What are stomach ulcers, symptoms and treatment. Effective medicines for stomach ulcers. Diagnosis as a key stage of treatment

There is no clear answer to the question of how to treat stomach ulcers at home. Since an ulcer is a type of disease, at the time of its formation ulcerative formations occur on the walls of the organ.

To a greater extent this disease male patients are susceptible. In the vastness of the Runet there are a huge number of recipes on how to cure stomach ulcers. But before experimenting with the body, it is better to consult a specialist. Because this type of disease can cause serious complications. Experts recommend that before treating a stomach ulcer on your own, you undergo a thorough examination to assess the extent and severity of the ongoing illness.

What is a stomach ulcer

In most cases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract begin directly with the stomach. The patient's concern and the reason for contacting a specialist should be the following symptoms:

  • Prolonged feeling of heartburn.
  • Heaviness in the stomach.
  • Flatulence.
  • The occurrence of painful sensations in the epigastric region.

Late signs of the disease include:

  1. Bleeding from a stomach ulcer.
  2. Vomit.

As experts note, the ulcer also affects the duodenum, which should also be treated immediately. The reasons for the formation of the disease, as a rule, are:

  • Psycho-emotional stress.
  • Prolonged stomach ailments.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Infection of the body with Helicobacter bacteria.
  • Having bad habits.
  • Excessive consumption of medications.
  • Intoxication of the body.

Experts note that the disease can occur in 2 forms:

  1. Spicy.
  2. Chronic.

Important! Worsening of stomach ulcers is observed, as a rule, in the autumn and spring.

Symptoms of stomach ulcer

Patients who have peptic ulcers know firsthand about the debilitating painful sensations. In the initial stages, the development of the disease is accompanied by the occurrence of heartburn and painful sensations in the stomach. As a rule, such negative symptoms disappear instantly after eating food or, conversely, get worse. Such manifestations are primarily associated with the immediate location of the ulcer.

For example, if an ulcer has formed near the exit to the duodenum, then unpleasant symptoms will appear some time after the meal. With this location of the ulcer, patients also have the following symptoms:

  • Nausea.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Loss of body weight.

As is known, the disease has processes of exacerbation and remission. During the period of remission, the patient’s appetite, as a rule, significantly increases and overall well-being improves. But it should be remembered that the inflammatory process also occurs during such periods. Therefore, you should not adhere to a diet and support the body with traditional medicine. The onset of internal bleeding in most cases relieved painful sensations. Blood tends to leak into the intestines, causing the stool to change color.

Treating stomach ulcers at home

It is possible to cure stomach ulcers at home with the help of alternative medicine, the recipes of which, as a rule, have healing and antibacterial characteristics. Such treatment methods cannot fully cure ulcers in adults, but they are effective in minimizing the manifestation of the disease. How to treat a stomach ulcer:

  1. Aloe.
  2. Propolis.
  3. St. John's wort.

At home, you can treat with honey. To prepare the medicine you need:

  • Take 300 g of honey and mix with walnuts and butter. To prepare the medicine, it is better to use enamel dishes.
  • Next, the medicinal mixture must be baked in the oven for about 20 minutes.
  • You should take this kind of medicine before consuming food.

Aloe is an excellent medicine not only for home treatment, but also for the prevention of stomach ulcers. Before preparing the medicine, this plant must be prepared. Preparatory measures include stopping watering aloe for 2 weeks. The cut leaves should be placed in a dark and cool place for 2 hours. For cooking effective medicine For treatment at home you can use the following recipe:

  • 250 g of aloe leaves must be crushed and passed through a meat grinder.
  • Mix 250 g of honey with the resulting slurry and heat over low heat to 50 degrees, while constantly stirring the drug.
  • Add 50 g of red wine to the resulting mixture and mix.

The result is a medicinal infusion, which should stand for about a week in a dark place. After this time, treatment at home. It is necessary to take 1 tsp for the first 7 days. before meals. Then 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Herbs for treating peptic ulcers

Propolis is an ideal home remedy. A positive effect on the inflamed stomach is achieved due to antibacterial, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as the direct ability to eliminate internal injury to the digestive organs. Medical therapy at home, they are usually produced with propolis in combination with other medicines, which help to quickly heal the stomach. The following recipes are effective remedies based on propolis:

  • Milk and propolis. You need to take 1 liter of milk and 50 g of propolis. The resulting mixture must be heated until it reaches a uniform consistency. Healing with this method produced for 1 month, 100 g before meals.
  • An excellent medicine for treating ulcers at home is propolis with added oil. To prepare a healing remedy, the constituent elements must be taken in a ratio of 100/10 g (propolis/oil). The ingredients should be melted over low heat or in a steam bath. After which the product must be filtered. The resulting medicine must be placed in a tightly sealed container and placed in a cool place.

This kind of drug is used to eliminate signs of stomach ulcers. The course of treatment at home is 10 days. A folk remedy based on oil and propolis should be dissolved in a small amount of milk every morning and drunk on an empty stomach. Food consumption should be done no less than an hour after taking the drug. The most effective treatment at home there are recipes based on St. John's wort. Since this medicinal plant has antibacterial, wound healing and astringent characteristics.

Healing infusions for stomach ulcers

For treatment peptic ulcer Healing infusions are used for the stomach and duodenum:

  • St. John's wort infusion. To prepare it, you need to take 15 g of dried herb and pour hot water. The drug must be infused all night. In the morning, the infusion should be filtered and brought to a volume of 200 g by adding boiled water. It is recommended to take the drug 30 minutes before a meal, 50 g. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. If necessary, this course can be repeated after 7 days.
  • For infusion, you need to take a fresh plant. St. John's wort should be crushed and placed in a glass container without compacting. The plant needs to be filled with unrefined sunflower or olive oil. The container should be tightly closed and left to infuse in a dark place for 10 days. If there is an ulcer, this medicine should be taken 20 g immediately before meals.

