How to attract good luck with Feng Shui and fulfill your desire. Working with the Bagua grid. Instructions for designing sectors

The entire universe is permeated with Qi energy (Prana). If you use Feng Shui rituals correctly, you can not only manage your own energy, but also live in harmony with the world.

Methods of influence are divided into:

  • Spiritual Feng Shui - meditations and mantras;
  • Material Feng Shui - talismans;
  • Energy feng shui - rituals.
  • Energy Feng Shui establishes a connection between a person and the Qi energy of the Universe. With its help, you can work on your spiritual world and on fulfilling your desires and achieving goals in the material world. Rituals are most often built on the fact that they capture energy flows and balance them, harmonize them. When combined with affirmations, thought forms, mantras, etc. you can achieve a much greater effect. You should take them very seriously, believe in their effectiveness and not doubt it. Because a desire fixed through ritual and filled with energy the right way, almost always comes true. It is quite possible to fill your life with prosperity, abundance and success. Here are a few rituals for fulfilling desires. But in fact, you can come up with your own methods for fulfilling desires like these. And believe - you can attract love, success, and money. Required condition for this - your faith in the fulfillment of desires. And everything will definitely work out!

    Ritual "Flags"

    In this most powerful ritual, the mediator between man and God is the wind. If you do everything right, you can get even your most cherished desire fulfilled. It is very good to carry out such a ritual on the first day of the new year, but it is also possible on another day (the first lunar day is excellent for this).

    1. Take silk fabric (or another natural one) and divide it into 4 large flag-shaped canvases.

    2. Write your wish on the fabric with black ink (you can use gouache, but it’s worse) in a clear, respectful and legible form.

    3. Install the flags as high as possible so that they flutter freely in the wind, with full confidence in success - it will be so.

    Ritual "Balloons"

    With the help of these rituals, you can convey your desire to divine beings with the help of intermediaries in the form of dragons, which the Chinese sit as entities that deliver messages to God. You can convey wishes to dragons using balloons:

    1. Need to take Balloons round or oval in shape and white, or pink, red, orange color. Black, blue or green balls are not suitable for this purpose.

    2. It is necessary to write your desire (request) on each ball with a black marker in a clear and respectful manner.

    3. On a sunny and windy day, find a place where no one will disturb you and release the balloons one at a time into the sky. At the same time, mentally imagine that dragons high in the sky are picking them up and carrying them to God, who will fulfill these desires.

    Ritual “Wish Fulfillment”

    This ritual is suitable if you are overwhelmed with emotions and energy. It is especially good to do it in the morning. An important condition is to do this at moments when you are bursting with emotions, be it intense joy, pleasure, delight or strong excitement, resentment or even anger. This can also be done when you want to smoke or drink (which is also a signal for the release of excess energy). And even during sex, when you are overwhelmed with passionate feelings. At such moments, raise forefinger up and shout out your desire quickly, briefly, in one succinct sentence. If you can't shout it out loud, because of course it's not always appropriate, say it silently. In the process, do not forget to imagine how, through the tip of your finger, all your powerful energy (which actually accumulates in your fingers) spills out like an arrow upward and rotates in a spiral at the moment you shout out your desire. Thus, the finger spins a magical funnel - the field of your desire.

    To perform the ritual, follow following rules: choose 5 wishes, select 3 of them, and select one out of three; each time shout out only one wish, do it until it comes true, without switching to others; Be in a good conscious state when performing this ritual - do not drink or smoke at this moment.

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    A way to visualize and put on paper what you want to achieve. With its help, dreams will come true easily and quickly: the Universe itself will begin to send favorable opportunities to achieve your goals.

    To properly make a wish card you will need: a sheet of whatman paper on which you will attach the images, scissors, glue and colored pens. Select photos in advance for each sector of the map - they can be cut out from magazines or downloaded from the Internet.

