The course of the treatment of chlamydia in men preparations scheme. How to treat chlamydia in men and women. Treatment of chlamydia in women by folk remedies

Chlamydia is included in the list of diseases that are transmitted by sexual path. Infections are considered to be chlamydia. Diagnosis of the disease is difficult to hidden symptoms, as well as the fact that other microorganisms (gonococci, trichomonas, herpes virus, etc.) are found in diagnosis together with chlamydia.

Treatment of chlamydia in men proceeds according to standard schemes. However, this process is often hampered due to the weakly pronounced symptoms. The disease can be masked for a long time without showing itself. An unnoticed infection weakens the body from the inside. By the time the clinical picture becomes apparent, the disease is diagnosed as running.

Because of these features, the fight against chlamydia occupies a pretty time. Often the actions of the doctor have to adjust several times, focusing on the reaction of the causative agent.

You can infect chlamydia with unprotected sexual intercourse. A household path of infection and the transfer of infection to the child from the mother is also known.

The symptoms of the disease include:

  • pain during urination (both pulling and sharp);
  • selection of urethra with a sharp smell (transparent, less frequently yellow);
  • itching at the base of the head of a member;
  • eyeflow of testicles;
  • oparatic urine with pus impurities.

Is it possible to cure chlamydia on your own?

Get rid of infection caused by chlamydia, independently impossible. The intervention of the person in medicine in medicine leads to a variety of complications, as it is impossible to cure chlamydia in men with a single or short course of antibiotics. The reason is in the principles of the structure and operation of the microorganism and in the fact that not all antibiotics are effective for therapy. Sulfanimide, cephalosporins and penicillins of chlamydia are practically not sensitive.

Even if the drug is chosen correctly, incorrect reception schemes (reducing the course, parallel use of tablets that reduce the effect of active substances, etc.) lead to the development of chronic infection. For 7-10 days of use of the microorganisms, immunity produces against it. And then it becomes more difficult to choose new groups of drugs to which sensitivity is not lost. That is why only the doctor has the right to prescribe medicines.

Laboratory diagnosis of chlamydiosis

In the diagnosis of the disease, several laboratory tests have proven itself. Materials for analysis become urine, blood and sperm. Often, only a complete study allows you to identify the pathogen and appoint the appropriate treatment of chlamydia in men.

The most reliable diagnostic methods today include:

  • PCR - has the greatest sensitivity and reliability. It requires a few material to study, the results can be estimated after a couple of days. The technique allows you to determine with probability up to 98%, is there in the body of chlamydia.
  • ELISA - detection of antibody titers (IgG, Igm) with respect to chlamydia in the blood. The analysis allows you to detect bacteria and find out at what stage there is a disease.
  • Cultural study scuff is less efficient than two previous methods, and is used as auxiliary machinery.

Men's chlamydia treatment diagram

With an active inflammatory process, a whole complex of drugs is required. In this case, drugs are chosen individually, based on clinical symptoms of the disease, the patient's immune status and analyzes results.

The treatment of chlamydia treatment in men and women is based on their identical and include:

  • Antibacterial therapy (the preparations of a wide range of action are taken orally and administered intramuscularly; local drugs are produced in the form of ointments and sprays.).
  • Improving the immune status - the patient's recovery can be accelerated if its body is able to deal with infection. Immunomodulators and multivitamins helps accumulate protective forces. With their help, you can prevent the transition to the disease in the chronic stage, and if it has already happened, reduce the number of relapses.
  • Restoration. An effective treatment for chlamydia in men includes probiotics and hepatoprotectors. The purpose of their application is to restore the natural intestinal microflora and activate the liver functions. In parallel in the recovery period, doctors prescribe courses of physiotherapy. Nicely helping the infusions and decoctions from medicinal plants.

Antibiotics in chlamydia

At the moment, more efficient funds that can be treated with chlamydia in acute and chronic stages in men than antibiotics, not invented. Most often doctors prescribe two antimicrobial preparations of different types at once.

The duration of the course and other features of therapy are determined based on the results of the diagnosis and dynamics of the flow of the inflammatory process. It is especially important to take into account, constituting the purpose, the sensitivity of microorganisms to various antibiotics. At the same time, the results of the culture sowing is advisable to verify with an antibioticogram.