When a stomach ulcer worsens, potato juice is considered an ideal remedy. sea ​​buckthorn oil and herbs that can be freely processed at home.

Other methods of traditional medicine

Potato juice is quite effective in helping to relieve pain from stomach ulcers. This natural healer also helps protect the walls of the organ from further damage, helps reduce acidity levels and significantly speeds up the healing process. To treat the disease at home, the following recipes are used:

  • For treatment, it is better to make freshly squeezed juice. The juice should be consumed immediately before eating. It is recommended to increase the consumption of natural medicine every week according to this scheme 20/40/60/100. The course of therapy lasts about 1 month.
  • A mixture of potato and carrot juice. Freshly squeezed juice potatoes and carrots should be mixed in equal proportions. It is recommended to use this drug for about 2 weeks.

Sea buckthorn oil is widely used to treat ulcers at home. Because sea buckthorn is valued for its excellent wound healing properties. The question often arises of how to relieve an attack of heartburn and belching, which can sometimes accompany taking this oil in the first few days. For these purposes, it is recommended to take sea buckthorn oil together with a soda solution. Plantain is also considered effective means for direct treatment of ulcers at home. A variety of healing infusions and decoctions are prepared from it. The most popular plantain-based recipes:

  • Plantain infusion. To prepare it you need to take 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves and pour 200 g of hot water. The drug should be infused for 15 minutes. After which it is filtered and taken 1 tbsp. l before a meal.
  • An infusion of plantain seeds is prepared in a similar way. It should be left to steep for about 30 minutes.

As experts note, it is necessary to stop the bleeding, especially if it opens at lightning speed, as soon as possible. This condition is the most important for preserving, first of all, the life of the patient. First of all, a patient with bleeding should call an ambulance, lie on his back and preferably not move.

When a bleeding ulcer is discovered, it is prohibited to consume anything. Stopping internal bleeding through surgery is carried out only when other methods are powerless. When the bleeding has stopped, the patient is prohibited from consuming food for about 3 more days, after which liquid food is introduced. To avoid complications of a stomach ulcer, it is not recommended to make a diagnosis or perform self-medication on your own.

A gastric ulcer is a chronic pathology, often recurrent, the main symptom of which is the formation of an ulcerative defect in the wall of the stomach, penetrating into the submucosal layer. This pathology occurs with alternating periods of exacerbation and remission.

In developed countries, the incidence of the disease is approximately 10-15% of the population, and these are very large numbers. There is also a trend towards an increase in pathology among women, although previously it was believed that stomach ulcers were predominantly a male disease. Mostly people between 30 and 50 years old suffer from this pathology.

Why and how does an ulcer develop?

Helicobacter pylori infection The main reason for the development of the disease. This spiral-shaped bacterium causes 45-75% of all cases of stomach ulcers. The source of infection is a sick person or a bacteria carrier. The microbe can be transmitted through:
  • saliva (when kissing)
  • dirty dishes
  • food contaminated water
  • poorly sterilized medical instruments (for example, fiber gastroscope)
  • from mother to fetus
Due to taking medications The second most common cause of pathology. These medications include:
  • non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), indomethacin, ketoprofen, butadione;
  • corticosteroids – prednisolone, dexamethasone, betamethasone, methylprednisolone;
  • cytostatics – imuran, azathioprine, fluorouracil;
  • potassium preparations – potassium chloride, asparkam;
  • antihypertensive drugs central action– reserpine.
As a complication of various chronic diseases
  • hyperparathyroidism
  • tuberculosis
  • Crohn's disease
  • chronic renal failure
  • diabetes
  • sarcoidosis
  • lungs' cancer
  • chronic viral hepatitis
  • pancreatitis
  • Chronical bronchitis
  • celiac disease
  • syphilis
As a result acute diseases and conditions (so-called “stress ulcers”)
  • all types of shocks
  • extensive burns
  • frostbite
  • sepsis
  • acute renal and
  • injuries
Social reasons
  • negative emotions
  • constant stress
  • gross errors in nutrition
  • alcohol and cigarette abuse
  • financial well-being

What are the types of stomach ulcers?

Symptoms of a stomach ulcer

Signs of pathology can be quite varied; they depend on the size and location of the defect, individual sensitivity to pain, the phase of the disease (exacerbation or remission), the presence of complications, the age of the patient and concomitant pathology.

Pain is the main symptom of a stomach ulcer. The pain syndrome has some features:

  • pain can be early (in the first couple of hours after eating, if the defect is located in the body or cardia of the stomach), late (more than two hours, usually when localized in the pylorus), fasting or hungry (disturbed before meals) and night (usually appear during second half of the night);
  • pain may appear and disappear, depending on the activity of the inflammatory process;
  • pain tends to worsen in spring and autumn;
  • by nature it can be sharp, cutting, pulling, stabbing, blunt, and so on;
  • the pain goes away after taking antisecretory medications and antacids;
  • its intensity varies, from mild discomfort to unbearable sensations;
  • usually experiences pain in the epigastrium, left side of the chest, behind the sternum, left arm or back. Atypical localization of pain is the right hypochondrium, lumbar region, pelvis.

It should be remembered that about 20% of patients do not have pain. This usually happens in old age, when diabetes mellitus, taking NSAIDs.

