How to cure a child's severe cough and runny nose. Cough and runny nose in a child - what to do, how to help him at home and not harm him, when it’s time to see a doctor. Stages of development of inflammation. Cold cough runny nose treatment How to quickly cure congestion

Knowing how to quickly cure a cough and runny nose is simply necessary, especially in the spring and autumn. Temperature changes, sudden thaws and cold snaps can cause unpleasant diseases even in people with a very stable immune system. Children, the elderly, or people already suffering from chronic diseases are especially prone to frequent runny noses and coughs.

Self-treatment of cough and runny nose

Having discovered an illness, the first prerequisites indicating the appearance of a cough or sputum associated with a runny nose, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. Even with an immediate response, the disease stops only on the 5th day. Having realized that it is time to take some measures, it is too late, the “pleasure” of treatment will have to be stretched out for several weeks.

If a person does not have serious illnesses, and the cough and runny nose are clearly of a cold nature, you can try to do without “chemistry”, using exclusively folk remedies. But if the process is delayed, and the patient still does not feel any improvement in his health, the temperature begins to rise in the evenings, reaching 38 degrees, a visit to the doctor and a strong prescribed medicine is simply necessary.

Additional warning: self-medication is possible only with those components to which the sick adult or child is not allergic. The first steps towards recovery should be daily wet cleaning of the room where the patient, isolated from the rest of the household, lies. If possible, remove all items that act as dust collectors: soft toys, carpet runners, decorative pillows, figurines, books. Thus, air humidification and cleaning will take a matter of minutes, which is important not only for the patient, but also for the family member caring for him.

A runny nose and cough can be effectively treated if you use all the traditional medicine techniques at once:

  • drinking plenty of water;
  • decoctions, tinctures;
  • inhalation, rinsing;
  • compresses, cups.

After isolating the patient, it is necessary to prepare him a drink consisting of ripe raspberries and viburnum (1:1). It's actually a compote that can be further sweetened with honey instead of sugar. The drink cannot be cloyingly sweet; a few drops of lemon juice will help eliminate this.

Equally effective is drinking milk, a spoonful of butter and a few drops of onion juice. The product does not taste very pleasant, but it perfectly eliminates headaches, helps fight coughs and a runny nose.

A tincture of raspberry stems will also help ease your breathing. Only the tops of the plant are used, which are crushed to quickly prepare the drink. A small amount of the mixture is poured with hot water, and then boiled for an additional 20 minutes. The mixture is filtered, carefully poured into a thermos and infused for about 1.5 hours. You should drink no more than 1 glass of tincture per day.

Affordable medicines for cough and runny nose

When treating children, you can do a little trick that many parents resort to. It is known that kids can be capricious for hours just to avoid eating raw onions and garlic. But their use is very desirable: the bactericidal properties of these plants have been known for centuries. The trick is to place a chopped onion and several similarly processed cloves of garlic on a plate on the cabinet so that the child cannot see. The smell in the room will be a little specific, but, combined with frequent ventilation and wet cleaning, this method will help you recover faster even without medications.


If you have rhinitis or even the slightest hint of a possible diagnosis, be sure to take inhalations. And in this case, potatoes are popularly recognized as the most effective. Small potatoes or peelings are boiled until fully cooked, the pan with them is transferred to the patient, and he, covering his head with a towel or thick cloth, should inhale the steam. A modern, updated interpretation of this procedure is to add eucalyptus and thyme leaves to the potatoes during cooking, and a little fir oil immediately before inhalation. If rhinitis in initial stage, heavy discharge will begin, and he will retreat.

For daily gargling, you can prepare the well-known soda solution: a spoonful of soda per 150-200 g of warm water. For greater effectiveness, it is alternated with a decoction made from chamomile and sage, the anti-inflammatory properties of which will help get rid of not only a cough, but also a runny nose. The herbs are mixed, 1 spoon is enough for one serving, and poured with boiling water. After 20 minutes, the rinse is ready, you just need to wait until its temperature drops to an acceptable level and start rinsing.

Too strong, debilitating cough will be softened by honey mixed 1:1 with oil. You need to take the mixture with a small spoon, holding it in your mouth until completely absorbed.

When you have a cold, warming up is necessary, for which alcohol mixed with castor oil. The mixture is rubbed into the patient’s back and chest with gentle massage movements. After the skin turns pink, you need to carefully cover the massage area. If wiping was carried out on the chest, the evaporation of alcohol and oil will even relieve a runny nose, although the remedy is recommended for coughs.

The most common cabbage helps fight colds if you smear it with liquid honey, put it on your chest and insulate it with cling film.

The compress will not cause discomfort, and therefore it is advisable that it remains on the chest for about 12 hours.

Using cold medicine

For dry and very intense coughs, it is advisable for children to purchase special lollipops, Doctor Mom lozenges, from the pharmacy. Pharmacy medications will help adults:

  • Tusuprex;
  • Glaucine;
  • Libexin;
  • Sinekod.

Excellent cleansing of the lungs and relief from coughing will be provided by “Halixol”, “Bromhexine” and mucaltin, which has long been known to everyone.

Ambroxol, Lazolvan, and Acetylcysteine ​​are effective in combating sputum production during coughing. The drugs have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect on the body, due to which the cold goes away along with the cough.

When counteracting a cough, we must not forget about a runny nose, which also needs to be treated urgently. Since conventional sprays only temporarily alleviate symptoms, being vasoconstrictors, and some of them subsequently cause a chronic runny nose, doctors increasingly advise resorting to them only in extreme cases: these are Galazolin, Xylen, Sanorin, Xymelin, Naphthyzin.

A runny nose can be easily overcome with rinses, solutions for which are sold in pharmacies. These are the drugs Salin, Otrivin, Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin, the use of which is effective only when used systematically. Manufacturers have developed a special series of these same medications for babies, which can be easily identified by the special addition “Baby” to the name. If the disease is not advanced, you can use regular sea salt without additives in the form of flavorings, purchased there, and make your own solution, making sure that it is not too salty.

It is advisable for pregnant women to resort only to products made from plants. The medicine Pinosol, which contains oil from plants such as eucalyptus, mountain pine and mint, as well as vitamin E, has proven itself well.

However, self-treatment is quite dangerous if the process lasts more than 5 days and relief does not occur. In cases of illness in infants, pregnant women and the elderly, even this time is not worth waiting. Treatment should only be carried out using medications prescribed by a doctor.

Cough is the most common symptom of a cold. Moreover, it often happens that fever and runny nose are a thing of the past, and a debilitating cough haunts you for several weeks after illness. A cold that is not completely cured can result in serious complications, and therefore the disease must be fought until it finally subsides.


  1. See your doctor to listen to your lungs and rule out serious illnesses such as bronchitis and pneumonia. A blood test will also be useful to make sure that the cause of the cough is not a bacterial infection. In all of the above cases, treatment with antibiotics will be required, and the selection of the drug and its dosage should be carried out by a specialist.
  2. When you are sure that the cough is caused by a viral infection (in other words, a common cold), you can begin to fight it at home. First, determine what type of cough you have - wet or dry, since different cases required different treatment. A wet cough produces sputum. When dry, the sputum is too viscous to come out, so the patient, despite the efforts made, cannot cough up.
  3. The first step in treating a dry cough is to thin the mucus. Thanks to this, it is possible to make it productive and, thereby, make the patient feel better and speed up recovery. Drink more fluids and humidify the air in the room. These seemingly simple measures significantly alleviate the condition of a dry cough. Drug therapy consists of taking mucolytic drugs. Some people prefer to take old, proven drugs, for example, bromhexine, but modern drugs have a more pronounced effect, so it is better to give preference to tablets/syrups based on ambroxol (Ambrobene, Lazolvan, etc.). A folk remedy for treating a painful dry cough is black radish. Cut the vegetable in half and remove the pulp from the middle. Pour honey into it and wait a few hours until the radish gives juice. Take it before meals, one tablespoon. Within a day after the start of treatment, the cough will become productive.
  4. A wet cough is treated with expectorants. Medicines based on natural ingredients are especially effective, for example, “Bronchicum”, “Doctor Mom”, etc. But lovers of non-drug treatment can drink a warm mixture of milk, mineral water, a spoon of honey and a piece of butter. This remedy will speed up the discharge of sputum and facilitate its removal from respiratory tract.

How to recognize and cure a cold in a baby?

Illness in infants causes a lot of anxiety on the part of parents. But, in fact, knowing how to behave when children have colds, you can avoid many complications and speed up the recovery process. Considering that colds in infants are considered the most common disease, mothers should know how to recognize and cure them.

What should mom do?

