Cat observation. Ecological lesson: "Observation of a living object (cat with kittens) (middle group)" Observation of the behavior of a cat


Observation on a walk of a living object (cat) in the middle - senior group

Tasks: continue to acquaint children with pets, their behavior, appearance, body structure, mode of movement; learn to admire their beauty, dexterity, flexibility; share impressions from communication with nature; develop colloquial speech; develop an interest in animals.

Stroke: The teacher draws the attention of the children to two cats in the adjacent white and black area. Guys look at cats, consider their appearance, body structure, way of movement. Guys, who knows where cats live (children's answers). That's right, cat guys live next to a person. Like another common word name the animals that live next to a person (children's answers). Correctly, the guys call such animals pets. Guys, who among you knows why such animals are called pets (children's answers). That's right, guys, because they live next to a person and a person takes care of them. Guys, the cat has relatives from wild animals, these are tigers, leopards, lions, cheetahs.

Signs: the cat clings to the battery - to the cold; the cat is basking in the sun - to good weather.

Sayings and proverbs: the cat knows whose meat it has eaten; not all cat carnival, will be great post; on a mouse and a cat beast; the cat sleeps and sees the mice.

A poem about a cat.


When the cold comes

Terribly fond of a cat.

She lies with her eyes closed

Meows, yawns,

And the flame is bright in the furnace

She sings softly.

And I'm on an old mattress

Lie down, tired a little,

I read a book and look

On the flame and on the cat.

Walter de la Mer (translated by V. Lunin)


1. The door quietly opened,

And the mustachioed beast entered.

Sat by the stove, squinting sweetly,

And washed with a soft paw.

2. Furry,


Milk drinks,

sings songs,

Soft Paws,

And scratches in the paws.

3. He arched his back in an arc,

Meowed. Who it?

Stretched sweetly -

That's the whole mystery.

Didactic game "Who has who?" The teacher names the animal, and the children call the cubs of this animal.

mobile game "The Birds and the Cat"- repeat 5 times. Target: learn to move on a signal, develop speed, agility.

Didactic game "What can the animals do?"

mobile game "Greedy Cat"- repeat 5 times.

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Summary of the lesson "Observing the cat" the second younger group. Summary of the lesson "Observing the cat" second junior group. Program tasks: To determine the level of knowledge of children about the appearance of a cat.

Of all the domesticated animals, the cat has remained the freest, independent and independent. When conducting a study, special tests developed by cat breeders, psychologists and just experienced cat owners will help us to understand the character of our cat Nala, her temperament and intelligence.

Determining the intelligence level of Nala's cat using tests

Test 1. "The study of cat curiosity"

Target: find out how much, cat Nala is a curious creature.

Equipment: large paper bag, cat's food « dry”, cat Nala.


1. Put a large, open package on the floor.
2. We made sure that the cat saw the package.
3. We monitored the cat and wrote it down with my mother in a diary.
4. Scored on a scale and recorded in table No. 1.

Scoring scale:

A. The cat approaches the bag with curiosity - 1 point

B. Any part of the body touches the bag (nose, mustache, paw, etc.) - 1 point.

B. The cat looks into the bag - 2 points.

D. She enters the package, then immediately leaves - 3 points.

D. The cat enters the bag and stays there for at least 10 seconds - 3 points.

Test No. 2. "Meeting" of Nala with a mirror "twin"

Target A: people's lives are very common twins. So we thought what the cat would do when he saw his " twin»

Equipment: mirror size 60 - 120 cm, cat.


1. Lean a mirror against the wall.
2. Put the cat in front of the mirror.
3. Conducted observation of the behavior of the cat. 4. Scored on a scale and recorded in table No. 1.

Scoring scale:

A. The cat approaches the mirror - 2 points.

B. Notices his reflection in the mirror - 2 points.

B. Hits the mirror with his paw, plays with his own reflection - 3 points.

Test number 3.« Catch me»

Target: explore behavior domestic cat.

Equipment: a rope about 1 meter long, a pillow, a cat's favorite toy, Nala the cat.


1. We took a pillow and a rope. The cat's favorite toy was attached to the rope.
2. Put a pillow in front of the cat.
3. Slowly stretch the rope under the pillow so that it gradually disappears from one side of the pillow and appears on the other.
4. Conducted observation of the behavior of the cat.
5. Scored on a scale and recorded in table No. 1.

