Universal medicine tylosin for birds and animals. Tylosin for cats Tylosin 50 for birds dosage

Tylosin is an antibacterial drug in the form of an injection solution. Available in 2 versions, differing in the concentration of the active substance of the same name. The drug is widely used in veterinary medicine and is suitable for treating dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds.

Tylosin is a clear, slightly viscous, pale yellow solution with a characteristic odor. The drug is intended for injection and is packaged in sterile vials of 20, 50, 100 ml. Each is sealed with a rubber stopper and rolled in aluminum foil. The label on the bottle contains complete information about the concentration of the active substance, release date, precautions, and storage conditions.

Tylosin is an antibacterial drug in the form of an injection solution.

The main active ingredient of the drug is the antibiotic tylosin. The product goes on sale in 2 versions: Tylosin 50 and Tylosin 200. The products differ in the concentration of the active substance of the same name, the first version contains 50,000 mcg per ml, the second - 200,000 mcg per ml.

The drug contains benzyl alcohol, propanediol and water for injection as additional components.

Indications and principle of action

Tylosin 50 and Tylosin 200 are widely used in veterinary medicine. The drugs are used not only to treat cattle, but also for dogs. The medicine is used under the supervision of a doctor, self-medication is excluded.

The drug is prescribed for:

The drug belongs to a small group of natural antibiotics; it is isolated from strains of microorganisms living in soils. The product is designed specifically for animals, negative impact on internal organs reduced to a minimum.

After intramuscular injection active ingredient instantly absorbed into tissues and enters the bloodstream. The drug reaches its maximum concentration after 1 hour, the therapeutic effects last for at least 20 hours.

Tylosin is effective against various gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, including streptococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The drug actively destroys microorganisms and prevents their reproduction, relieves inflammation and swelling, and has a mild analgesic and calming effect.

It acts very gently, side effects are less common than with other antibiotics. Residues of the active substance do not accumulate in tissues, leaving the body after 24-48 hours along with urine and bile secretions.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is considered one of the safest antibiotics that does not cause negative influence on the liver, kidneys and other organs. Injections to puppies, emaciated and weakened animals and bitches in the second half of pregnancy are given under the supervision of a doctor.

Important. The drug is injected only intramuscularly; subcutaneous injections can provoke severe inflammation and other side effects.

Tylosin can be used to treat a nursing dog; it copes well with severe mastitis. However, it is worth understanding that active substance partially passes into milk and may affect the development of puppies. Sometimes they are translated to artificial nutrition. It is better to entrust the issue to a veterinarian, who will weigh all the risks.

Tylosin should not be taken simultaneously with certain medications.

In order not to reduce the antibacterial effect, it is forbidden to take Tylosin in any form simultaneously with:

  • tiamulin;
  • levomitin;
  • lincomycin;
  • clindamycin;
  • penicillins (ampicillin and oxacillin);
  • cephalosporins.

After the injection, there may be a thickening at the injection site. Some dogs have a slight fever or diarrhea. Symptoms do not require special treatment and disappear within 1-2 days after the end of treatment.

Puppies may have dysbacteriosis, which can be relieved with restorative therapy prescribed by a doctor. At allergic edema It is recommended to take antihistamines.

Instructions for use

The medicine is administered once a day at the rate of 0.1-0.2 mg per 1 kg of dog weight.

Before using Tylosin for dogs, you must read the instructions for use. The drug is administered intramuscularly using a short needle. Shake the bottle before use; the product should not be used in damaged packaging.

The medicine is administered once a day at the rate of 0.1-0.2 mg per 1 kg of dog weight. For small and medium breeds it is more convenient to use Tylosin 50, as it is easier to dose. When injecting Tylosin 200, you will need 0.025-0.05 mg per 1 kg of live weight. The drug in this form is suitable only for large dogs weighing 40-60 kg. The course of treatment depends on the disease and is prescribed by a veterinarian.

Used to treat puppies insulin syringes, before administration, it is recommended to warm the drug to body temperature. This will improve the absorption of the active substance and reduce the risk of side effects.