Since the infant's immunity is still weak, a cold can cause many complications. Therefore, it is important to call a doctor when you notice the first symptoms of a cold. If a 3-month-old child's temperature rises to 38, you should immediately call an ambulance rather than a pediatrician. After 3 months of age, she should be called if the temperature reaches 38.5. Before the doctor or ambulance arrives, the mother is advised to follow these steps:

  • You shouldn’t force your baby to eat, he knows how much he needs to eat;
  • if the child completely refuses food, you should give him boiled water every 10 minutes;
  • You need to dress your baby in accordance with the air temperature in the room, but don’t forget about his possible condition, because he may shiver or feel hot;
  • the child should be held in such a position that his head is slightly higher than the level of the rest of the body;
  • Do not use nasal drops without a doctor’s prescription;
  • You should not rub your baby with vinegar or alcohol, as these substances will penetrate through the pores into the baby’s body;
  • All medications can be given to the baby after examination by a doctor.

To reduce fever, pediatricians often prescribe Nurofen, Panadol, Ibufen, Viferon, Analdim. Children's medications in this group are available in the form of tablets, syrups and suppositories, which allows parents to choose the most suitable method of treatment. Also, do not forget that some syrups, especially those containing honey, can cause allergic reactions.

Treatment of a runny nose

A runny nose, being the main symptom of a cold, usually occurs in infants. If a runny nose does not cause difficulty breathing, it usually goes away on its own without adult intervention. Frequently putting your baby to the breast will help overcome the symptoms of a cold, including a runny nose.

If a child gets a cold during the introduction of complementary foods, it is worth refusing new food for several days until complete recovery. Because it will huge pressure on the weakened body of the infant.

It is recommended to use children's nasal drops that do not dry out mucous membrane - Aquamaris or Salin. You can also prepare a saline solution yourself, adding a spoonful of salt to a glass of water. It is very important to regularly clear the baby's nose of mucus by sucking it out with a bulb. When a child has a cold, which is accompanied by heavy nasal discharge or nasal congestion, it is important to take care of the presence of a humidifier.

You should avoid rinsing your nose with pears or using copious amounts of nasal drops, since a baby’s Eustachian tube is very short and all the liquid quickly gets into the ear, causing an inflammatory process that is dangerous to health.

During this period of childhood, the following procedures will help in treating a runny nose:

  • massage of the wings of the nose;
  • instillation of Kalanchoe or aloe juice;
  • using Vitaon for instillation into the nose;
  • You can put a napkin soaked in eucalyptus oil in your baby’s crib while he sleeps;
  • It is useful to drip carrot juice into your nose, diluted 1:1 with water.
  • after an hour, rinse your nose with saline solution, dropping half a pipette into each nasal passage;
  • You can use thuja oil for instillation;
  • use herbal tea“Elekosol” for preparing a decoction against the runny nose;
  • use homeopathic medicines.

It is important to know: parents should not use herbal infusions and decoctions, as well as other remedies to treat colds without first consulting a specialist.

Cough treatment

Cough syrups are usually prescribed by pediatricians after 6 months of age. In this case, the drug is used depending on the type of cough - wet or dry. The most common cough syrups and mixtures intended for infants are the following:

  • Dr. Theis;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Tussamag.

Also, in the treatment of colds in children, which are accompanied not only by a runny nose, but also by a cough, the use of inhalations is considered effective. During the illness, it is necessary to ensure that the child drinks as much liquid as possible - tea with honey and lemon, warm milk.

Mustard procedures have proven themselves to be effective in treating colds. Mustard can be used to prepare foot baths, and it can also be poured into warm socks and left overnight. True, such treatment methods should be used starting from the age of 9 months..

It is important to be able to carry out the procedure correctly: The child’s feet should be placed in water at 38 degrees, gradually bringing it to 41 degrees by adding hot water. After the baby’s feet turn red, they need to be doused with cool water and put back into the hot bath. Repeat these steps 3 times, put on warm socks and put the baby to sleep.

When coughing, it is good to use mustard plasters, but they can only be used in cases where the baby does not have allergies. As you know, any odorous substances can cause bronchospasm and cause difficulty breathing.

Red throat

If the throat is red, the baby should be given Aflubin, and the throat should be smeared with eucalyptus ointment at night. Propolis tincture diluted in water helps eliminate the inflammatory process. The child should rub his throat with this medicine.

The baby should always be given a warm drink so that his throat does not dry out.

Children can gargle with decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, coltsfoot. Doctors mainly prescribe Septefril, Efizol, Erespal syrup, Tantum Verde and Hexoral sprays.

What can complicate the course of the disease?

There are certain factors causing complications for a cold. First of all, these include overheating of the child, contaminated skin, overeating - these factors increase body temperature, worsen the child’s condition and delay the recovery process.

Timely contact with a pediatrician will help avoid complications

Exceeding the dosage of the medicine can also worsen the situation with the disease,
After all, sometimes mothers, in order for their child to recover faster, begin to give them medications more often. Thus, cleansing the intestines, following diet and hygiene rules, and the correct dosage of medications will help your baby overcome a cold faster.

Colds in infants go away much faster if the parents contact the pediatrician in a timely manner and at the same time strictly follow all his prescriptions.

Whatever disease affects the human body, it is accompanied by a lot of unpleasant symptoms. One such illness is the common cold. Very often it occurs without fever, but the patient experiences a runny nose, coughing, sneezing and sore throat. For successful treatment it is necessary to determine the cause that provoked all these symptoms and direct all efforts to eliminate it.

What folk remedies can be used for nasal congestion without a runny nose can be found in this article.

Cause of dry and wet cough

With a dry cough, the patient does not produce copious amounts of sputum. It can take on a strong, hysterical character and be accompanied by pain syndrome. The reason for this pathological process lies in damage to the respiratory organs by infection. At the initial stage of a cold, a person experiences a sore throat and a dry cough. But after a few days it turns into wet, as the body begins to actively produce phlegm.

From this article you can learn how to treat a runny nose with folk remedies.

But after some time, the dry cough returns again, because mucus begins to be released in smaller quantities. The most common causes of dry cough are:

  1. Cigarette smoke, dry air in the room.
  2. The body is infected with the influenza virus, which initially causes a dry cough and then a wet cough.
  3. Specific odors of chemicals.
  4. Foreign body in the goal. If a cough bothers a person without obvious signs colds and fever, then most likely it got into the throat foreign object, which causes suffocation.
  5. Laryngitis. When a dry cough bothers a person often during the day, there is a high probability of having this infectious disease, which is characterized by a hoarse voice and a spasmodic cough.

What folk remedies for allergic rhinitis are the most popular are indicated in this article.

From this article you can learn how to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a cold.

The next type of cough is wet. It is very easy to recognize, since sputum is released during coughing. This symptom has received another name - productive, because thanks to it it is possible to clear the bronchi of mucus.

A wet cough can affect the human body if there is an acute respiratory infection, a common runny nose, allergies, pneumonia and bronchitis. Sputum is characterized by a viscous consistency, for this reason it should not be for a long time keep in the bronchi, because this is an excellent place for bacteria to multiply. It is worth taking immediate action and getting her out of there.

The color of the discharge during a wet cough may be slightly cloudy, which indicates the onset of the inflammatory process. Mucus with a rusty tint indicates an allergy, and green color makes it clear that a person has sinusitis, tuberculosis or bronchiectasis.

You can learn how to treat allergic runny nose and cough in a child by reading this article.

Frequent wet mucus causes bronchitis or tracheitis. The wet cough that occurs as a result of treatment is replaced by a dry one, which serves as a harbinger of the patient’s recovery.

Causes of a runny nose

Mucus discharged from the nose without fever indicates that the body has been struck by an infectious disease. During a runny nose, the nasal mucosa becomes moist, resulting in congestion, the patient loses his sense of smell, and experiences frequent bouts of sneezing. A runny nose can take a chronic form and occur in a specific case. The result of this process is severe swelling of the nasal mucosa and vasodilation. The contents increase after the liquid begins to separate.

The acute form of rhinitis occurs on its own or due to influenza or ARVI. Inflammatory process occurs due to the entry of bacteria and viruses into the nasal mucosa.

What nasal drops should be used for allergic rhinitis is indicated in this article.

The main factors contributing to the formation of a runny nose without fever include:

  • prolonged exposure to the cold;
  • infection of viral or bacterial origin;
  • injury to the nose;
  • bad habits;
  • poor blood circulation in the mucous membrane of the affected organ caused by a vascular or hormonal disease.

The video shows possible causes of a runny nose:

What causes sneezing

This symptom appears when the nasal mucosa is exposed to an irritant. This irritating factor can be dust, fluff or animal hair. Another cause of sneezing is the influence of volatile substances. As a rule, a person begins to sneeze when inhaling perfume aromas or cigarette smoke.

The formation of a sneeze reflex is a common cause of a change in temperature, when a person goes from a warm room to the street, where it is frosty. Sneezing can also cause allergic and acute respiratory viral illnesses.

