Review of large and dwarf domesticated hamster breeds. A complete description of all types of hamsters and their way of life in the wild. What is the name of a huge hamster

What types of hamsters are there? How to distinguish them from each other? What types of hamsters are suitable for keeping at home? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

Let’s make a reservation right away that we will only talk about varieties of hamsters that can be tamed and domesticated. Let's take a quick look at wild rodents.

If you don’t understand the breeds, something like this will grow up.

Dzungarian (aka Sungur)

Baby jungarik.

Yes, this is not a typo - the Dzungarian hamster and the Sungur hamster are the same breed. In common people, the pet is called a dzhungarik after the name of the region in China, its natural habitat. Sungurik - from the scientific name Phodopus sungorus.

Other erroneous names for dwarf hamsters are Siberian hamster and Russian dwarf. Such breeds of pets do not exist in the classification; if they are trying to sell you a Siberian or Russian at an inflated price, find another seller.

Sungursky is a dwarf species, grows up to 10 cm in length and gains a weight of 45-65 grams. The “feet” on the paws are covered with hair. The color on the back is dark, on the belly it is almost white. A characteristic difference is a clearly defined thin dark stripe along the ridge.

The “standard” back color is brown or dark gray. But there are decorative colors:

  • Sapphire (gray with a bluish tint);
  • Pearl (snow-white);
  • Tangerine (similar in color to the golden Syrian).

The Dzhungarik changes its coat color depending on the time of year (lighter in winter), but this rarely happens at home.

The character is perhaps the friendliest among all hamsters. Djungarians often like to be stroked on their backs and bellies; they willingly fall asleep in your arms.

Lives in captivity for an average of 3 years, but when proper care maybe 4.

You can house opposite-sex pairs (just keep in mind that they will reproduce quickly and actively). It is better not to keep same-sex Dzungarians together; they do not get along well.


The golden king of children's hearts.

The second most popular species is the Syrian hamster. This species is medium-sized and much larger: the body length is considered to be 12 cm, but there are individuals up to 20 cm in height (this is the most big hamster among pets). The usual color is golden (reddish, peach). Often, for marketing purposes, sellers call this breed Royal, and the name Yellow Hamster is found. Many consider it the most beautiful breed.

There are simply countless decorative colors obtained as a result of selection. The Syrian can be of almost any color, as well as multi-colored.

The character is a little more absurd than that of the Djungarians, but you can tame the Syrian. Females are angrier than males, so we recommend boys for solitary housing. If you are planning to get several Syrian animals, house them separately, even in pairs (only house them for the duration of mating).

They live 3-4 years; long-livers have been known to live up to 5 years.

We have outlined everything you need to know about the maintenance and nutrition of the Syrian breed.

Angora hamster

Breeds angora hamster does not exist. This is often the name given to Syrians who are extremely shaggy and have long hair (up to 10 cm). Decorative breed, famous for its fluffiness. The coat requires additional care - keep this in mind if you are planning to get a shaggy hamster.

Golden hamster

Naturally colored Syrians are most often called golden, but there are also representatives of other breeds of this color (for example, tangerine dzhungarik).

Campbell's hamster

Most close relative dzungarika - Campbell.

Another representative dwarf breed. It is very similar to the Djungarian, both in size and color, so it is not easy to recognize the breed. The main differences between Campbell and Dzungarian:

  • The color has a golden tint, while the Djungarian has a darker coat.
  • When viewed from above, the shape resembles a figure eight, while the jungarik has an oval
  • The stripe on the back is less distinct

Life is shorter than that of the Dzungarian breed, on average 2 years in captivity.

Roborovsky's hamster

Less than small - Roborovsky's baby.

They are very difficult to tame, but this is the only breed that can be housed in groups of the same sex. Those. this species is no longer for those who like to “squeeze” hamsters, but for those who prefer to watch the life of a colony of nimble babies.

Common hamster

The most common wild pest.

It is difficult for sellers to understand what kind of animal the buyer considers “ordinary”, so they can sell anything. Let's clarify this issue: the common hamster (aka wild, aka karbysh) is a significant pest of human crops and is almost never found as a pet.

What does a normal hamster look like? It reaches a length of 35 cm, has a long tail - up to 8 cm. The abdomen is usually black, the back and sides are bright and spotted. Not recommended for keeping or taming.

Black and white pet

Black and white (as well as black and white) rodents can be of any breed - there are now too many decorative colors to count. Therefore, first decide on the breed, and then on the color.

Albino hamster with red or black eyes

Such a handsome man can be of any breed.

And again we have to disappoint you - there is no separate breed of albinos with a specific eye color. Almost any living creature (even humans) can be born an albino.

Usually hamsters have black eyes, but albinos often have disturbed eye pigmentation (this is the color on the inner surface eyeball). As a result, it becomes transparent and the red color we see is blood vessels.

