Determining the age of a cat. How to determine the age of a cat at home: by teeth, whiskers, weight, behavior. Video - what affects a cat’s life expectancy

How to find out the age of your beloved pet? Usually the owners know how old the cat is, but this question remains relevant for those owners who picked up their pets on the street.

If you are various reasons If you don’t know the age of your pet, you can find out yourself. It is known that the average life expectancy of a cat at home is about 18 years, and in the wild it is less: 10-12 and even 16-17 years. It all depends on the living conditions and lifestyle of the animal.

Find out how old a cat is by its teeth

The first way to find out how old your pet is is to carefully examine the oral cavity. You can find out the age of a cat by looking at its teeth and their wear. This is especially true for the front incisors. If there is no smooth edge or they are worn evenly, then this means that your pet is approximately 5-6 years old.

At the age of 10 years, a cat begins to lose teeth and this process does not go unnoticed.

Although, in order not to guess, there is an exact scheme that guides specialists in veterinary clinics:

  • If milk teeth have erupted, then the pet is 1 month old.
  • Complete replacement of baby teeth occurs at 5 or 6 months, and this process begins at 3 months.
  • The central incisors on the lower jaw wear away by the age of 1.5 years.
  • The middle incisors on the lower jaw are worn away by 2.5 years.
  • By the age of 3.5 years, the incisors wear down upper jaw(central).
  • By the age of 4.5 years, the middle incisors on the upper jaw are worn away.
  • At the age of 5, the first changes appear on the fangs - the surface becomes rough.
  • The upper outer incisors begin to wear off by the age of 6 years.
  • By the ages of 7 and 8, the middle central incisors on the lower jaw change significantly.
  • The transverse rubbing surface of the central incisors undergoes changes by the age of 9.
  • The central incisors fall out by age 10 or two years later.
  • All incisors can fall out at 12 years of age or from 12 to 15 years of an animal’s life.

Cats live on average up to 15 years, but in our history there have been cases where the animal lived up to 30 years. This is a record, and if you are in doubt when determining the age of a pet by its teeth, you need to take into account its lifestyle, because the incisors can fall out faster or slower.

Find out how old a cat is by puberty

You can also find out the age of your cat using this method. Cats mature by 9 months, and males by 7-8 months. If you took an adult animal from the street, then wait for these signs and from that moment you can count down.

Remember that some animals mature earlier than the specified dates and are already ready to have offspring at 6 months. So in any case, you won’t be able to determine your exact age, but with a small error of a few months, it’s likely.

How to find out how old a cat is

If looking into your pet’s mouth is very problematic, you can determine the pet’s age by other signs:

  • pay attention to the cat's fur. In a young cat it is thin and soft, literally silky. Every year it becomes coarser and can darken if the cat is light-colored and lighten if the animal is dark-colored. Individual gray hairs and even entire areas appear;
  • The eyes of a young animal are clear and clean, as well as light. But with age they become cloudy, the color of the iris changes.

How to find out how old a cat is relative to a person's age

Many people compare the age of the animal with their own and multiply this figure by “7”, thus obtaining the age of the cat. But, according to experienced felinologists, this is not so, because the age of an animal can only be compared with the age of the same animal, but calculations can be carried out, only they will be somewhat different.

Experts believe that 1 year of a cat’s life should be equated to 15 calendar years (or the life of a person).

  • if a person is 24 years old, then the animal will be only 2 years old;
  • 3 years and so on until 12 years, adding 4 years each year. It turns out like this: 12 cat years are 64 human years;
  • after 12 years of animal life, years are calculated as follows: for 1 year, 3 human years are given.

The scheme is somewhat strange, but there is a justification for this, because before the age of 8 the cat reaches middle age, and then gradually ages. But if your pet looks great and pleases you with active behavior, then the pet’s age is in this case– it’s a very conditional matter.

Every owner should know how old his cat is. This is necessary for the right choice diet for the pet and calculation of the dosage of medications in case of sudden illness. Visual inspection and analyzing the cat’s behavior will help you understand this issue and find out what age it is.

Determining the age of the kitten

Finding out the age of a kitten is much easier than finding out an adult cat. Kittens grow and develop very quickly in the first year of life. It is possible to determine how many months they are with virtually no errors.

