What to do when you have no luck in business? How does Mercury work? How to connect to an egregor, money egregor, laws of egregor, success, magic for business, magical business support, magical career help, magic for success, money and magic, magic of money

A series of failures can deprive any person of self-confidence and block the path to well-being and prosperity. Fortunately, there is reliable way get rid of the black stripe once and for all.

Folk wisdom says that trouble does not come alone. Even in ancient times, a pattern was noticed according to which one failure certainly leads to another. Many people have experienced this from their own experience: bad luck at work - problems with money begin, financial difficulties lead to problems in the family, and after a while stress provokes deterioration in health. As a result, a real dark streak begins in a person’s life, and it seems that there is simply no way out of it.

However, it is quite possible to break this vicious circle. The main thing is to decide in a timely manner to change your life once and for all and let happiness into it.

How to get rid of problems and failures

The first step to getting rid of a problem is to find its root cause. Sometimes failures appear in our lives so unexpectedly that it seems as if there is no reason and the matter is only in the injustice of the Universe. However, astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is convinced that this is not so, and every problem has a source that a person is not always able to notice.

Often a series of failures is a consequence negative influence on human energy, and this influence does not always come from the outside. Sometimes people bring problems upon themselves: negative thoughts and words, as well as negative emotions, can cause so much damage. a strong beat according to the biofield, that luck turns away from a person. It’s not for nothing that there is such a thing as self-evil eye. The destructive program that we, unwittingly, “plant” in our subconscious, deprives us of our chances of success and gradually destroys our lives.

However, a negative impact can be carried out by a stranger, and most often this happens unnoticed. Even a completely harmless phrase said with envy or irritation can cause a blow to our energy. This is exactly what is called damage.

To protect yourself from any negative impacts, and therefore, from failures, it is necessary to strengthen your energy. According to Vasilisa Volodina, a personal talisman can help with this. A thing charged with positive energy will repel negativity from you and will attract good luck to you.

Of course, not every thing can become a strong talisman. For a talisman to really attract good luck to you and repel troubles, three conditions must be met:

  • the talisman should be made of natural material, preferably wool, because it is considered the best conductor of positive energy;
  • the talisman must be charged in a special place of power;
  • The talisman must be charged by a person with special abilities.

Finding an amulet on your own that meets all the requirements is quite difficult. However, Vasilisa Volodina knows such a talisman. She herself has been using it for decades, and therefore is completely convinced of its power.

The most powerful talisman for good luck and money

The red thread from the Holy Land combines all the qualities necessary for a talisman to be truly strong. It will protect you from negative energy, attract good luck and help you get out of a series of problems. The red thread has a beneficial effect on all areas of a person’s life: all undertakings are easy, success accompanies in business and work, and in family life harmony comes. In addition, the red thread is the strongest amulet: it will repel any negative influences from you.

To receive the red thread, and with it the opportunity to get rid of problems and change your life for the better, you need to write to Vasilisa Volodina on her website.

Let the problems remain in the past. With a powerful talisman from the Holy Land, you can find your way to happiness and prosperity. We wish you well-being and good luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and

02.11.2017 02:24

Without love, complete happiness is impossible, so every person strives to find a companion for life. ...

Hello, friends!
Many of you run your own businesses. Many people plan to do this, leave their current job, change their lives, but they doubt and are afraid. This is completely normal.

As always, today I will tell you a story from the life of my friend, and describe his astrological position.
About 18 years ago, a friend was working in a very difficult job. He was terribly bored spending time doing this activity while receiving $1000. In short, my friend was very tired of this job and dreamed of starting his own business.
In his chart, the business planet Mercury is in Gemini, conjunct Saturn, in the 8th house.
I told my friend that he could become a good businessman if he went into business related to the future, to the future. But since in his chart there are a lot of planets in the signs of the Earth, he couldn’t come up with anything better than buying a ready-made store from the bearded past and receiving about 19 kopecks a month from it. His Mercury was sandwiched by Saturn, the planet of the past, and this did not allow his friend to think differently.
Naturally, my friend went broke in this case.
He came to me with reproach, saying that either astrology doesn’t work, or you, Bert, don’t understand anything about it.
- But is this business? - I objected. - You actually bought a museum exhibit from ancient times, and wanted it to work in the 21st century!
That is, my friend followed the path of Saturn, the past.
Ultimately, the friend went broke and was very worried about it. At some point, even I had the thought that perhaps Saturn and the 8th house would never allow my friend into real business... But, the owner of the 8th house - in the 8th house and Mercury in Gemini quickly brought me back from these dark doubts.

