How to make a film projector at home. Do-it-yourself projector from an LCD monitor. Important technical details

Many people are familiar with this product from childhood - a projector through which fairy tales and filmstrips were shown, and adults watched color slides about their vacation. The projector still exists today, but it works on different physical principles and on a different technical basis. The development of microelectronics and computer technology has determined new ways to improve projection equipment. And modern craftsmen have learned to make this miracle of technology with their own hands.


It turns out that an image can be projected from almost any modern source, and, moreover, different ways.

How to make a projector out of your phone

Making a simple video projector based on mobile phone accessible to almost anyone who can work at least a little with their hands.

Let's look at the stages of work in detail. First, let's prepare the tools. We will need: a shoe box, a sharp knife, glue, a magnifying glass, foam scraps.

And now the stages of work:

  1. Place a magnifying glass on the end of the box and outline it.
  2. Cut a hole and attach a magnifying glass to it.




Now we mount the magnifying glass into the hole and secure it with tape or glue. You need to install the phone on a holder inside the box. Select the installation location based on the best image.


Laptop based projector

The simplest version of a homemade projector based on a laptop or tablet is made in exactly the same way as one based on a smartphone. The only fundamental difference is that the size of the source screen is three to four times larger (in area), therefore all the dimensions of the new product are increased. A shoebox will no longer work; you need to take a box of a more substantial size. The inside must be painted with matte black paint. The lens diameter should be approximately 100–120 mm, focal length 20–30 mm.

When making such a projector, all the same steps are repeated as when making a projection device based on a smartphone.

There are also more difficult to manufacture options. They require disassembling the old laptop or tablet to remove the screen. It is necessary to assemble a cooling system for the device, also based on parts from old computing devices. A DIYer must have electronics installation skills. Capturing an image from a fairly large screen is done using optical system, made on the basis of Fresnel lenses.


DIY slide projector at home

Some people kept the slides as a historical artifact. But I want to watch them, but I don’t have a slide projector. You have to do it yourself.

Making the simplest version of a slide projector is very similar to making a smartphone projector. Only instead of a mobile phone, a frame is installed in the box for transporting positive film or frames with slides. And behind the frame you should install a lamp with a power of about 100 W. To protect the structure from overheating, back wall boxes should be mounted with a small computer fan.

There is also a fairly simple option for demonstrating old slides using modern technology, which involves scanning or photographing the positives digital camera in macro mode. The results are downloaded to the tablet and displayed using the phone projector described above.

PHOTO: Leonid Shalman

The nuances of making other models of video projectors with your own hands

Homemade video projectors are used not only for group viewing of films, but also for creating various video shows.

DIY laser projector

A homemade laser projector is created to demonstrate a simple laser show at home. The subject of the action is Lissajous figures projected onto a light wall. The image is obtained after repeated reflection of the laser pointer beam from several rotating mirrors. In this case, the mirrors are installed at an angle of 2-5º to the axis of rotation, and the axes are located at an angle to one another.

The mirrors themselves, 30 mm in diameter, are cut out of an old CD and fixed with glue to the axle of an electric motor from children's toys.


It is enough to prepare two rotating mirrors and install them at an angle of approximately 100º on the board. You need to mount two variable resistors nearby, connect the power supply for the motors and solder the circuit. Mounted on the same board laser pointer, aimed at one of the mirrors.


Resistors adjust the rotation speed of the mirrors.

DIY gobo projector

A gobo projector is a modern lighting technology for displaying advertising. Its advantages over conventional advertising are that it allows you to display a bright, very large image on any surface. The placement location does not require any approval, since the picture can be turned off at any time. The image can be projected onto any wall of suitable dimensions.

A gobo projector is a DIY project, but its components are difficult to make at home. It is possible, in best case scenario, assemble from branded components.




The main parts of a gobo projector are: a metal body, preferably stainless steel; a high-quality projection lens, preferably equipped with a zoom system; automated system setting and switching the displayed slides; light source consuming about 50 W; fan for cooling.

The optical unit of the gobo projector is replaceable, which allows you to work at different distances from the wall and with different sizes Images.

DIY holographic projector

Such a device is created extremely simply.