For what reason is a stuffy nose without a runny nose, you can find out from the article.

Very often pregnant women complain that just before giving birth they constantly sneeze and have a stuffy nose. This occurs due to swelling of the nasal mucosa, which provokes hormonal changes. This process in medicine is called “rhinitis during pregnancy.”

Often a sore throat is a harbinger of a viral or bacterial disease. There are many reasons for this symptom. For example, a sore throat (sore throat) can be caused by pharyngitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the back wall of the throat. When the pain becomes frequent, it can be said that pharyngitis has become chronic.

In addition, severe pain can cause the development of sore throat, which results in inflammation and swelling of the tonsils located on the sides. Since children very often suffer from this disease, it often becomes chronic. Sore throat can also occur due to laryngitis, which is characterized by a hoarse and hoarse voice.

This article shows how to breathe over potatoes when you have a runny nose.

In addition, the following factors may influence the formation of the presented symptom:

  • viral infection;
  • bacterial infection;
  • allergy;
  • throat irritation from harmful substances;
  • dry air.

Causes of colds with weakness

Many have seen this picture: when all the signs of a cold are on the face, there is no rise in temperature. What is the reason? It's all about physiological feature body to the virus that has infected it. After it has entered the body, a person experiences increased blood circulation, which results in poor processing of blood by the heart.

If a cold also affects a person with a weak immune system, then a slight rise in temperature indicates that the body has entered the fight against the infection. If the temperature is within normal limits, then the person has persistent and strong immunity, which does not include in the process the protective functions of the brain to fight infection.

You can learn how to use Bioparox for a runny nose in children from the article.

The video explains the causes of a runny nose and sore throat without fever:

Absolutely anyone can become infected with a cold, even without a fever. This happens through airborne droplets, when the virus enters the body through the respiratory tract and begins to have its effect.

You can catch a cold by kissing. As a rule, infection occurs as a result of the fact that the virus is transmitted from a person who has an incubation period and is not even aware of the presence of a cold.

The next route of transmission is through food. When a person with ARVI sneezes on food or touches it with his hands, viruses get onto it. If they are consumed by a healthy person, there is a chance that he or she will develop a cold.

Oddly enough, forks and spoons also serve as a source of infection transmission. Moreover, this transmission option is considered the most common. Do not drink a drink from one bottle or cup. All cutlery must be treated with a detergent.

Are colds without fever treated with antibiotics?

Very often during self-treatment, most people use antibacterial drugs, believing that such medications will help quickly get rid of the disease. But doctors do not prescribe antibiotics in all cases, because their negative effect on the body has not been canceled. In addition, when taking antibiotics during an uncomplicated cold, no one can guarantee that they can speed up the healing process.

How to treat a runny nose and barking cough in a child, as stated in the article.

The video shows the use of antibiotics for a sore throat without fever:

IN medical practice There are cases where the result was the opposite. A number of patients experienced side effects when taking antibacterial medications. Because of this treatment, dysbacteriosis and allergies often develop, and the body’s immune forces are greatly weakened. In addition, the effect of antibiotics can hardly be called antiviral; their goal is to attack bacteria, but a cold is a viral infection.

Treatment of colds without complications in a pregnant woman

Colds very often occur in women while pregnant. The reason is that the period of pregnancy is accompanied by suppression of the immune systems of even the healthiest woman, as a result of which her body becomes susceptible to various seasonal diseases.

In the video, a pregnant woman has a cough and runny nose without fever:

How to treat? Only a doctor can prescribe effective treatment. As a rule, he prescribes medications that are absolutely safe for health expectant mother, and so does the baby:

  1. To eliminate a runny nose, saline solutions for rinsing the nose - Aquamaris and Dolphin - are very effective.
  2. Sprays and solutions that are safe for pregnant women - Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Ingalipt, Pinasol - will help eliminate a sore throat.
  3. You can overcome coughing attacks with the help of Coldex broncho, Lazolvan, ACC.
  4. The doctor may prescribe rubbing the chest area and bridge of the nose. For these purposes, when you have a cold, the balm “Zvezdochka” or “Doctor Mom” has a positive effect.
  5. Use homeopathic medicines It is completely safe during pregnancy. The doctor may prescribe Antigrippin or Gripp-hel.

A cold is a very insidious and unpleasant disease. Even if it occurs without fever, it is very important to determine the cause of its formation and prescribe adequate therapy. Otherwise, it can become complicated and become chronic.

A sharp exhalation through the mouth, or cough, is a vital reflex: its task is to free the respiratory tract from foreign substances, including a runny nose.

If a child’s cough from snot recurs regularly, be sure to contact a pediatrician or otolaryngologist.

Especially in infants, rhinitis can lead to unpleasant consequences, like otitis media, or cause more serious harm to health. Treatment depends on the nature of the attacks and accompanying symptoms.

Causes of night cough in a child

It is important for parents to remember that coughing attacks are not an independent disease, but a symptom. It appears both during the day and at night.

But more often it occurs only during sleep. This is explained by the horizontal position of the body.

In this case, sputum, accumulating in the bronchi, dilutes and makes it difficult to breathe freely.

To the frequent question whether a child can cough due to snot, pediatricians also give a positive answer. This is one of the reasons for such attacks.

Provoking factors also include:

Bacterial and viral diseases. These are ARVI, influenza in the initial stage, bronchitis, pneumonia. More often, nasal secretions when the body is affected by a viral infection are transparent in color and resemble the consistency of water.

How to determine that a cough is from snot?

Correct treatment is possible with an accurate diagnosis. But a pediatrician can recognize the cause - after listening to the area chest, and an otolaryngologist - after examining the throat, nose and ear canals.

Before determining that the cough has developed specifically against the background of snot, parents can conduct independent observation.

Features of such attacks:

  • In infants, nasal secretions provoke a wet cough more often than in children 3.5 - 4 years old.
  • Increased body temperature, lethargy, weakness, intestinal upset, lack of appetite indicate that a cold or viral infection is developing.

In this case, treatment requires an integrated approach, which only a doctor can provide: how to understand that there is no disease, and the cause of the pathology is in the nasal mucus? Contact a specialist.

The suspicion that a child is coughing due to snot can be confirmed or dispelled by adult observation.

When coughing from a runny nose, there is no wheezing or other noise in the breathing, which is determined by listening to the area of ​​the bronchi and lungs. Mucus caused by rhinitis can be seen when it is coughed up. This secret is almost impossible to blow your nose away.

Sometimes another type of respiratory spasm develops: a dry cough from snot in a child; it is associated with irritation of the larynx, through which nasal secretions can flow.

Such attacks are not productive, and it is not necessary to treat them, but to eliminate the root cause - rhinitis, or to fight the causative agent of the disease.

Dry mouth, dry throat and itchy nose are signs of the initial stage of the disease. If nothing bothers you other than a runny nose, and it lasts more than 7 days or chronic attacks, a physiological cough due to a runny nose can be relieved using home methods.

How to help a child urgently?

Before giving a child a medication or folk remedy, parents must be aware of the responsibility of these measures. Lack of treatment, especially in newborns,

But even in older children, nasal mucus may drain into the bronchi and develop bronchitis, into the ear canals - and otitis media is possible.

When treating infants from the first months of life to 2 years, it is necessary first of all to change the conditions environment where they spend the night. Before going to bed, thoroughly ventilate the room and use a humidifier. If it is not there, hanging wet laundry in the room is acceptable.

Clearing your nasal passages before bed is also helpful. It is enough to clean them of crusts after bathing. If they formed at night and caused a cough reflex, they are removed by instilling 1 - 2 drops of mother's milk into the nasal passage.

During a runny nose, it is advisable for infants to place a low pillow under their head, which will protect the baby’s ears from mucus getting into them.

Children over 2 years old are allowed Prepare it yourself - 200 ml warm boiled water take from ¼ to 1 whole teaspoon of salt.

They wash and irrigate the nose. For patients younger age use sprays or drops, the latter are more convenient because they do not throw the contents into the Eustachian tubes.

If you have a runny nose that cannot be eliminated by the above methods and there is no relief, your doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs. It is not advisable to use them before the patient reaches 5 years of age, only in special cases.

Doctors warn parents against using interferon or antiviral drugs on their own, especially in the case of infants. Improper medication use reduces immune function and leads to complications.

How to treat?

Pediatricians warn: treatment of cough begins with finding out its root cause. If the provoking factor is nasal secretion, you should not take medications.

This applies to both cough and cough medications. They're in in this case are ineffective and sometimes harmful.

If a cough develops due to snot on the back wall, it is impossible to fully inhale and exhale through the nose, you have to breathe through your mouth, and there are no signs of a general illness, parents resort to the following methods:

For children under 1 year of age, nasal mucus is removed using a rubber bulb. Carry out rinsing saline solution or saline solution.