Scoring scale:

A. The cat follows the movement of the rope with its eyes - 1 point.

B. Paw touches the rope - 1 point.

B. Looks at the place of the pillow where the rope disappeared - 2 points.

D. Tries to catch the end of the rope under the pillow with his paw - 2 points.

D. Raises the pillow with his paw to see if there is a rope - 2 points.

E. Looks at the pillow from the side where the rope will appear or has already appeared - 3 points.

Table 1. " Determining the intelligence level of Nala's cat using tests»

Part 2. "Determining the level of intelligence based on the habits of a cat"

If you answer “rarely or never”, your cat gets 1 point, “usually yes” - 3 points, “very often” - 5 points.

  1. Does your cat feel your mood changes throughout the day?
  2. The cat performs at least two verbal commands, for example, " Shout!», « It is forbidden!»?
  3. Does the cat recognize the expression on the owner's face, for example, a smile, an expression of pain or fear?
  4. Has the cat developed its own language to express its feelings and desires, for example, purring, squeaking, purring, screaming?
  5. The cat has a certain order of washing, for example, first washes its muzzle with its paw, then licks its back and hind legs?
  6. Does the cat associate certain events with feelings of joy or pain, such as a car ride, a visit to the vet?
  7. The cat has long» Memory: Do you remember places you've been to before, favorite foods?
  8. Does the cat tolerate the presence of other animals, even if they come closer than 1 meter to her?
  9. Does the cat have a sense of time, for example, does she know the time for feeding, brushing, etc.?
  10. The cat uses the same paw to wash certain areas of the muzzle

Table 2. " Determining the level of intelligence of a cat using questions»

Part 3. "Determining the level of intelligence of a cat based on observations of the animal"

  1. The cat is well oriented in the apartment: it runs to the windows and doors, if something interesting happens behind them - 5 points.
  2. The cat releases objects from its paw in accordance with its desire, but does not drop the object by accident - 5 points.

Table 3.« Determination of the level of intelligence of a cat based on observations of the animal»

Part 4. "Evaluation of results"

The total number of points on the scale was calculated and recorded in table No. 4.

Scoring scale:

  • 141 or more points - your cat is brilliant.
  • 131 - 140 points - your cat is talented and very smart.
  • 121 - 130 points - your cat is very smart.
  • 111 - 120 points - your cat's mental abilities are above average.
  • 90 - 110 points - your cat's mental abilities are average.
  • 81 - 89 points - your cat's mental abilities are slightly below average.
  • 71 - 80 points - your cat is stupid.
  • 70 or less points - your cat has a lot of virtues, but the mind is not the main one.

Table 4 Evaluation of Nala's Intelligence Study Results»


1. Calculating the total number of points (82) scored by Nala, we found out that her mental abilities are slightly below average.

2. As a result of observations, it was found that if a cat is surrounded by care, properly cared for, loved, then it can become both a friend and an object of admiration. These are the most beloved and affectionate animals in the house. They are very smart and kind, which is why people love these animals so much.

3. After examining the habits and behavior of our Nala, we made sure that all cats have a certain level of intelligence, which means that our hypothesis was confirmed.

4. After studying information from various sources and conducting experiments, I became an expert in the field of knowledge about cats.

5. Developed the skills of a researcher, learned to work with different sources of information and choose the main thing, learned to observe, analyze and draw a conclusion.

6. Presented the results of his research work to the guys, and they learned a lot of new and interesting things about cats.

In nature, everything is wisely arranged. Each animal is given those properties, abilities and qualities that will help it survive and preserve its offspring.


1. Deborah Gill Mini - Encyclopedia " cats»-« Everything about everything» 2001 - 260s.

2. Nikolai Nepomniachtchi - “ 200 feline "Why?"- 1995 - 361s.

3. Antoine de Saint-Exupery - " The little Prince» - 1943 –102 p.

4. Afonkin S.Yu. - " Cats. school guide» - 2017 – 96 p.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

1. To teach children to recognize a live object "cat with kittens", to respond to
teacher questions.
2. Consolidate children's knowledge about appearance - habits; food of a pet (cat). Exercise in the concept of "big, small", in imitation of voice,
consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes - circle, oval, triangle.
3. To form in children a caring attitude towards the world, to create conditions that allow the child to actively show their attitude to the world.
4. Develop dialogic speech.
5. Cultivate love for animals (cat), care for her, a good attitude, create a joyful mood among the children.

