How much does a black terrier weigh? Black Russian Terrier or “Stalin’s dog”: photo and description of the breed. Coat and colors

The Black Terrier is a Russian breed, although it has foreigners in its genesis. This giant gives the impression of a black monolith without emotion or aggression.

However, first impressions are deceiving. This breed just doesn't have "talking" ears. German Shepherd And open eyes sad Saint Bernard.

But The black terrier has a character that can only be learned through friendship and service.

The black terrier was bred at the military dog ​​breeding school near Moscow on the basis of the Krasnaya Zvezda breeding kennel.

The order for it came from I.V. Stalin shortly after the end of the Great Patriotic War - in the harsh climate of the country it was not always possible to use European breeds. The goal of the nursery was to:

  • get large, bold, strong, manageable a dog with a pronounced protective instinct;
  • dog suitable for carrying various types services, adapted to different climatic conditions.

Soviet Russia needed its own dog, ready for hard service, and it appeared.

In order to develop a breed that is fully adapted to harsh and varied conditions, Long interbreeding had to be carried out. The black terrier was obtained from numerous crossings of dogs of such breeds as,.

As a result of painstaking work, by 1981 it was decided that the black terrier breed had been created and it was time to establish it as a standard. The standard was finally adopted in 1983, and in 2010 its new edition appeared.

Description of the breed

FCI Standard No. 327 dated October 13, 2010
Group 2 "Pinchers and Schnauzers - Great Danes and Swiss Mountain Cattle Dogs."
Section 1 “Pinchers and Schnauzers”.

Standard height at withers:

  • males - 72-76 cm, but not less than 70 cm and not more than 78 cm.
  • females - 68-72 cm, but not less than 66 cm and not more than 74 cm.

More high growth allowed provided the proportions are maintained and the correct breed type.

Weight: males - 50-60 kg, females - 45-50 kg.

The standard imposes the following requirements for the exterior:

  1. The body is massive, proportionally built.
  2. The chest is wide and deep, the ribs are convex. The withers are well defined. The back is straight, muscular, the loin is short, slightly convex, the croup is long and wide.
  3. The head is elongated, widened in the area of ​​the brain part of the skull. A mustache and beard are required. The nose is large and dark, the gums are dark.
  4. The neck is massive, long, and muscular.
  5. The ears are drooping, but carried high. The standard ear shape is a triangle.
  6. The eyes are oval and widely set. The eyelids are dry and tight fitting.
  7. Has 42 teeth. The bite is scissor-shaped, the incisors are located on the same line.
  8. The tail is docked at the level of the third vertebra.
  9. The legs are straight and parallel. The shoulder blades are long and set at right angles. The shoulders are parallel and vertical.
  10. The paws are rounded, the claws are dark.
  11. The coat is coarse with a soft undercoat. There is decorative hair that forms the beard and mustache.
  12. The only color allowed is black with a little graying.

Dogs of this breed are good runners, making long jumps.

The usual gait is trot and gallop. When running, the paws are placed straight, the joints extend freely.

Character, abilities, skills

The breed was bred specifically for guard duty. The task of the black terrier is to protect the territory and objects located on it from the penetration of a stranger. Such dogs “keep the circle”, that is, they do not allow people beyond a certain line.

These properties make it possible to use black terriers as bodyguards. A properly trained dog will guard its owners and their children with restraint, but strictly.

At a young age, these dogs have a cheerful and lively disposition. In the same time They are famous for their fearlessness, independence and confidence.

At a more mature age, black terriers become sedate, which does not affect their working qualities.

Until old age they will be faithful watchmen and bodyguards.

Puppies of all large breeds they grow up late. The black terrier is no exception. Puppies should be obedience trained until they are one year old. After a year, you can begin guard training. With proper training, a good service dog will be ready by the age of two.

Only this smart and even intelligent dog cannot be kept on a chain. However, such captivity is harmful to any dog. Chain dogs- these are always natures with a damaged psyche.

The black terrier is well adapted to living in a city apartment. Despite the fact that this dog is big and shaggy, There is little dirt and inconvenience from it.

The fact is that With proper care of your dog's coat, you can minimize the dirtiness of your apartment. To do this, you will have to constantly comb out the thick undercoat.

It is necessary to bathe a dog only if it lives in the same house as a person. This should be done as needed, but not more than once a month.

Frequent bathing demoralizes the dog, because it loses its natural scent.

Large breed dogs rarely eat as adults. Usually once a day is enough. The most healthy eating consists of a combination of porridges from various cereals with meat and sea fish.