It is recommended to bury the nose with children's drops Otrivin, which contains xylometazoline, or Aquamaris. This product is based on sea water from the Adriatic Sea and resembles saline solution. For patients under 2 years of age, it is better to use drops.

The substance xylometazoline is included in the list of vital important medicines, but has contraindications, so the instructions for Otrivin must be studied before use. Indicated for sinusitis, rhinitis, acute respiratory infections.

If the patient is more than 3 years old, the use of the above drugs in the form of ointments and gels is allowed, if the instructions provide for this. It is allowed to use Pinosol, drops based on essential oils.

Folk remedies are also allowed. These include mixtures of aloe juice and honey, beet or onion juice. But sometimes they cause dryness, burning, and an allergic reaction.

Important! When asked by parents whether it is necessary to treat an independent runny nose, pediatricians answer that no. It is better to create conditions for its termination.

If a child coughs in his sleep: Dr. Komarovsky

If your child has a severe cough from snot and not for another reason, the pediatrician recommends taking the following measures.

Initially, install a humidifier in the room or carry out wet cleaning before going to bed. A low pillow is placed under the patient's head so that mucus does not accumulate in the sinuses and does not enter the ear canals.

The doctor considers an excellent remedy to drink plenty of warm drinks during the day and a glass of warm milk before bed; you can add a quarter teaspoon of butter to it.

This applies to patients over 3 years of age, when the body can already cope with the digestion of milk protein on its own.

This product has an enveloping property and prevents drying out of the mucous membrane. oral cavity and larynx, struggling with coughing attacks and warms.

The next morning, Dr. Komarovsky advises showing the patient to a pediatrician who will make a diagnosis. The further treatment regimen or elimination of the cause of night attacks will depend on it.
The doctor advises you to refrain from self-administration of antibiotics, antiviral and cough suppressants. He believes that coughing during sleep due to nasal mucus does not need to be treated. It is better to focus your energy on strengthening the immune system: a physiological runny nose goes away on its own within 7 to 10 days.

Cough from snot in a baby: what to do?

Infancy is a difficult period for diagnosing sinusitis and cough syndrome. Parents take special care to ensure that what is possible to give such children medications and whether it is necessary.

If the body temperature is normal, there is no redness of the throat or weakness, the baby is active, and the mucous discharge is clear in color and liquid in consistency, there is often no cause for concern. The body goes through one of the stages of adaptation to environmental conditions.

You can also help by eliminating the sources

Treatment of a child’s cough and runny nose should begin immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear. Children, due to their not fully developed immune systems, get sick more often than adults. How to help your baby and cure a runny nose and cough? Can these problems be prevented?

Treatment Basics

First of all, you should pay attention to the environment in which the sick child lives. The room where it is located must be regularly ventilated. The child should be warm, especially beware of drafts. Aroma lamps with essential oils work very well to relieve the symptoms of the disease. They purify and humidify the air and, depending on the aroma, soothe or uplift the mood.

You can treat a runny nose and cough in a child with an aroma lamp using lavender oil, which cleans the air in the room from bacteria and viruses and soothes, Eucalyptus oil, which perfectly purifies the air, or lemon balm oil, which reduces heat, promotes sweating and soothes.

Treatment of runny nose and cough can be carried out using the following mixture, which ideally disinfects the air: add 2 drops of lavender, tea tree and eucalyptus oils to the water. Light the aroma lamp twice a day for 25 minutes.

If a child has a runny nose and cough, it is worth placing a pot of eucalyptus in the room; this plant helps cleanse the air of viruses, bacteria and other pollutants. Basic measures for colds:

  • a sick child should have sufficient rest (bed rest is ideal);
  • compliance with the drinking regime plays an important role;
  • It is necessary to provide the baby with a light diet rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • The room where the patient is located should be ventilated several times a day.

Treatment of a runny nose

In children, as a rule, watery rhinitis first appears, in which snot literally flows from the nose. Then a thick runny nose occurs, and finally a watery one again. Symptoms usually last for 7-10 days and can often be combined with diseases of the sinuses or middle ear. As first aid, you can use an aspirator, and at an older age, blowing your nose so that rhinitis minimally burdens the airways.

For young children, in accordance with popular advice, it is recommended to drip a little breast milk into the nostrils, which very well moisturizes the mucous membrane and has an antibacterial effect. If the mother does not have milk, sea water sprays can be used from a very young age.

The child should drink enough fluids to help clear mucus naturally. Today, the most common remedy for childhood rhinitis is Aquamaris nasal spray containing sea water. The duration of its use is not limited, but in young children the period of use should not exceed 7 days.

The next good remedy is Nazivin (drops and spray) with essential oils. Treatment of a runny nose with this remedy should also not last longer than 1 week. The period of use of nasal medications is limited due to the possibility of irritation of the mucous membrane and addiction to the drug. Before treating a runny nose in a small patient, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician!

Stuffy nose and cough - inhalations and onions

Inhalations and onion therapy can significantly and quickly alleviate the child’s condition. Steam is used in hydrotherapy for its properties to open pores, increase sweating and release phlegm when coughing (to make coughing easier). Humidified air is suitable for those who suffer from sinusitis, cough and allergies to substances present in the air:

  1. You can either use a mass-produced inhaler or make your own using a kettle of boiling water. To do this, make a cone out of thick paper and insert it into the neck so that steam rises from the kettle directly to your nose and mouth.
  2. A cough with a runny nose will be relieved by the following inhalation: drop a drop into water essential oil lavender and thyme, add 2 tbsp. sea ​​salt. Explain to your child the need to inhale steam through the nose. Never leave your baby unattended.
  3. During inhalation, cover the child with a warm towel or sheet.
  4. Steam inhalation should be carried out for 10-20 minutes, 3 times a day.
  5. If the child's sweating increases greatly, you can take a warm shower after inhalation.

“Onion” socks have a strong cleansing effect, regulate metabolism, release mucus (ease a child’s cough), relieve pain, and have a positive effect on the entire body through reflex zones on the feet. To prepare this folk medicine you should finely chop a large onion, place it on a linen or cotton scarf, mash it and warm it up parchment paper(you can use a hot radiator or an upside down pan lid for heating). Then you need to apply the bow to your feet so that it touches the skin, and put socks on top of it. Feet should be kept warm. The socks stay on your feet all night.

Cough therapy

Coughing is a natural reflex that serves to clear the lower respiratory tract by removing excess mucus and foreign substances from the mucous membrane. Coughing accompanies most respiratory diseases. Sometimes a child is bothered by a wet cough caused by excessive mucus secretion. Sometimes a dry cough occurs, which is more dangerous.

The most annoying variant is whooping cough. In this case, the child can no longer control the cough, creating the impression of suffocation during attacks. Most often, a child coughs most severely at night. The attacks can develop into panic, which can be very dangerous.

Parents should remain calm and influence the child in the same way. If an attack bothers a child aged 2 years or younger, the following method often helps: pick up the child in your arms and carry him to an open window. Inhaling cold air helps reduce swelling in the airways. In the summer, you can sit your baby in front of the refrigerator, which at the moment is the only possible source of cold air.

If a child has a severe attack, it is recommended to call the attending physician; in case of prolonged severe cough, it is advisable to call an ambulance. When you cough, it is very important to drink plenty of fluids - it will help clear the mucus. Homemade onion syrup can help quickly:

  • cut the onion into slices and sprinkle with sugar;
  • Cover the vessel with a lid and leave to marinate;
  • Onion juice and sugar form a very healthy syrup.

It is recommended to take this syrup three times a day or at least once at night. Onion syrup also helps get rid of a runny nose. Plantain syrup is also effective, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or (in the summer) prepared at home.

It's good to do chest wraps. For this purpose, goose fat, potatoes or cabbage are used. For dry coughs, wraps made from cottage cheese and garlic help, as they thin out mucus very well. A large pillow under the head helps relieve a cough with a runny nose in a child - an elevated head helps drain nasal mucus, which irritates the throat.

What is important when coughing?

The cough should not be suppressed, on the contrary, one should try to thin and remove the mucus, otherwise the disease may go down to the lungs. In deciding how to treat a cough, you can turn to herbs and compresses for help.

Anti-cough tea is a good help. To do this, you will need to take some plantain leaves and mullein flowers, crushed licorice root (alternatively, you can use mallow flowers). Preparation: pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over all the herbs and let steep for 15 minutes. Then strain and sip throughout the day. This tea is good for young children, but should not be consumed for more than 10 days.

For children, the following dilution is used:

  • up to 2 years - 1 tsp. the finished tea is diluted with 200 ml of clean water;
  • from 3 to 5 years - 2 tsp. the finished tea is diluted with 200 ml of clean water;
  • over the age of 5 years, the tea is not diluted.