  • Tetracyclines are basic drugs to combat chlamydia. They are highly active in relation to bacteria causing infections of the urogenital tract.
  • Macrolids are used along with tetracycles, are well tolerated and used in small dosages.
  • Fluoroquinolones show a pronounced action against chlamydia. Most often, they are prescribed with mixed forms of complicated hyamyne-chlamydial infections. Minus antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group - in a high percentage of recurrence upon completion of the course.

Treatment of treatment of chlamydiosis

Answer definitely to the question of how much chlamydia is treated is impossible. In each case, various time is required for therapeutic procedures. Someone for recovery will leave for 14 days. In other cases, if the disease has acquired a protracted character - up to several months (including the recovery period).

The treatment time of chlamydiasis in men is affixed with all the additional procedures (including the reception of probiotics, immunomodulators and vitamins).

Upon completion of the course, the patient necessarily passes the test for curable. If during the month after the end of all therapeutic measures, chlamydia will not be detected, it is believed that the patient recovered.


Folk remedies can only be used as another link, finalizing the treatment of chlamydia in men. They become indispensable at the stage of the transition of the disease in a chronic form, when the body's forces are already seriously weakened and have to deal not only with infection, but also with its consequences. Folk remedies help restore health and enhance the effect of prescribed drugs.

The schemes of the use of drugs of traditional medicine are mentioned borovka, yarrow, garlic, licorice root, hawthorn, chamomile, a series. Infancy based on these medicinal herbs reduce inflammation, strengthen the outflow of urine and the state of the prostate gland.

The consequences of chlamydiosis

Chlamydia is primarily affixing urethra, provoking the development of urethritis. If the disease does not notice in time, the inflammatory process goes into the appendages of testicles, prostate and semennikov. Complications lead to the development of prostatitis, pyelonephritis, vesiculite, etc. If there is no effective treatment of chlamydia in men, there is a risk of obtaining kidney inflammation.

Among the complications there are also a disease of the Reiter, which covers several systems of the body and leads simultaneously to conjunctivitis, arthritis and urethritis. Also, the launched infection can lead to the affect of the structure of the urethra, the formation of scars on the surface of its walls and the narrowing of the urethra. Complication is treated only by surgical path.

Prevention of chlamydia

The risk of infection can be reduced:

  • restrained sexual behavior;
  • carrying out sexual life with one partner;
  • application of barrier contraceptives;
  • regular examinations of the doctor and surrender analyzes on conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic bacteria.

Let's summarize: the basis of any treatment is based on the use of antibacterial drugs. In parallel, immunomodulators are prescribed, multivitamins, local means. Laboratory tests are used to assign preparations and control of crushing. All medicines must be spelled out by a doctor. Do not self-medicate!

Tablets from chlamydia - the most common form of medication, which is used to treat the disease. Chlamydia - an infectious disease of a gynecological nature, which is transmitted by sexually. The pathogens are chlamydia bacteria. The infection is dangerous in that it strikes not only the genital organs, but also a cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system, vision.

This is the most common disease that meets in adolescents and young people, but for certain reasons, in more mature age is rarely observed. The most important cause of the disease is an indiscriminate sex life or unprotected sexual intercourse. Chlamydia can be infected with a child at birth if this disease was present at the mother.

How does the disease occur?

The incubation period lasts from 10 to 14 days. The main feature and danger of chlamydia is that it can proceed asymptomatic or with low signs. If discomfort and pain are present, but the treatment is not carried out, the disease passes to another stage of development. Acute symptoms disappear. At the same time, it is mistaken to believe that chlamydia retreated by itself.

Initially, bacteria are localized in the cervix and urethra. The microflora of the vagina is disturbed, the mucous allocations of thick consistency appear with a very unpleasant smell resembling a rotten fish. Inside and outside the genital organs, burning and painful sensations are felt at the end of urination. Sometimes false urges arise.

After that, the disease moves to the uterine pipes. The pain at the bottom of the abdomen appears, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt, there is fever, nausea. The monthly cycle reacts to all these changes in the body. Menstruation may be abundant, long or absent at all. Weakness, dizziness, headache and nervousness are indirect signs of the disease. With sexual act, there are painful sensations and burning sensations.