By appearance

By weight - determined in very young kittens

By behavior

  1. Up to 3 weeks, babies do not respond to external stimuli.
  2. At the age of 1 month they begin to walk slowly.
  3. By 1.5 months. The kittens are already running around actively.
  4. At 2 months they can come into contact with humans and other animals.
  5. By 5 months occurs in teenage kittens puberty. This can be determined by the pet’s changed behavior. The cat or cat begins to behave restlessly and meow loudly.
  6. At 7 months sexual hunting begins. The cat asks the cat, the cat can mark the territory.


  1. At 1 month Kittens have their first incisors.
  2. By 1.5 months. premolars and canines appear. By 3 months - molars.
  3. At 3 - 4 months. Kittens lose their baby teeth and their permanent teeth appear.
  4. By 7 months they have a complete set permanent teeth: 4 molars, 4 canines, 12 incisors and 10 premolars. The teeth are white and very sharp. There are no damages or abrasions on them.

Age of adult cats

Determining the age of an adult cat by appearance is not an easy task. It is necessary to carefully evaluate its behavior and conduct a thorough examination of the animal.

You can even find out how old a cat is by the way its eyes, whiskers, fur and teeth look.

Mustache is an indicator of youth

Determining the age of a cat by its whiskers is quite simple. Of course, this will not give an exact result, but it will help determine the youth or old age of the pet.

In old age, cats' whiskers point downward. If the color of the animal is monochromatic, it will be noticeable how the mustache gradually turns grey. The more gray whiskers a cat has, the older he is.

Eyes are an indicator of health

You can also determine the age of a cat by its eyes. Kittens and young animals (up to 2-3 years old) have shiny eyes. The look is curious and mischievous. The iris is smooth, without flaws and pigment spots.

In adult cats, their vision gradually deteriorates: eye diseases appear (for example, cataracts), their eyes become cloudy and lazy. A whitish film and pigment inclusions may appear on the iris of the eye.

Teeth wear

Cat's teeth (click to enlarge).

Reliable information about the age of cats can be provided by the method of determining by teeth.

  • By 2 years The animal develops a light yellow coating on its teeth and the lower incisors are slightly worn out.
  • From 3 to 5 years the plaque becomes more pronounced. Tartar may appear. Traces of wear are observed on the canines and upper incisors. Abrasion in the upper jaw of the central incisors is especially clearly visible.
  • From 5 to 10 years Cats may begin to lose teeth. The coating is yellow and very intense. There are tartar in some places. The middle and central incisors on both jaws wear down significantly. In some cases, the incisors begin to fall out.
  • At 10-12 years old The central incisors fall out, the teeth are intensely yellow.
  • In old individuals(over 15 years) some canines and incisors may be missing. It is typical for 15-year-olds: first, all the incisors fall out, and the molars wear down heavily. If fangs begin to fall out, the cat is over 15 years old.

If the previous owner did not monitor the condition of his pet's teeth, they may be in poor condition, which will not be appropriate for his age.


  • Condition of the coat. If it is shiny and thick, the pet is young. If the coat looks unhealthy and dull, the cat is elderly. This method has inaccuracies. Cats' fur can deteriorate significantly if there is various diseases and helminthic infestations.
  • Muscle mass. If young cats have visible muscle relief, older cats are more well-fed and round. Old cats lose weight and stoop. The skin becomes loose and flabby.

An animal's behavior will tell you about its age.

Young cats are very active, playful and inquisitive. They come running to every sound and play constantly. They react to any movements and chase cat balls. It is quite easy to determine their old age (from 7 years and older). old cat lazy, incurious. He sleeps a lot and hardly plays. The old man is no longer attracted to his favorite toys.

If a cat gets sick, it behaves passively, despite its young age. That's why this method does not give an exact answer as to how old the cat is.

Exceptions to the rules

Despite the variety of methods, there are factors that can interfere with correct calculation:

  1. Heredity. Individual characteristics of the animal in appearance and behavior may not correspond to age standards.
  2. Presence of diseases. Poor health and exhaustion of a cat can affect its behavior and appearance.
  3. Conditions of previous content. If the cat previously lived in street conditions and did not receive essential vitamins, in appearance it will look much older than its domestic relatives.

How to convert a cat's age to human numbers

The age of cats by human standards.

A cat's age by human standards will help the owner determine the degree of maturation and aging of the cat. Converting a cat's age to human age is quite simple.

