Do-it-yourself 4g lte signal amplification. Broadband and narrowband. Antenna connected to the router via coaxial cable

Quite often, Internet access is provided by a usb modem. Such a device is quite convenient, takes up little space and allows you to have access to the World Wide Web not only within the city, but also on vacation, in the country or on vacation. You will need a PC or laptop. The main thing is that the signal quality is stable and stable connection. However, often this important communication parameter does not meet the required requirements. As a result, a weak signal interferes or even limits access to the Internet.

What to do in this case? Let's start in order.

To begin with, let's figure out what affects the signal level, the quality of the connection, thereby predetermining the efficient operation of the modem?

First, this is the distance to the nearest tower cellular communication. Secondly, the presence of other wireless devices nearby that can interfere. Nearby may also be affected. industrial enterprises, most of which use communication jammers. Thirdly, it is the isolation of the room. It is one thing when the signal passes through wooden walls, thin plasterboard structures, and quite another if massive concrete partitions are encountered on its way. Fourth, this is the location of the modem itself. 3G and 4G signals are much stronger near windows or on upper floors premises.

Precipitation can also reduce the data transfer rate: rain, snow, hail, fog, etc. Even the terrain of the surrounding area affects: mountains, hills, tall trees, etc. We must not forget about the software of the computer or laptop itself. May be overloaded RAM or the hard drive contains a large number of system errors, viruses, etc. Less commonly, problems with signal transmission are due to problems at the base station tower. For example, slot occupancy, i.e. a large number of currently connected subscribers.

From all of the above, we conclude that the quality of the 3G and 4G modem signal depends on a large number of factors. Not everything can be influenced by the user. However, by eliminating at least most of them, you will be able to significantly improve the data transfer rate.

How to determine your data transfer rate?

Modem speed is easy to find out with the help of special online tests. You will need a computer, a browser and internet access.

One of the simplest is the resource Its principle of operation is that you download a small file, while the site analyzes the speed of data transfer. Here you can choose the testing parameters and the size of the control packet (200 KBytes, 1000 KBytes, 3 MB). It is best to stop at the largest document. The test takes longer, but its results are much more accurate. is a popular worldwide internet speed testing resource. By the way, its interface is the most attractive and informative. When you enter this site, the nearest test server is automatically selected, which speeds up the procedure and positively affects the accuracy of the results. When testing the data transfer speed on a 3G or 4G modem, be prepared for the fact that about 20 MB will be taken from your traffic.

This online service displays not only the speed of transmitting and receiving information, but also analyzes ping. This value is displayed in milliseconds and indicates the server's response time to your request. Ping is enough important indicator. Especially if you use programs like Skype or like online games.

If, with the help of such tests, it turned out that the speed of transmitting and receiving data is less than 80% of that stated in the contract with the provider, then you need to contact the support service. If the speed is fully consistent with the promised indicators, but working with web pages seems painfully long to you, then you should think about a more expensive tariff.

How to find out your base station?

The problem of constant interruption in the operation of a 3G or 4G modem is most often associated with a weak signal level. Some users identify the cause of low internet speed in a simple way. If the data transfer rate is constantly low, regardless of the time of day, then the reason is the distance from the tower. If the speed improves at night and in the morning, then this is the congestion of the base station (BS).

Basically, a bad 3G or 4G signal is associated with a large distance from the BS to the user. Therefore, it is important to know its position, which will allow you to make special amplifiers or simply place the modem in that part of the room that is as close as possible to the BS. Advanced users, knowing the numbers of various BSs, will be able to configure the modem so that it connects not only to the nearest tower, but also to the one that has more free radio channels, thereby significantly improving the speed of the Internet connection.

The online resource will help you find your BS. You only need to know 4 parameters:

  • Code of the country in which the operator is located (MCC). For Russia, it is 250.
  • The unique code of the operator itself, called MNC (Mobile Network Code).
  • Local area code or LAC. This is a kind of association of several base stations within the same territory, which are served by one controller.
  • The last parameter is CellID (CID). This is the identification number of the sector where the BS is located.

How to find out all these parameters? To do this, you can use the Netmonitor application or a web resource of the same name. By the way, on this site you can find a map showing most of the BSs in the central part of Russia, owned by the most popular telecom operators.

We find out all the necessary values ​​\u200b\u200bthrough the netmonitor and enter them in a special search box on the main page Next, check the boxes next to "Google data", "Yandex data" and "Averaging". Thus, the accuracy of determining the coordinates increases. Press the "Find" button. We look at the map marked places with the location of the BS.

