Tests to assess physical fitness. Methods for monitoring the level of physical fitness (pedagogical testing). Response of the autonomic nervous system to physical activity - orthostatic test


Vinogradov Viktor Vyacheslavovich, Medical College No. 8, head of physical education, Moscow

Monitoring is carried out not only to identify the level of preparedness of students, but also to determine the dynamics of their physical fitness over a certain period of time.

Explanatory note

Test protocol

Classification of tests


Explanatory note

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Education dated July 16, 2002 No. 2715, the discipline “Physical Culture” should be presented in state educational standards and basic curricula as the most important component educational process. To the leading directions in the work of educational teams educational institutions in “Physical Culture” include;

— creating conditions conducive to the formation of skills healthy image life,

- preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health students by means physical culture,

— ensuring close interaction between the educational and extracurricular process of physical education to master the values ​​of physical culture,

— objectification of level assessment physical development and physical readiness for the future professional activity,

— prevention of antisocial behavior in students through physical education and sports.

Monitoring of students' physical fitness is carried out with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of physical training and improving the health of students, I also in pursuance of the Moscow Government Decree of November 30, 1999 and the implementation of the "Capital Education - 3" program (Moscow Government Decree of November 20, 2001) and implementation State program all-Russian monitoring.

To this end:

- monitoring is carried out at the beginning school year and at the end of each semester in all study groups with students of the main medical group,

— monitoring is carried out not only to identify the level of students’ preparedness, but also to determine the dynamics of their physical fitness over a certain period of time,

— the results of monitoring form the basis for the certification of students according to the level of the average total grade in points at the end of each semester (each course has its own average score),

— data obtained as a result of monitoring form the basis of an analytical report and form a decision-making strategy on the effectiveness of physical education classes.

Average test results score

Note: in the testing table below, changes in the selection of tests are possible depending on the testing conditions.

Test protocol for general physical fitness

Group No. __________

Lying push-ups

number of times

Jumping rope, number of times in 1 minute.

Hanging pull-ups, number of times.

Long jump s/m, cm

Throwing a medicine ball from behind the head while sitting on the floor, see (girls 1.5 kg. youth 2.0 kg.)

Bend forward from the main stance, standing at a height of cm,

Raising and lowering the body from a supine position, hands behind the head, number of times in 30 seconds.

Squat on two legs for 2 minutes.

Number of points

Physical education teacher: ___________________________________

Test classification

Assessment of the level of development physical qualities and motor abilities is carried out based on the results of testing based on a set of various exercises. The standard testing program for all sports includes:

endurance tests;

1000 meters run,

3000 meters run,

continuous running for 5 minutes

speed tests;

running 30 meters from the start,

shuttle run 3x10 meters,

10-second run in place at maximum frequency,

100 meter run in motion,

jumping rope in 1 minute

strength tests ;

standing long jump,

standing jump,

jumping with bonuses,

pull-up from hanging on hands,

lifting the body into a squat position in 30 seconds,

flexion and extension of the arms while lying down,

throwing a medicine ball from a sitting position on the floor,

squats in 2 minutes

flexibility tests ;

twist with a stick,

standing forward bend,

sitting forward bend

When testing, you should pay attention Special attention to comply with the requirements of the instructions and create uniform conditions for performing the exercise for all college students. Testing is carried out at the end of each semester and serves as a form of ongoing monitoring of the physical condition of students. The test results are recorded in a protocol, which is stored in the physical education department of the college.

1.Test " Seated Forward Bend"(to measure active flexibility of the spine, hip joints and muscle elasticity).

The subject, without shoes, sits on the floor with his feet apart, the distance between the heels is 20 cm, feet vertical, arms forward, palms down. The methodologist presses his knees to the floor. Three slow preliminary bends are performed. At the same time, the palms slide forward along a ruler lying along the subject’s legs between the feet, the zero mark is at the level of the heels. The fourth slope is the main one - the subject must stay in it for at least 20 seconds.

The best result is counted according to the fingertips with an accuracy of 1 cm. This figure is recorded with a (+) sign if the participant touched the number beyond the line on which his heels are located or with a minus sign (-) if his fingers did not reach the heel line. To make the test faster, two cubes (supports) are used to support the feet and keep the legs straight without assistance. A cube is placed between the participant’s legs, which he, during the fourth, main bend, tries to push forward with his fingers towards the heels to the maximum possible distance. The participant is given 2 attempts.

above average

below the average

2.Test " Twisting hands with a stick(cm.)"