Illustration Description of action


From the CD box, cut four trapezoids with bases 30 mm, 60 mm and height 35 mm. Glue them together truncated pyramid


Today there is a huge variety of devices for playing video materials: TVs, smartphones, home theaters, etc. But alas, organizing a broadcast for any wide audience is not so easy, since a home theater or projector costs big money, and not everyone can afford such pleasure. Therefore we will consider theoretical aspects and several methods that will allow you to make your own projector.


The principle of transmitting an image from any medium to a vertical surface is based on the laws of optics. When various carriers interact with the light flux, the rays are refracted, the spectrum changes, and is subsequently displayed on the screen.

A homemade projector can be implemented in different ways. In practice, there are several image transmission technologies that are implemented in all kinds of filmoscopes, sliders and projectors. The most popular design solutions are:

where from the light source 2 the flow is directed by the reflector 1 to the slide 4 located in the focusing lens 3. The modified spectrum extends to the optical amplifier 6 and is transmitted to the screen 7.

The figure above shows the principle of operation of a reflective type projector, in which a light source 1 transmits a flux that is reflected by mirrors 2 and falls on an image 3. The modified light flux moves through the lens to a reflector, which transmits the image to the screen.

Today, digital multimedia projectors can easily compete in photo and video quality with the best HD TVs. Therefore, home projectors can be used as a personal cinema for family movie viewing or as a means of displaying visual materials at conferences and lectures. Alas, it is almost impossible to recreate a digital multimedia device with your own hands, since it is necessary to synchronize the operation of mechanical, optical and digital elements. But anyone can implement a classic projector using digital equipment.

Smartphone based

Mobile phones are used not only for long-distance communication, but also for exchanging video data. That is why the idea of ​​making a projector from a pocket gadget arose. Theoretically, the process of obtaining an image consists of converting a graphic signal from the display through an optical lens to any surface. To do this, you need to make a case that completely darkens the surrounding space, and mounting devices for both the lens and the mobile device.

It's quite easy to pick up a magnifying glass or magnifying glass. The main thing is that its overall dimensions are commensurate with the size of the phone screen. You can use the front wall of the case to fix the magnifying glass. To secure the phone vertically, you can use a cardboard box or cardboard ribs in which the mobile phone will not wobble. The easiest way to make a housing is from a cardboard box, since it is easy to cut a hole in it with the required parameters without special equipment.

For work you will need tape, glue, a stationery knife, pencil, ruler and compass.

The process of making a projector from a smartphone is as follows:

  • Choose one of the walls of the box so that the distance from it to the opposite one is greatest. This will provide more wide range to configure display options.
  • Mark the middle on the selected wall, around which cut a hole for a magnifying glass.
    Rice. 4: make a hole for the magnifying glass
  • Attach a magnifying glass to the side of the box. To do this, you can use either tape or good glue; it is important that they do not get into the lumen of the lens, otherwise it may ruin the image from the projector.
    Rice. 5: Attach the magnifying glass
  • Make a holder for your mobile phone; it is important that during installation it does not cover the display and fits inside the box.
    Rice. 6: Make a holder
  • Experiencedly select the most suitable image settings optimal distance from mobile to magnifying glass.
    Rice. 7: choose the distance
  • Make a hole for the mobile charging cord to lead it out of the box.

The projector from your smartphone is ready, you can start broadcasting, but first install a special application that will rotate the image 180°. In some phone models, it is enough to disable auto-rotate screen and install the gadget upside down. It is better to organize viewing in a well-darkened room to increase the clarity and brightness of the picture.

In addition, a holographic projector can be made from a mobile phone and polymer plates (Fig. 8). But the cost of such a homemade product will amount to a considerable penny, with a relatively low image quality, so it can compete with the above-described sample only in the originality of the picture.

Rice. 8: Example of a holographic projector

Tablet or laptop based

This projector has higher image quality due to its larger screen. There are both more “humane” methods of execution, in which digital devices remain intact, and methods for which you need to remove the graphics matrix to broadcast the image.

To make a projector from a laptop, you will need a cardboard box large enough so that its end side is comparable to the monitor, and its length is at least 50cm. The magnifying glass should have quite big sizes, Fresnel lenses will cope well with the task; it is also important to use a lens from a device for full-page book reading. To assemble the projector you will need to do the following:

Its dimensions are made slightly smaller than the lens so that it can be secured to the edges.

It is important to ensure a tight fit between the glass and the cardboard to prevent light from entering the projector from the outside.