Other signs of peptic ulcer:

  • heartburn is a burning sensation in the epigastric region. The reason for its appearance is the entry of aggressive acidic gastric contents into the lumen of the esophagus;
  • nausea and vomiting are caused by impaired gastric motility. Vomiting occurs a couple of hours after eating and causes relief;
  • belching - a sudden involuntary vomiting of a small amount gastric juice into the oral cavity. It is characterized by a sour or bitter sensation in the mouth. Belching occurs due to disruption of the cardiac sphincter.
  • loss of appetite– appears due to a violation of the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, or a person consciously refuses to eat for fear of pain;
  • constipation – delay in bowel movements for more than 2 days. Occurs due to increased secretion of hydrochloric acid and retention of food in the stomach;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach, occurring after eating;
  • fast saturation;
  • feeling of bloating.


Like many other diseases, stomach ulcers can have complications, sometimes quite dangerous. These include:


Penetration is the destruction of the stomach wall, with the bottom of the ulcer becoming a nearby organ. This is usually the pancreas. Hydrochloric acid and pepsin destroy its structure, causing acute destructive pancreatitis. The first symptoms of penetration are sharp girdling pain in the abdomen, fever and an increase in alpha-amylase in the blood.


Perforation is the destruction of the wall of an organ and the entry of its contents into the abdominal cavity or retroperitoneal space. Occurs in 7-8% of cases. Violation of the integrity of the wall can be caused by lifting weights, heavy physical labor, eating fatty and spicy foods, and drinking. Clinical picture characterized by all the signs of diffuse peritonitis (general weakness, abdominal pain throughout, intoxication and others).

Plain radiography helps diagnose gastric perforation abdominal cavity V vertical position! On it you can see a disc-shaped clearing (gas) under the dome of the diaphragm.


Malignancy is the degeneration of an ulcer into stomach cancer. This complication occurs infrequently, in approximately 2-3% of patients. It is noteworthy that duodenal ulcers never transform into a malignant tumor. As cancer develops, patients begin to lose weight, they develop an aversion to meat foods, and their appetite is reduced. Over time, symptoms of cancer intoxication appear (fever, nausea, vomiting), pallor skin. A person can lose weight up to cachexia (complete exhaustion of the body).

Pyloric stenosis

Pyloric stenosis occurs if the ulcerative defect is localized in the pyloric region. The pylorus is the narrowest part of the stomach. Frequent relapses lead to scarring of the mucosa and narrowing of the pylorus. This leads to disruption of the passage of food into the intestines and its stagnation in the stomach.

There are 3 stages of pyloric stenosis:

  • compensated– the patient has a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the epigastric region, frequent sour belching, but the general condition remains satisfactory;
  • subcompensated– patients complain that even a small meal causes a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the abdomen. Vomiting occurs frequently and provides temporary relief. Patients lose weight and are afraid to eat;
  • decompensated– general condition is severe or extremely serious. The food eaten no longer passes into the intestines due to complete narrowing of the pylorus. Vomiting is profuse, repeated, and occurs immediately after eating foods. Patients are dehydrated, they experience weight loss, electrolyte and pH imbalance, and muscle cramps.


Gastrointestinal bleeding occurs due to destruction of the vessel wall at the bottom of the ulcer (see). This complication is quite common (about 15% of patients). Clinically it manifests itself as vomiting " coffee grounds", melena and common features blood loss.

“Coffee grounds” vomiting gets its name from the fact that blood entering the lumen of the stomach enters chemical reaction with hydrochloric acid. And in appearance it becomes brown-black with small grains.

Melena is tarry or black stool (see). The color of stool is also due to the interaction of blood with gastric juice. However, it should be remembered that some medications (activated carbon) and berries (blackberries, blueberries, black currants) can turn the stool black.

Common signs of blood loss include general pallor, decreased blood pressure, . The skin becomes covered with sticky sweat. If the bleeding is not controlled, the person may lose too much blood and die.

How to identify the disease?

The patient's complaints and medical history help the doctor suspect a peptic ulcer. However, in order to accurately diagnose the disease, therapists prescribe a number of special procedures.

Methods for detecting stomach ulcers:

  • General blood analysis— Decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin (anemia), increased ESR
  • Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (FEGDS)— Using a special rubber tube with a camera (fibrogastroscope), the doctor can see with his own eyes the condition of the mucous membrane digestive tract. This method also allows you to perform a biopsy of the organ wall, that is, pinch off a small piece from it.
  • X-ray of the stomach with contrast— The technique is currently somewhat outdated. Its essence is as follows: the patient drinks a barium contrast mixture. The radiologist then takes a series of pictures that show how the contrast moves through the mucosa. The presentation of a peptic ulcer is usually described as a “niche symptom.”
  • pH-metry and daily monitoring of gastric juice pH“This is an invasive and painful technique that allows you to assess how aggressive gastric juice is in relation to the mucous membrane.

Methods for identifying Helicobacter:

  • Serological - Detection of antibodies in the blood to H. pylori
  • Radionuclide urease breath test— Based on the release of urea by the microbe, which comes out with the air. The technique is safe; to detect Helicobacter, you only need to breathe into a special container.
  • Stool test - Detection of Helicobacter antigen in stool, used to determine the effectiveness of treatment
  • Rapid urease test— Performed after fibrogastroscopy. The resulting piece of mucous membrane is tested with a special indicator that detects H. pylori

Treatment of stomach ulcers

Therapy for this disease is multicomponent. It is mandatory to eradicate (destruct) Helicobacter pylori, reduce the acidity of gastric juice, eliminate unpleasant symptoms (heartburn, nausea) and prevent complications.

Antibiotic therapy

When the connection with Helicobacter pyloris peptic ulcer has been proven, treatment cannot be accomplished without the addition of antibiotics. Previously, it was believed that treatment should last until the microbe completely disappeared, which was confirmed by:

  • blood test for antibodies
  • sowing
  • urease test for FGDS

Then it turned out that not all types of Helicobacter cause the disease, and their complete destruction cannot be achieved, since when they die in the duodenum and stomach, it moves lower into the intestines, leading to inflammation and severe dysbiosis. Re-infection is also possible when using shared utensils and during the FGDS procedure, which should be performed only according to strict indications.