Markings are marked on the stick with an accuracy of 1 cm /or a measuring tape is glued on. From a standing position, hands below, grip the stick from above. Raise your straight arms up and move the stick back behind your back. Without bending your arms elbow joints, return the stick to its original position. Determine the distance between the internal grip points.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

35 and less

66 and more

35 and less

66 and more

35 and less

66 and more

25 or less

56 and more

25 or less

56 and more

25 or less

56 and more

3. Test " Bend forward from a standing position on a gymnastic bench", legs together, straightened.

The depth of the tilt is measured by the distance between the tips of the fingers and the upper surface of the bench using 2 rulers fixed vertically to the bench so that the zero marks coincide with the upper edge of the bench. One ruler faces up, the other faces down. If the test subject's fingertips are below the top edge of the bench, the result is recorded with a plus sign, if higher - with a minus sign. It is not allowed to bend your knees or make jerking movements.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

14 or more

14 or more

14 or more

16 or more

16 or more

16 or more

4.Test " Raising the body into a squat position in 30 seconds.”(to measure the speed-strength endurance of the trunk flexor muscles, starting from 6 years).

From the starting position lying on your back, legs bent in knee joints strictly at an angle of 90 degrees, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head, elbows spread to the sides, touching the floor, the partner presses the feet to the floor. On the command “March!” perform the maximum possible number of torso lifts in 30 seconds, bending until your elbows touch your hips and returning with a reverse movement to IP, spreading your elbows to the sides until your shoulder blades, elbows and the back of your head touch the floor.

The exercise is performed on a gymnastic mat or carpet. For safety, place a low (no higher than 10 cm) pillow under the head or rolled up. soft cloth. The participant is given 1 attempt.

Incorrect execution: failure to fully touch the floor with three parts of the body: shoulder blades, back of the head and elbows.

The participant, lowering the body into IP, must touch the floor sequentially, first with the shoulder blades, then with the back of the head and elbows. Thus, in the final phase, the participant’s body must come to I.P., i.e. touch the floor with three parts of the body at the same time: shoulder blades, back of the head, elbows.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

5.Test " Standing long jump"(to measure the dynamic strength of the muscles of the lower extremities).

From the starting position, standing with your feet slightly apart, with your toes in line with the starting line, perform a standing jump forward to the maximum possible distance. The participant first bends his legs, moves his arms back, tilts his torso forward, shifting the center of gravity of the body forward, and swings his arms forward and pushes both legs to perform a jump. The length of the jump is measured from the line to the point where the jumper's foot touches the line closest to the line.

The test must be carried out on a mat or soft ground surface (a sand pit can be used). The participant is given 3 attempts. The best result counts.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

6 Test " Jump up»

It is performed by pushing two legs with a wave of the arms from the floor surface. Measuring the height of the jump is carried out with a tape measure or a measuring tape according to Abalakov’s method.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

65 or more

34 or less

70 or more

39 or less

75 or more

41 or less

50 or more

31 or less

55 or more

36 or less

60 or more

41 or less

7. Test " Jumps with increments» — the number of minimum increases in standing long jumps.

The testing procedure is as follows: based on the maximum standing long jump result, the boundaries within which the student will have to make increments are determined.

At a distance of 1/4 of the student’s maximum result, the first boundary is marked with chalk or another landmark that does not interfere with the exercise. The second boundary line is marked at a distance of 3/4 of the maximum result. Within the range of marked boundaries, each time from the starting line, the student makes jumps, successively increasing their range. The calculation of increments is stopped as soon as the student has reached the second boundary (the landmark farthest from the start) or if in two jumps in a row he has not added the length of the jump. Jumps that are longer than the previous ones are counted. The subject has the right to a trial attempt.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

26 or more

26 or more

26 or more

26 or more

26 or more

26 or more

8.Test " Pull-up while hanging on the bar", number of times.