    Important points:

    1. You need to draw up a wish map on the days of the waxing moon
    2. Each image will need to be captioned with positive statements in the present tense. For example, a caption for a picture with money would be: “I earn 100,000 rubles a month or more.”
    3. Choose those pictures that resonate in your soul. These are positive and pleasing images. Look for them yourself, do not use ready-made options
    4. You will place pictures in sectors. It is important that each of them contains approximately the same number of photographs. This is necessary for balance, so that there is harmony in all areas of life

    Here is a diagram according to which you will glue drawings of your desires into sectors:

    It's called the Bagua grid. Draw out whatman paper and use a simple pencil to mark the location and name of each zone so as not to get confused. You need to glue the pictures clockwise, starting from the central sector.

    Rules for drawing up a map by sector

    It is very important not to get confused when drawing up a map: for every desire there is a place. If you start sticking pictures into sectors that they do not correspond to, the map will be useless.

    Important points and description of each zone:

    1. The central part is the health sector. You need to attach your personal photo here. It is advisable to choose a photo in which you are happy and healthy, depicted alone. You can take a photo from a graduation or wedding, but keep in mind that it should be taken no earlier than a year ago
    2. In the career sector you can place photos of growing sales charts, satisfied clients, logos of companies you would like to work for. Another option is a picture of a boss shaking hands with a subordinate with the caption: “I got a promotion.”
    3. The fame sector includes everything related to fame, popularity and recognition. Magazine covers, major blogs, visited sites. Everything that relates to your activity and in which you want to achieve success
    4. Easiest to fill out. You can paste it here as a photo large bills, wads of money, and some expensive things: fur coats, cars, houses, branded items, and so on
    5. Place photos of diplomas in the knowledge sector, educational institutions, certificates of completion of courses, driver's license and so on. If you dream of attending a seminar or training, attach a photo of the coach
    6. In the family zone you can place your happy family photos with relatives whose presence in your life is significant and important. If you dream about children, stick pictures of pregnant women, babies, children's toys
    7. The love sector is pictures of happy couples, romantic dates, weddings and everything else that you dream about in your personal life
    8. Creativity sector - here you can place photos of hand-made jewelry, artists, poets, musicians
    9. Helpers and travel - pictures of the countries you dream of visiting. Pictures of friends who should always stay by your side

    You must clearly understand what you want and choose images that perfectly match your desires. This is the key to success and fulfillment of everything you dream of.

    Captions for pictures

    Each image on the card must be signed with positive affirmations. Examples:

    • "I have a car (Mark)"
    • “My income is from 50,000 rubles per month and more”
    • "I got my driver's license"
    • “I am absolutely healthy, every day I feel better and better”
    • “I completed cutting and sewing courses”
    • “My family and I visited Italy”
    • “I married a man who suits me in all respects”

    Watch a video on how to make a Feng Shui wish card:

    Card activation

    For the wish card to start working, it must be activated. To do this, you need to come up with some small desire that you can easily fulfill on your own.

    For example:

    • Paste a photo of movie tickets to the assistants and travel sector
    • Image of ice cream, delicious dessert or any other dish

    The next day after making the card, fulfill your wish, and the card will start working.

    Important points:

    • No one except you and your family members should see the card, so it is better to store it in an inaccessible place. Glue whatman paper under the table or behind the cabinet door
    • When making a card, think only about the good. Imagine how your wishes come true, visualize the fulfillment of every dream
    • Set aside at least five minutes a day to work with the map. Sometimes look at her, thinking about how all your wishes, without exception, come true
    • The card is designed for about a year - during this period almost everything planned will come true. After this you can create a new one
    • After fulfilling each wish, mentally thank the Higher Powers. The energy of gratitude enhances further action
    • Your emotions charge the card, so do not sit down to do it if you are angry, irritated, angry or resentful. It is best to start creating in a calm and relaxed state, when nothing bothers you

    Faith in the power of the Universe is also very important. If you doubt the magical effect of the wish card, it will not work. Therefore, try to sincerely believe that miracles happen, and then you will receive all the necessary opportunities from fate.

    Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

    For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you are ready, draw a card:

    Fulfillment of desires

    In the practice of Feng Shui, symbolism is very actively used, that is, managing various aspects and attracting any benefits into your life with the help of their symbolic images. Thus, according to Feng Shui, writing a wish means giving an impetus to its fulfillment. And if you also supplement what is written with visual pictures of what you want to receive, then they will inevitably attract it into your life. A desire framed in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui, as it were, tells the Universe that you are ready to receive what you ask for, moreover, you already have it in your thoughts, therefore, in order to restore harmony and balance, your requests should also be satisfied on the physical level.

    Perhaps the most common ritual for fulfilling desires is the creation of a so-called treasure map. Briefly, the idea is this: on a piece of paper you place a photo of yourself and surround it with pictures of what you need to be happy. Symbolically, you are now surrounded by already embodied desires, and all that remains is to wait for them to move from symbolic form to real. This method works both for obtaining any material benefits and for achieving intangible goals: good luck in love, recognition, etc. So, let's get down to business!

    Creating a Treasure Map

    You will need a sheet of whatman paper, a personal photograph, glue and bright postcards, posters or glossy magazines. And, of course, a positive attitude and readiness for beneficial changes. You should also choose the right time to create a map. The period of the new moon is best suited, when the foundations of the events that will take place in the new moon are laid. lunar month. This is the most appropriate time for all rituals, the purpose of which is to obtain something, develop and multiply.

    Take your photo and stick it in the center of a piece of paper. It is better if your image is in color, in which you should smile and look healthy and cheerful, as if all your goals have already been achieved and your desires have been fulfilled. You should not choose photos in which you are not alone. If you have to cut out your face from a general photo, make sure that there are no “dismembered” neighbors left next to you. If you wish, you can surround your face beautiful frame, vignettes or flowers.

    Wish card

    Then we begin to select and cut out pictures that illustrate your aspirations and dreams. Please ensure that the selected images do not contain anything negative: gloomy, sick or sad people, weapons, broken or broken things, grinning animals, dirty or gloomy buildings. This work will require attention, since very often something inappropriate ends up in the background of the photo.

    Now you need to place the pictures correctly. It is best to draw a sheet of paper into nine squares or sectors (by ) with a pencil and select images so that they correspond to the value of the area occupied. Do you need to fill out all sectors if your desires concern only one or two aspects of life? This is not necessary, but highly recommended to maintain harmony. You can stick one or two suitable pictures in each zone. For example, in the Wealth zone - a photograph of a mountain of banknotes or gold bars, in the Glory and Recognition zone - a portrait of a famous and successful person, in the Family zone - photographs of relatives, etc. Design the areas that are especially important to you with great care.

    For example, in the Love zone you can place a photo of a happy couple in love (family people who want to rekindle their feelings can take their wedding photo), an image of two intertwined hands with wedding rings, a pair of swans or kissing doves. To decorate the sector, you can add hearts, flowers or angels.

    If you dream of travel, choose beautiful images of the places you would like to visit: golden beaches, squares of large cities, mountains, wild forests or boarding houses in fashionable resorts. A photo of a modern airliner or cruise ship would also be appropriate.

    Those who need help in having offspring should pay attention to the Children's zone. Photos of cheerful and healthy babies, images of cute strollers, rattles, and teddy bears are suitable for its design.

    In general, it all depends on your imagination.

    Best place for a treasure map

    Make a wish map on the computer

    Most best option- this is to hang the card where it will constantly catch your eye. Thus, you will regularly feed your desires with your energy and remind the Universe that it would be nice to hurry up with their fulfillment. You can also place a treasure map in the area of ​​the apartment that, according to Feng Shui, is responsible for the area of ​​life associated with your main desire. You just need to take into account the location of directions that are favorable and unfavorable for you. IN bad zone the card will not work.

    Before guests or skeptical relatives arrive, it is better to hide the card from their view. Other people's envy, ridicule and skepticism can harm the fulfillment of plans.

    Option for geeks

    If you are an advanced user graphics programs, you can create your own map in Corel Draw, Photo Shop or Studio Max 3D and make it your desktop screensaver. Then you will see the map every time you turn on your computer or close all windows on it.