In men, chlamydia does not have obvious sharp symptoms. It is observed itching in the head area, pain when urination. After some time, swelling and redness of the testicles appear.

It is possible to infected with chlamydia, not only during the classical sex, but also anal, and oral.

How to overcome the disease?

It should start only after visiting a specialist, since symptoms are largely similar to other dangerous gynecological diseases. Tightening with a visit to the doctor is not worth it, as the road every minute. The faster the diagnosis is made and the medicine is selected, the faster you can cope with chlamydia.

The task is to destroy the infection, eliminate the symptoms and restoration of the genitals. Mandatory is parallel treatment of a partner to exclude recurrence and mutual infection. Antibacterial agents and recovery therapy are prescribed. Candles, baths, tampons are prescribed for local therapy. Self-medication in this case may result in complication.

The rules of successful struggle are as follows:

  • to see the doctor in time;
  • necessarily go through both partners.
  • treatment in men and women identical;
  • during therapy, it should be refracted from sexual intercourse;
  • chlamydia must be cured before the conception of the child;
  • the elimination of the disease during pregnancy should occur under the supervision of a doctor;
  • analyzing immediately after the end of treatment is inappropriate, since a false reaction may be present.

With a favorable outcome, chlamydia can be cured in 10 days. Most often you have to take medicines in the form of tablets.

What is the disease?

Mandatory condition is the reception of antibiotics. Tablets are prescribed this kind:

  • tetracyclines;
  • macrolides;
  • fluoroquinolones.

Doxycycline belongs to tetracycles. Produced in the form of a capsule. Accepted while eating. It is powered by a large amount of liquid. The daily dose on the first day of treatment or during the severe form of the disease is significantly higher, and then gradually declining. Course treatment 10 days.

An example of macrolides is azithromycin. Release form - capsules. Accepted 1 time a day before meals or 2 hours after it. The duration of treatment and dose is prescribed by the doctor, since in each case it can be different.

Restoring therapy is to strengthen the immune system. Immunomodulators are prescribed. Among them are the most popular are cycloferon, polyoxide.

Polyvitamins also serve as medicine from chlamydia. Such drugs strengthen the immune system, increase the resistance of the body. With new forces, overcome the infection is much easier. Be sure to take ascorbic acid, vitamin E, glutamic acid.

Preparations for the treatment of chlamydia are as follows:

  • Abaltal;
  • Amixin;
  • Aphenoxin;
  • Binoclary;
  • Vilplerafen;
  • Viferon;
  • Hexicone;
  • Genferon;
  • Derinate;
  • Clabaks;
  • Clafranis;
  • Climycin;
  • Laveomax;
  • Liprophine;
  • Metovit;
  • Minolexin;
  • Miramistin;
  • Abalin;
  • Perch;
  • Roxymisan;
  • Siflox;
  • Tyothatax.

The list of drugs is far from complete. It is quite difficult to determine the choice yourself with the choice, especially since each of them has their own nuances, contraindications and course of treatment.

However, it is worth remembering what is needed on time and under the supervision of a specialist.

Basically, the ailments are eliminated by this plan:

  1. With acute symptoms and pronounced signs of chlamydia, antibiotics, vitamins, polyoxide are prescribed. A week later, it is advisable to add enzymotherapy. In parallel with these drugs, drugs are accepted for the normalization of intestinal microflora: Linex, Laktovit, Hilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin. From medicinal herbs makes baths, lotions, tampons.
  2. With hidden symptoms, the same drugs are carried out, but immunostimulants are added. And the diagnosis of affected organs is initially carried out, since the disease can be distributed throughout the body. Additionally, candles are prescribed for topical treatment.

Consequences of the disease

The medicine from chlamydia can be bought in any pharmacy, and without a doctor's prescription. This is much more complicated by the treatment process and leaves uncontrolled the spread of infection. This situation is peculiar to adolescent: visiting the gynecologist for them is an extremely unpleasant situation. It is easier to buy a drug in a pharmacy and independently undergo a course of treatment. Sometimes adults do so. Self-medication in this situation is strictly prohibited.