Performed from a hanging position with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart. The pace of execution is arbitrary. The pull-up is considered completed if, when bending your arms, your chin is above the bar. Attempts with auxiliary movements of the legs and torso are not counted.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

9.Test " Throwing a medicine ball weighing 2 kg (1.5 kg.)" forward from behind the head.

Performed from a sitting position with legs apart, the ball on outstretched arms above the head. Before throwing, the student takes a position at the starting line in which the pelvic angle formed when spreading the legs does not go beyond the starting line. The throwing distance is measured with a tape measure.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

10.Test " Squats in place».

Performed from a standing position in 2 minutes. The position of the hands is arbitrary (resting your hands on your knees is not allowed).

Fitness level

above average

below the average

70 or less

75 or less

80 or less

55 or less

55 or less

60 or less

11.Test " Flexion and extension of the arms while lying down».

Performed from a lying position. The pace of execution is arbitrary. Mandatory straightening of the arms at the elbow joint.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

40 or more

15 or less

45 or more

20 or less

50 or more

23 or less

14 or more

16 or more

18 and over

12.Test " 30m sprint from a high start».

Conducted on the track of a stadium, athletics arena or park in sports shoes. The number of starters in a race is determined by the conditions under which the runners do not interfere with each other. After a 10-15 minute warm-up, the start is given.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

4.5 or less

6.1 or more

4.4 or less

6.0 or more

4.2 or less

5.8 or more

4.9 or less

6.5 or more

4.7 or less

6.3 or more

4.5 or less

6.1 or more

13.Test " Shuttle run 3x10 m».

The test is carried out in the gym on a flat track at least 12-13 m long. Measure out a 10-meter section, the beginning and end of which are marked with a line / start and finish line / Behind each line are two semicircles with a radius of 50 cm centered on the line. A wooden cube /5cm/ is placed on the far semicircle behind the finish line. The athlete stands behind the nearest line on the start line and, at the command “march”, begins running towards the finish line; runs around a semicircle, takes a cube and returns to the starting line. Then he puts the die (throwing is not allowed) in a semicircle on the starting line and again runs to the far-finish line, running through it. The time required to complete the task from the “march” command to crossing the finish line is taken into account.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

7.5 and fast.

9.0 and slow

7.1 and fast.

8.6 and slow.

6.6 and fast.

8.1 and slow

8.2 and fast.

9.8 and slow.

8.0 and fast.

9.6 and slow.

7.8 and fast.

9.4 and slow.

14. Test " Running in place at maximum pace: take into account the number of running steps within 10 seconds».

Testing is carried out indoors using the simplest device: an elastic rubber bandage is pulled between two posts at a distance of 1 m at the height of the athlete’s knee, the leg bent at a right angle. At the “march” command, the athlete begins to quickly run in place with maximum frequency of movements, each time touching the stretched rubber with his thigh. Steps are counted by touching the rubber with your right thigh and multiplied by 2/.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

68 or more

37 or less

68 or more

37 or less

68 or more

37 or less

66 or more

36 or less

66 or more

36 or less

66 or more

36 or less

15.Test " 100m sprint».

It is carried out on the track of a stadium, athletics arena or park in sports shoes. The number of starters in a race is determined by the conditions under which the runners do not interfere with each other. After a 10-15 minute warm-up, the start is given.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

16.Test " Jumping rope».

The number of push-offs with both legs in 1 minute is counted.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

17.Test " Continuous running for 5 minutes».

Fitness level

above average

below the average

1400 or more

1150 or less

1450 or more

1200 or less

1500 or more

1250 or less

1200 or more

920 or less

1200 or more

920 or less

1200 or more

920 or less

18.Test " 1000 meters run».

It is carried out on the track of a stadium or park (on a standard measured circle) in sports shoes. The number of starters in a race is determined by the conditions under which the runners do not interfere with each other. After a 10-15 minute warm-up, the start is given.

Fitness level

above average

below the average

19. Test " Running 2000 girls (3000 boys) meters».

It is carried out on the track of a stadium or park (on a standard measured circle) in sports shoes. The number of starters in a race is determined by the conditions under which the runners do not interfere with each other. After a 10-15 minute warm-up, the start is given.

Fitness level

above average

below the average


Yu.P. Bubble, A.N. Tyapin, “Physical health of students and ways to improve it” M. Center “School Book”, 2007.