For ease of determination, there is a table where the age of cats has already been calculated by human standards.

Determining the age of purebred cats

If purchased purebred kitten, his documents must contain his date of birth. If you don’t have documents, you can ask the breeder, making your task easier.

In many well-known breeds of cats, the methods for determining age are no different from those of outbred cats. For example:

  • The age of a British cat and a Siberian kitten should be determined by its teeth. This method is considered the most effective.
  • The Sphynx cat is distinguished by its appearance at the age of up to 1 year. These kittens' eyes open in just 3 days. The ears hang down for up to 1 month, then “stand up”.
  • The Abyssinian cat breed is distinguished by the timing of puberty in males. It occurs from 10 months to 1.5 years. In females, maturation occurs at 6-8 months, as in ordinary cats.
  • With Thai kittens, you need to pay attention to their gender, because the weight of small cats differs from the weight of females:
Age Cat Cat
Weight of Thai kittens from 3 to 12 months, kg
3 months 1,79 1,48
4 months 2,4 1,88
5 months 2,91 2,29
6 months 3,39 2,45
7 months 3,75 2,62
8 months 4,03 2,71
9 months 4,13 2,82
10 months 4,28 2,87
11 months 4,35 3,05
12 months 4,4 3,15

In purebred kittens, you need to pay attention to their individual characteristics. Not every individual will fully meet the standards. Although there are many methods to determine the age of cats at home, the best option A visit to a veterinarian is considered.


Determining the age of a cat by its teeth is quite simple.

First, the color of the teeth changes, then there is slight abrasion of the incisors on the lower jaw, then on the upper. The last ones to fall out are the fangs.

Below is the condition of the teeth and the age of the cat:

  • - all molars white and look strong - the cat is 6 months to 1 year old;
  • - there is some yellowing on the teeth - the cat is just over a year old;
  • - on the lower jaw of the animal there is slight abrasion of the central incisors - the cat’s age is 1.5-2 years;
  • - on the lower jaw there is slight abrasion of the middle incisors - the cat is 2 years old;
  • - tartar has appeared on the teeth - the cat is just over 2 years old;
  • - abrasion of the central incisors is noticeable on the upper jaw; the cat is 3-3.5 years old;
  • - there is abrasion of the middle incisors on the upper jaw; the cat is 4-4.5 years old;
  • - noticeable abrasion of fangs - cat age is 5-5.5 years;
  • - on the upper jaw there is noticeable abrasion of the outer incisors - age - 5.5-6.5 years;
  • - there is abrasion of the central incisors on the lower jaw; the cat is 7-7.5 years old;
  • - on the lower jaw there is abrasion of the middle incisors - age - 7.5-8 years;
  • - on the upper jaw there is significant wear of the central incisors - 8.5-9 years;
  • - there is significant wear on the middle incisors on the upper jaw; the age of the cat is 9.5-10 years.

As a rule, from the age of 10, cats begin to gradually lose teeth:

  • - if the lower incisors have fallen out on the cat’s lower jaw - the cat’s age is 10 years;
  • - the middle incisors on the lower jaw have fallen out - the cat is 11 years old;
  • - central incisors on the upper jaw fell out - age - 12 years;
  • - middle incisors fell out on the upper jaw - age - 13 years;
  • - loss of all incisors begins from 12 to 14 years;
  • - tooth loss begins between 14 and 15 years of age.

Determining the age of the kitten

At 1 month, kittens erupt their first milk teeth.

At 5-6 months, baby teeth are replaced by molars.


Determining the age of a cat by looking at its eyes can only give an approximate result.

A young animal usually has transparent, perky, inquisitive eyes, in which interest and mischief sparkle. Over time, gradual clouding occurs eye lens, which is a sign of deteriorating vision and the possible appearance of cataracts.

Iris brightness The eyes are also an indicator of the cat's age. If the iris has any spots, there is an asymmetrical pattern on it, or it is cloudy in structure, then this indicates that the cat has long passed its “tender” age.


You can find out the approximate age of a cat by its fur.

Typically, young animals have smooth, soft and thick fur. Cats up to 4-5 years old can boast of this “dignity”.

The fur of older cats is less shiny, it is not as thick and elastic. As a rule, a cat at the age of 7 already has gray hairs.