An albino with any eye color is no different in caring for an ordinary animal of the same breed.

Other breeds of hamsters

Let's take a look at the representatives of hamsters that are not recommended to be kept at home. You need to know about them, at least so that they don’t slip you a wild animal under the guise of a domestic, soft and fluffy pet.

Hamster Radde

A large and well-fed pest is Radde.

The very prolific Radde hamster is a wild pest that can gain 1 kg of weight with a length of up to 28-30 cm. Appearance: the main brown color is combined with light inserts on the abdomen and face.

Eversmann's hamster

Eversmann's rodent.

Eversmann's hamster, which lives mainly in Mongolia, has an average height of 15 cm and a short tail (up to 2 cm). The predominant color is a brown back with a light belly with a dark spot on the chest. There is a variety of Eversmann's hamster - Mongolian. Differences from the first:

  • Mongolian is a little less
  • The color is lighter (closer to gray)
  • No spot on chest

Chinese hamster

Chinese “cross” of Dzungarian and mouse.

The Chinese hamster lives, as the name implies, in the former Celestial Empire. A small (10 cm) brown animal with a dark stripe along the ridge. Very similar to a mouse, the bare tail adds to the similarity.

Hamster Sokolov

A little-studied species of Sokolov.

Even scientists know little about Sokolov’s hamster. It lives in Mongolia and China, reaching a length of slightly more than 10 cm. The skin on the back is gray with a dark stripe, the belly is light.

Barabinsky hamster


The Barabinsky hamster is native to Western Siberia and Mongolia. Grows up to 13 cm. Color – light brown, sometimes reddish, with a stripe on the back. The belly is lighter, sometimes even white. An interesting feature is the two-color ears (with a white border at the edges).

The Daurian hamster is a variety of the Barabinsky breed. Differs more dark color and a clearly defined spinal stripe.

Newton's hamster

The name is “smart”, but the character is evil.

Similar to the Syrian, both in shape and size (grows up to 17 cm). The fur on the back is gray-brown, the muzzle and chest are reddish. Unlike the Syrian breed, the character is vicious.

Short-tailed hamster

Surviving at an altitude of 4-5 thousand meters is not easy.

The short-tailed rodent is a high-mountainous inhabitant, the main habitat is Tibet. Grows up to 8-10 cm. Color is a mixture of gray, yellow and brown.

Long-tailed hamster

Almost a mouse.

The animal is 9-12 cm long, dark gray in color, and comes from Transbaikalia. The long-tailed hamster is very similar to a common field mouse (tail length up to 5 cm).

Do you know any other breeds of domestic hamsters?

If we have overlooked a breed suitable for keeping at home, write in the comments and we will add it. And subscribe to us on social networks - there will be a lot of interesting things!

How to find out the breed of a hamster? To understand the types of these rodents, you need to know their main features. We will help you in this matter: we will tell you what breeds of hamsters there are. So let's get started.

There are more than 240 species of hamsters in the world. They live in different countries and even on different continents. As a rule, they live in the steppe, forest-steppe or in deserts and semi-deserts. Although sometimes hamsters can be found in the mountains, at an altitude of up to 2.5 thousand meters above sea level.

These animals dig holes for themselves (complicated) with different turns, passages and, of course, storerooms. As you know, hamsters are thrifty animals. Some representatives stock up to one hundred kilograms. At night, the animal goes hunting. Hamsters eat plant and animal foods.

Their coat colors are different (ash, brown and others).

What types of hamsters are there? Now we will take a closer look at the types of these small rodents. Let's start with the most popular.

Common hamster

This is a very beautiful animal, its body length does not exceed 30 cm. It happens different colors. Lives in Northern Kazakhstan, southern Europe and Western Siberia.

The common hamster builds complex burrows, the depth of which reaches 2.5 m. In mid-August, the animal begins to stock up different products: potatoes, carrots, grain, etc. This is what the rodent eats in the cold season, when it wakes up and fills its stomach with a new portion of food, and also in the spring - until the required amount of fresh food appears.

In summer he eats roots, small insects, herbs and seeds. The female gives birth several times between April and October. As a rule, there are ten cubs in a brood.

Cis-Caucasian hamster

As the name implies, this species lives in the Ciscaucasia and Northern Caucasus. The body length of such a hamster is on average 23 cm, and the tail is 1.2 cm. Its legs and nose are reddish, the top is brown, and the bottom is black.

Transcaucasian hamster

This rodent lives in the foothills of Dagestan, at an altitude of 500 m above sea level. Its body length is about 16 cm, and its tail is 2.5-3 cm. This animal is very similar to its Caucasian “brother”, but its abdomen is gray and its chest is white.

rat hamster

The hamster lives in Korea, China and Primorye. The length of its body is about 23 cm, and its tail is 8 cm. The color is gray-brown. The burrows of the rat-shaped hamster are distinguished by a particularly complex design.