If the treatment is incorrect or late, unwanted serious consequences will arise:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • infertility;
  • favorable situation for the development of cancer;
  • miscarriage;
  • arthritis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • urethritis.

Much more difficult. Effective scheme, as such is not. Numerous surveys, tests, tablets and other medicines will be required.

In addition, if used only antibacterial drugs, the effectiveness of treatment is also questionable. The weakened organism will not be able to completely get rid of the infection, follow relapses and complications. American scientists conducted studies when immunomodulators were injected with patients without using antibacterial agents. In 70% of cases, the disease retreated. However, such drugs cannot be appointed without initial body examination. Especially impossible to choose them on their own.

Chlamydia is a disease that can be easily prevented. It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of sexual partner, avoid random connections. If even sex will be protected, there is a possibility of damage to the condom.

Tablets are the most common method of treating chlamydia. However, they are included in a complex of complex process. Treatment should begin after visiting the doctor and are conducted under his control!

Effective treatment of chlamydia in men, namely correctly selected drugs and medication scheme will help forever get rid of the dangerous disease. This ailment occupies a leading place in prevalence, and is transmitted by sexually. It aggravates the situation and the fact that the symptoms of the disease are not manifested immediately, patients do not pay attention for a long time.

Review of effective preparations for the treatment of chlamydia in men

For men, the antibacterial drug and auxiliary agents are primarily prescribed.

More often doctors prescribe the following drugs:

  • immunomodulators The most optimal way to strengthen the weakened immunity of the patient who will fight chlamydia (also noted that the reception of immunomodulators improves the effect of antibiotics administered, drugs are introduced intramuscularly);
  • antifungal tools are prescribed because fungi join the chlamydias, this effect is explained by the weakened immunity and the microflora (recommended metronidazole, trichopol, natamycin, and candles are prescribed in this case);
  • enzymes of vegetable and animal origin, which improve the metabolic processes in the patient's body;
  • hepatoprotective tools protect the liver, and the advantage of modern medicines is that they not only protect the liver from the detrimental effects of drugs, but also have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on the body (the most effective CARSILE or Essential Forte);
  • probiotics help to deal with dysbacteriosis, which occurs in the body after the course of receiving antibiotics, they are recommended to use them together with antibiotics (among them is popular with lines, lactobacterin, enterol).


Antibacterial drugs can fight with individual types of bacteria, and have a wide range of effects on the body. Regarding the effective treatment of chlamydia, then those antibiotics are needed here, which are able to neutralize the infection inside the cell. For these purposes, there are several groups of medicines:

First of all, it should be understood that the subsequent treatment therapy should be appointed only the attending physician, this is an important condition. To determine what exactly will the treatment of chlamydia in a man, as well as to choose effective drugs and prescribe the scheme of their reception can specialist after diagnosis. The consequences of home therapy, which was carried out independently, unpredictable.

Antibiotics treatment implies compliance with certain rules. It is necessary to adhere to the recipe and time of medication. It is worth understanding that absolutely any kind of bacteria behaves wisely, trying to survive under conditions of an artificially created unfavorable environment. For this reason, you need to stick to the prescribed treatment regimen.

To achieve effective therapy, you must follow the following rules:

  • medicinal substances take at the appointed time;
  • even after the elimination of symptoms, the reception of drugs continues to the time-marked time;
  • therapy must pass both partners;
  • before treatment, it is necessary to pass analyzes on the basis of which effective medicines will be appointed;
  • at the time of therapy, it is forbidden to engage in sexual activity.

If we neglect the rules, it will lead to the ineffectiveness of treatment and the aggravation of the general clinical picture.

Dosages of antibiotics are appointed individually, depending on the nature of the disease flowing and the presence of additional pathologies in the body.

Before starting to take antibiotics, it is mandatory to prepare the body using immunomodulators. Also, the infected areas are treated with chlorhexidine.

Along with antibiotics, drugs reducing the natural intestinal flora are used.

  1. Tetracycline is recommended to use 400 mg 4 times a day for two weeks. Doxycycline has another scheme - 100 mg, drink 2 times a day.
  2. Sumamed is prescribed according to the following scheme - 1 tablet 500 mg for a week. If the pill has a weight of 250 mg, then apply the drug should 2 weeks.
  3. Offlsacin is prescribed once a day of 400 mg or several times in 200 mg. Therapy is from 5 to 9 days.