VOCABULARY ACTIVATION: kittens, babies, laps, fluffy, silky, funny, unintelligent, interesting, sharpens claws, rubs.

MATERIAL FOR THE LESSON: a basket, a cat with kittens, milk, a saucer, geometric figures, tape recorder, audio recording, illustrations of various cats.


1 part

The teacher organizes the children with a surprise moment.
Educator: Guys, to find out what kind of surprise awaits us, you need to go along this path. And this path is not easy, on the way we will meet various tasks.
- Do you want to know what kind of surprise awaits us?
Children: Yes, we want to know.
Educator: Then we'll hit the road.

part 2

Riddles about pets are laid out on the path. Children solve riddles and move along the path.

caregiver A: Here we come to the surprise. I'll see what's interesting there (looks into the box). Oh guys! What a surprise! And who, you will find out by listening to this record. (sounds "cat with kittens")
Children: Cat with kittens.
caregiver: That's right, it's a cat with kittens. Let's sit down quietly and before we meet our guest, and her name is Dashenka, will we remember how to watch pets?
Children: Do not make noise, do not scream, do not run, immediately touch everyone together with the hands of the animal.
caregiver Q: Why do you have to behave like this?
Children: Because the animal can run away, get scared, bite, scratch, prick.
caregiver: And so that everyone can see, I will take our cat in my arms. Oh, yes, she is not alone - she has small ....
Children: kittens, children, children.
caregiver: Guys, I picked up Dasha, how does she behave?
Children: She began to worry, to worry about her children?
caregiver: And why did she start to worry about her children?
Children: Because she doesn't know how we will treat her?
caregiver Q: How are we going to treat her? Good or bad?
Children: Good
caregiver A: Good is how?
Children We will stroke her, we will not offend, take her by the tail, throw, play with them.
caregiver: What does Dasha do with kittens?
Children: Protects them, hides them, meows them, licks them.

caregiver: Let's talk about the cat, what is it?
Children: The kitty is large, gray in color, it has a head, ears on the head, eyes, mouth, mustache, torso, tail, 4 paws, scratches on the paws. This is a pet.
caregiver Q: Why is it a pet?
Children: Because she lives next to a person, we take care of her, feed her.
caregiver: Cats must be handled with care, they can scratch. And when does a cat let out its scratches?
Children: When she is offended, when she is angry, if a stranger approaches her, whom the cat does not know.
caregiver: And if we offend her, she will not scratch us. Children, what does Dasha like to eat?
Children: Milk, meat, bones, fish, sausage, sour cream, etc.
caregiver: How does a cat talk? What's her voice like?
Children: Meow - meow - meow, rough voice.
caregiver: How do kittens cry?
Children: Meow - meow - meow, thin, quiet.
The teacher offers to stroke the kittens.
caregiver: What kind of fur do kittens have?
Children: Soft, fluffy, smooth, silky

caregiver: And what kind of kittens?
Children: small, funny, nimble, funny, unintelligent, has a torso, head, etc. they love to play very much, they walk softly, quietly, easily, the color is ashy.
caregiver Q: What do kittens like to eat?
Children: Milk.
caregiver: Let's give mom and kids milk and see how they drink (look). When a cat drinks milk, we say it laps its tongue. Why do we say laps?
Children: Because they can't drink like we do.
caregiver: What other animals lap?
Children: Bear, fox, wolf, dog, etc
caregiver: What is the cat doing? (if he laps, explain to the children that, seeing a good attitude, he is no longer afraid, if he doesn’t lap, say that he is not yet used to being in another place). Let's not disturb the cat, but sing a song to Dasha.

part 3

caregiver: Let's sing the song "Grey Kitty" for our guests (children sing a song and perform movements according to the song)

"Grey kitty"

gray kitty
Sat on the window, (children squat)
Waving tail (show tail with hand)
The kids were waiting.

Where are my kids, (children get up)
gray kittens? (shrugs)
It's time for the boys to sleep. (They put their hands under their heads, as if falling asleep.)

part 4

caregiver: And now let's tell nursery rhymes about a cat (children tell)

Like our cat has a cat
The coat is very good
Like our cat mustache
amazing beauty,
bold eyes,
The teeth are white.