Ways to amplify the modem signal

The most popular include:

  • Installing a PC or laptop with a modem near a window;
  • Using a USB extension cable and placing the modem on the windowsill or even on the street;
  • Creating a reflector, that is, a device that amplifies the signal (some craftsmen make it from pots and colanders, someone uses speakers and frequency resonance);
  • The use of a factory-made 3G or 4G signal amplifier (average cost 1000-2000 rubles).

Each of these methods can improve signal quality by 10-30%. A complete lack of results cannot be ruled out. For example, a long USB extension cable can lead to the fact that the modem will not have enough power, and it will no longer be detected by the computer.

A viable but costly solution is the repeater. This is a 3G or 4G signal amplifier. Its undoubted advantage lies in the fact that it increases the speed of data transmission and processing not only of a specific modem, but also of several devices. When it operates within a radius of up to 50 m, cellular communications will also work better. We recommend purchasing a repeater to improve the signal in basements or basements.

An effective and budgetary way to amplify the modem signal is a special antenna, which is not difficult to make on your own. Let's look at a few examples.

We assemble an antenna to amplify the modem signal with our own hands

  • At home, you can simply amplify the 3g or 4g signal with your own hands. Especially often, these home-made antennas are used in a country house or in a country house to amplify the level of a cellular signal, including for receiving the Internet. The simplest antenna is made in a few minutes. A small winding of copper wire is taken, which wraps several times around the modem, and is brought closer to the window or outside the room by 40-80 cm. The number of turns must be selected based on the thickness of the device. The main thing is to wrap the part in which the SIM card is located. You can put a tin can on the end of the wire. Is such a construction valid? Quite. Expect a 5-10% increase.
  • For another simple antenna, you will need an empty metal coffee can. In the side part, right in the center, a hole is made into which we fix the modem. Ideally, when the outer part of the device protrudes about half or a little less. Then we connect the modem via a USB extension cable and by trial method we find a good place with the best signal.
  • Quite often, to amplify the modem signal, a loop antenna is created that has a zigzag shape and resembles 2 rhombuses made of copper wire. Both have one point of contact with each other, consisting of two corners. It turns out an unrounded "eight". On the Internet, this design is better known as the Kharchenko antenna. Next, a high-frequency cable is soldered to it (as for TV). It is best to solder part of the wire to the connector - it will look like a plug. The other end of the cable is stripped to wrap the modem itself (5-6 turns). To increase efficiency, it is worth equipping the antenna with a reflector - a plate of metal or foil. We fix the structure as high as possible, for example, on the roof or the last floor.

Internet access is necessary for every person for work, study or for their personal needs. The mobile phone does not always pick up the Internet. Not everyone knows how to amplify the 3g signal of a smartphone.

In cities where there are a large number of mobile operators, there should not be “dead zones” for the Internet according to prior. In fact, everything is different: a person, moving around the area, periodically gets into them. This is due to architecture, the building material from which houses are built, metal structures. The reasons for poor Internet include the presence of many industrial interference.

To protect your smartphone from mechanical damage They sell different cases. If there are metal inserts inside the protection, then this affects the quality of the received 3g and 4g signal.

When the user travels outside the city, a 3g signal booster for a smartphone is required, where the Internet speed is sharp or absent.

Almost all people use 3g or 4g Internet, which is offered by mobile operators. It provides access to networks anywhere, unlike wifi networks. But due to the congestion of communication lines, the Internet speed drops to the level of 2g. Even when the phone is on a tariff with a good speed of 3g or 4g, it guarantees that the speed will not slow down.

Two solutions will help improve smartphone reception - this is software and using devices purchased or made independently. Each method has pluses. With an integrated approach to increasing the speed of the Internet connection, the user will achieve the fastest possible signal.

Software settings

Sometimes people are unhappy with the speed of the Internet on mobile phone. Everyone knows that the speed and quality of an Internet connection depend on the operator, the selected tariff and coverage area. But not everyone knows that you can amplify the signal on your smartphone using the InternetSpeedMaster application. The program optimizes the phone by changing system files. It is easy to strengthen the antenna on a smartphone using the application, but you need to have root rights, if the phone is rooted, then installation will take 2 minutes.