About 5 years later, my friend finally founded his own business in another country, where if you were careless you could end up in the mouth of a hungry crocodile or fall into the clutches of an angry muskrat. And then he founded a business in another country. And in one more...

Now my friend earns very good money and feels fulfilled. He followed the path of Mercury: he is engaged in a business related to travel, traveling 200 - 300 km a day. And if previously Saturn kept him in one place, making him bored, now completely different times have come for his friend. Mercury still won.

Perhaps you started your own business, but it didn’t work out for you. Maybe you just don't know which way to go? In what area should you promote yourself?

My friend's first victory was Saturn, and he went bankrupt. But then reason, Mercury, won, and the man realized himself in a promising, modern business.

For those who are involved in astrology, this story will provide an opportunity to correctly guide people. For those who are trying to figure it out, this story is a good reason to take a closer look at your card.

Would you like to book a personal consultation? Write to Telegram:
Study Vedic astrology for free on my Telegram channel: https://t.me/vedicastrologerbertmakover
Bert Makover answers your questions on Telegram: https://t.me/vedicbertik

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Problems and failures burden our lives, making them hopeless. All troubles originate at the energetic level. Knowing the reasons for their appearance, you can easily get rid of a streak of bad luck.

There is an opinion that if you are unlucky in one thing, you will definitely be lucky in something else. However, inveterate optimism is becoming less and less common every day. For most people, one failure leads to another. This is directly related to energy: like attracts like. A person who has negative energy, attracts misfortune, and vice versa. Therefore, you need to start changing your life for the better with yourself.

Signs of bad luck

This phenomenon is of interest to esotericists, psychologists and philosophers. The minds of our time have classified the main signs of lack of luck in people. These manifestations trigger mechanisms of bad luck and contribute to the emergence of a black streak. First of all, you should eradicate the following symptoms.

Disappointment. A person is haunted by a feeling of hopelessness, devastation, and the inability to change his life. Loss of faith is caused by overestimation of one's capabilities and unattainability of goals.

Aggression and uncertainty. A person prone to failure seeks to let off steam on other people or to assert himself at the expense of other people’s misfortunes.

Loneliness and resentment towards the whole world. Chronic bad luck can be caused by low self-esteem, reclusiveness and envy. In this case, a person, as a rule, blames others for his own troubles.

Emptiness. The loss of joy in life entails the absence of new positive changes. Even in moments of joy, a person thinks about possible failure.

Causes of failures and troubles

The reasons for our bad luck are due to energy factors. The whole world is permeated with energy flows, and we are guests in it who must learn to live according to the laws of the Universe. The school of life is associated with awareness external factors and spiritual growth. A person who refuses and does not want to learn is obviously doomed to bad luck.

We need to learn to live in harmony, cooperation, mutual assistance, eradicating confrontation, greed, and anger in ourselves. The reason for bad luck is often our erroneous views, priorities and desires, which are not consistent with the world at the energetic level. Misfortune in most cases haunts those people who oppose the universe. A person who does not notice his mistakes subsequently pays for them threefold. Life will get worse until the individual takes the path of development and reassessment of his priorities.

However, negative events in our lives can be caused by negative impact from outside. From the moment of birth a person is susceptible energetic influence which can be both positive and destructive. The latter includes witchcraft, black magic, people's envy, negative events and news. Even horror films have destructive power.

That is why you should create a protective cover for your soul through meditation, yoga, and reading mantras. Opening the chakras, spiritual practices and getting rid of energy blocks will have a positive impact on your life in general, strengthening your aura.