Kitty, kitty,
Soft Paws,
There are scratches on the paws,
Where are you?

Pussy, pussy, scat!
Don't sit on the path
Our baby will go
It will fall through the pussy!

part 5

The teacher's story about cats.

caregiver: The cat sleeps curled up. Wakes up - yawns, arching his back, stretches, sits down and begins to wash. Gets on its hind legs and sharpens its claws on a stick. He approaches the saucer and begins to lap up the milk. He washes himself again, scratches himself, approaches the owner and purrs, rubs his head and begs for a tidbit, plays with a ball, or papers from sweets. Cats are different: white, black, tricolor (show pictures). A man needs a cat, a cat helps a man to catch rodents.

part 6

Construction from geometric shapes.

caregiver: I have a riddle on my desk. It will be necessary to lay out one portrait of the animal for everyone, and we will find out which one. Let's go to the table and consider what geometric shapes are there.
Children: Oval, large circle, two small circles, large triangle, two small triangles.
Children take turns laying out the details (a large circle, two small triangles on top, a large triangle, an oval (on the side), two small circles). CAT.

caregiver: What happened, whose portrait?
Children: Portrait of a cat.
If children find it difficult to show what to start with the largest part - the torso. Compare ears: hare? (no, a hare has long ears), a bear? (round), and these are sharp - cats.

Table of contents

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………….. ..2

Main part

    Who is this cat? ……………………………………………………………………..3

    The appearance of cats in human life…………………………………………………..4

    The life and habits of a cat……………………………………………………………..5

    Observations of cat behavior…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Practical part

a) Observing the behavior of a cat at home…………………………6

b) Experiments ……………………………………………………………………………6

Conclusion. ………………………………………………………………………………6



There are no ordinary cats.

Each cat is a mystery behind seven seals. (tunic)


Our life in the natural world cannot be imagined without animals. Every person likes some kind of animal. I really like cats. I love playing with them and watching them. I have long known that cats are amazing animals. They have a special behavior, I wanted to understand this. It became interesting to me: what does the cat want to say when it describes the "eight" around the owner's legs or when it starts to purr loudly?Relevance my research is that every child wants to have pet but doesn't know how to communicate with him. In my work, I will present the experience that I gained while studying the habits and behavior of a cat.

The practical significance of the work : this work will help to form the ability of children to understand the behavior of cats and to cultivate a good attitude towards pets.

I decided to do some research. My research consisted of: observing the behavior of my house cat, studying literature about cats. I put forwardhypothesis based on the study characteristic features, the language of communication of cats can be learned to understand their desires and needs.

Research objectives:

    Collect and study material about cats.

    Observe the behavior of cats in various conditions.

    Make a dictionary "How to understand cats"

    Organize and summarize the material.

Object of study : domestic cat.

Subject of study: cat behavior

Research methods: questioning, observation, experiment, generalization, systematization.

    Who is this cat?

The word cat itself means either a biological species in general, or a female cat. Cats belong to the cat family (lat.Carnivore) - animals that feed mainly on meat.

Cat (domestic cat, lat.Felissilvestriscatus) is a medium-sized predatory mammal from the cat family.

The ancient original and, apparently, the main ancestor of all breeds and varieties of domestic cats is considered to be the wild North African buckskin, or Libyan, Felis the cat silvestris lybica and spotted steppe Felis silvestris ocreata.

There are 35 species in the world wild cats and over 300 domestic breeds.

    The appearance of cats in human life.

Cats came to people many thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt. They were good with cats. Cats guarded the bins of the ancient Egyptians from mice. Over time, cats began to be deified, in case of fire, cats were rescued first of all. Cats have come a long way from Egypt different countries and finally, in the 12th century, they came to Europe.

Cats appeared in Rus' in the 7th-6th centuries. BC e. It was supposedly brought by merchants and warriors who had extensive connections with the Mediterranean.AT Ancient Rus' the economic qualities of a cat were first appreciated by the clergy. They put it under the protection of church law. Do you know how much the cat cost? In the ancient Russian judicial code of the 16th century. there is a mention that a fine was set for a stolen animal, a cat was equal in price to an ox.

In Russia, a cat has always been considered a sign of home comfort and well-being. When entering the house, the cat must be the first to cross the threshold of the house, otherwise there will be no happiness in it. AND tricolor cat brings happiness and prosperity to the house.