    For the shy or lazy

    You can make a portable mini version. On a small piece of paper that will fit in your pocket, purse or wallet, draw a Bagua grid. Place your photo in the central square (this is still a mandatory point), and in the rest, simply write your wishes in pencil in accordance with their location. You need to formulate your desire as precisely as possible, in the present tense. Not “I want” or “I will have”, but “I have”, “I have”. Each wish should be concluded with the phrase “for the benefit of all.” When something “ordered” comes true, replace your wish with gratitude to the Higher Powers for its fulfillment. At the next new moon, you will be able to enter a new “order” for this place. A desire that has lost relevance should be immediately removed so as not to mislead the Higher powers.

    Cup of Wishes

    Cup of Wishes

    There is one more interesting ritual, which you can use to fulfill your dreams. It will require a magical Feng Shui tool - a wishing bowl. You will need to write a request to the Universe on a small piece of paper, burn the piece of paper in a bowl, then fill it with wine and drink. Doesn’t it really remind you of what we do during the chimes with a glass of champagne? The advantage of the Feng Shui ritual is that you don’t have to wait until December 31st to perform it.

    Deadlines for completing the plan

    The time frame in which your wish will be fulfilled is difficult to predict. Usually the minimum period is a week, the maximum is 3 years. But it happens that people receive what they asked for the next day. And sometimes they don’t get it at all. This means that the fulfillment of a wish could cause serious harm to the person who ordered it or to other people. In any case, accept with gratitude everything that the Universe gives you.

    The fact that our thoughts, intentions and dreams are material is an indisputable and no longer disputed truth. Our thoughts tend to come true sooner or later, so people involved in spiritual practices recommend treating them very carefully.

    Feng Shui experts suggest using this feature of the universe for your own benefit by creating a so-called wish map (or treasure map).

    Let's talk about the wish map. What it is?

    The Feng Shui wish visualization map is another effective tool that helps people significantly improve the quality of their lives. The great advantage of this tool is that it offers a comprehensive approach to the problem of materializing your desires.

    The fact is that when we are asked about any desires or dreams, we begin to list the first thing that comes to mind and that cannot make us truly happy, because we are talking about some transitory things. Dreaming of a more successful life, we simply do not think about what can really lead us to harmony and success.

    To become happy and successful, a person must receive a whole range of material and spiritual benefits: it is not enough to be healthy, one must also be wealthy. It’s not enough to be rich – you need to feel wanted and loved. A person needs everything at once, only then can he say that he has achieved harmony.

    What is the point of creating a wish map?

    • A wish map is a way to get a complete picture of all those things without which human life cannot be considered harmonious and successful. With its help, we have the opportunity to systematize our dreams, organizing them into special shelves (or sectors), using the Bagua grid:

    • Entries accompanied by accurate pictures are formed into human brain a certain thought form that has invisible energy channels, which at some point will attract the necessary situations and people needed to realize a particular dream (we know that our thoughts are material).

    With the help of a wish map, a person’s dreams acquire a completely specific visual image-picture and verbal formulation.

    • The wish map aims a person to realize his dream, encourages him to look for options to achieve the desired goal. Without this, dreams will remain dreams.

    Making a wish map

    How to make a wish card according to Feng Shui? This business is creative, very exciting and completely uncomplicated. So, we decided to make a wish card with our own hands. What do we need for this?

    1. A large sheet of Whatman paper or thick paper.
    2. Some source of bright, expressive pictures (a thick illustrated magazine, a stack of posters, newspapers, leaflets or banners).
    3. Markers, felt-tip pens or gel pens.
    4. Glue stick.
    5. Scissors.
    6. Sequins, ribbons, rhinestones.
    7. Your own photo (and perhaps more than one).

    When to make a wish card?

    It is best to do this on the growing Moon: on days favorable for making all kinds of acquisitions. You can first devote one evening to selecting expressive pictures. To do this, look for one of the feng shui calendars (there are special calendars) auspicious days and we begin to cut out images of everything that corresponds to our ideas about a harmonious and happy life.

    How to make a wish card with your own hands? Having turned on pleasant music and tuned in to a positive mood, we get to work:

    • The first step is to divide a sheet of paper into nine equal parts, in full accordance with the Bagua grid. The shape of the card can be any: either square or round, it doesn’t matter at all.
    • The sequence of filling each square is important, so you should start from the central sector.
    • In the very center of the sheet on which it falls health and personality zone person, you must include your own photo. This image should be such that the author of the future map likes it.