Important. When treating secondary infections, the medicine is taken simultaneously with prednisolone. It relieves inflammation and alleviates the animal's condition, while Tylosin actively fights pathogenic microflora.

Storage conditions and price of the drug

The shelf life of Tylosin is 2 years from the release date indicated on the bottle label. Unopened vials are stored in a cool, dry, dark place away from direct contact. sun rays and heating devices. Do not place the medicine near food, household chemicals or animal feed.

If the seal is broken, the color changes, or large flakes form, the product should not be used. Once opened, the bottle should only be stored in the refrigerator; after 28 days it will have to be thrown away.

When handling animals, it is important to observe hygiene rules. Injections are made with sterile disposable syringes; after the procedure, they are disposed of, and hands are thoroughly washed with soap. While the dog is being treated, smoking and eating are prohibited. If the solution accidentally gets on the cornea, wash the eyes with plenty of water.

The cost of a bottle of Tylosin depends on the volume.

You can purchase Tylosin at any veterinary pharmacy. Bottle price from 145 rubles.


1. Tylosin 50 and 200.

2. Tylosin 50 and 200 - medicine in the form of a solution for injection, containing as active substance tylosin base.

3. Tylosin 50 and 200 is a clear, slightly viscous, yellowish liquid.

4. Tylosin 50 and 200 are produced packaged in 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 ml in sterile hermetically sealed glass bottles, sealed with rubber stoppers and rolled aluminum caps.
Each package is labeled indicating the manufacturer, its address and trademark, name of the medicinal product, name and content of active ingredients, batch number, date of manufacture and expiration date (month, year), storage conditions, quantity in the bottle, inscriptions “Sterile” , “For animals”, service station designations and provide instructions for use.
Store Tylosin 50 and 200 in the packaging of the manufacturer with precautions (list B) at a temperature of 5 to 250 C in a dry place, protected from light.
The shelf life of Tylosin 50 and 200, subject to storage conditions, is 2 years from the date of manufacture. It is prohibited to use the medicine after its expiration date.


5. Tylosin is an antibiotic from the macrolide group. It acts bacteriostatically on the microbial cell, inhibiting protein synthesis. Active against most gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria: Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Bacillus anthracis, Corynebacterium, Clostridium, Pasteurella, Erysipelothrix, Fusobacterium, Spirochaetes, Leptospira, Chlamidia, Serpulina hyodysenteriae, Mycoplasma, Treponema hyodysenteriae, Actinomyces pyogenes, Haemophilus per tussis, Moraxella bovis, Neisseria spp.

6. When intramuscular injection Tylosin quickly enters the bloodstream and penetrates almost all organs and tissues, reaching its maximum concentration 1 hour after administration. Most high level tylosin is achieved in the lungs, intestinal wall, liver, mammary gland and kidneys. After a single injection, the therapeutic concentration of tylosin remains in the blood serum for at least 20 hours. Tylosin is excreted from the body mainly in bile, and in smaller quantities in urine and milk.

7. Tylosin 50 and 200, in terms of the degree of impact on the body, belongs to hazard class 3 - moderately hazardous substances (according to GOST 12.1.007-76).


8. Tylosin 50 and 200 are used for the treatment of bronchopneumonia in cattle, small ruminants, pigs, dogs and cats; enzootic pneumonia, arthritis, dysentery, atrophic rhinitis of pigs; pig faces; infectious agalactia of sheep and goats, mastitis in cattle, as well as for the prevention and treatment of secondary infections in viral diseases.

9. The drug is administered to animals intramuscularly 1 time per day for 3-5 days in the following doses:

Current dose

Dose of solution

(ml/10kg body weight)


substance, mg/kg body weight

Tylosin 50

Tylosin 200


Sheep and goats

Dogs and cats

10. Possible in pigs allergic reactions in the form of swelling of the rectum and vulva, diarrhea, itching and erythema on the skin, which disappear after stopping the use of the drug. Overdose may cause shock in piglets.
Intramuscular injection may cause local reactions accompanied by hemorrhages, necrosis, and swelling 5-6 days after administration.
Breathing and pulse rates may increase in cattle.