Now let's look at the breeds of hamsters that are suitable for home keeping.

Gray hamster

The rodent lives in the European part of Russia, in the south of Western Siberia. This is a breed of small hamsters. These animals are approximately the same in size as the Dzungarian ones. The body length is 11 cm, and the tail is 2.5 cm. The ears are round, small, and the muzzle is sharp. The colors are different. You can find both a smoky-gray rodent and a reddish-sand one.

A representative of this breed feeds on plant seeds and insects. Stocks up for the winter.

The breeding season is April-October. There are up to three litters per season. Pregnancy lasts twenty days, and there are seven cubs in the litter. The animal rarely hibernates.

If you are going to get such a pet, then know that its care and maintenance are exactly the same as for Djungarian and golden hamsters.

Daurian hamster

The rodent is common in Transbaikalia and the Irtysh. The body length is on average 10 cm, and the tail is 2.7 cm. The color is reddish or brown, the bottom is gray, and a black stripe stretches along the forehead and back. IN winter time hibernates for a year, but not for long.

Transbaikal hamster

The rodent lives in Transbaikalia. Outwardly similar to the Daurian, but lighter, and its body length is slightly shorter. Diet: insects and seeds.

Long-tailed hamster

Lives in Sayan, Transbaikalia and Tuva. The body length is a little more than 10 cm, and the tail is about 4 cm. The color is dark gray, ears with a white border, and the abdomen is light.

It feeds on cereals, seeds and insects. In winter, it hibernates. It breeds in late spring and summer, with an average litter of 7 young.

Eversmann's hamster

The hamster is slightly larger than the house mouse. The ears are small, slightly rounded at the ends, and the muzzle is pointed. There are different colors. You can see ash-sand hamster, fawn-red and black-and-white.

The fur is velvety and soft. Hamsters feed on seeds, shoots of cereals, and sometimes eat larvae and insects. During the year, the female gives birth to three litters of four cubs.

Mongolian hamster

The animal lives in the semi-deserts of Tuva. Body length is about thirteen centimeters. The color is light gray. It feeds on seeds, insects and rhizomes. Such an animal is very active; the female brings several litters per year, with an average of ten cubs. In winter, the rodent hibernates.

Now let's look at the most common breeds of domestic hamsters.

Djungarian hamster

This species is very well studied. The rodent lives in Western Siberia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

This animal is half the size of a golden hamster. An adult reaches an average length of 10 cm. Outwardly, it is a very cute animal with a pointed muzzle and small ears. The back is brownish-gray with dark sides. The abdomen is light. A thin black stripe runs along the ridge. The ears are black and the paws are white. It becomes lighter in winter, especially if you live in a cool place.

Rodents are most active in the evening and at night. The main food is plants, insects and seeds.

Djungarian hamsters do not hibernate. From March to September, the female gives birth to cubs several times (from five to twelve).

The offspring mature quickly and begin to reproduce very early, at the age of about four months. The animals live well in captivity and are quickly tamed.

Siberian hamster

Lives in Tuva. This animal is very similar to Djungarian hamster, but lighter. In winter it becomes almost white. It digs good holes, with several entrances.

Roborovsky's hamster

Lives in deserts. It feeds on cereals, seeds, and insects. The Roborovsky hamster is small in size, and the tail is also small. The paws and belly are white, the back is pinkish-fawn, and the ears are black with a white edge.

During the year, the female brings offspring several times, with six to seven babies in the litter.

Pregnancy lasts on average 20 days, puberty occurs at three weeks of age. The cubs open their eyes on the 13th day, and fur appears on the 7th day.

Syrian (golden) hamster

The rodent has a gentle disposition and is half the size of a rat. Its existence was first learned in 1839, but after a while this breed was considered extinct. In 1930, during an expedition to Syria, colonies of these rodents were spotted.

Such hamsters can reproduce already at one and a half months of age; the duration of pregnancy is about two weeks. At the age of twenty days, babies are already able to lead an independent life.

These rodents are best suited for keeping at home.

The hamster's body length is approximately 8 cm. The color is reddish-cinnamon or ocher-brown. By the way, it is not uncommon to have a black or white hamster. The breed of rodents is very unusual; there are even more original colors, such as butterfly (spotted) or fawn (apricot).

The wool is soft and thick. There are golden hamsters with both short and long fur.

Field hamsters

Now let's look at other breeds of hamsters that belong to the genus Reithodontomus. Externally, these rodents are very similar to house mice. There are sixteen known species of field hamsters that live in Colombia, Canada and Ecuador. We are interested in the most common breeds of hamsters of this genus.