A strong biofield, positive thoughts and faith in the best will help you break out of the vicious circle of failures. Luck is familiar to everyone, but total bad luck is a sign that you need to think about your own life. A series of failures does not haunt people who have found their true path and go to happiness. We wish you to find yourself, get rid of troubles and win new victories every day. Be happy, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.07.2017 07:32

To cope with a problem, you need to find its source - it is perhaps difficult to argue with this statement. ...

Why do some people do well, while others try their best and all in vain? Why are things going wrong for these “others”? The companies they organize eventually cease to exist without bringing any profit. The commercial banks headed by them, after noisy collapses, are still paying off debts with their clients for a long time. The stores they open close after their short existence, never gaining the required minimum number of customers, despite all their efforts and tricks. After such fiascoes, some of these “others”, without hesitation, say - “Not fate!” or “Well, no luck!” - and begin their mad run along the vicious circle, creating new fly-by-night companies, obviously losing banks and worthless stores. Another group of “others”, reflecting on the failure that has occurred, find the strength to admit to themselves that most likely they were doing NOT THEIR BUSINESS! It is quite natural that after such an answer to oneself, the next question arises - “What is my business?” This is the answer to this question, we will now try to find.

There has long been a hypothesis that is recognized by many religious views, that our soul has immortality. Moreover, the soul of any person is directly related to the so-called “professional astral community.” In many esoteric directions, such an astral community is called “egregor”. In general, a simplified understanding of egregors assigns them the role of energy spaces (niches, reservoirs), which are formed due to the mental (energy) connection of identical mentalities of a certain group of people and these energy spaces are closed to a certain image. So, based on this definition of Egregors, it is clear that they are different and this diversity is determined by people who think about the same thing, do the same thing, and create the same things. Accordingly, as many professions exist, there are as many egregors. There are astral societies of bankers, merchants, traders, actors, teachers, in general, of any profession. There are religious egregors, egregors of politicians. But it is a big misconception that there is an egregor of money and an egregor of luck. Moreover, you can and should connect to these egregors. So, if your soul belongs to one professional egregor, and you, without realizing it, are doing a completely different thing, then you will never achieve success. By the way, this is precisely why those parents who try to “push” their child into some university, against the will of the child himself, are wrong.

If a person had to change professions, then for sure, to some new job there was a feeling of discomfort, awkwardness, it was difficult to fit into the team, everything seemed alien, it fell out of hand. Hence the expression “The soul does not lie.” And there are opposite situations - a person has just got a job in a new specialty, but everything is already working out and it’s as if everything and everyone has been familiar for a long time, and the employees are wonderful and the bosses are pleasant. There is also an expression about this: “I found myself.”

Choosing a profession is always an experience past life. But sometimes the well-being of an entrepreneur depends not only on himself. Let's look at one of the many examples of a family business. A husband and wife are doing the same thing, and everything is going great. Gradually, as often happens, the husband begins to feel “cool”, success makes his head spin, he becomes interested in a young beauty and leaves his wife. They divided the business. Very little time passes, and the husband’s affairs undergo a complete collapse. And his ex-wife is still doing well. A businessman once came to a reception with such a story. He was convinced that ex-wife, wanting to take revenge, sent some kind of damage to him, the evil eye and the like. But the reason for the failure was completely different. It turned out that it was his wife’s soul that was connected to the required professional egregor; it was she who was minding her own business, and not a cool visitor. But since the business was joint, the husband was able to warm himself by someone else’s fire for several years. He, of course, was not satisfied with this explanation, but then, with my help, he joined the Egregor of Financiers and went into banking. Slowly, things did not improve right away. Today, the bank headed by him is in the forefront and, apparently, things are not going badly.