Configuring the program for amplifying 3g and 4g

How to configure InternetSpeedMaster to boost 3g and 4g signal:

  1. enter the application and grant superuser rights;
  2. if the device is rooted, enter ApplyPatch, reboot. The Internet signal booster on the smartphone will work;
  3. if the user does not have superuser rights, enter ImproveInternetConnection, then reboot the device.

This method does not work on all devices, so it is recommended that you first get root rights in order to surely increase the 3g signal on your smartphone.

If the user wants to restore the old settings, it is recommended to enter the menu, click "Restore", confirm their actions by selecting the "OK" button.

Hardware improvement

You can strengthen the cellular signal on your smartphone by purchasing additional devices in specialized stores - a repeater and various kinds antennas. Such devices significantly amplify the signal coming from the operator. In this situation, no manipulations with the device files are required.

All devices connected to the Internet 3g or 4g, included in the antenna coverage area, increase the download speed. To strengthen the 3g signal for a smartphone with your own hands in the country or in the apartment, you need to take steps that will enable the operator's signal to reach as quickly as possible.

All mobile operators that offer Internet access via the 3g network (MTS, Megafon, Beeline, etc.) have a certain coverage area. If you are behind it, then the Internet connection will be very weak, the connection will be unstable, the speed will be low. In such cases, you can use options that will provide amplification of the 3g modem signal.

How to amplify the signal of a 3g modem using speakers

The first option, how to amplify the signal of a 3g modem with your own hands, which you can try at home without any extra spending and effort, is to use ordinary speakers. Users mobile internet noted that if you move them closer to the modem, the signal level increases by 10-20%. This is not very much, but with poor communication quality it gives a noticeable increase. To get rid of annoying clicks from the speakers, the volume should be set to a minimum.

Signal booster for 3g copper wire modem

Another way to easily amplify the 3g modem signal with your own hands will require you a little more action than the speaker option. You need to make a structure out of wire and a tin that would act as an antenna. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Take copper wire (preferably a long piece).
  2. Open the gadget and make 5-6 turns around the SIM card.
  3. Pull the other end to the window.
  4. Take a tin can or cut off the neck of a beer to make a "glass". It will act as a reflector that enhances communication.
  5. Tape the free end of the wire to the bottom of the can.
  6. Rotate the neck towards the nearest operator's tower. The increase in the quality of the Internet will be up to the level of 90-95%.

How to strengthen the signal of a 3g modem with network settings

Before you make antennas with your own hands, you should try another method, how to enhance the reception of a 3g modem signal. Some mobile Internet users do not know that by default, with a low connection quality, the device automatically switches to 2g communication mode, with which it is not possible to work normally. In this case, the transition occurs even in the presence of 2-3 "sticks". To avoid such situations, you should clearly indicate through the device settings that only a 3g connection should be used. How to change an option:

  1. run the network setup program;
  2. select the "Connection" tab (or with a similar name);
  3. then the network search mode needs to be changed from automatic to 3g.

This will force the device to work only on those frequencies without dropping the connection to a slower one. Some modems do not have such an item in the application interface for the device. In this case, you should look for a combination to activate the built-in command in the instructions for the device or on specialized forums. For each modem model, its own order of enabling the option is programmed.

Strengthening the signal of a 3g modem with a USB extension

This is not the best, but a working way, how to easily amplify the 3g modem signal with your own hands. Suitable well for people who do not want to disassemble, solder their device. The design works on the principle satellite dish. To make it, you need to buy a “reflector” (a jar, a bowl, a CD), a USB “mother-dad” cable 3 meters. The creation process is as follows:

  1. In the middle of the disk, make a mount for a flash drive, or tape it with tape.
  2. Connect the cable with one end to the computer and the other end to the modem.
  3. You can use a stick instead of a holder or simply fix the disc from the side of the street to the facade of the house.
  4. Point the flash drive in the direction where the signal is strongest.

The increase in communication quality is not very large, because the usb cable loses some of it due to its length, but it still improves the connection. The mirror surface of the CD acts as an amplifier. It is recommended to use a bowl instead of a disc because its reflective surface is larger and the reception will be even better. Enameled options are not suitable, use stainless steel products.

Special external signal amplifier 3g modem

Operators are aware of communication problems, so they are constantly trying to expand their coverage area. As an intermediate solution, for example, a 3g signal amplifier was created for the Megafon modem and other companies. This is an antenna that operates at the required frequencies, and you need to connect it directly to the device. When choosing a model, one should rely on the indicators of the radiation pattern and gain.

