japanese and the intelligence, obtained as a result of American aviation flights, the US command received information about the preparing attack. On June 4, Vice Admiral Nagumo sent to the island of 72 bombers and 36 fighters. Destroyer Americans raised an opponent's attack signal and, having released a cloud of black smoke, attacked aircraft from anti-aircraft guns. The battle began. The United States Aviation, meanwhile, took the course to Japanese aircraft carriers, as a result, 4 of them were surfplanted. Japan also lost 248 aircraft and about 2.5 thousand people. The loss of Americans is modest - 1 aircraft carrier, 1 destroyer, 150 aircraft and about 300 people. The order to terminate the operation arrived on the night of June 5th.

Leite - Philippine Island, around which one of the most heavier and large-scale marine battles unfolded.

Battle in Leite - one of the most severe and large-scale marine battles

The American and Australian ships began the fight against the Japanese fleet, which in the waters spent the attack on four sides, using Kamikadze in his tactic - the Japanese military walked to suicide with the purpose of applying as much damage to the enemy. This is the last major operation for the Japanese, by the time it began to have already lost a strategic advantage. However, allies still won the forces. From the side of Japan, 10 thousand people were killed, however, because of the work of Kamikadze, there were serious losses and allies - 3500. In addition, Japan lost the legendary Musashi battlebor and almost lost another - Yamato. At the same time, the chances of winning the Japanese were. However, due to the use of a dense smoke curtain, the Japanese commanders could not adequately appreciate the forces of the enemy and did not dare to fight "to the last fighter", but retreed.

CATECHISM OPERATION The death of the German lincard "Tyrpits" November 12, 1944

"Tirpits" is the second bismarck battleship, one of the most powerful and most frightening warships of German forces.

"Tirpitz" - one of the most frightening warships of German forces

Since its adoption, the British Navy has begun for him a real hunt. The first time the battle was discovered in September and as a result of the attack of British aircraft turned into a floating battery, having lost opportunities to participate in marine operations. On November 12, it was no longer possible to hide the ship, three Tallboy bombs got into the ship, one of which led to an explosion on his powder warehouse. Tyrpitz sank in Tromsø literally a few minutes after this attack, about a thousand people died. The elimination of this lincard meant actually the full seaside victory of the Allian over Germany, which made it possible to free up naval forces for use in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The first battleship of this type "Bismarck" made much more trouble - in 1941 he sank the British flagship and the linear cruiser "Hood" in the Danish Strait. As a result of a three-day hunt for the newest ship, he was also sweeping.