Many people will think that connecting to their professional community can only happen with someone else. professional help, but this is not at all true. There are a lot of successful and successful businessmen in the world who never turned to anyone for help. It’s just not possible for everyone to find their way to themselves without resorting to outside help. Usually in such cases people look for those who could help them. Most often they turn to people in case of constant failures, fruitless efforts and endless disappointments.
For example, one person who considers himself a marketing specialist spent a long time and unsuccessfully seeking a very large loan for his new project. And I tried this and that - they refused everywhere. When he turned to me for help, I recommended taking out a loan not for a marketing project, but for some kind of publishing project. And he immediately caught fire with this new idea for him. And the project was soon found, and the loan was quickly received, and 12 medical volumes have already been published.

But there are times when a person minds his own business, but success does not come. About three years ago, one of the entrepreneurs who decided to start an advertising business came to a consultation with his problem. He organized advertising agency, suffered whole year, everything was going from bad to worse. On the one hand, everything seems to be clear - it’s something new! But from another point of view, in a year it was already possible to achieve at least some results. And the results are just zero. It was not immediately possible to understand this situation. But in the end it became clear that the entrepreneur did not follow the rules prescribed by the professional Egregor under whose patronage he was.
In any astral professional community there are certain rules conducting business. Good luck will follow only if these principles are strictly observed. And, although each profession has its own subtleties, but in in general terms There are several main rules.

“Share with your neighbor, whether he is rich or poor.”

“Be honest with partners” - Even if a person manages to get rich at the expense of other people, Egregor does not allow him to use ill-gotten wealth for a long time. It can even take away everything that a person has acquired, so that in the future it will be discouraging.

“Don’t forget about your loved ones” - For example, a person should not buy himself a new car if his child is deprived of the basic necessities. And so on.

And that loser we talked about above is already a major figure in the advertising business today.

We can take another situation as an example. Two heads of two laboratories in a large research institute, seemingly valuable specialists, good scientists. But the institute has no money, all research has been stopped. One boss quits. After his dismissal, he was forced to engage in trade and suddenly became rich. And the other one is still sitting at the institute, without money, without work. Everything is waiting for something. Which one is in the right place? Both. The first one finally went about his business. The second one is waiting in the wings. Egregor will one way or another support his protege, who remained in the position of head of the laboratory and from time to time will give him extra money so that he can wait for better times. Because it is precisely such a person who can someday make a very important scientific discovery. In other words, this remaining boss is a representative of the Egregor of science. And as soon as he leaves his business, he goes downhill.

It is worth paying attention to the artistic egregor. As soon as an artist changes his profession, he can slowly but surely decline, become an alcoholic, etc. And only the one who, despite any hardships in life, remains close to his Muse is rewarded. A person should only be in his place.

Each of us is depressed from time to time. At work, unfinished tasks have long accumulated that I don’t even want to look at. The situation outside the window is not encouraging, and even another quarrel with a loved one. And every time I want to ask: “Why are you unlucky in life, what is all this for?” For some people, breakdowns and depression last for several days, while for others it is a permanent condition. How to get out of this and what to do if you are catastrophically unlucky in life?

Attitude towards yourself

Have you ever noticed that some people are always beautiful, collected, everything is in order and success accompanies them everywhere, while on others troubles fall like a cornucopia? Why is a person unlucky in life, while others get everything they want from it, and in the most unexpected way? Look closely at how you live in your world and what place you occupy in it. Do you often experience fear of failure and scold yourself for mistakes made in the past? In your eyes you become small, unable to overcome difficulties. As a result, any failure can throw you off balance. Love yourself and everything will be fine! There are no people with an impeccable past. You can start new life and become whoever you want. Self-confidence will help you look at troubles with your head held high.

Magical ways to get what you want

What to do if you have no luck in life? Look for unconventional ways to solve problems. Change your thinking, learn new things. Fear arises from a lack of information and a limited number of ways to solve a problem. There are several mystical tools that help in solving life's difficulties:

  1. Visualizations.
  2. Treasure map.
  3. Talismans and amulets.
  4. Mantras.
  5. "Glass of water" technique.
  6. Manifestation of intentions.
  7. Rituals and ceremonies.
  8. Cleaning methods.
  9. Personal signs.
  10. Other techniques and methods.