White-footed hamsters

Such rodents reach a length of 17 cm, and their body weight ranges from 20 to 60 g. The color varies, but the paws and abdominal side are always white.

In forest conditions they feed on seeds, fruits, berries and mushrooms.

White-footed hamsters have permanent pairs; the male does not abandon the young female even after the cubs are born. The duration of pregnancy is about four weeks. Independent kids become at one month of age. When are hamsters considered sexually mature? At the age of three months. They live for about two to three years in natural conditions, in captivity they live up to six.

They breed all year round, the female brings five babies in each litter.

Taylor's dwarf hamster

A very small species, the rodent’s body length does not exceed 8 cm, and its weight is 8 g. The color is usually gray-cinnamon. The animal is widespread in Texas, Arizona, Central America and the island of Aruba. These creatures are usually active at night and feed mainly on vegetation. They reproduce throughout the year, but with varying intensity. As a rule, there are three cubs in a litter. In a year, a female can bear offspring ten to twelve times.

A newborn hamster weighs about one gram. During feeding, the male and female live in the same place and care for the babies together. This behavior is not typical for mouse-like rodents. At twenty days of age, hamsters leave their parental “house”. At 2.5 months they can already reproduce.

Altiplano hamsters

Rodents live on the plains of the Andes. Body length ranges from 8 to 17 cm. The fur is thick, soft, brownish-yellow tones. As a rule, they are active at night. They feed mainly on insects, although plant foods are also present in their diet.


Due to the fact that this article presents breeds of hamsters with photographs, you can examine the species you like in detail. You can even keep some representatives at home.

A hamster is a mammal that belongs to the subclass animals, infraclass placentals, superorder Euarchontoglires, grand order rodents, order rodents, suborder mouse-like, family hamsters (Cricetidae).

The origin of the Russian word “hamster” is not fully determined, although, according to historians, one should lean towards the Old Slavic roots of the word “khomistor”. English designation Hamster "hamster" comes from the German word "hamstern", which means "to store".

Hamster - description, structure, characteristics. What does a hamster look like?

A hamster is a small or medium-sized rodent with a fairly dense build, 4 short legs with sharp claws, a small rounded head with a slightly pointed muzzle, small or rather large (like field hamsters) ears, long mustaches, dark beady eyes and a tail from 4 mm to 23-24 cm in length (like hymenoplasty or forest hamsters). The hamster's tail can be either almost naked (for example, in rat-like hamsters) or fluffy (for example, in the Neotoma cinerea hamster).

Taken from the site:

Many hamsters appearance resemble or, some are similar to or dormouse (dormouse, hamster neotoma cinerea).

By the way, dormouse hamsters have large black eyes, which give the muzzle an expression of surprise, and there are rings of darker fur around the eyes.

Depending on the species, the body length of a hamster can vary from 4-5 cm (Roborovsky hamster) to 34 cm (common hamster). The weight of a hamster also depends on the variety and varies from 7 g (for dwarf hamsters) to 700 g or more (for an ordinary hamster). Sexual dimorphism in these animals is practically not expressed, although in some species the females are slightly larger than the males. The hamster's vision is rather weak, but its hearing and sense of smell are perfectly developed. The animals communicate using ultrasounds and squeaks, which are distinguishable by the human ear.

The hamster has 16 teeth, four of which are the front incisors, located in pairs above and below, and 12 molars. A hamster's teeth grow throughout his life, so the rodent must grind them down. Surprisingly, the animal’s teeth are covered with strong enamel only in front, and on the back there is practically no enamel layer.

Taken from:

The hamster's fur is generally soft, but some varieties (such as rice hamsters) may have coarse hairs, and cottonmouth hamsters have very coarse, almost bristly hair on the back. The color of the rather thick fur of a mammal can be very diverse. The color of hamsters living in wildlife, varies from brown-gray, ash, brown and almost black to red-ocher and golden. The hamster's fur on its abdomen and legs can be white, cream, black, grayish or yellowish. U individual species, for example, in the Djungarian hamster, a clear gray or black stripe runs along the back. In some species (for example, field hamsters), the tail can be two-colored: dark on top and white below. The soles of the animals' hind legs can also be covered with thick fur, as, for example, in hairy-footed hamsters of the genus Phodopus. By the way, Djungarian hamsters belong to this genus.

A distinctive feature of many hamsters (except for the South African Mystromys albicaudatus and some others) are cheek pouches - unusual muscle cavities that are located on the sides of the head, passing into the neck and shoulder area. The cheek pouches of hamsters serve as a kind of storage room where the animals temporarily store their food in order to later eat it in a secluded place or hide it for storage. In these bags, animals can carry up to 50 g of their favorite treats at a time. In some species of hamsters, the inner surface of the pouches has glands that produce a secretion that has a strong odor. It helps adults normalize the digestive process and strengthen the immune system, and in baby hamsters it helps proper growth and development. There are suggestions that this odorous substance gives animals the ability to smell food that was previously hidden in a secluded place. By the way, some hamsters swim and dive well, taking air into their cheek pouches. For example, rabbit and webbed hamsters even have swimming membranes between the toes of their hind legs.