Complications and consequences of self-treatment

The most important condition for effective treatment is the absence of independent measures. In no case cannot postpone the visit to the doctor at the first manifestations of the disease. In this case, any folk recipes are ineffective.

The only effective way to get rid of the disease is the reception of drug drugs and strict compliance with the rules established by the attending physician.

If you ignore this pathology or try to eliminate it with self-medication, it can lead to a number of unpleasant consequences:

  • urinary tract infections;
  • the formation of the cyst of the prostate gland;
  • losses of the tone of smooth muscle and a reduction in potency;
  • inflammation of the appendage of testicles;
  • urethritis;
  • reiter's disease.

Vitamins for chlamydia

To increase the body's resistance to infections, it is necessary to pass vitamin therapy. There is no contraindications to the approach. The event is exclusively aimed at strengthening the general immunity of the body.

Unfortunately, there is no specific scheme for receiving vitamin preparations. In an individual, the doctor prescribes certain vitamins, depending on the clinical picture of the patient. More often assigned:

  1. Vitamin E.
  2. Na thiosulfate.
  3. Glutamic and ascorbic acid.

Course treatment of chronic chlamydia

Stages of treatment of chronic chlamydia:

  • at the initial stage, antibiotics together and immunomodulators, vitamin complexes and antioxidants are used;
  • the second stage provides for the use of antifungal agents;
  • at the final stage it is necessary to visit the physiocabine and the reception restoring the liver of medicinal substances.

Chronic form of chlamydia provides three-day effects with drugs that neutralize the hearth infection.

Prices of drugs

Depending on the supplier and the pharmacy network prices for drugs may differ.

Chlamydia is a group of infectious diseases whose causative agents are chlamydia. This is such a type of microorganisms that are neither bacteria, not viruses, chlamydia - the prazitic agents that breed intracellularly, therefore the diagnosis of curability and treatment of chlamydia in men is significantly difficult. The cunning of this pathogen is that in almost half of the cases, the flow of chlamydia in men, the symptoms are not manifested.

With constant stressful situations, irrational nutrition, the absence of a complete rest, when a person has disorders in the immune system, weakens an adequate immune response to infection - chlamydia can affect the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system - chlamydial pneumonia, musculoskenery - chlamydial arthritis, organs vision - conjunctivitis, but the most frequent localization of these infectious agents is a genitourinary system of a man.

Urogenital chlamydia is manifested by symptoms of cystitis, prostatitis and urethritis. It is possible to determine this disease only with the help of specific analyzes, immunoferment (ELISA), serological and molecular biological method. Chlamydial infections are a health hazard, since they have multiple complications - a violation of potency from ascending infections of sex tract, lesions of the joints, male infertility, diseases of the vessels and hearts.

Therefore, if the slightest suspicions arise in the impaired violation in the urinary field, you should exclude or confirm the diagnosis of chlamydia. In men, the treatment of this disease is engaged in doctors venereologists, infectiousists, urologists.

Ways of transfer of chlamydia in men

Chlamydial infection among all diseases of the transmitted sexually occupies a leading place. Each year in our country, 1.5 million people are ill with urogenital chlamydia, most often chlamydia is registered at the age of sexual activity of 20-40 years, today there is an increase in incidence among 13-17 year old adolescents. The source of infection can be a person with both asymptomatic and active flow of the disease.

Paths of transfer of chlamydia in men and women.

  • Contact. The most common is the sexual path of the transfer of chlamydia, and in independence from the method of contact. It is possible, but unlikely to contact the household journey or family, through the general items of personal hygiene, clothing, bedding, dirty hands.
  • Vertical: Antenatal - Woman's pregnancy time and intranatal - during the birth of a child is transmitted from the mother to the baby.