Russian and foreign experience in building an educational testing system, M., - Ed. NGO "Education from A to Z", 2000.

Orlov V.A., Fudin N.A., Comprehensive program for assessing the physical condition and functional capabilities of the human body. – M. ARiNA Publishing Group, 1996.

11 tests for self-monitoring of physical fitness

Using these tests, you can independently determine your physical fitness and create an exercise program. When determining physical fitness, a calculator is used, when compiling individual program classes – adder and dispenser. Fitness calculator is intended for a comprehensive assessment of the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system and physical fitness using the CONTREX-2 scoring system (control-express). The CONTREX-2 system was developed by domestic scientists S.A. Dushanin, E.A. Pirogova and L.Ya. Ivashchenko (1984), they created several diagnostic systems for primary (CONTREX-3), current (CONTREX-2) and self-monitoring (CONTREX-1). Indicators for determining the level of physical condition according to the CONTREX-2 system are given below. CONTREX-2 includes 11 indicators and tests, which are assessed as follows: 1. Age. Each year of life gives 1 point. For example, at age 50, 50 points are awarded, etc. 2. Body weight. Normal weight is estimated at 30 points. For each kilogram in excess of the norm, calculated using the following formulas, 5 points are deducted:

men: 50 + (height – 150)x0.75 + (age – 21)/4 women: 50 + (height – 150)x0.32 + (age – 21)/5

For example, a 50-year-old man with a height of 180 cm has a body weight of 85 kg, and normal body weight will be:

50 + (180 – 150) x 0.75 + (50 – 21)/4 = 80 kg.

For exceeding the age norm by 5 kg, 5x5 = 25 points are deducted from the total points. 3. Blood pressure. Normal arterial pressure is worth 30 points. For every 5 mm Hg. Art. systolic or diastolic pressure above the calculated values, determined by the formula below, 5 points are subtracted from the total amount:

men: ADsyst. = 109 + 0.5 x age + 0.1 x body weight; ADdiast. = 74 + 0.1 x age + 0.15 x body weight; women: ADsyst. = 102 + 0.7 x age + 0.15 x body weight; ADdiast. = 78 + 0.17 x age + 0.1 x body weight.

For example, a 50-year-old man weighing 85 kg has a blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg. Art. The age norm for systolic pressure is:

109 + 0.5 x 50 + 0.1 x 85 = 142.5 mmHg. Art.

Normal diastolic pressure:

74 + 0.1 x 50 + 0.15 x 85 = 92 mm Hg. Art.

For exceeding the norm of systolic pressure by 7 mm Hg. Art. 5 points are deducted from the total. 4. Pulse at rest. For each hit less than 90, one point is awarded. For example, a heart rate of 70 per minute gives 20 points. If the pulse is 90 or higher, no points are awarded. 5. Flexibility. Standing on a step with your knees straight, bend forward, touching the mark below or above the zero point (it is at the level of your feet) and maintaining the pose for at least 2 seconds. Each centimeter below the zero point is equal to or exceeds the age norm given for men and women in the table. 1, is estimated at 1 point; if the standard is not met, no points are awarded. The test is carried out three times in a row, and the best result is counted. For example, a 50-year-old man, when bending over, touched a mark of 8 cm below the zero mark with his fingers. According to table. 1, the standard for a 50-year-old man is 6 cm. Therefore, 1 point is awarded for meeting the standard and 2 points for exceeding it. The total is 3 points.

Table 1. Motor test standards for assessing basic physical qualities

Age, years




what power, see

Speed ​​endurance

Speed-power output


General Stamina

2000 m, min.

Testing and assessment make it possible to determine the level of physical fitness, the degree of development of individual physical qualities and the maturity of motor skills. The essence of control is a comparison of the planned and actually achieved physical state.

Methods for testing and assessing physical fitness

The level of physical fitness is assessed based on the results shown in special control exercises (tests) for strength, endurance, etc. To assess the level of physical fitness, it must be measured.

In the practice of physical education, the following control methods are used: pedagogical observation, surveys, acceptance of educational standards, testing, control and other competitions, simple medical methods (measurement of vital capacity of the lungs, body weight, back strength, etc.), timing of classes, determination dynamics of physical activity during a lesson based on heart rate, etc.