Older animals have dull coats and their fur is brittle rather than elastic. In older long-haired cats, mats in the fur are common because... the animal no longer pays attention to its appearance.


Over time, the cat gradually loses its activity. It is quite natural that the decrease physical activity has a direct effect on changes in the structure of the animal’s body. Thus, young cats are very active and this is characterized by their muscularity and healthy thinness.

Cats aged 3-7 years are already more rounded and well-fed. They are less active and “economical” in their movements.

Older cats have prominent shoulder bones and tend to have loose skin.


Puberty in cats ends at the age of 7-9 months. In some long-haired breeds, puberty occurs more slowly. So, in females born in August, the first estrus occurs at eight months of age, and in females born in March - a year later.


In addition, the approximate age of the cat can be determined on the pads on the paws:

  • - if they are pink and smooth, the cat is still young enough,
  • - if there are cracks and pads on the paws and they are worn out, then the cat is already in adulthood.

Don't forget to check claws:

  • - In older cats, the claws may be brittle and broken off in some places. In young individuals, the claws are usually very strong.

Also pay attention to cat sleep duration. If your purr sleeps a lot, chooses between playing and a warm bed, the second option, then it is quite possible that your cat is already an old lady.


The average lifespan of cats is 13-15 years. However, many of us are interested in how old a cat is by human standards. There is no standard formula for determining the ratio of the age of a person and a cat, but there are approximate data that allow us to answer this question.

So, the age of a cat “increases” in inverse proportion to the age of a person. But it is also important not to forget that the lifespan of a cat depends on the conditions of its keeping and on its belonging to a particular breed.

  • - cat 1 year old - human 15 years old
  • - cat is 2 years old - human is 23 years old
  • - cat is 3 years old - human is 27 years old
  • - cat is 4 years old - human is 32 years old
  • - cat is 5 years old - person is 35 years old

The oldest cat can be probably 23-25 ​​years old. This age corresponds to 100 years in humans.


The lifespan of domestic cats depends on many factors.

Firstly, it belongs to certain breed. For example, representatives of less “elite” breeds are longer-livers than their “aristocratic” counterparts.

Secondly, their sexual activity plays a huge role in the lifespan of domestic cats. If a domestic cat (cat) does not have the opportunity to be active sex life, then an excess of their unrealized hormones has Negative influence for the duration of their life.

  • The third factor is heredity.
  • The fourth factor is lifestyle.
  • The fifth factor is diet.
  • Sixth factor - emotional condition animal.
  • The seventh factor is the level of disease resistance.

Considering all the above factors, it is not entirely correct to talk about the life expectancy of domestic cats. In theory, healthy cat in ideal conditions it can live up to 25 years, but this is more the exception than the rule.

A good owner usually knows the age of his pet and even celebrates his date of birth. This is normal, because a pet often lives in an apartment as a full-fledged member of the family. They pay him a lot of attention and pamper him. Then everyone’s favorite person is full of health and charges everyone with positivity. But what if the owner does not know the age of the cat? Perhaps he picked up an unfortunate kitten on the street or adopted an adult animal from a shelter. Well, in this case, you can also find out the approximate age of the pet, focusing on certain biological characteristics. You’ll find out which ones now.

The life expectancy of longhorned beetles is influenced by many reasons:

  • heredity;
  • living conditions;
  • food quality.

For a loving owner, it is important to know the age of your beloved pet, firstly, in order to properly organize food and, secondly, in order to be prepared for age-related changes that occur to an animal over time.

You can determine the age of a kitten using the following criteria:

  • behavior
  • dental condition;
  • appearance and condition of coat, musculoskeletal system.

How to determine the age of cats by their teeth?

Teeth are a good indicator of a kitten's age. Milk teeth appear in kittens at the age of 2-4 weeks. Literally after 2-3 months they begin to be replaced by permanent ones.

If you see your pet’s permanent teeth are snow-white, then you can say with confidence that your cat is between 1 and 1.5 years old. A slight yellowing can indicate the cat's two-year age.

The presence of tartar is a sign that the animal is between 3 and 5 years old. The absence of several teeth means that the cat is approaching old age. The more teeth missing, the older the mustachioed animal.

Note! It is impossible to determine the exact age of an animal by looking at its teeth. As with people, even a relatively young cat's teeth may be in poor condition due to improper care and feeding. And, conversely, when good care A cat's teeth can remain snow-white for a long time and cannot in any way indicate age.