11. Tylosin 50 and 200 should not be used together with bactericidal antibiotics.

12. It is not recommended to administer more than 5 ml to pigs, and large cattle 10 ml of the drug in one place and mixed in one syringe with other medications.
The use of tylosin in 50 and 200 horses is not allowed.
The use of tylosin 50 and 200 in females during lactation, whose milk is intended for food, is not allowed.
For the treatment of piglets weighing more than 10 kg and cattle weighing more than 80 kg, it is not advisable to use a 5% solution of tylosin.

13. Slaughter of animals for meat is permitted no earlier than 8 days after the last use of tylosin. The meat of animals forcedly killed before the expiration of the specified period can be used to feed carnivores and prepare meat and bone meal.

1. Name medicinal product For veterinary use:
trade name drug – and (Tylosin);
international nonproprietary name – tylosin.

2. By appearance the drug Tylosin 50 is a clear liquid from light yellow to yellow color, Tylosin 200 – clear liquid from yellow to brown-yellow color. The shelf life, subject to storage conditions in the manufacturer's closed packaging, is 2 years from the date of production, after opening the bottle - 28 days.

Do not use Tylosin 50 and Tylosin 200 after the expiration date.

3. The drug is released packaged in 20, 50, 100 ml in glass bottles of appropriate capacity, hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers and reinforced with aluminum caps with tamper evident clips. Each consumer package is supplied with instructions for use.

4. Store Tylosin 50 and Tylosin 200 in the manufacturer’s sealed packaging, separately from food and feed, in a place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature of 10°C to 25°C.

5. Tylosin 50 and Tylosin 200 should be stored out of the reach of children.

6. Unused drug is disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.

7. Tylosin 50 and Tylosin 200 are available without a veterinarian's prescription.

II. Compound

8. Dosage form: injection.

Tylosin 50 and Tylosin 200 in 1 ml contain as active substance: tylosin (in base form) 50 mg and 200 mg, respectively, and as excipients: 1,2-propanediol, benzyl alcohol and water for injection.

III. Pharmacological properties

9. Tylosin 50 and Tylosin 200 belong to antibacterial drugs group of macrolides.

10. Tylosin is active against gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria, including: Escherichia coli, Bacillus anthracis, Pasteurella spp., Haemophilus spp., Leptospira spp., Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Erysipelothrix spp., Corynebacterium spp., Mycoplasma spp., Chlamydia spp., Brachispira spp. Tylosin has a bacteriostatic effect, inhibiting protein synthesis in bacterial cells as a result of the formation of a complex with the 50S ribosomal subunit.

At intramuscular use the antibiotic is rapidly resorbed and reaches maximum tissue concentrations approximately 1 hour after administration. The therapeutic level of the antibiotic in the body is maintained for 20-24 hours. It is excreted from the body mainly with urine and bile, and in lactating animals - with milk.

According to the degree of impact on the body, it is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76).

11. Tylosin 50 and Tylosin 200 are used to treat:

– bronchopneumonia of large and small cattle, pigs, dogs and cats;

– mastitis in cattle;

– enzootic pneumonia, arthritis, dysentery, atrophic rhinitis of pigs;

– infectious agalactia of sheep and goats;

– secondary infections in viral diseases.

12. A contraindication to the use of the drug Tylosin 50 and Tylosin 200 is the increased individual sensitivity of animals to tylosin.

13. When working with the drug Tylosin 50 and Tylosin 200, you should follow general rules personal hygiene and safety precautions required when working with medications.

When working with the drug, do not drink, smoke or eat. Hands should be washed after finishing work warm water with soap.

People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should avoid direct contact with the drug Tylosin 50 and Tylosin 200. If the drug gets on the skin or mucous membranes, they should be immediately washed with plenty of running water. If allergic reactions occur or if the drug accidentally enters the human body, you must immediately contact a medical facility (bring the instructions for use or label with you).