Where do hamsters live in the wild?

Natural habitat various types hamsters includes the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, North, South and Central America, Mexico and Galapagos Islands, Asia Minor and South, Africa, Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam and China, Iran and Syria, Russia and Kazakhstan, Romania and Bulgaria, Turkey, Lebanon, Georgia, Armenia, Alaska, Canada, USA and Israel.

Representatives of the cottonmouth family live in South America, from the Tierra del Fuego archipelago to Mexico. In the United States of America, they live north of the states of Nebraska and New Jersey, and are found in the Galapagos Islands.

Neotome hamsters live in North America, found from Alaska to the northern regions of Canada and Panama, often settling on agricultural lands and near human habitation.

Climbing hamsters are typical inhabitants of Central American countries.

Animals from the hamster family live in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, northern China, Korea, Siberia, Mongolia, Asia Minor, Syria and Iran.

Rodents are unpretentious to environmental conditions: they thrive in forest-steppe, steppe regions, semi-deserts and arid desert landscapes, live in fields, gardens, meadows and mountainous areas. Altiplano hamsters can be found in the mountains at an altitude of 4.6 km above sea level, while Pune hamsters thrive at altitudes up to 5.2 km.

Hamsters lifestyle

Hamsters are solitary animals: the male and female come together to spend time together only during mating season. The rest of the time, hamsters prefer to live separately, protecting their home from attacks by other individuals. Although there are species whose individuals live in pairs and even small groups, for example, Campbell's hamsters.

Some hamsters dig long (up to 2.5-4 m) holes with complex and intricate labyrinths of passages, among which they necessarily equip themselves a nest and a pantry, where they sometimes accumulate up to 70-90 kg of food reserves, including not only grains, but also potatoes, carrots, corn and other products. Some types of hamsters, for example, rice hamsters, can make their home not only in burrows, but also on the surface of the earth: they build their nests in the branches of bushes, in foliage, under fallen trees and in their roots, between stones. The nest of rice hamsters has the shape of a ball, lined with fluff, animal hair or dry blades of grass. Some hamsters may not dig holes at all: they prefer to occupy the holes of other animals, expelling them from their homes, and sometimes killing and even eating their owners. Golden hamsters build spherical nests from dry grass, attaching them to tree branches at a height of four to five meters and lining them with down, bird feathers or the hair of forest animals. Hymen-toed hamsters make a home with a diameter of up to 40 cm in reed thickets or above water, constructing it by intertwining plant stems. A disturbed animal tries to instantly hide in the water.

Hamsters are mainly active in the early morning or at dusk, preferring to hide and sleep in a hole during the day. Some species are exclusively nocturnal. Hamsters living in countries with warm climates are active almost all year round. In regions with cold winters, they survive frosts, falling into a prolonged torpor, but this process cannot be called full hibernation, since periodically hamsters wake up for a hearty snack.

What do hamsters eat?

Hamsters are omnivores, although the bulk of their diet consists of plant foods. Hamsters feed on grains and plant seeds, young shoots of bushes and bamboo, vegetables, fruits and root vegetables. The diet of rodents also includes oats, peas, lentils and millet, rice, buckwheat, oily cotton seeds, soybeans, alfalfa and lupine seeds, beets, pumpkin plants, dandelions, plantain and other greens. To replenish protein in the body, a hamster can feast on earthworms and the larvae of various insects. Cases have been recorded where hamsters ate mice and did not even disdain carrion.

Dormouse hamsters love to eat figs and avocados, and will also not refuse to eat. But rice hamsters are lovers of fish, which of course they cannot catch themselves, but they will not miss the opportunity to taste a fish meal left over from other animals. Scorpion hamsters bravely attack small scorpions, eating them as food, although such prey is not their main prey. Neotome hamsters eagerly eat various rhizomes, bulbous plants, seeds, leaves, and know how to get by for a long time without water, the absence of which is easily compensated for by gnawing on fleshy cacti. Webbed hamsters eat shellfish, crayfish, and crabs. The mouse-like hamster Calomyscus bailwardi loves pistachios.

How long does a hamster live?

In their natural habitat, the lifespan of hamsters varies from 1 year to 3, less often 4 years; in captivity, these rodents live for two to four years, and some species live for 5-6 years.

Enemies of hamsters in nature

In the wild, hamsters have quite a few enemies. They are hunted by kites and buzzards, wild dogs, weasels and. A gray heron or a kestrel will not miss the opportunity to feast on a hamster.