We offer an approximate list of changes that occur in feline representatives in oral cavity:

  • 2-4 weeks: eruption of baby teeth;
  • 3-4 months: loss of baby teeth;
  • 5-6 months: completion of the process of changing teeth from milk to permanent;
  • 1 year: the cat has snow-white healthy teeth without the presence of tartar;
  • 2 years: the lower middle incisors wear out, yellowness appears on the enamel, and tartar accumulates on the teeth;
  • 3-5 years: the upper central incisors, canines and outer lower incisors are worn away;
  • 6-7 years: the pigmentation of tooth enamel changes, the upper outer incisors wear off;
  • from the age of 10: the central incisors fall out, then the middle and extreme ones;
  • by 15-18 years: loss of fangs is observed.

Important! When assessing the dental system, pay attention to the bite, as well as the condition of the oral cavity. Poor feeding and lack of dental care lead to premature yellowing and abrasion. Overeating or undereating also affects the appearance and health of your teeth.

How to determine the age of cats by their eyes?

At about a week of age, the kitten's eyes begin to open. If they are already open, but at the same time narrowed, then this indicates that the baby is 2-3 weeks old. By one month, the kittens' eyes are already fully open.

A cat's gaze, like a human's, can also tell a lot. In young animals it is usually transparent, with a characteristic shine. A curious sparkle and keen interest in everything around slip through the young eyes.

As a cat gets older, the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and duller, as vision weakens, and cataracts often develop.

The color of the eyes can also tell about age, since the iris loses its bright color, spots and an incomprehensible pattern appear on it.

Pay close attention to discharge from the eyes, so-called cat tears. They can be a symptom not only of advanced age, but also of health problems, for example, injury or some disease. Older cats are more prone to watery eyes. But young people should not experience tear discharge from their eyes.

How to determine the age of cats based on the condition of their coat and body?

To determine the approximate age, sometimes it is enough to look at the condition of the animal's coat. Small and young pets up to a year old have soft, delicate and fluffy fur. Their coat is thick, shiny, each fiber has a distinct color, which together results in a clearly visible pattern. No gray hair. In cats after 5 - 6 years of age, the fur is already duller, less dense and soft to the touch, the outlines of the pattern are not so clear. In representatives of 6 - 7 years old, when examining individual hairs, gray hair can be detected.

As cats age, their musculoskeletal system also becomes obsolete. Up to 6-7 years in pets obvious signs no skeletal changes are noted. Kittens are characterized by disproportionate body development. In adolescent animals, excessively long limbs are striking, big ears and generally incorrect proportions, giving them a lanky and funny appearance.

With age, the cat acquires strong muscles, the body becomes proportional and corresponds to the characteristics of a particular breed.

Young cats are usually graceful and have a light, relaxed gait. The pet's movements are full of strength and grace. The cat easily overcomes obstacles, is active, and jumps deftly.

After 7 years, the cat's skeleton begins to change. In older representatives, sagging of the spine is already becoming noticeable, and the shoulder blades protrude. The gait becomes less light, the muscles become flabby, and their volume decreases. Elderly animals are often thin.

Important! Based on the condition of the skeleton and fur, you can determine whether an animal is young or old, but, alas, it is impossible to determine the exact age.

How to determine the age of cats by behavior?

A pet's behavior can also tell a lot about a cat's age. Small and young animals are active, love to fool around and play. Curiosity, timidity, and a playful mood are characteristic of young barbels under the age of 1 year. By 10 months, puberty is complete. However, it is worth considering that long-haired breeds mature later.

The period of maturity in a cat is associated with its activity. She is characterized by tirelessness and agility. Most During this time, animals happily participate in games and actively hunt.

In old age, cats prefer to sleep more, relax, and avoid playing. The animal is often burdened chronic diseases and is reluctant to respond to games and entertainment.

Old cats often sleep during the day, but can stay awake all night. Sometimes they can hold vocal “concerts” at night.

How to convert a cat's age to human age?

Many people are interested in the ratio of cat to human age. Why might this be needed? In fact, this is not just a matter of idle curiosity. This information allows owners to competently approach the processes of raising their pet, the main of which are maintenance and feeding. This kind of recount helps, first of all, to correctly raise young offspring up to 1 year old. For example, some owners make the mistake of thinking that a six-month-old kitten is the age of a small child.