The most a big problem in this case is that Dogs should be periodically fed raw and even slightly rotten meat. After all, by their nature they are not so much predators as scavengers. In this case, there is

It is much easier to feed dogs sea fish that have not been processed. heat treatment. The fact is that helminths that live in marine fish do not settle in the bodies of land mammals. For this reason Feel free to feed your pet fish that has been deboned. Fresh herring is especially suitable for this.

Can only be given as an addition to other foods. Even the best and most balanced dry food will not replace natural food.

The best dish for them would be buckwheat with pieces raw meat or fish. In addition, puppies need dairy products, but only in the form of cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt.

Black terriers are hardy dogs. With proper care, they can live up to 15 years. Moreover, they develop senile diseases after ten years. Approximately up to seven years they retain all their working qualities and can protect people and territory.

Pros and cons, price

The advantage of black terriers is combination of excellent working qualities a dedicated guard with patience and tact.

The disadvantages include the need for constant coat care. In addition, with any care you will find dog hair in any corner of your apartment.

You can buy a black terrier puppy for a price in the range from 25 to 50 thousand rubles. The cost depends on:

  • region;
  • puppy age;
  • pedigree;
  • breeder's pricing policy, etc.

The Black Russian Terrier is a wonderful breed, but it is not suitable for all purposes. These black giants cannot be just dogs. They need to work, but work can be replaced by long walks.

Additionally, check out a short video about the Black Russian Terrier breed:

The Black Russian Terrier is a dog of decent size with a very serious, but at the same time very impressive appearance. Such a pet attracts admiring glances, but it is extremely difficult to understand what is on his mind, since his eyes are hidden behind his fur. For what purposes were these large, beautiful animals bred, and what is their role today?

The appearance of the Russian Black Terrier is unique, although it contains features of other popular breeds - Airedale Terriers, Schnauzers, Rottweilers, etc. And this is not just a similarity, since it is the blood of these breeds that flows in the veins of Stalin’s dog.

In the 40s of the 20th century, one of the Soviet nurseries “Red Star” received an assignment from the government to breed a service and guard dog breed that has a number of essential qualities. The dog had to have high intelligence, excellent physical characteristics, a decisive disposition and high performance in any task. climatic conditions. Based on the requirements, the breeders received a black terrier - an athlete with a strong, muscular body, alert and hardy. The main task of these dogs was to protect military, including secret, objects.

Today, representatives of this breed have significantly expanded their functions and gained popularity, even outside their homeland.

Description of the black terrier breed

The Black Terrier is a tall, large dog with strong bones and well-developed muscles. Their body is tightly covered with skin that does not form folds or sag. This dog has a natural viciousness and mistrust, can live in any climate and is highly trainable.

If we talk about the constitution, it is strong and tough. Looseness and underdeveloped muscles are disadvantages. Height males vary from 66 to 72 cm, females are not much behind - from 64 to 70 cm. However, males are distinguished by a more powerful physique and massiveness.

The dog has a balanced temperament, it is agile and has a well-developed defensive reaction. If the dog is timid or overly excitable, then this is considered a serious fault. According to the standard, pets look like this:

  • Head in terriers it is wide, but moderately, with a flattened forehead and a pronounced transition from forehead to muzzle, but without sharpness. Thanks to the decorative hair, the muzzle has a square format. The ears are small in size, located quite high, hanging on cartilage. Eyes medium-sized, oval with a dark iris.
  • The jaws are powerful, with a full row of teeth forming a scissor bite.
  • The neck is powerful, rib cage deep, ribs slightly convex. The withers are clearly defined, back wide, merging into a short, strong, slightly convex loin. Tail thick, set high, docked, leaving 3-4 vertebrae.
  • Dogs have straight forelimbs located parallel to each other. The hindquarters are also straight, with muscular, well-developed thighs, but set slightly wider than the front ones. Paws collected in a strong lump, they are round.

The black terrier moves freely, smoothly, easily - at a short trot or gallop. In 1994, a separate standard of the Russian Federation for service dog breeding was adopted, according to which the upper height limit for dogs of this breed was abolished. After all, previously large, harmoniously built, handsome terriers were not allowed for breeding because their growth was fixed by the standard from Mexico City.

Coat and colors

The coat of black terriers is hard, abundant, with a dense undercoat. The length of the outer coat is 5-10 cm, it is thick, has a “wave”, the undercoat is much shorter. Dogs of this breed have pronounced decorative hair that forms eyebrows, mustaches and beards. The neck and withers are covered with a “mane”.

There are two colors of the Black Russian Terrier - solid black and black with graying. In the latter case, there is a condition - gray wool should cover no more than 1/3 of the entire body.

It will be interesting:

Character of Stalin's dog

The character of dogs of this breed is associated with their purpose - service. They have protective and protective qualities in their blood. But if most often watchdogs show aggression and attack uninvited guests, then the black terrier has its own tactics. He is more of a partisan and is used to defending rather than attacking. The dog will not suddenly fly out towards you, he will watch carefully, and when the intruder of the territory begins to approach, he will attack.