Luck and luck - is it a chain of coincidences or a mystical pattern? Surely successful people have some special secret that makes fortune favor them? How to attract luck on your own? There is a very simple one, but effective way, which all rich people use. The magic secret lies in the focus of attention and perception of life in general. Remember at least 10 situations when you were exceptionally lucky, write them down in detail on a piece of paper, remember what feelings you experienced at that moment, and relive them. Rest assured, you are the lucky one. And it was you who presented yourself with a unique opportunity. Indeed, in such a situation, many remain same place, being content with little luck. You are the one happy man who wanted to change his life. This means that the opportunity will definitely present itself. The most important thing is don't expect immediate results. Learn to enjoy the simplest things in life that you often don’t notice, for example, feel the taste of tea or coffee in a mug, enjoy breakfast, try to change your attitude towards work.

Attitude to the present moment

One of the authors, Eckhart Tolle, in his book “The Power of Now” interprets the obstacles encountered in life this way: life treats you the way you treat it at the present time. If you see obstacles everywhere, it will become one continuous barrier. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to get your luck back, try taking care of your world. Clean the apartment with love, start pet, help a friend with children, find ways to express gratitude to life. Then she will turn to you with her best side.

Why is there no money?

Every person wondered about the material order. Why are you unlucky in life, how does it happen that you have to work from morning to night, and the money only becomes less. This is because many of us grew up with negative beliefs related to money. Here are some of them:

  1. Money is earned only through hard physical labor, working from morning to evening. If a person lives differently, he is simply doomed to a life of hunger.
  2. You can't make money doing what you love. This belief is familiar to many who wanted to connect their lives with the creative profession of an actor, musician or artist. After all, all the places have already been taken, everything has been bought, and it’s impossible to get through without cronyism.
  3. Your family has worked very hard all its life, and no one has seen a lot of money, which means that this is not available to you either.
  4. All rich people are bad, arrogant and arrogant.
  5. Those who earned their money must have acquired it in some illegal way, for example, by stealing or getting involved in some kind of financial fraud.
  6. Only lucky people can find money on the street, and you are not one of them; your friends regret it all day long and ask why such a good person has no luck in life.

Who will help you break out of this circle and make sure that the black streak ends? You yourself. And no one else. The personality itself creates its own world, no matter how much one would like to believe in damage, love spells, slander and other mystical reasons why one is unlucky in personal life, love and money. Your negative beliefs, formed over the years, have more influence than you might think. This is not so easy to believe. How often do you buy yourself expensive things? Do you find it easy to spend money or are you wary of purchasing things? more money will not happen, and are you preparing to live the rest of the month in maximum savings mode? The “Cinderella” complex - endless saving for a rainy day, conversations about how bad our government is, that prices are constantly rising and wages are not enough, a negative attitude towards rich people - all this programs the subconscious for poverty and poverty. Endless postponing, saving because “there won’t be any later” and “this is the last”, not only blocks the energy of money coming to you, but also deprives you of the pleasure of acquiring it. Who needs big house, if the children didn’t see the holidays for his sake, and you yourself couldn’t buy a decent pair of shoes?

Love magic

This is a favorite topic for various kinds of soothsayers and magicians. Hundreds of “specialists” are ready to answer the question “why you have no luck in your personal life and what to do about it.” The Internet is replete with all sorts of tricks, love spells and conspiracies. It is enough to have a photograph of the person you want to receive, buy everything necessary for the ritual and read the right words. And now - a miracle is in your pocket. Not so simple. Various types of magical actions will not give the desired result. You can certainly attract the right partner into your life. And for some time the relationship will be like a fairy tale. But your loved one will behave this way only because you forced him to, and not for real. Over time, he will become angrier, jealous and blackmail. When you tie someone down on an energy level, you disrupt the natural flow of things. A loved one cannot receive energy from the world, because he is attached, and begins to receive it only from the one who doomed him to love imprisonment. Aggression, which will intensify over time, arises in response to the fact that you have deprived a person of his own will.