Observing the students during the lesson, the observer pays attention to their behavior, expression of interest, degree of attention (focused, distracted), external signs reactions to physical activity(changes in breathing, color and facial expression, movement coordination, increased sweating, etc.).

The survey method provides an opportunity to obtain information about the condition of students based on their own indicators of well-being before, during and after classes (muscle pain, etc.), about their aspirations and desires. Subjective sensations are the result physiological processes in organism. They must be taken into account and at the same time remember that they do not always reflect the true capabilities of those involved.

General physical fitness is measured using tests. The set and content of tests should be different for age, gender, professional affiliation, and also depending on the physical education program used and its purpose. This will determine the condition of the muscles and joints, of cardio-vascular system, and also find out which parts and systems of the body are less developed than others.

To assess the level of development of physical qualities and monitor the motor readiness of students, various exercises are widely used - tests: standing and running long jump, medicine ball throwing, six-minute run, bending forward while standing on a bench and sitting on the floor, running at various distances, lifting the torso from a supine position, bending and extending the arms in support, pulling up on the bar, shuttle running, etc. There are many tests to determine coordination, balance, flexibility, endurance, agility, strength of individual muscle groups and other physical abilities.

The principle of gradual increase in functional influences guarantees an increase in the level of the body's functional capabilities and physical fitness, and an increased rate of development of motor abilities. The use of standard exercises and standard loads transfers the body to the stage of stable adaptation. As you perform the exercises you will improve different qualities, but when selecting means and methods, it is necessary to highlight their primary focus on developing the leading quality (strength, speed, agility, flexibility, endurance and others).

Test tasks are presented physical exercise, which are grouped based on basic physical qualities. Testing is recommended to be carried out using the competitive method, and the test takers must not only demonstrate compliance with the standard requirements, but also perform standard exercises that reflect the versatility of their preparedness for each specific group of physical abilities (strength, speed, endurance and coordination). The criterion for characterizing a level of physical fitness above average will be the fulfillment of basic standards of requirements and (taking into account individual physical development) the fulfillment of standards in relevant physical exercises. To characterize the level of physical fitness of the average level - respectively, fulfillment of only the basic standards of requirements and partial (up to ½) fulfillment of standards in physical exercises. To characterize the level of physical fitness below average - accordingly, fulfillment of only the basic requirements.

The criteria for the level of physical fitness are determined using special tables developed by scientists, as well as tables from a comprehensive physical education program for schoolchildren, students, athletes, military personnel, etc.

Assessment of health status, the dynamics of positive and negative changes will not be objective if it is not supplemented with self-monitoring data. Self-monitoring is independent observation of the results of the influence of physical activity on your body.

When engaging in physical exercise on your own, systematic monitoring is very important to assess the health-improving effect. Monitoring during the training process allows you to determine the current level of physical fitness for planning optimal loads, identify “lagging” motor qualities and assess the magnitude of their increase. Self-control comes down to determining the amount of physical activity based on the body’s responses.

By regularly analyzing the state of your health, data from testing and conducting various tests, you can be able to adjust the amount of work and rest, time for recovery, choose means to increase physical and mental performance, and make the necessary changes to your own style and, possibly, lifestyle. The main requirement: sampling and testing should be carried out at the same hours of the day, 1.5-2 hours before and after meals.

All indicators of self-control can be divided into subjective and objective. Subjective ones include well-being, mood, sleep, appetite and painful sensations. Subjective sensations are informative indicators of load intensity. Physical activity is considered sufficient if you feel satisfactory (does not deteriorate), sleep and appetite are normal, and your heart rate 10 minutes after exercise is less than 90 beats per minute. Physical activity is considered excessive if the state of health is unsatisfactory (deteriorates, weakness, pain in the heart, headache), sleep and appetite worsen (absent), pulse 10 minutes after training is more than 90 beats per minute.

Well-being is classified as good (feeling cheerful, good performance), satisfactory (slight lethargy) and poor (weakness, lethargy, low performance). Well-being is a fairly informative criterion for the correct dosage of physical activity. If they correspond to the functional capabilities of the body, then the state of health is usually good. With excessive physical exertion, its deterioration is observed.