Many of my relatives and friends keep cats at home. I wondered why the choice fell on this animal. I decided to spendpoll: why do you keep a cat in the house and what breed?

I asked this question to my mother, grandmother and friends. And here are the answers I got:

    Granny . We live in a private house and cats are our great helpers. They catch rats and mice. Also, tooshka is a good doctor. If you suddenly get sick, and the pussy is right there. You will settle down next to, or even in a sore spot, you feel how the pain subsides, there is confidence in recovery. We have simple outbreds: a cat and a cat.

    Mother . A cat is a faithful, attentive friend. You will come home tired, often irritated, and a fluffy lump at your feet. Rubs, sings a song, looks into the eyes, asks for hands. Well, how not to take. And, lo and behold, fatigue vanished as if by magic, irritation was gone. Our cat is a purebred

    Anyuta and Vika. The cat catches mice. It is fun to play with her and she is very beautiful. Our cats are outbred named Ryzhik and Nyusha.

I conducted a survey among my classmates.(Appendix 1)

After processing the data, I got the following results:

There are 16 students in the class.

15 people have pets at home and 12 of them have cats or cats, which confirms the fact that most families prefer to have a cat rather than a dog.

All children love their animal very much, spend their free time with it, play and take care of the pet. Most children believe that when they talk to a cat, she understands them, but the guys are not always able to understand and explain the behavior of the animal.

    Life and habits of a cat.

There are many secret and amazing things in the life of cats. Cats have very sensitive hearing. She hears even the slightest rustle that mice make, and is immediately alert. The cat is very clean and often washes. She is constantly licking not so much dirt as ... her own smell. All cats are hunters. They hunt from ambush. If the prey senses danger by smell, you will remain hungry. The cat is very acute vision. The cat's eye has been compared to the reflectors of cars. And indeed - a cat in the semi-darkness can be seen a greenish gleam in the eyes. Cats are able to distinguish colors, but compared to humans, their perception of color is weaker - less contrast and bright. It has been noticed that a cat perceives stationary and nearby objects worse than moving ones. Cats correctly determine the distance to the object, they calmly walk in the dark. Vibris help them in this - long stiff hairs, which we call mustaches. The cat walks silently, retracting its claws and stepping with soft pads, climbs deftly.They say the cat heals. Scientists confirm this fact. Indeed, if you stroke a cat for a long time, it will pass headache, pressure will decrease, nerves will calm down, mood will improve.Cats even treat various diseases. It is calledfelinotherapy . Cats are very picky in food, they distinguish between sour, bitter and salty. This intelligibility is due, first of all, to a good sense of smell and developed taste buds on the tongue. Cats can move fearlessly over ridges, fences, and tree limbs. When falling, they can reflexively assume the position in the air necessary for landing on their paws. The cat is endowed with an amazing memory and powers of observation. She notices everything, remembers everything.

    Cat Behavior Observations

Cats have developed a whole language - scientists have 25 different visual signals that can be used in 16 combinations.

The position of the head, ears, eyes, and vibrissae (whiskers) can tell a lot about a cat's mood and condition.

When the head is stretched forward, the cat is tuned in to contact or trying to understand the mood of another cat or owner. conflict situation a self-confident animal will meet with a raised head, but if it has seriously aggressive intentions, then it will let go of its head. A submissive cat can also lower its head, however, if it is very frightened and is preparing to defend itself, its head will be raised.

Cat's eyes is a great mood indicator. Narrowing or widening of the eyes can indicate interest, anger or fear in the same way as in humans. A calm cat is more likely to squint in satisfaction. In a frightened cat, the pupils are dilated, in an angry cat, self-confident, the pupils can narrow to the limit, turning into a narrow slit.

Poses of a cat can also tell a lot: Ppawing, rubbing against your legs, rolling onto your back and exposing your belly- shows her submissiveness, she compliments you by saying that she loves and trusts you. If the cat's paws are straight and upright, the head is up and the ears are pricked, the cat is happy, curious and confident. Conversely, the forward and hind legs bent indicate that the cat prefers to avoid a fight, but will defend itself if necessary. An arched back usually means that the cat is preparing for a real fight. This stance is accompanied by flattened ears, wide-open eyes and hair on end on the back and tail.