Today, it is advisable to carry out 1 or 2 courses of antibiotic therapy, if after the first course the bacteria are not killed, a different treatment regimen is selected, the following drugs are used:

  • Macrolides (Clarithromycin)
  • Semi-synthetic penicillins (Amoxicillin)
  • Tetracycline
  • Nitroimidazole derivatives (Metronidazole) for proven Helicobacter infection

Antisecretory drugs

  • Antacids - Almagel, Maalox, sucralfate, queal. They envelop the mucous membrane, also neutralize hydrochloric acid and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • H2-histamine receptor blockers— Ranitidine, rhinitis, famotidine, quamatel. Histamine receptor blockers interfere with the action of histamine, interact with parietal cells of the mucosa and increase the secretion of gastric juice. But they have practically ceased to be used because they cause withdrawal syndrome (when symptoms return after stopping therapy).
  • Proton pump blockers- , omez, pantoprazole, rabeprazole, esomeprazole, lansoprazole, controloc, rabeloc, nexium (see more full list). They block the H + /K + -ATPase or proton pump, thereby preventing the formation of hydrochloric acid.
  • Synthetic analogs of prostaglandin E 1 Misoprostol, Cytotec. Inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid, increases the formation of mucus and bicarbonates.
  • Selective blockers of M-cholinergic receptors(pirencipin, gastrocepin) reduce the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. Are used as adjuvant therapy with severe pain, side effects include palpitations.

Agents that increase mucosal protection

  • Sucralfate (Venter)- creates a protective coating at the bottom of the ulcer
  • Sodium carbenoxolone (biogastron, ventroxol, kaved-s) helps speed up the recovery of the mucous membrane.
  • Colloidal bismuth subcinate— . Forms a peptide bismuth film that lines the stomach wall. In addition, bismuth ion has a bactericidal effect against Helicobacter.
  • Synthetic prostaglandins (enprostil) stimulate cell restoration and mucus formation.

Other drugs

  • list of probiotics). Prescribed for antibiotic therapy.

The course of treatment for stomach ulcers is 2-6 weeks, depending on general condition and size of the defect.

Treatment regimens

The destruction of H. pylori promotes better scarring of the ulcer. This is the first step in treating peptic ulcers. There are two main schemes antibacterial therapy. They are prescribed step by step, that is, the first-line medications did not work, then they try the second regimen.

1st line of eradication (within a week):

  • Semi-synthetic penicillins (Amoxicillin) 1000 mg twice a day or nitroimidazole derivatives (Metronidazole) 500 mg also twice a day.
  • Macrodids (Clarithromycin) 500 mg twice a day.

In case of failure, a 2nd line of eradication is proposed (1 week):

  • Proton pump inhibitors 20 mg twice a day.
  • Nitroimidazole derivatives (Metronidazole) 500 mg also three times a day.
  • Bismuth subcitrate (De-nol) 120 mg 4 times a day.
  • Tetracyclines (Tetracycline) 0.5 g 4 times a day.

Currently, doctors are developing new methods for treating pathology. A vaccine against Helicobacter is already being tested. For better healing of the mucosal defect, cytokine preparations, trefoil peptides and growth factors are used.

Nutrition of the sick

Treatment with folk remedies

Fresh milk, soda, decoction of calamus root, all types of nuts, pea powder and carrot juice will help relieve heartburn (see). To neutralize the hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice, use fresh potato juice. To do this, you need to grate the root vegetable and strain the resulting mass through cheesecloth. Take half a glass of potato juice an hour before breakfast for a week.

Herbal treatment also promotes recovery. Doctors recommend infusions of fireweed, yarrow, marsh cudweed, strawberry and apple leaves, flax seeds, aspen buds, and birch chaga mushroom.

It also has healing properties herbal tea, which includes elecampane rhizome, chamomile flowers, yarrow, marsh cudweed, flax seed, licorice root,. All herbs need to be washed well, dried and poured with boiling water. It is advisable to take a tablespoon 10 minutes before meals. Positive result will not keep you waiting.

is a disease of the stomach of a chronic, recurrent nature, accompanied by the formation of a defect in the gastric mucosa and the tissues located underneath it. The main symptom is epigastric pain on an empty stomach or after eating, often radiating to the back and chest. Vomiting, belching, heartburn, and nausea are often observed. The most dangerous complications are bleeding, perforation of the stomach wall, pyloric stenosis, malignant degeneration ulcers Diagnosed by gastroscopy and x-ray of the stomach, tests for Helicobacter pylori infection. Uncomplicated gastric ulcers are treated conservatively; in complicated cases, surgery is used.

General information

Drug-induced ulcers

Gastric ulcer has the same development mechanisms as duodenal ulcer and is also classified.

Symptoms of a stomach ulcer

Unlike duodenal ulcers, gastric ulcers are characterized by pain that occurs and intensifies immediately after eating. Vomiting with a stomach ulcer brings relief. A common symptom is heartburn, as well as heaviness in the stomach (associated with impaired emptying), flatulence. Appetite is usually reduced. However, sometimes an ulcer localized in the antrum of the stomach can manifest itself as hunger pain and night pain.

Just like a duodenal ulcer, a gastric ulcer is dangerous due to complications such as bleeding and gastric perforation. If the ulcer is localized in the pyloric region, stenosis of the pyloroduodenal region may develop. Ulcers localized in the stomach also have a high risk of malignancy, unlike duodenal ulcers.