Lemon Cough Relief Wrap - This wrap is suitable for treating “normal” coughs and bronchitis. Squeeze lemon juice (chemically untreated) into 0.5 l hot water. Soak a linen or cotton handkerchief in it, wring it out and place it on the chest area. Secure with a large scarf or handkerchief. Keep your child's shoulders warm, otherwise he may get a cold during the wrap!

Tincture of nasturtium or grapefruit seeds are excellent natural antibiotics without side effects. They are used for 3 weeks as follows:

  • children from 6 months to 2 years: 3 times a day, 2 drops per 100 ml of water;
  • children aged 2-5 years: 3 times a day, 4 drops per 100 ml of water;
  • children 5-9 years old: 3 times a day 6 drops per 200 ml of water;
  • after 9 years of age: 3 times a day, 15 drops per 200 ml of water.

Recovery period and prevention

Prevention plays an important role in relation to any disease, including colds. It is much easier to prevent a disease than to fight it:

  1. A clean home is very important! When the child has fully recovered, it is necessary to change bed sheets(after washing, it is recommended to ventilate it well outside - the sun's rays destroy pathogenic bacteria). Nutrition should also gradually return to normal and familiar. It is also important that your child drinks enough fluids.
  2. Recovery period. During recovery, the child needs attention and care. When the body temperature returns back to normal and the symptoms of the disease disappear, the baby should remain calm for several days. It is important that the baby remains in bed on the first day after symptoms disappear. Visiting friends, birthday parties, etc. should be avoided.
  3. Prevention. Preventive measures include sufficient air humidification in the room where the child spends most of its time. Humidity should not fall below 50%; 55-60% is considered optimal. To increase humidity, you should regularly ventilate the room - at least 3 times a day (just open the window wide for 5-10 minutes). A special humidifier can also help.

At the first signs of a cold, it is recommended to begin treatment. If the child is small, it is advisable to consult a doctor about the use of any medication.

Cough and runny nose in a child can be caused by various diseases; there are different methods of treatment - medication, folk remedies. and cough appear due to hypothermia, an inflammatory process in the body - parainfluenza, staphylococci, measles, adenoviruses, pneumococci. It is important to find out the cause in time and begin timely treatment.

Causes of cough and runny nose in a child

Symptoms are typical for bronchitis, tracheitis, sore throat, pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis. If the cough and runny nose are caused by a cold, in addition to these symptoms, you are worried heat body, aches, severe cough. Children who are constantly sick are recommended to strengthen the immune system with the help of vitamins and also to strengthen the body. To prevent the disease from getting worse, it is necessary to get rid of a runny nose and cough in time.

Methods for treating a runny nose in a child

Babies are advised to remove mucus with a nozzle ejector because they cannot get rid of it themselves. To do this, you must first close one nostril. Children are prohibited from rinsing their nose with sprays. large quantities, due to the fact that the child has a short eustachian tube, fluid may enter the middle ear, all

You can get rid of a runny nose using the following treatment methods:

1. Drop Kalanchoe juice into your nose, no more than 4 drops.

2. Vitaon is an effective remedy for a runny nose; just drop one drop into each nostril.

3. Drip breast milk into the spout; this method must be treated with extreme caution. It has been proven that this remedy can worsen a runny nose, because milk is an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria.

4. An effective remedy is to massage the points, especially pay attention to the wings of the nose.

6. The best disinfectant is beet juice; it must be diluted with water. Before using drops for a child, you need to test them on yourself so that they do not burn. Drip three times a day.

7. Before going to bed, you need to apply a napkin to the nose area, first moisten it in. The product acts as an inhalation.

8. You can use carrot juice diluted with water. Drip it every 30 minutes.

10. Parsley juice effectively treats a runny nose; it must first be finely chopped and squeezed, so you can get the liquid. It is recommended to drip 2 drops into different nostrils.

11. The nose needs to be lubricated with “Star” balm, this must be done from the outside, it is forbidden to use it inside, it can damage the mucous membrane.

12. If the nose is very stuffy, a cottage cheese compress will help, use homemade cottage cheese, it should not spread. It needs to be applied to the bridge of the nose.

14. One of the best homeopathic remedies is Euphorbium. Small children can drip no more than two drops twice a day.

15. You need to drip 1 drop of Ectericide into your nose.

16. Derinat drops are an effective remedy; this is one of the best antifungal, antiviral and antimicrobial agents, with which you can boost your immune system.

Treatment of cough in a child

1. If you are worried about a deep cough, it is recommended to use a mustard wrap; for the recipe you will need honey - a tablespoon, sunflower oil - a tablespoon, mustard - a tablespoon, flour - a tablespoon. Boil everything, apply to gauze and apply to the chest area, with a warm towel on top.

2. Pour heated sea salt into the sock. Place it under your right armpit, then wrap it with a warm scarf. Leave for up to two hours.

3. Onion juice will help soften the cough; it must be chopped and honey added if the child does not suffer from an allergic reaction. Children need to take one teaspoon three times a day. This can soften your cough.

4. When coughing, it is recommended to drink chamomile tea.

5. The best remedy for coughs for a child are inhalations with marshmallow root, chamomile,. Breathe for about 20 minutes.

6. Rubbing helps with coughs; the best remedy is Gedelix, balm by Dr. Theis.

7. The back and chest are rubbed with Vitaon. This way the phlegm will go away faster.

8. The best remedy is massage; with its help you can improve the discharge of sputum in a child.

9. Cough in children can be cured with the help of an infusion, it will require chamomile - a teaspoon, rose hips - 3 teaspoons, St. John's wort, nettle - a teaspoon each, pour a glass of boiling water over everything, leave for about 4 hours.

Cough and runny nose in a child with fever

2. The best medicine is Viburkol.

3. When there is a temperature, you should not wrap your child up.

Cough with runny nose and red throat

1. Dilute propolis in a glass of water and give it to the child to drink. You can rub it on your child's throat.

2. For severe sore throat, hot milk with added butter helps.

3. Drink as much warm water as possible.

4. If the child does not suffer from allergic reactions, it is recommended to give him warm honey; it cannot be swallowed immediately, it must be kept in the mouth for some time.

5. Dry cough and loss of voice can be cured with the help of Homeovox, Angin-Hella. Please note that the doctor often prescribes treatment with Inhalipt, this is a very harmful drug, it can irritate the mucous membrane of the throat even more.

So, a runny nose and cough can accompany various diseases; it is important to relieve the symptoms in time and alleviate the child’s condition.

Colds are often diagnosed in childhood and especially in infants. The main reason for the appearance of cough with runny nose in children under one year of age is the clearance of various contaminants from the respiratory tract, which is considered normal.

In older children, they appear and become the main signs of the development of colds in the body. In some cases, the disease occurs without an increase in temperature and this can occur due to various reasons. What should parents do if their child has a cough and runny nose without fever, and what treatment methods should they prefer?

The main signs of a cold, which can occur when various viruses enter a child’s body, are considered to be: The baby’s immune system begins to react to pathogenic microorganisms and enter into a peculiar reaction with them.

However, in some cases, problems arise with recognizing the virus and it easily penetrates into the cells of the body. If a bacterial disease develops, an increase in body temperature is immediately noted, but with a viral infection, the indicators remain normal.

In the absence of effective treatment for viral rhinitis, the risk of developing a severe inflammatory process in the sinuses increases, that is, it develops.

Parents need to understand that pathogenic microorganisms may enter the throat and trachea area.

In such a situation, in the absence effective treatment complications may develop in the form of:

  • pneumonia

The penetration of various viruses into the child’s body significantly disrupts the functioning of the immune system, so the course of such a disease can be supplemented bacterial infection. With ARVI, other pathogenic microorganisms present in the child’s body are also activated, which leads to the development of an inflammatory process in the ENT organs.

Parents need to understand that even in the absence of fever with a cough and runny nose, it is imperative to show the child to a specialist who will find out the causes of this condition and prescribe effective treatment.

Useful video - Cough in children: causes, types and treatment

It is necessary to treat a child only after consultation with a specialist, since self-medication can further aggravate the baby’s condition and cause the development of many complications. If a child has a runny nose of an allergic nature, then, first of all, it is necessary to identify the allergen and completely protect the child from it.

The nature of cough in children is quite diverse. The cause may be a physiological runny nose, when snot, when flowing down the back wall of the throat, causes a cough reflex in the child. Is it always necessary to treat such a cough and how to effectively deal with it?

Why does a cough occur when you have a runny nose?

Coughing may be a reflex reaction of the respiratory tract to copious mucus secretion during a runny nose. Mucus flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx, and the child reflexively coughs it up. This is one of the most common reasons cough in children. The runny nose itself, in turn, can be physiological, allergic or infectious. The main diagnosis determines the treatment regimen for the disease, while eliminating the cough is considered as relieving one of the symptoms.