The tail slowly bends down and then rises again - it means that the cat is in a relaxed state, happy with the world around it, if it rises slightly and gently twists, something is of interest.Tail half tucked between legsthat the cat is afraid, she is unhappy or feels threatened. The hair on the tail stood on end, giving it a fluffy look.and stay straight. So the cat is in an aggressive state, better leave her alone, otherwise you may become a victim of an attack!

Here the cat pricked up its ears- this means that your pet is interested in what he hears around him. If the ears are pressed to the head and turned back, then the cat feels threatened and seeks to protect them.

More details about the language of cats in the dictionary "How to Understand a Cat".(Annex 2)

On the Internet, I read thatJapan released the world's first universal computer-translator of the cat language "Myaulingwal". You can read about his work in the appendix.(Annex 3)

    Practical part

Observation of the behavior of the cat Tima at home.

When I started making this research work, began to pay more attention to Tima's behavior. I noticed that he has a kind of ritual that he performs daily. When mom goes to the kitchen in the morning, he will certainly run near her feet with his tail raised by a pipe. Tima stops in front of the refrigerator (his food is there), slightly waves his tail held high and sharply bends his neck down, like a cooing pigeon. With his demanding "meow", he urges his mother to quickly open the refrigerator and get the desired food. And after Tim thanks for the food, poking his legs with his soft nose and "cooing". And this means that he is grateful to his mother for the fact that she feeds him.

Tim, like all cats, sleeps a lot. He has a favorite pose. He can stretch out on the carpet, and on the armchair, and on the sofa. On the windowsill, Tim likes to sleep and look out the window. It is very interesting to watch when he sees, which, with their chirping and restless behavior, awaken the hunting instinct in him. Tim's whole body tenses up, stretches out, leans forward, and the tail goes from side to side.

While studying the behavior of cats, I conducted several experiments.

Experiment 1 Does Tima have the same sharp hearing as they write about it in reference books and the Internet?

a) Mom and I were sitting in a room, the cat was in another. We talked with her, and so I called his name. Tim came running right away.

b) In the kitchen, I accidentally touch the bowl from which Tim eats. He is right here!

Experiment 2 Does Tima see in the dark as well as all cats? We turn off the light. I can't see anything, but he silently walks around the room. Mom puts in a dark corridor cardboard box. I walk and stumble, and Tima calmly bypasses her.

Experiment 3 All cats love to sleep. I figured that once Tim slept 14 hours a day!


Scientists believe that the ability of cats remains one of the greatest mysteries of our century. These unusual creatures have conquered our hearts, becoming the masters of our homes for the most part.

Exploring the behavior and language of communication of cats in literature and the Internet, I compared it with how my cat Tim behaves. Now, having learned about what exactly this or that movement, action, act of a cat or the sounds he utters, I can count on a complete understanding with my pet.

The results of the study confirmed the hypothesis that, based on the study of the characteristic features, the language of communication of cats, one can learn to understand their desires and needs. And for classmates who have a little furry friend, I will introduce you to a short dictionary of “cat” symbols. I hope that he will help them understand their pet, learn about his intentions and feelings.


1. Children's encyclopedia "1000 questions and answers" Publishing house Astrel Harvest, AST, 2005

2. Documentary project Live Theme. "Cat race. All about cats"

3. Domestic cats / comp. Yu. I. Filippov. - M.: Rosagropromizdat, 1991

4. Klinka A. Our cat went crazy: lane with him M.: AST: Astrel, 2005

7. Air Force movie "Mystery Cats"

8. Movieair force « cats- All about Cats»

9. Khomich E.O. What? What for? Why? – Minsk: Harvest, 2010

10. I know the world: Children's Encyclopedia: Animal Behavior. Authors Z.A. Zorina, I.I. Poletaeva; - M .: LLC Astrel Publishing House, 2000

11. Internet resources.

Appendix 1

Poll among classmates and friends.

1. What kind of pet do you have? ________________________

2. How do you feel about your pet?
a) I like it, it's very cute
b) I can't live without it
c) indifferent

3 . Do you like spending time with him?
a) yes

b) no
4. How much time do you spend with him?
a) about an hour
b) all free time
5. How do you communicate with your animal?
a) play/talk
b) take care of him (walk, feed)

6. Do you pay enough attention to him?
a) no
b) yes
c) I don't know.

7. Who in your family loves him the most?
a) mom

b) i

c) dad

d) sister, etc.