Objective self-monitoring measures include: observations of heart rate (HR), blood pressure, respiration, body weight, muscle strength and athletic performance.

Many experts recognize heart rate as a reliable indicator of the state of the circulatory system. It can be independently determined by pulse rate. When a person is at rest, it is better to measure it on the radial artery, at the base thumb hands. To do this, place the hand of the other hand on the back of the wrist, where the pulse is measured, and use the pads of the second, third and fourth fingers to find the radial artery, pressing lightly on it. The pulse rate is determined by the movement of the second hand of the clock in 10 or 15 seconds, the resulting number is multiplied by 6 or 4. Thus, the pulse rate per minute is calculated.

Monitoring physical fitness acts as operational management, which ensures the functioning of the system in accordance with the plans. It consists of periodic and continuous comparison of the results obtained with the planned plans and subsequent correction of the preparation process and the plans themselves.

Many girls overestimate their own level of preparedness. Jogging after the bus every morning and light walks on Saturdays does not help maintain good physical shape. Before you begin a set of exercises or switch from one sport to another, test your capabilities using the tests below. This will allow you to determine the condition of the muscles and joints, the cardiovascular system, and also find out which departments and systems are less developed than others. After this, you can choose the most suitable training program for your current level of physical fitness. Review your capabilities every few months and record your progress.

1. Muscle physical condition test

Strong muscles are by no means the privilege of men. Every day a woman is faced with a huge number of situations where she needs Strong arms, abs or legs. This includes raising children, shopping, and housework. Let's run some tests to find out your muscle development strengths and weaknesses.

1. Abdominal muscle test (plank)

Get into a classic plank position. See the execution technique here - “Plank”. You need to time yourself and hold in this position for as long as possible. After this, determine the condition of the abdominal muscles.

  • In bad shape - 10-20 seconds
  • In mediocre form - 30-40 seconds
  • In good shape - 60-80 seconds
  • In great shape - 90-120 seconds

2. Test for pectoral muscles (push-ups)

  • In bad shape - 1-2 times
  • In good shape - 5-6 times
  • In excellent shape - 10 times

3. Biceps test (reverse grip pull-ups)

Grab the bar with a close grip with your palms facing you. Without swinging, pull yourself up by bending your arms and trying to lift yourself so that your chin is above the bar, then slowly lower yourself. Count the number of pull-ups and determine your level of training.

  • In bad shape - 1-2 times
  • In mediocre form - 3-4 times
  • In good shape - 5-6 times
  • In excellent shape - 10 times

4. Leg strength test (single leg squats)

Single leg squats (pistol squats) are a great test for balance and leg muscles. See the technique here - “Single leg squats”. Count how many of these squats you can perform and evaluate your capabilities.

  • In bad shape - 0 times
  • In mediocre form - 1 time
  • In good shape - 3-4 times
  • In excellent shape - 5-6 times

2. Test for the state of the cardiovascular system

Find a bench or a strong chair 30 cm high. Stand on the bench and step off it on four counts: on the count of “one” put one foot on the bench, on “two” - the other, on “three” lower one foot to the ground, on “ four" - another. The tempo should be as follows; two full steps up and down in 5 seconds, 24 in a minute. Continue the test for 3 minutes. After completing the test, immediately sit on a bench and count your pulse.

The pulse should be counted for a minute to determine not only the heart rate, but also the rate at which the heart recovers from exercise. Compare the data obtained with the data in the table and you will see how well prepared you are.

Good stretching increases a person’s motor activity, which has a good effect on the condition of the joints and prevents the appearance of brittle bones. Let's evaluate the level of stretching of the hamstrings and buttocks.

Stand up straight and place your feet about 40-45 cm wide. Keeping your back straight and bending at the lower back, gently bend forward, trying to reach the floor in front of you with your fingers. Determine your level of flexibility and draw the appropriate conclusions.

  • If you couldn't reach the floor, it means you have poor flexibility.
  • If you managed to reach the floor with your fingers, it means you have mediocre flexibility.
  • If you managed to place your palms on the floor, then you have good flexibility.
  • You can bend even lower, then you have excellent flexibility.

How to create an individual training program
Using these tests, you can independently determine your physical fitness and create an exercise program.