14. Pregnant and lactating females use the drug with caution under the supervision of a veterinarian.

15. Tylosin 50 and Tylosin 200 are administered only intramuscularly once a day for 5-7 days in a row. When repeated use, it is necessary to change the injection site.

16. When using the drug in accordance with these instructions side effects and complications, as a rule, are not observed. Pigs may experience allergic reactions such as slight swelling with slight rectal prolapse, erythema, itching and respiratory phenomena, which disappear after discontinuation of the drug Tylosin 50 or Tylosin 200.

17. Symptoms that occur during an overdose of the drug have not been established.

18. The simultaneous use of Tylosin 50 or Tylosin 200 with tiamulin, clindamycin, chloramphenicol, penicillins (especially ampicillin and oxacillin), cephalosporins and lincomycin is not recommended due to a pronounced decrease in the antibacterial effect of tylosin.

Tylosin is an antibiotic from the macrolide group, which is used exclusively in veterinary medicine. The drug is active primarily against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. But more often it is used to inhibit microorganisms of the pleuropneumonia-like group (mycoplasmas), surpassing almost any modern synthetic drugs in solving these problems.

Tylosin must be administered by injection for 5 days. When calculating the dosage, the age and weight of the chickens should be taken into account.

  • After stirring, the concentrated mixture is further diluted to the desired saturation. Dosages for birds of different ages specified in the instructions for use. The livestock should be watered only with freshly prepared solution.
  • When a macrolide is administered subcutaneously, the bird may remain lethargic for one or two days, which is completely normal. For prolonged action, thylan is administered on vegetable oil or milk based.
  • For a large number of chickens, the drug is added to drinking water. To drink, first pour a small amount of water into the medicine, and not vice versa.

Water with medicine remaining after drinking is disposed of.

It is undesirable to interrupt the course of therapy, but if for any reason one day was missed, then next day it is necessary to continue intramuscular injections according to the original regimen.

Tylosin for broiler

Thylane powder is also used for administration through drinking. First, the powder is dissolved in a small volume of drink, adding liquid to it.

  • For adult chickens, the antibiotic is administered subcutaneously. With a large population, prepare a drinking medicinal solution at the rate of 5 g. veterinary medicine per 10 liters of drinking fresh clean water.
  • For birds weighing up to 2 kg, about 60 mg of macrolide per day is required. To improve the condition of a sick bird, it is enough to receive 2–3 g of diluted Tylosin per day.
  • The prepared concentrated solution is diluted to the required consistency with liquid. The medicine is prescribed in a dosage of 0.6 g. per 1 liter in a 5-day course for all groups of chickens: broilers, laying hens, breeding birds.
  • Tylosin AVZ is used in the following dosage: 2–3 ml of veterinary drug per 1 liter of drink for 5 days. During the course, the bird should drink only liquid with medicinal drug. The solution is prepared in a volume ready to drink for the day.

Tylosin for chickens

When livestock is infected with mycoplasmosis, to prevent infection, tylosin 50 for chickens per 1 liter of drink is dissolved in water in a proportion of 0.5 g. for 1 l.

In the end, only 35 grams are consumed for 1,000 chicks. medicines.

Chickens are soldered with the following solution:

  • In the first week of life - 3-5 days in a row;
  • Repeatedly in the fourth week - 2 days every 48 hours.

If the livestock is small, then Tylosin for broiler chickens is best administered by injection. Before drawing the drug into the syringe, the bottle is warmed to room temperature.

Within a day the chicken’s condition improves, and after three days the chicken recovers.


Tylosin is indicated for:

  • Mycoplasmosis in chickens;
  • Respiratory infection, bacterial pneumonia, Gumboro disease, synovitis, sinusitis, contagious runny nose;
  • Borreliosis;
  • Spirochetosis;
  • Colibacillosis;
  • Secondary bacterial infections during viral diseases;
  • Inflammation of the joints and bone tissue, including arthritis;
  • Intestinal disorders and intestinal lesions, necrotic enteritis.