8. Who do you think the animal loves the most in the family?
a) me (the respondent)

b) mom
c) dad
d) nobody
9. When you talk to him, do you think he understands you?

a) understand exactly
b) sometimes understands, sometimes not
c) doesn't understand

10. Do you understand what the cat wants to “tell” you?

a) always understand

b) I understand, but not always

c) I don't understand
11. Does he have a soul?
is there
b) don't know

12. What interesting things did you observe in the behavior of your cat?


Appendix 2

Dictionary "How to understand Cats"

Quickly licks nose and lips - in confusion (we would scratch the back of our heads).

Stretches a paw to your face - asks for attention and affection ("well, do you still love me at least a little bit?").

Ears set vertically - curiosity.

Ears flat to the sides - hides, flirts.

Ears back, eyes squint - impatience, please.

Ears tilted back, eyes large - a warning.

Ears pressed to the head - preparation for the attack.

The ears are pressed to the head, the tail makes circles. - irritation.

Beats with a tail - angry or hunted.

Tail pipe - greeting, pleasure.

Frozen tail below - disgust, disappointment.

Wiggles the tip of the tail - interest.

The tip of the tail, lifted vertically, is relaxed - joyful excitement.

Squints his eyes - calmness or drowsiness.

squints - peace and tranquility.

Ears back, eyes squint - impatience, please. (“well, rather, I really want to”).

Ears back, big eyes - a warning ("I will not tolerate").

Ears flat to the sides - hides, flirts ("mind me, you can't see me").

Widely opened pupils - fear.

Stares at you, and when you pay attention to him, he runs off with a cry of "Murrrr" - a challenge to a game of catch-up.

Large eyes and pupils - peering into the darkness, afraid, angry or playing.

Appeared third eyelid - the cat is sick or wants to sleep.

Mustache down - concern, sadness or illness.

Hiding his head in some corner - in the game - "Church, I hid."

Looks around intently and then carefully licks his fur - complete or feigned calmness.

Quickly licks the front paw - worried, indecisive.

Quickly licks nose and lips - in confusion.

Stroking a person with a paw - close affection, tenderness.

Loudly scratching with claws - the desire to attract attention.

arches back - intimidation of the enemy, very strong irritation and readiness for defense.

Flies away from you, pulling his head into his shoulders, on long legs - He knows that he messed up.

cat rolling on the floor - demonstrates its attractiveness.

Lying on his back with a pensive look - ventilate, rest.

- observes, relaxed, waiting.

Dancing, lifting his front paws off the ground and putting them back - greeting someone beloved and long-awaited.

Turns back to owner and lifts tail - a sign of trust and respect.

Tramples with paws - loves you very much, wants to give you pleasure.

Head rubbing against a person - love, devotion, sincerity, thirst for affection.Looked around and carefully licked - complete or feigned (during the game or hunting) calmness ("I'm just washing my face here")

Sitting with legs crossed, tail turned - observes, relaxes, waits

Sound Dictionary

Purr - calmness.
Displeased purr - painful sensation.
Rumbling - discontent.
Meow - a greeting, and sometimes a request.
Intermittent meow, similar to squealing - response to human appeal.
Howling - anger.
short cry - fright.
A muffled purr ending in a displeased purr - patience has run out.
Hiss - readiness for defense, warning about it.
Restrained purring of a nursing cat - a warning to kittens about the possible danger.
The same, ending with a raised tone - a warning to a person or other creatures not to approach kittens.

Annex 3


This device analyzes and distinguishes between the meows and purrs of 14 breeds of domestic cats. This machine then converts the cat sounds into one of the 200 Japanese phrases in the database, which immediately appear on the display. When compiling a dictionary for this device, samples of the meowing of Siberian and American Shorthair cats were used. Meowlingwal can recognize a cat's mood and states such as pleasure, annoyance, or indifference. In addition to all this, there is a "cat language dictionary", which includes about 3,000 words.