Signs of chlamydia in men

In 46% of men, the disease passes in asymptomatic form, but even in this case a person is a carrier of infection and is potentially dangerous for the sexual partner. The incubation period of chlamydia is 14-28 days, and often the first symptoms of the disease are celebrated already two weeks after dubious contact. How is chlamydia manifest? Symptoms and signs of the disease may be as follows:

  • In acute chlamydia, the men's symptom is a subfebrile body temperature of 37.2-37,5С, a total weakness, increased fatigue.
  • From the urethra can be vitreous, watery or, especially noticeable after sleep.
  • When urination it is possible, burning, the first dips of urine can be muddy.
  • The acute inflammatory process in men can be accompanied by bleeding discharges with seeds, or at the end of urination.
  • The outer opening of the urethra can be edema, blushing.
  • Sometimes men feel unpleasant or painful sensations in groin, lower back.
  • After infection, the symptoms of chlamydia are often silent, the selection can only be occasionally in the morning and a person forgets about it, does not appeal to the doctor. Therefore, the acute phase of the disease is often becoming chronic, leading to prostatitis, centel, etc. Diseases.

Urogenital chlamydia in men - treatment

How to treat chlamydia? In men, the problem of the treatment of this disease lies in the late treatment of the patient to the services of specialists and often doctors have to face launched chronic urogenital chlamydia.

When treatment, chlamydia, the preparations of selection are based on the characteristic of chlamydia, namely the fact that the vital activity of these microorganisms occurs inside the cells. Therefore, only tetracycline antibiotics, macrolides and fluoroquinolones are most suitable for therapy. The use of cephalosporins, sulfanimamides and penicillins is not advisable, the form of their not high natural activity against chlamydia.

Before treatment, the attending physician determines the prescription of infection, the emergence of the first symptoms, intolerance to any drugs, possible allergic reactions and other chronic diseases. Also, on the basis of laboratory tests, the following is specified:

  • State immunity
  • The state of the hepatobiliary system - liver, gallbladder, pancreas
  • Microbiocenosis of intestine
  • The state of the urogenital tract

In the treatment of chlamydia in men, drugs are selected by a specialist also taking into account the concomitant STDs - sexually transmitted diseases, since often chlamydia is accompanied by other infections:

  • Antibiotics. The following drugs are prescribed:
    • Tetracyclines: Doxycycline - Unidox Solutab, Dorix, Vibreamicin, Vibra Tabs.
    • Macrolids: azithromycin (Sumamed, Zitomax, Hemomycin), Josamamicin (Vilprafen) and Clarithromycin (Clarbact, Froomylide UNO)
    • Fluoroquinolones: Offloxacin (Floxin, Zanocin, Tarivide, Ofloxin), Levofloxacin (Tavanik, Glewo, Levostar, Flexide), Ciprofloxacin (Digger, Cyphrobia, Cyprinol, Cypro-Bid), Spiramycin (Rovamycin), Norfloxacin (Norbaktin), SUFLOXACIN ( Lummlock), Sparfloxacin (Sparflo).
  • Sometimes in the treatment circuits of chlamydia in men, with a complicated process, 2 antibiotics are used, as well as antifungal agents (pimafucine, fluconazole):
    • azithromycin with ciprofloxacin
    • rifampicin with ciprofloxacin
    • doxycycline with ciprofloxacin .

There is no single for all in men, since in each particular clinical case, a qualified physician determines the individual scheme of complex treatment, taking into account all concomitant diseases, the age of the patient, its individual sensitivity and other factors.

Chlamydia in men - the consequences of infection

With the launched forms of chronic chlamydia in a man, the treatment of which was not carried out, or was little effective, the patient is at risk of developing such serious diseases as prostatitis, epididimitis, urethritis.

  • Symptoms of prostatitis - With the inflammation of the prostate gland in men, there are pain in the rectum, in the lower back, in groin, there are difficulties at the beginning of urination, separation from the urethra of mucous membranes or watery, potency is disturbed.
  • Symptoms of urethritis - Itching in the urethre, frequent urge to urination, purulent or mucous-purulent discharge, with chronic chlamydine urethritis, it is possible to develop stricture of urethra.
  • Symptoms of epidididitis - This is an inflammation of the appendage of an egg, which is usually characterized by a high body temperature, an increase in the appendage, which ultimately leads to infertility and spermatogenesis impaired.
  • Reuters' disease - chlamydial conjunctivitis, arthritis.

