Allokin alpha repeated course. Why are Allokin-alpha injections needed? How and where to store

Does Alokin Alpha help (Bila Tserkva releases him). It is very important for me to hear your recommendations, to whom and how did he help?

Allokin-alpha was prescribed to me for HPV. I heard about the effectiveness of Allokin, but when the doctor prescribed it to me and assured me that the drug was of high quality and time-tested, there was no doubt. As a result, 6 injections were enough to get rid of HPV. PCR results control after 3 months-negative. I sincerely recommend!


The drug is standing. Helped me. When HPV was discovered, the doctor advised me to pierce these injections. Six months later, I went to take an analysis for HPV again. The result is missing. I hope the effect of it will be long. If it shows up again, I'll inject again. Helped me :)

The first Allokin was pierced in Russia when there was access to drugs in general. Then our white church. The difference is significant, even then, as the drug was used, there was pain from the Russian one. Our drug was injected, it is not clear what, as if some kind of sterile water without any sensation. In Egypt, for counterfeit drugs, the death penalty, we are doing ... The first Allokin was pierced in Russia when there was access to drugs in general. Then our white church. The difference is significant, even then, as the drug was used, there was pain from the Russian one. Our drug was injected, it is not clear what, as if some kind of sterile water without any sensation. In Egypt, for counterfeit drugs, the death penalty, we do what they want.

I have tried many HPV remedies. I have found 16/18 types. Everyone praises everything, but the result is actually zero. She only transferred money for drugs. Allokin was recommended, they said 6 injections, but they warned that a second course of treatment is possible. After 6 injections, I didn’t even go for PCR control. I immediately pierced 6 injections ... I have tried many HPV remedies. I have found 16/18 types. Everyone praises everything, but the result is actually zero. She only transferred money for drugs. Allokin was recommended, they said 6 injections, but they warned that a second course of treatment is possible. After 6 injections, I didn’t even go for PCR control. I immediately pierced 6 injections every other day, and then a break and a month later 3 more injections. After another 4 months, I passed for PCR. I don't have HPV anymore! I am very satisfied with Allokin!!!

I bought 6 injections for the treatment of genital warts, I really hoped for this expensive preparation I made 1 injection before the operation to remove warts and the rest after, I thought it would help but it didn’t help, the warts climbed out further until I started to be treated with other drugs and did 2 more removal operations I bought 6 injections for the treatment of genital warts, I really hoped for this expensive drug I made 1 injection before the operation to remove genital warts and the rest after, I thought it would help but it didn’t help,
condylomas climbed further until he began to be treated with other drugs and did 2 more operations to remove

He was treated many times for genital herpes, tried all possible preparations, ointments and tablets. Tired of frequent and debilitating relapses, at least once every two months!!! I understand that there will be no complete elimination of herpes, but at least achieve a long-term remission. I came across info about Allokin and decided to try it. Asked at... He was treated many times for genital herpes, tried all possible preparations, ointments and tablets. Tired of frequent and debilitating relapses, at least once every two months!!! I understand that there will be no complete elimination of herpes, but at least achieve a long-term remission. I came across info about Allokin and decided to try it. I asked in pharmacies, but we don’t have Allokin in Baku. I ordered two packs from Moscow at once. I pierced 3 injections, I don’t remember about herpes for 6 months! I think, for prevention, pierce again.

Helped me tremendously with HPV16. Diagnosed, scared. The doctor said that you do not need to be nervous, but you need to be treated. Allokin was appointed. Injections are easy to make, only 6 pcs. I passed the tests after 3 months and really helped!

Allokin helped, I didn’t even have to remove papillomas. Signed up for removal, and they themselves began to fall off.

The drug is excellent. There were several types before the course of treatment, high viral load. Checked after 4 months and found nothing. Satisfied.

Allokin-alpha is an excellent drug. I had to order it from Russia, since it is not yet available in Baku!. Completed a course of treatment with her husband, after 4 months HPV types 16 and 18 were not found. The treatment was not cheap, but the result is worth the money spent. I recommend to all! Allokin-alpha is an excellent drug. I had to order it from Russia, since it is not yet available in Baku!. We underwent a course of treatment together with her husband, after 4 months HPV types 16 and 18 were not detected. The treatment was not cheap, but the result is worth the money spent. I recommend to all!