Cough from snot can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Physiological runny nose as a reaction to dry indoor air. The mucous membrane dries out, and the throat may become sore. Mucus is produced abundantly, flowing down the back wall of the throat. As a result, the child coughs.
  2. Allergic rhinitis.
  3. Teething.
  4. Viral or bacterial infections.

Treatment regimens

In different cases, cough and runny nose manifest themselves in different ways. Recovery depends on how quickly treatment begins.

In dry air

If the cough occurs due to a physiological runny nose, you should rinse the baby’s nose several times a day with a saline solution, for example, saline or preparations based on sea water (Aqua Maris, Aqualor, Physiomer). It is also necessary to maintain comfortable air humidity (from 60%) and regularly ventilate the room.

Video: about coughing in dry air

During teething

As you know, one of the signs of teething in a baby is a runny nose. During teething, blood circulation in the gums and nasal cavity increases. The glands of the nasal mucosa begin to work harder, resulting in the formation of additional mucus. Its excess flows down the back wall of the throat, causing a cough. The discomfort in this situation can be alleviated only by instilling saline solutions into the nose and timely removal of mucus. When there is a lull in the teething period, the child will stop coughing.

If the child is still small and does not know how to blow his nose on his own, then parents need to help him get rid of heavy discharge using a nasal aspirator to prevent snot from causing a cough.

For allergies

Most likely the baby allergic reaction if a runny nose and cough are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sneezing;
  • skin itching, rash;
  • nasal congestion;
  • lacrimation.

Wherein general state the child is usually not impaired.

If your runny nose and cough are of an allergic nature, it is first necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the allergy.. This could be dust, pet hair or saliva, a reaction to an adapted milk formula, or some other food product, household chemicals and other potential allergens. The basis of drug treatment in this case is taking antihistamines appropriate for the child’s age. To reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and the amount of mucus produced, the pediatrician prescribes vasoconstrictor drops in a pediatric dosage, for example, Nazivin. Air humidification, ventilation and drinking plenty of fluids.

It is important to remember that vasoconstrictor drugs are addictive, so it is not recommended to use them for more than three days.

For infectious diseases

First of all, you need to find out what exactly the child is sick with. In most cases, runny nose and cough are the result of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI).

The infection can be identified by a set of symptoms:

  • runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • cough;
  • increased body temperature;
  • red irritated throat.

ARVI, as a rule, goes away in 5 days and requires only symptomatic treatment: rinsing the nose with saline solution, lowering the temperature if necessary, drinking plenty of fluids, removing excess mucus. Frequent ventilation and humidification of the indoor air is also necessary.

If the snot is yellow or green, this may indicate the development of a bacterial infection. The diagnosis is made based on tests from the throat. As a result, antibiotics may be prescribed.

A dry cough may change to a wet cough within a few days. Treatment of such a cough is carried out comprehensively, with the help of mucolytics, expectorants and physiotherapy (inhalations). Washing alone is no longer enough, because the main goal is to stop the infection and prevent it from spreading to the lower respiratory tract.

If your runny nose and cough worsen, it is very important to consult a doctor in time.

Since children under two years of age are contraindicated from using sputum thinners, it is enough to give the baby warm, generous drinks, inhalations and percussion massage to help him clear his throat.

If a runny nose with cough persists and there is no treatment, then this is fraught with the appearance of sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, and sinusitis. If infection enters the lower respiratory tract, bronchitis or pneumonia may develop.

Cough preparations

Depending on the cause of the runny nose and cough, the doctor will decide whether there is a need to take specific medications. Most popular means are described in the table

Table: medications for cough caused by a runny nose

Group of drugs Release form Indications Mode of application Side effects Contraindications At what age is admission allowed?

Mucolytics and expectorants

Expectoration and thinning of mucus

Take orally

Allergic reaction

  • Sucrase/isomaltase deficiency;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption (lack of absorption of glucose and galactose).

Bronchicum S

Nausea, gastritis, dyspepsia

  • Impaired liver and kidney function;
  • heart failure.


Disorders of the central nervous and digestive system.

Fructose intolerance


Heart failure

Different cough medications have different effects. Medicines that thin sputum and provoke expectoration are contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, as they reduce its viscosity and make coughing difficult. Moreover, with an upper respiratory tract infection (common ARVI) and excessive sputum, taking mucolytics can worsen the cough.

Drugs that suppress the cough reflex (“turn off” the cough center) are very dangerous for “wet” coughs, since phlegm will begin to accumulate in the lungs, which can, in turn, cause pneumonia. These are, for example, medications based on libexin (Libexin muco), glaucine (Bronchocin), Sinecod syrup.

Video: what medications should not be used to treat cough in children

Non-drug treatment

Cough from snot can also be successfully treated through inhalation, massage and herbal medicine (folk remedies).


The most common physiotherapeutic method for treating cough is inhalation. They can be carried out by inhaling warm steam (not hot!), as well as using nebulizers and steam inhalers. If the cough is due to an upper respiratory tract disease, it is enough to use a steam inhaler. The device allows you to moisten accumulated mucus and provoke its rapid coughing. But the use of steam inhalers also has its risks.

Parents should remember that the process of moistening dried mucus is accompanied by an increase in its volume. Therefore, steam inhalations in children can provoke airway obstruction, and the risk is higher the younger the child.

E. O. Komarovsky

The doctor may also prescribe electrophoresis or UVB (ultraviolet radiation treatment) for the child. These procedures are carried out in the physiotherapy room of a children's clinic, usually the course includes 10 sessions.


If the child does not yet know how to cough on his own, then he needs to be helped with this by doing percussion massage 2 times a day. We place the child on his stomach. In this case, it is necessary that the head is lower than the butt (you can put a pillow under the stomach), and the arms are extended forward. Then lightly tap your fingers on the back between the shoulder blades from bottom to top. This massage lasts several minutes.

Video: how to do percussion massage

Folk recipes

The use of herbal remedies for coughs and runny noses must be agreed with your pediatrician, because it must comply with the general treatment regimen and be safe for the child. Here are some popular recipes.

Nasal congestion and obsessive cough are symptoms familiar to many people; they are by no means desirable - but what to do if they appear? No one wants to suffer from a runny nose while using up handkerchiefs and putting on a protective mask; In addition, due to impaired nasal breathing, the head hurts and is dizzy, and as a result of coughing, a sore throat also appears. It is not always possible to take sick leave if there is an important project waiting for you at work or a trip is planned. How to quickly cure a cough and runny nose, can this be done within 24 hours?

Choice of treatment

What to do if your nose is stuffy and your cough bothers you? Is it possible to ignore these symptoms and dedicate time to daily activities - or should I stay in bed? IN modern world The pace of life can often be described as nothing short of fast-paced, and illness can dramatically impact plans and schedules. Therefore, many people think: perhaps there are methods to get rid of unpleasant manifestations during the day? It is worth considering this issue in more detail.

Neither a runny nose nor a cough appears just like that. They become a kind of signals about problems within the body that need to be given attention, even if the general condition is slightly disturbed. What reasons can explain their occurrence?

  1. Infection.

These are ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection), colds (activation of one's own microflora after hypothermia), various bacterial infections. There are many types of infectious diseases that are characterized by both cough and runny nose.

  1. Allergy.

With allergies, the immune system begins to react inadequately to certain substances (for example, household dust or animal hair), perceiving them as a threat to the body. As a result, antibodies appear, specific sensitivity is formed, and upon contact with an allergen, a person experiences unpleasant symptoms every time.

  1. Injury.

The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract can be injured in different ways - cold and hot air, chemicals, mechanical stress (friction, pressure). Damage leads to inflammation, and secondary infection is often observed.

A runny nose and cough are the result of inflammatory changes. Less commonly, cough may appear as defensive reaction when hit foreign body into the respiratory tract, but in this case the symptoms can be eliminated by removing the stuck object, and if complaints persist, we are talking about injury, and therefore inflammation. Depending on the type of inflammatory process and the cause of the damage, a treatment suitable for the patient is selected.

The formation of an inflammatory focus is a typical pathological process which arises, proceeds and ends in accordance with certain physiological laws. It cannot be interrupted - at least to date, no safe and effective method. Therefore, the average duration of the period during which people are cured is about 7 days.

Thus, in order to treat a runny nose and cough quickly, without causing complications, you need to find out why these symptoms appeared.

What can be done

After reading the previous section, you may recall a popular saying that says: “With treatment, a runny nose goes away in seven days, without treatment, in a week.” In many cases, it is not far from the truth, but this does not mean that you need to abandon therapy. You won't be able to completely recover in a day, but there are ways to alleviate the condition - if you use them wisely, you can successfully deal with painful symptoms. Apply:

  • non-drug methods;
  • drug therapy.