The black terrier is designed to protect not only the territory, but also the person. He quickly becomes excited if a threat arises, but as soon as it disappears, the dog instantly calms down.

From the very moment the breed appeared, its representatives established close contact with the owner and were infinitely devoted to him. They are too attached to people, so it is not recommended to leave the black terrier alone for a long time. If left alone for a long time, the dog will become too attached to the territory that even the owner who enters its boundaries will be considered a threat.

But with normal relationships and upbringing, the “darling” is an ideal watchman. He will only voice if there is a reason for it. Possessing high intelligence and excellent reliability, he is used to pleasing his owner, calm and balanced. But sometimes puppies of this breed show curiosity and their research activities can cause damage to property. In this case, it is worth considering that raising a black terrier requires a firm hand; the owner must outline the boundaries - what is possible and what is not. If this is not done, then the behavior of an adult, large pet will subsequently be almost impossible to change.

Stalin's dogs, at any age, remain active and playful. They love children infinitely and are always happy to spend time with them, playing and being indulged. Despite its impressive dimensions, the dog treats little ones carefully and tenderly, which is due to their seasoned and balanced temperament. The pet allows its little owner almost everything, and even tugging at the whiskers will not be a reason for dissatisfaction. Black terriers often choose a doorway in a nursery or near a crib as a place to sleep at night, carefully guarding the child.

Terriers need physical activity, and future owners should take into account that they will have to walk a lot with their four-legged friend. The rest of the time, the dog doesn’t mind relaxing with his family, and if the owners allow, he can sit on the sofa.

During walks, the owner of the “blackie” should always be nearby and it is advisable to keep the dog on a leash in crowded places. Although terriers are not prone to sudden aggression or flight, their menacing appearance can frighten not only children, but even adults.

How to raise and train a pet?

Like all dogs of impressive size, black terriers require socialization and training. And professional dog handlers recommend starting this process as early as possible, without waiting for a small lump to turn into a formidable giant. Early socialization will help avoid possible difficulties in future.

Given its innate aggression, it is necessary to teach the dog to react more adequately to newly arrived people. For these purposes, the puppy must learn a number of basic commands. In the process, the owner will need tact and patience; the dog must learn to follow commands the first time and without being distracted by external stimuli.

When enrolling in preparatory courses, you can choose them with a black terrier, since he is able to cope with various activities:

  • guard duty;
  • Russian ring;
  • protective guard service.

For a canine companion you can limit yourself to: general course training, and then attend “city dog” training. In addition, with specialized training, the black terrier is capable of tracking. In this case, the pet will become an excellent assistant during the hunt.

Puppies and adults of the breed are very hardworking and can endure enormous physical exertion. And these qualities contribute to the fact that dogs of this breed are successful in sports competitions.

A general training course makes the dog more understandable and flexible, however, owners should not forget about their purpose. If a dog exhibits leadership qualities, is not too obedient and perceives the owner as a leader, it is necessary to seek professional help as soon as possible - it is very difficult to correct the behavior of an adult black terrier.

Good to know:

How to care for a black terrier?

The Black Russian Terrier is not that easy to care for, especially with its long, thick coat. The pet must be cleaned and combed every 3-4 days, to make the procedure easier, you can use a special conditioner. To eliminate the risk of developing otitis media, it is recommended to regularly trim hairs from ears. The same should be done with the hair that grows on the paw pads, since here it often gets tangled and tangled.

Representatives of this breed shed, but only slightly, so brushing also helps rid your pet of dead hairs. Your dog's teeth and eyes need care. Black terriers need regular bathing, and this should be done at least once a month. But you should not wash your dog more often, as this can cause dry skin.

After the bath, you need to wait until your pet's fur is completely dry and start combing. In addition, black terriers require professional grooming. It allows dogs to look beautiful and well-groomed. You can walk with a Black Russian Terrier at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions. They love to wallow in snowdrifts, and in the summer they are drawn to cool off in ponds.

If the dog is kept in an apartment, then you need to take it outside as often as possible, take long walks, visit special areas and places where the dog can run without a leash.

Features of feeding

A black terrier puppy is fed 4 times a day for up to six months, and then transferred to 2 feedings a day. As with other representatives of large breeds, it is important for puppies to receive adequate nutrition during intensive growth. The dog's diet should contain 50% protein food, 40% carbohydrates and 10% vegetable fats. The pet should receive dairy products regularly - every day in one feeding. In addition to meat, you can give your dog boiled offal, but only after 6 months.