It is generally accepted that 1 year of a cat is equal to 7 years of human life. Of course, this statement is not an axiom and can only be applied to an adult animal. In young cats, development occurs much more intensively; a six-month-old kitten corresponds to a 14-year-old teenager.

A cat's “coming of age” occurs at the age of 1 year, which is equal to 18 human years. At 2 years old, a cat is physiologically equivalent to a person who is 24 years old. From 3 to 12 years old, you can determine the correspondence by adding the number 4 to each year of the cat. Thus, the 12-year-old age of a cat corresponds to 60 years of human life. Next, the number 3 should be added to its years. So a 15-year-old pet is approximately the same as a 70-year-old pensioner. However, this does not mean that your beloved cat has lived to retirement age. The age of longhorned beetles is relative. If the pet is in good conditions If he is looked after, regularly taken to the veterinarian, fed properly, then he can live much longer than the average 12-15 years, delighting his owners with good physical shape, gentle attitude, love and devotion.

There are also other ways to determine a cat's age, but we'll leave these specific methods to specialists. To all that has been said, I would like to add that many signs of an aging cat are similar to the symptoms of certain diseases. That is why, if you suspect serious problems with health problems, immediately contact your veterinarian for full examination animal.

When choosing a method of treating a disease in a kitten or an adult cat, when looking for the dosage of medications, vitamins and supplements, it is necessary to determine the age of the animal. If there is no opportunity to contact the specialists of a veterinary office, you will have to make do on your own.

Determining age is not as difficult as it seems. You should act step by step, analyzing and comparing the data of some physiological indicators animal. Determining the age of a kitten is much easier than finding out how old an adult is.

    Show all

    By what indicators can you determine the age of a kitten?

    Starting from the age of six months, the cat’s body lives adult life, the age of which is much more difficult to determine.

    Up to six months, age is determined by a non-professional quite accurately - with an error of several weeks to a month.

    You can judge the age of a kitten or adult cat by the following indicators:

    • some elements of appearance;
    • examining the kitten's teeth;
    • by the eyes;
    • based on the ratio of the cat's weight and size.

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    Small kittens can be easily identified by age and many parameters, primarily by the condition of the umbilical cord. If there are traces of it, we can conclude that the kitten is no more than a week old.

    Little kittens have specific physique. Before reaching the age of one month, the body is disproportionate: with a fairly large head, miniature ears, short and weak legs. When the kitten reaches one month of age, the body and legs stretch out. The ears are just as small, the head fits into the general proportions.

    By one and a half months, the color of the eyes begins to match the overall color of the coat.

    In the two-month period, the body becomes elongated; in the three-month period, the ears increase in size.


    Mustache bears important function in a cat’s life, helping to navigate in space.

    Starting from the age of nine, the mustache turns grey, and whiskers begin to be visible among the dark ones.

    Dental changes

    Just as a human child's new teeth grow gradually, a kitten's teeth do not appear at the same time.

    Kittens are born without teeth, and from the second week their first milk teeth begin to erupt. At 2–4 weeks, the incisors emerge, at 3–4 weeks, the canines appear, and at 6–8 weeks, the premolars appear. Kittens do not yet have molars, that is, molars. In total, animals have 26 milk teeth, which differ in structure and color from permanent ones.

    Starting from 3.5 months, the replacement of baby teeth with permanent teeth occurs. The process starts with the first and second incisors. From the fourth month - premolars; from the fifth - molars. From 5.5 months, the canines on the upper and lower jaws. From the fifth month, the replacement of rudimentary fangs on both jaws begins. The process lasts up to 7 months. Like human teeth changing, the process is individual and can last up to 9 months. In males it begins earlier than in females.

    So, an adult has 30 permanent teeth:

    • 12 incisors are divided into sixes of the upper and lower jaws;
    • 4 fangs - two on each jaw;
    • 10 premolars;
    • 4 molars.

    Knowing and clearly distinguishing the sequence of appearance and names of teeth will help you recognize the age of a kitten by the appearance or eruption of teeth. An illustration will help you avoid getting confused about the names and locations of teeth.

    When determining the age of a kitten, you should pay attention to his behavior. If your pet has ruined the upholstery of furniture by chewing it, hunts for shoelaces and chews them at night, this may be a sign of teething. When teething, there is a need to chew toys, bed sheets, other objects that interested the animal.