Gastroscopy, an endoscopic examination of the stomach, provides the main information for accurately diagnosing gastric ulcers. Also, severe ulceration can be detected with contrast radiography of the stomach. When examining gastric contents, a bacterial culture is performed to identify Helicobacter. For the same purpose, a breath test is used to identify Helicobacter PCR method and ELISA. General and biochemical analysis blood may show signs of anemia if there is bleeding from the ulcerated wall, specific signs of an ulcer when laboratory research cannot be detected. Stool can also be examined to detect hidden bleeding (stool test). occult blood).

Treatment of stomach ulcers

In the treatment of gastric ulcers, strict adherence to the diet is of great importance - avoidance of foods that irritate the stomach wall and increase the production of gastric juice. Patients suffering from stomach ulcers should exclude spicy, salty, sour, fried and smoked foods, and foods rich in coarse fiber from their diet. It is recommended to consume food boiled or steamed. Drug therapy includes:

  • proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, rebeprazole, esomeprazole and analogues) or H2-histamine receptor blockers to suppress gastric secretion (ranitidine group drugs);
  • gastroprotective (bismuth, sucralfate) and antacids;
  • antibacterial drugs to suppress Helicobacter pylori infection (metronidazole). Drug therapy aimed at eradicating H. Pylori is usually carried out for 10-14 days, after which maintenance therapy with acid-lowering drugs is continued.

An uncomplicated gastric ulcer does not require surgical treatment. Surgical removal of part of the stomach (resection) is prescribed only in case of severe complications: perforation, obstruction, malignancy of the ulcer with the development of stomach cancer. Rarely to surgical treatment are used for persistent, often relapsing disease that is not amenable to conservative therapy.

Treatment of symptomatic gastric ulcers requires, first of all, removal of the factor that provoked the ulcer. As a rule, this is enough for a positive effect. As complementary therapy they use drugs that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid (proton pump inhibitors, H2-gastroprotectors). A decrease in secretory activity in gastric ulcers can be achieved surgically - by performing vagotomy.

Prognosis and prevention

Prevention of gastric ulcer, as well as duodenal ulcer, is the timely detection and treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection of the gastrointestinal tract, avoidance of stressful situations, uncontrolled use of medications and regular balanced diet. Uncomplicated gastric ulcers can be successfully cured if detected early and adequately treated. Poor prognosis if complications develop.

If you or your loved ones are suffering from a stomach ulcer and you don’t know how to get rid of such a disease once and for all, then you need to read this information urgently!

Stomach ulcer

You will find out what kind of disease it is, what the symptoms and complications are. We will also consider how the disease develops and medical diagnosis. But most importantly, I will tell you how this disease is treated and what methods should be used. I’ll also tell you about disease prevention and a healthy diet. Below are patient reviews.

What is a stomach ulcer

Stomach ulcer is a defect in the mucous membrane of this organ. It occurs due to the action of hydrochloric acid on it, but is not accompanied by an increase in the overall acidity of the gastric contents.

Stomach ulcer is a chronic relapsing disease that has periods of exacerbation ( autumn and spring). Accompanied by an increase in the overall acidity of gastric contents, as well as the occurrence of ulcers in the stomach and duodenum.

ICD 10 code- K25

If you have this disease, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

Stomach ulcer

This is what an inflamed stomach looks like. The photo shows what a huge 1 cm stomach ulcer looks like (1). And next to it is a small one (2). On the sides you can see the inflamed walls of the stomach (3). This is gastritis.

Signs and symptoms of stomach ulcers

Here we will look at the symptoms of a stomach ulcer with a detailed description. The disease itself can also occur without symptoms. Thus, you may not be aware of the problem.

The first is pain syndrome. It can occur both before and after meals. If there is a sharp cutting pain, it means perforated ulcer.

If there are constant nagging pains that are relieved by eating, then this means cardiac ulcer or fundus of the stomach.

The nature of the pain depends on the location of the disease.


Localization in the upper part of the stomach is very rare. However, in this case, the ulcers are of an oncological or acute nature.

If it is located in the middle part of the stomach, then such patients experience pain immediately after eating food. Food that enters the stomach stimulates the production of gastric juice. In addition, food mechanically irritates the ulcer.

As a result, pain occurs.

If the ulcer is located in the distal part of the stomach, pain occurs 2 to 3 hours after eating.

People who have duodenal ulcers most often complain of being hungry ( amid famine) or night pain. In such patients, eating food causes a decrease in the pain response.

During an exacerbation, headaches appear, which stop approximately an hour after eating. But in any case, pain in the gastrointestinal tract should lead you to see a doctor for examination.

Dyspeptic disorders

Other symptoms of stomach ulcers can manifest themselves in the form of dyspeptic disorders. It may be very black loose stool with an admixture of various components. It is very foul and has a specific smell.


If there is an admixture of blood, then there is gastric bleeding. This is a bad sign! It often develops in people who drink a lot of alcohol.

Main clinical manifestations peptic ulcers are acidic belching And heartburn. Appears in the background general increase acidity of gastric contents.

In this case, gastric contents enter the distal part of the esophagus. As a result, a person may experience an unpleasant sour sensation in the mouth.

In addition, very often ulcer sufferers are bothered by nausea And vomit. Such symptoms are not of any malignant nature.

Asthenovegetative syndrome

Well, the third complex is asthenovegetative syndrome. In this case, the person weakened and eats poorly. His appetite is impaired and weight loss is observed.

If the skin becomes pale ( for example, a pale palm), a frequent thread-like pulse, weakness, dizziness or fainting appear - these are also signs of a stomach ulcer.

The latter are painless. Especially if you are taking pills.

Complications of peptic ulcer

Here we consider severe complications of gastric ulcer in adults and children. In such cases, urgent surgery is required, as death is possible.