The menu of an adult black terrier should include more protein, especially in warm climates. The meat part together with offal should be 2/3 daily norm, the remaining 1/3 is cereals and vegetables - raw or boiled. Kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, and natural yogurt can be given to your dog throughout its life.

There is another option for feeding dogs of this breed -. Since terriers are not prone to allergies, it is quite easy for them to choose the right food. But it is important to select a quality product suitable for large breeds.

Photo of a black terrier

Video about black terrier

Cost of a black terrier puppy

Today, black terriers can be found throughout the country and in other countries, so finding a puppy will not be difficult. Prices for dogs of this breed vary:

  • 8000-10000 rubles - such a cost should be alarming, since this is a dog without a pedigree, and no one will give a guarantee of the purity of the blood; and besides, there is a risk of acquiring a sick animal - and this either means long-term expensive treatment or the quick death of the baby.
  • 10,000-15,000 rubles – this price category most often includes puppies that are a breeding stock. Documents are not issued for such dogs, although they may be purebred. But you can also buy a mestizo, especially if you buy from a private person.
  • 15,000-18,000 is the cost of a puppy that has minor deviations from the standard. The dog may have a pedigree, but it will not be accepted for breeding or exhibition. But here there is already a guarantee that the dog will look like a real black terrier.
  • 20,000-25,000 rubles - at this price you can buy good puppy, suitable for breeding.
  • from 30,000 rubles - the starting price of show-class puppies, handsome dogs with whom you can participate in exhibitions; they are certainly enviable brides and grooms, since in addition to their own successes, they have titled parents.

The Black Russian Terrier is a huge, beautiful dog with a difficult character. First of all, this is a working dog with developed instincts; in any conditions it remains a formidable guard and vigilant watchman. Therefore, the pet needs special training, strict education and a strong hand from the owner. Only in this case can a four-legged friend become an excellent companion, protecting his family and participating in all matters.

Black Terrier Kennels

  • Moscow region
  • St. Petersburg
  • Kyiv

“Blackie,” as lovers of this breed affectionately call their pets, has the anger and remarkable strength characteristic of the breed, but at the same time is easy to learn and has a stable psyche.

According to historical information, the black terrier was bred specifically on the orders of Comrade Stalin. MirSovetov will tell you in more detail about what breed of dogs the Secretary General needed and what the “blackie” actually is.

History of the black terrier

It was the end of the 1940s when the famous Soviet dog kennel “Red Star” received a “state order” for a new breed of dogs. Outwardly, it should have been a large “terrier” dog, with thick dark hair. By character - hardy, fast, efficient, perfectly amenable to various training, aggressive, but controllable dog. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin himself gave this “order” to the dog handlers. In his understanding, the new Soviet breed of dog should be large, but not take up much space, be ferocious with strangers, but obedient in the hands of the owner, be able to swim and dive, sneak up silently and run fast, have a lightning-fast reaction (well, so that if something happens - instantly gnaw the enemy's throat). And also - publish as much as possible less sounds, don’t “smell” like a dog, don’t shed, and, finally, just be an outwardly beautiful dog. In general, the dog should have turned out to be unique.

The dog handlers, having received the “order,” were surprised and even frightened. It is impossible to refuse, and it is also impossible to agree and not comply. So the employees of “Red Star” took two breeds as a basis - the Rottweiler and the Giant Schnauzer, and then began to crossbreed the best of them. best representatives different breeds. And although it is officially believed that the ancestors of the black terrier are the Rottweiler, Giant Schnauzer, Airedale Terrier, Newfoundland and East European Shepherd, in fact, as cynologists themselves recall, a total of about 17 breeds took part in the “Black Russian Terrier” project. Among them are such breeds as St. Bernard, Great Dane, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, husky, and also large mongrels.

By the mid-1950s, the breed group “Black Terrier” appeared, which was also called the “Russian Bearcat Schnauzer”. The dog handlers practically managed to fulfill Stalin’s “order”. “Practically”, because the black terrier, despite its external severity, is at heart a big teddy bear who adores its owner, and is not at all a killer.

Appearance of a black terrier

The Black Terrier is a large, well-built dog with a height at the withers of 68 to 76 centimeters and a weight of 45-60 kilograms. This is a powerful, physically developed dog with a square body, strong back, voluminous head and strong jaws. Previously, the tails of “blackies” were docked, leaving one vertebra, but today this procedure is not necessary.

The coat has a thick but short undercoat, as well as long guard hairs with a break. On the body, the hair can reach a length of 15 centimeters, and on the muzzle it forms thick beard, eyebrows and mustache. The color is exclusively black. 30% gray hair is not considered a fault, unlike the black and tan color that is sometimes found in dogs of this breed.