Antiviral injections of the Alloferon solution, as the description of the drug Allokin-Alpha informs - instructions for use - can cause dizziness, weakness, rashes, but these phenomena are rare and do not require discontinuation of treatment. This remedy demonstrates high activity against infections, which are catalyzed by influenza, hepatitis and herpes viruses. To achieve a therapeutic effect, when preparing a solution for injection, the instructions should be strictly followed.

Allokin-Alpha injections

The body's natural cytokine responses are the basis of immunity. Cytokines produced by lymphocytes serve as information transmitters between cells. They notify about the penetration of an infection or virus and start defense mechanism. The antiviral effect is the stronger, the sooner after the ingestion of a pathogenic agent, the production of interferons begins. Development of acute viral diseases due to the suppression of cytokines. Allokin-Alpha was developed to prevent the shutdown of information molecules under the influence of viruses.

Allokin-Alpha is a selective stimulant natural immunity, which has an immunotropic effect. Injections from HPV (human papillomavirus), viral hepatitis and herpes virus, according to patient reviews, are well tolerated and significantly strengthen the body's defenses. Observational data obtained during the therapeutic practice of using an immunomodulator indicate a decrease in the frequency of recurrence of herpes and papilloma viral infection.

Composition and form of release

The drug is produced in the form of a hygroscopic lyophilized white powder, packaged in ampoules, each containing 1 mg of alloferon. Instructions for use contain a description of the biologically active substance, which is the only constituent of the drug. Alloferon is an oligopeptide, a stimulator of interferon synthesis and an activator of natural killers. It demonstrates activity against infections caused by papilloma, influenza, herpes, and hepatitis viruses.

pharmachologic effect

Subcutaneous administration of the solution promotes the rapid penetration of alloferon into the blood, where it binds to cells immune system. Active active substance the drug is an effective inducer of the synthesis of endogenous interferons, a stimulator of recognition and lysis (dissolution) of defective cells by cytotoxic lymphocytes. After the injection of the drug, the conduction of impulses through nerve cells and the effect of histamine, oxytocin, serotonin on smooth muscles increases.

Indications for use

It is advisable to use the immunomodulator for viral infections provoked by a sharp decrease in the protective functions of the body. According to the instructions, the drug is effective for:

  • complex therapy of acute hepatitis type B;
  • chronic infections caused by papillomavirus (including oncogenic viruses);
  • recurrent genital herpes types 1 and 2;
  • chronic forms of hepatitis C and B;
  • erosion of the cervix (dysplasia);
  • influenza viruses;
  • papillomas, condylomas, warts;
  • urogenital infections.

Method of application and dosage

The course of therapy using an immunomodulator should be prescribed by a qualified specialist, based on individual characteristics patient and clinical picture diseases. The number of injections and duration of treatment depend on the current condition of the patient and the type of viral agent. Immediately before starting the procedure, dilute the contents of the ampoule to obtain injection solution. According to the instructions, the drug is administered by subcutaneous injection in the area indicated by the doctor.

How to breed

The solvent for the Alloferon powder for the preparation of the injection is 0.9% physiological sodium chloride solution. The use of another agent for dissolving Allokin-Alpha is unacceptable due to a decrease in the therapeutic effect. For subcutaneous administration, 1 ml of saline is used, which should be drawn into a syringe, added to the contents of the ampoule and shaken vigorously. According to the instructions, the diluted drug should be used immediately. Before or after the introduction of the solution, it is impossible to draw other drugs into the same syringe.