For effective operation of the antenna, it must be directed towards the tower of the mobile operator, which is closest to your home. Attach the stand so that the pins are perpendicular to the ground. Please note that the longer the cable length, the greater the signal loss along its length. A short cord will provide enough connection gain if the cord is of good quality. If you bought an amplifier, then you should not save on the cable.

How to strengthen the 3G signal with your own hands using a repeater

The most effective is amplification using a special device - a 3G repeater. Amplification is possible only if the phone catches at least a minimal 3G signal. This approach can be called fully professional, because after installing the repeater you will receive:

  • the maximum possible amplification of the 3G signal;
  • the maximum speed of the mobile Internet, which the mobile operator is able to provide;
  • stable reception area within the coverage radius of the internal antenna;
  • getting rid of problems that arise with a weak signal: communication breaks, subscriber unavailability, interruptions during a conversation, and others.

A repeater is a house or apartment, which in itself is only part of the 3G signal amplification circuit. To create a complete system, you will need an external antenna that picks up the cellular operator's signal from the base station and an indoor antenna that "distributes" the cellular signal to subscribers indoors. All this is connected by coaxial cable. AT difficult cases boosters, attenuators, splitters and other equipment may be needed. In normal cases, for example, to amplify the 3G signal in a summer cottage outside the city or in a cottage, it is enough to buy a ready-made kit, for example, VEGATEL VT-3G-kit. This kit is optimal in terms of price / quality, it works reliably and you can easily install it yourself. VEGAtel equipment is manufactured in Russia and has all the necessary certificates.

With the help of an Internet amplifier, you can significantly improve the signal quality in the country, at home and in any other room.

Effective devices have been on the market for a long time.

These are the so-called expanders or extenders.

Their main task is to expand the existing signal.

In a rural area or in a place where the network coverage is very poor, it makes no sense to use an extender, since the poor quality of the Internet in this case does not depend on the router, but on the poor network of the operator.

Perhaps there are not enough towers on the territory, the connected ones have a low bandwidth, or buildings, forests, and so on “interfere” with the signal.

To solve the problem of poor Internet in a private house, we recommend using repeaters - These are special gadgets that can increase the speed of the Internet several times by reducing the signal-to-noise ratio.

You can improve the quality of the network using special kits to amplify the 3G-4G signal.


When choosing an amplifier kit, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Coefficient signal amplification. It is customary to consider the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the indicator that are 8 dB and above - normal level amplification. Such repeaters are perfect for use in areas remote from the city;
  • Frequency range - this is a kind of reproducible band. The larger it is, the more efficient the repeater will work;
  • Attachment type. In order for the amplifier to be able to catch the already existing tower signal, it is necessary to install its antenna as high as possible. As a rule, users choose to install the roof of the house. When buying a product, first decide on the type of fastening, and then select the options that are suitable for you;
  • Kit cable length . It is determined by the peculiarities of the location of all devices of the set;
  • output power (from device to base station).

Also, you should pay attention to the temperature range at which the device will operate in normal mode.

If you live in a region that is characterized by frequent frosts, this indicator will be almost the main one when choosing a gadget.

When choosing an amplifier, consider your location, the approximate distance from the nearest tower to the house, the required number of connection points. Remember that the total baud rate achieved by the amplifier will be divided among all.

Vegatel VT-3 G

Estimated cost: 11 900 rubles.

This cellular signal amplifier is the best in terms of price / quality ratio.

Vegatel is a domestic manufacturer of equipment for strengthening communication different type.

In Russia and other CIS countries, devices from Vegatel are in demand.

Average cost and effective work devices will solve the problem of slow Internet and cellular communications even in the most remote suburban areas.

  • The amplifier is capable of capturing a very weak signal;
  • Easy to operate;
  • The management interface is translated into Russian;
  • There is an overload level indicator;
  • Affordable cost.
  • In the basic configuration there is no bracket;
  • No router.

The direction of the antenna must match the approximate position of the station used by the mobile operator.

Telestone TS- GSM 1800

Estimated cost: 15 600 rubles.

Telestone is a Chinese company that deals with . The products are mainly focused on Russian market.

The TS-GSM 1800 repeater model is distinguished not only by its good price, but also by the ability to work with any number of subscribers.

Thanks to the gain of 70 dB, you can achieve good amplification signal without interference, even if 100 subscribers in the house work at the same time.