Character of the black terrier

  1. Black terriers are very smart animals.
  2. The black terrier has considerable dignity of its own.
  3. If there are several black terriers in the house, then you will immediately notice that in this pack there is a clear hierarchy, where each dog strictly knows its place.
  4. The Black Terrier is a reliable dog that has excellent performance.
  5. “Blackies” are quite charming and friendly creatures who even know how to smile with all 42 snow-white teeth.
  6. In case of danger that threatens the owner, this “teddy bear” instantly turns into a ferocious and merciless beast.
  7. It is worth noting that the little black one, no matter how Comrade Stalin wanted it, does not cripple his enemy - at least not right away. He first warns, and only after the dog is “not understood” can he explain more strictly - using teeth, for example.
  8. Black Russian Terriers are highly trainable - dog experts say that a dog of this breed can literally remember from the first time what its owner wants from it.
  9. The Black Terrier loves children - he is happy to replace even a pony with them.
  10. Chernysh loves his owner very much and is madly devoted to him, but the respect of this wayward dog will have to be earned.

Caring for a black terrier

The black terrier feels great both in an apartment and in a house. When living in an apartment, do not forget about long walks and physical activity. If you decide to keep your blackie exclusively on the street, you need to keep in mind that this is not a chain dog. The black terrier needs freedom of movement, because this breed was bred as a watchdog and guard dog.

The black cat's coat is simply luxurious - it needs to be brushed regularly. Since the dog practically does not shed, the dog needs trimming during shedding.

Raising and training a black terrier

  1. The black terrier is not as simple as it seems at first glance. This is a person with whom you need to find mutual understanding.
  2. “Blackie” will never carry out a command at the reflex level, like, say, a shepherd dog. The dog will think over every order of the owner - you need to prepare for this. Your pet is not slow-witted, this is a feature of the breed.
  3. The black terrier is an intellectual dog, therefore an intellectual approach is needed to training.
  4. Never say a command “just like that,” because the dog will definitely react to it, but if you don’t praise the pet or can’t explain why this command is needed, then the “darling” may stop responding to your orders. By the way, experts advise not to even pronounce the dog’s name “just like that” - well, this dog doesn’t like aimless shaking of air.
  5. “Blackie” must definitely learn an obedience course. But in order to develop your pet both physically and intellectually, it is advisable to start engaging in some kind of sports and applied types of training.
  6. Black terriers make excellent watchmen and bodyguards, police officers and rescuers, guards and guard dogs.

Black Terrier Health

In a black terrier good health. The following diseases can be mentioned as specific diseases of this breed:

  • otitis;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • dysplasia of the hip or elbow joint.

Among the diseases described above, dysplasia and atrophy are inherited, therefore, when purchasing a puppy, you need to make sure that its parents do not have genetic diseases. Even if the baby’s parents have never suffered from dysplasia, carefully monitor the pet - if he suddenly begins to limp, you must immediately contact a veterinary hospital, where experienced specialists, if necessary, will prescribe the correct treatment.

With retinal atrophy, the dog quickly begins to go blind. Blind blacklings practically do not feel handicapped, since their leading senses are still smell and hearing.

It is worth noting that “blackies” get sick, like all other dogs, infectious diseases, but this is more likely an omission of the owner, rather than a feature of the breed.

Black Russian Terrier - large dog protective and guard purposes. This is a strong and graceful animal with developed intelligence and a difficult character, whose upbringing needs to be given attention from childhood in order to avoid problems in the future. Such pets need strict discipline.

The Black Russian Terrier dog was bred by domestic dog handlers. Animals of this breed are capable of becoming reliable and true friends, and are rightfully considered family members.

The Black Russian Terrier is also called “Stalin’s dog”, since breeding work at the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel in 1949 was started on the initiative of the leader.

The following requirements were imposed on animals intended for service and guard purposes:

  • the presence of long and thick wool, providing frost resistance;
  • developed muscles and physical endurance;
  • long and limbs that allow you to run quickly;
  • powerful jaws and impressive fangs;
  • moderate ferocity that does not interfere with training.

This breed received the name “terrier” exclusively conditionally; about 17 species of animals were used in breeding, among which were representatives of the following populations:

  • Newfoundlands;

As a result, several breed groups emerged that received common name"black terrier"

In 1957, scientists presented 43 individuals at the All-Union Exhibition of Service and Hunting Dogs. At the same time, puppies began to be handed over to amateur breeders for education, but selection work did not stop.

Within ten years, more than 800 litters of animals of this variety were produced, and the total number of puppies that fit the breed standard exceeded 4,000 individuals of both sexes.

Many dog ​​breeds were used in the development of the Black Russian Terrier breed.