Dosage of the drug and duration of treatment

Instructions for use of the drug contains generalized instructions regarding the dosage and treatment regimen for various types infections, the exact dose and duration of therapy should be prescribed by the attending physician:

How to inject Allokin-Alpha

According to reviews, Allokin-Alpha injections do not cause discomfort, due to the fact that thin and small needles are used. Subcutaneous injections should be performed by healthcare professionals. The general algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. hygienic processing of hands;
  2. selection of the area where the solution will be injected ( upper third shoulder surface, side surface abdomen, inner thigh or subscapular region);
  3. treatment alcohol solution skin at the injection site;
  4. skin fold formation;
  5. insertion of a needle 2/3 of its length at an angle of 45 degrees to the skin surface;
  6. slow introduction of a solution of alloferon;
  7. removing the needle;
  8. treatment of the injection site.

special instructions

The instructions for use indicate that the drug does not affect reproductive function and has no general toxicity. TO special instructions regarding the intake of an alloferon solution include:

  • Allokin-Alpha and Acyclovir complement each other, and the combination of these drugs can be used to effective treatment chronic genital herpes (recurrent form).
  • In the treatment of human papillomavirus infection, the use of Allokin-Alpha as monotherapy is permissible if there are no clinical lesions of the cervix;
  • the need to combine Allokin-Alpha with other immunomodulators requires constant medical monitoring of blood test indicators.
  • Hepatitis B therapy should begin no later than the seventh day from the moment signs of jaundice are detected.
  • If dizziness occurs during treatment with the drug, you should refrain from driving complex mechanisms, a car.

Allokin-alpha and pregnancy

Studies of the drug regarding the appearance of mutagenic factors, teratogenesis, embryolethal or fetotoxic effects did not give positive results, however, doctors do not recommend the use of Allokin-Alfa injections during pregnancy and lactation. Such precautions are associated with the high activity of alloferon and its ability to have an adverse effect on the development of the fetus. Necessity antiviral treatment using this drug during breastfeeding requires the transfer of the child to artificial feeding.

Alcohol compatibility

The active substance of the drug helps to increase the concentration of antiviral proteins (interferons) produced by cells, which are sensitive to any changes in the plasmolytic fluid. Ethanol does not interact with alloferon, but alcohol is able to change chemical composition blood, so the reaction of the body to the combination of the drug and alcoholic beverages cannot be predicted. The manufacturer of the medicine recommends refraining from drinking alcohol during treatment, as stated in the instructions for use.

Side effects and overdose

Over the entire period of use of the drug in therapeutic practice, cases of overdose with alloferon have not been registered. Information about the undesirable effects that occur while taking an alloferon-containing drug is indicated in the description of the drug Allokin-Alpha - or instructions for use. According to reviews, herpes injections are well tolerated and rarely cause side effects, the most common manifestations of which are:

  • the appearance of new herpetic eruptions;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness.


Alloferon injections, according to the instructions, are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. In pediatric practice, Allokin-Alpha is not used, the minimum age of a patient who can be prescribed treatment with this drug is 18 years. Other contraindications include:

  • intolerance to alloferon;
  • diagnosed autoimmune diseases(scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, thyroiditis, myasthenia, etc.);
  • alcoholism;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug.

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy the drug only by presenting a prescription certified by the signature and seal of the doctor. Instructions for use describes mandatory conditions storage solution, which involve temperature regime from 2 to 8 degrees, dark, dry place. Subject to these recommendations, Allokin-Alpha retains its properties for 2 years from the date of production. After opening the ampoule, the medicine cannot be stored.


Alloferon-based immunomodulator is an original pharmaceutical product and has no synonyms. A drug that is similar in therapeutic effect and has an identical composition active substance- this is Alloferon, which is an analogue of Allokin Alpha. Substitutes for the drug can be:

  • Arpeflu;
  • Amiksin;
  • Oksolin;
  • Groprinosin;
  • Gardasil;
  • Amizon;
  • Hyporamine;
  • Flavozid;
  • Altabor.

Price Allokin-Alpha

You can order an antiviral drug in the online store, but the release of the drug from the warehouse is possible only upon presentation of a prescription. You can buy Allokin-Alpha in the pharmacies of the city at a price of 3750 rubles. per package containing 3 ampoules:

Number of ampoules in a package

Price, rubles



Pharmacies Stolicki


A solution of alloferon in the form of antiviral injections of Allokin-Alpha can cause weakness and dizziness. In some cases, a rash appears, but such phenomena are very rare; it is not required to stop treatment with Allokin-Alpha when such symptoms appear. The action of the drug is based on high activity against infections that provoke the development of herpes, hepatitis and influenza viruses. The use of the drug Allokin-Alpha allows you to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect in the treatment of these diseases.