It should be noted the good build quality of the repeater. The case is designed to support IP40 rating, which allows it to keep out moisture, sand and other fine particles. Suitable TS-GSM 1800 for medium-sized rooms, mainly for summer cottages.

  • The small size of the repeater;
  • The case is protected from ingress of moisture and dirt;
  • Big square coverage that is suitable for any suburban area;
  • Good quality networks as a result of amplification;
  • Unlimited number of network subscribers.
  • The package does not include cables and antennas. All components necessary for installing the repeater can be purchased separately from the manufacturer or separately;
  • The complexity of installation, because there is no exact instructions with factory components. To configure the operation of this repeater, we recommend contacting a specialist.

The repeater's rugged chassis will handle all weather conditions.

Anytone AT 6100 W

Estimated cost: 37 800 rubles.

This repeater model is the most powerful of all other TOP amplifiers, however, the price of the device leaves much to be desired.

Anytone AT 6100W is more suitable for large enterprises, factories than for giving.

However, if you want to ensure the maximum quality of the connection and the price is not important to you, feel free to choose this model.

AT complete set devices include:

  • The AT-6100W repeater itself;
  • External antenna;
  • Internal antenna;
  • Power adapter;
  • Cable 10 m and 5 m (for external and internal antennas respectively). If necessary, you can buy additional skeins from the manufacturer or pre-order the required quantity;
  • Instructions for use and installation;
  • Warranty sheet. With it, you can exchange the amplifier kit or get your money back if the gadget turns out to be faulty.

Also, the repeater works with the UMTS communication standard (GSM 900 type).

This allows the gadget to work perfectly as a modem.

To connect the Internet to a computer in the country, it is enough to use the Anytone AT 6100W repeater and use a smartphone, or you can work with a 3G modem.

  • Reliability. Using Anytone AT 6100W, you will not encounter constant damage to the antenna or other components of the kit. All parts are of the highest quality and will last for many years even in cold climates or sudden changes in weather conditions;
  • Convenient design and ease of use;
  • Works without interruption at temperatures from -25 to +55 degrees Celsius.
  • High price;
  • The device is intended for buildings much larger than ordinary cottages.

Vegatel VT-900 E

Estimated cost: 11 900 rubles.

This repeater is similar to the TOP leader. The only difference is that Vegatel VT-900E does not support WiFi.

Users can amplify the signal only for cellular network.

Accordingly, in the country it will be possible to use only fast 3G Internet.

In general, the Vegatel VT-900E repeater is perfect for amplifying a cellular signal in any suburban area.

The repeater will work without problems even if the house is in the middle of the forest or far from the base station.

On the body of the repeater there is a key for adjusting the signal level. Also, this parameter can be adjusted automatically.

There is network overload protection. normal operation device is possible at temperatures from +25 to +55 degrees.

Picocell 900 SXB

Estimated cost: 8 200 rubles.

Picocell 900 SXB is a relatively inexpensive and high-quality repeater that works with the GSM-900 communication standard.

Great for small spaces or houses with 1-2 floors.

Allows you to amplify the incoming signal and transmit it to spread it over an area of ​​up to 200 square meters. m.

The peculiarity of this device is that the developer positions the Picocell 900 SXB repeater as a device for signal amplification in the city.

If you decide to choose this device for giving, it is desirable that the house is close to the base station, or to a large locality.

  • Small size;
  • Acceptable price;
  • Low energy consumption;
  • Build quality;
  • Easy to install;
  • Well amplifies the signal on an area up to 150 square meters. m.
  • Designed to work in the city. There is no way to amplify the signal if it is blocked by large houses or forests;
  • Limit on the number of subscribers. Up to 15 different devices can use the "enhanced" network at the same time.

If you want to amplify the modem signal in a 3G or 4G generation network, you need to find out the Cell ID of your base station and the side of its location using programs. Then you need to build an antenna and direct it towards the BS, finding the point with the best signal reception level. Otherwise, you can simply buy a set of special equipment (antenna, amplifier, adapter) for reliable reception of a mobile network signal in the countryside. You can find out more about this below.


The principle of operation of a 3G and 4G modem

So, you bought yourself a 3G or 4G modem and want to have high-speed Internet access, but you failed - low level signal in your home. Very often this problem can be solved, and in fairly simple and budgetary ways. Journalists of the site will share the secrets of improving the quality of the signal for Internet access through 3rd and 4th generation networks in several ways.

For home craftsmen, amplifying the signal in modems has already become a real hobby. They experiment with various homemade antennas, their position and settings, but the main thing is that in most cases it is all quite effective.