A few examples of "cat statements" and their translation.

cat says



feed me


caress me


I love you

mioo oo oo

I'm in love and I should have a date, let me go


I was about to make some noise

rrow mauuu

please clean my toilet

miao miao

play with me

myow myow

since no one is playing with me, I'll go get your attention


take care of personal hygiene

rouu mauu rouu

I'm so glad you're back home with a bunch of cool packages


it's time to relax, for example on your pillow

yeeee yeeee

look! fly on the ceiling!


it would be nice to curl up


why did you take my rug away from me. where I'm so comfortable

miow! miow!

help me!


oh, little bird, come here!


I found someone very interesting


how nice it is to soak up the sun

Target : reinforce the presentation in children of the characteristic features of a cat.

Observation progress.

soft paws,

And in the paws - tsap-scratches.

Draw the attention of children to the alert ears of a cat - it can catch any rustle. At the cat big eyes that can see well in the dark. She feels - cold or hot food. The cat has soft pads on its paws. She can quietly, not audibly sneak up. Show the children how a cat climbs a fence, releasing its claws on a tree.

The door quietly opened

And the mustachioed beast entered.

Sat by the stove, squinting sweetly,

And washed with a gray paw.

Beware mouse kind

The cat went hunting.

Labor activity :


Mobile game: "Father Frost".

Portable material according to the season.


Snowstorm observation.

Target - to give an idea of ​​the movement of snow in windy weather.

I walk in the field

I fly free

I twist, I grumble,

I don't want to know anyone.

I run along the snow

I'm making snowdrifts. (Blizzard.)

Look closely, what happens to the snow? Snow moves from one place to another and lingers where there is an obstacle, so snowdrifts form. A snowstorm is bad. The roots of trees are exposed - they can freeze, the snow of fields and beds is blown away, impassable snowdrifts appear, you can’t go for a walk.

Who is this, howling, flying without wings

And without a panicle, does it cover its tracks?

Sculpts snowdrifts from snow dough, -

Moving them from place to place. (Blizzard.)

Mobile game: "Happier kids."


Vehicle surveillance

Target: consolidate knowledge about cars, be able to distinguish them for their intended purpose.

Cars rushing madly -

Their tires rustle along the highway.

And in the rushing avalanche

A whisper is heard - shu-shu-shu.

This tire whispers to the tire:

I hurry, hurry, hurry."

Name the cars you see on the road. Why is transport useful? (They will quickly deliver people to any part of the city.) Why is transport harmful? (Signals in the morning, interfere with sleep, emit exhaust gases.)

Which cars make the most noise and pollute the atmosphere the most? (Freight.) What cars are more?

Labor activity : Shoveling snow to build a snow house for the doll.

Target: encourage adults to help.

Mobile game: "Mice lead a round dance."

Portable material according to the season.


Sun watching.

Target: continue acquaintance with natural phenomena; give an idea of ​​the signs of winter.

Progress of observation

December is the coldest month of the year with snowfalls and severe frosts. There is thick ice on the rivers at this time. Branches on trees and shrubs are fragile. The day keeps waning. Invite the children to watch the sun. Mark whether today is a sunny or cloudy day? Does the sun hide behind clouds? How warm is the sun? (The sun is shining, but it does not warm.)

Labor activity : Shoveling snow with shovels.

Target: encourage adults to help.

Mobile game: "Mice lead a round dance."

Portable material according to the season.


Bird tracks in the snow.

Target: to consolidate the ability to recognize bird tracks in the snow.

Who walked the path

And left his mark here?

This is a small bird

And her name is ... (titmouse)

Invite the children to look at the footprints in the snow near the feeder. What do you think, whose traces of animals or birds are these? Why are there bird tracks in the snow? (Under the paws, from the weight of the bird's body, rays of cold snowflakes break.) Offer to determine which birds belong to the tracks in the snow. What do you think you can learn about a bird from its trail? (The size of the bird; how it moved, in what direction; did it stop.)

Labor activity: Feed the birds.

Mobile game: "Santa Claus".

Portable material according to the season.


Watching snowflakes.

Target: To form an idea about the properties of snow; consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall; develop a sense of beauty.


Not washed, but shiny

Not fried, but crispy. (Snow.)

Draw the attention of children to the falling snow: “Look, children, how snowing how quietly he falls to the ground. Where else does he fall? Offer to stretch out your hands, see how snow falls on them. Pay attention to the beauty of snowflakes, to the fact that they are not similar to one another. Offer to find the most beautiful snowflake - large and small. What happens to a snowflake when they get on your hands?