Types of hamsters, photos and names

In the hamster family there are several subfamilies, which include different types hamsters:

  • Subfamily Hamsters (Cricetinae);
  • Subfamily Neotominae hamsters (Neotominae);
  • Subfamily Cotton hamsters (Sigmodontinae);
  • Subfamily Climbing hamsters (Tylomyinae).

Below is short description some types of hamsters.

  • Djungarian hamster ( Phodopus sungorus)

The body length does not exceed 10 cm, the weight of the hamster varies from 35 to 65 g. Rodents of this species have a short, almost invisible tail, the feet of the limbs are covered with hairs. Fur of a brown or yellowish-gray hue may have numerous inclusions of white; a strip of dark gray or black runs along the back. In the wild, the Djungarian hamster lives for two to three years; in favorable conditions, life expectancy can reach 4 years. The natural habitat of the Djungarian hamster is the south of Western Siberia, Dzungarian Alatau and Khakassia. This type of hamster is often kept at home.

  • Syrian hamster, aka Central Asian hamster ( Mesocricetus auratus)

A medium-sized animal with a body length of 13.5-18 cm, weight about 100-130 grams. The tail of the Syrian hamster is short - up to 1.5 cm. The color of the soft, velvety fur of wild individuals is golden or brownish on the back, white on the belly. Today, short-haired and long-haired (Angora) Syrian hamsters have been bred by selective breeding. Their coloring is much more varied: from completely white and black individuals to peach-colored hamsters and spotted variations. In their natural environment, Syrian hamsters live in Syria and possibly Turkey. The species is very popular among those who like to keep hamsters at home. With good care Syrian hamster lives three to four years. Listed in the Red Book.

  • Common hamster or field hamster ( Cricetus cricetus)

Very major representative family: the length of adult individuals often reaches 27-35 cm, the hamster’s tail is wide at the base and thin towards the end, covered with hard hairs and can have a length of 3.5 to 8 cm. The weight of an ordinary hamster sometimes exceeds 0.5-0.7 kg . The color of the fur is quite bright: the back is brown-red, the belly is a contrasting black color. On the sides there are a pair of large spots of light color, separated by a strip of dark fur. There are similar light spots behind the ears, on the sides of the head, and sometimes on the shoulder blades. Quite often there are completely black hamsters (melanists) or black individuals with white spots in the throat and paws. The common hamster lives in Eurasia from Belgium to Altai and Northern Xinjiang. In Russia, the northern border of the range starts from Smolensk north of Rzhev and goes to Yaroslavl, Kirov and Perm. In the north Perm region reaches 59°40′ N. sh., in the Trans-Ural region passes through Yekaterinburg, crosses the Irtysh and Ob, from where it goes to Krasnoyarsk. The eastern border of its habitat is formed by the Minusinsk steppe, into which the common hamster recently penetrated. The southern border of the range runs along the coast of the Azov and Black Seas, covering the western part of the Ciscaucasia, bends around the desert and semi-desert zone of the eastern Caspian region and the Volga-Ural interfluve from the north, then crosses the Volga in the Astrakhan region. Further, the range goes to Kazakhstan, where it goes to the lower reaches of the Sarysu River, capturing northern part Betpak-Daly, the central and north-eastern parts of the Kazakh small hills, the valleys of the Ili and Karatal rivers, the foothills of the northern and eastern Tien Shan, the Alakol and Zaisan basins, then along the border of western Altai it reaches the right bank of the Yenisei. In the wild, the field hamster lives up to four years, in captivity - up to six years.

  • Campbell's Hamster ( Phodopus campbelli)

It lives in Mongolia, Kazakhstan and the northern part of China, and also lives in Russia in Transbaikalia, Tuva and Buryatia. The size of hamsters reaches 7.6-10.5 cm, the tail length is from 4 mm to 1.4 cm, the weight is approximately 25 g. Wild hamsters have a dark gray coat color with a brownish tint, the fur on the stomach is gray at the base of the hair and slightly whitish towards the tip. A dark stripe runs along the back, the soles of the paws are covered with white hairs. Domestic hamsters of this species can have a variety of colors.

  • Roborovsky's hamster ( Phodopus roborovskii)

One of the smallest species in size: the body length of an adult hamster is 4-5 centimeters, the hamster weighs about 30 grams. The head and back are colored sandy-golden, the belly is white, and there are light-colored spots above the eyes. Roborovsky's hamster is widespread in Mongolia and the neighboring regions of China, and also lives in Russia. The lifespan of hamsters of this species reaches 2-3 years.

  • Grey hamster (Cricetulus migratorius)

Body length is from 9.5 to 13 cm, tail length is 2-3.5 cm. The back is gray, the belly and tail are light in color. The species lives in Eastern Europe, Russia, Israel, Mongolia, China, Northern India, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Jordan. Gray hamsters live 2-3 years.