In the eighties of the 20th century, Russian black terriers took part in the International Exhibition for the first time, where they gained enormous success. In 1981, the breed was approved by the Canine Council, and 2 years later registered in accordance with new edition standard

Description and characteristics of the breed with photographs

The description of the Black Russian Terrier breed indicates the following characteristic features this population:

  • General form. The animals are distinguished by their proportional build and well-developed muscles; the school is massive and strong. The gender of individuals is poorly expressed outwardly.
  • Height. On average, the height of a black terrier at the withers is 71 cm.
  • Body mass. Male representatives reach 50 kg, and female terriers are somewhat smaller, their weight ranges from 45 to 47 kg.
  • Head. The skull has an elongated shape with a flat forehead and a noticeable transition to the muzzle, which tapers at the nose. The cheekbones are rounded and pronounced, the brow ridges are hidden, the lips and nose are large, there is a beard and mustache made of wool.
  • Eyes. The organs of vision are protected by dense and dry eyelids, have an oval shape and are set wide apart.
  • Ears. Triangular and set high, the edges close to the cheekbones. There are no dents or folds in the hanging part.
  • Teeth. The bite is distinguished by a scissor-shaped bite; the Black Russian Terrier has a “full set” of fangs, it has 42 pieces.
  • Neck. This part of the body is equal in length to the head, and is distinguished by its massiveness and developed muscles.
  • Frame. The body has a wide chest and convex ribs, pronounced withers and a straight back. The croup is of moderate length and width.
  • Tail. It has a thick base and is located high. As a rule, the process is stopped at the level of the third vertebra.
  • Paws. The limbs are long and muscular, with rounded pads and dark-colored claws.

These dogs are capable of galloping or fast trotting. They can also make long jumps, pushing off with their hind legs and making powerful swings with their front legs.

Coat type and color

Black Russian Terriers have a double coat. It consists of a thick and short undercoat and coarse, densely growing hair with a characteristic break. The length of the hairs ranges from 5 to 15 cm, and on the muzzle there are eyebrows, mustaches and a beard.

The animals are black in color, but the characteristics of the breed indicate that slight gray hair is allowed, no more than 1/3 of the total amount of wool.

For your information. In order for the animal to remain neat, it is necessary to promptly remove excess vegetation, leaving it on the limbs and face. The pet’s “hairstyle” should emphasize the massive head, muscular neck and powerful body.

Character and temperament of the breed

The character of Russian black terriers has allowed them to gain great popularity among lovers of large dogs.

Black Russian Terriers are calm and loyal dogs.

Breeders highlight the following qualities of these animals:

  • ability to quickly adapt to different climatic conditions;
  • devotion to the owner and fearlessness;
  • calmness and cheerfulness;
  • friendliness and reliability;
  • developed intelligence;
  • learning ability and sensitivity to commands;
  • agility and grace;
  • high efficiency;
  • activity and reduced fatigue;
  • quick reaction to what is happening.

In addition, Black Russian Terriers perfectly capture a person’s mood. If the owner does not want to communicate and play, the dog will not impose itself on him. An animal of this breed is also able to quickly assess danger and respond appropriately.

Important! Despite a number positive qualities, the Black Russian Terrier has a dominant and domineering character. To raise such an animal, you need to be firm and show “who’s boss.”

Attitude towards children

Russian black terriers have a friendly and even reverent attitude towards children; they happily act as a nanny for children. Playing with children gives dogs of this breed great pleasure; in addition, they are always ready to protect their little charge.

However, you should not leave your child alone with the dog and completely trust him in the care of his “big friend,” since a large animal can accidentally harm the baby.

Necessary care and maintenance

The Black Russian Terrier needs to be brushed and trimmed regularly.

Caring for an animal of this breed is as follows:

  • Combing wool. This must be done regularly, ignoring the pet’s dissatisfaction. Otherwise, the animal’s “fur coat” will take on an unkempt appearance.
  • Bathing.“Bath” procedures are carried out as needed; it is permissible to wash the animal no more than once every 2 weeks.
  • A haircut. After the pet reaches the age of 6 months, the hair will need to be shortened regularly as it grows.
  • Ear and eye care. The visual and auditory organs must be constantly inspected and wiped with warm water with a cotton swab.
  • Teeth cleaning. You need to use special products several times a week, and to prevent tartar from appearing on your pet’s fangs, you will need to add solid food to his diet.
  • Trimming claws. This should be done at least once every two months.
  • Trimming the hair on the limbs. Excess hair between the toes and pads will need to be removed in a timely manner so that the resulting tangles do not cause discomfort to the dog when walking.

In addition, after each walk you need to inspect your pet’s paws and, if necessary, clean them thoroughly.

The fur on the eyes of the Black Russian Terrier must be periodically trimmed or tied into ponytails.