Chlamydia is an infectious disease that affects the urinary system in men. The main way to transmit is unprotected sexual intercourse. But there are cases of infection with chlamydia during contact with the lower linen, on which there were allocations.

The disease often flows in a hidden form at which there is no typical symptoms. The sluggish pattern of the disease weakens the body and by the time of the appearance of characteristic symptoms chlamydia acquires a launched form. And as a result - a long and heavy process of treating chlamydia in men.

Symptoms for chlamydia

The first symptoms are manifested in 2-4 weeks, which are an incubation period for the causative agent of the disease (Chlamydia trachomatis).

Signs of infection with chlamydia in men:
frequent urges for urination;
pain during urination;
burning, and in some cases the sharp pain in the field of the output channel;
separation from the urethra having a mucous or purulent nature;
prolonged pain in the scrotum;
Mining pain in the crotch.

Possible consequences and complications of chlamydia

For men, the disease is dangerous likely to occur chronic prostatitis and narrowing the output channel.

There is a possibility for the development of the Reiter's syndrome, accompanied by pain in the joints, eye inflammation and strong pain when urination.

Diagnostic measures to identify chlamydia in men

In the process of diagnosing chlamydiasis, men may need the following tests:
1. Bacteriological strokes from the output channel. This analysis makes it possible to identify pathogens of other diseases that can occur in parallel with chlamydia.
2. Blood test, aimed at identifying the number of antibodies against chlamydia.
3. TsPR Analysis on chlamydia at which the DNA of the pathogen is distinguished.
4. Sowing culture of chlamydia.

Treatment of chlamydia in men

The current scheme of therapeutic measures is an integrated approach that implies a solution to several tasks at the same time:
1. Eliminating the focus of infection, the set of antibiotics is used for this purpose.
2. Reducing the possible risks of the spread of fungal infections. The result is achieved using antimicotic agents.
3. Restoring the protective functions of the immune system.

Successful treatment is in the simultaneous therapy of chlamydia at both partners. No symptoms from one of them is not a guarantee that he is healthy. The survey must pass both sexual partners.

See also: Symptoms and treatment of garardnerellosis in men

Treatment of chlamydiasis implies the rejection of intimate relations throughout the entire course of therapy.

Previous diagram of chlamydia therapy

The therapeutic course on the outdated scheme was several months. The whole process was reduced to the use of various groups of antibiotics. The use of antifungal agents complemented the treatment.

In the complex therapy weakened the patient's impenetrable immune system, having a mass of side effects. The positive result was not guaranteed.

Modern treatment scheme

At the beginning of the century, completely new drugs appeared, characterized by higher efficiency and security. The course of therapy decreased to 3 weeks, and a wide selection of drugs allowed for each patient an individual course of therapeutic measures.

It depends not only on the severity of the illness, but also from microflora accompanying chlamydia.

Drugs and dosage

The treatment diagram includes the use of the following antibiotics:
Doxycycline (twice a day at 100 mg after meal, the course is from 2 weeks or more);
Erythromycin (4 times a day of 500 mg before meals, the duration of reception is similar to doxycycline);
Sumamed (once a day 250 mg);
LEFLOXACIN (once a day 600 mg, a course of reception 2 weeks, with complications, the course can be extended);
Offloxacin (twice a day 300 mg after meals, take from 10 to 14 days);
Rovamycin (three times a day, 3 million meters after eating for 10-14 days);
Vilprophne (twice per day 500 mg after meals, from 10 to 14 days);
Pefloksacin (twice a day at 400 mg during food intake, reception up to 2 weeks);
Levofloxacin (twice a day at 400 mg of the course 7-10 day course).

The scheme allows for the use of probiotics (bificol, lactobacterin, enterol) aimed at preventing dysbacteriosis, which can be triggered by intake of antibiotics.

The doctor may assign a reception of several antibiotics at the same time if there is a suspicion of other infection along with chlamydia. For example, preparations that have in their composition metronidozol, or antifungal agents.

In addition to antibiotics, immunomodulating drugs are prescribed, since chlamydia is able to coherent protective systems of the body:
Polyoxide (intramuscularly every other day, 6 mg);
Timaline (daily intramuscular injections).