When determining physical fitness, a calculator is used, and when drawing up an individual training program, an adder and dispenser are used.

Fitness calculator is intended for a comprehensive assessment of the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system and physical fitness using the CONTREX-2 scoring system (control-express).

The CONTREX-2 system was developed by domestic scientists S.A. Dushanin, E.A. Pirogova and L.Ya. Ivashchenko (1984), they created several diagnostic systems for primary (CONTREX-3), current (CONTREX-2) and self-monitoring (CONTREX-1).

Indicators for determining the level of physical condition according to the CONTREX-2 system are given below.

CONTREX-2 includes 11 indicators and tests, which are assessed as follows:

1. Age. Each year of life gives 1 point. For example, at age 50, 50 points are awarded, etc.

2. Body weight. Normal weight is estimated at 30 points. For each kilogram in excess of the norm, calculated using the following formulas, 5 points are deducted:

  • men: 50 + (height – 150)x0.75 + (age – 21)/4
  • women: 50 + (height – 150)x0.32 + (age – 21)/5
For example, a 50-year-old man with a height of 180 cm has a body weight of 85 kg, and normal body weight will be:
50 + (180 – 150) x 0.75 + (50 – 21)/4 = 80 kg.

For exceeding the age norm by 5 kg, 5x5 = 25 points are deducted from the total points.

3. Blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is estimated at 30 points. For every 5 mm Hg. Art. systolic or diastolic pressure above the calculated values, determined by the formula below, 5 points are subtracted from the total amount:

  • men: ADsyst. = 109 + 0.5 x age + 0.1 x body weight;
ADdiast. = 74 + 0.1 x age + 0.15 x body weight;
  • women: ADsyst. = 102 + 0.7 x age + 0.15 x body weight;
ADdiast. = 78 + 0.17 x age + 0.1 x body weight.

For example, a 50-year-old man weighing 85 kg has a blood pressure of 150/90 mm Hg. Art.

The age norm for systolic pressure is:
109 + 0.5 x 50 + 0.1 x 85 = 142.5 mmHg. Art.

Normal diastolic pressure:
74 + 0.1 x 50 + 0.15 x 85 = 92 mm Hg. Art.

For exceeding the norm of systolic pressure by 7 mm Hg. Art. 5 points are deducted from the total.

4. Pulse at rest. For each hit less than 90, one point is awarded. For example, a heart rate of 70 per minute gives 20 points. If the pulse is 90 or higher, no points are awarded.

5. Flexibility. Standing on a step with your knees straight, bend forward, touching the mark below or above the zero point (it is at the level of your feet) and maintaining the pose for at least 2 seconds. Each centimeter below the zero point is equal to or exceeds the age norm given for men and women in the table. 1, is estimated at 1 point; if the standard is not met, no points are awarded. The test is carried out three times in a row, and the best result is counted.

For example, a 50-year-old man, when bending over, touched a mark of 8 cm below the zero mark with his fingers. According to table. 1, the standard for a 50-year-old man is 6 cm. Therefore, 1 point is awarded for meeting the standard and 2 points for exceeding it. The total is 3 points.

Table 1. Motor test standards for assessing basic physical qualities

6. Speed. It is assessed by a “relay” test based on the speed at which the strongest hand squeezes a falling ruler. For each centimeter equal to the age norm or less, 2 points are awarded.

The test is performed in a standing position. The strongest hand with straightened fingers (palm edge down) is extended forward. The assistant takes a 50-centimeter ruler and sets it vertically (the number “zero” faces the floor). In this case, your hand is approximately 10 cm below the end of the ruler.

After the “attention” command, the assistant must release the ruler within 5 seconds. The subject is faced with the task of as quickly as possible large and index fingers grab the ruler. The distance in centimeters is measured from the bottom edge of the palm to the zero mark of the ruler.

The test is carried out three times in a row, the best result is counted.

For example, for a 50-year-old man, the test result was 17 cm, which is 4 cm better than the age standard. There are 2 points for meeting the norm and 4x2 = 8 points for exceeding it. The total amount is 10 points.

7. Dynamic force (Abalakov test). Evaluated maximum height jumping up from a place. For each centimeter equal to or exceeding the standard value given in table. 1, 2 points are awarded.