Pharmacological action of the drug

Alloferon (the main active ingredient) quickly penetrates into the blood because it is administered subcutaneously. There, the substance binds to the cells of the immune system and produces the synthesis of endogenous interferons, thereby supporting cellular immunity. The described component stimulates the recognition of cells that are defective.

After the start of the use and administration of the drug Allokin-Alpha, it very quickly appears in the blood, which contributes to enhanced conduction of impulses through the cells nervous system and increase operating force histamine, serotonin and oxytocin on smooth muscle.

Release form and components of the drug

This medicine presented in powder form white color. Sometimes, instead of the powder in the ampoule, you can find a porous mass, which is normal. From the contents of the ampoule, it is necessary to prepare a solution for subcutaneous administration. The main active ingredient of the drug is alloferon at a dosage of 1 mg.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

At its core, the drug is an oligopeptide, which makes it similar to interferon. The tool recognizes the affected cells of the immune system and stimulates the synthesis of interferons.

Conducted scientific experiments confirmed the effectiveness of alloferon against viruses that cause influenza, hepatitis, human papilloma. It is important that the active substance is non-toxic, hypoallergenic, does not affect the ability to reproduce. It can be used by a wide variety of people.

The substance penetrates into the blood very quickly due to the fact that it is injected subcutaneously. The drug remains most effective for 6-8 hours, after which it decreases and becomes almost zero after 20-24 hours.

The drug is effective in various viral infections, the course of which is accompanied by a decrease in the protective functions of the body. According to the instruction, treatment with Allokin-Alpha is justified in the following pathologies:

  • papilloma virus (including oncogenic variations);
  • plantar warts, warts;
  • ARI and flu;
  • herpes that recurs (types 1 and 2);
  • urogenital infections;
  • hepatitis B and C in the acute phase.

It is possible to use Allokin-Alpha for prevention purposes. Treatment with the drug can prevent the development of cervical dysplasia and cancer.

The use of Allokin-Alpha in the treatment infectious diseases involves subcutaneous administration according to a predetermined scheme, depending on the diagnosis:

  • 1 mg of the drug is used every other day. For a course of treatment - 3 ampoules.
  • Dosage - 1 mg three times a week. The course of treatment - 9 injections.
  • Enter 6 injections every other day.

Treatment of other diseases is carried out in courses in accordance with the instructions for the drug. A pronounced therapeutic effect is achieved fairly quickly. It is important that a solution for the administration of the agent can be prepared from sodium chloride at a concentration of 0.9%. The amount of solvent is 1 ml per ampoule.

List of contraindications for use

Treatment with the drug should not be carried out during pregnancy and lactation. Alloferon is not recommended by pediatricians. The use of Allokin-Alpha is possible only after the patient's age reaches 18 years.

The remedy also has some other contraindications:

  • intolerance;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • alcoholism;
  • increased sensitivity.

If the patient's history is aggravated by one or more of these factors, treatment with Allokin-Alpha is contraindicated.

Possible side effects

Side effects during therapy with alloferon are quite rare, because the composition of the drug does not include any auxiliary components. The medicine contains only the main active ingredient. In some situations, patients may experience the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • the occurrence of allergies;
  • migraine;
  • increased symptoms of the disease being treated.

If treatment with the described remedy leads to the occurrence of side effects, then the use of Allokin-Alpha must be discontinued.

Over the entire period of application of Allokin-Alpha, no cases of overdose have been identified. This means that treatment with this medication is completely safe.

Interaction with other medicines

The main substance of the drug Allokin-Alpha does not interfere with the action of other drugs, therefore, when diagnosing genital herpes, you can safely combine alloferon therapy with acyclovir or its derivatives. Against the backdrop of development acute form hepatitis B, the drug is also prescribed in combination with the main course of drugs.

special instructions

The drug is non-toxic, does not affect human reproduction. Its use is almost completely safe, but it is still worth considering some points:

  • to increase the effectiveness of therapy for genital herpes, alloferon can be combined with Acyclovir;
  • treatment of the papilloma virus with the use of the drug as the only remedy is permissible in the absence of lesions of the cervix;
  • interaction with other immunomodulators requires constant medical supervision;
  • the use of Allokin-Alpha for acute hepatitis B should be started within a week from the onset of the first symptoms.