When installing the latter, the edge of the cardboard should overlap so that light, again, does not penetrate inside the projector.

The simplest laptop projector is ready, just plug it into a power outlet and you can enjoy broadcasting your favorite movie. Using the same principle, you can use a tablet to assemble a projector.

Projector from slide viewer

Making a projector from a ready-made unit greatly simplifies the task, since you no longer need to make any adjustments in terms of optical effects. These settings are made at the factory and the slide viewer perfectly displays graphic objects from paper or other A4 format media. Your only task is to choose the most suitable photo-video signal translator. In this example, we will look at making a projector from a working tablet monitor that fits the size of the diascope.

To do this you will need to do the following:

When dismantling the matrix, be extremely careful not to damage the fragile element.

The distance is necessary for ventilation, since a powerful stream of light will also cause excessive heating of the surface.

Due to its low weight, it is attached using double-sided construction tape.

The projector is ready - just connect both devices to the network and launch the desired video material through the computer. With this projector you will get fairly high image quality, which, as a rule, depends little on the distance to the screen. It should be noted that smaller devices for viewing slides that will be comparable to the screen of a smartphone can be found on sale.

Ways to improve picture quality

To increase the image clarity from a homemade projector, you need to perform the following simple measures:

In addition, the projector’s broadcast quality is also affected by external factors. So, in order for the picture to be well perceived, the windows should be covered with curtains during daylight hours, and at night all lighting sources should simply be turned off. Remember, the shorter the distance to the screen, the higher the image quality on it. The screen itself also matters - it is preferable to have a smooth, monochromatic surface in calm colors.

Video instructions

Watching videos and images on a home projector is a very exciting and interesting experience. After all, you will always have the opportunity to invite friends and watch a feature film together on a wide screen. Moreover, with the development of technology, new digital projectors began to appear in stores. However, their prices are not affordable for everyone. But is there a way out of this situation?

It turns out there is. How to make a projector with your own hands, read our article today.

How to make a device from an ordinary shoebox? Preparation of materials

For this device you will need a large one and a box. The first element (lens) will be used as a lens for our projector. Such a device can play and display photo and video files even from a mobile phone. In this case, data and sound distortion will be minimal.

Let's get started

So, how to make a projector with your own hands from a shoebox? First you need to paint the inside walls of the container black. If you don’t have such paint on hand, you can cover the box with black paper. With these steps you will significantly improve the quality of the played video.

How to make a projector with your own hands next? The next step is to cut a small hole on one of the top parts of the box to accommodate the magnifying glass. The latter is secured with adhesive tape or tape. However, here you need to be extremely careful - there should be no glare around the lens, otherwise a home projector made by yourself will not display a high-quality image.

The phone fits inside the box. The gadget screen must be directed “facing” the lens. To prevent your mobile phone from accidentally moving to the side, it is better to use a special stand or holder (for example, a car holder with suction cups). Thus, we made a projector with our own hands from a phone and cardboard box from under the shoes.

How will the files be played?

It's very simple - an image from a mobile phone is projected through a magnifying glass onto the wall. You will be able to enlarge the screen tens of times, while maintaining the true quality of the images.

Finally, we note a few nuances regarding the installation of a mobile phone. From physics lessons we know that an image passing through a magnifying glass turns out upside down. In this regard, the phone in the box must be rotated 180 degrees. And to adjust the clarity of the image, just move the mobile phone screen on the back wall of the box, thereby adjusting the desired focus.

Making a projector with your own hands out of a box - method No. 2

Similar to the first case, here we will need to make a small hole. To ensure that the diameter in the central part of the box is several centimeters smaller than the magnifying lens itself, you need to pre-determine its mounting location. To do this, a lens is applied to the outside of the container, and a rectangle is drawn on it using a marker or soft pencil. Another figure is drawn inside the resulting image, but here you need to step back a couple of centimeters inward. By the way, a rectangle can be drawn along the contours bank card. The lens is securely attached to the front panel of the box.

Here you need to take into account that the corrugated part of the magnifying lens should be placed with the end part inside the container. After attaching the magnifying glass, the box is folded and closed. Appearance It’s unlikely that anyone will like such a projector, so after final assembly it is recommended to paint it with dark spray paint.

How is the image source secured in the box?