    You must be smiling and happy in the photo, because only such a photo will radiate positive vibrations.

    • You are allowed to make a collage from your own photographs or photomontage (when the author’s face is glued to the beautiful figure of a fashion model).

    The wish map will be more effective if in each sector you write short affirmation phrases that present your dreams as an already accomplished fact. By repeating them, you will give instructions to your subconscious. For example, a girl who dreams of losing weight may write: “I am beautiful, slim and attractive.”

    You can surround your own photo with bright sun rays, emoticons, hearts, confetti circles or sequins. The more aesthetics and imagination there are in the design of your card, the better it will work.

    • The next square to be filled is the one that symbolizes the glory zone and is located above the health zone. This is the sector of visualization of ambitious thoughts, so here you can make your own photo montage by pasting your face into a photograph of a person receiving an award or placing him among a group of successful people.

    A short slogan that voices dreams of self-realization may look like this: “I have authority among my colleagues,” “I have become the leader of my team.”

    • We go down and fill the career area. To visualize your dream of career growth or developing your own business, you can make a collage of photographs of people who have achieved great success in a certain industry.

    Entrepreneurs can place graphs here showing sales growth. Those looking for a job will find it useful to use several logos of reputable companies whose employees they would like to become.

    • What to do when the middle of the wish card is filled? Go to its left side. Here is the wealth zone, responsible for prosperity and well-being.

    To visualize your ideas about a luxurious life, you can use pictures depicting traditional Feng Shui talismans: a figurine of the pot-bellied god Hotei, bundles of Chinese coins, as well as images of banknotes, photographs of tightly stuffed wallets and scatterings of gold coins.

    It is with this sector of the wish map that you should associate your dreams of owning your own home, purchasing a car or a large wages. You can make a photo montage by pasting your photo into the window of a luxury limousine.

    When formulating wishes, you should make them as specific as possible. Don’t write: “I want a bigger salary.” Write exactly how much (and how often) you want to receive.

    When dreaming of a car, do not write: “I want a car.” It is better to make the wish affirmative by writing: “I have a car (indicate its make and specify the color).

    • Let's move on to sector of wisdom and knowledge, which, according to the rules of Feng Shui, should be done in the lower left corner of the card. To visualize desires related to obtaining an education, you can place pictures of books, notes, a master’s cap or a diploma.
    • Having moved one cell higher, we design the family sector, which implies your immediate environment, which can include not only household members, but also all kinds of relatives, as well as friends.

    To decorate this sector, you can specially take a group family photo. Affirmations for this sector should be formulated based on the nature of the relationships within your family.

    • All we have to do is design the right side of the wish card. In the upper right corner, as the practice of Feng Shui teaches us, is located zone of love and marriage.

    People who dream of marriage can make a photo montage with their own hands in which they imagine themselves and their chosen one as the bride and groom.

    Those who know how to draw can limit themselves to a hand-drawn drawing, since its energy will allow you to achieve more good results. What else should people do when looking for their soulmate? Feng Shui advises them to place a family photo of their happily married parents in this sector of the map.

    Making a photo montage using pictures of happy celebrity couples is also quite acceptable. Many people use these photographs, simply sticking them on a card and wishing the same relationship for themselves and their chosen one. For people who have already made a married couple, it is enough to place a joint photograph in it, accompanied by an affirmation like: “We are happy in marriage.”

    • Having gone down one cell, we find ourselves in children and creativity sector, responsible for the prospect of creative growth and maternal self-realization.

    What should a woman who dreams of having a child do? You can paste pictures on the card depicting cheerful babies, pregnant women or a mother with a child. What should people who want to achieve success in creativity do? You can place here a photograph of any famous creative person who serves as a source of inspiration, as well as write an affirmation that can program a person for success in terms of creative self-realization.

    • Last to fill assistant and travel sector, located in the lower left corner.