The maximum data transfer rate in 3G networks is 14.4 Mbps, in 4G networks - 1 Gbps.

The given speed indicators are maximum, as they were measured in laboratory conditions. In reality, the subscriber will have a speed several times lower and this must be taken into account and understood. As a rule, a speed of 50% of the maximum is quite normal, but in real conditions even 20-30%.

The speed is affected by the remoteness of the operator's base station from the subscriber, as well as its workload.

It is quite simple to determine which of these affects the low speed in a particular case: if the speed is low around the clock, the reason is the distance from the base station (BS), if the speed improves closer to the night, the workload of the BS.

Modems are configured in such a way that they will work in the network mode in which there is the most stable and high-quality signal. It is important to understand that not all BSs have 3G and 4G modules, so there may be jumps between 2G/3G/4G networks. To rule it out - in the modem settings, you can select only one network mode, which supports the latest network generation: WCDMA/WCDMA/HSDPA (3G) or LTE (4G) only.

If there is a need to improve the quality of the network, then it is necessary to monitor the network, on the basis of which it will be possible to act further.

Network monitoring

Network monitoring will allow you to get more accurate information, based on which it will be easier, faster and more efficient to strengthen the signal. The signal level is displayed in the application from the operator, where you can also get information about the mode (standard) of your modem.

If the signal level is low enough, we find “our” BS, make the antenna and find its best position to receive the maximum possible signal from the operator.

To get started, we recommend installing the program Mobile Data Monitoring Application (MDMA) with Entropy plugin. This program will show the identifier of the BS (Cell ID) to which you are connected, as well as the signal quality. In the modem settings, set the forced selection of the type of network you need (WCDMA / HSDPA is 3G or LTE - 4G). When using the program, the operator application will need to be closed, and after MDMA starts and detects the network, connect to the Internet.

We are interested in the signal level indicator in dBm, the lower it is, the better the quality of the network, so when experimenting with the position of the antenna, we will focus on it.

If you are a user, then the SignalSitemap program will show the direction of your BS on the map. You can determine "your" BS by Cell ID, the number of which you will find out in the MDMA program. Without a program, it will be somewhat more difficult to look for the direction of the BS.

Signal Improvement Methods

What should be done? - It is enough to direct the antenna or modem towards your BS, setting it by Cell ID, and the signal level indicator will help determine the best position.

Modem Position

Sometimes a fairly simple action will help improve the signal quality - moving the modem to another place, for example, installing it near a window. For a USB modem, you will need to purchase an appropriate extension cable, the length of which should be enough from a computer / laptop to the window. It is advisable to either hang the modem from the eaves, or raise it so that it is on the line of sight of the street. In some situations, it is possible to catch a signal in the apartment itself, and not near the window - here you need to look. According to the signal level indicator, select the best position for the device.

Simple antennas in 5 minutes

The simplest antenna is the winding of copper wire at the location of the antenna in the modem (as a rule, it is located at the end). The thickness of the copper cable, the number of turns and the length must be selected individually for each modem and location conditions.

Another simple antenna is made from a metal can of coffee. For the antenna, you will need a simple metal can of round diameter. A hole is made in the center of the jar into which the modem is inserted. The protrusion of the modem also needs to be selected for each model separately, as a rule, it is inserted into the jar up to half of its middle or slightly below half. We connect the modem to the computer via a USB extension cable and by trial method we find the point with the best signal and the position of the modem protrusion.

Professional Antennas

In the case when the above methods did not help, as a rule, this happens in the countryside, then an external antenna will be needed. To get started, find out the position of your BS and its approximate distance from you, as well as the range in which the operator operates. Next you will need:

  • External antenna with gain (for the corresponding band);

  • Adapter for USB modem or repeater (depending on the type of amplifier);

  • Cable.
Insert the modem into the adapter and connect it to the computer, from the adapter we connect the cable to the amplifier, and then from it we connect the cable to the antenna. We find the desired position of the antenna and fix it. There are amplifiers that work without an adapter; a repeater is used instead. The principle of such an amplifier is discussed in the video.

If you do not have experience in this matter, then in this case, specialists who specialize in improving the quality of communication will help you. They will make the necessary measurements and choose the most suitable set of equipment for your conditions. In this case, you will receive a guaranteed high-quality network signal and Internet speed, while the funds will not be wasted.

We wish you to get a high-quality signal and high speed Internet.