If you are using a tablet as a data source, then to mount it you just need to prepare several thick books or a stable box with dimensions equal to the dimensions of the gadget. In order to secure the device upside down (for correct display of information), thin elastic bands are additionally used. If a laptop was selected as the image source, then in this case Neither thick books nor a box will help keep him in this state. Therefore, to secure such a computer, another hole is cut in the back wall of the box.

Its dimensions must match the length and width of the laptop display. Next, the computer is turned over 180 degrees and placed with the keyboard up on the lid of the box. It is best that the walls of the projector are not cardboard, but at least plywood.

And finally, a few words about brightness. We set it to maximum so that the image is displayed as clearly and efficiently as possible. So, we found out how to make a projector with your own hands and how to properly install image sources in the box.

In this article, which continues our series of simple and varied crafts at home, we will tell you how to make a simple, yet adequately functioning projector at home. A homemade device, which can easily be made at home even without special skills, can replace a small home theater for watching movies or family photos.

Of course, the factory assembly wins in terms of quality, but in terms of comfort and atmosphere, a homemade projector will be much better. Moreover, you can do it together with your child - this is a very serious plus for your relationship.

Even the child himself will not have any difficulties in assembling a projector from an ordinary cardboard box and a banal magnifying glass if he decides to work on the device without the help of adults. This will take a maximum of 15 minutes.

Let us now tell you step by step how best to make such a projector with minimal time and effort. There are simple and complex schemes, we will analyze one that is as easy as possible in practical implementation.

Preparing to build a projector

First, let’s gather in front of us all the materials and components from which we can make our miracle projector itself.

We will definitely need an ordinary medium-sized shoebox, a 10X lens, a sharp utility knife, an ordinary pencil for marking, black electrical tape, a paper clip and, of course, a smartphone. A homemade projector for viewing photos and videos will be ready very soon.

Carefully cut out a hole in one of the side walls of the box exactly in the center in which the lens will be placed. It is very important that it is located strictly in the center - this is where a pencil will come in handy, with which we will draw diagonals on the side where we will cut the hole. It is at the center of the intersection of the diagonals that the lens will be placed.

Secure the lens using previously supplied electrical tape. However, other options for fixation are also suitable, such as construction adhesive or silicone.

Inside the box we make a stand to place the smartphone (if there is a special case that will allow you to place the smartphone behind the lens, then no stand will be needed).

We turn off the lights, close the curtains and begin testing the projector. You just need to move your smartphone to find the optimal location relative to the lens. You need to achieve the highest quality image - everything is simple here and depends only on the position of the device and the box.

A properly working image flip application must be downloaded and installed on your phone. The fact is that when passing through the lens, the video or photograph will automatically turn 180 degrees.

The best option for Android OS would be Ultimate Rotation Control, and owners of Apple devices will be able to use Video Rotate & Flip or another option.

It is advisable to make a convenient input for the MicroUSB cable - phones are discharged quite quickly when playing videos or viewing photos.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making a simple home projector. What’s even more pleasant is that you will have to spend a minimal amount of money - after all, everything you need for it can be found in almost any apartment.

What points should be taken into account when working?

If you decide to make a really good projector, then you should increase all the overall dimensions. Accordingly, use a tablet or laptop instead of a phone, and the box will also be larger accordingly. The manufacturing mechanics are exactly the same as in the small format.

IMPORTANT: If the image does not get better no matter how you move the device, then most likely the problem is the quality of the lens you installed. It would be optimal if you find an old Soviet magnifying glass - their quality is simply amazing.

The brightness settings on your smartphone or tablet should be set to the highest possible. Painting the inside of the box black will also improve the quality of the projected image. Also, not just any wall will do - it will be best if the projection is on whatman paper placed on the wall evenly and at a right angle.

Be sure to organize viewing only in the dark and with minimal external lighting - only in such conditions the picture quality will be more or less normal.

Don't forget that this is a homemade product and not a professional equipment - you shouldn't expect too much from it. Homemade projectors with a lens, without a magnifying glass, can also work normally.

We are confident that our ideas and detailed instructions on how to create a home projector have become useful for you. Working with your child on such a device will help you establish additional contact with him, and cozy family evenings will be excellent events for relaxation after a difficult day at work. Make a projector and be sure that everything will work out for you.

DIY photo of projectors