Stomach bleeding

The worst complication is stomach bleeding (1). The stomach is abundantly supplied with blood vessels. Especially on the small curvature (2). And ulcers are most often in this place.

Stomach bleeding

If there is a large vessel in the lumen of the ulcer, it quickly begins to bleed.

When bleeding, the pain does not increase after eating, but rather decreases. The person thinks he feels better. But in fact, the acid dissolved in his blood. That's why the ulcer doesn't hurt because the pain is caused by the burning of acid on the ulcer.

How is this complication treated?

They can insert a special device into the body and weld the ulcer with electricity or a laser. They may also stitch the vessel to stop bleeding.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible to do. In such cases, emergency surgery is performed to save the person’s life.

Perforated gastric ulcer (perforated)

The second complication is perforation or perforated ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. This is when the ulcer deepens so much that it breaks through the wall of the organ and creates a through hole. Various substances begin to penetrate through it.

Perforated stomach ulcer

Suddenly, in an instant, a rare abdominal pain may occur. It was like being stabbed in the stomach with a knife. The person immediately breaks out in a sticky, cold sweat. He freezes and a very strong pain develops in his stomach.

A board-shaped abdomen is also observed. When free, it becomes like a board.

A perforated gastric ulcer is a serious complication that requires urgent surgical intervention. We urgently need to go to surgery and sew up this hole. Next, it all needs to be washed and rinsed.

If surgery is performed at an early stage ( up to 6 hours) that is, a chance to save a person’s life. If more than 15 hours have passed, then the probability of saving life will be very small.

Penetration of stomach ulcer

When a stomach ulcer penetrates, the disease begins to spread to nearby organs. This is also very severe complication which requires surgery.

Penetration of a stomach ulcer into the liver

The pain syndrome is permanent. There is severe inflammation of those organs where the disease has penetrated. It is also possible to increase temperature and change biological processes.

Pyloric stenosis

Another complication of stomach ulcers is pyloric stenosis. The disease is focused on the outlet of the stomach ( antarsal region). There, deformation and inflammation occur. As a result, the movement of gastric contents into the intestines becomes difficult.

Pyloric stenosis

In such cases, nausea and vomiting occur. After all, food can no longer move forward. After eating, heaviness and bloating occur in the abdomen.

Weight loss is also observed, since due to the obstruction of food, the body ceases to receive nutrients.

Malignancy of stomach ulcer

Malignancy of a stomach ulcer is the degeneration of body cells into a malignant tumor ( cancer). This is already an oncological disease. As a rule, it occurs due to weak immunity to bacteria.

Malignancy of stomach ulcer

With this complication, the pain intensity decreases. Heartburn subsides. Appetite decreases very noticeably. As a result, the patient begins to lose weight.

Although this is not a common complication, it is also considered very dangerous. Most often, such stomach cancer ends fatal.

Causes of stomach ulcers

Here we look at the causes of stomach ulcers. The disease occurs due to an imbalance between aggressive factors of the gastric environment and the protective mechanisms of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Causes of stomach ulcers

Below we will look at the most main reason appearance, as well as risk factors for developing the disease.

Bacteria Helicobacter pylori

Stress was once thought to be the main cause of ulcers. Unfortunately, it is not. If there is a disease, then there must be some kind of pathogen. It is present in almost 100% of cases.

Bacteria Helicobacter pylori

In our case, the main pathogen is bacteria Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter pylori). It lives in the stomachs of about 70% of people.

The disease itself is supported by the pathogen and errors in nutrition.

If a person works as a truck driver and has a Helicobacter pylori infection, then he will 100% suffer from a peptic ulcer. After all, such a driver has no time to eat. In addition, the food is not the right consistency.

And if this person worked in the city and had the opportunity to improve his diet, then an obvious manifest form of peptic ulcer would not develop.

In this case, it would simply remain a source of infection ( transfer of bacteria). As a result, such a person can infect his family and loved ones.

How does a stomach ulcer manifest itself?

When infected, the bacterium attaches to the wall of the stomach and can remain there for the rest of a person’s life. As it multiplies, it destroys the walls of the stomach and creates conditions for the appearance of ulcers.

The bacterium damages the gastric mucosa and forms a tissue defect as a result of inflammation

Factors in the development of the disease

The problem is not so much the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, but the conditions we create for its reproduction.

Stress, alcohol, smoking, food additives and medications may cause ulcers. And do not forget that incorrect and irregular nutrition plays an evil role in this too.

This microbe constantly sits in the outlet of the stomach and causes the organ to produce gastric juice. It is produced during the day, in the morning and even during sleep. If a person eats poorly, then self-digestion of the mucous membrane occurs.

If in the future the person has good background nutrition ( no holidays, business trips, etc.), then the ulcer does not develop.

But if on holidays a person does not eat right ( takes alcohol, spicy and aggressive foods), then erosions gradually develop in the stomach. Then they turn into ulcers.

Stomach ulcer and hard work are closely interconnected. After all, if we are very busy with professional responsibilities, then, as a rule, many sacrifice their lunch. Such people switch to faster eating.

That's what noodles are for instant cooking, hot dogs, hamburgers and coffee from vending machines. The result is pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

Studies have shown that such peptic ulcer disease most often occurs in transport workers. Marine fishermen also fall under this category. Another dangerous occupation is work that involves business trips. Food on planes and trains always leaves much to be desired.

And also a change in time zones and types of food from different countries ( migration) is an unfavorable factor in all gastrointestinal diseases.

Also numerous going to restaurants and various snacks become provoking factors in the development of some disease.

Poorly washed dishes in public catering can cause Helicobacter pylori infection. Therefore, it is better to eat at home and in civilized conditions. After all, even in the most branded restaurants there is no 100% guarantee that there will be no violations in food preparation.