How to keep your coat looking beautiful

Owners of such a large animal with luxurious shiny fur want to keep their pet’s “fur coat” in an attractive form.

To achieve this, you need to follow certain rules:

  • use brushes of medium hardness so as not to injure the hairs;
  • bathe the dog only in warm water;
  • After washing, do not dry the animal’s hair with a hairdryer, as this will dry out the hairs;
  • comb the dog’s “fur coat” only after it has dried;
  • monitor the air humidity in the room, since increased dryness leads to brittle hairs;
  • Do not allow the animal to stay in the sun for a long time to avoid fading of the fur and the appearance of a brown tint.

In addition, you should pay special attention to hair cutting and ensure that it is carried out strictly according to standards. It is also necessary to regularly perform procedures to remove dead hair.

Nutrition of Russian Black Terriers

The health of every living creature directly depends on the quality of its nutrition.

Meat is given to Russian black terriers fresh.

To raise a black Russian terrier cheerful and avoid various diseases digestive system, you must follow these rules:

  1. Choose the right dry food. This type of food must be enriched with a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal development of animals.
  2. Do not mix dry food with cereals and other types of foods, as they are prepared taking into account all the dog’s needs.
  3. Don't get stuck on one type of food. It is necessary that your pet's diet be varied.
  4. Make sure the animal has enough water.
  5. If an elderly black Russian terrier or a puppy of this breed lives in the house, you need to soak solid food in water or buy special canned food for the animal.

You will need to enrich your pet’s diet with the following products:

  • boiled and raw meat;
  • fish;
  • bakery products;
  • raw vegetables;
  • seasonal fruits.

It is forbidden to feed your dog smoked and spicy foods, food with preservatives and dyes, chocolate and sweets.

Those who are planning to get a puppy or breed Russian Black Terriers need to take into account the needs of the kids.

  • Accustoming your dog to bathing and brushing immediately, as it grows and matures, this will become much more difficult;
  • to protect the active baby and prevent him from falling from sofas, tables and stairs, otherwise this may lead to sprains;
  • in the room where the dog lives, lay a carpet or path, since walking on slippery surfaces leads to gait disturbances and the development of limb pathologies in terriers;
  • do not stroke the puppy on the head, such exposure has a bad effect on the development of the ears and spoils their shape;
  • feed the dog often, but in moderation, avoiding overeating;
  • Place the bowl of food so that it is at some elevation, namely at the level of the dog’s shoulders.

A Black Russian Terrier puppy is taught grooming from an early age.

Important! In order not to subsequently end up with an uncontrollable animal, you need to raise your baby from the first days. For these dogs, discipline and awareness of the fact that in their tandem with the owner the dominant role is assigned to the person are extremely important.

Training and education of the Black Russian Terrier

When training Black Russian Terriers, you will need to follow a number of important principles:

  1. Start training no later than 4 months of age, instilling in the dog the basics of behavior in society.
  2. From the first days, show the animal who is in charge and not be afraid to infringe on its freedom.
  3. Develop a number of prohibitions, for example, about being on the bed and so on.
  4. Remain calm and prevent violent expressions of emotion on the part of your pet.
  5. First of all, and, moreover, work them out until they become automatic.
  6. Exercise your dog daily so that training becomes a habit.
  7. Develop a reward system without using negative incentives and punishments.
  8. Talk to your pet a lot to develop communication skills.

During the training process of the Black Russian Terrier, you should be tolerant and not show aggression. Punishing or beating an animal is strictly prohibited.

The Black Russian Terrier must be taught various commands.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Summarizing the above, we can highlight the following positive features Russian black terriers:

  • good health and disease resistance;
  • rapid adaptation to a new climate;
  • unpretentiousness in content;
  • lack of shedding;
  • endurance and learning ability;
  • balanced character;
  • livability with other animal species;
  • excellent guard qualities.

The disadvantages of this breed of animals include the following qualities:

  • harsh temperament and the need to use a muzzle when leaving the house;
  • waywardness and need for increased attention from a person;
  • intolerance of loneliness;
  • intolerance of restrictions on freedom and refusal to be chained;
  • necessity regular care for wool.

In addition, Black Russian Terriers are suspicious of strangers, and if guests are expected in the house, it is better to isolate the animal from strangers.

Before you start choosing a specific individual, you should decide on the gender of your future pet.

The fact is that the male will require more attention and rigor, so the owner must be distinguished by fortitude and perseverance, otherwise pet will quickly “sit on your head.” If there is no confidence that the animal will be raised correctly, it is better to choose a female terrier.