If treatment with the drug provokes the appearance of dizziness and severe headaches, you should refrain from using the drug.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Allokin-Alpha is not recommended, because the active substance has the ability to affect the developing fetus. If the potential benefit to the mother from the use of the drug is very high, then the child should be transferred to artificial nutrition for the period of treatment.

Allokin alfa is a Russian-made antiviral drug. Interferon analogue. Effective against herpes and HPV. Good feedback among doctors and patients - up to 98% cure.

Producer: FMBA of Russia.

About the drug

Trade name: allokin-alpha (see photo).

Active ingredient: alloferon. This is an analogue of human interferon.

Previously, alloferon was obtained from insect larvae. Currently, it is produced by chemical synthesis, that is, artificially.

In the human body Allokin:

  • stimulates the production of a person's own interferon
  • stimulates the work of natural killers - immune cells that kill the virus.

After an injection of Allokin-alpha, the therapeutic effect persists for 7 days.

A doctor's prescription is required to purchase.


Allokin-alpha showed itself well in the following viral infections:

  • Human papillomavirus, especially its oncogenic types ()
  • Herpes virus types 1 and 2
  • Hepatitis B virus
  • flu virus

Instructions for use

Allokin alfa is available in ampoules, in powder form. The box may contain 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 ampoules. One ampoule - one injection.
Not available in tablets.

How to breed?

The powder in the ampoule is diluted with 1 ml of saline. solution (this is 0.9% NaCl) immediately before the injection itself.
Pause for 1-2 minutes until the powder dissolves.
The solution is drawn into a syringe.

Where to prick?

Injections are given subcutaneously: in the shoulder or thigh.

According to the instructions

Treatment for HPV infection produced by a course of 6 injections, which are given every other day. For best effect Allokin-alpha should be used in combination with other antiviral drugs and removal of papilloma or cauterization of the focus of cervical dysplasia (read information on cervical dysplasia).

Often doctors combine injections of allokin and interferon in suppositories. At the same time, not 6 ampoules, but 3 ampoules are taken for the course of treatment. But in any case, the volume and treatment regimen is selected in each case individually, depending on the prevalence and neglect of the process in the patient.

Herpes treatment. Allokin-alpha is placed every other day, 1 ampoule - for a course of 3 injections. It is also recommended to combine this drug with acyclovir for a better and lasting effect.

Hepatitis B treatment. Allokin-alpha is placed every other day, 1 ampoule - a course of 9 injections.

Attention: the sooner the treatment of all viral diseases is started, the faster the cure will come. Delays in treatment may lead to a lack of effect from the use of Allokin and other antiviral drugs.

On early stage- cure in 98% of patients.

In the later stages - much less (by 20-30%).

Analogues of Allokin-alpha


  • Panavir ().
  • Genferon (candles).
  • Other interferon preparations under various trade names.


  • Epigen intimate ().
  • Isoprinosine ().
  • Imiquimod, or Aldara cream -.

Side effects and actions

Weakness, dizziness, sometimes an increase in rash or allergy to Allokin. It is not recommended to combine with alcohol, as dizziness increases.
There is almost never pain at the injection site.
Side effects on Allokin appear very rarely.


  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Children under 18
  • During pregnancy is contraindicated!
  • Nursing mothers - for the duration of treatment, stop breastfeeding.


It was never!


The cost of allokin-alpha is high. One ampoule costs from 1000 rubles (Russian). The most common pack is 3 ampoules of Allokin. Its price is 3500 rubles (pictured below).

The cost of 6 ampoules is almost 7000 rubles.

Instructions for use:

Allokin-alpha is an antiviral and immunomodulating agent of domestic production.

pharmachologic effect

The use of Allokin-alpha allows you to effectively strengthen all parts of the human immune system: humoral and cellular immunity.

Due to the use of Allokin-alpha, the activity of T-lymphocytes that make up cellular immunity increases. In turn, T-lymphocytes suppress and destroy the virus, moreover, directly at the moment of interaction with the drug Allokin-alpha.