First, let's focus on non-medicinal methods, since they are the same for all possible reasons prolonged nasal congestion and persistent cough:

  1. Sufficient rest.

The best solution is bed rest, at least during the period of fever. But if home rest is not available for some reason, try to limit physical exercise, avoid worries - the body is already vulnerable. Get as much sleep as possible, at least 8 hours a day.

  1. Satisfactory indoor microclimate.

Microclimate is the humidity and temperature in the room - recommended values ​​are 50-70% and 19-22 °C, respectively. At the same time, sharp fluctuations in indicators are undesirable. With a runny nose and cough, a lot of mucus is formed, and the functioning of local protective mechanisms is disrupted. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the inflamed mucous membrane and avoiding additional damage.

  1. Fighting dust.

Dust is undoubtedly one of the worst enemies of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It leads to dryness, is an allergen, and often contains infectious agents. Therefore, the patient, especially an allergy sufferer, needs to be in a room without carpets, paper books, soft toys and other things that could accumulate dust. In addition to ventilation, regular wet cleaning is also necessary, and during the period of exacerbation of symptoms it should not be carried out by the patient.

  1. Drinking regime.

It is important for the patient to drink enough fluids throughout the day. This will remove toxins, facilitate the secretion of mucus during a productive cough, and help moisturize the mucous membranes. You can drink clean water, tea, fruit juice, compote. If you have allergies, you need to choose those drinks that are allowed in your diet.

It is easier to breathe in moist, cool air that is not oversaturated with dust. Sometimes correction of the microclimate can quickly get rid of a runny nose and cough - if they were not caused by an infection. To have an accurate idea of ​​the indicators of air humidification and heating, it is worth purchasing a room hygrometer and thermometer.


How to get rid of cough and nasal congestion due to a cold or ARVI? A runny nose characterizes rhinitis or sinusitis, and a cough can be either a consequence of nasal secretions running down the back of the throat (postnasal drip) or a sign of pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, or pneumonia. At the appointment, the doctor will definitely clarify whether there is phlegm when coughing and chest pain, what type of cough shocks are - constant, paroxysmal. All these features are important, so do not rush to purchase vasoconstrictor nasal drops and medicines labeled “Cough” at the pharmacy without knowing the exact diagnosis.

The following is used in treatment:

In the absence of complications, the doctor will most likely advise you to regularly rinse your nose, take antipyretics when the temperature rises to 38.5 ° C or more, dissolve anti-inflammatory lozenges 4-6 times during the day, gargle with saline solution or chamomile infusion. At severe pain in the throat, inflammation of the tonsils, antibiotics may be needed (Augmentin, Cefutil). For “chest” cough with sputum production, expectorants are often added to treatment.

If you follow the recommendations, you can feel relief by the next morning. But not in all cases improvement occurs quickly. Remember that you should not reduce your low-grade fever (to 38 °C) - this is a protective reaction of the body, the relief of which can only be beneficial for the infection. You should also know that taking “anti-cold sachets” (Fervex, Antiflu) will not replace full-fledged therapy, and the presence of an antipyretic component in the composition makes use undesirable in the absence of febrile fever.

If a runny nose and cough appear acutely and are accompanied by fever, under no circumstances should cough impulses be suppressed with antitussive drugs.

Coughing helps clear mucus from the respiratory tract. Medicines from the antitussive group (for example, based on Codeine) are needed only for long-term, debilitating dry cough, which cannot be gotten rid of by any other method; A cold is not an indication for use.

Allergy and injury

Cough and nasal discharge are symptoms of respiratory allergies, that is, allergic lesions of the respiratory tract. Complaints of coughing, rhinorrhea (mucous discharge from the nose) and impaired nasal breathing may appear with allergic rhinopharyngitis.

An allergic reaction differs from an infection in that it can be treated (stopped) relatively quickly with the help of medications. How to treat a patient? The following algorithm is used:

If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor who will select medications and give recommendations that are suitable for your particular case. Getting rid of cough and runny nose due to allergies is only possible temporarily. Although medications can affect the course of the disease, one cannot expect that a single pill will solve the problem - in most cases, long-term use of various antiallergic drugs and symptomatic therapy (for example, the previously mentioned decongestants) are required.

In case of injury, it is important to stop exposure to the damaging factor, consult a doctor for examination and receive recommendations - immediately after a traumatic episode, the patient may inadequately assess the severity of the injury, but it is in the initial period that assistance is most effective. Particular attention must be paid to injuries resulting from contact with chemical aggressors - alkalis and acids.

Traditional methods

Traditional recipes can be useful for colds and coughs. How to cure unpleasant symptoms with their help? Can be used:

  • milk with honey;
  • onion;
  • beet juice.

Warm milk with honey and, if desired, a piece of butter perfectly warms and helps with an obsessive painful cough. It is best to drink it at night.

The onion is grated and placed on a plate - it contains phytoncides that can fight pathogenic microorganisms. Not all patients can lubricate their nose with onions, so another method is practiced - breathing over the plate for several minutes, closing your eyes.

Beetroot juice is obtained from grated raw beets, filtered through cheesecloth, and lubricated with it on the inside of the nasal mucosa several times a day. You can gargle with beet juice and honey to relieve inflammation.

Symptoms such as nasal congestion and cough require complex treatment that cannot be done in one day. In case of allergies, after eliminating the symptoms, you need to find out the causative allergen and select therapy. In order for the methods used to alleviate the condition to be effective, you should seek recommendations from your doctor.

Colds, allergies and other painful conditions are often accompanied not only by nasal congestion, lacrimation and rhinitis, but also by such an unpleasant symptom as a cough - annoying, annoying and constantly scratching the throat that does not have time to heal.

Many people are probably familiar with this situation: falling asleep with a regular runny nose, you wake up with a nasty cough on top of it. Let's figure out why a cough appears from a runny nose and how to treat it pharmaceutical products and how realistic it is to cope with such an unpleasant symptom complex at home.

Cough with a runny nose: why does it appear?

Most often, the cause of a runny nose, and then a dry or productive cough, is a viral respiratory disease (ARVI). This picture is especially often observed in autumn-winter, when the flu is “walking”, rhinoviruses and adenoviruses are active, and the lack of sunlight combined with damp and cold weather weakens the immune system.

Much less often, such symptoms are caused by a bacterial infection, which in most cases does not occur out of nowhere, but manifests itself as a complication after a viral disease.

A runny nose can also be regarded as a manifestation of an allergy as a result of contact with a certain irritant - pollen, dust, smoke, etc.

The mechanism for the development of symptoms is usually the following: first, as a result of an infection or reaction to an allergen, the nasopharyngeal mucosa suffers - copious mucus begins to be released from the nose, the person sneezes and experiences breathing problems. As the mucus begins to flow down the back wall of the throat, irritating its surface, a paroxysmal, sharp cough develops.

This type of cough is especially annoying for young children, who, due to their age, are not yet able to properly clear mucus from their sinuses. However, adults are also not immune from it, in particular in the morning, after the body has been in a horizontal position for several hours. In this situation, it is the runny nose that needs to be treated, and not the cough - as soon as the sinuses are in order, the secondary symptoms will gradually disappear.

It is important to start treatment as soon as possible, because nasopharyngitis (that’s what this condition is called) can cause very severe discomfort, accompanied by:

  • sore throat;
  • soreness and dryness of the back of the throat;
  • increased body temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • general intoxication and weakness;
  • headache;
  • hearing loss, ear congestion.

If nasopharyngitis is not treated, it can develop into a disease of the lower respiratory tract, and in this case the matter will not be limited to coughing alone. An inflammatory process in the trachea and bronchi requires an emergency visit to a doctor for advice.

How to treat cough with rhinitis?

Ideally, rhinitis causing cough should be treated pharmaceutical drugs- patients have a whole arsenal at their disposal modern means, which quickly and effectively remove a runny nose. But you should stop using expectorants (they are the ones who “help” the infection go down, so you shouldn’t use them without special need and a doctor’s prescription).

Local medications are effective:

  • vasoconstrictor drops in the nose (with prolonged use they dry out the mucous membrane, so use strictly according to the instructions and no longer than several days in a row);
  • oil drops in the nose (unlike vasoconstrictor medications, they make breathing easier without drying out the mucous membrane);
  • antiseptic solutions for rinsing the nasal cavity, mouth, nasopharynx.

Of the vasoconstrictors, the most popular are drops with naphazoline (Naphthyzin, Sanorin), xylometazoline (Farmazolin, Otrivin), phenylephrine (Vibrocil, Nazol Kids) and oxymetazoline (Nazol for adults, Nazivin, Noxprey).