The veterinary drug is suitable for the treatment of viral diseases if the pathogenic microorganisms are sensitive to thylan.

Contraindications and side effects

One of the main contraindications to treatment with tylosin is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, which manifests itself after the first injection.


  1. The reaction manifests itself on skin and in the respiratory organs.
  2. There is a refusal to eat.
  3. Fever.

Allergic reactions disappear immediately after cessation of therapy. It is not recommended to administer Tylosin in parallel with a course of treatment with other antibiotics: penicillin, chloramphenicol and during the period of laying eggs.

If the duration of the course of therapy is exceeded, the drug causes a change in the blood composition in birds and immunity to other macrolides, and allergic reactions also appear.

Attention: The slaughter of chickens for meat is allowed on the 8th day after the end of antibiotic therapy. After the same period, eggs from treated laying hens can be eaten.

Chickens killed before the expiration of this period cannot be eaten by humans, but can be used to feed other animals.


Macrolide is of natural origin; it is produced by the bacteria Streptomyces fradiae.

The veterinary drug Tylosin is available in the form:

  • Powder;
  • Oral solution Tylosin AVZ and for injection Tylosin 50 and 200.

The drug Tylosin 50 and 200 contains 50 mg and, respectively, 200 mg of the active ingredient. The antibiotic is produced in the form of a viscous yellowish solution for intramuscular injection. The auxiliary components include water, benzyl alcohol and propanediol.

  • Powder. Tylosin is also sold in the form of a white or yellowish powder. In 100 gr. powder contains 80 g. Tylosin tartrate. The powder is highly soluble in water and has a pungent odor. It is produced in 700 g cans. and containers with a volume of 25 kg.
  • Special solution for oral administration Tylosin AVZ in 1 liter bottles and 5 liter canisters. It contains Tilosinum and an additional substance - lactulose.

The prebiotic activates the development of intestinal microflora, compensating for the negative effect of the antibiotic on the gastrointestinal tract. Tylosin AVZ, having a strong antibacterial effect, and due to the presence of a prebiotic component, helps restore digestion and increase bifidus and lactic acid bacteria.

Important: In addition to the above drugs, thylan comes to our country from Bulgaria under the trade name Farmazin in the form of Farmazin-50 or Farmazin-200 powder.


Main properties of the veterinary drug:

  • Antibacterial - acts on gram-positive and a number of gram-negative bacteria, streptococci and staphylococci;
  • Inhibits protein synthesis of pathological bacteria;
  • It is used both for therapy and for preventive purposes;
  • When administered intramuscularly, Tylosin tartrate quickly penetrates the body and accumulates in tissues in maximum concentration within 60-120 minutes after the injection. After a couple of hours, an effect is detected that lasts for 24 hours, after which the active substance is excreted in the urine and excrement;
  • Low toxicity: tylosin for broilers is used for any age.

Tilan is used not only to treat chickens, but also other poultry, pigeons, as well as cattle, pigs, dogs and other animals. For all types of animals, you can find treatment methods in the instructions that come with the veterinary drug.

The popularity of the drug is explained by its affordability, effectiveness, broad spectrum of action and ease of use.

Its advantages also include its safety and rapid elimination. The activity of tylosin is higher than that of aminoglycosides and beta-lactams.



  1. The veterinary product should be stored in a dry, dark place, always in a sealed container.
  2. Do not allow direct sunlight to fall on the bottle.
  3. Storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees and should not drop below +10.
  4. The shelf life of Tylosin is 2 years.
  5. If the bottle is opened, the product must be used for only 28 days. After this period it must be disposed of.
  6. The powder can be stored for 3 years at temperatures from 0 degrees to +25.

Security measures

When working with Tylosin, you should observe personal safety precautions, as when working with any veterinary drug.