When buying a puppy, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Choose a nursery with a good reputation and do not purchase an animal second-hand from unverified breeders.
  2. Pay attention to the cost of the dog, a black Russian terrier costs at least 450-500 dollars, and elite class individuals are valued at 700 to 800 dollars.
  3. Make a purchase only if the breeder has all the documentation confirming the breed of the puppy.
  4. Purchase an animal that has reached two months of age.
  5. Choose a baby with shiny fur and good appetite, active and inquisitive.

You should also pay attention to the presence or absence of such defects:

  • inclined tail;
  • light eye shade;
  • spots on fur;
  • light colored nose.

The listed factors are considered disqualifying signs and indicate that, most likely, this is a non-purebred puppy.

The Black Russian Terrier (RBT) is a harmoniously built working, big dog with a strong-willed character, proud posture and high intelligence.

The breed was developed in the USSR and quickly became popular throughout the world.

To obtain watchdog With best qualities, different dogs with guarding abilities were used.

Breeding history

The history of the origin of the breed is very interesting. In 1949, I. Stalin signed a state order for the breeding of a new breed of dogs, which must meet the following requirements:

  • ability to work in any climatic conditions;
  • malice;
  • powerful jaws and teeth;
  • strong limbs;
  • strength and endurance.

Work on developing a new breed took place in the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery near Moscow. For this purpose, dogs of various breeds were crossed: Rottweiler, Airedale Terrier, Caucasian and East European Shepherd, Newfoundland, St. Bernard. The result was a black terrier, which also became known as Stalin's dog. The breed is distinguished by its black coat, so you can often hear owners affectionately calling their pet “blackie.”

Gallery: black terrier (25 photos)

Description of the breed

The terrier, or Stalin's dog, has an athletic build and a height of seventy-five centimeters at the withers. The breed standard includes:

The Russian Terrier moves at a fast trot or gallop. Thanks to the large swing of the front legs and the strong push of the hind legs, the dog makes long jumps. While running, the paws move in parallel.

Character and temperament

Large fearless towards family members will show friendliness and devotion. This breed is characterized by traits of justified aggression and distrust of strangers.

Black Terrier has a dominant character, But perfectly perceives and follows commands. So that the pet does not consider itself the main one in the family, it needs proper upbringing and training.

Excellent breed adapts to any weather conditions and can live in areas with cold winters. The character of the Stalinist dog is characterized by the following features:

  • controllability;
  • dexterity;
  • high efficiency;
  • quick reaction to what is happening;
  • reduced fatigue;
  • activity;
  • responsibility.

The advantage of the breed is independent character and developed intelligence. The pet captures the mood of family members, and will not demand attention or get in the way if the owner is not in a good mood.

RCTs are able to independently assess the situation and quickly respond to a threat. They treat guests with distrust, but the dog’s reaction depends on the owner’s behavior. You won't be able to bribe or deceive a dog. Terriers never bark without a reason.

Terriers prefer communication with the owner, have a cheerful character, love to play with sticks, balls and other objects. They are aggressive towards strangers.

Dogs of this breed They love children very much and willingly play with them for a long time. Despite his big size, with kids they are very gentle and careful. Children can safely pull your pet's whiskers or ride on it. Acting as a guard, the terrier can lie down next to the child’s crib..

The breed is sociable, so it is better not to leave your pet alone for a long time. Loneliness can lead to disobedience and barking for no reason.

Raising and training a puppy

The little black one that appears in the house needs proper upbringing. Otherwise, he may turn out to be a distrustful, rude dog who will not follow any commands.

Already in the first days, a trusting relationship should be established between the pet and family members. The puppy needs to be shown right away who is boss in the house. When raising a dog, you must use an even tone, without raising your voice or shouting. Commands should be short and clear.

The blackie needs to be socialized as early as possible. To do this, he is taken outside and introduced to other dogs and people. This should be done after the puppy has received all its vaccinations.

Train guard dog should be an experienced dog handler. You can limit yourself to a general training course by choosing the appropriate direction:

  • protective guard service;
  • Russian ring;
  • guard duty.

After a specialized course, a companion dog can become a good assistant during the hunt.

Features of caring for a black terrier

Unlike the black toy terrier and other small dogs, it is not recommended to keep the Stalinist dog in small apartments. The best place for a Russian Terrier is a country house, where the pet will live in an enclosure and will be able to walk for a long time behind a fence.

If the puppy lives in a house or apartment, he should be walked at least five times a day. The baby immediately needs to be given a place to rest by laying a mattress there. The bed should be located away from heating radiators and drafts. To protect personal belongings and furniture, it is recommended to buy toys for the dog.

Terrier care includes:

If you can’t cut your terrier’s hair on your own, you can always contact a groomer. The dog should be accustomed to all procedures while it is still small. Otherwise, it will be difficult to cope with a large adult dog.