Almost all of them have a short-term effect, so in most cases doctors advise using combination drugs or moisturizing drops on oil based(for example, the same Pinosol - it contains a number of plant components and the substance thymol, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect).

If inflammation and swelling of the nasal mucosa are caused by a bacterial infection, the doctor may recommend drops with an antibacterial effect - for example, Polydex. In addition to the antibiotic, such drugs usually also contain a vasoconstrictor component, due to which relief quickly occurs after their use. To make the cough go away as quickly as possible, do not forget to humidify the air in the room along with nasal drops.

The best “popular” remedies for runny nose and cough

When treating at home, we often limit ourselves to folk remedies for the runny nose. To combat coughing caused by infectious rhinitis, it is recommended to use sea water - a natural antiseptic. Regularly rinsing your nose plain water with the addition of sea salt or its pharmaceutical equivalent (Aquamaris solution and similar products), you will notice after a couple of minutes that the cough subsides.

Another popular folk remedy is the juice of aloe, which is well known to all flower growers: freshly squeezed juice should be instilled into each nostril, a few drops three or four times a day, to remove rhinitis, and with it a cough.

You can treat cold symptoms with menthol or camphor oil (they are also often mixed in a 1:1 ratio) by placing a couple of drops in each nostril and repeating the procedure three times a day. Believe me, within a day the cough will become less pronounced.

Baking soda and propolis have a good effect. We treat rhinitis like this: prepare a weak solution of regular baking soda (0.5-1 tsp of soda per 250 ml of water), add a few drops of propolis and rinse the sinuses 3-5 times a day. If you have fresh juicy viburnum berries on hand, be sure to use them in treatment. Grind viburnum with natural honey and add this mixture to tea 1-2 tsp. per cup.

Viburnum also gives excellent results in the form of a decoction: pour 1-1.5 tbsp. ripe berries with one cup of boiling water, bring to a boil, stirring, then cool and strain. Add some honey. The decoction should be drunk three times a day, a couple of teaspoons.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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I would like to offer several recipes on how to quickly cure a cold using folk remedies. About medicinal properties I already wrote about lungwort - look here, but now I want to give you another recipe: for a cold, when your voice disappears, you need to brew one tablespoon of lungwort flowers with 1 glass of water. Gargle as often as possible.

For a cold, if there is no fever, mix half a glass of honey with 1 tablespoon of salt. In a well-heated bath, rub yourself with this mixture and sweat until the honey is washed off later. It also helps get rid of acne and purulent rashes on the body.

You can quickly cure a cold with the following composition, which my friend uses: she brews 1 teaspoon of linden flowers in one glass of boiling water. In another glass, into which he pours hot milk, adds 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of goat fat. He drinks these mixtures one at a time at night for 2-3 weeks until he gets better. You need to drink while wrapping yourself up warm to sweat. Children can also use it, but a smaller dose - 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 cup, depending on the age of the child.

Well, if you have a runny nose, warm up your feet and place a boiled egg on the wings of your nose and the bridge of your nose (naturally, very warm, to keep you warm).

With the beginning of autumn, many people catch a cold, and no wonder, there is no heating yet, it’s cloudy and cold outside, in houses, if there is no stove heating, too, in kindergartens and schools, children often catch colds.

Many people begin to swallow pills at the first signs of illness (runny nose, sneezing, cough). But in vain. There are excellent folk remedies for colds that will relieve you of all symptoms in a matter of days.


1). It is necessary to carry out any treatment comprehensively, i.e. at the same time drink more medicinal decoctions, do inhalations, gargle, etc.

2). Let's start with the throat, I know from myself that when the throat hurts, a person feels “broken,” the temperature rises, it hurts to swallow, etc. In general, “I don’t want to live,” as one friend says. And so, first of all, when there is a cold, he always treats the throat. And the first thing that helps him is rinsing. (He is a big fan of walking through the forest, not only picking mushrooms and berries, but at the same time collecting various herbs, drying them, and using them for treatment). Any of the following herbs are suitable for rinsing - chamomile, calendula, tricolor violet, sage, plantain. Sage works great for me personally. But it depends on who. Usually for rinsing 1 tbsp. l. herbs in a glass of hot water (boiling water is not recommended, why - see here), leave for 15-20 minutes, strain and rinse very often. They recommend up to 5 times, I rinse 8-10 times. By the way, you can take this decoction internally.

I also add onion juice to the sage infusion for rinsing - peel, wipe, squeeze, add.

If you suddenly have a sore throat at night, and there is no herb, but there is eucalyptus tincture, use it, it also helps well - 1 teaspoon per glass of water, and gargle several times.

Red beet juice also helps a lot.

Garlic - grate, add boiled hot water, you can add honey, and rinse.

3). Don't forget the main thing - nutrition. When you have a cold, you need a diet, you can’t eat heavy food, it’s already hard for the body, let it fight the cold and not be “distracted” by digesting food. You’ve probably noticed yourself that when you’re sick, you don’t feel like eating, I don’t “stuff” my people during illness, I suggest they drink more, and if they want to eat, they’ll ask for it.

The next symptom of a cold is, of course, a runny nose. How to cure a runny nose at home?

1). I usually use onions and garlic. They contain phytoncides that kill microbes. Do not instill pure juice under any circumstances, as you may get a burn to the mucous membrane. You can dilute it with boiled water, but I usually dilute it sunflower oil(especially for children). And 1 drop several times a day. And for very young children, I moistened cotton pads with this solution and put them in the nostril, but

not both at once, but in turn. You can often simply inhale the vapors of garlic or onions, previously chopped. And another great remedy is beet juice. You can alternate.

2). Kalanchoe juice helps very well. True, they sneeze after it, but then it’s much easier to breathe.

3). Another good remedy is sea salt (sold at the pharmacy). 1 teaspoon per glass warm water, rinse your nose.

4). In the cold season, dress warmly, especially protect your feet from hypothermia. No wonder there is a saying: “If you get your throat wet, your legs will give out, if you get your feet wet, your throat will give out.” Well, if your throat gives up, then naturally a runny nose and a cough will appear, i.e. all the signs of a cold.

5). If you have a runny nose, discard the handkerchief and use disposable napkins, this way you will protect yourself from re-infection. I usually take old cotton fabric, cut it and give it to all my snotty ones, once they use it, they throw it away.

6). When you have a cold, drink more - both herbal infusions and another excellent remedy - ginger. Buying it now is not a problem, it increases immunity, and a runny nose goes away faster. Peel the ginger root, grate it on a fine grater, and simply add it to tea. And in general, I recommend everyone to just drink this tea for a few days as a preventive measure.

7). Do not overuse drops! It is harmful. I have never bought drops for myself or my children, this is fraught with consequences. I know a child for whom his mother drops just a few drops, so as not to have to go on sick leave with him, and so that it goes away faster. As a result, this child has such consequences! He can’t live without them anymore, he just can’t breathe through his nose until he gets some drops of something like naphthyzin. And this “child” is already 30 years old.

Treatment of cough with folk remedies.

ColtsfootTreatment of cough with folk remedies is always used. Even if the doctor has prescribed some medications, they still use herbs and various folk remedies. Everyone has their own, proven ones. I want to tell you what helps us.

So, what do you need to know about cough? Coughing is an important protective function of our body; it clears the airways, including germs. But he can become a good helper only when he is wet, and the sputum released

quite liquid. And the important thing is that everyone should know: suppressing a cough does not mean curing it. To cope with it, you first need to “transform” a dry cough into a wet one. And here both medicines and folk remedies can help.

If the cough is dry, you need to drink as much liquid as possible and take inhalations from infusions and decoctions of chamomile, plantain, sage, marshmallow root, and linden blossom. They make the cough softer, soothe the irritated mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and have an anti-inflammatory effect. And also add a little baking soda to a glass of infusion for inhalation. You can do onion or garlic inhalation. To do this, grate an onion or a few cloves of garlic on a fine grater, place it on the bottom of a teapot, pour boiling water over it and breathe through the spout until the steam cools. Inhalations and warm drinks normalize blood circulation in the bronchi, increase the flow of lymphocytes to them, and therefore prevent the spread of inflammation.

Well, now - folk remedies inside and outside:

Peel and wash 1 large onion, grate and mix with goose or pork fat. Rub the chest, tie it with a warm scarf. In the morning on an empty stomach, take 1 tbsp. spoon of this mixture.

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dry crushed tangerine peel with 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew a little and drink in warm. like tea.

Grind 0.5 kg of onions, add 400 g of sugar, 3 tbsp. l. honey and 1 liter of water. Cook over low heat for 3 hours. Cool to room temperature, take 4-6 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon. Store in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh butter, 2 fresh egg yolks, 1 teaspoon of wheat flour, 2 tsp. honey and take 1 tsp. several times a day. This product is very effective and completely harmless.