Other risk factors for gastric ulcers:

  • doping and sport
  • extreme and casino
  • hormone therapy and excess calories
  • stress ( especially before surgery)
  • tragedy
  • air and water carcinogens
  • biofields
  • anger and envy
  • radiation and infection
  • lack of faith
  • hatred
  • household chemicals
  • synthetic medicines ( they have many side effects)

Pathogenesis of peptic ulcer

The pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease or its development occurs through two mechanisms. We will also talk a little about them now.

First, this is an imbalance between aggressive ( hydrochloric acid and pesin) and protective factors ( slime) mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.

Pathogenesis of peptic ulcer

Secondly, this is due to the development of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It eats away the mucous membrane and lives in hydrochloric acid.

When you become infected with this microbe, it gets on the mucous membrane. Next, it corrodes the protective mucosal layer. It corrodes a small hole where hydrochloric acid gets in. And then this acid begins to corrode its own tissues.

It turns out vicious circle. The bacterium eats away the surface of the mucous membrane, and the acid deepens the ulcer. As a result, such a disease arises.

I will say right away that almost everyone has such a bacterium. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of getting infected. Instead, you need to boost your immunity. It trains on this bacterium and prevents it from corroding the mucous membrane.

Types of stomach ulcers and classification

Below we will consider the main types of stomach ulcers and the classification of the disease with a short description.

Clinical manifestations:

  • Acute - develops quickly and affects large parts
  • Chronic - develops gradually, remission can last a very long time

To size:

  • Small (less than 5 mm)
  • Medium (5 - 10 mm)
  • Large (11-30 mm)
  • Giant (more than 30 mm)

With the flow:

  • Latent (atypical) - neurovegetative changes are expressed ( often seen in adolescence)
  • Mild (rarely recurrent) - proceeds very easily with little pain ( mainly in young women)
  • Moderate severity - recurs 1 - 2 times a year
  • Severe - continuous relapse, which is expressed by weight loss, metabolic disorders and various complications

By localization:

  • Cardinal section of the stomach
  • Subcardinal
  • Antral
  • Pyloric
  • Body of stomach
  • Along the minor and major curvature
  • Along the front and back walls

By phase:

  1. Exacerbation (relapse) of the disease
  2. Fading exacerbation (incomplete remission) - the ulcer is healing, there are no symptoms of the disease, but the mucous membrane is still inflamed
  3. Remission - the ulcer is completely scarred, pain and inflammation disappear


  1. Active
  2. Scarring
  3. Red tripe
  4. White tripe
  5. Long-term absence of scarring

Diagnosis of stomach ulcers

Now you will learn how our doctors diagnose stomach ulcers in many clinics. Eat various methods patient examinations. We'll talk about them!

The first and most important thing is to be examined by a doctor. gastroenterologist. He collects tests, complaints and examines the patient. Also performs palpation of the abdomen.

Additionally assigned fibrogastroduodenoscopy (more informative examination with an endoscope). This is when a flexible fibrogastroduodenoscope is inserted into the patient's stomach and duodenum through the mouth and esophagus.

He examines the mucous membrane of these organs. If necessary, a section of the mucosa is taken for histological examination.

I note that this procedure, like probing, is extremely unpleasant. However, it is extremely important for differential diagnosis peptic ulcer with oncological and cancerous processes.

Do clinical and biochemical blood analysis. It is also possible that the doctor will prescribe duodenal intubation.

To others important method diagnostics is bacteria test Helicobacter pylori.

This could be a breath test. The patient is asked to breathe into a special apparatus through a tube. The device detects in the exhaled air the enzyme produced by the bacterium.

This may also be a blood test to detect this bacterium.

In addition, they can carry out contrast radiography stomach and duodenum. But this diagnostic method is mainly used to identify complications. For example, stenosis.

Ultrasonography abdominal organs are also performed on patients. This is how the character of the stomach wall is determined to exclude oncological diseases.

Treatment of stomach ulcers

Now you will find out what treatment for stomach ulcers doctors offer us. Treatment methods are divided into conservative and surgical. Everyone has several ways to deal with the disease.

Treatment of stomach ulcers

Conservative treatment methods

Regarding conservative treatment methods, according to the Austrian consensus, peptic ulcer disease requires mandatory antibiotic therapy. Patients are prescribed three groups of antibacterial drugs.

Their use is also supplemented with drugs from the group of proton pump inhibitors. They reduce stomach acidity.

After which patients undergo repeated fibrogastroduodenoscopy. A control blood test or breath test for Helicobacter pylori is also performed.

If treatment of gastric ulcer with drugs is ineffective, then repeat the course. However, with the use of antibiotics of other groups. As a rule, these are already stronger drugs.

It is worth noting that antibiotic treatment does not completely solve the problem. As a rule, such drugs are very reduce immunity. And this in turn leads to reappearance ulcers and various diseases. May occur side effects.

Stomach ulcer - surgery

Surgeries for stomach ulcers are performed only when there are complications ( listed above). They are also performed when conventional drug treatment does not help.

This includes two types of operations:

  1. Vagotomy- intersection of trunks or branches vagus nerve which are responsible for the secretion of gastric juice
  2. (distal and proximal) - part of the stomach and intestines is cut off and stitched

Depending on the method of restoring the continuity of the gastrointestinal tract, resection is divided into two types:

  1. Billroth 1 - resection with gastroduodenal anastomosis
  2. Billroth 2 - resection with gastrojejunal anastomosis

Resection surgery for stomach ulcers

With Billroth 1, an anastomosis is formed between the stump of the stomach and the duodenum. The disadvantage is the cutting of seams. Therefore, this operation is rarely used.