When Tylosin enters the bloodstream, it can cause the following side effects:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Prohibited when chronic diseases liver and kidneys;
  • If the veterinary drug comes into contact with the skin, it often causes irritation.
  • Wear gloves and wear a bandage over your mouth and nose;
  • In case of contact with skin, nose or eyes, rinse immediately under running water;
  • After handling tylosin, wash your hands with detergent, rinse the nasal passages, eyes and rinse the mouth.

During storage, it is unacceptable to keep the drug within the reach of children. It is unacceptable to use empty containers or bottles of veterinary medicine for household purposes.

What is mycoplasmosis

Respiratory mycoplasmosis is one of the most common and complex chicken diseases. A minimal violation of maintenance standards can lead to infection with this disease; more often, it is a deterioration in the quality of drinking water.

  • Birds of all ages are susceptible to infection. Mycoplasma spreads with tremendous speed in avian embryos, which is why young birds are the leaders in the frequency of infection.
  • It is transmitted by airborne droplets, but infection can occur through drinking and from mother to egg.
  • The spread of mycoplasmosis depends on the quality of food, water, living conditions and immunity. The cunning of the bacterium is that it is immune to big circle antibiotics.
  • The pathogen can cause an entire epidemic in the poultry house, harming chickens and egg production. A high mortality rate is observed in broilers and young animals.

Important: The economic damage from the disease consists of mortality of chickens up to 80% and adult chickens up to 6%, embryo death up to 30%, reduction in egg production up to 50% and culling up to 75%.

In addition to the use of Tylosin, it is necessary to comply with sanitary, hygienic and technological standards:

  • Ensuring an optimal microclimate in poultry houses: temperature, ventilation, humidity;
  • Compliance with technological standards: head density;
  • Providing adequate nutrition;
  • Separate keeping of chickens of different ages;
  • Carrying out disinfection after each grown batch.

Otherwise, the consumption of veterinary medications and other costs will simply be useless.


Prescribed for the treatment of bronchopneumonia in cattle and small ruminants, pigs, dogs and cats; mastitis in cattle; enzootic pneumonia, arthritis, dysentery, atrophic rhinitis of pigs; infectious agalactia of sheep and goats, as well as secondary infections due to viral diseases.


Tylosin is active against most gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria, including E. coli, Bacillus anthracis, Pasteurella spp., Haemophilus spp., Leptospira spp., Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Erysipelothrix spp., Corynebacterium spp., Mycoplasma spp., Chlamydia spp., Treponema spp. When administered intramuscularly, the antibiotic is rapidly resorbed and reaches maximum concentrations in body tissues approximately 1 hour after administration. The therapeutic level of antibiotic in tissues is maintained for at least 20 hours. According to the degree of impact on the body, it is classified as a low-hazard substance. It is excreted from the body mainly with urine and bile secretions, in lactating animals and with milk.

Dosage and method of administration

Tylosin 50 is administered to animals only intramuscularly once a day for 3 - 5 days in the following doses: cattle - 5 - 10 mg/kg animal weight, pigs - 10 mg/kg animal weight, sheep and goats - 10 - 12 mg /kg of animal weight, for dogs and cats - 5 – 10 mg/kg of animal weight. When repeated use, it is necessary to change the injection site.

Side effect

Very rarely, allergic reactions in pigs are possible in the form of erythema, itching, respiratory phenomena, mild swelling with slight prolapse of the rectum, which quickly disappear after stopping the use of the drug.


Increased individual sensitivity to the drug. It is not recommended to use Tylosin 50 simultaneously with tiamulin, clindamycin, chloramphenicol, penicillins (especially ampicillin and oxacillin), cephalosporins and lincomycin due to a pronounced decrease in the antibacterial effect of tylosin.

special instructions

Slaughter of animals for meat that have been treated with Tylosin 50 is permitted no earlier than 8 days after stopping the administration of the drug. The meat of animals forcedly killed before the expiration of the specified period is used to feed carnivores or to produce meat and bone meal. Milk obtained from animals during the period of use of Tylosin 50 and until 4 days after the last administration of the drug is prohibited from being used for food purposes. This milk can be used to feed animals.