    It is indeed possible to determine the age of a baby by the appearance of teeth, but if the animal is an adult, this approach may fail. For a mature individual, the condition of the teeth will indicate age only approximately. An old cat may have both diseased and dilapidated teeth.

    Changes in the dental formula after the change of primary teeth can be taken into account in a complex analysis with other indicators in determining the age of the cat.

    By the age of one and a half years, the main lobes of the first incisors of the lower jaw are fully formed. According to average indications, there are data characterizing tooth abrasion, however, due to the specific characteristics and subjective indicators of the life of an adult cat, they may not coincide with the real situation. If the lobes of the first and second incisors on the lower jaw are erased, then the cat is already at least 2–2 years and 5 months old. The lobes of the first incisors on the upper and lower jaws are worn away by the age of 3 years and 5 months. If a cat has worn out the lobes of the first and second incisors of both jaws, then he is at least 4 years and 5 months old. If the lobes are present only on the canines of the upper jaw, then the age of the animal is close to 5 years and 5 months. If the surface of the incisors is oval, the cat is about 10 years old. Loss of the first and second incisors on the upper and lower jaws is typical for 12 years. Loss of all incisors is typical for people aged at least 16 years.

    Eye color

    Eye color changes throughout a cat's life. If we do not take this factor into account for individuals of certain breeds, in which the eye color given from birth no longer changes throughout their lives, then this will help to approximately determine the age of the animal.

    The eye completely opens in kittens at approximately 10–14 days of age. The eyes should be the same size and fully open. If one eye is noticeably different from the other, then with some confidence we can say that the kitten is no more than 1.5 weeks old.

    Eye color also indicates the cat's maturity. Kittens of all breeds have irises only after opening blue color. Subsequently, the color changes to another, called “true cat” - it is green or yellow, sometimes amber. The process of color change begins at the age of three months. The final coloration is acquired by the animal at six months.

    The change in the iris of the eyes is not so noticeable: only the shade of baby blue changes. In such cases, determining the age of an animal by eye color is difficult.

    There are a number of cat breeds that have blue eyes for the rest of their lives. These are Polynesian, Siamese, Neva, Sphynx, Balinese, Ojos Azules, white Angora, Neva masquerade cats. For individuals of the listed breeds, it is impossible to determine age by eye color.

    Animal size and weight

    In the absence of an animal serious illnesses To determine age, it is permissible to use size and weight measurements.

    Recommendations for the relationship between the age and size of a cat should be taken into account that a particular individual could be born slightly larger or smaller than the average. If this fact occurs, then a deviation of 2–3 centimeters from the average readings is acceptable:

    • If the length of the kitten, excluding the tail, is no more than 12 cm, then we can say that it has just been born.
    • The length of the body without a tail is 15 cm, so the kitten is about 4 weeks old.
    • About 20 cm body length is an indicator of 3 months.
    • From the age of two months, boys may be larger in build than girls. With the size of a teenage cat being 23–24 cm, we can assume that the age is about 4 months. A five-month-old girl will measure about 25 cm.
    • At the age of six months, the main growth of the animal stops; the length of the body, excluding the tail, is about 26–27 cm. Boys are longer by 2 to 6 cm.

    In the system for calculating the weight of a cat, the weight of a newborn is taken as the starting indicator - this is 90–100 g. The deviation for subjective factors is assumed to be 20–30 g. The cat gains weight before reaching the age of two.

    At the end of the first week, the approximate weight of the kitten is about 113–115 g. By the end of the second week, it increases to 200 g, by the end of the third - to 280 g. In subsequent weight changes, it increases noticeably faster. By the end of the fourth week, his weight is 370 g, at the end of the fifth - 450 g.

    The indications given in the recommendations are conditional and approximate. Healthy kitten proper nutrition and care increases every week by approximately 100 g. Having reached six months, the cat develops more slowly. Noticeable changes in weight will appear once a month. Even with abundant feeding, the animal gains little weight over the course of a week. The parameters of weight, height, eye color and other characteristics are set very conditionally, so to obtain more accurate information it is necessary to compare data from different age determination methods.

    Determining the weight of an active, curious pet is quite possible at home. The kitten's maximum activity occurs at six months. This period lasts up to one and a half years. As time passes, the animal becomes calmer.