  • Newton's hamster ( Mesocricetus newtoni)

It lives in Bulgaria and Romania, choosing fields, vineyards, meadows, fields with cereals and rocky slopes overgrown with bushes as places of residence. Body length is 14-17 cm, tail - 1.8-2.6 cm. The color of the fur is grayish-brown on the back, along which there is a black stripe. The fur on the chest and throat is black, the belly is yellow-gray.

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  • Hamster Radde, or Cis-Caucasian hamster ( Mesocricetus raddei)

A rodent with a body length of 25-28 cm, a tail 1.4 cm long. The back is colored brown, the belly is dark gray, less often – black. There are light-colored spots in the cheek area and behind the ears. This species of hamster lives in the Ciscaucasia, Northern Caucasus, Georgia and Russia.

Reproduction of hamsters

Hamsters are very fertile animals and reach sexual maturity early. Already at the age of 4-6 weeks they are capable of reproducing offspring. Pregnancy of hamsters, depending on the species, lasts from 16 to 37 days, and a litter can contain from 1 to 12-15, sometimes up to 18 cubs weighing from 1 to 5 grams. A female hamster can be pregnant almost all year round and produce up to 8-10 litters within 12 months (depending on the type of animal). Domestic hamsters are not allowed to mate until they reach four months of age: this allows males and females to achieve normal development and prevent the birth of sick or defective hamsters. Moreover, the first mating of a female should be no later than her one-year-old age.

Hamster babies are born tiny, completely hairless and blind. The eyes open at the age of 12-14 days. For the first two weeks, it is strictly forbidden to pick up the hamsters: the mother hamster may stop feeding the cubs if she smells foreign odors. The female hamster feeds the cubs with milk for 14-25 days, after which the babies begin to supplement their diet with regular food.

At the age of a month, domestic hamsters must be placed in different cages, taking into account their gender, because even at such a young age, rodents are already capable of mating.

The smaller the ornamental animals are, the more affection they evoke in people, especially girls and women. This reaction is usually directed at tamed animals. One of these small creatures is the hamster. There are a great variety of them in nature. You can distinguish furry ones by breed and size. Some descriptions of the variety will be presented later in the article.


Features of different types of hamsters

Domesticating animals is a rather labor-intensive process and can take thousands of years. Many famous breeds of hamsters have already taken root well in homes, they have become decorative, but there are also those types of hamsters that still live in the wild. Color, size and habitat can tell a lot about an animal, so if you look closely, you can find out what breed it is and where it comes from.

There are forty plus various options Colors and about five types of patterns were developed by people from the little “cheeky ones.” Breeders have worked hard to produce a variety of colors, patterns, coat types and sizes of this beautiful creature. Next, we will talk about some species that can already be considered domestic, but also live in the wild. It is still useful to know what types of hamsters your animals represent.

Common hamster

There are more than two hundred and forty species of rodents, but the most a prominent representative species is the common hamster. He is handsome and looks like a dandy. They are sometimes as big as a good rat. It reaches thirty centimeters in length. The coat is bright, with a red back and black belly, white spots on the sides and chest, the nose and paws are also light. Their gaze of black eyes will not hide from anyone. This is a hamster with large cheeks, where a lot of food can be stored. Sometimes the coat color is different, for example, black, and it may seem that the animal looks different.

The tail can be up to five centimeters long. Their ears are round in shape and covered with fine gray hair. The rodent's body weight is almost half a kilogram, which means good food. Farmers are not very happy about this, since the “cheeky ones” pretty much mow down grain crops and roots. They eat buds from trees and shrubs, seeds, roots, greens, insects, and sometimes they can feast on living creatures.

The common hamster has ten subspecies, but it is almost impossible to confuse it with other relatives. Because of their size, these animals rarely end up in human homes as pets.


The most striking representative of the hairy-legged domestic hamsters is the Djungarian. This animal has furry legs and a short tail, which is almost invisible. There is a gray and black distinctive stripe on the back. Interesting fact that hairy-footed hamsters change the color of their fur depending on the time of year, from gray to white. This is a kind of protective camouflage. In captivity, this occurs infrequently, but is still observed.

Hairy-footed hamsters have a body no more than nine centimeters long and weigh about forty grams, which makes them nimble and very mobile. The cage for such “activists” should be chosen with the utmost seriousness. The gray hamster does not live very long. On average, up to three years, but there are cases of truly long-livers, as for this breed of hamsters.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that the animals are predisposed to diabetes, so their diet needs to be monitored. Do not indulge your pets with goodies, this can shorten their life. And yet they are almost the most popular and popular pets in the house.