With Billroth 2, anastomoses are formed between the gastric stump and the intestinal loop. They also create a Brown fistula between the loops of intestines. Contents can enter the intestine either on the right or left side. And to avoid stagnation, a special Brown anastomosis is created.

It is worth noting that with operations, not everything is so smooth. They can stop the disease. But if you do not treat the body comprehensively, the disease will still manifest itself. However, this time it will be in a more complex form.

Diet for stomach ulcers at home

Let's talk about what a diet should be like for a stomach ulcer at home, what menu you need to tailor to yourself, what foods to eat, and which ones to immediately discard.

The simplest example. Imagine that you drop a drop on a varnished table lemon juice, alcohol, fat, chili sauce or hot water. You will find a corroded stain.

Exactly the same situation will happen with our mucous membrane. If she is wounded and inflamed, then there is no need to irritate her!

For gastric and duodenal ulcers, it is necessary to exclude fatty meats and fish from the diet. Also exclude fried, salty and spicy foods. As well as sausages, canned food and chocolate.

Men are most often affected. This is because in many work groups, before drinking water, they pass the bottle among themselves. That is, several people can drink from one bottle. This type of moment often occurs at work, in the military, or during training sessions.

Nutrition for stomach ulcers during exacerbation ( spring and autumn) occurs according to diet table 1.

Of course it is first meal, which should be like a puree soup. They must be chemically gentle, inert, not sour, not salty and not spicy. Physically they should not be thick.

Dishes must be fluid in order to be drinkable. It would be a good idea to cook a regular first course and put it through a blender. Then you will get a puree soup.

Thermally, they should be slightly warm at room temperature. They should not be cold or hot.

About second courses side dishes.

This could be mashed potatoes with carrots or low-fat boiled fish. Cooking can be boiled or steamed. For many, this is boiled fish without broth, which is split and prepared in the form of some kind of meat and vegetable soufflé ( 50% vegetables and 50% fish).

What to drink if you have a stomach ulcer?

Mineral water Essentuki No. 4

Beverages there should be Essentuki 4 or 20 without gas. You can still buy it in pharmacies gastric collection with chaga. It soothes well, regenerates the mucous membrane and helps restore tone.

So, if you have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, then immediately forget about business trips, at least for the period of exacerbation of the disease. Treatment is impossible without a properly formulated diet.

Food should not irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. It is advisable to consume all food in pureed form. Eat small portions and often ( every 3 - 4 hours).

Prevention of stomach ulcers

There are many measures that need to be followed to prevent stomach ulcers. Let's talk about them too.

In general, the main preventive measures for diseases of the digestive system are adherence to a daily routine, hygienic standards of work, and abstinence from alcohol and smoking.

It is very important to pay attention to diet and food quality.


Nervous tension and stress are completely contraindicated for patients. As soon as a person finds himself in a stressful situation, the stomach begins to work intensively and produce more enzymes.

Gastric juice becomes aggressive. Its concentration increases and, together with food, it begins to corrode the walls of the stomach.

Therefore, ulcer sufferers need to monitor their mental state. You need to practice yoga, relaxation, meditation and take care of your health.

It has already been proven that stomach ulcers affect smokers twice as often as non-smokers. This is due to the fact that the components of tobacco smoke dissolved in saliva affect the gastric mucosa.

Thus, local immunity against bacteria is suppressed and the aggressive effects of stomach acid are enhanced. In addition, the autonomic regulation of the gastrointestinal tract is influenced by nicotine.

During periods of exacerbation of the disease, ulcer sufferers are recommended to use separate utensils from home utensils for 6 months.

A change of toothbrush, a separate kitchen sponge and examination of all household members are also required. As a rule, children under 7 years of age are not examined. For the rest, they simply take blood for analysis.

How to treat stomach ulcers at home

I'll give you a few good advice on how to effectively treat stomach ulcers at home. We will also consider some folk remedies against this disease.

Helps a lot here endorphin therapy. It underlies the treatment of all diseases. For treatment, factors are used that actually treat us, and do not cripple us.

For peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, it is not these organs that need to be treated, but the entire body.

Factors to use for a sick stomach:

  • water procedures
  • resorts
  • physiotherapy
  • nature
  • phytotherapy
  • Love
  • hobby
  • physical training
  • breathing exercises
  • music
  • creation
  • art

Carrot, cabbage and potato juice are often used. At certain stages this also has an effect.

Activated carbon in tablets and capsules

Still the most effective method Treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies is the use activated carbon . If you don’t have money for pills, then barbecue and then collect the coals.

But it is best to use hazel, which grows in the middle zone. We collect coals in a box and eat coal 3 times a day before lunch.

Those people who can eat it regularly practically do not suffer from this disease. After all, the coal absorbs all this acid. And along with the acid, it also absorbs bacteria. Therefore, I recommend trying this method of treatment.

Here are the important essential nutrients for endorphin synthesis:

  • amino acids
  • polysaccharides
  • vitamins
  • minerals
  • lipids

It is worth noting that the disease should always be treated at high and normal level endorphins. It is also worth saying that happy and joyful people never develop ulcers. Therefore, try to maintain a good standard of living.

Endorphin levels

And if, in addition to this, you eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle, then you can immediately forget about such a disease.

Stomach ulcer - photo

Here I want to provide you with a selection of photos of stomach ulcers. I recommend everyone to carefully look at what these manifestations look like from the inside. I hope that many will then think about the problem and begin to take better care of their bodies.

That's all!

Now you know what a stomach ulcer is, what symptoms and complications there are. We also looked at methods for diagnosing and treating this disease. Try to adhere to prevention to avoid the occurrence of the disease. In general, be healthy!