Medical reviews of Allokin-alpha indicate that the drug is capable of producing endogenous interferon, which enables the body to actively fight the disease.

Thanks to the intake of the drug Allokin-alpha, the conduction of excitation through the cells and nerves of smooth muscles is regulated, the transmission of neuromuscular impulses that have been impaired due to the blockade of potassium channels is stimulated. In addition, the effect of histamine, oxytocin, acetylcholine and serotonin on smooth muscles is enhanced.

The use of Allokin-alpha does not produce a toxic effect on the body and does not cause non-specific activation of the immune system after an illness.

Main results pharmacological action Allokin-alpha:

  • Removal of symptoms of a viral infection;
  • Reducing the time of exacerbation of the disease;
  • Reducing the risk of complications;
  • Exclusion of recurrence of the disease in the future.

Release form

Allokin-alpha is produced in the form of a white powder or porous mass, odorless. A solution for intramuscular subcutaneous administration is prepared from it. As a rule, the medicine is available in the form of Allokin-alpha 6 ampoules.

Indications for use Allokin-alpha

The use of Allokin-alpha gives positive result in the fight against diseases such as:

  • papillomavirus infection (PVI or HPV);
  • herpetic infection;
  • Genital herpes;
  • Chronic viral hepatitis C and B;
  • labial herpes;
  • Cervical dysplasia (erosion);
  • Papillomas, condylomas, warts (flat and plantar);
  • Mixed urogenital infections;
  • Flu and SARS.

Thus, the use of Allokin-alpha is advisable in cases where the patient has a sharp decline immunity, and an outbreak against this background of a viral infection. To stop the development of infection, this highly effective immunomodulator is used.


Allokin-alpha according to the instructions can not be taken in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy at any time;
  • Breastfeeding a child (lactation period);
  • Age up to 18 years;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, diffuse toxic goiter).

During treatment with Allokin-alfa, you should stop taking alcohol.

Instructions for use Allokin-alpha

According to the instructions for Allokin-alpha, the drug is administered subcutaneously. To obtain a solution for injection, it is necessary to dissolve the drug in 1 ml physiological saline sodium chloride (NaCl).

Usually, the course of treatment with Allokin-alpha is 6 ampoules.

If there are recurrences of a viral infection of herpes more than 6 times a year, and the duration acute period more than 5 days, the treatment is as follows:

1. During the period of the first relapse, 3 doses of Allokin-alpha, 10 mg each, are administered. Injections are made every other day. The course of treatment, therefore, will be 5 days;

2. During the next relapse, 3 injections of 1 mg are given, also making one-day breaks between them;

3. In the subsequent relapse, the dose of Allokin-alpha is reduced to 0.1 mg. At the same time, 3 injections are also made with one-day breaks between them.

If the frequency of recurrence of the disease is less than 6 times a year and lasts less than 5 days, treatment with Allokin-alpha is as follows:

1. The first relapse - 3 injections of 1 mg each (one day break);

2. The next relapse - 3 injections of 0.1 mg.

In the case of the treatment of acute hepatitis (B and C), Allokin-alpha is used after the final diagnosis is made. The dose of the administered drug in this case is 10 mg. Injections are carried out 3 times a week, the treatment lasts 3 weeks. In total, the patient is given 9 injections of Allokin-alpha. If the disease proceeds in a less severe form, 1 mg of Allokin-alpha is prescribed per injection.

According to reviews of Allokin-alpha, this drug is often prescribed in combination with Acyclovir.

Side effects

Usually, as evidenced by reviews of Allokin-alpha, this drug is well tolerated by patients.

In rare cases, the use of Allokin-alpha can cause some side effects:

1. Muscle weakness;

2. Dizziness.

3. The appearance of new elements of herpetic rash

All these signs, as a rule, occur with incorrectly formulated Allokin-alpha treatment.

TO side effects may lead to:

  • Exceeding the dose of the drug;
  • Wrong combination of medicines;
  • Failure to comply with contraindications in the Allokin-alpha instructions;
  • Non-compliance with body hygiene;
  • Violation of the order of injections (lack of breaks);
  • Incorrect injection manipulation.