There are also two more subspecies of these animals: Roborovsky and Campbell's hamster. They all stand within the same species chain, so the differences between them are small. You can identify a Roborovsky hamster by its coat color - sandy-white with gray tints and a light tummy. Baby Campbell is a deep gray-brown color with a pronounced stripe on the back. Plus, unlike the Djungarian, hamsters of this breed do not change the color of their coat.

All hairy hamsters give birth to five to nine young at a time, and can breed two or three times a year. Fertility depends on living conditions. If these creatures live in your home, be careful, because there will come a time when the cubs will have nowhere to go.

Djungarians are friendlier and willing to make contact with people, while Campbell's hamsters like to be alone.


In nature, hamsters are born whose coat color is almost completely camouflaged and it is difficult to recognize whether they belong to one species or another - albino. They are found in every species and subspecies of rodents. A gray hamster, for example, may be born white without the necessary pigment. If in nature this is regarded as a genetic error, then at home they are bred on purpose, believing that they are white - the color of the aristocracy.

Some of the representatives get their light color due to the presence of only white pigments. They are born with red or pink eyes and this is their personal genetic trait. An albino in nature is easily visible to predators, which is not an advantage. White color The fur of these animals has become purely decorative and is valued quite dearly among people.

As a rule, an albino has fragile health. Genetic experiments can determine the color of the offspring, breeding new colors, including white. The presence of colors and sizes unusual for breeds is the work of geneticists, just like albino.

As the nature of the colors changes, the character of the animals may also change. An albino may be aggressive, but will not be fussy in its maintenance, just like representatives of its species. They can be born larger than their relatives and have a specific smell.

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Determining the breed of hamster

How to find out the breed of a hamster? There are a huge number of such rodents in nature, and in order to accurately determine which species it belongs to, you need to be aware of the characteristics of all breeds or contact a specialist. You may not be able to find one who knows such things, so we will tell you how to determine the breed of a hamster below. You can also sketch out a plan that will help you figure out, step by step, what species the small creature belongs to.

  1. Take a close look at his body and tail. You can even measure it.
  2. Consider the shape of the ears and eyes.
  3. Look at your pet's coat color (if he is not an albino). Each species has a specific color. An albino will stand out immediately, but what species it will belong to will still have to be determined by other characteristics.
  4. Perhaps your pet will have some distinctive features, which also don’t forget about.
  5. If you are not completely sure of the answer, just watch your pet for a while. They can also be distinguished by their behavior.

If you haven’t figured out how to determine the breed of a hamster or who your baby is, don’t be too upset, because there is no big difference in maintenance and care between categories. In any case, you purchased the animal that you liked initially, and this is the most important thing, be it a gray Djungarian or Syrian hamster.

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Video “Hamster Breeds”

This video will be useful to anyone who wants to buy a rodent, but does not know what breeds of hamsters there are.

Have you decided to have a little one in your home? pet, and your choice fell on a hamster? But what breed of these little rodents should you choose?

Today we will look at the characteristics of some breeds of hamsters, the history of the origin of these breeds, and also give you recommendations and advice on how to care for representatives of such “hamster” families...

Syrian hamster - a confusing story

The first written evidence of what a Syrian hamster looks like was recorded back in 1840. And this is what was discussed in this testimony -

This type of hamster is smaller in size than ordinary hamsters, and its fur is golden yellow in color. The coat itself is moderately long and very soft, with a silky gloss. The deep yellow color spreads from the upper part of the rodent's body, covering the head area, body, and outer surface limbs. In all other parts of the rodent's body, the fur is brown or even lead-colored at its base. Hind legs and the hamster's tail is white. The ears are medium in size and have long light hairs on the outside. The mustache is of different types, with black and white mustaches...

A little later, these hamsters were again smuggled into England, from where they gradually again spread throughout Europe. True, now they live like pets, easy to care for and interesting to watch. Nothing is known about what happened to the 5 fugitives who escaped from the laboratory.

Of all the hamster breeds, this breed is distinguished by its large size. So, for example, the body length of a male of this breed can reach as much as 34 centimeters. These hamsters also have a long tail - which is 4 centimeters long and looks like a rat's tail. The muzzle of such hamsters is very similar to the muzzle of an ordinary rodent, only ears small and covered with thin and dark hairs. The paws of representatives of this breed are short with well-developed claws, which this hamster always keeps fully armed in order to take revenge on the offender or stand up for himself. The coat is thick and soft, but the color is quite contrasting - the upper body of the common hamster is covered with reddish-brown hair, and the abdomen is covered with dark, black or brown hair. Although there are cases where representatives of this breed were completely black in color, or had characteristic white spots in the paws and throat.

This breed of hamsters has as many as 10 subspecies, however, there are enough of them in mind large sizes They are rarely kept as pets.

As for the issues of caring for an ordinary hamster, this is a completely standard set of recommendations and tips that can be applied to any rodent.