A way to attract love without love spells

How to attract a soulmate into your life if a person is catastrophically unlucky in love? Many people mistakenly believe that having a boyfriend or... beautiful girl they will find the very meaning of life that they have been looking for for so long. When this someone is there, at first everything goes just fine, but then everything disappears somewhere, gets lost - and the relationship deteriorates. Some immediately begin to look for the reason outside: rivals, envy, love spells and much more. Of course, they are discovered, some are abandoned, others are found, and everything repeats in a circle. Faces change, but problems remain. To receive something from the Universe, you need to give something. This is not about the destructive belief that you have to pay for everything. The Universe is abundant, and without your “payment” it has plenty of everything. The point is that if you want love, start feeling it right now, then you will tune in to the desired frequency of reality and a new feeling can enter life. Or maybe your relationship with your hopeless spouse will improve.

Aromatherapy for well-being

What to do if you have no luck in life? Burn incense, of course! By choosing the right aroma, you can adjust your energy space to abundance. Several scents to bring good luck and fortune to your home:


All successful people They never stop saying the shortest prayer and, perhaps, the most effective: “Thank you.” The secret to attracting luck into your life lies in a content mindset. Positive and content thinking are not the same thing. The latter involves enjoying and feeling grateful for what has already come into life. Focusing on successes brings more successes because the law of attraction takes effect.


It's a confusing word, isn't it? It looks, frankly, like some kind of magic spell from an ancient holy book. This definition is partly correct. Using this method, one doctor was able to cure many people from the disease without even having personal contact with them. How to return luck with its help? The Ho'oponopono method is based on the idea that each person is one with the Universe and other people. That is, everything that you can observe, hear, everything that happens around you is somehow related to your personality. Focus on the problem you want to solve and repeat the following 4 phrases:

  1. "I'm sorry".
  2. "I'm sorry".
  3. "I love you".
  4. "Thank you".

In this case, you should not turn to the person who created the unpleasant situation, but to the Universe or God, call it what you prefer. The transcript of the phrases looks like this: “I’m sorry that I created such a world. Forgive me. I didn’t know where this would lead, I didn’t know that I was creating these circumstances, I love you and thank you for allowing me to correct the situation and create a happy life."

Luck at work

Many people try hard at their workplace, but cannot achieve great heights, or even dream of going home quickly at the very beginning of the working day. Such relationships with work take away the joys of life and hurt the employee’s self-esteem. Things accumulate like a snowball, which causes constant stress and unwillingness to work. Of course, there are periods of stagnation even in the best workplace. But in in this case We are talking about constant emotional discomfort. The best psychologists and authors of books about the work of the subconscious, such as, for example, Vadim Zeland, explain that money is simply energy and comes in abundance to those who do what they love. Take a close look at your occupation. Is this what you were aiming for? If you find it difficult to answer, you can reformulate the question differently: would you do your job if you didn’t have to earn money? If the answer is no, you should think about changing your activity.

What not to have in the house

A few things that you should not have in your home so that wealth and love do not leave it:

  1. Single mugs and plates. Buy a pair. Everything must be a multiple of two.
  2. Chapped cups. Glued and broken things are programmed for poverty.
  3. This also includes torn items and tights. Don't even wear this at home. Love yourself, you deserve only the best, even if no one sees you.
  4. Dried flowers. Positive energy leaves through them.


If you are unlucky and want to be happier than you are today, then now is the time. Don't wait for anyone or anything. Start playing sports, learning languages, going dancing and swimming. How would you behave if the perfect person came into your life? Maybe some of the above would become a pleasant habit. So, this person is you. Become interesting to yourself, more beautiful and attractive in your eyes, and people around you will notice it. Throw out the old trash from your house, do some general cleaning, get to know your neighbors - and changes will not take long to arrive. In order for something new to come in, you first need to make room for the old.

How to save your luck

If you hope to succeed in something very important, don't tell anyone about it. Don't display your achievements for everyone to see. Let the photo where you are happy with your loved one be seen only by the two of you, without prying eyes. This way there will be no dirt and strangers in your relationship.

We hope that this article will help you find happiness, and luck and fortune will become constant companions on your way in any field. Smile at troubles, they will decide that you are crazy and will bypass you.