    To make your dream of distant travels come true, colorful pictures depicting the places you would like to visit are pasted in, along with affirmations on the map that make it easier to realize this desire.

    To know 10 golden rules of affirmations for the wish card:

    With your helpers you can do absolutely specific people(teachers, their comrades), and heavenly patrons: God, saints, guardian angel.

    Where should I place my wish card?

    A Feng Shui wish card will work when it is always in front of the eyes of the person who created it, hidden from the curiosity of strangers. There are several options for storing it:

    1. You can hang the map in the bedroom: according to Feng Shui experts, this will enhance its energy, since it is with it that the day of the creator of the map will begin and end with it.
    2. You can put it unfolded on the top shelf or on the closet. What should you never do?

      It is unacceptable to roll, fold or place the card face down!

      As the practice of Feng Shui teaches, nothing should prevent the flow of beneficial qi energy to it.

      Most often, the wish card is hung on inner side wardrobe doors: this fulfills the condition of concealing information from prying eyes.

    3. You can create an electronic version of the wish card by placing it on your desktop.

    How to activate a wish card?

    People just starting to get acquainted with the practice of Feng Shui often ask the question: “What should be done in order for the wish map to begin to actively work?”

    There is a very simple and effective technique: in the central sector of the card you can place an image of your favorite treat or favorite flowers. Since it will not be difficult for you to fulfill this particular desire, you will achieve the solution of two tasks at once: you will pamper yourself and you will put your personal map of fulfillment of the most fantastic desires into working order.

    How should you work with a wish map?

    • It is necessary to work with the wish map daily.
    • At the stage of visualizing your desire, having chosen a convenient time and a secluded place (where no one can disturb you), you should imagine it in the smallest detail. For example, when dreaming of a new car, you can imagine yourself inside its interior, feel the touch of the leather upholstery of the seats and cold surface steering wheel What color is your dream car, what smells are in it, what emotions are visiting you at this moment?
    The feng shui circle of power (Creation) will fulfill a wish. Envelopes of desires and the angle of power.

    It doesn't matter whether you believe in Feng Shui or not, it still works. This is especially true for landscape features, apartment layout and furniture arrangement. Sometimes you don’t even need to specifically activate the Bagua grid in order for the Qi energy to actively move in space.

    It is enough to take into account the characteristics of the main elements - Fire, Water, Metal, Wood and Earth when designing a house design. These five elements have great power; they are able to direct a powerful flow of abundance from the Universe into your reality. That is why it is better to use their energy in Feng Shui to fulfill desires.

    The effectiveness of the following ritual has long admired all masters, but when performing it, it is not enough to follow the instructions and honor each element. You will need to independently discover another, “sixth element” in yourself - faith. Feng Shui for fulfilling desires This method of realizing dreams is considered the most powerful in the entire practice of Feng Shui. So before you get started, please read the rules:

    First, take your desires apart..

    You must make sure that it will pass the test to "ecology". To do this, think about whether you really need to materialize this desire, whether it is sincere and only yours, and whether it will harm others.

    Secondly, do not perform the ritual out of idle curiosity or for any reason.

    Do not worry, negative influence you won't get it, but when you really need help, you won't get it. Masters claim that Fire, Water, Metal, Wood and Earth are living elements, and they do not like it when they are played with.

    Thirdly, wait for the waxing moon.

    Circle of Creation

    1. Great Feng Shui tool for making wishes come true!!As soon as you decide on your desire , refer to the Bagua grid and determine which sector it belongs to.

    Wealth (southeast): associated with all your material possessions.

    Slava (south): fame and reputation, a reflection of public opinion and your plans.

    Love, marriage (southwest): connected with the husband/wife, if not, it means the sector is not activated.

    Family (East): your family, immediate circle, relatives, ancestors.

    Health (center): unity and harmony of all things, and other areas not included in the general Ba-gua grid.

    Children, creativity (West): spiritual or physical creativity; children; tendency to communicate.

    Wisdom, knowledge (northeast): intelligence, experience, clarity of thought, self-improvement.

    Career (north): work, professional activity, earnings.