Running the test: the subject stands sideways to the wall next to a vertically mounted measuring scale (student's ruler 1 m long). Without lifting his heels from the floor, he touches the scale as high as possible with his more active hand raised up. Then he moves away from the wall at a distance of 15 to 30 cm, without taking a step, jumps up, pushing off with both legs. With his more active hand, he touches the measuring scale as high as possible. The difference between the values ​​of the first and second touch characterizes the height of the jump. Three attempts are given, the best one counts.

For example, a 50-year-old man has a result of 40 cm. This exceeds the age norm by 5 cm (see Table 1). For fulfilling the standard, 2 points are awarded, for exceeding - 5x2 = 10 points. The total is 10+2 = 12 points.

8. Speed ​​endurance. The maximum frequency of raising straight legs to an angle of 90° from a supine position is calculated in 20 seconds. For each lift equal to or exceeding the standard value, 3 points are awarded.

For example, for a 50-year-old man, the test result was 15 lifts, which exceeds the age norm by 4. For fulfilling the standard, 3 points are awarded, for exceeding 4x3 = 12 points. Total 15 points.

9. Speed-strength endurance. The maximum frequency of bending the arms in a lying position (women in a kneeling position) is measured in 30 seconds with 4 points awarded for each bending equal to or exceeding the standard.

For example, when testing a 50-year-old man, the frequency of bending his arms in support in 30 s was 18 times. This exceeds the age standard by 4 and gives 4x4 = 16 points, plus 4 points for meeting the standard value. The total is 20 points.

10. General endurance.

1) Persons who have not previously exercised or have exercised for no more than 6 weeks , can use the following indirect method.

Performing endurance exercises five times (running, swimming, cycling, rowing, skiing or skating) for 15 minutes at a heart rate of at least 170 per minute minus age in years (the maximum allowable heart rate is 185 minus age) - gives 30 points, 4 times a week – 25 points, 3 times a week – 20 points, 2 times – 10 points, 1 time – 5 points, not a single time and if the rules described above regarding heart rate and training aids are not followed – 0 points.

No points are awarded for performing morning exercises.

General endurance is assessed by running for 10 minutes as far as possible. For fulfilling the standard given in table. 2, 30 points are awarded and for every 50 m of distance exceeding this value, 15 points. For every 50 m of distance less than the age standard, 5 is subtracted from 30 points. The minimum number of points scored for this test is 0. The test is recommended for individuals who independently engage in physical exercise.

3) For group classes the level of development of general endurance is assessed using races of 2000 m for men and 1700 m for women. The control is the standard time given in table. 1. For compliance with the regulatory requirement, 30 points are awarded and for every 10 seconds less than this value - 15 points. For every 10 seconds more than the age standard, 5 points are subtracted from 30 points. The minimum number of points for the test is 0.

For example, for a 50-year-old man, the result of a 10-minute run will be 1170 m, which is 103 m less than the age standard. Therefore, the sum of points for this test will be 30–10 = 20 points.

11. Pulse recovery.

1) For those who do not exercise after 5 minutes of rest in a sitting position, take your pulse for 1 minute, then do 20 deep squats for 40 seconds and sit down again. After 2 minutes, measure the pulse again for 10 seconds and multiply the result by 6. Compliance with the initial value (before the load) gives 30 points, exceeding the pulse by 10 beats - 20 points, by 15 - 10 points, by 20 - 5 points, more than 20 beats – 10 points should be subtracted from the total.

2) Those who exercise for more than 6 weeks Heart rate recovery is assessed 10 minutes after the end of a 10-minute run or a 2000 m run for men and 1700 m for women by comparing the post-run heart rate with the initial value. Their coincidence gives 30 points, exceeding up to 10 hits - 20 points, 15 - 10 points, 20 - 5 points, more than 20 hits - 10 points should be subtracted from the total amount.

For example, a 50-year-old man’s heart rate before running was 70 per minute, 10 minutes after a 10-minute run it was 72, which practically coincides with the initial heart rate and this provides 30 points.


After summing up the points obtained for all 11 indicators, the physical condition is assessed as:

– low – less than 50 points;
– below average – 51–90 points;
– average – 91–160 points;
– above average – 160–250 points;
– high – more than 250 points. Published by econet.ru