    Travel, helpers (northwest): connected with those who help you (teachers, mentors, guardian angel), and are also responsible for travel.

    For example, you have long and passionately dreamed of opening your own business. In this case, you need the north, which is responsible for the career. It is there that the ritual will need to be performed.

    2 . State your desire in the present tense and without the word “I want”.

    You probably know that the word “I want” slows down the implementation of your plans and resonates in the subconscious in a negative way. Those. if you say “I want to lose weight,” the unconscious calms down with satisfaction, since the dream has already been fulfilled. You already “want”, why work further? Same here: once one of the conditions of the ritual is Faith, which means you need to put your desire into a favorable form for an unspoken “agreement” with the subconscious.

    According to the example, your request will sound something like this: “I open my own business with ease and pleasure.”

    3. As you may have guessed, we will use the energy of the five elements, or rather the strength of their interaction, which reflects Circle of Creation. This is what needs to be created.

    Take the symbols of the five elements, for example:

    Tree- a piece of wood.Water- glass of water.Metal- metal object.Fire- a candle.Earth- clay object, earth.

    Arrange items according to the Circle of Creation


    4) Before you begin, be sure to light a candle to activate the energy of Fire.

    5) Once you are done, sit comfortably next to your Circle of Creation and repeat out loud or mentally your prepared wish statement.

    Don't be surprised if you suddenly feel a strong warmth coming from him or if an unfamiliar shiver appears in your body.

    The power of the circle is very great.

    6) After five to ten minutes, thank the forces and extinguish the candle. You can devote more time to the ritual.

    7) Feng Shui MastersIt is not recommended to immediately remove the circle after the procedure described above.Leave it in your sector for at least a week, and do not forget to change the water daily.

    8) Besides - while you have it, repeat the ritual every day for at least five minutes.

    Feng Shui: envelopes of desires and angle of power.

    After using any technology, it takes a certain time to translate our desires into reality.Is it possible to speed up the process?

    Incredibly, many Feng Shui masters answer this question in the affirmative. If you have already activated all Bagua sectors in at least one room in your apartment, then You can speed up the materialization of your dreams by doing the following:

    Envelopes of wishes Today, almost all specialized Feng Shui shops sell bright multi-colored envelopes. Usually, they come in sets of eight pieces each. If you don't find anything like this, take colored paper, glue, scissors and make them yourself. Just during manufacturing, stick to favorable length and width.

    In each envelope, put a small piece of paper on which you write your desire or affirmation (don’t forget: we formulate them in the present tense and without the word “I want”). There will be eight in total, according to the number of envelopes, and each intention is written for a specific area of ​​the Bagua grid.

    After you are done creating the envelopes and inserting the wish slips into them, place your creations according to the cardinal directions as written in the table:


    Envelope color: violet, green (optional)

    South (GLORY) Color: red


    Color: pink, beige (optional)

    East (FAMILY)

    Color: green, brown (optional)

    Center (HEALTH)

    Yellow color, orange

    (we didn’t talk about this envelope, since it’s difficult to place something in the center, but if you have the opportunity, then make the ninth one)


    White color, silver(optional)


    Color: blue, sand (optional)

    North (CAREER)

    Color: black, blue, blue(optional)


    Color: gray, yellow(optional)

    Envelopes can be placed under the carpet, closet, bedside table. In general, in a way that is convenient for you. They are designed to additionally activate Qi energy, which will attract those same dreams into your reality.

    Force Angle

    The uniqueness of the angle of force is that to determine it you do not need a compass, compliance with the Bagua grid area, and it is in every room.

    Stand at the entrance to the room near the doorway. How is the door located?

    If she's a little to the right, then your force angle is on the opposite side to the left. If the door is to the left , then accordingly to the right.(i is the angle of force on the right )

    What should be in this corner?

    Any character ONE desires. For example, if you dream of wealth, then place coins or images of money there. Do you want to attract love? Place paired items there or hang a small picture with two doves. Dreaming of traveling? One view of the desired country will be quite enough. It is believed that the angle of force can bring the fulfillment of your cherished desire much faster than you plan. Well, let's try...

    Anastasia Volkova,